I ail Iowan Serving the Unil:ersittl 01 Iowa and the People of Iowa Citll dies Eauhusbed m 1II1II 10.. CIty, Iowa 52%4II-Frlday, December e. 1967 Under A Trae Vietn am IA'I - The Montagnards of Oakson Sheriffs recently learned how to Bowen Decries New Trend I"a,.~,,_,o, and flame throwers their ima~ination . , in one horri(yinl( hour weapons of lire, wielded by troops, wreaked death rd""truclilln amongst them.

Irict~! court jude~R hen-~~~~!i~~Thursday that hI' CI'III('ized, ..' multaneou9.~.ly both,~~ for being~a~£u~ too "f~om" (0 I'nga1: In d1srupm'e'~fMlli' d m. ~?oT;~~~d is not In symplthy with whit be d critical nf contemporary IOClely and for onstraUo or olhl'r letio hich di prh Lawmen Claim Patrol Ik'ribed as I trl'nd Iowlrd turning unlvl'r· \)(Oing 10 upporli\'l' of exW1n1: inJIitutiOna others of th ir ri h . lity caJDpU!eI Into CI'IIters of broad po. and pnhd . Bowen llso said that be and other ni· Iitical action. Situation Cited versity officials w re gfateful for the as· Failed To Give Help ·'It is quite evident IMt some political BoOA'en said the L'ruversily is ~ntly . tan~ of fa", nf r~m nl orHC"l'I'I In DE JOINES - 10111 sh rUf, de· Ie ders are eyeing the campus as I pas. in a Ituation in which capacity and wlI- maintainin" regular o~ lions durin "'" cdi'd Thursday In tablish I statewide .ible bale of support, and tQu Ily evident liOl:n to hear n 10 and n:ehmes radi· cent cWnonJtrat OM e~en thoul:h. he re- hte riot control corps of their own, in· that some udenlll and professors would cal VOI{'l.'J could, ilhout pubhc und r· minded, only a all pt'r~nla~e 0 ItU· dependent of the State Highway Patrol. Ii be I .tanding of thl' t ue I",olved, ~ml' dents were involved. ke In carT)' t un versity Into the po. th caU6e of rucllons that mi·"t damale Bowen said he ' confident that Ih Th herms' A sod.tion's executi," Iltlcal arena:' h said, the prinCiple aroo.lnd which 5"unlver iti" who ",ere char ed by potiCl' a a result hoard unanlmou Iy approved a plan un· later rows of bodies of In an alldtus prepared for the Iowa Me founded of d mol\JtraUo ",ill d all wl!h fairly d r ",hich a elect force would be special· and children were lying District Courl Judge Association, Bollen He empha ized th t hI con rn wa for and promptly, H reiterated !hal dl rup- I)' trained to quell ~ivil outbrl'aks any' \\ hl're III th( tate on hort notice. one shady tree on the said that until recently thl' function of po. potential dan er 10 fm!J Once again I r(,()ues' a thorough. fac­ in the name of peace. demonstrators lind non-d('lTIonstratoJ's This wa~, fortunately, al·complished. tual account of the police harassment. in· of both social and human responsibility. and bow much of your basic timidation. and brutality OCCUlTing on that Little sympathy from me ... a you are willing to part with to alikp should seriously consider. Bowen, as w(']} as D('ans Hllohard If the policies of WSUI dictated lhe re­ day. This honest account will, I am sure, fusal, the policies should be clanJ;lcd. If Student says teachers who pays Iaxes and supports the Univ~ I achieve what you want." Nolte askE'd: "You art' the dream, and I lui!. has ~hown a willingness to Rive everyone from Hughes to the most thr prejudices of Menzer dictated the de· sily and sees it being turned into a pUtl "On another level." Meyer said. talk with students on lin individual recent frosh 8 clearer picture of what cision, then WSUI should be proteeled should be participants ground by those pseudo. intellects . "the play is an adventure story. but do you know whal the dream is? Warren Boldt hasis. Students should he urged to go motivated the actions of the demonstra­ from such an immoral Influence. the retelling of a great historical You quote American history, hilt do tors throughout Tue day. Linda Weiner To the Editor: News Director • achievement." Meyer said that you know what it means? Think of 10 them individually to discuss their W.r. Smith, G 606 61h Av •• The policy of denying a student teacher KROS UIW1 the play did not pretend to be pmhl('ms. Litlle can he accompli. heel 636 S. Johnson 5t, Coralville the right to teach because of antiwar Clinton aeeura te with historical preCision why you walk and whal good it is because of the scarcity of mao when a group of several hundcrd stu­ demonstrations is absurd! I fully agree doing." with Dean Jones (See The Daily Iowan terial involving Alexander. but dents attempt to storm their offices "it is accurate from all I've heard Another of olte's qupstions was l of Dec . 2). ]( a teacher can present a demanding a meeting. controversial issue objectively and not use about the character of Alexander. nothing new hut it was perhaps the I(orrupt Ones called inane title Today r haven't distorted his overall oltf' said that administrators will his classroom to press his opinions on his most essential question to he an­ students, then he should he allowed to ach levements." listen if the spC'akers have something The play doesn't deal with Alex· swered io the current wave o[ protest teach. on WSUI to say. But he also warned that dem­ ander's whole life, only his teens. demonstrations around the country. for inane and unoriginal film It seems to me qUite unfair to assume • Steve Smith of Students for Re Meyer said that Alexander was l nnstrators cannot Or heard from jail that the act of demonstrating, in and o[ sible Action , Fred McMorris of Ce He asked, "How do you commu­ BV NICHOLAS MEYER you can miss them. Werner Peters, also the son of a "brilliant. ruthless cells. They cannot he effectively itself, makes a person incapable 01 ob· RepUblicans, Julie Heinzelman of Y father," Phillip n of Macedon, nicate?" "The Corrupt Ones" Is an inane title dubbed out of his sinister German inflec­ jeetivity in the classroom. Demonstrating Democrats and Richard Hervig, di hl'ard by marching lip and down the for an inane film, and it 's too bad all tion, plays a crooked police chief and does of The Center For New Music are Tuesday's deplorable demonstration is a form of opinion expression, just as is city's streets. Unfortunately, they ran­ around. because the familiar plot of the it rather well. manal!;ng to suggest more voting; yet no one claims that a straight­ the guests 011 Today AI Iowa, pop-m Senate Approves ' did Virtually nothing to bridge the not even be hcard by picketing peace­ film (a kind of cross between "The Mal­ depth to his personality than the width­ ticket voter must, by definition, be a and discussion from 3 to 5 p.m. wide communication gap that has fully in front of the Union. lese Falcon" and "King Solomon's Mines") of-celluloid-eharacteflZ8Uons conjured up teacher incapable of objectivity. • A recording of the exciting New Foregin Aid Bill Ben Yoh., Al Choral Ensemble concert here on formed between antiwar and prowar The demonstrators have oel'n pub­ with few alterations could have clicked by the performances of Stack and Sommer. WASHlNGTON !A'I - The Sen· 630 N. Dubuque 51. November ]7th will be heard at ate approved Thursday 56 to 22 individuals. Instead, it su(.'ceeded only like the express train which figures be· licly active for nine days. ow, per­ Christian Marquand , a French film star a $2.7-billion foreign aid appr~ in launching R series of investigations haps, they should spend nine clays in hlnd the opening credits. with an alarming resemblance to a young­ priation for the current fiscal, by county allthorities and it precipi­ quirt delibrration of what they want Robert Stack is an American photogra­ er Laurence Olivier, plays the American year, more than $500 million above the figure set by the tated unfavorable attacks on the Uni­ to ac(;omplish and how they will go pher taking pictures of Red Chinese rice gangland chief - dubbed , nalch . This cast· 1he-1)oily Iowan House. paddy harvesting· girls for a French ing reaUy escapes me. Are we all out of verSity commllnity from the governor, about doing it. Their long rangr goal The diUerences will have to be ~a gazine. A man he does not know helps marketable gangster actors? Why this ela­ The Uaily Iowan is written and edited by stUdents and is governed by a board nt'wspaper and hroadcast stations shou ld be to make every individual student trustees elected by the student body and four trustees appointed by the worked out in what is expectEd him to get off the mainland when things borate nonsense of a French star to do the throughoul the state. legislators and of the University. The opinions expressed in the editorial columns of the paper to be a hard-fougbt conference. sllldy Ihis wllr and to examine what y,et a bit st icky for the picture business Senate action came after relt job? ot citizens. is happening and why it i.~ happening and then pl'oc~eds to plant a curious considered thost: of the writers of the articles concerned and not the expression lively brief discussion of medallion on him, telling him he will col­ Anyway, the film follow the ludicrous of the University, any group associated with the University or thb staff of the The protesters are r ceivin public­ and what it means for the future. This measure and approval of lect it later. This "Peking" medallion, as attempts. devoid of any logic or reason Published by Student Publlc.tlon •. Inc .. Com- PublislMr amendment adding $11 million ity, but it is the kind of publiCity can and should be done but not hy we learn to call it. is actually the key to that might add some tension to the pro- munlcallons Cenler. IOWA CI~ Iowa. dallv Editor credings, of these two rival Ihug collec- •• cel-I Sunday and Monday. an lesal holiday•. New5 Editor to the total contributions to in· which can only hurt their cause. The the ineffective dramatic oullet of an enormous trensure. Two rival gangs Entered a. second cl •• matt.r at. the post Vnl•• rlily Edllor ternatoioal organizations. 