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Weather DISTRIBUTION 7 «J». Umftntm, M. Sowy TODAY *d«r. U(h i> «to. Cloudy tonight, Vwr 71. Tomorrow, variable 24,000 doudtoeu, scattered ihowerf, high In 80s. Thurriay. fair and cooler. See weather, page I DIAL 741-0010 NORTHERN MONMOUTH'S HOME NEWSPAPER Iaiusd diily. Monday Ihrouih Frtdiy. Second CI»M Fostati VOL. 87, NO. 42 Paid u lUd Bank and at Additional iiuna* OKicts. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Southern Opposition Cited Report Johnson Hesitant on Humphrey ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - President Johnson to reports that he still had not made up his mind strong views in favor of civil rights, but Hum- was reported hesitating today over the possible despite the relatively late hour. phrey's have been well publicized and McCarthy's choice of Sen. Herbert H. Humphrey as his run- Gov. Carl Sanders of Georgia, on whom John- have not. ning mate because of southern opposition. son has been leaning heavily in his efforts to sal- SEEK TO PLACATE The Democratic Nationaf Convention, heading vage part of the South in the November election, Every maneuver at this convention has pointed into its second formal session with the issue of said in an interview he had told Johnson at a toward a Johnson effort to placate dissident forces seating a Mississippi delegation unsolved, still had White House conference Saturday he thought Sen. and emerge with his first presidential nomination no word from its White House headquarters about Eugene J. McCarthy might be a better choice from with a relatively united party behind him. the President's preference for a vice presidential the South's standpoint. Tonight, the convention is expected to give nominee. (Other Convention News Pages 1 and 3) shouting approval of what in its essentials Is a mid- Minnesota's Humphrey, who was everywhere dle-of-the-road platform promising sturdy accomp- doing everything he could to prevent any incident "Understand me," Sanders said, "I raised no lishments toward peace and prosperity but detour- that would mar the unity that Johnson wanted objections to Sen. Humphrey. But I said that I ing controversial issues such as civil rights. achieved, was the consensus choice by leading Dem- believed McCarthy was not as well known and his The Mississippi fight between a white dele- ocrats for the place. But individually and collective- views were not as well known in the South and gation chosen with the understanding it would op- ly they conceded they don't have an hikling of John- that he might be a belter candidate." pose the national ticket and the Negro-dominated son's thinking. / McCarthy, a Roman. Catholic, has been regard- Mississippi Free Democratic Party remained to be Some dissent to the choice of Humphrey had ed as one of the top contenders for second place settled, possibly by a floor vote. been communicated to Johnson, lending credence on the ticket. He and Humphrey have paralleling (See CONVENTION, Page 3) After Saigon Demonstrations Khanh Resigns SAIGON, Viet Nam (AP) - nine days after elevating himself converged on the presidential of- Maj. Gen. Nguyen Khanh re- from premier to president. He fice building. It was the largest signed today as president, capit- also tore up a controversial new antigovernment outpouring since ulating to the angry demands of constitution giving him strong- Viet Nam won its independence AT CONVENTION — Sen. Harrison A. Williams .left, chati with Paul Kiernan, Long students and Buddhists for an man power in a national emer- from France 10 years ago. end to dictatorial rule. Branch, Democratic itate comrnitteeman, and Mrs. Kiernan at a reception in Atlantic ency. Deputy Premier Nguyen Xuan Khanh, 37, stepped down only However, Khanh still com- Oanh told the students this after- City wherev all are attending the Democratic National Convention. (AP Wirephotol mands the army and remains noon that Khanh was resigning head of the government. and disbanding his junta of 60 Jubilant because they apparent- army officers Before it is dis- Democrats Asking ly brought Khanh to heel, thou- solved, however, the junta will sands of demonstrators marched meet tonight to elect a premier, through Saigon, cheering as they possibly Khanh. passed the headquarters of sev- Back in the confused Vietnam- 4 eral political leaders. ese political picture was Maj. Khanh's announcement came Gen. Duong Van Minh, the pop- Now, Where Is Everybody?' (See VIET NAM, Page 3) NEW JERSEY TAKES SPOTLIGHT - Sen, Harrison. Wil- after more than 20,000 students liams, left, introduces New Jersey's Gov. Richard J. By WILLIAM HENDERSON cause of a lack of rooms dur However, there is plenty of But it was the delegates and ATLANTIC CITY - The big ing