Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population Report No. 1 – G REGION Population by Province, City, Municipality, and August 2016

ISSN 0117-1453

ISSN 0117-1453


2015 Census

of Population


by Province,

City, Municipality,

and Barangay


Republic of the Philippine Statistics Authority





Honorable Ernesto M. Pernia Chairperson


Lisa Grace S. Bersales, Ph.D. National Statistician

Josie B. Perez Deputy National Statistician Censuses and Technical Coordination Office

Minerva Eloisa P. Esquivias Assistant National Statistician National Censuses Service

ISSN 0117-1453

Presidential Proclamation No. 1269

Philippine Statistics Authority


Foreword v

Presidential Proclamation No. 1269 vii

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms xi

Explanatory Text xiii

Map of the MIMAROPA Region xxi

Highlights of the Philippine Population xxiii

Highlights of the Population : MIMAROPA Region xxvii

Summary Table s

Table A. Population and Annual Population Growth Rates for the Philippines and Its Regions, Provinces, and Highly Urbanized Cities: 2000, 2010, and 2015 xxxii

Table B. Population and Annual Population Growth Rates by Province, City, and Municipality in MIMAROPA Region: 2000, 2010, and 2015 xxxv

Table C. Total Population, Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size by Region, Province, and Highly Urbanized City as of August 1, 2015: Philippines xxxvii

Statistical Tables

Table 1 Total Population, Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size by Province, City, and Municipality as of August 1, 2015: MIMAROPA Region 1

Table 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015:

Marinduque 3 Occidental 9 14 26 City 37 39

Table of Contents 2015 Census of Population


A. Excerpts from Republic Act No. 10625 Relevant to the Conduct of the 2015 Census of Population A-1

B. Executive Order No. 352 – Designation of Statistical Activities That Will Generate Critical Data for Decision-Making of the Government and the Private Sector B-1

C. Presidential Proclamation No. 1031 – Declaring August 2015 as National Census Month C-1

D. Trainings and Fieldwork for the Conduct of the POPCEN 2015 D-1

E. Evaluation of Population Counts from the POPCEN 2015 E-1

F. List of Report No. 1 – Population by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay F-1

x Philippine Statistics Authority LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS

ADB Asian Developmant Bank AHS Average Household Size ARMM Autonomous Region in Muslim Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon CAR Cordilllera Administrative Region CP Census of Population CPH Census of Population and Housing C/MCCB City/Municipal Census Coordinating Board DBM Department of Budget and Management DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government E-QUESTIONNAIRE Electronic Questionnaire EO Executive Officer EO No. 352 Executive Order No. 352 FAO Food and Agriculture Organization HUC Highly Urbanized City ILO International Labor Organization ILQ Institutional Living Quarter LGU Local Government Unit MIMAROPA Mindoro, , Romblon, and Palawan NCCB National Census Coordinating Board NCR National Capital Region NEDA National Economic and Development Authority NGO Nongovernment Organization NIR Region NS National Statistician NSCB National Statistical Coordination Board PCCB Provincial Census Coordinating Board PGR Population Growth Rate PO Provincial Statistical Office POPCEN 2015 2015 Census of Population PSA Philippine Statistics Authority PSO Provincial Statistics Officer R.A. No. 10625 Republic Act No. 10625 RCCB Regional Census Coordinating Board RD Regional Director RSSO Regional Statistical Services Office SAQ Self-Administered Questionnaire South Cotabato, Cotabato City, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, and General Santos Cty TNT Tago Ng Tago UN United Nations USAID United States Agency for International Development



The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) conducted the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015) in August 2015. This is the 14th census of population undertaken in the country.

Like the previous censuses conducted in the country, the POPCEN 2015 was designed to take an inventory of the population of the Philippines and to collect information about its characteristics.


The authority and mandate of the PSA to conduct the POPCEN 2015 emanates from Republic Act (RA) No. 10625 and Executive Order No. 352.

RA No. 10625, also known as the Philippine Statistical Act of 2013, which was approved on 12 September 2013, states that “the PSA shall be primarily responsible for all national censuses and surveys, sectoral statistics, consolidation of administrative recording system, and compilation of national accounts.” Specifically, Section 6(b) of this Act mandates the PSA “to prepare and conduct periodic censuses on population, housing, agriculture, fisheries, business, industry, and other sectors of the economy”.

Executive Order No. 352 – Designation of Statistical Activities That Will Generate Critical Data for Decision-Making of the Government and the Private Sector, stipulates the conduct of a mid-decade census primarily to update the population count in all barangays nationwide.

Moreover, Presidential Proclamation No. 1031, Declaring August 2015 as National Census Month, enjoined all departments and other government agencies, including government-owned and -controlled corporations, as well as local government units (LGUs), to implement and execute the operational plans, directives, and orders of the PSA Board through the PSA, relative to this Proclamation.


Section 9 of RA No. 10625 states that one of the functions of the PSA Board is to prescribe appropriate frameworks for the improvement of statistical coordination and establish mechanisms for statistical coordination at the regional and LGU levels. With this mandated function and being the highest policy making body on statistical matters, the PSA Board was designated as the National Census Coordinating Board (NCCB) for the POPCEN 2015.

Explanatory Text 2015 Census of Population

The NCCB was chaired by the PSA Board Chairperson, who is the Secretary for Socioeconomic Planning and Director, National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA). The Secretary of the Department of Budget and Management or his/her duly authorized Undersecretary served as the NCCB Vice-Chairperson. The members of the Board were the National Statistician (NS) of the PSA, who served as the Executive Officer (EO) of the NCCB; Executive Director of the Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute; one representative each from the executive departments; Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas; Commission on Higher Education; Technical Education and Skills Development Authority; Governance Commission for Government-Owned and - Controlled Corporations; Philippine Statistical Association, Incorporated; Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines; and the private sector.

The local census coordinating boards were composed of the Regional Census Coordinating Board (RCCB), Provincial Census Coordinating Board (PCCB), and City/Municipal Census Coordinating Board (C/MCCB). The PSA Regional Director (RD) was responsible for organizing the RCCB. The RD oversaw the creation of the PCCB by the Provincial Statistics Officer (PSO) in all the provinces under his/her jurisdiction. The PSO, on the other hand, oversaw the creation of the C/MCCB by the Provincial Statistical Office (PO) statistician/staff in all the cities/municipalities under his/her jurisdiction. In provincial capitals where there are no PO statistician/staff designated to create the local CCB, the PSO was responsible for the formation of the C/MCCB.

Aside from the national and local CCBs, the PSA likewise coordinated with other government agencies such as the Philippine Information Agency, National Commission on Indigenous Peoples, National Commission on Muslim Filipinos, and National Commission on Disability Affairs. Coordination was also made with nongovernment organizations (NGOs), religious groups and civic organizations (both at the national and local levels); homeowners, village associations, and building administrators; and indigenous cultural communities/indigenous peoples (ICCs/IPs).


The operational definitions and concepts adopted in the POPCEN 2015 have also been used in the past censuses of population. The use of the same operational definitions of terms and concepts in population censuses ensures comparability of census results. The POPCEN 2015 enumerators were instructed to adhere strictly to these operational definitions.


A barangay is the smallest political unit in the country. Generally, one enumerator (EN) is assigned to enumerate one barangay. The official list of barangays of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) in the Philippine Standard Geographic Code as of December 2015 was used for the POPCEN 2015.

xiv Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Explanatory Text

Usual Place of Residence

All persons were enumerated in their usual place of residence, which refers to the geographic place (street, barangay, city/municipality or province) where the person usually resides. As a rule, a person’s usual place of residence is the place where that person sleeps most of the time. Hence, it may be the same as or different from the place where he/she was found at the time of the census.


A household is a social unit consisting of a person living alone or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food.

In most cases, a household consists of persons who are related by kinship ties, such as parents and their children. In some instances, several generations of familial ties are represented in one household while, still in others, even more distant relatives are included as members of the household.

Some household members may have no relationship to the head of the household, for example, household helpers, boarders, and nonrelatives. They are considered as members of the household provided that they sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food with the household and that they do not go home to their family at least once a week.

A person who shares a housing unit with a household but separately cooks his/her meals or consumes his/her food elsewhere is not considered a member of the household he/she shares the housing unit with. This person should be listed as a separate (one member) household.

Household Population

Household population comprises of persons who belong to a household.

Institutional Living Quarter

Institutional Living Quarter (ILQ) is a structurally separate and independent place of abode intended for habitation by large groups of individuals. Such a quarter usually has certain common facilities such as kitchen and dining rooms, toilet and bath, and lounging areas which are shared by the occupants.

Institutional Population

Institutional population comprises of persons who are found living in ILQs. They may have their own families or households elsewhere but at the time of the census, they are committed or confined in institutions; or they live in ILQs and are usually subject to a common authority or management, or are bound by either a common public objective or a common personal interest.

Philippine Statistics Authority xv Explanatory Text 2015 Census of Population

Household Membership

In determining the household membership, the basic criterion was the usual place of residence or the place where the person usually resided. This may be the same or different from the place where a person was found at the time of the census. As a rule, it was the place where a person usually sleeps.

Who Were Enumerated

As in the past population and housing censuses, ENs of POPCEN 2015 were provided with guidelines on whom to list as members of a household and ILQ. This helped ensure uniformity in determining household membership, institutional population, and in identifying persons to be included in the enumeration or excluded from it. Further, this helped ensure that there was no omission or duplication in the enumeration of persons and households during census-taking. The following guidelines were used in determining household membership and institutional population:

Persons Enumerated as Members of the Household

1. Those who were present at the time of visit and whose usual place of residence was the housing unit where the household lived;

2. Family members who were overseas workers and who were away at the time of the census and were expected to be back within five years from the date of last departure.

These included household members who may or may not have had a specific work contract or had been presently at home on vacation but had an existing overseas employment to return to. Undocumented overseas workers or the so-called TNT (Tago Nang Tago) were still considered as members of the household for as long as they had been away for not more than five years. Immigrants, however, were excluded from the census.

3. Those whose usual place of residence was the place where the household lived but were temporarily away at the time of the census for any of the following reasons:

a. on vacation, business/pleasure trip, or training somewhere in the Philippines and was expected to be back within six months from the date of departure. An example was a person on training with the Armed Forces of the Philippines for not more than six months;

b. on vacation, business/pleasure trip, on study/training abroad and was expected to be back within a year from the date of departure;

c. working or attending school outside their usual place of residence but usually came home at least once a week; xvi Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Explanatory Text

d. confined in hospitals for a period of not more than six months as of the time of enumeration, except when they were confined as patients in mental hospitals, leprosaria/ leper colonies or drug rehabilitation centers, regardless of the duration of their confinement;

e. detained in national/provincial/city/municipal jails or in military camps for a period of not more than six months as of the time of enumeration, except when their sentence or detention was expected to exceed six months;

f. on board coastal, interisland, or fishing vessels within Philippine territories; and

g. on board oceangoing vessels but expected to be back within five years from the date of departure.

4. Boarders/lodgers of the household or employees of household-operated businesses who did not return/go home to their respective households weekly;

5. Citizens of foreign countries who resided or were expected to reside in the Philippines for at least a year from their arrival, except members of diplomatic missions and non-Filipino members of international organizations;

6. Filipino balikbayans with usual place of residence in a foreign country but resided or were expected to reside in the Philippines for at least a year from their arrival; and

7. Persons temporarily staying with the household who had no usual place of residence or who were not certain to be enumerated elsewhere.

Persons Enumerated as Members of the Institutional Population

1. Permanent lodgers in boarding houses;

2. Dormitory residents who did not usually go home to their respective households at least once a week;

3. Hotel residents who stayed in the hotel for more than six months at the time of the census;

4. Boarders in residential houses, provided that their number was 10 or more. However, if the number of boarders in a house was less than 10, they were considered as members of regular households, not of institutions;

5. Patients in hospitals who were confined for more than six months;

Philippine Statistics Authority xvii Explanatory Text 2015 Census of Population

6. Patients confined in mental hospitals, leprosaria or leper colonies, and drug rehabilitation centers, regardless of the length of their confinement;

7. Wards in orphanages, homes for the aged, and other welfare institutions;

8. Prisoners of corrective and penal institutions;

9. Seminarians, nuns in convents, monks, and postulants;

10. Soldiers residing in military camps; and

11. Workers in mining and similar camps.

The following persons were not considered as members of the institutional population and were included in the households to which they belonged:

1. Military officials/enlisted men or draftees (and members of their households) with housing units within military installations or camps;

2. Managers (and members of their households) of refugee camps, dormitories, hotels, hospitals, and other institutions, who occupied and regularly used as their place of abode the living quarters in the institutions that they managed; and

3. Priests, Pastors or Imams, who, together with their relatives and/or household help, occupied and regularly used as their place of abode a living quarter in the church or seminary.

Persons Included in the Census Enumeration

Included in the enumeration were those who were alive as of the POPCEN 2015 reference date, that was, 12:01 a.m. of 1 August 2015 were enumerated. Specifically, these were the following:

1. Filipino nationals permanently residing in the Philippines;

2. Filipino nationals, who, as of 1 August 2015, were temporarily at Philippine sea, or were temporarily on vacation, business/pleasure trip or studying/training abroad and were expected to be back within a year from the date of departure;

3. Filipino overseas workers, including those on board oceangoing vessels, who were away as of 1 August 2015 but were expected to be back within five years from the date of last departure;

4. Philippine government officials, both military and civilian, including Philippine diplomatic personnel and their families, assigned abroad; and

xviii Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Explanatory Text

5. Civilian citizens of foreign countries who had their usual residence in the Philippines, or foreign visitors who had stayed or were expected to stay for at least a year from the date of their arrival in this country.

Persons Excluded in the Census Enumeration

Excluded from the enumeration were the following persons, although they happened to be within the territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines at the time of the census enumeration:

1. Foreign ambassadors, ministers, consuls or other diplomatic representatives, and members of their families;

2. Citizens of foreign countries living within the premises of an embassy, legation, chancellery or consulate;

3. Citizens of foreign countries who were chiefs or officials of international organizations and who were subjected to reassignment to other countries after their tour of duty in the Philippines, and members of their families. Examples of these international organizations are the United Nations (UN), International Labor Organization (ILO), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) or the United States Agency for International Development (USAID);

4. Citizens of foreign countries, together with non-Filipino members of their families, who were students or who were employed or had business in the Philippines, but who had stayed or were expected to stay in the country for less than a year from their arrival;

5. Citizens of foreign countries and Filipinos with usual place of residence in a foreign country, who were visiting the Philippines and who had stayed or were expected to stay in the country for less than a year from their arrival. An example was a balikbayan who had plans to return to his/her usual place of residence abroad after a short vacation or visit in the Philippines;

6. Citizens of foreign countries in refugee camps/vessels; and

7. Residents of the Philippines on vacation, pleasure or business trip, study or training abroad who had been away or were expected to be away from the Philippines for more than one year from their departure.

Method of Enumeration

The gathering of population and housing data was performed by census ENs through house to house visits and interview of a responsible member of each household. Self-Administered Questionnaires (SAQs) and/or Electronic Questionnaires (E- Questionnaires) were provided to households living in special areas, such as high-rise buildings/condominiums, exclusive subdivisions/villages, and townhouses, and institutions where personal interview was not possible. A complete listing of buildings

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which contain living quarters, including the vacant ones, as well as housing units and ILQs was also done.

A complete enumeration was conducted in all barangays nationwide to obtain population count and data on selected characteristics of the household population, household and housing characteristics, and registration of deaths among members of the household in the last two years. For institutional population, selected characteristics were also gathered.

Information about households of Filipinos working in Philippine embassies in foreign countries, as well as homeless population were likewise gathered and included in the total population of the country.

xx Philippine Statistics Authority Map of MIMAROPA Region

N Marinduque

Oriental Mindoro


Puerto Princesa City


Philippine Statistics Authority xxi


° The total population of the Philippines as Table 1. Total Population: Philippines of August 1, 2015 was 100,981,437, (Based on the 2000, 2010, and 2015 Censuses) based on the 2015 Census of Population Census Total Census (POPCEN 2015). Reference Population Year Date (in millions) ° The 2015 total population is higher by 2000 May 1, 2000 76.51 8.64 million compared with the total 2010 May 1, 2010 92.34 population of 92.34 million in 2010, and 2015 August 1, 2015 100.98 by 24.47 million compared with the total population of 76.51 million in 2000. Refer to Table 1. Table 2. Annual Population Growth Rate: Philippines ° The total Philippine population increased (Based on the 2000, 2010, and 2015 Censuses) by 1.72 percent annually, on average, Annual Population during the period 2010 to 2015. By Reference Growth Rate Period comparison, the rate at which the (in percent) country’s total population grew during the period 2000 to 2010 was higher at 1.90 2010-2015 1.72 percent. See Table 2. 2000-2010 1.90

° Of the country’s 18 administrative regions, Region IV-A (CALABARZON) had the biggest total population in 2015 with 14.41 million, followed by the National Capital Region (NCR) with 12.88 million, and Region III (Central ) with 11.22 million. The combined total population of these three regions accounted for about 38.1 percent of the total Philippine population in 2015.

° The Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) was the fastest growing region with an average annual population growth rate (PGR) of 2.89 percent.

° The country has 81 provinces. Of these provinces, Cavite was the most populous in 2015 with 3.68 million persons, followed by Bulacan (3.29 million), and Laguna (3.04 million). Twenty-four other provinces surpassed the one million total population mark. Refer to Table 3.