81" aftcr it: one is an American gambling tions to force Stack to reveal where he olCle. a\ low. City uI1der lh. Act .r Con,res. City Editor protesters, by denouncing n eRr I y challenging the emotions of Univer­ has hidden the medallion. It is devoid or M.rch Z. 1879. Edltorl,l Pig. Idllo, syndicate operating in the city u[ Macao Sports Editor " ADVIRTlSiMENT everything the University say or does sity, city and slate officials and citi­ of proiJability and likelihood, which Subscription Rat ..: 8y carrier In Towa City. Copy Editor ...... (j knew il was Macao because of a poster UO per year In adv8dce; six months '5.50: Chi., PhOlogropller and by taking out their anger on the zens. It can only be eFFective through out. ide the theater. not because 01 any wouldn·t be so bad. if it were instead made three month. $3. All mail subscrlpllons. ,10 per AIIIII.nt "ntvtnlly Edllor hint in the film), and the other gang is an engrossing by the daring and outrageous- year; .Ix monlh s. $5.60; three monlh. $3.2.5. As.l.t,nl Spo," Editor police, only draw attention away from sound and deliberale appeals to the npsg of it concrption. its imagination, 01.1 3l7~1'1 (rom nOun to midnight 10 reporl Pllotogrophor ancient fraternity of Chinese terrorists, new. Ilema In~ .nnouncements to The Dally Edltorl.1 Adv iser the subject which concerns all of us intellects of these individuals. named. if 1 recall. the Egg Fu Youngs. whimsy, but it hasn't. It is inane and Iowan. Edllorl.1 oCflce •• re In the Communlca. Adv'''I.lng Dlreclor unoriginal. It is not even a skillful re- lions Cenler. A ....".lng M.n,g .. - the Vietnamesl' war. The protesters have something ttl Elke Sommer, dubbl'd out of her charm­ ing accent, helps Robert Stack, and their workine of a familiar tale. It is an idiotic Th. As.ocl,t.d Pr ... In entitled e.clullvely II Nolte cautioned the demonstrators 'no and I't I'S too bad because the the us. lor republlceU"n 01 all locil Trult ••• , aoard of Stud.~' D·,bIlCltlerlj; a and they should be heard. But the sex scenes are tame enough to be shown reworkl " prtnted In th is npw,paper II well II IIIn.... AP co sets are nice. news and dispatches. Bill lIosebrook . 1.1; Sle\\ art that they shou ld hav!' a long range protesters also have an obligation to to children of all aaes, regardles~ 01 race, 01.1 331 ..191 II you do not receIve your DI FInn, A2; John Ramsey, A3: Lon. program to make their views known. lise lice ptable methods to make creed or color. and not cause excitement In keeping with his fine tradition of by 7:30 ' .m. Every ellllrt will b. m.de to plrlment of Polltlc.1 SOlence' John or noise. This is because they pass too movie showing, the theater projectionist correct Ihe e,'ror with the n•• t IS8ue . 01 01- ner, Srhnol 01 Journalism; WI l111m II. The demonstrators' actions on Tues- tht'mselves heard. - DOI~ Yager quickly and are so sli~ht that if you blink turned of[ the film before it was over. r~O~ou~~UF"rl::; '~d 'amio tg' •.I~. s:t~r':~~d'y ~:."c~tl,mB~~.~[m~,rtgl~·r;E:.:'.~~~iI" ------~~--~------.------~--- •. c. by Johnny Hart BfETLE BAILEY'

'/MeN THe:;.Y COME:: UP Wm-l I TI4INK I'Ve A DRIJG, R?R tr. MN>e MYGELF How to SIKCeed :~j;; ¥EIi:Y CLEAI<. fs, through the use of Christ­ AIi:E TflE~E mal Sealsl Broadway and HoI· ANY QUESTIONS Iywood Stu Robert Mone, 1 who made luch a IUt In both Broadway and HoUywood ver· Iiont of '1Iow To Succeed In Busine.. Without Really Try. m,," has been named 1967 National Honorary Chrisbn .. Seal Campaign Chainnan. He knell" that using Christmas --- Beall on letters, cards, ad pacbpt I. a mAHer of Jile .... b,..ad ,.,.,""",.,--"¥, i V: un Grou • Profs To Hear ssue · On Responsibilities P Dr.. facudY om . la~r' d\'daration f I· • (()I'1'JIatian of an AA UP fae­ • • ~ to in lIE' d' and (our ' I ed ..t.empt b~ BIle H" ull) crit\"lInCe commiltl'e. Gar, To Aid Protesters iD~'oIvinR facult) rt!5po!l5i. Count)· l~alOr$ to hne Ed· Conner said members aIao " . by Rick ihl\' II) the hldent IIId Icademic 'an! Horrmans. an U1 ruclor or .. OUJd c!,·t additional cons.Idera­ A £fouP cornpos"ll primarily of UniDII . According to JUn..,)'. tbt commUlllly will 01 upon English. ftred. HoffmaM as lion to the Uni~ersity', poIlcy on UOIvl'r;'i:y 51ax,ipnts -. including I c:O~lttee plans 10 c~1t' Ih lor I Americaa A l'Ociation or tbe ~t5pottn C'l'ltie of the .... ar pl'l'1rlJltiog ~ of its f~ilities for mob . Vl'r I acluDS a .. !Slants - petJ!IOD to veral UDJver:lly de- t;nh'l'rsil) Prof rs IAAUP , in Vietnam 'bo turned in his r~rut.ing by military br lDC~. exaggeration of one side of and led by Roy Han.·e)'. Route I. partments and ~aniJ.alioD!l . rneelin ~sday al 8 p.m. in the clran c.ro 1.1 a Cedar Rapid aO\lemmtnt agend and bus!- for demonstrative purp(lles. formed a ball fund committee They plan also to have it IVlil· Old Capitol Senate Chamber. demOllSU'atiosl. fln'OS- that if a University student 'Thursda) 10 oblain ball for jail· abl at a tJlbIe which Iht> group Donald Bryant. professor of for D votM meeting in the Iowa Cit Y EIIf..-ment Calellda ... of the mselves. But all stu. ' tudl'nt Involved in dtmnn. / uni. verslty policy they D'li~t bI' limn hayl' btt'D tndo hy 1/1 Civic Center that thf' m y Small Gift IterM rali agalllSt Do..... Chemical auspended or dlSml. sed by the t'haptl'r' t'xt(:lIlivl' t'ommittee. ..ould lit' used for pladn acb In to choose which it will be. ' SIlW Oa Sot. At, we should all be assured. Co. Tupsday may be discipUned nlver ·ty. I('cordin 10 Dr. William E. Con· th local new5paJ)tra and for almost trile to accuse t he; by th Office of Student Affairs. Huit said Th ursday that hiJ of· ner. profe r of internal lI\t'dl- providing needed boocI moD 'I 10 The Whipple House stalling such eve nts j~st for I L. Muil. dean of tud nts. said (ice WIS still wail ina for reports ('int' and ch.pler preaic:lellt . They per"!OM bringing • complaint 10 529 S. G1Ibtr+ it appeared from the first , 'Thursday. (rom Campus Security. Unly r, are: the conun ion. INow Until C ~rtltlll") Some of the studenl" involved Ilty officials and udents before I HOUrS! , t. , that publicity waR a IDa· ' , • tndorsemenl of • joint '-te- The Union ~rvice was orgln- . 114 _ . Thu ...... "1 _ in Tuesday's demonstration have bis o([ice would make I ltat&­ m nt on studenl righl$ which ized by tile Rev. Jl ck L.. Zerwu the activists. Regardless 01 $ponfOred by the 1_. City alre dy been put on probation as ment about students inyolved In WIS ,I • thf' Fir t of public cla mor. Lyndon approved I summer of Presbyterian Church I Chl pter of the Unltecl N~ to withdraw American a re ult Dr th lr arrests during Tuesday's demonstration. conf ren~ 01 national campus In behalf of the 10 I City COUll- Auoclttl.., South Vietnam. L th Oy I antiwar demonstra· Huit also Id he wa. waiting or ani%alion. ; til of Church tion for reporll from "other indh'id- (rom maki ng pseudo public r • reafhrmation of atudents' of a few malcon tents. plus I Huil had aid earll r th at if I uals" but would not specifical­ risht to free lee!' 10 all Uni· ~~~ ~~~iiiiijiiji~~iil~~~~~~~~~.~ disgrace to the other 97 per !be students on probation violate Iy nam the indivldu I . VI' ity facJlitl • includina: the student body. what good doell Plucemt'nt OfOce ; I the public conscience?.. • endol'5l'ment of. 1 Lemen! the moderate doves? What * * * * * * • ued rett'QUy by UQivl'l'Iiity o{ in such disturbances? SRA Condemns Senate Bail Plan North rn low. PreJ. J _W. Mluck­ that the prote ters here have rr whkh upheld KM D'1Ic me- subculture within the larger Sludent for Responsible A('tion tbe Student Senat~ for Ipproprl· culture. They have their own ~ (SRAI unanimously condemned .tine $1.500 In bail out (our anti· H.ar e.n Sutt • .,.tIc 011 dress and spirit o( group I w.r demon trators who ~re Ir· " BLACK POWER : PREREQ· rested during Tuesday', demon· UISITE TO INTEGRATI ON ," I CI UN In Vi. tn.m which It DIFFERENCE OF OPI NION, In ...... In.tlc n, In ftd I. what'. ,Iolng on Mre. It'. from Ih. Pot At Grinne" Probed stration. 11 LDI.. UJI4&y in (.eI. But 10 UII this Ittest Shldlo The.lr. production, "AII"lnder," which I. to be presented Monday throuth Thursd.y GRINNELL '" - Pollee bave 10'" Av • . • 1 GUbert I. and Fri. 10 the Broc...... I blackg uard Un i· , • tt the Old Armo ry. Dave y, A3, Cedar R.pld., who play. Tlgr'nl'. I. ehokln, Loul. uked al least 15 Grinnell Col. The re oJution WI pa d by UnltAri,n UnlnraJl 80<'1 11 U 7-9$1' til. rlOhh of th. larg. L..,.r, G. Hlnfdall, III., who pt.Yf Phillip of Macedonl.. - Photo by Rick G,...,.,w.h 30 members preunt at Thursday S Block. E.. t 01 Old C.pllDl Ind in,ltlt th. Int.llIg. nce 01 1 g atudenta to volun teer ltate- nighl', meeUna in the Old Cap!­ difflrlng vilw, by r.j.cting ments aboul the sale and UJe of 101 House Chamber, It rri!iciLed is compl. t.ly unc.11tcI mariju8IUI on rampus. the action for beine illegal. Student's Play 'Alexander' Ric iacDowell, Rudent 10v- qail15t the majority of student in the face too; but II I eromeot pre.kI nt. said the atu- opinion and condoning the ~n · somewhere recovermg now. dl'nts Ilsked In submit to "Infor- duct of the d mon!l.ratofl. This Christmas use a little look at my ca use again 10 set mal" que tionln, "are perlOns The ,roup also approved a ~n. should be stuffed down some­ • IS 'Studio's Largest Effort u peeted of beinl recular us· Ilitution. but deferred action on imagination with an throat. considering the costs. er• ." the platrom. 8y SUSANN HOOV EN who spent 20 years unifying As an actor. he ba appeared In Police ChI f BiU Peters aaJd SRA Chltrmlll Steve SmIth. A2. Allen Paine sweater . . "AleJl8Dder," the story of a Greece, and an Insane mother a vari ty of roles lit the Univer­ Thursday the Itudenta were Je(ferlOn. reported that SRA who had delusions that Alexander ity, and receiyed th Searl I called in to be warned about m mbership now 10'-11 75 .. rites frail boy who conquered the was the son of a god. As a re ult. Ma k award (or achievement. drug use and {or que lionln, ~_======; world. will be presented Monday Alexander grew up with bis fa. "Al xand r" has a ca t of ~Ie. on campus. throuih Thursday at the Studio ther', ambition Ind his mother's people. Pelton Tbeatre in the Oid Armory. The idea of his ori,in. lnduded are Robert H.lI. G, three-act play by Nicholas Meyer, "Alexnnder" bas been COMld- Lincoln, Neb.. al Alexander; AS. New York Cily. is based on ered for production at the Lin· Louis Lager. G, Hinsdale. m.. the life and achievements of coin Cenlt'r in New York City. and 81 Philhp II, and Clairt' Keeble, from men an d women Alexander the Great. it is thr at the Tyrone Guthrie Theatre in G. Mentone. Cal .. a Olympia. thei r country in tbe largest production ever attempted MinneapoLis, Meyer laid. AleJl8nder's moth r. conflict and pa5l wall •• by the Studio Theatre. It is the first part of a project- Alexandrr's three frirnd are Tlrkels are available at the ed trilogy on Alexander Meyer is played by Gael Hammer. G. Union . Admsision is free In stu· planlllng. This part deals wit h Winfield. Kan. as Ptolemy· Don· dellts and $1 for others. IAlexander's "birth." and the oth· ald Muench. A3. t. Louis. Mo .