The Origins of Mad: a Short History of City-Busting
CHAPTER 1 THE ORIGINS OF MAD: A SHORT HISTORY OF CITY-BUSTING Richard R. Muller INTRODUCTION The 20th century was the age of total war, and nothing symbolized that dreadful era more than the bombardment of civilian populations from the air. From its halting beginnings in the First World War, in which 1,141 Britons lost their lives, strategic bombing evolved into the mass air raids of the Second World War, in which some 52,000 British, 330,000 Japanese, and anywhere from 300,000 to 1,000,000 German civilians perished. Nations poured scarce blood and treasure into the development and manning of vast bomber fl eets capable of carrying the war directly to enemy economic and population centers in the hope that this investment would prove decisive in modern warfare.1 The underlying rationale for strategic air warfare predates the reality of manned powered fl ight. Before the arrival of the machine age, wars were fought primarily between the armed forces of the belligerents. The 19th century Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz noted that, while the “center of gravity . the hub of all power and movement” of an enemy state was normally its army, it could also be the capital, a key ally, or even public opinion.2 National power, therefore, could not be measured solely in terms of traditional military capability. Political will, economic productivity, transportation, commerce, and communications became increasingly important factors in struggles between the great powers. The advent of the commercial, fi nancial, and industrial revolutions brought with it the rise of the modern urban center, in which many of these elements were concentrated.
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