° Batanes was the smallest province in terms of total population size with 17,246 persons. Two other provinces posted a total population size of less than 100,000. These are Siquijor (95,984) and Camiguin (88,478). Highlights 2015 Census of Population

Table 3. Provinces With More Than One Million Total Population: Philippines, 2015

Total Total Rank Province Population Rank Province Population (in thousands) (in thousands) 1 Cavite 3,678 15 Isabela 1,594 2 Bulacan 3,292 16 Bukidnon 1,415 3 Laguna 3,035 17 Cotabato (North Cotabato) 1,380 4 Pangasinan 2,957 18 Tarlac 1,366 5 Cebu* 2,939 19 Negros Oriental 1,355 6 Rizal 2,884 20 Albay 1,315 7 Batangas 2,694 21 Bohol 1,314 8 * 2,497 22 Cagayan 1,199 9 Pampanga* 2,198 23 Maguindanao 1,174 10 Nueva Ecija 2,151 24 Lanao del Sur 1,045 11 Camarines Sur 1,953 25 Davao del Norte 1,016 12 * 1,936 26 Zamboanga del Norte 1,011 13 Quezon* 1,857 27 Zamboanga del Sur* 1,011 14 Leyte* 1,725 * Excluding the population of highly urbanized cities.

° The Philippines has 33 highly urbanized cities (HUCs). Four of these HUCs had surpassed the one million total population mark, namely, Quezon City (2.94 million), City of (1.78 million), Davao City (1.63 million), and Caloocan City (1.58 million).

° The country has 1,489 municipalities. The three largest municipalities in terms of total population size are all located in the province of Rizal. These are the municipalities of Rodriquez (Montalban) with 369,222 persons, Cainta (332,128), and Taytay (319,104). Fifteen other municipalities had a total population size of more than 150,000. See Table 4.

Table 4. Municipalities With More Than 150,000 Total Population: Philippines, 2015

Rank Municipality Province Total Population 1 Rodriguez (Montalban) Rizal 369,222 2 Cainta Rizal 332,128 3 Taytay Rizal 319,104 4 Binangonan Rizal 282,474 5 Santa Maria Bulacan 256,454 6 San Mateo Rizal 252,527 7 Silang Cavite 248,085 8 Tanza Cavite 226,188 9 Marilao Bulacan 221,965 10 Santo Tomas Batangas 179,844 11 Lubao Pampanga 160,838 12 Gen. Mariano Alvarez Cavite 155,143 13 Mexico Pampanga 154,624 14 Pikit Cotabato (North Cotabato) 154,441 15 Concepcion Tarlac 154,188 16 San Miguel Bulacan 153,882 17 Polomolok South Cotabato 152,589 18 Midsayap Cotabato (North Cotabato) 151,684

xxiv Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Highlights

° The municipality of Kalayaan in Palawan was the smallest municipality in 2015, in terms of total population size, with 184 persons.

° There are 42,036 barangays in the country. The largest barangay in terms of total population size is Barangay 176 in Caloocan City with 247 thousand persons. It was followed by Commonwealth in Quezon City (198,285) and Batasan Hills in Quezon City (161,409). Twelve other barangays posted a total population size of more than a hundred thousand persons. Refer to Table 5.

Table 5. Barangays with More Than 100,000 Total Population: Philippines, 2015

Total Rank Barangay City/Municipality/Province Population 1 Barangay 176 Caloocan City 246,515 2 Commonwealth Quezon City 198,285 3 Batasan Hills Quezon City 161,409 4 Pinagbuhatan City of Pasig 151,979 5 Payatas Quezon City 130,333 6 San Jose Rodriguez (Montalban), Rizal 124,868 7 San Isidro Rodriguez (Montalban), Rizal 117,277 8 City of Muntinlupa 115,387 9 Cupang City of Antipolo, Rizal 113,613 10 Holy Spirit Quezon City 110,447 11 Barangay 178 Caloocan City 107,596 12 Muzon City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan 106,603 13 San Juan Taytay, Rizal 103,343 14 Pasong Tamo Quezon City 103,100 15 San Jose (Pob.) City of Antipolo, Rizal 103,051

° The household population of the Philippines in 2015 was 100,573,715 persons, higher by 8.48 million from the household population of 92.10 million in 2010, and by 23.96 million from the household population of 76.61 million in 2000. See Table 6.

Table 6. Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size: Philippines (Based on the 2000, 2010, and 2015 Censuses) Household Population Number of Households Average Household Census Year (in millions) (in millions) Size 2000 76.61 15.28 5.0 2010 92.10 20.17 4.6 2015 100.57 22.98 4.4

° The total number of households in the country in 2015 was recorded at 22.98 million, higher by 2.81 million compared with the 20.17 million households posted in 2010. In 2000, the total number of households was 15.28 million.

° The country’s average household size (AHS) in 2015 was 4.4 persons, lower than the AHS of 4.6 persons in 2010. In 2000, there were 5.0 persons, on average, per household.

Philippine Statistics Authority xxv Highlights 2015 Census of Population

° Among the country’s 18 regions, Region IV-A had the most number of households with 3.40 million, followed by the NCR with 3.10 million and Region III with 2.57 million. Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) had the least number of households with 396 thousand. Refer to Table 7.

° ARMM had the highest AHS of 6.1 persons, followed by Region V with 4.8 persons. The lowest AHS was recorded in the NCR and Region XI, both with 4.1 persons.

Table 7. Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size by Region: Philippines, 2015 Average Region Household Number Household Population of Households Size

Philippines 100,573,715 22,975,630 4.4 National Capital Region 12,787,669 3,095,766 4.1 Cordillera Administrative Region 1,714,220 395,881 4.3 I – Ilocos 5,014,622 1,151,629 4.4 II – 3,443,493 804,524 4.3 III – 11,184,068 2,566,558 4.4 IV-A – CALABARZON 14,365,137 3,395,383 4.2 MIMAROPA Region 2,946,505 682,668 4.3 V – Bicol 5,780,963 1,216,421 4.8 VI – Western 4,464,277 1,014,987 4.4 VII – 6,008,987 1,388,475 4.3 4,402,196 1,012,323 4.3 VIII – 4,425,172 986,003 4.5 IX – 3,615,108 799,219 4.5 X – 4,663,108 1,042,929 4.5 XI – Davao 4,867,168 1,177,461 4.1 XII – SOCCSKSARGEN 4,531,642 1,050,680 4.3 XIII – 2,588,131 574,338 4.5 Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao 3,771,249 620,385 6.1


 The total population of MIMAROPA Table 1. Total Population of Region as of August 1, 2015 was MIMAROPA Region 2,963,360 based on the 2015 Census of (Based on the 2000, 2010, and 2015 Censuses)

Population (POPCEN 2015). Census Total Census Reference Population Year  The 2015 total population of the region Date (in millions)

is higher by 218,689 compared with the total population of 2.74 million in 2010, 2000 May 1, 2000 2.30 and by 664,131 compared with the total 2010 May 1, 2010 2.74 2015 August 1, 2015 2.96 population of 2.30 million in 2000. Refer to Table 1. Table 2. Annual Population Growth Rate of the MIMAROPA Region  The total population of MIMAROPA (Based on the 2000, 2010, and 2015 Censuses) Region increased by 1.47 percent Annual Population annually, on average, during the period Reference Growth Rate Period 2010 to 2015. By comparison, the rate (in percent)

at which the region’s total population grew during the period 2000 to 2010 2010-2015 1.47 2000-2010 1.79 was higher at 1.79 percent. See Table 2.

 Among the five provinces comprising the region, Palawan (excluding Puerto Princesa City) had the biggest total population in 2015 with 849 thousand, followed by Oriental Mindoro with 844 thousand, Occidental Mindoro with 487 thousand, and Romblon with 293 thousand. Marinduque had the smallest total population with 235 thousand. Refer to Table 3.

 Puerto Princesa City, the only highly urbanized city in the region posted a total population of 255 thousand.

 The total population of MIMAROPA Region accounted for about 2.9 percent of the Philippine population in 2015.

Highlights 2015 Census of Population

Table 3. Total Population by Province/Highly Urbanized City: MIMAROPA Region (Based on the 2000, 2010, and 2015 Censuses)

Total Population (in thousands) Province/Highly Urbanized City 2000 2010 2015

Marinduque 217 228 235 Occidental Mindoro 380 453 487 Oriental Mindoro 682 786 844 Palawan (excluding Puerto Princesa City) 594 772 849 Puerto Princesa City 162 223 255 Romblon 264 284 293

 Palawan (excluding Puerto Princesa City) was the fastest growing province in the region with an average annual population growth rate (PGR) of 1.84 percent during the period 2010 to 2015. It was followed by Occidental Mindoro (1.40 percent), Oriental Mindoro (1.38 percent), and Romblon (0.59 percent). Marinduque posted the lowest provincial PGR of 0.55 percent.

 Puerto Princesa City posted a PGR of 2.62 percent. See Table 4.

Table 4. Annual Population Growth Rate by Province/Highly Urbanized City: MIMAROPA Region (Based on the 2000, 2010, and 2015 Censuses)

Population Growth Rate Province/Highly Urbanized City 2010-2015 2000-2010

Marinduque 0.55 0.47 Occidental Mindoro 1.40 1.76 Oriental Mindoro 1.38 1.43 Palawan (excluding Puerto Princesa City) 1.84 2.66 Puerto Princesa City 2.62 3.24 Romblon 0.59 0.72

 MIMAROPA Region is composed of one highly urbanized city, one component city, 71 municipalities, and 1,459 barangays.

 Among the cities (excluding Puerto Princesa City) and municipalities in the region, the largest in terms of population size is San Jose, Occidental Mindoro with 143,430 persons. It was followed by the City of , Oriental Mindoro (133,893) and , Oriental Mindoro (102,998). Refer to Table 5.

xxviii Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Highlights

Table 5. Top Ten Most Populous City*/Municipalities: MIMAROPA Region, 2015

Rank City/Municipality Province Total Population 1 San Jose Occidental Mindoro 143,430 2 City of Calapan Oriental Mindoro 133,893 3 Naujan Oriental Mindoro 102,998 4 Oriental Mindoro 86,172 5 Occidental Mindoro 83,169 6 Palawan 75,468 7 Taytay Palawan 75,165 8 Narra Palawan 73,212 9 Oriental Mindoro 72,073 10 Brooke’s Point Palawan 66,374 * Excluding Puerto Princesa City

 Kalayaan in Palawan is the least populous city/municipality in MIMAROPA Region with 184 persons. It was followed by Concepcion (4,037) and Banton (5,536) – both in the province of Romblon. Five other municipalities in the province of Romblon and one municipality each in the province of Palawan and in the province of Occidental Mindoro comprise the rest of the ten least populous cities/municipalities in the region. See Table 6.

Table 6. Ten Least Populous City*/Municipalities: MIMAROPA Region, 2015

Rank City/Municipality Province Total Population 1 Kalayaan Palawan 184 2 Concepcion Romblon 4,037 3 Banton Romblon 5,536 4 Palawan 6,285 5 Ferrol Romblon 1 6,964 6 Santa Maria (Imelda) Romblon 2 8,508 7 Looc Occidental Mindoro 10,117 8 Calatrava Romblon 3 10,275 9 Romblon 4 10,283 10 San Jose Romblon 5 10,881 * Excluding Puerto Princesa City

 Of the 1,459 barangays in MIMAROPA Region, the largest in terms of total population size is San Pedro in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan with 22,089 persons. It was followed by Rio Tuba in Bataraza, Palawan (21,330) and Santa Monica in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan (20,094). The rest of the top ten most populous barangays in the region are located in the provinces of Palawan and Occidental Mindoro. Refer to Table 7.

Philippine Statistics Authority xxix Highlights 2015 Census of Population

Table 7. Top Ten Most Populous Barangays: MIMAROPA Region, 2015

Rank Barangay City/Municipality/Province Total Population 1 San Pedro Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 22,089 2 Rio Tuba Bataraza, Palawan 21,330 3 Santa Monica Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 20,094 4 San Miguel Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 19,649 5 San Jose Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 17,521 6 Sicsican Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 15,861 7 Alfonso XIII (Pob.) Quezon, Palawan 15,081 8 San Roque San Jose, Occidental Mindoro 14,706 9 Bancao-bancao Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 13,612 10 San Manuel Puerto Princesa City, Palawan 12,510

 The household population of MIMAROPA Region in 2015 was 2.95 million persons, higher by 215 thousand from the household population of 2.73 million in 2010 and by 653 thousand from the household population of 2.29 million in 2000. See Table 8.

Table 8. Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size: MIMAROPA Region (Based on the 2000, 2010, and 2015 Censuses)

Household Number Average Census Year Population of Households Household (in thousands) (in thousands) Size 2000 2,293 460 5.0 2010 2,732 602 4.5 2015 2,947 695 4.2

 The total number of households in MIMAROPA Region in 2015 was 695 thousand, higher by 92 thousand compared with the 602 thousand households in 2010. In 2000, the total number of households was 460 thousand.

 The region’s average household size in 2015 was 4.2 persons, lower than the average household size of 4.5 persons in 2010 and 5.0 persons in 2000.

 Among the five provinces in MIMAROPA Region, Palawan (excluding Puerto Princesa City) had the most number of households with 198 thousand, followed by Oriental Mindoro with 196 thousand and Occidental Mindoro with 113 thousand. Marinduque had the least number of households with 56 thousand. Refer to Table 9.

 Puerto Princesa City, the only highly urbanized city in the region had 63 thousand households.

xxx Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Highlights

Table 9. Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size by Province and Highly Urbanized City: MIMAROPA Region, 2015

Household Number Average Province/Highly Population of Households Household Urbanized City (in thousands) (in thousands) Size Marinduque 234 56 4.1 Occidental Mindoro 484 113 4.3 Oriental Mindoro 841 196 4.3 Palawan (excluding Puerto Princesa City) 846 198 4.3 Puerto Princesa City 250 63 4.0 Romblon 292 69 4.2

 Occidental Mindoro, Oriental Mindoro, and Palawan (excluding Puerto Princesa City) had an average household size of 4.3 persons each. Puerto Princesa City had the lowest average household size of 4.0 persons.

Philippine Statistics Authority xxxi Summary Table 2015 Census of Population



PHILIPPINES 76,506,928 a 92,337,852 b 100,981,437 c 1.90 1.72 1.84

NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (NCR) 9,932,560 11,855,975 12,877,253 1.78 1.58 1.72 CITY OF MANILA 1,581,082 1,652,171 1,780,148 0.44 1.43 0.78 CITY OF MANDALUYONG 278,474 328,699 386,276 1.67 3.12 2.17 CITY OF MARIKINA 391,170 424,150 450,741 0.81 1.16 0.93 CITY OF PASIG 505,058 669,773 755,300 2.86 2.31 2.67 QUEZON CITY 2,173,831 2,761,720 2,936,116 2.42 1.17 1.99 CITY OF SAN JUAN 117,680 121,430 122,180 0.31 0.12 0.25 CALOOCAN CITY 1,177,604 1,489,040 1,583,978 2.37 1.18 1.96 CITY OF MALABON 338,855 353,337 365,525 0.42 0.65 0.50 CITY OF NAVOTAS 230,403 249,131 249,463 0.78 0.03 0.52 CITY OF VALENZUELA 485,433 575,356 620,422 1.71 1.45 1.62 CITY OF LAS PIÑAS 472,780 552,573 588,894 1.57 1.22 1.45 CITY OF MAKATI 471,379 529,039 582,602 1.16 1.85 1.40 CITY OF MUNTINLUPA 379,310 459,941 504,509 1.95 1.78 1.89 CITY OF PARAÑAQUE 449,811 588,126 665,822 2.72 2.39 2.60 PASAY CITY 354,908 392,869 416,522 1.02 1.12 1.05 PATEROS 57,407 64,147 63,840 1.12 -0.09 0.70 TAGUIG CITY 467,375 644,473 804,915 3.26 4.32 3.63

CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION (CAR) 1,365,412 1,616,867 1,722,006 1.70 1.21 1.53 ABRA 209,491 234,733 241,160 1.14 0.52 0.93 BENGUET (excluding BAGUIO CITY) 330,129 403,944 446,224 2.04 1.91 1.99 BAGUIO CITY 252,386 318,676 345,366 2.36 1.54 2.08 IFUGAO 161,623 191,078 202,802 1.69 1.14 1.50 KALINGA 174,023 201,613 212,680 1.48 1.02 1.32 MOUNTAIN PROVINCE 140,631 154,187 154,590 0.92 0.05 0.62 APAYAO 97,129 112,636 119,184 1.49 1.08 1.35

REGION I - ILOCOS 4,200,478 4,748,372 5,026,128 1.23 1.09 1.18 ILOCOS NORTE 514,241 568,017 593,081 1.00 0.83 0.94 ILOCOS SUR 594,206 658,587 689,668 1.03 0.88 0.98 LA UNION 657,945 741,906 786,653 1.21 1.12 1.18 PANGASINAN 2,434,086 2,779,862 2,956,726 1.34 1.18 1.28

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 2,813,159 3,229,163 3,451,410 1.39 1.27 1.35 BATANES 16,467 16,604 17,246 0.08 0.72 0.30 CAGAYAN 993,580 1,124,773 1,199,320 1.25 1.23 1.24 ISABELA 1,287,575 1,489,645 1,593,566 1.47 1.29 1.41 NUEVA VIZCAYA 366,962 421,355 452,287 1.39 1.36 1.38 QUIRINO 148,575 176,786 188,991 1.75 1.28 1.59

REGION III - CENTRAL LUZON 8,204,742 10,137,737 11,218,177 2.14 1.95 2.07 BATAAN 557,659 687,482 760,650 2.11 1.94 2.06 BULACAN 2,234,088 2,924,433 3,292,071 2.73 2.28 2.57 NUEVA ECIJA 1,659,883 1,955,373 2,151,461 1.65 1.84 1.71 PAMPANGA (excluding ANGELES CITY) 1,614,942 2,014,019 2,198,110 2.23 1.68 2.04 ANGELES CITY 267,788 326,336 411,634 2.00 4.52 2.86 TARLAC 1,068,783 1,273,240 1,366,027 1.76 1.35 1.62 ZAMBALES (excluding OLONGAPO CITY) 433,542 534,443 590,848 2.11 1.93 2.05 OLONGAPO CITY 194,260 221,178 233,040 1.31 1.00 1.20 AURORA 173,797 201,233 214,336 1.48 1.21 1.38