• A C~ord ing to Meyer. the play is er two plars would deal wit~ hi3 J a Parmenio; and D.avid Brock· E'/ERY about ambition and what it lakes love and hiS death. Meyer saId. way. 103, Cedar RapId , a Tlg- In move to the top I {eyer has been active not only Irane. . FRIDAY 16.00 40.00 He said in a recent iDterview. as a playwright but as an Ictor "Alexander" will be directed to "r don 't think the play was writ- and director. ' by Peter Arnott. associat pro- FULL BANKING ten to be a 'moral' play, but I Two of his one·act plays have lessor of speech. I SERVI CE UNTIL th ink it tries to make observa. , been performed at the Studio iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! ~­ tions about ambitious people un- Theatre. He won the Best 01· 6:00 P.M. hrislmas Cards Hours - Mon.• Wed .• Thurf. - Fri. _ , to , der the stress of their ambitions Iredor's award in 1966 at the The ROOST Tu., •. Stl. - , to $:30 and how much of your basic self Iowa City Community Theater Our Special from me . . . & lUI you are willing to part witb to for hi. direction of Jean Kerr', • Hand Thrown Potttry Imprinting Seroka and supporl s the Univ!! achieve what you wanl." play, "Mary. Mary." CHECKING it being turned into a plat! "On another level." Meyer said" Next Murch be is staging an • Batik. Still AvalwblP (hose p~eudo·inte ll ecls . " the play is an adventure story, outdoor Ooodlit production of ACCOUNTS W.rren Bolclt the retelling of a great historical Oedipus the King" on the steps • Oil. & Wafereolon WAY E R ' moe whrteBOOl N.ws Di rector achievement ." Meyer said thal l of Old caPitol •. with the audience Ask About Our KROS U.ws the play did not pretend to be watching from the lawn. , . Christmas Ornaments m.n', and women's fa shions the bookshop Clinton accurate with historical precision I He has wrItten and directed I 222 V:1 E. Wuhlnnlon "Cheque Plan" u nn south dubuque because of the scarcity of ma- programs for WSUl and writes • 114 E . Washington terial involving Alexander. but regular (eature~ for a Chicago ' (Entrance In All yl NO MINIMUM Open Mon •• Fri. Till , p.m. "it Is accurate from all I've hcard radio station. He also reviews M-F - 12-9 - S.I. - 12-6 BALAN CE REQUIR ED Tu... end Sit. Till S p.m. about the character of Alexandrr·1 Today I haven't distorted his overall ."nm: o:v~iC:S ~f:- o~r ~Th~e_O~ail~y~IO~w~an:. _!~~~~~~~::l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =--- - achievements. " WSUI The play doesn't deal with Alex· ander's whole life, only his tccns' Smith of Stud ents for Resr Meyer said that Alexander was Fred McMorris of Co the Ion of a "bri lliant. ruthless l HOLIDAY SPECIAL Julie Heinzelm an of 'y;l father." PbiUip n of Macedon. I For your convenience ___ Rock Island Lines will provide special Richard Hervig, dird 8 S. Clinton For New Music are a service on Train No. 5 from Chicago to Iowa City on January 1, , Today At Iowa, pDp'm::. Senate Approves I from 3 to 5 p. m. 1968. of the exci ting New N Foregin Aid Bill I FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE concert here on c WASHINGTON IA'I - The Sen· will be heard at 8 ale approved Thur sday 56 to 22 I • $2.7-billion foreign aid appro­ priation fo r the current fiscal year, more than $500 million 337-3143 above the fi gure set by tbe House. 24 HOURS SERVICE The differences will have to be worked out in wh at is expected SCHEDULE to be a hard-fought conference. TRAI N No. 10 • TRAIN He. J Senate action came after rela­ 3:30 p.m...... " ... (LV ) IOWA CITY (AR)...... 1':45 p_m. tively brief discussion of the 4:32 p.m...... (AR ) DAVENPORT ...... f : 40 p.m. measure and approval of an 5:05 p.m...... ROCK ISLAND ...... ,:. p.m, MOLINE ...... 1: 53 p.m. amendment adding $11 million ! ; ~~ BUREAU ( LV) ...... 7:47 p.m. In the total contributions to in­ :::::: ::::::::::: :: ::::::: (AR ) !ernatoinal organizations. BUS ADVERTISEMENT ' :50 p.m ...... (LV) BUREAU (AR I ...... 6:. p.m. ':05 p.m ...... (AR ) PEORIA (LV) ...... 4:45 p.m. 6: 13 p.m...... (LV ) BUREAU (AR )...... 7:47 p.m • ' :31 p.m. LA SALLE ·PERU " .. "...... 7:. p.m. ' :47 p.m . OTTAWA ...... 7:1' p.m. 7:21 p_m. D JOLIET ...... ' :25 p_m. 7:50 p.m. D BLUE ISLAND ...... _...... 1:03 p.m. ENGLEWOOD ...... _.. ... S:4f p.m. ' :30 p.m. ::: :::::: ::::::::: .: (AR) CHICAGO ( LV )...... S:2S p.m. D DllCh.,.,. from ICheciulo stop points. • Tr. in No. S extonslon to low. City J.nu.ry I, lHi only. RAIL FARES IOWA CITY.CHICAGO ** ONE WAY $ 7.59 ROUND TRIP $13.70 Give her a gift from tbe splendor of new How to Succeed ~ IicJc- Now f ..... affectlv. Docomber I, 1967 mgTB collection.a of pUl'le accesaoriea. By __ tIuough the use of Christ­ _ Seals! Broadway and Hol­ Princeas Gardner, of courae. Fashioned lywood Star Robert Mone, in soft calf, .uec:te, Or cowhide. $3 and up. who made . uch a hit in both Broadway and HoUywood. ver- 1i0JU of "How To Succeed In BUlineu Without Really Try­ m,: hu been named 1961 National Honorary Christmas Seal Campaign Chainuan. He bows that using Christmas CONNECTIONS TO THE EAST, WEST AND SOUTH s.It on letters. cards, and VIA CHICAGO - OMAHA - KANSAS CITY • • _ paebpt Is • matter of lifo -' bruthl Pagl 4-THE DAILY IOWAN- lowl City, I• •-I'rlclay, Dec. I, '''' Wisconsin Football Player Has Left Leg Amputatecl ISU Coach Hunt To Continue AP Honors ~lINNEAPOLIS fA'! - univer'l Walker was taken to University r original injury. k D· ff R 3 Hake e sity o( Wisconsin so~homore (oot· of Mi nnesota Hospitals immedi· Wednesday. the chief surgeon W bal safetyman Melvll1 A. Walker I I f (( . th ·· . As Par s enles 0 er umor Y s was described in good condition ate ya ter su erlOg e Injury l at General HospItal. where Walk· . NEW YORK IA'I _ Three Uni. "' .. Thursday aIler having his left leg whe~e he under:ent surgery to er had. bee~ transferred, called i AMES IA'I _ Iowa State Uni. not said whether he would take versity of Iowa players received C~ amputated just below the knee repllr Ihe dama. e. The surgery the uruverslty doctors and told . Wpdn-"b'v njoh.. appeared successful. them Walker had become toxic ver~lty crSU l Pres. Robert Parks it. Officials Im'olved. however, honorable mention for .The As. ( tb g d th t d d Th d t th t say eight assista nt coaches inler· The 20·year·old native of In· By Nov. 27, however, a blood rom. e angrene an a am· eOle urs ~y repor s a viewed by th P. ISU Athletic Coun. socialed Press AII·Amerlcan Foot. ... DELTA SIGMA PI slilute. W.Va ., lost the leg when dot developed in the main artery putatlOn was necessary. Johnny Majors of Arkansas bad cil are still under consideration, ball team announ ced Thursday. Delta Sigma PI, profesaion P.an~rene developed from compli· of the knee joint. There had been Doctors indicated there was Iil. been oreered the job of head foot· and no new interviews are business fraternity, will hold calions of an injury received in damlll(e inside the main artery tie danger to Walker's li(e now ball coach o( the Cyclones. planned. the Vinnesota·Wisconsi n game Iwhich was not apparent (rom the but said he may undergo further "There is only one person at Nation's Top Gym Teams Christmas party at Cbildren here Nov. 25 and subsequent sur· outside doctors said. They sus· surgery, which is normal in such this school authorized to make Dr. William Thompson. Athlelic , . Hospital for crippled ch.iId.rc gery. oect this damalte came from the amputations. such an offer. That is I, and I Council chairman, said after a irom 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday. M --- have made no such offer," Parks council meeting Wednesday the bees have been asked to me4 said. group probably WOUldn 't meet be· To Compete Here Saturday at the Union South Lobby 1:30 p.m. He said the assistant coaches fore this weekend, after talking Some 100 entrants from about pionship trophy in even events, ... • • • interviewed by the ISU Athleitc with school administration offi· eight universities and colleges Bailie said. Events are Ion g SOAPOX SOUNDOFJl Council for the job were "a fine cials. will compete for championships horse, flOor exercise. side hor~e. A special Soapbox Soundoff l crop of prospects" and all remain Ten were interviewed (or the in the Iowa Gymnastics Federa· to be held from noon to S p.1JI in the running, except for two job of succeeding Clay Stapleton trampoline, horizontal bar. par· tion open meel at tbe university allel bars and still rings. today in the Union Gold Featbe who withdrew. who stepped down after 10 years Saturday. Lobby. The topic will be "Se Iowa's three BIg 10 champions Sources in a position to know as Cyclone head coach last Hawkeye Coach Sam Bailie ate Bond Appropriation.: Mar said Wednesday that Majors, 32, month to devote (ull time to being said finals will begin at 7:30 p.m. will be in action . They are Keith ity or Money?" Soapbox Sound had been oreered the job but had athletic director. McCanless, side horse. who also in the Field House north gym . ore has inviled everyone CO~It!f!'rn won the NCAA title; Neil Schmitt. Athletes will be present from ed with the problem to .tteDd. the National Collegiate champion , horizontal bar; and Don Hatch, who tied in still rings. Hatch also • • • Southern Illinois University ; Big ENGINEERING COLLOQUI 8 conference titUst, Iowa S tat e is the defending U.S. Gymnastics FRIDAY MATINEE - 3-6 Federation rings champion. Emmetl N. Leith" p.m. University; and 1967 Big 10 win· professor of electrical eln;b== ner, Iowa. This Is the first of eight gym· at the University of MI,cburan, Other instltutlons represented nastics meels to be held in the will discuss the at THE NEW PURPLE PEANUT are Illinois, Kansas State, SI. Field House thi~ winter. The graphy at an Iowa ~g~:~: Highway 6 West - Coralville Cloud State (Minn.l, Northern II· next ones are dual meets wilh Colloquium at 3:30 p.m. linois and Louisiana State: Wisconsin Dec. 15 at 7:30 p.m. in 3407 Engineering Building. Formerly Me Too Building Honorlbl. Montlon Pick The top eight men in each and Indiana , Dec. 16, at 10:30 • I • • Admission - SOc Evenings - $1 .00 event will compete for the cham· a.m. They are offensive end AI CHEMICAL TITLES An introductory briefing Bream and halfback Silas McKin· .------, PURPLE BEER . . • 10c sion to assist faculty m.:mu",c'! Dane. 10 and graduate students In ~~;so:~d defensIve back Steve 3 Troians Head preparation oC chemical th. Do's & Don'ts 3·' and 9·1 p. m. searcb profiles will be Iowa did not land anyone on the 3:30 p.m. today in 309 rn'••• <:., Research Center. More in{,Ornla·1 first or second team. All-America List ", tion about the service is avail­ able from Maureen WolCe. 