the convention was one of room to be found in the hotels their families who were doing Hughes to the Democratic national convention in Atlan- question here today is "What hap- the reasons for the "over- and motels on the side streets. the heavy eating. tic City last night for Hughes' welcoming address. pened to everybody?" abundance of accommodations in The Register predicted that this Jitneys In Use Convention officials and the At- hotels and motels. He also gave would be the case several days A taxicab driver told a news- (AP Wirephoto) lantic City Chamber of Com- as other reasons for the unex- ago. man that "all the delegates and merce said yesterday that 6,700 pected amount of rooms avail- Over the weekend — Friday, their families must be taking the rooms are. available for conven- able: •• -• •••- -> - . Saturday and Sunday — a visitor jitney busses — small sized pub- Jerseyites Try Seats tion guests if they wish to visit 2—Tourists fears of racial could not walk the boardwalk lic conveyances of the type used here in the next few days. demonstrations. here without rubbing elbows with in many cities of Europe and ATLANTIC CITY—New Jersey before the convention is over, \t» Mall Dodson, Atlantic City 3—People were told that dele another person, walking north or Asia —to points of interest." He delegates to the 1964 Democratic all may have stiff necks from Press Bureau executive, said that gates and families wefe being south. said that "this has been thi National Convention yesterday looking up at the rostrum." 11,500 rooms now were being oc- assigned to rooms as far away But the Chamber of Commerce worst 10 days of my career a morning went through "a dry cupied by delegates, very impor- as Philadelphia and Asbury Park, said these were not "convention- a hackie ... no business, no run" in Convention Hall. tant people, newsmen and televi- and also were told of the high eers;" they were one-day visitors tips, no nothing." One hundred fifty-two of them sion and radio representatives. rates for rooms. Some of the who were not looking for rooms. The cabbie was asked: "Are filed into the hall and took their Dems Erred Overestimate Told hotels here — even those rated The Chamber said this gave a you a Democrat?" seats as last-minute preparations He admitted that the whole pic- as second class were getting as false impression that the conven- He said: "No, I am a Republi were being made by press media ture of a shortage of rooms had much as $25 a person, without tion was attracting record-break- can. But how the hell do these and security guard representa- In The Hall, been overestimated as far back meals. ing crowds. delegates know that?" tives. as late spring. He said publicity 'Luxury' Rooms Filled Restaurants were jammed to Yesterday, on the boardwalk, Even then, they had to show which warned people to stay It is true that all of the lux- capacity over the weekend and one could drive a truck — it was Delegates Say proper credentials to Secret Serv- away from Atlantic City be- ury hotels are filled. today. that empty. ice men. ATLANTIC CITY - The men Jersey's Up Front who planned the biggest Demo- The New Jersey delegation will cratic National Convention in his- occupy the first four rows, up tory also pulled the biggest boner Police Department Survey Ordered front, under the speakers' plat- seen at such a mass gathering. form, and will serve as hosts to all the others in the nation. Three large television and mo- KEYPORT — This borough has fective Sept. 1 on the retirement ment until after the survey is a member of the department 34 tion picture stands, which blocked engaged the International Associ- of Chief LeRoy Sproul, Council- finished. years and chief since 1948. In the second row will be the the view of the rostrum, brought ation of Police Chiefs, Washing- man Wallace said there will be It was a night of aqcolades for The governing body unanimous- nine delegates from Monmouth forth hundreds of gripes from ton, D.C., to conduct a survey of no other changes In the depart- the retiring chief, who has been, ly adopted a resolution commend- and Ocean Counties — really delegates and guests seated on the police department. ing Chief Sproul for his "untir- KEEPING COOL — U. S. Ambassador to Denmark choice spots. the main floor. Councilman Merrill H. Wal- ing devoted service to the com- Katharine Elkus Whits recently returned to her head- The Monmouth County Group One large stand in the center lace,, police chairman, reported munity, the county, and the Acting Chief Concurs quarters in Copenhagen after touring the Denmark- is led by P. Paul Campi, Little section completely shut off the that the agency will start work state — for making the town a Silver, the county chairman, and view of the rostrum.