Barrow-In-Furness Town Deal Board
Barrow-in-Furness Town Deal Board Friday 17 April 2020, 9.30am – 11:30am Item Agenda Item Time P/R/V* 1 Introductions and Opening comments from Chair 9:30 V 2 Apologies for absence 9:35 V 3 Declarations of interest 9:40 V 4 Matters arising not covered elsewhere in the 9:45 V agenda 5 Minutes of Last Meeting 9:50 R 6 Communication Update 10:00 R 7 Draft Socio-Economic Narrative 10:10 R/P 8 Draft Appraisal Framework and Strategic 10:40 R/P Narrative 9 Project Long List 11:00 R 10 Programme Update 11:20 R 11 AOB 11:25 V Future Meetings Friday 15th May 10am Friday 26th June 10am Friday 31 July 10am * Presentation / Report / Verbal BARROW-IN-FURNESS TOWN DEAL BOARD Meeting: Friday, 17th April, 2020 at 9.30 a.m. (Virtual Meeting) PRESENT: Chairman: Steve Cole (BAE Systems), Cllr Ann Thomson (Barrow BC), Sam Plum (Barrow BC), Steph Cordon (Barrow BC), Michael Barry (Cumbria CC), Cllr Anne Burns (Cumbria CC), Suzanne Caldwell (Cumbria Chamber of Commerce) Simon Fell (MP), Sami Falou (BEIS), Janet Garner (BAE Systems), Ali Greenhalgh (Cumbria CVS), Alison Hatcher (Cumbria CC), Elaine Herbert (DWP), Paul Hodgson (Barrow BID), Jo Lappin (Cumbria LEP) Julie Mennell (University of Cumbria), Rebecca Robson (Barra Culture), Andrew Wren (Furness College). ITEM ACTION 22 – Introductions and Opening Comments from the Chair The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 23 – Apologies Apologies for absence had been received from Chris Clouter (ABP) and Elaine Herbert (DWP). 24 – Declarations of Interest Julie Mennell and Andrew Wren declared that it was not appropriate to comment on Agenda Items 7 and 8.
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