214 East Hall Annex, or 353-4589 or NEW YORK I!! - Three stars guard, and , Virginia 353-3170. from the nation's No. 1 college Tech, defensive back. • • • This Afteroon . Friday, Dec. 8th footba ll team. the University of The team was selected on the , I FRENCH RADIO PROGRAM Southern California, including the basis of recomendations (rom the Mu ic from Expo '67, poetry beginning at 1 p,m. peerless O. J. Simpson, head the Top 10 AP football boards in each readings and commentary w I I I 'Chere once UJas a *irl from nantuc~et, 1967 All·America team annouced of the eight National CoUegiate be featured in a new weekly pro­ Thu rsday by The Associated Athletic Association districts. gram on WSUJ. The proil'am, in W ho Tm.lf\e sale and eriee, "I've struc~ it." Press. B.b.n Nlmed QUIr1erbac!c French, is called Trajectories et , offensive lackIe, and The 1967 backfield consists of Rencontres, and wiU be broad· 'Chen she eran~ it ri*ht ooUJI\, Bow-Making and Adrian Young, a linebacker, leI· o( UCLA, the Heis­ cast beginning Saturday at 10 low Trojans from the national man Tropby winner, as quarter· a.m. championship e I eve n, joined backi , Purdue'. ver­ • • • 'Cause the ~Id that she found Simpson , one of the greatest of satile halfback ; , YAF MEETING Gift Wrapping Demonstration modern running backs, on the Syracuse's great, 230·pound full · .' Dick Nielson, a veteran of the Was colo, ~\Cen ~chlit~ in a bl..lChel first leam. back ; and Simpson. who scored war in Vietnam, will speak and The only other school to place 11 touchdowns and threw three show slides of Vietnam at a by the representative of the more than one man on the first scoring passes. Simpson and Youne Americana for Freedom Chicago Printed String Company. team WWl Notre Dame, repre· Keyes are juniors, the olher lwo meeting at 7:80 p.m. Tuesday In sented by Kevin Hardy, 270·pound seniors. tba Union Michigan Room. defensive end, and , Beban, a Moot, 191·pound • • • He wiU ako 8how door decorations, center pieces arranging a defensive back. clutcb performer. led UCLA to B WHEEL ROOM Two players are repeaters from 23·5·2 record over three seasons i!:nterlainment in the Un ion and other ribbon de8igna. the 1966 A11·America learn : and in 1967 scored 11 touchdowns. Wh el Room Saturday at 7;30 , Nebraska, middle passed for eight, and ran up and 10 p.m. will be provided by 1,586 yards total offense. Tom Knight and Leonard Lytle Keyes Leld, All and Mike Browner and Royce Keyes . Hoot·S and 199·pounds, Anderson in wbal they call "Gul· low.'s Largest Mod Complet. who still has a year to play at tarpa Art." Admission wlll be 25 Purdue. led all college scorers c4!nts. with 19 touchdowns and 114 • • • SKI SHOP points. He set the Purdue single. HOOTENA NNY Before you leave the game rushing mark with 225 " There will be 8 hootenanny at yards against Illmols, and against 8 tonight In the Union W h eel 8 South Clinton Street The very Minnesota he scored three Room. Iowa City area for the touchdowns through a defen'e ------Lat ..t lit lhal had allowed only six in S<'v· Hoi idays, visit our stores en previous games. Ski fashion Csonka broke almost eve r y Hospital T'O In , Syracuse o((ensi ve record set by and Iquipment. such greats as Jim Brown, Er· By JIM JOHNSTON nie Davis, Jim Nance and Floyd The Veterans Administration improvements arl ready Little , and wounrl up his career \ . (VA) Hospital will be decorated Iowa City Members of the All· America (or Christmas. thanks in part to for your inspection first teams are: @ OFFINSI the Guidon Society, the Army and Endll - . Alablma, ROTC women's auxlUary. :::::"r; Ron S.lIers, Florida S\lI•• , .~or. '1 aCkles - Ron Yary, Southern Members made snowmen out rallfornla, senior; Edlar Chandler, of styrofoam and construction DRESS SHIRTS Georala, senior. Guards - Gary Cassells, Indla.nl t paper at a recent meeting and West Branch senior; Rich" Sotottler, Houston, sen· lor. lIiU distribute tbem in the VA C-nter - Bob Johnson, Tennessee, Shop in our exciting Iowa City lenlor. " hospital next week. according to FOR CHRISTMAS Unlfbacks - 0 J. Simpson. South· Janet Luckenbill. A4 , Glen Ellyn, ern Call1ornla. Junior; Leroy Keyes, Purdue, junlor. TIl., Guidon president. store for unique home furnishings Fullback - Larry Clank.. Syra. Come in or call for expert cuse, senIor. advice on your skiing Meds Quarterback - Oary Beban, UCLA, , senior. . for mom and dad . , . Kicker Jerry OePo),ster, Wyarn · In'j senior. nEFENSE Engineers Get ROD FITCH'S End. - . Mllml, . . . and at West Branch, Fla" junior; Kevin Hardy. Notre Darne , senior. SPORTS CENTER Ta

THE DAI I. Y IOWAN-!ewa ctty, 1• .-1'.... ,., Dec, ., 1M7-ft.... ITranscripts - Protester Airs Frustrotion - ~:~y Firm Wins Roads Contract To Cost Morell Don't Know What To Do' tetro Pa\1!f!;. 11K'. of 101"1 Cit)' Fee chang lor sending a ~ tu- has bee!I awarded a contract lor conslru tion oC ,80. of a mil dent's UIIlversil)' transcript ha\' By SUSANN HOOVEN Frost 5a.id that oppon nts ol wine recruit re 011 c In- 01 mstilUt nal road by the Iou ~ , been announred by the Offi~ 0/ "I don'l know ... hat to do .. • the war from all over the coun- pus \ ere Dot the anS'ilo er bee DELTA SIGMA PI HAWKlYI SALIS I PI OM£GA PI Admissions and Registrar. IllI:bIll ay Commi. siOD , Delta Sigma Pi, profesaional Final aalea of the Hawkeye e... membel'l o[ Pi Omega Pi, try were haYing the 53me prob. 11 \11 usel to have ~ple ar· students will no Ion er ~ al. no onr kno.. ",hal to do," \ems '''I'be Left . in Rtious resled or npelled from bool The lOll bid for the projKt \\-as business fraternity, will hold • Yearbook end today. Student! hOllorary business educ:alion 10- $131,758. lowed one tree transcript. The F.\·e~lt Frost, C, North ~II> trouble ricb! no\ll'," M said, On 'Ov. I , 10"1 demonstraton Christmas parly al ChIldren's may regiater for the yearbook at rorlty are: DenDi& Andel'lOn, first trlD5Cl'ipl ",ill cost $2 , Ad. try, Conn , • participant in the The ro d will be locat~ in the m Teams I"ro5t said, "We are looldnc lIIere arnsted wbn they alt~pt· Hospital for crIppled childreD any of the sales stations located B4E, Tbomp1iOtl : Florence Bib­ dltiollllJ copl up to five, if n . r nt antiwar demOllll:rations Hlwkeye Apartment are • begin· ror lII'hat is nasonabl to do. bill l ed . to blocli: the eotr~ to the [rom 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday. Mem· in each of the dorms and in the bitt A2 Des oine; Mil') quested .t the same time, \liJD 101 hich h8\' 5h lin the campus, nina at a railro3d o~erpas Dear bers bave been to meet main clusroom The Fae'hes, Cedar RapidS, Ho_ mati) hbera who could help UDIOlI E Lobby 1ft . on! r to F' 1ft .sk~ build~gs 83, $1 Ipi~ , Fifty cents \Ii ill nflected the problems the t A\'enu Coralvillf'. It loI'iIl cost on are denouncing IUId callinl us pre" ~t students from ,lnlen') 110- Saturday at Ibe Union South Lobby .t Hlwkeye will not be available for mary Grady, AI, Dunlap: Carol be cbarCeci lor copies over fJV • d monstratora have prompted I"f'pla~ the pre nl b cktop road intransilen( balls" 'Irlth , 1:30 p.m, aale In the .pring, Ann Johnson, 83, ~s Moin ; Sincle trallllCTipt5, wbich for. and on the thornier PI'Oblem of ~ lUll ~ten . near FinkblDe "0][ course and trophy in seven events, ill Ie d to th apartmenl , Il ·.. •• Deaon Jones, Al, Marlon; Ei· merly cost '1, will COIl p . fmclin\: a peaceful and effective "Then I ",bole milieu of , Frost said thai ~emonstrato!, said . Events 8r~ Ion g SOAPOX SOUNooFf OFfiCERS WORKSHOP leell Lundy, A2, Z arin, and Jill 1be changes "'ere made be- mellJUo o[ prolestinc the ar In people like me ",bo re abhorred p Uy, . re bus) flOchn, la . .. ill I'Onnect ,..ith High\lia} 1. floor exercise, sidt horse, A special Soaphox Soundoff Is Rev.trallon for the workshop Thoma , B4E. Colo cause of !lie increased cost oC n intervie ThllJ'Slby . to violence." he said, "but" ye , r~LnC .bond money and The co !ruction will begiD thIS ine, horizontal bar, par· to be held from noon to 3 p,m, for officel'1 of campul organiza· procesainC tr8n5Crlpt requ s .. It ting'ID t. DO! the thine 1.0 can't appeal through channels ~e\'eloPIn'. their again. po- 5Pring but not date has n set today in the Union Gold Feather tiona will be at 8:30 I,m. Salur· such peaceful d mollStr ,Ii bru~hIY , 'Jbey are also try. [or compl tion , bars and still rings. HOI.ID~Y DANC" and in furn! hing unofficial tran- I do \\11 t bappened the oth r day ) i Lobby, The topic will be "Sell' day in tbe Union New Ballroom. tions .. a In,: to [JIUTe out what Icli n$ Th biM were opened Tuesday three BIg 10 champions ate Bond Appropriations: Moral· ••• Union Board Dance Committee scripts to every lIMlent alter is not the answer," Frost said . the) are colng 10 Ln the fu· in DI' Moine and iA other firm. action, They are Keith will aponsor a dan~ , "Holiday eacb ~cistr.tion . , "Th reasoa that sort 0/ action Frost id that demonstratio ity or ~o~ey?" Soapbox Sound· WISLEY HOUSE tur to voice their oppo dOD to allo bid, acc-)rdJn. to Paul Paul· side horse, who also Sounds by Ihe Pete Klint Quin· The oew prices ... ilI nol go into et en,aged in, is becauae we such the 0\ 1 prot 110 hen off h~s Lnvlted everyone concern- Georlt Forell, professor and the ar in Vietn m, he said . t'tI 01 ~f'tro Pa\ers. title; Neil Schmitt, tet," from 8:30 to 11 30 tonla/ll effect until Jan. 1, al"f' so frustrated," * * * I bar ; and Don Hatch , ed With the• proble• m to• attend, direetor of the School o[ Religion in the Union Ballroom. Free tee- ,..-______-, in still rings, Hatch also will .peak on the "Theological ord. will be liven away at inter­ Student Treated ENGINEERING Proapeellve on Man" at 7 p,m. uel'cnumg U.S. Gymnastics COLI.OQUI~M ml ion , Adm.iJ&ion Is 50 cenls, lion rings champion , Emmell N, Leith, a.-ocl.lte Sunday in the main lounge o[ Pinned - Chained - Engaged professor of electrical engmeerlnl Wesley House, 120 N, Dubuque 0 0 • For Mace Burns is the first of eight gym· at the University of Mich4lan, St CHRISTUS HOUSE meets to be held in the · .. wlU discuss the concept bolo- ' • o. The Christus House will serve PINNED Delta' Zeta to John Van Tuyl, An injury re ultlO from Ibr 1I0use this winter, The graphy at an Jowa En,iDeerin, ARTIST AT WORK upper for ~ cent5 undl\Y at Bev Riehm, 103. Gam r. Gam· II, It. Pleasant, Pbi Rho i.e. dlSlurb3n~ Tuesday ha been re o ones ar~ dual meets with ma Phi B La to Carl Varner, A3 , m Colloquium al 3:30 p,m, Monday The Un 1011 Board Artist.al. 5:30 p.m , 0 re rvatlons are reo ported b) a Vnlver it) wd III. Dec. 15 at 7;30 p,m, in 3407 Engineerin" Building, qUI'red At • p m I dl·M"·'.