(Iowa City, Iowa), 1967-12-08
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I ail Iowan Serving the Unil:ersittl 01 Iowa and the People of Iowa Citll dies Eauhusbed m 1II1II 10.. CIty, Iowa 52%4II-Frlday, December e. 1967 Under A Trae Vietn am IA'I - The Montagnards of Oakson Sheriffs recently learned how to Bowen Decries New Trend I"a,.~,,_,o, and flame throwers their ima~ination . , in one horri(yinl( hour weapons of lire, wielded by troops, wreaked death rd""truclilln amongst them. Irict~! court jude~R hen-~~~~!i~~Thursday that hI' CI'III('ized, ..' multaneou9.~.ly both,~~ for being~a~£u~ too "f~om" (0 I'nga1: In d1srupm'e'~fMlli' d m. ~?oT;~~~d is not In symplthy with whit be d critical nf contemporary IOClely and for onstraUo or olhl'r letio hich di prh Lawmen Claim Patrol Ik'ribed as I trl'nd Iowlrd turning unlvl'r· \)(Oing 10 upporli\'l' of exW1n1: inJIitutiOna others of th ir ri h . lity caJDpU!eI Into CI'IIters of broad po. and pnhd . Bowen llso said that be and other ni· Iitical action. Situation Cited versity officials w re gfateful for the as· Failed To Give Help ·'It is quite evident IMt some political BoOA'en said the L'ruversily is ~ntly . tan~ of fa", nf r~m nl orHC"l'I'I In DE JOINES - 10111 sh rUf, de· Ie ders are eyeing the campus as I pas. in a Ituation in which capacity and wlI- maintainin" regular o~ lions durin "'" cdi'd Thursday In tablish I statewide .ible bale of support, and tQu Ily evident liOl:n to hear n 10 and n:ehmes radi· cent cWnonJtrat OM e~en thoul:h. he re- hte riot control corps of their own, in· that some udenlll and professors would cal VOI{'l.'J could, ilhout pubhc und r· minded, only a all pt'r~nla~e 0 ItU· dependent of the State Highway Patrol. Ii be I .tanding of thl' t ue I",olved, ~ml' dents were involved. ke In carT)' t un versity Into the po. th caU6e of rucllons that mi·"t damale Bowen said he ' confident that Ih Th herms' A sod.tion's executi," Iltlcal arena:' h said, the prinCiple aroo.lnd which 5"unlver iti" who ",ere char ed by potiCl' a a result hoard unanlmou Iy approved a plan un· later rows of bodies of In an alldtus prepared for the Iowa Me founded of d mol\JtraUo ",ill d all wl!h fairly d r ",hich a elect force would be special· and children were lying District Courl Judge Association, Bollen He empha ized th t hI con rn wa for and promptly, H reiterated !hal dl rup- I)' trained to quell ~ivil outbrl'aks any' \\ hl're III th( tate on hort notice. one shady tree on the said that until recently thl' function of po. potential dan er 10 fm!<lom of thoughl Uv demon. ration on th c~mpu can the lid of a basket were IltiCJII agitation and lOCiaJ action, as intro and frt'C!dom of pel'Ch, Do n IBid h . not be condoned , oU County Sh riff William t Blackl!t of a tiny brother and duced by the aetlvist. minority of student rout, "'M midI' the propos I, said the , stili clinging to each other, and by small colerie of faculty. hD! not force lIould includ lected deputi all the other bodies at Oak· h d a ilflllficant place in American higher * * * * * * from e ch partiCipating county who cou they were blistered by the education, although it is common in Latin bf' moblized \\oithin three hour throwers. America and A ia. Sh tiff l\8y they aTl! disillu. ioned with late Wednesday, 63 bodies Speaking in the light of recenl demon· Irked Hughes Proposes the rt! din of the H~way Patrol 10 dragged from the bunk strations on campus by antiwar grou~ , aCl quickly In upport of local law the population hid when Bowen declared : "As events here te lify, forcl'1l'lent during CIVIl disturbances uch Cong for c e s first many stud en Is and younger faculty memo u !he l:nlver ily of low. antiwlr studenl their aUack. More were bers are finding this (politicall .clivlty Ousting Of Disrupters (It'mo trltion thl~ week to be dug up , American exhilaratinll and m ny believe that the SchMId.r Com pl. In. Vietnamese officials at the academic volet' hould be cI srly and m:s fOlN~:S I..fI - Gov, H rold E. I nee and dlsre~ard for thp I " anti Ihe .Tohn on Counl)' ~riff fayo rd Sch· estimated that as many as urg nlly projected into th polilical arf'. 