REGION IV-A - CALABARZON 9,320,629 12,609,803 14,414,774 3.07 2.58 2.90 BATANGAS 1,905,348 2,377,395 2,694,335 2.24 2.41 2.30 CAVITE 2,063,161 3,090,691 3,678,301 4.12 3.37 3.86 LAGUNA 1,965,872 2,669,847 3,035,081 3.11 2.47 2.89 QUEZON (excluding LUCENA CITY) 1,482,955 1,740,638 1,856,582 1.61 1.23 1.48 LUCENA CITY 196,075 246,392 266,248 2.31 1.49 2.02 RIZAL 1,707,218 2,484,840 2,884,227 3.82 2.88 3.50

xxxii Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Summary Table



MIMAROPA REGION 1 2,299,229 2,744,671 2,963,360 1.79 1.47 1.68 MARINDUQUE 217,392 227,828 234,521 0.47 0.55 0.50 OCCIDENTAL MINDORO 380,250 452,971 487,414 1.76 1.40 1.64 ORIENTAL MINDORO 681,818 785,602 844,059 1.43 1.38 1.41 PALAWAN (excluding PUERTO PRINCESA CITY) 593,500 771,667 849,469 2.66 1.84 2.38 PUERTO PRINCESA CITY 161,912 222,673 255,116 3.24 2.62 3.02 ROMBLON 264,357 283,930 292,781 0.72 0.59 0.67

REGION V - BICOL 4,686,669 5,420,411 5,796,989 1.46 1.29 1.40 ALBAY 1,090,907 1,233,432 1,314,826 1.23 1.22 1.23 CAMARINES NORTE 470,654 542,915 583,313 1.44 1.38 1.42 CAMARINES SUR 1,551,549 1,822,371 1,952,544 1.62 1.32 1.52 CATANDUANES 215,356 246,300 260,964 1.35 1.11 1.27 MASBATE 707,668 834,650 892,393 1.66 1.28 1.53 SORSOGON 650,535 740,743 792,949 1.31 1.30 1.31

REGION VI - 3,645,315 4,194,579 4,477,247 1.41 1.25 1.36 AKLAN 451,314 535,725 574,823 1.73 1.35 1.60 472,822 546,031 582,012 1.45 1.22 1.37 CAPIZ 654,156 719,685 761,384 0.96 1.08 1.00 ILOILO (excluding ILOILO CITY) 1,559,182 1,805,576 1,936,423 1.48 1.34 1.43 ILOILO CITY 366,391 424,619 447,992 1.49 1.02 1.33 GUIMARAS 141,450 162,943 174,613 1.42 1.33 1.39

REGION VII - CENTRAL VISAYAS 4,576,865 5,513,514 6,041,903 1.88 1.76 1.84 BOHOL 1,139,130 1,255,128 1,313,560 0.97 0.87 0.94 CEBU (excluding the cities of CEBU, LAPU-LAPU, and MANDAUE) 2,160,569 2,619,362 2,938,982 1.94 2.22 2.04 CEBU CITY 718,821 866,171 922,611 1.88 1.21 1.65 LAPU-LAPU CITY (OPON) 217,019 350,467 408,112 4.91 2.94 4.23 MANDAUE CITY 259,728 331,320 362,654 2.46 1.73 2.21 SIQUIJOR 81,598 91,066 95,984 1.10 1.01 1.07

NEGROS ISLAND REGION (NIR) 2 3,695,811 4,194,525 4,414,131 1.27 0.98 1.17 NEGROS OCCIDENTAL (excluding BACOLOD CITY) 3 2,136,647 2,396,039 2,497,261 1.15 0.79 1.03 BACOLOD CITY 429,076 511,820 561,875 1.78 1.79 1.78 NEGROS ORIENTAL 4 1,130,088 1,286,666 1,354,995 1.31 0.99 1.20

REGION VIII - EASTERN VISAYAS 3,610,355 4,101,322 4,440,150 1.28 1.52 1.36 EASTERN SAMAR 375,822 428,877 467,160 1.33 1.64 1.44 LEYTE (excluding TACLOBAN CITY) 1,413,697 1,567,984 1,724,679 1.04 1.83 1.31 TACLOBAN CITY 178,639 221,174 242,089 2.16 1.73 2.01 NORTHERN SAMAR 500,639 589,013 632,379 1.64 1.36 1.54 SAMAR (WESTERN SAMAR) 641,124 733,377 780,481 1.35 1.19 1.30 SOUTHERN LEYTE 360,160 399,137 421,750 1.03 1.05 1.04 BILIRAN 140,274 161,760 171,612 1.43 1.13 1.33

REGION IX - ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA 2,831,412 3,407,353 3,629,783 1.87 1.21 1.64 ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE 823,130 957,997 1,011,393 1.53 1.04 1.36 ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR (excluding ZAMBOANGA CITY) 836,217 959,685 1,010,674 1.39 0.99 1.25 ZAMBOANGA CITY 601,794 807,129 861,799 2.98 1.26 2.38 ZAMBOANGA SIBUGAY 497,239 584,685 633,129 1.63 1.53 1.60 CITY OF ISABELA 73,032 97,857 112,788 2.97 2.74 2.89

REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO 3,505,708 4,297,323 4,689,302 2.06 1.68 1.92 BUKIDNON 1,060,415 1,299,192 1,415,226 2.05 1.64 1.91 CAMIGUIN 74,232 83,807 88,478 1.22 1.04 1.16 LANAO DEL NORTE (excluding ILIGAN CITY) 473,062 607,917 676,395 2.54 2.05 2.37 ILIGAN CITY 285,061 322,821 342,618 1.25 1.14 1.21 MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL 486,723 567,642 602,126 1.55 1.13 1.40 MISAMIS ORIENTAL (excluding CITY) 664,338 813,856 888,509 2.05 1.68 1.92 CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY 461,877 602,088 675,950 2.69 2.23 2.53

Philippine Statistics Authority xxxiii Summary Table 2015 Census of Population



REGION XI - DAVAO 3,676,163 4,468,563 4,893,318 1.97 1.74 1.89 DAVAO DEL NORTE 743,811 945,764 1,016,332 2.43 1.38 2.07 DAVAO DEL SUR (excluding DAVAO CITY) 504,289 574,910 632,588 1.32 1.84 1.50 DAVAO CITY 1,147,116 1,449,296 1,632,991 2.36 2.30 2.34 DAVAO ORIENTAL 446,191 517,618 558,958 1.50 1.47 1.49 COMPOSTELA VALLEY 580,244 687,195 736,107 1.71 1.32 1.57 DAVAO OCCIDENTAL 5 254,512 293,780 316,342 1.44 1.42 1.44

REGION XII - SOCCSKSARGEN 3,222,169 4,109,571 4,545,276 2.46 1.94 2.28 COTABATO (NORTH COTABATO) 958,643 1,226,508 1,379,747 2.49 2.27 2.41 SOUTH COTABATO (excluding GENERAL SANTOS CITY) 690,728 827,200 915,289 1.82 1.94 1.86 GENERAL SANTOS CITY (DADIANGAS) 411,822 538,086 594,446 2.71 1.91 2.43 SULTAN KUDARAT 586,505 747,087 812,095 2.45 1.60 2.16 SARANGANI 410,622 498,904 544,261 1.97 1.67 1.86 COTABATO CITY 163,849 271,786 299,438 5.19 1.86 4.03

REGION XIII - CARAGA 2,095,367 2,429,224 2,596,709 1.49 1.28 1.42 AGUSAN DEL NORTE (excluding BUTUAN CITY) 285,570 332,487 354,503 1.53 1.23 1.43 BUTUAN CITY 267,279 309,709 337,063 1.48 1.62 1.53 AGUSAN DEL SUR 559,294 656,418 700,653 1.61 1.25 1.49 SURIGAO DEL NORTE 374,465 442,588 485,088 1.68 1.76 1.71 SURIGAO DEL SUR 501,808 561,219 592,250 1.12 1.03 1.09 DINAGAT ISLANDS 106,951 126,803 127,152 1.72 0.05 1.14

AUTONOMOUS REGION IN MUSLIM MINDANAO (ARMM) 2,803,045 3,256,140 3,781,387 1.51 2.89 1.98 BASILAN (excluding CITY OF ISABELA) 259,796 293,322 346,579 1.22 3.23 1.91 LANAO DEL SUR 800,162 933,260 1,045,429 1.55 2.18 1.77 MAGUINDANAO (excluding COTABATO CITY) 801,102 944,718 1,173,933 1.66 4.22 2.54 SULU 619,668 718,290 824,731 1.49 2.66 1.89 TAWI-TAWI 322,317 366,550 390,715 1.29 1.22 1.27

Notes: a Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 18,989 persons residing in the areas disputed by the City of Pasig (National Capital Region) and the province of Rizal (Region IV-A); and 2,851 Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates and missions abroad. b Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 2,739 Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions abroad. c Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 2,134 Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions abroad.

1 Renamed pursuant to Republic Act No. 10879, also known as the MIMAROPA Act, which took effect on 17 July 2016. 2 Created into a region under Executive Order No. 183. 3 Transferred province under Executive Order No. 183; taken from Region VI - Western Visayas. 4 Transferred province under Executive Order No. 183; taken from Region VII - Central Visayas. 5 Created into a province under Republic Act No. 10360 dated July 23, 2012; ratified on October 28, 2013; taken from the province of Davao del Sur.

Sources: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2000 Census of Population and Housing Philippine Statistics Authority, 2010 Census of Population and Housing Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

xxxiv Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Summary Table


TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION GROWTH RATE PROVINCE, CITY, AND MUNICIPALITY 2000- 2010- 2000- 1-May-00 1-May-10 1-Aug-15 2010 2015 2015

MIMAROPA REGION * 2,299,229 2,744,671 2,963,360 1.79 1.47 1.68

MARINDUQUE 217,392 227,828 234,521 0.47 0.55 0.50 BOAC (Capital) 48,504 52,892 54,730 0.87 0.65 0.79 BUENAVISTA 19,271 23,111 23,988 1.83 0.71 1.45 GASAN 30,232 33,402 34,828 1.00 0.80 0.93 31,330 33,384 34,043 0.64 0.37 0.55 SANTA CRUZ 60,055 55,673 56,408 -0.75 0.25 -0.41 TORRIJOS 28,000 29,366 30,524 0.48 0.74 0.57

OCCIDENTAL MINDORO 380,250 452,971 487,414 1.76 1.40 1.64 22,212 29,225 31,306 2.78 1.32 2.27 23,503 28,148 29,826 1.82 1.11 1.57 LOOC 9,132 9,758 10,117 0.66 0.69 0.67 LUBANG 22,896 23,068 18,803 0.07 -3.82 -1.28 MAGSAYSAY 28,740 31,969 36,016 1.07 2.29 1.49 (Capital) 30,378 39,237 42,975 2.59 1.75 2.30 12,023 15,223 16,025 2.39 0.98 1.90 RIZAL 29,785 34,458 38,263 1.47 2.01 1.65 SABLAYAN 63,685 76,153 83,169 1.80 1.69 1.76 SAN JOSE 111,009 131,188 143,430 1.68 1.71 1.69 SANTA CRUZ 26,887 34,544 37,484 2.54 1.57 2.20

ORIENTAL MINDORO 681,818 785,602 844,059 1.43 1.38 1.41 BACO 30,167 35,060 37,215 1.51 1.14 1.39 35,032 38,341 40,992 0.91 1.28 1.03 BONGABONG 59,477 66,569 72,073 1.13 1.52 1.27 (SAN PEDRO) 27,698 33,754 39,107 2.00 2.84 2.29 CITY OF CALAPAN (Capital) 105,910 124,173 133,893 1.60 1.44 1.55 GLORIA 38,667 42,012 45,073 0.83 1.35 1.01 39,041 51,705 54,533 2.85 1.02 2.21 NAUJAN 83,892 94,497 102,998 1.20 1.65 1.35 PINAMALAYAN 72,951 81,666 86,172 1.13 1.03 1.10 POLA 31,938 32,984 34,701 0.32 0.97 0.55 21,925 32,521 36,606 4.02 2.28 3.42 ROXAS 41,265 49,854 53,201 1.91 1.24 1.68 SAN TEODORO 13,806 15,810 17,904 1.36 2.40 1.72 SOCORRO 37,176 38,348 39,099 0.31 0.37 0.33 VICTORIA 42,873 48,308 50,492 1.20 0.85 1.08

PALAWAN (excluding PUERTO PRINCESA CITY) 593,500 771,667 849,469 2.66 1.84 2.38 25,540 32,209 35,091 2.35 1.64 2.10 10,422 11,906 12,545 1.34 1.00 1.22 ARACELI 10,894 14,113 14,909 2.62 1.05 2.08 BALABAC 25,257 35,758 40,142 3.54 2.23 3.08 BATARAZA 41,458 63,644 75,468 4.38 3.30 4.00 BROOKE'S POINT 48,928 61,301 66,374 2.28 1.52 2.02 BUSUANGA 15,499 21,358 22,046 3.26 0.61 2.34 CAGAYANCILLO 6,348 7,116 6,285 1.15 -2.34 -0.07 CORON 32,243 42,941 51,803 2.91 3.63 3.16 CUYO 18,257 21,847 22,360 1.81 0.44 1.34 16,616 21,397 23,734 2.56 1.99 2.36 EL NIDO (BACUIT) 27,029 36,191 41,606 2.96 2.69 2.87 9,198 14,180 15,668 4.42 1.92 3.55 MAGSAYSAY 10,885 11,965 12,196 0.95 0.36 0.75 NARRA 56,845 65,264 73,212 1.39 2.21 1.67 QUEZON 41,669 55,142 60,980 2.84 1.93 2.53 ROXAS 47,242 61,058 65,358 2.60 1.30 2.15 SAN VICENTE 21,654 30,919 31,232 3.62 0.19 2.43 TAYTAY 53,657 70,837 75,165 2.82 1.13 2.23

Philippine Statistics Authority xxxv Summary Table 2015 Census of Population


TOTAL POPULATION POPULATION GROWTH RATE PROVINCE, CITY, AND MUNICIPALITY 2000- 2010- 2000- 1-May-00 1-May-10 1-Aug-15 2010 2015 2015

KALAYAAN 223 222 184 -0.04 -3.51 -1.25 15,090 19,543 20,139 2.62 0.57 1.91 RIZAL (MARCOS) 31,745 42,759 50,096 3.02 3.06 3.03 SOFRONIO ESPAÑOLA 26,801 29,997 32,876 1.13 1.76 1.35

PUERTO PRINCESA CITY (Capital) 161,912 222,673 255,116 3.24 2.62 3.02

ROMBLON 264,357 283,930 292,781 0.72 0.59 0.67 ALCANTARA 14,144 15,428 16,351 0.87 1.11 0.95 BANTON 6,769 5,963 5,536 -1.26 -1.40 -1.31 19,369 21,198 21,861 0.91 0.59 0.80 CALATRAVA 8,878 9,776 10,275 0.97 0.95 0.96 CONCEPCION 4,683 4,445 4,037 -0.52 -1.82 -0.97 CORCUERA 10,972 9,935 10,283 -0.99 0.66 -0.42 LOOC 19,898 21,841 22,262 0.94 0.36 0.74 MAGDIWANG 12,032 13,584 14,142 1.22 0.77 1.06 39,069 43,676 45,367 1.12 0.73 0.98 ROMBLON (Capital) 36,612 37,995 38,758 0.37 0.38 0.37 SAN AGUSTIN 21,643 22,116 22,598 0.22 0.41 0.28 SAN ANDRES 13,460 15,028 15,589 1.11 0.70 0.97 SAN FERNANDO 21,214 22,466 23,271 0.57 0.67 0.61 SAN JOSE 8,226 10,294 10,881 2.27 1.06 1.85 SANTA FE 14,140 15,700 16,098 1.05 0.48 0.85 FERROL 5,924 6,802 6,964 1.39 0.45 1.07 SANTA MARIA (IMELDA) 7,324 7,683 8,508 0.48 1.96 0.99

Note: * Renamed pursuant Republic Act No. 10879, also known as the MIMAROPA Act, which took effect on 17 July 2016.