·on Centervill , Delta TlU Detta, Donna Parry, A3. Alallsu, e • Work Committee will present a ' ~ " ~--- Lor} R Ri G. fowa Cit), 1oIa. Dec. 16, at 10 .30 • • • will be directed by Joan ovak, Carol Abbott , A3 , Sterling, 111 " Delta Zcta to (ichaC'1 M, Vau· tnat~ at Student Health Wed· • • CHEMICAL TITLIS demonstratloll on ma king Christ· G W'be b h th Cbi Om ga to Gree Knot . AS. pel. Muscatine, Ulllt~ St. t e s . mu coUa,es at 7:30 to 9 tonlllht ' I r, e r" on weer TOYOTACGaONA . An lOtrod,uctory briefing ses· in the Unlon Terrace Lounge. Ly. "sen iHvity trainin," Is a new Brown Uni~er Ity, Della Up iton . 8\1):'. Slon to asslSt (acuIty 1'I'!embers man ~Iersma , AI, Inwood, is the uligiou po Ibillty for man, ENGAGED Ro II n Thompson, 103, Iowa F R E E - $50 Gift Certificate and graduate students Ln t b e arti.t • £a, Cit) to Dal Sorenson, 11167 ,rad· h"on .' yet" ""0"'. Jeffrie John n, ,.,3. x, With every purch ... of over SlOO, Thru Dec , 13n1. • preparation of chemical tiUes ' • ARNOLD AIR SOCIETV Alpha Di>lta Pi to Thoma Jay· uat , Rock I land, III T.yotl'. - T,mlh.', - UMd ,.rs Head search proCiles wiU be held It MOUNTAINEERS The Arnold Air Society's N.C.O n ., A3 , William , Linda Sanders, 1.3, Montezuml 3:30 p,m, today in :m ,Physics The Iowa Mountaineer Christ. Banquet \l-ill be beld at the Ron· Vic k I Dusenbery, A4 to G II 01 I man, Monlezuma, Lange-Bustad Motors ~esearch Center. M~re .lDforma. mas party is to be held In the neburg Re laurant in Amana M(I .ne , Alpha D<:lta Pi 10 like Iowa Slparlment of Pediatrlca, eight National CoUelliate a w Tau Kappa Ep ilon, wa named to • committee be fcaturewdSiun I Tneh weekly prlo, PrisclUa and Gordon, a musical carols at Veterans Hospital. Elain Ei ner, At, Highland MONTGOMERY Association districts. gram on ,e proil'am, n, d "embers hove h-~n askA~ to which annually leets the reo · alled Tr ' t' t duo, will perform at 9:45 an ... u= ~'U Park III., igIna Delta TIlU 10 Named Quart.rback F relic h, IS C aJec OrleS e meet behind the Fteld House at ripient or lhe E. Mead JObnsoll backfield consists of Rencontres, and will be broad. 10 :30 tonlght at the Mugwump Howard Irving Rutman, DI , [)(>s Award ror pediatric research, cast beginning saturday .t 10 Coffee House, 707 Melrose Ave 4 45 pm to 110 10 a party It the toinrs. Delta Si/:m~ and Dr. John C, 'lcQueeo, I of UCLA, the Beis­ •• hom of the Brooks Bookers be- WARD winner, as quarter. a,m, Linda Morrison, 3. Shenan· 110<'1111' dean or the Conege of Leroy Keyes, Purdue'. ver· • • RUGBY CLUB fore coinl carolin,. doah , Delta Zeta to Jim Brow· fediclne for community pro- halfback ; Larry C50nka, ., YAF MEETING Tbe Rugby Club wUl have its ••• tr, A3, Fort Madison , ~ ram . WI Ippolnled to the great, 230·pound Cull· Dick NIelson, a veteran of the group pIcture taken for the Hawk. UNION BRIDGE Pat Paulsen, A4, 0..' Council on PedIatric PracUce, Simpson, who scorec\ war in Vietnam, wlU apeak and eye yearbook at 1 p,m, Sunday at The Union Board wOl sponsor Ucnldo\~ns and threw three show slides of Vietnam al a the FIeld House. Club officiats reo a championship brid,e tourna· passes. Simpson and Youn, Americans for Freedom quest memben Lo meet at the m nl al 1:30 p,m, aturday In DRIVE IN are juniors, the other two ~, meeting at 7:80 p,m, Tuesday In Field House wearing their unl· the Union Hawkeye Room This the Union Michigan Room. forms, wlU b the firll of three ses- CAR RADIO· TAPE PLAYER , a 6-£oot, 191-pound o • • • sions to sclecl partners for II SALES and SERVICE performer, led UCLA to a WHEEL ROOM WISLEY DEBATE regional playoff to be held in record over three seasons Entertainment In Ihe Un ion "Vietnam: Should We Gel Out February Factory Authorized Service On All 1967 scored 11 touchdowns. Wheel Room Saturday at 7:30 or Stay In ?" will be debated by o. Malar era nds for eight, and Tan up and 10 p,m, will be provided by Paul Klelnberger, G, Silver COMPUTER DANCE total offense. Tom Knight and Leonard Lytle Springs, Md " • participant In A computer dance will be held Keyes Lead, All and Mike Browner and Royce antiwar demonstrations, and Da· at 8 lonight at SI. Pllul'S Uni. Woodburn Sound Service 6-foot-3 and 199·pounds, ". ,. Anderson in what they call "Gul. vid DaUman, A4 , Towa City, a verslly Lutheran Chapel. 404 JeC. 218 E. Colleg, St , has a year to play at tarpa Ar!." Admission will be 25 member 0/ Young Americans for [crson St., for tho who earlier led all college scorers cents, Freedom, at 7:30 p,m, Monday at complfted tht computer qUI'S' Dial 338-7547 For Appolntmenl 19 tOllchdowns and 114 Wesley House, 120 N Dubuqu tiona ire. Dress is to be s mi·for· He sel the Purdue single. HOOTENANNV SI. The debale is sponsored by the mal rushing mark with 225 , , There will be a hootenanny It Wesley Grad Fellowship and Com· • • • against It\inois, and against 8 tonight in the Union W h eel mittee on Social Concerns of the RIOTS DISCUSSION e sot a he scored three Room, Methodist Church, A toped intrrvil'w with 1acl'O through 8 defen'e Mitchell , G, Detroit, who was in only six in scv· NOTICE! games Ot I or. G t 'S I Detroit this summer dUring the broke almost eve r y HOSpl a ,'0 e nowmen racial riots, will b played at 17: 110 p,rn SlitUrdo 81 tht home offensive rerord set by MEN OF DRAFT as Jim Brown, Er· By JIM JOHNSTON The Christmas theme at the of the Rev P R, Hoenk, 1208 MONROE Jim Nance and Floyd The Veterans Administration hospital thts year Is "Love Thy Melrose Ave 1itchell will be (lECTItIC CALCULATOR " ' there to dlscu the tape, The AGE wound up his career \. (VA ) Hospital will be decorated Neighbor, s~ th~. s~ow~en WI!! meetmg IS sponsored by the Rev, of the All·America for Christmas, thanks In part to ho!d signs saYI,n" !iI, Neighbor , Q orge Roberts, G, San Diego, 50 are: OFFIN5I thl' Guidon Society, the Army MISS Luckenbill .ald minIster of social action 8t SI. HOW DOES THE DRAFT AFFECT YOU? - Dennis Homan, Alabam., ROTC women's auxlUary. The styrofoam snowmen will Paul's niversity Luth ran Chao ROil ellers, I'-'lorida Stal', . be placed on the patients' bed· pel. FIND OUT BEFORE YOU'RE DRAFTEDI , Members made snowmen out 119 Vary, Southern stands and the construction paper • • • Ed,., Chandler, of styrofoam and construction snowmen wlU decorate doors In HOUSING OFFICE phone or Visit: paper at 8 recent meeting and the bospital wards, The Married ludents Housing l'ill distribute them In the VA Local service organizations, OffIce, previously located at No, TUES ., THURS" FRI , - 3:30 p,m, • 5:30 p,m. I. hospital next week, according to such as the Gray Ladies, help I, Riverside Parli:, bas been WED. - 8:00 p.m, - 10:00 p,m, Janet Luckenbill, A4, Glen Ellyn, decorate the hospital each year, moved to 100 Stadium Park, but they need all the help they • • • IOWA CITY DRAFT COUNSELING SERVICE Ill., Guidon president. c:an get, ao Guidon members de· CHRISTtAN FELLOWSHIP lh., IoIOIIRO£ calculator .s ,dully sluted for cided to make the snowmen, MI The Inter·Varsity Christian Fel· Room 101 - 120 North Dubuque Slre.t ••• nd"d devoat,on, .1Id In .t.t.st,t.1 t.leula - Gary aeban, UCLA, Luckenbill said , hOl1$, ••try COIIIjIUlItJon .rolln, 101 SCI.nct •• lowship undcrgraduates wit! m et Iowa City, Iowa This is the first year that the tonight in the Union Michigan .nd commerce Engineers Get society has done this for the hos· Room for an hour of Christmas Telephone - 338·9547 e TIl. most Iccialln!_ calculator 1ft th pital. but Miss Luckenbili said it carol In, to be followed by a party .o_r .. lin •. will be an annua I project from at the Gloria Dei Lutheran YOUR • Th phru. - 'ptrlters wh. how t ' Church , KNOW ALTERNATIVESI New Library now on, preler .ORr.. - w.. ui •• _ II 1~ls ..d., MA7,W, By MARY ANN NkEVOY Com",... lr ~,t __ -, 0... I • There has been a lot of rack· _ "or v_ .e-t ':==~' defecb of "'Y kInd If'Klud ,.. ,. THE HAWKEYE YEARBOOK perU and lebOt. Cu.t eov.r. Wfl~ et coming from the Engineering ..,_ end -",tin, ~ ... WIth ...". mecllm. Building I ate t y, Although it , . . AW(lrdcd "All-Amcrican" hOl1or.v in the' p40st 4 yeors! d_ sounds like someone is learing I. the place down, it actually is the sound of a new engineering TODAY Is The Final library that is being buill, The new library will OCCUpy Day To Order! the northeast sections of the ',' first and second floors of the Sign up at any of the Hawkeye Boxes laealed building. It is scheduled for com­ in e"ery building on Campus, Don't be disap· pletion by July, according to Don· For (I gilt aid H. Madsen, associate dean \ pointed by nat ordering yours immediately, ... Itlummates , . of the College o[ Engineering, The new library will have 11" the CjloRles O~ he'll never tire 01 000 square fl!ct of floor space, a You will not be able to buy capacity of 45,000 volumes alld the centuRI€S a Hawkeye during Spring Pick-up! a Gont shirt . .. , " , ~i~a:i:~ s~!ce7~ r :~:i:~r~:V:[J. den~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~ Rcfreshillt new Itrlpes for The present library, in 3106 of ~, the button down man. the Engineering Building, con· tains 30.000 books and can sellt Colors that a~ equally at ,t only one out of every fifteen stua the Car Wash is home with a IUit or JpOrt dents. It has 3,000 square feet coat as with I pealer, of floor space. Fashioned in fine .eaves Madsen said that the new Ii· 01 oxford cloth a. ..en as " brary will have five stalla for FREE broadclotfI . . , many of microfilm r.eaders and typin, (with 12 ,allon lIa50line purchClse) wbich are Durable Press rooms. Study corrall will be ••. just rlght lor thai availahle lor aS8l gnment to 20 THERE IS NO FINER WASH JOB AROUND Jdeal man, , • graduate students . . The present library wlU be - And you don't wait long because 8.00 t. 9.50 converted into cllssroom. and oUice space, Madsen said, No cars move qUickly through the fund s have been appropriated for Ultra- lodem with lanes, -H... "- I • this yet. Mon, • Wed , • ThU", • Fri , - , Ie , The library is being moved be· In anotbc:r century, an artist paid InDute to the Tues , • SM, -, N s:" cause the present location il laek· .... In Quality and Service beauty of the Du che~s of Glout% ter. Tod.y, all ing in expansion pouibilltiel, artist in diamond~ furnishes you ",ith the t ..but a lighting and air CDndltionlna. I , to pay your own heart of heam, hom our Stephens The tolal budget for the pro­ PRESTONE JET WAX "Ma.