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37_139431 bindex.qxp 8/29/07 11:55 PM Page 373 Index anaphylaxis, 199, 201–202 • A • anemia, 51–52, 341 AA (arachidonic acid), 140 animal shelters AAFCO (Association of American Feed adopting from, 59–61 Control Officials), 130 boarding ferrets at, 190 acetaminophen, 204, 215, 262 ferret populations at, 336 acupuncture, 215 aplastic anemia, 51–52, 341 AD (Aleutian Disease), 266–268 arachidonic acid (AA), 140 adenoma, 285 Archetype freeze-dried diet (Wysong), adopting ferrets. See choosing a ferret 251, 362 adrenal gland disease, 275–280 Aristophanes, 24, 311 ADV (Aleutian Disease Virus), 178, 266–268 Aristotle, 24 Advantage (Bayer), 237, 259 Arizona, 37 Africa, 360 artificial insemination, 36 aggression Assist Feed Recipe, 217–220, 246 during breeding season, 52 assist feeding, 219–220 from eating live prey, 134 Association of American Feed Control in new pets, 56 Officials (AAFCO), 130 during play, 306 atrophic gastritis, 249 reason behind, 319–323 Audubon, John James, 35 warning signs, 55 Augustus, Caesar, 24 air returns, ferret-proofing, 92 automobile, traveling by, 183–185 airplane, traveling by, 185–186 Avecon Diagnostics, 268 ALA (alpha-linoleic acid), 139 albino color, 30 • B • Albon, 242 alcohol, 142 baby ferrets (kits) Aleutian Disease Virus (ADV), 178, 266–268 adolescence (10-15 weeks), 353–354 allergic reactions of ferrets, birth–3 weeks, 349–351 199, 201–202, 251 birthing problems, 346–348 alligator roll, 306 COPYRIGHTEDchoosing, MATERIAL 49, 56–57 alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), 139 delivering, 344–346 altering ferrets. See neutering;
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