Sources: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2000 Census of Population and Housing Philippine Statistics Authority, 2010 Census of Population and Housing Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

xxxvi Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Summary Table



a PHILIPPINES 100,981,437 100,573,715 22,975,630 4.4

NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (NCR) 12,877,253 12,787,669 3,095,766 4.1 CITY OF MANILA 1,780,148 1,763,348 435,237 4.1 CITY OF MANDALUYONG 386,276 377,850 100,356 3.8 CITY OF MARIKINA 450,741 448,893 98,238 4.6 CITY OF PASIG 755,300 753,030 180,612 4.2 QUEZON CITY 2,936,116 2,919,657 683,126 4.3 CITY OF SAN JUAN 122,180 121,197 28,740 4.2 CALOOCAN CITY 1,583,978 1,581,025 367,878 4.3 CITY OF MALABON 365,525 364,283 86,191 4.2 CITY OF NAVOTAS 249,463 249,176 60,904 4.1 CITY OF VALENZUELA 620,422 619,324 153,041 4.0 CITY OF LAS PIÑAS 588,894 587,675 141,925 4.1 CITY OF MAKATI 582,602 579,433 154,095 3.8 CITY OF MUNTINLUPA 504,509 481,762 122,286 3.9 CITY OF PARAÑAQUE 665,822 663,733 163,074 4.1 PASAY CITY 416,522 412,497 107,619 3.8 PATEROS 63,840 63,643 14,188 4.5 TAGUIG CITY 804,915 801,143 198,256 4.0

CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION (CAR) 1,722,006 1,714,220 395,881 4.3 ABRA 241,160 240,233 53,062 4.5 BENGUET (excluding BAGUIO CITY) 446,224 444,634 106,838 4.2 BAGUIO CITY 345,366 342,200 89,987 3.8 IFUGAO 202,802 202,519 43,281 4.7 KALINGA 212,680 212,003 42,115 5.0 MOUNTAIN PROVINCE 154,590 153,978 35,038 4.4 APAYAO 119,184 118,653 25,560 4.6

REGION I - ILOCOS 5,026,128 5,014,622 1,151,629 4.4 ILOCOS NORTE 593,081 591,198 139,336 4.2 ILOCOS SUR 689,668 687,511 157,043 4.4 LA UNION 786,653 784,646 180,675 4.3 PANGASINAN 2,956,726 2,951,267 674,575 4.4

REGION II - CAGAYAN VALLEY 3,451,410 3,443,493 804,524 4.3 BATANES 17,246 17,108 4,761 3.6 CAGAYAN 1,199,320 1,195,523 271,967 4.4 ISABELA 1,593,566 1,591,017 372,950 4.3 NUEVA VIZCAYA 452,287 451,121 111,340 4.1 QUIRINO 188,991 188,724 43,506 4.3

REGION III - CENTRAL LUZON 11,218,177 11,184,068 2,566,558 4.4 BATAAN 760,650 755,296 173,212 4.4 BULACAN 3,292,071 3,283,215 760,964 4.3 NUEVA ECIJA 2,151,461 2,147,656 496,977 4.3 PAMPANGA (excluding ANGELES CITY) 2,198,110 2,193,394 479,082 4.6 ANGELES CITY 411,634 408,885 96,219 4.2 TARLAC 1,366,027 1,361,763 311,994 4.4 ZAMBALES (excluding OLONGAPO CITY) 590,848 588,353 142,218 4.1 OLONGAPO CITY 233,040 231,823 56,482 4.1 AURORA 214,336 213,683 49,410 4.3

REGION IV-A - CALABARZON 14,414,774 14,365,137 3,395,383 4.2 BATANGAS 2,694,335 2,686,444 613,825 4.4 CAVITE 3,678,301 3,662,844 877,767 4.2 LAGUNA 3,035,081 3,021,537 765,513 3.9 QUEZON (excluding LUCENA CITY) 1,856,582 1,851,792 425,837 4.3 LUCENA CITY 266,248 265,011 59,836 4.4 RIZAL 2,884,227 2,877,509 652,605 4.4

Philippine Statistics Authority xxxvii

Philippine Statistics Authority xxxvii Summary Table 2015 Census of Population



MIMAROPA REGION 1 2,963,360 2,946,505 682,668 4.3 MARINDUQUE 234,521 234,031 54,508 4.3 OCCIDENTAL MINDORO 487,414 483,472 111,714 4.3 ORIENTAL MINDORO 844,059 841,608 190,763 4.4 PALAWAN (excluding PUERTO PRINCESA CITY) 849,469 845,650 195,074 4.3 PUERTO PRINCESA CITY 255,116 250,175 62,247 4.0 ROMBLON 292,781 291,569 68,362 4.3

REGION V - BICOL 5,796,989 5,780,963 1,216,421 4.8 ALBAY 1,314,826 1,312,309 277,127 4.7 CAMARINES NORTE 583,313 581,809 129,999 4.5 CAMARINES SUR 1,952,544 1,947,487 400,615 4.9 CATANDUANES 260,964 258,874 53,814 4.8 MASBATE 892,393 890,170 188,013 4.7 SORSOGON 792,949 790,314 166,853 4.7

REGION VI - WESTERN VISAYAS 4,477,247 4,464,277 1,014,987 4.4 AKLAN 574,823 572,599 133,679 4.3 ANTIQUE 582,012 581,037 129,812 4.5 CAPIZ 761,384 760,307 180,098 4.2 ILOILO (excluding ILOILO CITY) 1,936,423 1,931,532 435,723 4.4 ILOILO CITY 447,992 444,486 95,100 4.7 GUIMARAS 174,613 174,316 40,575 4.3

REGION VII - CENTRAL VISAYAS 6,041,903 6,008,987 1,388,475 4.3 BOHOL 1,313,560 1,308,785 288,515 4.5 CEBU (excluding the cities of CEBU, LAPU-LAPU, and MANDAUE) 2,938,982 2,928,034 669,322 4.4 CEBU CITY 922,611 910,678 213,781 4.3 LAPU-LAPU CITY (OPON) 408,112 406,353 99,573 4.1 MANDAUE CITY 362,654 359,777 94,547 3.8 SIQUIJOR 95,984 95,360 22,737 4.2

NEGROS ISLAND REGION (NIR) 2 4,414,131 4,402,196 1,012,323 4.3 NEGROS OCCIDENTAL (excluding BACOLOD CITY) 3 2,497,261 2,492,432 572,574 4.4 BACOLOD CITY 561,875 558,851 129,076 4.3 NEGROS ORIENTAL 4 1,354,995 1,350,913 310,673 4.3

REGION VIII - EASTERN VISAYAS 4,440,150 4,425,172 986,003 4.5 EASTERN SAMAR 467,160 465,426 106,324 4.4 LEYTE (excluding TACLOBAN CITY) 1,724,679 1,718,543 405,873 4.2 TACLOBAN CITY 242,089 240,513 50,547 4.8 NORTHERN SAMAR 632,379 630,912 126,619 5.0 SAMAR (WESTERN SAMAR) 780,481 778,669 165,286 4.7 SOUTHERN LEYTE 421,750 420,374 92,836 4.5 BILIRAN 171,612 170,735 38,518 4.4

REGION IX - ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA 3,629,783 3,615,108 799,219 4.5 ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE 1,011,393 1,008,000 224,828 4.5 ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR (excluding ZAMBOANGA CITY) 1,010,674 1,007,448 216,714 4.6 ZAMBOANGA CITY 861,799 855,418 193,970 4.4 ZAMBOANGA SIBUGAY 633,129 632,122 140,791 4.5 CITY OF ISABELA 112,788 112,120 22,916 4.9

REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO 4,689,302 4,663,108 1,042,929 4.5 BUKIDNON 1,415,226 1,406,764 308,777 4.6 CAMIGUIN 88,478 88,281 20,080 4.4 LANAO DEL NORTE (excluding ILIGAN CITY) 676,395 674,771 140,350 4.8 ILIGAN CITY 342,618 339,057 76,593 4.4 MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL 602,126 599,213 134,870 4.4 MISAMIS ORIENTAL (excluding CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY) 888,509 884,428 199,020 4.4 CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY 675,950 670,594 163,239 4.1

xxxviii Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Summary Table



REGION XI - DAVAO 4,893,318 4,867,168 1,177,461 4.1 DAVAO DEL NORTE 1,016,332 1,006,888 233,232 4.3 DAVAO DEL SUR (excluding DAVAO CITY) 632,588 630,672 158,796 4.0 DAVAO CITY 1,632,991 1,622,427 409,951 4.0 DAVAO ORIENTAL 558,958 557,025 128,574 4.3 COMPOSTELA VALLEY 736,107 734,402 169,477 4.3 DAVAO OCCIDENTAL 5 316,342 315,754 77,431 4.1

REGION XII - SOCCSKSARGEN 4,545,276 4,531,642 1,050,680 4.3 COTABATO (NORTH COTABATO) 1,379,747 1,373,962 320,567 4.3 SOUTH COTABATO (excluding GENERAL SANTOS CITY) 915,289 912,957 217,944 4.2 GENERAL SANTOS CITY (DADIANGAS) 594,446 592,884 144,340 4.1 SULTAN KUDARAT 812,095 810,199 184,650 4.4 SARANGANI 544,261 543,417 124,313 4.4 COTABATO CITY 299,438 298,223 58,866 5.1

REGION XIII - CARAGA 2,596,709 2,588,131 574,338 4.5 AGUSAN DEL NORTE (excluding BUTUAN CITY) 354,503 353,595 77,641 4.6 BUTUAN CITY 337,063 335,377 76,216 4.4 AGUSAN DEL SUR 700,653 698,764 153,653 4.5 SURIGAO DEL NORTE 485,088 482,821 108,814 4.4 SURIGAO DEL SUR 592,250 590,641 129,457 4.6 DINAGAT ISLANDS 127,152 126,933 28,557 4.4

AUTONOMOUS REGION IN MUSLIM MINDANAO (ARMM) 3,781,387 3,771,249 620,385 6.1 BASILAN (excluding CITY OF ISABELA) 346,579 346,288 59,860 5.8 LANAO DEL SUR 1,045,429 1,038,883 160,132 6.5 MAGUINDANAO (excluding COTABATO CITY) 1,173,933 1,172,381 194,507 6.0 SULU 824,731 823,983 138,357 6.0 TAWI-TAWI 390,715 389,714 67,529 5.8

Notes: a Population counts for the regions do not add up to the national total. Includes 2,134 Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates and missions abroad.

1 Renamed pursuant to Republic Act No. 10879, also known as the MIMAROPA Act, which took effect on 17 July 2016. 2 Created into a region under Executive Order No. 183. 3 Transferred province under Executive Order No. 183; taken from Region VI - Western Visayas. 4 Transferred province under Executive Order No. 183; taken from Region VII - Central Visayas. 5 Created into a province under Republic Act No. 10360 dated July 23, 2012; ratified on October 28, 2013; taken from the province of Davao del Sur.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

Philippine Statistics Authority xxxix

2015 Census of Population MIMAROPA REGION

TABLE 1 Total Population, Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size by Province, City, and Municipality as of August 1, 2015: MIMAROPA REGION (total population includes institutional population)

Total Household Number Average Province, City, and Municipality Population Population of Households Household Size

MIMAROPA REGION * 2,963,360 2,946,505 682,668 4.3

MARINDUQUE 234,521 234,031 54,508 4.3 BOAC (Capital) 54,730 54,384 12,679 4.3 BUENAVISTA 23,988 23,986 5,312 4.5 GASAN 34,828 34,801 8,070 4.3 MOGPOG 34,043 34,030 8,241 4.1 SANTA CRUZ 56,408 56,318 13,340 4.2 TORRIJOS 30,524 30,512 6,866 4.4

OCCIDENTAL MINDORO 487,414 483,472 111,714 4.3 ABRA DE ILOG 31,306 31,180 7,329 4.3 CALINTAAN 29,826 29,780 6,451 4.6 LOOC 10,117 10,103 2,421 4.2 LUBANG 18,803 18,744 4,777 3.9 MAGSAYSAY 36,016 36,011 7,819 4.6 MAMBURAO (Capital) 42,975 42,769 10,025 4.3 PALUAN 16,025 15,920 3,603 4.4 RIZAL 38,263 38,262 8,468 4.5 SABLAYAN 83,169 80,610 18,558 4.3 SAN JOSE 143,430 142,762 33,208 4.3 SANTA CRUZ 37,484 37,331 9,055 4.1

ORIENTAL MINDORO 844,059 841,608 190,763 4.4 BACO 37,215 37,182 8,326 4.5 BANSUD 40,992 40,859 9,250 4.4 BONGABONG 72,073 71,909 16,753 4.3 BULALACAO (SAN PEDRO) 39,107 39,044 8,542 4.6 CITY OF CALAPAN (Capital) 133,893 132,864 30,734 4.3 GLORIA 45,073 45,011 10,366 4.3 MANSALAY 54,533 54,487 11,286 4.8 NAUJAN 102,998 102,903 23,348 4.4 PINAMALAYAN 86,172 85,948 19,551 4.4 POLA 34,701 34,699 8,192 4.2 PUERTO GALERA 36,606 36,311 8,322 4.4 ROXAS 53,201 53,033 11,719 4.5 SAN TEODORO 17,904 17,882 4,058 4.4 SOCORRO 39,099 39,044 9,108 4.3 VICTORIA 50,492 50,432 11,208 4.5

PALAWAN * 849,469 845,650 195,074 4.3 ABORLAN 35,091 35,004 8,294 4.2 AGUTAYA 12,545 12,492 3,045 4.1 ARACELI 14,909 14,895 3,294 4.5 BALABAC 40,142 39,853 8,445 4.7 BATARAZA 75,468 75,174 17,983 4.2 BROOKE'S POINT 66,374 66,310 15,474 4.3 BUSUANGA 22,046 21,858 5,051 4.3 CAGAYANCILLO 6,285 6,275 1,184 5.3 CORON 51,803 51,246 11,512 4.5 CUYO 22,360 22,184 5,103 4.3

Philippine Statistics Authority 1 MIMAROPA REGION 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 1 Total Population, Household Population, Number of Households, and Average Household Size by Province, City, and Municipality as of August 1, 2015: MIMAROPA REGION (total population includes institutional population)

Total Household Number Average Province, City, and Municipality Population Population of Households Household Size

DUMARAN 23,734 23,684 5,812 4.1 EL NIDO (BACUIT) 41,606 41,319 9,490 4.4 LINAPACAN 15,668 15,593 3,370 4.6 MAGSAYSAY 12,196 12,196 2,733 4.5 NARRA 73,212 72,992 16,922 4.3 QUEZON 60,980 60,755 13,941 4.4 ROXAS 65,358 65,167 15,377 4.2 SAN VICENTE 31,232 31,147 6,711 4.6 TAYTAY 75,165 74,463 16,137 4.6 KALAYAAN 184 96 31 3.1 CULION 20,139 20,070 4,652 4.3 RIZAL (MARCOS) 50,096 50,040 12,826 3.9 SOFRONIO ESPAÑOLA 32,876 32,837 7,687 4.3

PUERTO PRINCESA CITY (CAPITAL) 255,116 250,175 62,247 4.0

ROMBLON 292,781 291,569 68,362 4.3 ALCANTARA 16,351 16,343 3,673 4.4 BANTON 5,536 5,531 1,420 3.9 CAJIDIOCAN 21,861 21,849 4,983 4.4 CALATRAVA 10,275 10,274 2,334 4.4 CONCEPCION 4,037 4,036 1,048 3.9 CORCUERA 10,283 10,271 2,471 4.2 LOOC 22,262 22,243 5,380 4.1 MAGDIWANG 14,142 14,133 3,079 4.6 ODIONGAN 45,367 44,638 11,460 3.9 ROMBLON (Capital) 38,758 38,466 8,997 4.3 SAN AGUSTIN 22,598 22,541 5,273 4.3 SAN ANDRES 15,589 15,589 3,550 4.4 SAN FERNANDO 23,271 23,244 5,055 4.6 SAN JOSE 10,881 10,848 2,392 4.5 SANTA FE 16,098 16,094 3,711 4.3 FERROL 6,964 6,963 1,656 4.2 SANTA MARIA (IMELDA) 8,508 8,506 1,880 4.5

Notes: * Renamed pursuant Republic Act No. 10879, also known as the MIMAROPA Act, which took effect on 17 July 2016. * Excludes Puerto Princesa City.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

2 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Marinduque

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Marinduque (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

MARINDUQUE 234,521 234,031 54,508

BOAC (Capital) 54,730 54,384 12,679 Agot 697 697 152 Agumaymayan 531 531 135 Amoingon 1,316 1,316 335 Apitong 436 436 105 Balagasan 752 752 196 Balaring 521 521 128 Balimbing 1,492 1,488 369 Balogo 1,565 1,562 327 Bangbangalon 1,260 1,260 326 Bamban 438 438 109 Bantad 1,334 1,313 315 Bantay 1,478 1,478 354 Bayuti 200 200 47 Binunga 711 711 140 Boi 693 693 141 Boton 228 228 57 Buliasnin 1,296 1,296 288 Bunganay 1,903 1,903 390 Maligaya 772 772 183 Caganhao 1,040 1,040 242 Canat 610 610 143 Catubugan 651 651 154 Cawit 2,417 2,417 539 Daig 531 531 126 Daypay 320 320 79 Duyay 1,555 1,555 360 Ihatub 1,179 1,179 285 Isok II Pob. (Kalamias) 753 753 158 Hinapulan 653 650 158 Laylay 2,540 2,532 587 Lupac 1,732 1,732 397 Mahinhin 623 623 147 Mainit 852 852 185 Malbog 489 489 125 Malusak (Pob.) 293 285 80 Mansiwat 385 385 96

Philippine Statistics Authority 3 Marinduque 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Marinduque (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Mataas Na Bayan (Pob.) 571 542 131 Maybo 930 930 224 Mercado (Pob.) 1,475 1,475 322 Murallon (Pob.) 513 513 120 Ogbac 371 371 95 Pawa 792 792 172 Pili 367 367 84 Poctoy 333 333 84 Poras 982 977 264 Puting Buhangin 530 530 132 Puyog 904 904 213 Sabong 85 85 22 San Miguel (Pob.) 216 206 61 Santol 1,670 1,642 369 Sawi 989 989 221 Tabi 1,525 1,525 398 Tabigue 876 876 204 Tagwak 346 346 82 Tambunan 573 573 115 Tampus (Pob.) 1,246 1,246 275 Tanza 1,810 1,606 385 Tugos 1,514 1,514 378 Tumagabok 408 408 92 Tumapon 181 181 38 Isok I (Pob.) 1,277 1,254 240

BUENAVISTA 23,988 23,986 5,312 Bagacay 1,091 1,091 251 Bagtingon 1,623 1,623 382 Bicas-bicas 775 775 190 Caigangan 2,459 2,459 537 Daykitin 3,011 3,011 652 Libas 2,301 2,301 472 Malbog 1,782 1,782 389 Sihi 1,478 1,478 320 Timbo (Sanggulong) 1,030 1,030 236 Tungib-Lipata 2,299 2,299 522 Yook 3,249 3,249 684 Barangay I (Pob.) 1,255 1,253 290