>tcr·s Touch" collection, Men', C/ofhing, Furnishings & Shoe. ject is $256,000. This Includes Only •. . 25c ~ $206,000 for actual construction 20 South Clinton Pho ... 331.5473 S i nce 1864 and $50,000 [or equipment, said Madsen. INO'fON aT All T•• -,\\ 4T Plan for the new library were .1. FUlKS JEWELERS rOWA IS~'" (l originally drawn in 1960 but funds One Block West of Ward-Way; Hillhway 1, West OP"" MONDAY. THURSDAY. FRIDAY. TILL' P.M. were Dot available unW recent· 220 E. Washington , . ~ ~------~ ~ Pitt ~THE DAILY IOWAN- law. CI'y, la.- Frlday, Dec. e, ".7 ! " " ,. - . • I ;· "" 'r' , ..•. j~ Ct . . r~ I i .. 11f' C .Jrlr ~ FRlilAY MATIN~E -- 3-6 p.m. r . - e Booker, Hu-' In ~' owa at THEN ~W PURPLEP EANUT City Cash ~ :i'S crs Given Awar, Highway 6 West - Coralville By JOHN BAILEY I cording to i\lana,ger Da vid Zel· ar I~on. mS1agpr of Sieferts.1 A survey conducted Thursday '~sk y , has expe rienced an in· Pric'~ on COL on bl ou ~e s have in· Formerly Me Tao Building I among 15 IO"/a City business c r ea~e in Christmas business of creased s'eadily in the past two Admission - SOc Evenings - $1 .00 firms iDdi:ated thal Christmas about 8 per cent. years, Richardson said, By AFROTC busines was as good, if not bel· Zelinsky said th e high rale of He ;lre:llcled ~h a t feeli'lg aboul l Two University slaff men ter than at the same tim ~ last 'mploY"len in Iowa City and th- Vie' namese war and low PURPLE BEER . . . 10c • and a senior in the Colle year. con tj nuin ~ growth of the Univer· faro, pr01 uce prices could have Dlnce to Lllx!ral Arts were honored 8 Don Wittekind . manager of the I . ity should contribute to a "bet· I SO'Tl" e f f~cl on business during third annual Air Force local Sears Roebuck and Co. 'er th 1n ever" Christmas busi· this Chr i stma ~ season . the Do's & Don'ts 3-6 and 9·1 p.m. "dinJng·in" Thursday evenj store. e c hoe d the sentim ents ness, Fashion Rage the Union. of man y bu " in e s ~ m eJl when he AI'hou'lh Christmas business is A <;oj! rts. Ih_ fa shion rllge Awards (or out tanding sairl. "a good snow would help down a litt lp comeared to last ' for Christ mas was anything in I r Ic~ were presented to M.L get people into th e holiday shop. vea . b us;n~s' for tho Yl'ar to rro whit or bl u~ or a comb ina· ! dean of students. and Col. D r oing mood ." l i l1te is ahead. according to a t'on 01 rhes'l colors, Suede leath. , W. Booker. USAF /Ret. l. Al Bremers Clothing Store. hoi. C!)()l(esman for Alrien's Depart. er coa'~ were anolhpr item in now is associate director or iday business is at least 8 per menl Slore and Montgomery hpa"v rjP1"1and as Christmas gifts (erences and institutes. The cenl ahead of last year, Lloyd I Ward . : 0" \\,o-,en Foree Association Medal was F. Berger. manager. said, Toy, SeJllng W.ll "N in e~ee n t h CentU'·y Home Ar· 1 ~e!\ted to Cadet Corps Comm' TRYOUTS book The local Younkers store, ac. Mana,!prs of three local toy cnitpctur" in Iowa City." a tr Randall Carlson, A4. Oms Green Room - Unive rsity Theatr. ~ f'll al' t ", e ~ t~ reOOl'tpd thai toys by ~1ar!lare t Keyes. is popular Op.n to all University Stud.nts UNION BOARD PRESENTS: WOr" ,el Ung we ll . They said th at a, a «ill item at Iowa Book and any loy 'ldvertisccl extensivply SlIo'Jl,v Compa ny. The slore's for The W cekc,"1 M lIvie "1 to l evi~ion w ~, in demanc1 hy manager. Rudy Vanderhoef. said 'hI' "lublic Onp toy manager said 'looks wpr~ becoming more pop­ I'LL TELL YOU TOMORROW II Art of Love" Inll' Seiroeraph . a tyoe 01 dood· ul ar as Christmas gifts, JlIt'I.! O .... Dh:k Va., Dyke, a new play by Oklahoma Jones n.r, !Ing board. was a bi g seller. .1 Pool tables and wei g h t lilt· Cui Re iner. Angle Dickinson and Elk, Sommer For men. turtle neck sweaters I ing sets are popular as gifts. ac· Cast: 2 men. 1 woman In 90 mi nutes ('If zany comedy arp a major gif' i l~ m , Two cloth. ! cording to a spokesman for , about a pennlles q pal" ter 'o: searrh PRODUCTION DATES: FEB, 14·17 ror recognltj t) n thaI. Is g u ara.,t~ed I 'M retailers indicated they were IS ears. At Younkers. thermomet. I ' 0 leave tht-' 8ul'ltc"""e chrkp.,I wlt" !t winl! trouble o b tai n i n ~ en()u ~ h ers and barometers are selJing Tryouts on Su,day, Dec. 10 (6-8 p.m. ) merr Jme~t 'lIr fJ p n ec k~ to meet th e custom. well. Oecember 9 and 10 Ma ndlY, Tuesday, Oec. 11·12 (7.10 p.m.) ' rs' demand . Charles Wagner , manager of ~o~::,1 ~I~~ef. m , v~~la ~~: !It'' ' \~~ Th- Vietnamese wa r has h a d . AI ~p n s Dellartment Store, said Rehearsals begin following vlcatian door .nd In the Acttvltles Cen. " orne effect on availability of col. I poople were buying merclian. ter for 25<:. Rich. dis e of a higher quality this year. .;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~;~'~on~. ~a~cc;O~rd;in~g~t;o~St~e~ven Wagner also said there was a ARGUING DURING A SCENE from "The Miracle," I contem· FRIDA Y at flJ L trend toward purchasing m 0 r e porary oper., ar. twa gypsi.s, D.nlel Jepson (Ieftl, G, Iowa 1 :35 · 3:35 · 5:35 l'/.:.' ;l=J • ,i, practical gifts that could be used City, and Ronald E. Anderson, G, Bismarck, N.D. Rollie E. Rights Unit • 7:35· 9:. ~25~ __1fJ'~-:=-:-=:.:-:-:-:-:-:'_" in the home. Blondeau, G, McCallen, Tex., and Sue Sondrol, G, Clear Lake, watch. The opera Is one of thrH to be performed at 8:30 tonight The World In In Macbride Auditorium II part of the Natlon.I Op.ra Associ.· Charges Bias KENNEDY1S tion convention. Fr•• tickets ar. avanabTe at the Union. In Schools LOUNGE Nation's No.1 Show Group! DES .MOlNES ~ - "Racial isolation" exists in tbe high Carlson was honored as t Iowa City's schools of Des Moines and )Va. ouUitanding senior cadet aL Entertainment Center terloo. the Iowa Civil Rights Unlver ity this year, He 18 Commission sald Thursday. and son of Col . Roy D. Carlson e Presents .. . it wants to talk to the acbool McDill Air Force Base. Fla. boards about it. THIS WEEKEND The chairman of tbe rights e LYN FREED and commission. Mrs, Elliott Full of • 50S Parley DAVE DUNSTONE Iowa City. said the commla[on It the plano Ind drums has evidence of de facto &egrel'- ~;[~: II_IE tion in elementary and junior To Be Held THE ARISTOCRAT • GOGO OF high schools of the two ciUes, IS NOT JUST A W~BEACH RED* DEANA DAYE She said the Negro enrollments OF YEARBOOKS CDfI/IEL Itlf,DE • .. ., /rII1f of the schools are high, yet the :OnWeeken ~~/It.""" • CALIDONIA local' boards have tbe option NO CHILDREN -~ under state law to shift .tudeuta A regional Students TICK'E;TS THIS SHOW ~ from one school to another to Democratic Soci ty (SOS) COME AND provide a mix. .-nce wIlT Ix! held today She said she wanted to meet Sunday in the UnJon. ------DANCE! FABULOUS FLIPPERS with the school boards involved Robert Allen . staff writer "to explore the problem." the National Guardian . will 826 S. Clinton ~Harlcm ShUffle" The commission heard II re­ alJoul a recent meeting in port from the Iowa Slate Employ. oslovakia of American New ment Service to the effect that organizations, at 7:30 tonight SAT. NITE 'The Librar " DEC. 9th during October non-whites were the Union Hawkeye Room. bired at nine times the rate for cardin!! to Roy Harv~y , Rou le 1, ftYif,iiJij whites across the slate. an SDS spokesman . The figures were available for Dance and Show 9-1 Adm. $2.00 Harvey gave this schedule of ENDS th e first time under a new policy NOW ... WED. of keeping records by race lor other workshops and " G Coming next week .. "CRYAN SHAMES" the expressed purpose of evaluat· meetings : There's ing the quality of the agency', • • Draft resistance . 9 a,m. Sat· Hwy. 218 midwllY b.twHn I.e. lind C.R. aeron from the Ranch service to minority groups, said urd ay at the Union . the room to only one, Charles Crook Jr., supervisor 0/ bt> announced. Wonderful, millority group services. • The Nat Jon a I Liberation Front. also known a8 the Viet Wacky * * * ong. 1 p,m. Saturday. at ROSIE 0 No Discrimination Union. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL • Current campus events. I o Rights Body Says clulling antiwar demonstration •• Y MUSCA TINE IAl - An investi­ 7 p,m, Saturday, Union Hawkeye IOWA MEMORIAL UNION'S Room . t gation by the Iowa Civil R1ghtJ Commission sbows tbere is no dis­ • Underground newspapers, 1 pm. Sunday, Union Miller Room , ~(! CHRISTMAS SMORGASBORD crimination in the admission pol. ci es at Muscatine Community Col· • Building a community·wide lege. David Mullen, assistant til- . , base of radical support. 7 p.m. "The World in 1967" is in a class by itself. rector of the commission. said Saturday. Union Lucas·Dodge Not just another yearbook, it is in fact a hand· Featuring a beautiful supply of your fa vorite holi- Thursday, Room . some volume of living history profusely illustrated A Latin American resi dent had SOS groups from campuses in day food served ill a festive atmosphere. complained to the commission last Iowa. Illinois, Kansas. Nebraska. with action photographs and written, frequently week that he was denied admit­ Missouri. and the Dakotas, 98 by the men who reported the stories in the first sion to an adult education cla .. well as other inlerested groups. Invite guests and take advantage of this opportun­ have been invited . place, as if you were riglrt there when the events An Information table will be took place. Dirk Bogarde ity to do your holiday entertaining. set up in the Union Gold Feather If you have seen the previous ~Iume s in this Lobby durl ng the conference to Stanley Baker coordinate housing arrangements, series, you doubtless have been impressed with and Harvey said additional Informa· .. .sunday, December 10, 1967 $2.75 Adults their appearance and quality. Jacqueline lOSS HtJI'fT£R'S Uon could be obtained from Lory You will be still more impressed with this one. Sassard productton of 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. $1.50 Children under 12 Rice. 351·14911. Containing 264 ,ages, it will 'be bigger than ever. Iowa Memorial Union Make your reservation early. There will be half again as many color plates, for ... "-... - .. , .... -~ , ...... - " Ballroom Phone 353·48S' - ,...... ", ._... . ,. . ~ :(7.. 1 ROTC Seeks a total of 60, as well as hundreds of photo repro­ ~

