
Biodegradation Station


1. Participants will learn about the impact of littering and why it is important to use

sustainable materials.

2. Participants will learn to care for the environment. Additionally, they will see the

importance of keeping all natural areas free.

Theme: Many single-use packaging items are only used for a short amount of time, but create a

lasting effect on the environment.

Time: ~20 minutes


(25-50 years to biodegrade)

(20 years to biodegrade*)

● Plastic (450 years to biodegrade*)

fabric (30-40 years to biodegrade)

● Aluminum cans (200 years to biodegrade)

● Tin can (50 years to biodegrade)

(1 million years to biodegrade)

(2-6 weeks to biodegrade)

(1-2 months to biodegrade)

● Paper cards with biodegradation times

1 * Petrochemical products never truly break down and remain in the environment forever



1. Gather as many materials from the list as you can.

2. Print out the pages at the bottom of this lesson plan with corresponding biodegradation

times and cut along the lines. Alternatively, write the times on pieces of paper,

sticky notes, etc.

3. Lay out the materials on a table or open area.


When we buy something, it is usually wrapped up in a pretty package. Plastic bags and , glass bottles, and soda cans are only used for a short period of time, but have a long lasting impact on the environment. There are many kinds of trash and many different ways to help reduce our trash problem. Since we all create garbage, all of us need to do our part to help solve this problem.

Ask: Why is too much trash such a big problem?

1. Throwing things away valuable natural resources such as trees, minerals, ,

energy and many more. A natural resource is something that comes from the earth that

we use to make things. For example, when we throw out a piece of paper, we are

throwing away a part of a tree! Some resources can be renewed such as trees, because we

can keep planting trees to replace the ones that we use.

2 2. Garbage takes up lots of space in the . A landfill is a place where we take our

garbage so we don’t have to deal with it any more. When we fill up a landfill with

garbage, then we have to make a new landfill for our trash.

3. Trash can sometimes create problems such as litter and pollution, when trash is found in

places that it really shouldn’t be such as in the forest, in public places or in bodies of

water such as lakes, rivers, or even the ocean.

4. Pollution harms wildlife and plantlife, affects our food sources, and changes our planet!

Matching Game:

Instructions: The goal of this activity is to match the item to the correct biodegradation time.

Biodegradation is the breakdown of materials in the environment. Each material takes a different amount of time to biodegrade based on what they are made out of and what environment they are biodegrading in. Some materials may take as little as a few weeks to break down and others can take years or even never break down!

1. Have participants try to match the items to the times.

2. Offer encouragement or help with some difficult items

a. Have them think about what the materials are made out of and how they were


b. Ask them if they think natural items like the apple will take longer or shorter than

man-made items

3. Once they are done, share the correct answers and have them compare different items,

talking about why they take different times to break down.

3 Conclusion:

As you can see, leaving trash around can affect the environment for a long time!

Ask: What are some things we can do to help solve this problem?

● The Zero movement is spreading across the globe as individuals and families

strive to reduce their consumption and outputs.

1. Refuse: Say no to what you don’t need! Opt out of single-use items such as plastic

cutlery, junk mail subscriptions, promotional freebies, straws, etc. These items often go

straight into the trash with barely any use.

2. Reducing: We can buy things with less packaging material, or we can buy things that

will last for a very long time so they don’t have to buy those things again in the near


3. Reusing: A lot of times, we throw away things that can be reused or repurposed into

something new! If you haven’t yet already, try out the upcycled art lesson to learn more

about reusing! Try donating or selling things you don’t need.

4 4. : This is the process of taking certain items and remaking them into new items.

Recycling things usually saves lots of energy and water as well as landfill space. Recycle

what can’t be refused, reduced, or refused.

5. Rot: the rest! Organic waste can make rich compost which then can be

used to grow more delicious produce! If you are using compost for a garden, here are the

compostable objects: veggie scraps, non-citrus fruit peels and seeds, nut shells, as well as

egg shells, coffee grinds, loose tea, brown paper.

● Learn more about reducing your waste at: https://zerowastexchange.org/551/the-5-rs-of-


Many single-use packaging items are only used for a short amount of time, but create a lasting effect on the environment.There are lots of things we can do to reduce our waste so these materials don’t ruin our favorite places. Recycling is good, is better, and making sustainable choices is best!


25 - 50 30 - 40 1,000,000 Years Years Years

20 Years 200 Years 2 - 6 Weeks

450 Years 50 Years 1 - 2 Months