4 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Marinduque

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Marinduque (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Barangay II (Pob.) 413 413 93 Barangay III (Pob.) 584 584 141 Barangay IV (Pob.) 638 638 153

GASAN 34,828 34,801 8,070 Antipolo 1,560 1,560 365 Bachao Ibaba 1,027 1,027 252 Bachao Ilaya 1,036 1,036 245 Bacongbacong 1,022 1,022 249 Bahi 1,953 1,953 467 Bangbang 1,602 1,602 336 Banot 909 909 204 Banuyo 1,564 1,564 342 Bognuyan 977 977 236 Cabugao 814 814 191 Dawis 1,999 1,999 507 Dili 1,821 1,821 409 Libtangin 1,451 1,451 345 Mahunig 1,038 1,038 243 Mangiliol 532 532 109 Masiga 2,777 2,758 593 Matandang Gasan 1,581 1,581 358 Pangi 1,755 1,755 419 Pingan 2,059 2,059 469 Tabionan 1,222 1,222 287 Tapuyan 1,371 1,367 308 Tiguion 2,966 2,966 696 Barangay I (Pob.) 816 812 192 Barangay II (Pob.) 373 373 99 Barangay III (Pob.) 603 603 149

MOGPOG 34,043 34,030 8,241 Anapog-Sibucao 787 787 169 Argao 1,249 1,249 306 Balanacan 3,258 3,255 793 Banto 320 320 74 Bintakay 2,382 2,382 588 Bocboc 675 675 190 Butansapa 966 966 222

Philippine Statistics Authority 5 Marinduque 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Marinduque (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Candahon 386 386 97 Capayang 1,311 1,311 333 Danao 663 663 161 Dulong Bayan (Pob.) 757 756 198 Gitnang Bayan (Pob.) 501 501 131 Guisian 1,372 1,372 328 Hinadharan 195 195 50 Hinanggayon 495 495 123 Ino 1,472 1,472 348 Janagdong 1,402 1,402 309 Lamesa 494 494 130 Laon 1,451 1,451 358 Magapua 1,150 1,150 300 Malayak 351 351 81 Malusak 365 365 98 Mampaitan 216 216 58 Mangyan-Mababad 246 246 65 Market Site (Pob.) 864 864 221 Mataas Na Bayan 739 730 189 Mendez 722 722 161 Nangka I 1,146 1,146 240 Nangka II 940 940 222 Paye 1,188 1,188 237 Pili 526 526 133 Puting Buhangin 749 749 187 Sayao 1,456 1,456 358 Silangan 748 748 172 Sumangga 1,315 1,315 330 Tarug 580 580 136 Villa Mendez (Pob.) 606 606 145

SANTA CRUZ 56,408 56,318 13,340 Alobo 1,087 1,087 272 Angas 1,169 1,169 244 Aturan 1,196 1,196 286 Bagong Silang Pob. (2nd Zone) 1,057 1,057 264 Baguidbirin 187 187 44 Baliis 724 724 160 Balogo 1,114 1,114 275

6 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Marinduque

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Marinduque (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Banahaw Pob. (3rd Zone) 2,211 2,188 534 Bangcuangan 662 662 133 Banogbog 454 454 107 Biga 336 336 86 Botilao 1,100 1,100 245 Buyabod 2,719 2,699 553 Dating Bayan 419 419 110 Devilla 633 633 140 Dolores 1,535 1,535 400 Haguimit 514 514 118 Hupi 1,619 1,619 366 Ipil 2,106 2,106 537 Jolo 256 256 73 Kaganhao 632 632 164 Kalangkang 478 478 118 Kamandugan 643 643 164 Kasily 1,045 1,045 233 Kilo-kilo 906 906 243 Kiñaman 384 384 92 Labo 531 531 127 Lamesa 937 937 199 Landy 1,564 1,564 395 Lapu-lapu Pob. (5th Zone) 3,221 3,221 726 Libjo 293 293 70 Lipa 1,416 1,416 307 Lusok 917 917 237 Maharlika Pob. (1st Zone) 608 608 160 Makulapnit 457 457 119 Maniwaya 1,482 1,482 373 Manlibunan 889 889 173 Masaguisi 1,411 1,411 305 Masalukot 693 677 146 Matalaba 1,523 1,511 352 Mongpong 1,353 1,351 332 Morales 773 773 185 Napo 1,727 1,725 436 Pag-Asa Pob. (4th Zone) 1,654 1,639 339 Pantayin 427 427 120 Polo 946 946 228

Philippine Statistics Authority 7 Marinduque 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Marinduque (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Pulong-Parang 760 760 201 Punong 643 643 162 San Antonio 853 853 235 San Isidro 453 453 119 Tagum 1,177 1,177 261 Tamayo 806 806 208 Tambangan 865 865 180 Tawiran 1,420 1,420 314 Taytay 1,423 1,423 370

TORRIJOS 30,524 30,512 6,866 Bangwayin 325 325 73 Bayakbakin 316 316 75 Bolo 505 505 102 Bonliw 1,199 1,199 329 Buangan 2,253 2,253 472 Cabuyo 1,757 1,757 396 Cagpo 547 547 125 Dampulan 1,041 1,041 236 Kay Duke 512 512 126 Mabuhay 518 518 105 Makawayan 1,273 1,273 271 Malibago 2,901 2,901 580 Malinao 759 759 150 Maranlig 1,497 1,497 365 Marlangga 1,321 1,321 311 Matuyatuya 1,006 1,004 241 Nangka 916 916 254 Pakaskasan 394 394 99 Payanas 746 746 176 Poblacion 3,389 3,386 783 Poctoy 1,145 1,145 269 Sibuyao 1,689 1,682 364 Suha 1,654 1,654 338 Talawan 443 443 100 Tigwi 2,418 2,418 526

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

8 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Occidental Mindoro

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Occidental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

OCCIDENTAL MINDORO 487,414 483,472 111,714

ABRA DE ILOG 31,306 31,180 7,329 Balao 3,347 3,347 800 Cabacao 5,730 5,703 1,402 Lumangbayan 3,527 3,527 871 Poblacion 2,720 2,621 709 San Vicente 2,855 2,855 611 Tibag 2,074 2,074 519 Udalo (Camurong) 3,944 3,944 873 Wawa 3,096 3,096 679 Armado 2,136 2,136 513 Santa Maria 1 1,877 1,877 352

CALINTAAN 29,826 29,780 6,451 Concepcion 3,652 3,638 821 Iriron 3,934 3,923 878 Malpalon 2,572 2,572 512 New Dagupan 5,272 5,272 1,148 Poblacion 7,173 7,152 1,612 Poypoy 3,293 3,293 676 Tanyag 3,930 3,930 804

LOOC 10,117 10,103 2,421 Agkawayan 1,554 1,554 394 Ambil 2,035 2,035 443 Balikyas 760 760 160 Bonbon (Pob.) 1,089 1,089 269 Bulacan 819 819 229 Burol 902 902 220 Guitna (Pob.) 612 599 143 Kanluran (Pob.) 615 615 150 Talaotao 1,731 1,730 413

LUBANG 18,803 18,744 4,777 Binakas 1,162 1,162 270 Cabra 1,762 1,762 461 Maligaya 701 701 162 Maliig 2,349 2,348 553

Philippine Statistics Authority 9 Occidental Mindoro 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Occidental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Tagbac 3,004 3,000 782 Tangal 2,521 2,510 609 Tilik 2,008 2,005 524 Vigo 1,926 1,907 494 Surville (Pob.) 121 120 27 Araw At Bituin (Pob.) 447 446 120 Bagong Sikat (Pob.) 358 358 99 Banaag At Pag-Asa (Pob.) 335 335 107 Likas Ng Silangan (Pob.) 455 455 121 Maginhawa (Pob.) 900 881 226 Ninikat Ng Pag-Asa (Pob.) 392 392 119 Paraiso (Pob.) 362 362 103

MAGSAYSAY 36,016 36,011 7,819 Alibog 2,802 2,802 523 Caguray 3,143 3,143 668 Calawag 1,055 1,055 231 Gapasan 2,038 2,038 455 Laste 1,699 1,699 346 Lourdes 1,921 1,921 388 Nicolas (Bulo) 3,277 3,277 664 Paclolo 2,857 2,857 646 Poblacion 8,987 8,984 2,205 Purnaga 4,226 4,226 882 Santa Teresa 2,307 2,305 479 Sibalat 1,704 1,704 332

MAMBURAO (Capital) 42,975 42,769 10,025 Balansay 6,958 6,942 1,621 Fatima (Tii) 2,080 2,060 442 Payompon 10,706 10,574 2,767 San Luis (Ligang) 1,267 1,234 269 Talabaan 2,556 2,556 567 Tangkalan 2,677 2,677 585 Tayamaan 8,764 8,764 1,941 Poblacion 1 (Barangay 1) 251 251 71 Poblacion 2 (Barangay 2) 2,221 2,221 488 Poblacion 3 (Barangay 3) 218 218 61 Poblacion 4 (Barangay 4) 866 866 215

10 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Occidental Mindoro

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Occidental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Poblacion 5 (Barangay 5) 434 434 109 Poblacion 6 (Barangay 6) 567 567 126 Poblacion 7 (Barangay 7) 2,197 2,197 494 Poblacion 8 (Barangay 8) 1,213 1,208 269

PALUAN 16,025 15,920 3,603 Alipaoy 1,635 1,610 325 Harrison 3,461 3,461 709 Lumangbayan 809 809 172 Mananao 1,895 1,895 403 Marikit 1,596 1,596 420 Mapalad Pob. (Bgy 1) 1,789 1,789 416 Handang Tumulong Pob. (Bgy 2) 442 442 100 Silahis Ng Pag-Asa Pob. (Bgy 3) 533 533 142 Pag-Asa Ng Bayan Pob. (Bgy 4) 372 372 111 Bagong Silang Pob. (Bgy 5) 250 170 48 San Jose Pob. (Bgy 6) 631 631 156 Tubili 2,612 2,612 601

RIZAL 38,263 38,262 8,468 Adela 3,451 3,451 829 Aguas 2,665 2,665 647 Magsikap 3,240 3,240 701 Malawaan 5,285 5,285 1,186 Pitogo 2,513 2,513 589 Rizal 3,327 3,327 622 Rumbang 3,524 3,524 761 Salvacion 2,357 2,357 499 San Pedro 2,703 2,702 616 Santo Niño 3,517 3,517 831 Manoot 5,681 5,681 1,187

SABLAYAN 83,169 80,610 18,558 Batong Buhay 4,683 4,683 1,054 Buenavista 8,908 8,899 2,056 Burgos 2,559 2,516 527 Claudio Salgado 4,278 4,278 1,008 General Emilio Aguinaldo 2,418 2,418 540 Ibud 1,903 1,903 454

Philippine Statistics Authority 11 Occidental Mindoro 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Occidental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Ilvita 2,816 2,816 668 Ligaya 7,648 7,647 1,610 Poblacion (Lumangbayan) 7,053 7,029 1,660 Paetan 1,646 1,646 387 Pag-Asa 4,490 4,489 1,101 San Agustin 1,944 1,944 409 San Francisco 3,254 3,254 746 San Nicolas 1,964 1,964 415 San Vicente 4,962 4,962 1,172 Santa Lucia 4,800 4,750 1,058 Santo Niño 6,187 6,172 1,498 Tagumpay 1,703 1,703 403 Victoria 1,356 1,356 333 Lagnas 1,630 1,630 377 Malisbong 3,998 1,590 402 Tuban 2,969 2,961 680

SAN JOSE 143,430 142,762 33,208 Ambulong 2,224 2,224 453 Ansiray 1,032 1,032 197 Bagong Sikat 6,564 6,564 1,593 Bangkal 933 933 187 Barangay 1 (Pob.) 283 283 79 Barangay 2 (Pob.) 415 415 100 Barangay 3 (Pob.) 1,323 1,323 327 Barangay 4 (Pob.) 500 497 116 Barangay 5 (Pob.) 1,569 1,569 411 Barangay 6 (Pob.) 398 397 105 Barangay 7 (Pob.) 436 394 112 Barangay 8 (Pob.) 348 336 101 Batasan 6,260 6,212 1,369 Bayotbot 2,492 2,492 566 Bubog 9,356 9,342 2,171 Buri 607 607 135 Camburay 1,849 1,849 404 Caminawit 12,223 12,223 2,607 Catayungan 1,021 1,021 226 Central 10,901 10,899 2,494 Iling Proper 2,124 2,114 455

12 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Occidental Mindoro

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Occidental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Inasakan 625 625 139 Ipil 789 789 156 La Curva 3,034 3,034 736 Labangan Iling 1,070 1,070 220 Labangan Poblacion 9,683 9,591 2,442 Mabini 2,938 2,938 714 Magbay 4,299 3,968 934 Mangarin 3,410 3,410 812 Mapaya 7,982 7,982 1,903 Murtha 5,985 5,891 1,335 Monte Claro 3,855 3,855 950 Natandol 1,521 1,521 315 Pag-Asa 11,232 11,232 2,777 Pawican 2,295 2,295 438 San Agustin 5,363 5,363 1,220 San Isidro 1,785 1,785 417 San Roque 14,706 14,687 3,492

SANTA CRUZ 37,484 37,331 9,055 Alacaak 3,290 3,188 756 Barahan 6,339 6,339 1,545 Casague 2,838 2,838 702 Dayap 2,519 2,503 615 Lumangbayan 3,037 3,037 734 Mulawin 3,802 3,802 931 Pinagturilan (San Pedro) 7,710 7,710 1,843 Poblacion I (Barangay 1) 1,821 1,811 465 San Vicente 2,020 2,020 435 Poblacion II (Barangay 2) 2,594 2,569 679 Kurtinganan 1,514 1,514 350

Note: 1 Created into a barangay under Provincial Resolution No.124, series of 2013; ratified on September 13, 2014; taken from barangay Wawa, Abra de Ilog.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

Philippine Statistics Authority 13 Oriental Mindoro 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Oriental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

ORIENTAL MINDORO 844,059 841,608 190,763

BACO 37,215 37,182 8,326 Alag 1,198 1,198 272 Bangkatan 1,974 1,974 449 Burbuli 675 675 148 Catwiran I 1,387 1,387 306 Catwiran II 1,538 1,536 331 Dulangan I 1,869 1,869 408 Dulangan II 2,406 2,406 534 Lumang Bayan 584 584 141 Malapad 446 446 101 Mangangan I 2,498 2,498 580 Mangangan II 766 766 184 Mayabig 1,422 1,422 339 Pambisan 1,114 1,114 261 Pulang-Tubig 849 849 179 Putican-Cabulo 473 473 104 San Andres 284 284 73 San Ignacio (Dulangan III) 1,986 1,986 416 Santa Cruz 440 440 96 Santa Rosa I 1,884 1,884 466 Santa Rosa II 1,702 1,689 361 Tabon-tabon 1,548 1,548 347 Tagumpay 1,439 1,439 331 Water 1,467 1,467 339 Baras (Mangyan Minority) 1,626 1,626 296 Bayanan 1,623 1,623 394 Lantuyang (Mangyan Minority) 996 996 207 Poblacion 3,021 3,003 663

BANSUD 40,992 40,859 9,250 Alcadesma 2,184 2,184 486 Bato 842 842 206 Conrazon 4,105 4,105 932 Malo 1,875 1,875 449 Manihala 1,063 1,063 217 Pag-Asa 3,193 3,109 779 Poblacion 6,891 6,845 1,517

14 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Oriental Mindoro

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Oriental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Proper Bansud 3,337 3,337 780 Rosacara 2,280 2,280 510 Salcedo 5,135 5,135 1,184 Sumagui 3,014 3,014 661 Proper Tiguisan 2,347 2,347 521 Villa Pag-asa 4,726 4,723 1,008

BONGABONG 72,073 71,909 16,753 Anilao 2,956 2,956 717 Batangan 1,279 1,279 290 Bukal 783 783 191 Camantigue 1,782 1,782 410 Carmundo 1,649 1,649 370 Cawayan 2,957 2,957 641 Dayhagan 1,990 1,990 408 Formon 1,587 1,587 380 Hagan 3,397 3,358 777 Hagupit 672 672 181 Kaligtasan 2,467 2,467 584 Labasan 4,713 4,683 1,180 Labonan 1,562 1,562 337 Libertad 1,736 1,736 411 Lisap 6,075 6,075 1,352 Luna 1,293 1,293 321 Malitbog 3,131 3,110 734 Mapang 825 821 182 Masaguisi 2,257 2,255 545 Morente 1,833 1,833 384 Ogbot 1,171 1,171 254 Orconuma 1,860 1,827 440 Polusahi 1,011 1,011 233 Sagana 2,699 2,699 606 San Isidro 2,082 2,076 505 San Jose 1,115 1,115 264 San Juan 467 467 124 Santa Cruz 1,215 1,215 241 Sigange 1,348 1,348 325 Tawas 1,485 1,485 328 Poblacion 1,790 1,781 447

Philippine Statistics Authority 15 Oriental Mindoro 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Oriental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Aplaya 2,702 2,702 621 Bagumbayan I 2,323 2,323 609 Bagumbayan II 1,465 1,446 346 Ipil 2,589 2,588 651 Mina de Oro 1,807 1,807 364

BULALACAO (SAN PEDRO) 39,107 39,044 8,542 Bagong Sikat 830 830 193 Balatasan 2,167 2,167 498 Benli (Mangyan Settlement) 4,527 4,527 1,017 Cabugao 995 995 226 Cambunang (Pob.) 2,399 2,399 540 Campaasan (Pob.) 3,149 3,149 620 Maasin 912 912 185 Maujao 3,118 3,118 637 Milagrosa (Guiob) 2,117 2,116 455 Nasukob (Pob.) 4,419 4,419 1,058 Poblacion 3,634 3,634 752 San Francisco (Alimawan) 778 778 168 San Isidro 563 563 112 San Juan 3,455 3,455 712 San Roque (Buyayao) 6,044 5,982 1,369