1IU "Ms, irked at "violl'nce and disregard rights or oth r :. n icier told th board he reque ted - na ,. civilians may have died , for th" lall and Ihe ri bts of other.," TIl 10V rnor alCi hl Ie Bure u of Crlm • but nl'ver iOt - help from the Hiihwl\Y least 47 were wounded, 33 But, Bowen said, a unlver 'ily finds Its . aid ThurS<! y h felt tudent lIuilty of mal Investigation all 'nla were in lo"'a Patrol 10 controt stud nt prot s. seriously. Four hundred innu nce through thl' power or ita Ideas, dl ruPling "normal university \if ,. in City th '" k but b had had no report "Th re musl have bI'en I breakdOwn were mis. ing, presumed not throu,h overt political action . "Th antiwar df'mon, trillion lhould be ex from them. He said he didn't I' peet any In communication ." lIIid Schneider. ·'The into the junded coun· university as a corporate body Is neither pelled , lindln, thlt ther was "anythinl ubver patrol had 40 m n III Iowa City who could the Communists, Hawk nor Dove, Democrat nor Republl. He told • newa conference he had uld &l e or !hat oullld Innuence was In· hovf' helped u , If we had had a few more of the 2,003 popu· PREPARING FOR WEDDING - Th'. wu the K.ne 'n the E.st Room of the White can, lOCiali t nor capitnlist, &eiTegation. 10 in a Il'ttf'r to Board of Regents Pres. volved" In thf' dl urbane . more men. we could bave mad of Dakson are probably in· Hous. Thursday •• prep ..atlon. went forward for the Saturday wecldlll9 of Lynde iJt nor integrationist. It is not a parlla· Stanl y Red ker, callln for 'peedy dl .. more 8rre tl. Some were dragging them· Bird Johnson and Marine Capt. Charle. Robb. Th. men In tile background are stand ment or a political party or • pr ure clpllnar~' action In disturbances at the "A pparently we cannot depend on thi into the provincial hospital Ing In front of the altar built along the ...t wall of th. room. Fal .. panel. have lIMn group." llDlv('rsity of Iowa I('veral Umes ince patroL" Be Wednesday, set up on bath side. of the altar. Door In 'oreground I. betw"n main cent.r hell of Warn. Of Oange .. o\', I. Petition To Hit Depuly Public Safety Comm /On Rob the men.lon and the East Room. - Aft Wlr.photo He warned that a unlvers:ty mIght lOAf' trt Tah. told thl Asaoclated Pre t h • province chief, Ll. Col. Th d mon, trat ns ere .lared to pro arl'a command r of thf palrol, Capt. Duong Huy, descnbed it Its Intellectual power. its mtell'ity and tt' t th pr nee on campUl of recruiters its credibility If the ablllty In funcllon Lyle Dickinson, bad autborlty to mo" ca Iculated Communist al· for Do'" Chemical Co. and th U,S .• fa· Demonstrations patrolmen in to help heriff deputl and to frighten the Mont.1gnard with objectivity ond d('tachment w re un· rlne. EI,hLeen ud nlS wer arrested, Tbree Unlv ralty tudenl. plan to clr· ptIlice It lowl CI '1. away from the govern· d rmlned throuih political activity. most of thrm 01'1 charg of dlsord rly culate I petition throullhout the campu. ·'Th~ wa, up In the di!crellon of th slakes are high ," Hughes Plans Meeting "[ admit that the distinctions between c nduct, on Tu day. today In hope of owlnr lhit th majority IIrea commander," sa.1d Taha. "and ,... people are from the Sit", the unlver ity as a corporat entity, Ita The udenta railed char ea or poliee a 20,000·strong Mont"9' or student. do not support th antiwar ha ve complete confidence In Capt. Dick· profe ors and student. and &earchers for brutality In the disturbance •. They .~ d monstratio It tb Univ raity thi! fall. iOllon If the ,iluation had warranted it.' Ihat compris" nell· the truth, and Ita profeuors and tud Dta d mllncled that the niver ity admlnlstra· Th group, comprlsin Ro rt Pattee, I'm lure he 11' ld hlVI moved In wIt h th. population of PhuD' On Lawmen, Protests 85 clUtens are 'ubtle nd dirflcult to apply tion 1(,\ them pa on all appll~ lio ror Provinc •. 83. Raymond White, B4, and Ru, II Kad· plltrolmen ," in practice," Bowen contInued, "yel it I. I' nni sion to recruit on campu,. hneld r Id about 15 palrolm n Steng women go bare· By CHERYL ARVIDSON Smiley said the call to Hughes W8, mode 1l1li. B4, all of Iowa City, will be at Phil· only 85 the unlvel'llity i mcliculoll in II lIu"h s said Thur da\' th re " hould be watchoo .tudent demonstrator weill and the men wear sim City Manager Frank R.