ductions in black and white. TECHNICOLO~ AlI in all, it's a book that no student, no home WINNER TWO CANNIS FILM FESTIVAL AWARDS · Q ' A Universal Picture ~ighway 6 W.'" Candidates library, no one interested in what's going on in the Applica lions for tbe Army wo1'ld, should be without. And think what fascina- FEATURE AT - 1:41 • 3:37 • 5:33 • 7:29 • 9:25 FEATURE AT - Read the Want Ads ROTC two-year program are now -, 1 :42 -3:38 . 5:34·7:30 - 9:31 ., tion it will have in future years for anyone born in being accepted in the Department (,1 i .lJ:I.] of MilitarY Science offices in the 1967, or for anyone at all who has lived through Field House. this year of momentous news. NOW SHOWINGI The program Is open to all "The World" series is prepared for this and HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS? ENDS WEDNESDAY male university students who are e> ther member newspapers by The Associated of at least sophomore standing Press, world's largest news gathering organiza­ and have at least two more years DAVENPORT or DES MOINES - PLAN AHEAD ·~. frank or college remaining. including tion. To make sure that all important events of the DON'T MISS THIS ALL STAR SHOW those who plan to lake graduate year are included, the editors do not complete the sinatra work. manuscript until Jan. 1. Even so they manage istoDIJ' Upon graduation and success· somehow to have the book actually off the press the THE STRAWBERRY ALARM CLOCK ful completion of the program. Ituden~ will be offered a com· first week in February. rome mission as a second lieutenant in Make sure you get your copy by ordering now. the Army. The cost is only $3.50. Here is a coupon for your NEIL DIAMOND AcoG Initial quallIlcallOll testing for eon venience. private .,. applicants is scheduled for 7 p.m, Wednesday in the Pharmacy BOBBY VEE whoI • Auditorium. ~ To THE WORLD IN 1967 ======II clienll THE DAILY IOWAN, Box 66, Poughkeepsi., N.Y. EVERY MOTHER'S SON are boll! Clarinet Recital II ' Enclosed is $ , , .. Please send ...... copl.. II dangel'Oll Set For Tuesday II of The World in 1967 at $3.50 each 10: II THE AMERICAN BREED ~ demand- William Mlnning. G. II Name ...... ,,, ...... ". ' ..... " ...... " ...... "."..... II lIeach, Calif" graduate student ALL SEATS RESERVED ••• $5.00. $4,00 · $3,00 ingl at the School of Music, will pre­ Address ...... " .... . ~nt a erarinet recital at 4 p.m, MASONIC TEMPLE, DAVENPORT, THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. 28 Tuesday in North Music Rail. II City .. "."." ...... State ...... Zip ...... II TWO SHOWS ••. 6:00 and 8:30 p.m. The program will include works If Order by mail from KSTT, Davenport (pi .... specify show tim.I by Robert Schumann, Duie 1/ Send gift certificate to same . =co'Wf/://f. 1JEACII I?EO II IIImiI9 KIP rORHUHN DslJENNIN6 ,PAfHICK IKJI.fE • ...,. JEAN WAllACE Pinkham and Mozart. If stili available also send World in 1965 ($3) KRNT THEATRE. DES MOINES, FRIDAY EVENING, DEC . 29 Manning earned bis M.M. de­ ONE SHOW ONLY ... 8:00 p.m. ADULTS ONLY gree from Drake University In II World in 1966 ($3) Lightning Out of Israel " 1957. H\I has since been Leaching Order b., mail from KRNT Theatre, D•• Moines • STARTS • * IOWA * TIMES ($3) , ... , , The Torch II Paned ($2) .... , " .. Warren " THEATRE music at the University of Mon· (pl .... Include stamped env.lope with mall ord.rsl TODAY 1:40·3:40·5:40 II Report ($1 .50) CEDAR RAPIDS 7:40 • ':40 lana. He will be assisted by pian· ist James Norden. G. Soulh c ======~,~...... Haven . Mich,. and Wendy Gan· lieU, G, Davenport, on the viola, ,nfl DAILY IOWAN-I... etty, 1• .-JI1'IUy, DIe. .. lH7-ft... 1 .. Booker, Huit Fraternities, Sororities Face Financial Woes Given Awards 8y PEG McGAFFEY \ lnh-m;l)- pollc:l on Ih- m tter Fraterni~ are rUWlCia]!> man) G~ that a ~ 1 01 thne house .t~ 34 social W~n th t'ily puts !lUI Its h nd_ ~. that fralemlh may not I soond jd~ on a day-(o, pnsenU)' oV~l'ttOwded. 8JId IM'«I fralenutil"S pa} Ipproxunalely smiles. and sar "properly Lu bu) ODds Irom thl' Enivl' '1)_ IdlY operat.in b i. but not oa expa on_ $94 . a year in property laxl'S. time." n idents ~ust pay. AI- The~fore. Gr houses do not a lon:-tmn basi _ im'oIving Beea of their indpPendrnl I according to McK!nney. Tax By AFROTC though thf'\ an l n"t'r II) afm- b Id nd _.. ,-- I :: t price dedurtions or tax ex- UI In& a co."",", IUD p lOS. U1tUS. the _I.. f~J SIlUr on personal property such u Tv.·o University stal! members iatOO. fraternit and sorority ""'J house a~ included I'mption r~i\'ed b)' the l nin·r· Bl'ClI~ of daily hi h operal- availabll' to fraternities a~ prj- t~1 vision sets and fHeUnI aver'­ and a senior in the College of t\ in COS/.S . it Is bani (or frat~r- Ule resources h as ~a1 Liberal A.r ts wer ~ honored 8t the agl' about ,145 to $1 50 a ). ar_ Gr ell! . ju. t likf' other 10". c I". nlli to put a lor bank. and alumni Few houses \ 't ,.. t ,-~ t' -~ No Unpaid Bills m on~'' ~ third annual Air Force ROTC CI Y r~ Men • lOU n a ... , buildll\l "md lcKinDt) uld. rtcfi ~ aid from th4!ir IUltional 1cKlJ!M}' uid that tbe profes­ "dinlng·in" Thursday evening It properly ownt'r.; . mllS pa)' ~'eaT- dded to the l'nl\'er II)' pohC) AI!!O ~ una\ all MIt}· of prop- Iorgaolutioll. tdCinne)i said. iona] fralernitips pay about tht Union. II) properh 13>.1'S at a ratpol 2'1 a~ IU ~u~men • M('K1nne~' en) and hi COnstrudUlll and Ho e f. an inlernal rl'V 12_ a) ear each for property Awards for outsUlndlng serv­ per ct'n of actual total PTOpert~ id, I, lh~ pohn Ihat no hoo fin.ndn ('OfU add dllhculty to Ie d I lh I tr butlo lauf. Ice ~re presented to M. L. Huit. value, IIct'On\lDg to DolUlld J . t'1D havt' UJIpaid bills b) th mel Ion -rID e plans. ~ ~ a~ tAl a con I not dean o( students. and Col. Brooks Krall counh' tTea5UT~r or th~ )'l'lr rom a urnnl ~ TOLaJ taxes paid b)l all Irater­ W. Booker, USAF (Rel,l. who Da~'1d L. IcK~. 'counselor . - ·-It IS. out .of !he quel>1Jon for J tax deduc~t1bl . .lcKinnI'y A id I nllil' a "'l' ra l:~ abou ~ VtJI to ten nnw is associale director of con· lof rral~mi ies I' olamer ity ComJlOl­ part Ume Will train CIII III,.. l!a· said Thursday, aDd min - 10'" Clll ca .. C.ncer lSI" to talk to the school McDill Air Force Sa e. Fla. French poet. aUlhor and scholllr: era ympo \Um orlh Rehearsal 3 ~ about it. Wednesday. po e try readin,. HRII. ft pm. ' Shambaugh Aud itorium, 8 p m_; chairman of the right. Thursday. I clure. "Un DJalo&ue THEAT~E PETS HELP WANTED Mrs. EUfott Full of SOS Parley de Baudelaire pt de Manarme .. No\\, · Friday - '!ht' ------the commlaloll Shambaugh Aud itori um. 8 p.m'; Worn n." by Euripid . (lr.R MAN SIIY.PIIF.RD PUPI'IEl . un· re,1 ttr d. 1 w..... n1d al Ch rt ,. ' vi,riAn,"A of de facto seere ... Friday, Comparative Li terature Illy Theatre, 8 pm. m.,. omit blltk and tana, .Om. AppHccrflon, Accepted for in elementary and junior To Be Held Colloquium . English - Philosophy Monday-Dec. 14- "AI x. nder." brindle'. m bo). om. ,Irl.; All Men or Wo,., .... Married Alto_ schools of the Iwo cities. I h.allhy. wormed .•not 135.00 ..ch Lounge. 406 p.m. hy "'Irholas Meyer, StudiO Th - Conlacl Pr. Glll1nrh.m mJS3f Or I Houn T."...... Oxford 121-4158. I 11 said the Negro enrollments Saturday _ Saturday Lectur~ litre. 8 p,m. Full or P.n Time schools are high, yet the .OnWeekend Series: "A General ThCOry of ATHLETIC EVENTS boards have the option LOST AND FOUND I Psycho Is." Dr. WlUla m C De- Slltllrda~' S\I,lmmlnll In America's Most state law to shift ltudenta It. regional Student. for a ment. Sta nlord Univer ily School ern Winoi • 2 pm. one school to another to Democratic Society (SDS ) confer­ Progressive Fast of Medicine; P ychopathic no a mix. ~nce wiH be held today through pltal Classroom . 10 a.m. she wanted to meet Sunday in the Union . Food Drive.ln Mond ay - Jowa Engin erinll Appl , Ie: school boards Involved Robert All en, starl writer lor Colloq uium ' "Holography." Em­ the problem ." the National Guardian, will speak mett Leith . Unlvel'llity 01 Michl· Mr. Quick con~mii ssicln heard a \'eo about a recent meeting in Czech­ gan, 3407 Engineering Building. the Iowa State Employ­ oslovakia of American New Left 3:30 p.m. Service to the effect that organizations. at 7:30 tonight in EXHIBITS October non-whites were the Union Hawkeye Room , ac­ nine times the rate for Now-Dec. 15 - Union Board: Are you interested in an opportunity for cording to Roy Harvey, Route 1. Leon B Walker Print Collection, across the state. an SDS fipokelll'lan . challenging, rewarding work where you figures were available f« Union Terrace Lounge. time under a new policy Harvey gave th is schedule of can contribute to the solution of today', records by race for other workshops and discu ion meetings : great social problems? ...... '~ .~u purpose of evaluat­ quality of the Bgency', • • Draft resistance, 9 a.m. Sat­ to minority groups, sUI urday at the Union. the room to We have openings for young women Crook Jr., 8uperviaor 01 bt' announced. with college and social work experience group service •. • The Nat Ion 8 I Liberation Front. also known al the Viet to supervise and counsel disadvantaged * Cong, 1 p.m. Saturday. at the girls in a Residential Educational Program. Discrimination* * Union . • Current campus events. In­ Ady.rtl .. ",.". Adv.rtis.m.nt hts Body Says clulling antiwar demonstratlona. Write: 7 p.m. S8 tUrday. Union Hawkeye !A'I - An Invest!­ J. A. BENGOUGH • GUITAR LESSONS' Room . University Bulletin Board Iowa Civil Rlghtl ••, Innln, 'hrou." A.va"et shows there is no diJ. • Underground newspa pers. 1 Unlv.rllty Bull.tin Bo.rd DO­ CREATIVE CRAFTS CENTER Manager.Personnel Relations FOlk - U.9: 15 when no home va rsity Cryst.1 Contact Our Student Sales Being uewly married. wanted an lpart:meIIt that 'III'Ould The program will include works the work privately. Bring books contest is ~hed uled. Opt'n Lo ail VITA CRAFT we hy Robert Schumann. D8JlieJ Representative be a real home. We lIII.ed tile economleaJ rates and the " lo­ and articles and ID cards to the students. faculty. staff. their Dilll 351-4102 Pinkham and Mozart. exam. All lhose students who spouses and children. Children W" living hcilitlel 0{ LakeIIicle. We particularJy enjoy the Manning earned his M.M_ de­ plan to take the exam must re I!- may coma unly with their par­ OHice 337-2115 beautiful recreatitll center with swimJnWJ& pool, exercise gree from Drake University In ister prior to Jan. 4, 103 Schaef- en ts an