CITY OF CALAPAN (Capital) 133,893 132,864 30,734 Balingayan 1,570 1,570 330 Balite 3,472 3,471 815 Baruyan 3,029 3,029 709 Batino 1,711 1,711 375 Bayanan I 1,041 1,031 247 Bayanan II 2,951 2,951 686 Biga 2,250 2,246 512 Bondoc 416 416 91 Bucayao 2,667 2,667 582 Buhuan 946 946 198 Bulusan 3,936 3,892 980 Santa Rita (Bungahan) 1,770 1,770 420 Calero (Pob.) 1,478 1,450 328 Camansihan 2,377 2,377 554 Camilmil 4,557 4,064 995

16 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Oriental Mindoro

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Oriental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Canubing I 3,497 3,497 893 Canubing II 3,582 3,582 789 Comunal 3,051 3,044 719 Guinobatan 3,748 3,748 847 Gulod 897 897 201 Gutad 1,364 1,364 271 Ibaba East (Pob.) 1,068 1,062 219 Ibaba West (Pob.) 2,687 2,687 614 Ilaya (Pob.) 3,974 3,939 879 Lalud 4,410 4,383 938 Lazareto 4,555 4,555 1,053 Libis (Pob.) 1,564 1,564 365 Lumang Bayan 4,965 4,944 1,265 Mahal Na Pangalan 1,316 1,316 306 Maidlang 1,117 1,117 256 Malad 822 822 189 Malamig 1,863 1,863 446 Managpi 2,742 2,715 619 Masipit 3,115 3,089 753 Nag-Iba I 947 947 245 Navotas 765 765 179 Pachoca 3,362 3,361 806 Palhi 2,475 2,463 535 Panggalaan 574 574 118 Parang 3,018 2,982 664 Patas 868 868 196 Personas 1,405 1,405 303 Putingtubig 1,507 1,507 345 Salong 3,367 3,290 751 San Antonio 3,448 3,448 733 San Vicente Central (Pob.) 359 359 96 San Vicente East (Pob.) 622 607 197 San Vicente North (Pob.) 749 749 178 San Vicente South (Pob.) 608 608 127 San Vicente West (Pob.) 608 596 146 Santa Cruz 737 727 157 Santa Isabel 3,915 3,915 909 Santo Niño 3,804 3,804 768 Sapul 2,792 2,792 715

Philippine Statistics Authority 17 Oriental Mindoro 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Oriental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Silonay 1,383 1,366 320 Santa Maria Village 1,517 1,488 379 Suqui 2,041 1,954 501 Tawagan 1,217 1,217 286 Tawiran 2,152 2,148 526 Tibag 2,441 2,441 528 Wawa 919 919 207 Nag-Iba II 1,785 1,785 375

GLORIA 45,073 45,011 10,366 Agsalin 678 678 178 Agos 1,036 1,016 239 Andres Bonifacio 1,320 1,320 320 Balete 2,864 2,864 628 Banus 2,298 2,298 499 Banutan 906 906 223 Buong Lupa 969 969 227 Bulaklakan 1,126 1,116 231 Gaudencio Antonino 1,651 1,651 391 Guimbonan 1,104 1,104 278 Kawit 2,022 2,022 493 Lucio Laurel 2,649 2,649 578 Macario Adriatico 1,139 1,139 248 Malamig 2,929 2,929 624 Malayong 1,228 1,228 268 Maligaya (Pob.) 3,246 3,226 731 Malubay 1,319 1,319 290 Manguyang 1,633 1,633 339 Maragooc 1,258 1,258 316 Mirayan 938 926 227 Narra 2,169 2,169 549 Papandungin 1,110 1,110 269 San Antonio 1,330 1,330 315 Santa Maria 2,034 2,034 488 Santa Theresa 1,523 1,523 344 Tambong 3,183 3,183 738 Alma Villa 1,411 1,411 335

18 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Oriental Mindoro

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Oriental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

MANSALAY 54,533 54,487 11,286 B. Del Mundo 8,208 8,208 1,661 Balugo 2,663 2,663 491 Bonbon 1,955 1,955 382 Budburan 1,370 1,370 293 Cabalwa 1,192 1,192 240 Don Pedro 3,077 3,077 592 Maliwanag 1,731 1,731 343 Manaul 3,321 3,321 731 Panaytayan 10,592 10,592 2,110 Poblacion 4,201 4,200 941 Roma 1,993 1,993 423 Santa Brigida 2,083 2,083 447 Santa Maria 1,980 1,980 401 Villa Celestial 1,649 1,649 403 Wasig 2,323 2,278 467 Santa Teresita 4,711 4,711 1,074 Waygan 1,484 1,484 287

NAUJAN 102,998 102,903 23,348 Adrialuna 1,997 1,997 460 Antipolo 518 518 129 Apitong 2,592 2,592 530 Arangin 1,031 1,031 227 Aurora 3,351 3,351 749 Bacungan 1,470 1,470 323 Bagong Buhay 2,089 2,089 461 Bancuro 2,001 1,998 451 Barcenaga 4,709 4,706 1,027 Bayani 1,989 1,989 417 Buhangin 1,114 1,114 257 Concepcion 879 879 211 Dao 1,385 1,385 292 Del Pilar 2,221 2,221 505 Estrella 2,567 2,559 594 Evangelista 3,070 3,070 674 Gamao 991 991 209 General Esco 1,312 1,312 318 Herrera 827 827 188

Philippine Statistics Authority 19 Oriental Mindoro 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Oriental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Inarawan 1,758 1,754 459 Kalinisan 1,351 1,349 335 Laguna 1,486 1,486 325 Mabini 586 586 135 Andres Ilagan (Mag-asawang Tubig) 606 606 146 Mahabang Parang 1,779 1,779 379 Malaya 1,186 1,186 226 Malinao 1,592 1,592 359 Malvar 1,469 1,441 360 Masagana 951 951 210 Masaguing 614 614 161 Melgar A 1,617 1,617 369 Metolza 708 708 150 Montelago 2,161 2,161 489 Montemayor 709 703 192 Motoderazo 1,866 1,866 453 Mulawin 1,322 1,322 298 Nag-Iba I 894 894 223 Nag-Iba II 1,498 1,498 352 Pagkakaisa 2,281 2,277 513 Paniquian 1,602 1,602 342 Pinagsabangan I 2,305 2,289 527 Pinagsabangan II 2,419 2,419 580 Piñahan 1,256 1,256 308 Poblacion I (Barangay I) 801 799 210 Poblacion II (Barangay II) 687 683 185 Poblacion III (Barangay III) 917 917 225 Sampaguita 2,482 2,482 570 San Agustin I 1,605 1,605 387 San Agustin II 1,655 1,655 335 San Andres 1,167 1,167 276 San Antonio 529 529 130 San Carlos 867 867 205 San Isidro 964 964 210 San Jose 655 655 183 San Luis 930 930 203 San Nicolas 994 994 210 San Pedro 1,426 1,426 287 Santa Isabel 1,234 1,234 272

20 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Oriental Mindoro

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Oriental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Santa Maria 3,158 3,158 658 Santiago 2,132 2,117 557 Santo Niño 1,633 1,633 359 Tagumpay 938 938 200 Tigkan 844 844 189 Melgar B 1,437 1,437 356 Santa Cruz 1,468 1,468 340 Balite 993 993 234 Banuton 981 981 174 Caburo 291 291 63 Magtibay 562 562 128 Paitan 1,519 1,519 289

PINAMALAYAN 86,172 85,948 19,551 Anoling 2,005 2,005 442 Bacungan 1,614 1,614 365 Bangbang 1,078 1,078 242 Banilad 1,946 1,946 481 Buli 1,589 1,589 334 Cacawan 4,536 4,536 1,058 Calingag 1,910 1,910 458 Del Razon 1,666 1,666 392 Inclanay 1,344 1,344 340 Lumangbayan 2,858 2,858 589 Malaya 811 811 175 Maliangcog 1,512 1,512 334 Maningcol 1,866 1,866 422 Marayos 1,721 1,721 368 Marfrancisco 5,787 5,773 1,395 Nabuslot 2,645 2,643 591 Pagalagala 1,153 1,153 285 Palayan 1,854 1,854 470 Pambisan Malaki 1,821 1,821 420 Pambisan Munti 1,044 1,044 230 Panggulayan 2,564 2,564 625 Papandayan 6,597 6,580 1,428 Pili 3,375 3,375 813 Zone II (Pob.) 2,443 2,443 622 Zone III (Pob.) 2,351 2,351 563

Philippine Statistics Authority 21 Oriental Mindoro 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Oriental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Zone IV (Pob.) 1,112 940 234 Quinabigan 2,238 2,238 555 Ranzo 973 973 236 Rosario 1,778 1,778 366 Sabang 2,942 2,931 668 Santa Isabel 2,666 2,666 636 Santa Maria 1,453 1,453 284 Santa Rita 3,027 3,027 730 Wawa 5,855 5,855 1,073 Zone I (Pob.) 2,824 2,824 581 Santo Niño 1,165 1,165 250 Guinhawa 2,049 2,041 496

POLA 34,701 34,699 8,192 Bacawan 1,458 1,458 372 Bacungan 567 567 129 Batuhan 2,842 2,842 689 Bayanan 1,820 1,820 425 Biga 1,179 1,179 261 Buhay Na Tubig 1,207 1,207 263 Calubasanhon 1,420 1,420 353 Calima 1,994 1,994 478 Casiligan 1,878 1,878 431 Malibago 1,196 1,196 273 Maluanluan 3,316 3,316 831 Matulatula 3,921 3,921 928 Pahilahan 2,053 2,053 468 Panikihan 1,565 1,565 358 Zone I (Pob.) 433 431 96 Zone II (Pob.) 598 598 138 Pula 1,780 1,780 397 Puting Cacao 809 809 199 Tagbakin 1,469 1,469 328 Tagumpay 736 736 192 Tiguihan 804 804 187 Campamento 597 597 158 Misong 1,059 1,059 238

22 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Oriental Mindoro

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Oriental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

PUERTO GALERA 36,606 36,311 8,322 Aninuan 3,413 3,364 795 Balatero 3,778 3,778 933 Dulangan 3,335 3,316 716 Palangan 1,481 1,481 331 Sabang 3,744 3,631 865 San Antonio 812 809 188 San Isidro 3,941 3,895 912 Santo Niño 2,110 2,110 459 2,337 2,337 590 Tabinay 3,764 3,756 918 Villaflor 1,908 1,908 377 Poblacion 5,139 5,082 1,044 Baclayan 844 844 194

ROXAS 53,201 53,033 11,719 Bagumbayan (Pob.) 6,868 6,807 1,573 Cantil 3,148 3,148 714 Dangay 3,743 3,690 809 Happy Valley 1,199 1,199 269 Libertad 1,663 1,663 372 Libtong 2,249 2,249 459 Mabuhay 1,433 1,426 349 Maraska 611 611 134 Odiong 3,525 3,525 799 Paclasan (Pob.) 5,202 5,184 1,120 San Aquilino 3,245 3,245 711 San Isidro 2,073 2,073 404 San Jose 3,305 3,305 723 San Mariano 4,475 4,469 1,024 San Miguel 1,386 1,386 292 San Rafael 1,596 1,575 364 San Vicente 3,672 3,670 782 Uyao 920 920 214 Victoria 2,007 2,007 396 Little Tanauan 881 881 211

Philippine Statistics Authority 23 Oriental Mindoro 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Oriental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

SAN TEODORO 17,904 17,882 4,058 Bigaan 2,071 2,071 480 Calangatan 2,256 2,256 510 Calsapa 2,506 2,506 548 Ilag 1,800 1,798 389 Lumangbayan 2,720 2,700 625 Tacligan 2,321 2,321 555 Poblacion 1,868 1,868 427 Caagutayan 2,362 2,362 524

SOCORRO 39,099 39,044 9,108 Bagsok 1,623 1,623 419 Batong Dalig 870 870 213 Bayuin 2,405 2,405 554 Calocmoy 1,749 1,749 386 Catiningan 2,139 2,139 516 Villareal (Daan) 890 890 206 Fortuna 2,918 2,918 646 Happy Valley 1,165 1,165 236 Calubayan 1,179 1,165 275 Leuteboro I 1,854 1,854 476 Leuteboro II 2,025 2,025 481 Mabuhay I 1,045 1,045 256 Malugay 725 725 160 Matungao 2,719 2,719 699 Monteverde 927 927 232 Pasi I 808 808 182 Pasi II 827 827 203 Zone I (Pob.) 1,081 1,081 285 Zone II (Pob.) 624 591 134 Zone III (Pob.) 969 969 233 Zone IV (Pob.) 2,633 2,633 576 Santo Domingo (Lapog) 1,864 1,864 377 Subaan 2,374 2,366 542 Bugtong Na Tuog 1,221 1,221 264 Mabuhay II 1,757 1,757 395 Ma. Concepcion 708 708 162

24 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Oriental Mindoro

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Oriental Mindoro (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

VICTORIA 50,492 50,432 11,208 Alcate 3,800 3,753 856 Babangonan 1,884 1,884 414 Bagong Silang 1,129 1,129 255 Bagong Buhay 1,058 1,054 262 Bambanin 1,325 1,325 259 Bethel 809 809 184 Canaan 837 837 185 Concepcion 714 714 136 Duongan 1,270 1,270 272 Loyal 1,455 1,452 315 Mabini 1,114 1,114 242 Macatoc 2,906 2,906 684 Malabo 2,123 2,123 450 Merit 584 584 132 Ordovilla 1,969 1,969 466 Pakyas 1,875 1,874 451 Poblacion I 2,934 2,934 654 Poblacion II 803 803 183 Poblacion III 3,869 3,869 868 Poblacion IV 1,570 1,565 347 Sampaguita 1,024 1,024 224 San Antonio 1,394 1,394 285 San Gabriel 1,355 1,355 291 San Gelacio 565 565 130 San Isidro 1,799 1,799 423 San Juan 807 807 208 San Narciso 1,867 1,867 410 Urdaneta 1,449 1,449 308 Villa Cerveza 2,074 2,074 449 Jose Leido Jr. 2,116 2,116 428 San Cristobal 778 778 168 Antonino 1,236 1,236 269

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

Philippine Statistics Authority 25 Palawan 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Palawan (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

PALAWAN * 849,469 845,650 195,074

ABORLAN 35,091 35,004 8,294 Apo-Aporawan 961 961 227 Apoc-apoc 1,257 1,257 278 Aporawan 3,403 3,401 751 Barake 888 888 207 Cabigaan 1,951 1,951 474 Gogognan 586 586 139 Iraan 1,852 1,842 466 Isaub 2,466 2,442 582 Jose Rizal 1,371 1,360 322 Mabini 1,038 1,032 248 Magbabadil 1,237 1,221 300 Plaridel 3,297 3,297 745 Ramon Magsaysay 2,714 2,714 602 Sagpangan 1,608 1,598 384 San Juan 3,793 3,793 1,061 Tagpait 1,003 1,003 253 Tigman 1,908 1,908 411 Poblacion 2,462 2,454 560 Culandanum 1,296 1,296 284

AGUTAYA 12,545 12,492 3,045 Algeciras 4,584 4,573 1,137 Concepcion 3,813 3,783 812 Diit 1,064 1,064 295 Maracanao 309 309 75 Matarawis 349 349 84 Abagat (Pob.) 387 387 108 Bangcal (Pob.) 265 253 66 Cambian (Pob.) 397 397 108 Villafria 516 516 135 Villasol 861 861 225

ARACELI 14,909 14,895 3,294 Balogo 805 805 178 Dagman 868 868 188 Dalayawon 474 474 120

26 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Palawan

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Palawan (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Lumacad 622 622 134 Madoldolon 958 958 205 Mauringuen 1,057 1,057 224 Osmeña 993 993 234 San Jose De Oro 744 744 152 Santo Niño 592 592 163 Taloto 559 559 142 Tinintinan 1,591 1,591 352 Tudela (Calandagan) 2,429 2,429 508 Poblacion (Centro) 3,217 3,203 694

BALABAC 40,142 39,853 8,445 Agutayan 794 794 174 (New Cagayancillo) 1,010 824 171 Bancalaan 11,701 11,679 2,297 Indalawan 1,351 1,351 289 Catagupan 2,373 2,373 547 Malaking Ilog 900 900 188 Mangsee 9,016 8,999 1,903 Melville 1,386 1,382 281 Pandanan 1,148 1,148 244 Pasig 407 407 89 Rabor 435 435 96 Ramos 2,331 2,331 503 Salang 2,529 2,529 503 Sebaring 1,113 1,113 277 Poblacion I 236 236 59 Poblacion II 488 472 141 Poblacion III 460 452 103 Poblacion IV 475 453 115 Poblacion V 565 554 107 Poblacion VI 1,424 1,421 358

BATARAZA 75,468 75,174 17,983 Bono-bono 3,293 3,293 820 Bulalacao 1,940 1,940 482 Buliluyan 1,782 1,782 361 Culandanum 3,966 3,966 951 Igang-igang 1,542 1,542 346

Philippine Statistics Authority 27 Palawan 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Palawan (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Inogbong 4,062 4,062 946 Iwahig 2,064 2,064 477 Malihud 2,112 2,112 456 Malitub 701 701 184 Marangas (Pob.) 8,183 8,173 1,860 Ocayan 2,418 2,418 561 Puring 1,293 1,293 295 Rio Tuba 21,330 21,058 5,657 Sandoval 3,424 3,424 782 Sapa 1,886 1,886 401 Sarong 1,788 1,788 448 Sumbiling 3,609 3,597 775 Tabud 1,161 1,161 259 Tagnato 1,037 1,037 243 Tagolango 943 943 205 Taratak 2,008 2,008 426 Tarusan 4,926 4,926 1,048

BROOKE'S POINT 66,374 66,310 15,474 Amas 2,157 2,157 555 Aribungos 4,746 4,746 1,107 Barong-barong 4,197 4,197 969 Calasaguen 2,942 2,942 742 Imulnod 2,392 2,392 595 Ipilan 5,944 5,944 1,424 Maasin 3,445 3,441 850 Mainit 2,956 2,955 690 Malis 3,133 3,133 729 Mambalot 2,769 2,769 564 Oring-oring 1,892 1,892 410 Pangobilian 9,581 9,564 2,207 Poblacion I 5,385 5,359 1,107 Poblacion II 3,253 3,245 814 Salogon 3,623 3,623 880 Samareñana 3,042 3,042 639 Saraza 3,529 3,529 825 Tubtub 1,388 1,380 367

28 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Palawan

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Palawan (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

BUSUANGA 22,046 21,858 5,051 Bogtong 1,076 1,076 274 Buluang 2,475 2,475 559 Cheey 2,258 2,258 531 Concepcion 1,769 1,730 360 Maglalambay 1,276 1,276 287 New Busuanga (Pob.) 1,558 1,549 335 Old Busuanga 906 906 211 Panlaitan 2,550 2,544 564 Quezon 985 985 226 Sagrada 1,096 1,078 261 Salvacion 3,084 3,081 754 San Isidro 1,055 960 218 San Rafael 689 671 160 Santo Niño 1,269 1,269 311

CAGAYANCILLO 6,285 6,275 1,184 Bantayan (Pob.) 390 390 79 Calsada (Pob.) 218 218 38 Convento (Pob.) 310 300 59 Lipot North (Pob.) 201 201 43 Lipot South (Pob.) 135 135 31 Magsaysay 1,432 1,432 252 Mampio 679 679 122 Nusa 531 531 98 Santa Cruz 922 922 204 Tacas (Pob.) 183 183 37 Talaga 1,111 1,111 188 Wahig (Pob.) 173 173 33

CORON 51,803 51,246 11,512 Banuang Daan 907 907 179 Bintuan 2,797 2,773 672 Borac 2,491 2,432 557 Buenavista 989 989 233 Bulalacao 3,488 3,421 736 Cabugao 2,142 2,142 467 Decabobo 1,161 1,068 235 Decalachao 2,027 2,027 497

Philippine Statistics Authority 29 Palawan 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Palawan (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Guadalupe 3,730 3,730 853 Lajala 1,467 1,467 342 Malawig 787 787 164 Marcilla 1,479 1,479 305 Barangay I (Pob.) 5,112 5,104 1,103 Barangay II (Pob.) 1,000 961 193 Barangay III (Pob.) 775 751 149 Barangay IV (Pob.) 737 737 175 Barangay V (Pob.) 3,903 3,744 945 San Jose 1,367 1,335 299 San Nicolas 1,982 1,982 440 Tagumpay 6,966 6,938 1,487 Tara 1,629 1,629 354 Turda 2,562 2,562 572 Barangay VI (Pob.) 2,305 2,281 555

CUYO 22,360 22,184 5,103 Balading 759 759 191 Bangcal (Pob.) 1,441 1,441 381 Cabigsing (Pob.) 2,064 2,064 500 Caburian 431 431 105 Caponayan 1,211 1,211 261 Catadman (Pob.) 1,219 1,219 303 Funda 536 536 125 Lagaoriao (Pob.) 720 720 163 Lubid 825 825 207 Manamoc 2,631 2,455 509 Maringian 1,419 1,419 323 Lungsod (Pob.) 1,034 1,034 239 Pawa 1,542 1,542 339 San Carlos 1,412 1,412 299 Suba 4,037 4,037 900 Tenga-tenga (Pob.) 679 679 166 Tocadan (Pob.) 400 400 92

DUMARAN 23,734 23,684 5,812 Bacao 1,719 1,719 505 Bohol 1,551 1,551 382 Calasag 305 305 75

30 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Palawan

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Palawan (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Capayas 1,410 1,410 327 Catep 852 852 205 Culasian 924 924 209 Danleg 1,974 1,961 498 Dumaran (Pob.) 2,024 2,024 498 Itangil 1,920 1,920 439 Ilian 1,657 1,657 372 Magsaysay 1,644 1,644 399 San Juan 858 858 228 Santa Teresita 3,234 3,197 798 Santo Tomas 1,157 1,157 296 Tanatanaon 1,614 1,614 356 Santa Maria 891 891 225

EL NIDO (BACUIT) 41,606 41,319 9,490 Bagong Bayan 1,207 1,207 268 Buena Suerte Pob. (Barangay 2) 2,643 2,620 551 Barotuan 2,279 2,279 515 Bebeladan 2,171 2,118 435 Corong-corong Pob. (Barangay 4) 2,804 2,804 719 Mabini 1,381 1,381 321 Manlag 2,200 2,200 495 Masagana Pob. (Barangay 3) 1,851 1,829 470 New Ibajay 3,003 2,963 613 Pasadeña 2,001 1,990 475 Maligaya Pob. (Barangay 1) 1,492 1,492 322 San Fernando 2,249 2,157 481 Sibaltan 1,653 1,653 384 Teneguiban 4,449 4,449 978 Villa Libertad 3,289 3,243 862 Villa Paz 1,118 1,118 239 Bucana 4,498 4,498 1,065 Aberawan 1,318 1,318 297

LINAPACAN 15,668 15,593 3,370 Barangonan (Iloc) 968 968 217 Cabunlawan 743 743 149 Calibangbangan 1,206 1,206 280 Decabaitot 573 573 111

Philippine Statistics Authority 31 Palawan 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Palawan (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Maroyogroyog 1,853 1,853 362 Nangalao 2,496 2,496 523 New Culaylayan 1,287 1,287 248 Pical 1,451 1,420 335 San Miguel (Pob.) 4,103 4,075 932 San Nicolas 988 972 213

MAGSAYSAY 12,196 12,196 2,733 Alcoba 596 596 123 Balaguen 1,812 1,812 388 Canipo 864 864 232 Cocoro 1,305 1,305 275 Danawan (Pob.) 676 676 154 Emilod 621 621 130 Igabas 958 958 206 Lacaren 419 419 101 Los Angeles 949 949 237 Lucbuan 1,921 1,921 407 Rizal 2,075 2,075 480

NARRA 73,212 72,992 16,922 Antipuluan 7,067 7,046 1,638 Aramaywan 4,045 4,045 869 Batang-Batang 1,345 1,345 308 Bato-bato 2,633 2,596 675 Burirao 2,628 2,628 600 Caguisan 1,442 1,442 312 Calategas 4,563 4,563 1,018 Dumagueña 3,406 3,406 809 Elvita 967 967 207 Estrella Village 1,084 1,084 283 Ipilan 1,839 1,839 437 Malatgao 2,153 2,153 511 Malinao 2,984 2,984 688 Narra (Pob.) 11,989 11,957 2,822 Panacan 4,515 4,515 987 Princess Urduja 5,295 5,277 1,261 Sandoval 2,420 2,420 577 Tacras 1,198 1,086 227

32 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Palawan

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Palawan (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Taritien 1,896 1,896 451 Teresa 1,370 1,370 317 Tinagong Dagat 897 897 218 Bagong Sikat 1,905 1,905 437 Panacan 2 5,571 5,571 1,270

QUEZON 60,980 60,755 13,941 Alfonso XIII (Pob.) 15,081 15,081 3,617 Aramaywan 3,600 3,588 780 Berong 3,808 3,665 946 Calumpang 2,343 2,343 464 Isugod 4,103 4,103 931 Quinlogan 3,956 3,933 854 Maasin 1,980 1,980 468 Panitian 6,482 6,482 1,294 Pinaglabanan 3,266 3,266 770 Sowangan 3,116 3,084 711 Tabon 4,845 4,845 1,142 Calatagbak 1,615 1,615 381 Malatgao 2,914 2,914 670 Tagusao 3,871 3,856 913

ROXAS 65,358 65,167 15,377 Abaroan 3,824 3,808 848 Antonino 1,271 1,270 284 Bagong Bayan 1,059 1,059 236 Caramay 2,773 2,760 696 Dumarao 2,701 2,681 608 Iraan 853 853 204 Jolo 1,032 1,032 262 Magara (Arasan) 5,139 5,133 1,281 Malcampo 1,779 1,779 407 Mendoza 1,339 1,339 338 Narra (Minara) 1,180 1,096 294 New Barbacan (Retac) 4,359 4,359 1,074 New Cuyo 1,712 1,712 374 Barangay 1 (Pob.) 4,010 4,010 879 Rizal 1,000 1,000 227 Salvacion 688 688 167

Philippine Statistics Authority 33 Palawan 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Palawan (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

San Isidro 672 672 156 San Jose 1,544 1,544 376 San Miguel 1,148 1,148 295 San Nicolas 1,272 1,266 284 Sandoval 1,908 1,908 456 Tagumpay 2,849 2,849 674 Taradungan 1,164 1,164 282 Tinitian 1,919 1,919 448 Tumarbong 4,344 4,333 1,003 Barangay II (Pob.) 911 890 181 Barangay III (Pob.) 4,312 4,312 1,037 Barangay IV (Pob.) 6,006 5,993 1,344 Barangay V Pob. (Porao Island) 0 0 0 Barangay VI Pob. (Johnson Island) 555 555 136 Nicanor Zabala 2,035 2,035 526

SAN VICENTE 31,232 31,147 6,711 Alimanguan 4,711 4,693 963 Binga 1,600 1,593 351 Caruray 4,534 4,534 980 Kemdeng 1,044 1,044 232 New Agutaya 3,384 3,355 762 New Canipo 1,426 1,426 295 Port Barton 5,844 5,834 1,375 Poblacion (San Vicente) 6,502 6,481 1,264 San Isidro 908 908 217 Santo Niño 1,279 1,279 272

TAYTAY 75,165 74,463 16,137 Abongan 4,011 4,011 827 Banbanan 1,982 1,982 398 Bantulan 2,303 2,303 491 Batas 1,171 1,171 252 Bato 2,827 2,827 620 Beton 1,664 1,664 301 Busy Bees 1,211 1,211 269 Calawag 4,947 4,923 1,067 Casian 4,487 4,113 866 Cataban 939 939 213

34 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Palawan

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Palawan (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Debangan 1,266 1,266 209 Depla 1,113 1,113 219 Liminangcong 5,533 5,533 1,134 Meytegued 1,079 1,017 261 New Guinlo 3,379 3,379 730 Old Guinlo 960 960 216 Pamantolon 1,847 1,847 397 Pancol 2,408 2,408 565 Paly (Paly Island) 2,805 2,805 629 Poblacion 11,097 10,956 2,553 Pularaquen (Canique) 2,507 2,497 551 San Jose 2,192 2,192 473 Sandoval 1,284 1,284 254 Silanga 1,288 1,288 282 Alacalian 2,637 2,637 631 Baras () 1,221 1,130 246 Libertad 1,800 1,800 390 Minapla 641 641 162 Talog 1,021 1,021 202 Tumbod 1,489 1,489 273 Paglaum 2,056 2,056 456

KALAYAAN 184 96 31 Pag-asa (Pob.) 184 96 31

CULION 20,139 20,070 4,652 Balala 671 656 160 Baldat 723 702 172 Binudac 2,167 2,167 478 Culango 346 346 89 Galoc 1,956 1,956 431 Jardin 1,319 1,319 298 Libis 1,312 1,300 300 Luac 1,688 1,688 412 Malaking Patag 1,688 1,688 367 Osmeña 3,693 3,693 933 Tiza 1,125 1,104 259 Burabod 829 829 188 Halsey 823 823 175

Philippine Statistics Authority 35 Palawan 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Palawan (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

De Carabao 1,799 1,799 390

RIZAL (MARCOS) 50,096 50,040 12,826 Bunog 2,868 2,868 695 Campong Ulay 2,057 2,057 503 Candawaga 5,771 5,771 1,426 Canipaan 2,374 2,374 645 Culasian 2,620 2,620 637 Iraan 6,780 6,780 1,670 Latud 2,156 2,156 560 Panalingaan 4,556 4,556 1,397 Punta Baja 10,594 10,538 2,689 Ransang 4,983 4,983 1,204 Taburi 5,337 5,337 1,400

SOFRONIO ESPAÑOLA 32,876 32,837 7,687 Abo-abo 2,596 2,580 668 Iraray 2,925 2,925 652 Isumbo 2,127 2,127 477 Labog 3,534 3,534 817 Panitian 5,274 5,274 1,244 Pulot Center 5,789 5,789 1,371 Pulot Interior (Pulot II) 3,060 3,060 720 Pulot Shore (Pulot I) 4,523 4,523 1,000 Punang 3,048 3,025 738

Note: * Excludes Puerto Princesa City.

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

36 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Puerto Princesa City

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Puerto Princesa City (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

PUERTO PRINCESA CITY (CAPITAL) 255,116 250,175 62,247 Babuyan 2,472 2,471 540 Bacungan 4,555 4,540 1,182 Bagong Bayan 827 827 215 Bagong Pag-asa (Pob.) 750 750 190 Bagong Sikat (Pob.) 7,497 7,497 1,729 Bagong Silang (Pob.) 5,296 5,296 1,157 Bahile 2,339 2,339 520 Bancao-bancao 13,612 12,771 3,213 Binduyan 1,293 1,293 291 Buenavista 1,212 1,212 303 Cabayugan 3,368 3,303 769 Concepcion 1,418 1,407 345 Inagawan 1,623 1,623 412 Irawan 6,142 6,131 1,465 Iwahig (Pob.) 4,527 2,467 613 Kalipay (Pob.) 725 718 162 Kamuning 1,978 1,978 462 Langogan 2,067 2,054 487 Liwanag (Pob.) 1,202 1,202 284 Lucbuan 1,401 1,401 341 Mabuhay (Pob.) 206 199 42 Macarascas 1,609 1,603 384 Magkakaibigan (Pob.) 375 375 111 Maligaya (Pob.) 311 264 87 Manalo 2,143 2,143 509 Manggahan (Pob.) 644 644 194 Maningning (Pob.) 791 790 213 Maoyon 1,281 1,281 281 Marufinas 609 593 138 Maruyogon 1,450 1,450 337 Masigla (Pob.) 609 609 147 Masikap (Pob.) 958 952 260 Masipag (Pob.) 1,971 1,971 490 Matahimik (Pob.) 1,228 1,228 304 Matiyaga (Pob.) 413 413 110 Maunlad (Pob.) 3,865 3,865 894 Milagrosa (Pob.) 3,100 3,100 900 Model (Pob.) 327 291 80

Philippine Statistics Authority 37 Puerto Princesa City 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Puerto Princesa City (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Montible (Pob.) 362 85 22 Napsan 1,797 1,797 417 New Panggangan 629 629 160 Pagkakaisa (Pob.) 1,131 1,131 240 Princesa (Pob.) 1,015 1,015 256 Salvacion 1,197 1,168 274 San Jose 17,521 17,511 4,248 San Miguel 19,649 19,649 4,793 San Pedro 22,089 22,038 5,538 San Rafael 1,836 1,826 451 Santa Cruz 840 828 190 Santa Lourdes 5,171 5,171 1,245 Santa Lucia (Pob.) 147 104 35 Santa Monica 20,094 19,559 5,445 Seaside (Pob.) 312 312 65 Sicsican 15,861 15,834 3,645 Simpocan 1,272 1,272 301 Tagabinit 1,170 1,170 294 Tagburos 7,045 7,030 1,551 Tagumpay (Pob.) 465 465 114 Tanabag 700 700 169 Tanglaw (Pob.) 1,739 1,739 433 Barangay ng mga Mangingisda 5,350 5,321 1,215 Inagawan Sub-Colony 4,052 3,498 922 Luzviminda 3,473 3,466 828 Mandaragat 9,210 9,210 2,249 San Manuel 12,510 12,442 3,049 Tiniguiban 12,285 12,154 3,937

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

38 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Romblon

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Romblon (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

ROMBLON 292,781 291,569 68,362

ALCANTARA 16,351 16,343 3,673 Bonlao 1,239 1,238 286 Calagonsao 1,236 1,233 270 Camili 1,623 1,623 377 Camod-Om 937 937 188 Madalag 1,313 1,313 319 Poblacion 2,108 2,105 483 San Isidro 1,061 1,061 239 Tugdan 2,712 2,711 608 Bagsik 986 986 220 Gui-ob 1,439 1,439 302 Lawan 697 697 153 San Roque 1,000 1,000 228

BANTON 5,536 5,531 1,420 Balogo 450 450 101 Banice 382 382 101 Hambi-an 291 291 63 Lagang 65 65 18 Libtong 239 239 68 Mainit 342 342 91 Nabalay 83 83 21 Nasunogan 320 320 84 Poblacion 1,173 1,168 294 Sibay 367 367 87 Tan-Ag 278 278 89 Toctoc 135 135 36 Togbongan 67 67 20 Togong 362 362 83 Tungonan 333 333 103 Tumalum 322 322 87 Yabawon 327 327 74

CAJIDIOCAN 21,861 21,849 4,983 Alibagon 605 605 139 Cambajao 2,446 2,446 522 Cambalo 2,038 2,038 445