'. 1'... I-THI DAILY IOWAN-low. City, ' • •-flr/d.y, Dec I, 1'" -Sunday Liquor Laws In Effect- Art Exhibit To Open Here Sunday Three vIsiting artists will be dents League In New York under mer. For all of them, RogoYin are exhibited permanently SDS ( h?n.o;ed at the ?pening of an ex· Morris Kantor and George Grosz Iused acrylic paint on canvas. Europe , will. be in the show. f New Year's Eve To Be Dry hlbllion of their works Sunday after graduating from Northwest.. Th f th . t' kIt b'ch h be In f om 4 to 5 p m in the Art Build. U J' 't ree 0 e pam mgs rna e scu p ures w I egan s c~ . '1"W YORK NY ' . th' . to I r . . ern n verst y. . . "h A t·· '" , - I.fl - ew ear s 'Qrmal life - ey re gomg city, It Isn't that simple. The city I Legislatures which took Be- ing r.:ain GaUery. He earned an M.F.A. from the up a series tilled T e r 1st commg to the University Will be fall; on unl.y this year have New Year's Eve off." I ~ I I d H' F ' d F th Fu h , IUs'ng all sorts 'o i com plica ions' Th oug ht f uI L egts. Ia.o s ,sue s bo th sevcn-uay and six· tion to cope with the juxaposition They are Howard Rogovin, University of Colorado in 1959 an IS rlen s ace e . sown. Hears for those bent on the lradLional A num .>e U' thou~ht , ui legis. day liquor licenses. Outlets with ?f New Year's Eve and Sund~y who teaches painting; Olivier and was awarded a six·month ture." Another series is titled Soldner, who was born In Sum. whooping·up. la.ures passed bills this year I seven·day licenses can stay open mcluded those of Pennsylvama Strebelle, sculpture, and Paul grant to work at Yaddo, a foun· "Death and the Artist." merfield , Ill., earned a B.A. al [n some states. an Associated 'xemp.ing Sunday. Dec. 31, 1967, all day and night any Sunday. and Colorado. Soldner . .eramics. All joined the dation for artists, composers and A native of Brussels, Belgium, Bluffton College an M A in edu. Pre s s survey showed, New Irom stale la ws which ban Sab· Those with six-day licenses can't Th e Pennsylvania legislators ~rl faCt~lttY in September a8 visit· Nwrylters In Saratoga Springs, StrebeUe's teaching appointment cation at the U~iv ersiiy' of Colo. ' Year's Eve out will be bone dry ;,a ~ h boozing in pu'llic place,. sell on Sunday. but can start decreed that henceforth alcoholic 109 ar IS s. . . because of s rjclly enforced laws The District or Columbia had i>Ouring one minute after mid- beverages may be sold on Sun. The show will be up until Jan. After Jiving in Europe for four here is his first in the United rado and an M.F.A. at the Los Of Wi the forbidding the sal' of alcohol on an offbeat situation. There. only ·Iight. days which coincide with New 14. Gallery hours, after open· years, he III'!tUed in New York States, although he has visited Angeles County Art Institule. Robert Allen . staff writer of I the Sabath. Th is includes Iowa. I beer and wino may b' s~ ' d un- Never On Sunday Year's Eve. Otherwise, the law ing Sunday. will be from 8 a.m. in 1965. this country several times since where he studied UDder Peter , Guardian newspaper. told ab< In others wi h SU'lday no - ~rink- til midni ~ h t Sunday. One minute Maine, Ohio. New Mexico. AI· against Sabbath drinking stands. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Sat· All of the Rogovin paintings 1961. He received his early art Voulkos. d:mts at the Union thai he I i n~ laws enforcement officers la'p, th I,,' '1, th h lrd ~bama and Arkansas. besides A new law in Colorado provided urdays and from 2 to 5 p.m. in the show have been completed From 1957 to 1965, Soldner wa" Vietnamese war expanding will. hopefully , look the other stuff to Oow free1J. Iowa . are among the st'ltps which an extension of drinking hours IS un d ays. smce. hi s arr Iva I on th e campus. education in Brussels and has visiting assistant professor of• Sou heast Asi a. way. For instance, a slate liquor lllyiand la .; • ~ I ~~" nl· ·orbid the sale of alcoholic beY. from midnight Sunday to 2 a.m. North Carolini.n except one which appeared in trayeled since 1950 in Europe, the ceramics at the Claremont Col. AlIen's peech at the first e. official in Sunday·dry Georgia , c beverage sales on Sunday, but orages on Sundays and are mak- Monday for outlets which put up I A native of Ashville. N.C., the Bahcock exhibition and two Near East and the Belgian Con- leges and durIng the first haH Students for a Democratic So< n remarked : "My agents lead a I· Baltimore, the state's major inj( no exception for this one. a $200 special fee . Rogovin studied at the Art Stu· painted In New York last sum· go. In 1951 he won the Prix de of 1967 served as distinguished regional convention launched I Rome for sculpture. visiting professor at the Univer. program of speakers and panel sity of Colorado . of topics including drafl • Beginning in 1953, Strebelle Experimenter underground newspapers and taught at L'Academie Royale and 1n his pollery at Aspen . Colo., on university campuses. L 'InsUtut National SuperIeur des Soldner has experimented wltb After attending a National Beaux-Arts in Antwerp~ He has Raku. a process which had It. Front IN LFI convention in exhibited widely, including ap· beginnings in the Japanese tu Czechoslovakia. early this fall pearances in the 1961 Sao Paulo ceremony. Tn the University show Hanoi. Allen said he Bienale and the 1962 Venice Bi· he will exhibit both wheel-throWll Vietnamese were "indeed ennale. and hand·built forms. all made struggle." Verlltile Designer since he arrived here In Septem· He explained that the Viet A versatile designer, Strebelle ber. "expanded its diplomatic core has undertaken commissions Ineluded will be many decors. and Laos and had offices in ranging from 11 large fountain for tive platters, and bottle and vase London." a Brussels shop complex to por· forms with sculptural idea iJlo" The North Vietnamese are celain table settings for mass corporated. governmental structure i production. He DOW works ex· Soldner will show some 46 paring to take over." Allen elusively on moving sculptures. pieces ran ~i n g in size from 8 ~ In the exhibition here, he will 30 inches in height. The works * * , I include models of two works in vary widely - in color (rom higb progress commissioned for the to very low and subtle colors. and Antiwar Pro - Japanese World Fair. to be held in type from austere. simple in 1970. Photographs of many of pieces to more decorative con. his large works. some of which cepts. Disrupts N.Y Malcolm Jeweler 4th Straighf NEW YORK I.fl - Chan demonstrators streamed ,~-.... ~~ , presents tan for the fourth clashing with police Highway 6 West-Coralville strators and disrupting pers and sightseers drs wn tourist attractions. Outside a government 700 demonstrators engaged in a swinging melee with poUce. least three persons were Hall when t.3cked B marcher carrying a flag. Police reported th e arrest of on Friday the fourth day of BIG DAYS draft" protest, bringing the to 581. Most have been "h"r","; orderly conduct and relea ed pending hearings. Herded 'nto V.n FRIDA Y -SATURDAY -SUNDAY As one /tI'oup was herded into van beneath the Rockefeller mas tree. a man shouted : ' the key after you lock them up DEC. 8---9---10 Jeered. The demonstra tors had been polic~ into two groups after bled in the morning and benan town from Battery Park at tip of Manha ttan island. The [hem to stay on the sidewalks f moved northward EE TV But later the demonstrators Drawing 8 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10th greater numbers as they midtown . Necessary - You Need Not Be Present To Win Bands of demonstrators ran"ed t~:~i~~;~rrii~_t;::::-_r-~~,~.... ~N:();P~I:U:Cl~lO:S:C j10vprnmenl building at 15th IrvIng Place to the military ter at TImes Square to ROlckefelle/ ler. five miles north of Amon ~ them was Dr. Hp" ;"'''''" the famed baby docto r, on the first day of the Tuesday. Communilt Arrested EE Also arrested Tuesday were Green. New York state chairman TRANSISTOR Communist Party, U.S.A.. and .. for Wheeler. a writer for the 15 RADIOS American Communist ne,.vspapEir, with disorderly conduct Free II WELCOME the very a Jan. 10 bearing. In New Haven . Conn .. aboul INSIDE onstrators were arrested as they 5 EACH DAY modern bride barricades at an army induction SEATING in a two·hour protest against the Balloons Contemporary bridal sets by Gold Fashion war. WINNERS ANNOUNCED Ori ginals rellect the sparkle of romant ic today. The demonstrators were and the prom ise of many bright tomorrows. Rockefeller Center by the nr(,.... I'ce of offices of the Dow Ch'emiical OVER KXIC RADIO It's that fire·in·ice excilement 01 fine diamonds 37th noor of the with glowing gold·and·jet·black A group of about 100 delnolls tl'at() ~ peared in Times Square at 1 backgrounds . .. the mosl modern settings quickly encircled the military 'Its Fun To Eat At Mr. Quick imaginable .. . for the imaginative, station on a traffic island. r;; ATTRACTIVE individual and very modern bride. CMAR·BROILED GOLDEN CHOCOLATE· INSIDE DINING ROOM HAMBURGERS FRENCH FRIES VANILLA· STRAWMRRY SEATING 64 18¢ 15¢ SHAKES Studen 25~ and 33~ Several of the students in the class of an instructor relieved of Carry Out ing duties as a result of his . approached a high Universi lration official to find out the Convenient Parking the suspension. Some of them Doubleburger Superburger caled that they oppose the Cheeseburger suspension of their instructor . Meanwhile, the suspended Paul J. Kleinberger. G, Silver 25¢ 35~ 40~ ... and Md., said Friday night that he was tain of why he had been suspended. b!'rger is free on $500 bond on a for the fellow of conspiracy in connection with war demonstration Tuesday. FISH SANDWICH , ...... , ...... 29c ~ by her side is a felony. Three of the students in the ONION RINGS ...... 30c Bold gald.&.black wedding bonds for nis R. Obukowicz, A2. Davenport; E. Block. A2. Davenport; men ... wide and handsome with Ihal Linnevold. AS, Decorah. talked with HOT SOUTHERN TURNOVERS ...... 20e heavy hand·carved look. Mode to ey B. Stull, dean of the College of match her bridal set ... or available wilh eral Arts. Friday about Klelnberger's COFFEE ...... lOe smaller matching band far her. Gold, pension. Another of Kleinberger's Keith R. Evans, AI. Chicago, met w HOT CHOCOLATE ...... , ...... lSc mosterful and un iqu ely ar iginall Stuit Wednesday. At Friday's meeting. Mi s Block most of the talking . She suggested MILK . .... lSc Stuit that if the University lion cared anything about students, PEPSI-COLA lOc - 20c berger would be allowed to at least isb the semester as Instructor of t ORANGE 10c- 20c class, The Daily Iowan has learned. M.thod, o.fondtd Mias Block reportedly told Stuil I ROOT BEER ~ ...... 10c -20c Klelnberger used controversial to promote arguments in the class in ,