Philippine Statistics Authority 39 Romblon 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Romblon (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Cambijang 1,708 1,708 382 Cantagda 1,383 1,383 308 Danao 2,876 2,875 620 Gutivan 1,192 1,192 277 Lico 695 695 162 Lumbang Este 694 694 177 Lumbang Weste 1,521 1,514 333 Marigondon 1,635 1,635 390 Poblacion 1,724 1,720 418 Sugod 1,978 1,978 482 Taguilos 1,366 1,366 328

CALATRAVA 10,275 10,274 2,334 Balogo 1,700 1,700 428 Linao 1,511 1,511 315 Poblacion 1,746 1,745 393 Pagsangahan 810 810 171 Pangulo 1,674 1,674 360 San Roque 1,587 1,587 394 Talisay 1,247 1,247 273

CONCEPCION 4,037 4,036 1,048 Bachawan 464 464 122 Calabasahan 587 587 147 Dalajican 346 346 92 Masudsud 370 370 110 Poblacion 910 909 233 Sampong 397 397 102 San Pedro (Agbatang) 448 448 99 San Vicente 263 263 80 Masadya 252 252 63

CORCUERA 10,283 10,271 2,471 Alegria 1,720 1,713 407 Ambulong 487 487 110 Colongcolong 710 710 160 Gobon 673 673 162 Guintiguiban 289 289 75 Ilijan 848 848 204

40 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Romblon

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Romblon (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Labnig 487 487 131 Mabini 298 297 74 Mahaba 760 759 191 Mangansag 962 962 238 Poblacion 513 510 150 San Agustin 552 552 127 San Roque 960 960 211 San Vicente 514 514 115 Tacasan 510 510 116

LOOC 22,262 22,243 5,380 Agojo 1,753 1,753 395 Balatucan 1,088 1,088 252 Buenavista 1,409 1,409 319 Camandao 2,007 2,007 475 Guinhayaan 1,534 1,534 363 Limon Norte 1,980 1,977 511 Limon Sur 2,468 2,468 604 Manhac 1,368 1,361 308 Pili 1,072 1,072 277 Poblacion 3,370 3,361 844 Punta 2,995 2,995 760 Tuguis 1,218 1,218 272

MAGDIWANG 14,142 14,133 3,079 Agsao 782 782 201 Agutay 1,616 1,616 326 Ambulong 1,195 1,195 289 Dulangan 1,621 1,621 344 Ipil 1,716 1,716 353 Jao-asan 964 964 227 Poblacion 2,586 2,581 549 Silum 718 718 148 Tampayan 2,944 2,940 642

ODIONGAN 45,367 44,638 11,460 Amatong 1,272 1,272 311 Anahao 1,997 1,997 533 Bangon 1,364 1,364 345

Philippine Statistics Authority 41 Romblon 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Romblon (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Batiano 2,008 2,004 520 Budiong 2,596 2,583 657 Canduyong 1,790 1,790 440 Dapawan 4,126 3,903 976 Gabawan 2,587 2,587 683 Libertad 2,347 2,347 589 Malilico 950 950 225 Mayha 1,181 1,181 323 Panique 2,713 2,713 660 Pato-o 2,862 2,862 791 Ligaya (Pob.) 1,035 984 272 Liwanag (Pob.) 1,047 958 243 Poctoy 2,370 2,290 578 Progreso Este 1,441 1,306 319 Progreso Weste 861 861 216 Rizal 1,715 1,706 433 Tabing Dagat (Pob.) 1,117 1,091 283 Tabobo-an 1,322 1,322 338 Tulay 1,999 1,999 526 Tumingad 2,222 2,222 568 Liwayway (Pob.) 729 630 172 Tuburan 1,716 1,716 459

ROMBLON (CAPITAL) 38,758 38,466 8,997 Agbaluto 680 680 144 Agpanabat 920 920 238 Agbudia 631 631 142 Agnaga 949 949 199 Agnay 733 733 179 Agnipa 1,115 1,113 245 Agtongo 1,523 1,523 332 Alad 1,855 1,855 473 Bagacay 2,663 2,655 565 Cajimos 2,667 2,640 596 Calabogo 897 897 205 Capaclan 4,444 4,270 984 Ginablan 725 725 173 Guimpingan 690 690 156 Ilauran 1,625 1,625 350

42 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Romblon

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Romblon (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Lamao 977 977 218 Li-o 1,323 1,323 320 Logbon 712 712 210 Lunas 642 642 165 Lonos 1,739 1,716 407 Macalas 1,189 1,189 276 Mapula 654 654 173 Cobrador (Naguso) 822 822 241 Palje 587 587 146 Barangay I (Pob.) 554 549 129 Barangay II (Pob.) 1,277 1,269 291 Barangay III (Pob.) 1,360 1,356 311 Barangay IV (Pob.) 1,201 1,201 304 Sablayan 1,555 1,555 361 Sawang 1,424 1,383 323 Tambac 625 625 141

SAN AGUSTIN 22,598 22,541 5,273 Bachawan 1,986 1,985 406 Binongahan 1,774 1,774 424 Buli 824 824 208 Cabolutan 1,795 1,795 408 Cagbuaya 1,398 1,398 352 Carmen 1,953 1,948 459 Cawayan 858 858 205 Doña Juana 2,514 2,514 574 Dubduban 2,148 2,146 527 Binugusan 819 819 203 Lusong 1,000 1,000 235 Mahabang Baybay (Long Beach) 2,013 2,013 439 Poblacion 1,496 1,447 372 Sugod 1,515 1,515 349 Camantaya 505 505 112

SAN ANDRES 15,589 15,589 3,550 Agpudlos 1,317 1,317 314 Calunacon 1,681 1,681 376 Doña Trinidad 614 614 145 Linawan 1,444 1,444 344

Philippine Statistics Authority 43 Romblon 2015 Census of Population

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Romblon (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Mabini 1,421 1,421 306 Marigondon Norte 961 961 192 Marigondon Sur 1,191 1,191 272 Matutuna 1,404 1,404 316 Pag-Alad 1,173 1,173 268 Poblacion 1,563 1,563 367 Tan-Agan 1,627 1,627 401 Victoria 589 589 124 Juncarlo 604 604 125

SAN FERNANDO 23,271 23,244 5,055 Agtiwa 1,397 1,397 261 Azarga 1,922 1,922 466 Campalingo 1,725 1,714 381 Canjalon 1,764 1,764 388 España 2,191 2,190 456 Mabini 1,366 1,364 290 Mabulo 2,046 2,046 375 Otod 2,000 2,000 473 Panangcalan 1,115 1,115 249 Pili 1,238 1,238 281 Poblacion 1,462 1,455 336 Taclobo 5,045 5,039 1,099

SAN JOSE 10,881 10,848 2,392 Busay 1,760 1,730 379 Combot 905 905 217 Lanas 2,966 2,966 648 Pinamihagan 1,852 1,852 364 Poblacion (Agcogon) 3,398 3,395 784

SANTA FE 16,098 16,094 3,711 Agmanic 1,729 1,728 379 Canyayo 1,552 1,552 338 Danao Norte 1,200 1,200 292 Danao Sur 751 751 185 Guinbirayan 1,714 1,714 416 Guintigbasan 741 741 180 Magsaysay 1,409 1,409 321

44 Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 Census of Population Romblon

TABLE 2 Total Population, Household Population, and Number of Households by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay as of August 1, 2015: Romblon (total population includes institutional population)

Province, City, Municipality, Total Household Number of and Barangay Population Population Households

Mat-i 1,191 1,191 259 Pandan 1,360 1,360 324 Poblacion 2,342 2,339 549 Tabugon 2,109 2,109 468

FERROL 6,964 6,963 1,656 Agnonoc 614 614 143 Bunsoran 894 894 218 Claro M. Recto 660 660 168 Poblacion (Ferrol) 1,852 1,851 450 Hinaguman 1,125 1,125 260 Tubigon 1,819 1,819 417

SANTA MARIA (IMELDA) 8,508 8,506 1,880 Bonga 1,184 1,184 255 Concepcion Norte (Pob.) 2,641 2,639 594 Concepcion Sur 2,175 2,175 476 Paroyhog 701 701 152 Santo Niño 1,239 1,239 277 San Isidro 568 568 126

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015 Census of Population

Philippine Statistics Authority 45






SECTION 6 . Functions of the PSA. – The PSA shall have the following functions: (b) Prepare and conduct periodic censuses on population, housing, agriculture, fisheries, business, industry and other sectors of the economy;

SECTION 25 . Obligation to Provide Information. – The National Statistician shall determine whether a statistical inquiry or survey to be conducted is with or without obligation to provide information. If such obligation is stipulated, all respondents whether natural or legal persons shall be liable to reply to the statistical inquiry or survey. This section applies to all statistical inquiries or surveys conducted by other statistical offices in the Philippine Statistical System (PSS). The respondents under this Act are required to give truthful and complete answers to statistical inquiries or surveys of the PSA and other statistical offices of the PSS. The respondent is considered to have complied with the obligation only upon receipt of the duly completed statistical inquiry or survey forms. The government shall provide franking privileges, charges and postings to the survey offices, unless otherwise disallowed by law.

SECTION 26 . Confidentiality of Information. – Individual data furnished by a respondent to statistical inquiries, surveys and censuses of the PSA shall be considered privileged communication and as such shall be inadmissible as evidence in any proceeding. The PSA may release aggregated information from statistical inquiries, surveys and censuses in the form of summaries or statistical tables in which no reference to an individual, corporation, association, partnership, institution or business enterprise shall appear. The National Statistician and all staff of the PSA shall take a solemn oath regarding confidentiality of information.

Philippine Statistics Authority A - 1 Appendix A – Republic Act No. 10625 2015 Census of Population

SECTION 27 . Penalties. – Respondents of primary data collection activities such as censuses and sample surveys are obliged to give truthful and complete answers to statistical inquiries. The gathering, consolidation and analysis of such data shall likewise be done in the most truthful and credible manner. To ensure compliance, any violation of this Act shall result in the imposition of the penalty of one (1) year imprisonment and a fine of One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00). In cases where the respondent who fails to give a truthful and complete answer to such statistical inquiries is a corporation, the above penalty shall be imposed against the responsible officer, director, manager and/or agent of said corporation.


(SGD) JINGGOY EJERCITO ESTRADA (SGD) FELICIANO BELMONTE JR. Acting Senate President Speaker of the House of Representatives

This Act which originated in the House of Representatives was finally passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on June 6, 2013.

(SGD) EMMA LIRIO-REYES (SGD) MARILYN B. BARUA-YAP Secretary of the Senate Secretary General House of Representatives

APPROVED: September 12, 2013

(SGD) BENIGNO S. AQUINO III President of the Philippines

A - 2 Philippine Statistics Authority APPENDIX B

Executive Order No. 352

Designation of Statistical Activities That Will Generate Critical Data for Decision-Making of the Government and the Private Sector

WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 121, which was issued in January 1987, created the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) as the policy-making and coordinating body of the decentralized Philippine Statistical System;

WHEREAS, the NSCB, now an agency attached to the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), has established a system of designated statistics in accordance with its mandate, that enables the identification and generation of the most critical and essential statistics required for social and economic planning/analysis based on approved criteria;

WHEREAS, the generation of said data requires the conduct of nationwide censuses and surveys and the maintenance/processing of administrative-based records on a regular basis to allow for monitoring, time series analysis and forecasting by policy-makers;

WHEREAS, the quality of these designated statistics needs to be continuously improved to address the needs of data users;

WHEREAS, the system of designated statistics is a dynamic process that allows for updating to keep attuned to the emerging demands of data users;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:

SECTION 1. The activities and statistics that have been designated by the NSCB as per ANNEX of this Executive Order shall be adopted by the government as the means of generating the critical and essential data for administrators, planners and policy-makers in the government and private sectors.

SECTION 2. The implementing agencies shall provide the Office of the President thru the NSCB results of said censuses, surveys and administrative-based reports on a regular basis and ensure the dissemination of the data to the general public in accordance with the designated time frame.

Philippine Statistics Authority B - 1 Appendix B – Executive Order No. 352 2015 Census of Population

SECTION 3. The implementing agencies shall be responsible in carrying out the improvements in the design and methodology of said activities in coordination with the NSCB.

SECTION 4. Any modification, addition or deletion from the above list shall be approved through a Board Resolution by the NSCB in accordance with its implementing guidelines. The NSCB is authorized to issue implementing guidelines consistent with the provisions of this Executive Order. It shall also be responsible in monitoring the system's implementation to attain the objectives of this Executive Order.

SECTION 5. The NSCB shall regularly conduct adequate consultations with the data users and producers as a means of updating the lists of designated statistics to be responsive to the emerging needs of data users.

SECTION 6. The amounts necessary to carry out the provisions of this Executive Order shall be provided for in the General Appropriations Act (GAA) in the year following its approval and thereafter. However, any immediate requirement to implement this Executive Order shall be taken from any available appropriations in the CY l994 GAA, subject to the usual budgetary rules and regulations.

SECTION 7. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.

Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of July in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and ninety six.

(Signed) FIDEL V. RAMOS President of the Philippines

Excerpt of ANNEX (List of Designated Statistical Activities) of Executive Order 352

For Mid-Decade Census of Population:

Frequency Geographic Schedule of Data With Activity Agency of Conduct Disaggregation Dissemination ARC Mid- NSO every 10 national, Before the end of Decade years regional, provincial, every census year for Census of city, municipal, population figures from

Population barangay, urban- national down to rural barangay levels; 18 months after the reference year for other statistics Note: NSO was merged with three other statistical agencies: NSCB, BAS, and BLES

B - 2 Philippine Statistics Authority APPENDIX C

Presidential Proclamation No. 1031

Declaring August 2015 as National Census Month

Philippine Statistics Authority C - 1 APPENDIX D


The 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015) is designed primarily to take an inventory of the population in the Philippines and collect information about their characteristics. All information about the population and living quarters were collected as of 12:01 AM of 1 August 2015, the census reference date and time.

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is the agency mandated by law to conduct the POPCEN 2015. Republic Act (RA) No. 10625 and Executive Order (EO) No. 352 are the legal bases for the conduct of this census. RA No. 10625 mandates the PSA to conduct national censuses and surveys, while EO No. 352 requires the conduct of a mid-decade census. Section 25 of RA No. 10625 provides that all respondents are obliged to give truthful and complete answers during the censuses and surveys conducted by the PSA while Section 26 stipulates the confidentiality of information provided by respondents to the PSA in censuses and surveys.

The census-taking was conducted from 10 August to 6 September 2015. The enumeration lasted for approximately 25 working days, except in highly urbanized cities such as the cities in the National Capital Region, and in large provinces in Region IV-A – CALABARZON and Region III – Central Luzon, where the enumeration period was extended beyond 25 days. About 90 thousand individuals were employed as census enumerators (ENs), 23 thousand as team supervisors (TSs), and five thousand as census area supervisors (CASs). They were hired to augment and support the permanent personnel of the PSA during the census enumeration.

An EN was assigned to enumerate one enumeration area (EA), which had about 400 households. To ensure quality data collection during the census enumeration, a ratio of one TS for every four ENs and one CAS for every five TSs was implemented, in general.

To prepare the hired census personnel for enumeration work, four levels of training were conducted. The first level or the task force training for enumeration was conducted within on 29 June to 4 July 2015. The said training was participated in by selected personnel of the PSA central, regional, and provincial offices, who, in turn acted as trainers in the succeeding levels of training. The second level training was conducted within the region for selected PSA provincial and regional office staff who, in turn, served as trainers in the third and fourth level training. The third level training, which was conducted within the province was participated in by selected provincial office personnel and pre-selected hired CASs. The ENs and TSs were trained during the fourth level training, which was conducted within the city and municipality with available training center. A standard training program covering the concepts, definitions, procedures, as well as duties and responsibilities of ENs and supervisors was used.

Census-taking involved going around the whole enumeration area to do the required census procedures, as follows:

1. Courtesy Call. As a matter of protocol, the census personnel made a courtesy call to the Punong Barangay. The ENs informed the official that the census would be undertaken in the barangay and that they would go around the entire area to ask questions from the residents.

D - 1 Philippine Statistics Authority Appendix D – Trainings And Fieldwork 2015 Census of Population

2. Mapping and Canvassing . The ENs went around the entire EA to familiarize themselves with the place, checked the barangay or EA boundaries and landmarks, and reflected these on the barangay/EA map.

3. Listing . The ENs listed buildings with living quarters, housing units, households and number of household members, and institutional living quarters (ILQs) and number of persons staying in ILQs in CP Form 1 or the Listing Booklet. Structures which were occupied or used as living quarters by households, even though these were not intended for human habitation were also listed. During the listing, the names of the household heads and their addresses, and the names and addresses of ILQs were recorded.

4. Interview and Recording of Answers . For every household or ILQ listed, the ENs administered a questionnaire, that is, CP Form 2 for a household or CP Form 4 for an ILQ. The Punong Barangay or any barangay official was also interviewed by the ENs or their TS using CP Form 5 (Barangay Questionnaire).

5. Plotting. The ENs plotted the building with its assigned serial number on the EA map. Standard cartographic symbols were used in plotting the buildings of the households and ILQs.

6. Posting of sticker . The ENs posted a sticker or CP Form 6 (Notice of Listing/ Enumeration) on the door, gate or any conspicuous part of the housing unit or ILQ, to indicate that the household or ILQ has been listed and/or interviewed.

In addition to the count of the household population and institutional population, information about selected demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population were collected using the census questionnaires. These questionnaires were reviewed for completeness and consistency of entries at various phases of the census operations. During data collection, the census supervisors scrutinized questionnaires for completeness and consistency of entries.

Progress monitoring reports were utilized to track the progress of census and field operations and evaluate the completeness of census coverage in each barangay/EA while the enumeration was still ongoing. The provincial, regional, and central offices of the PSA monitored the progress of enumeration through the Progress Monitoring System (PMS). The PMS generated reports on the number of households, ILQs, and persons enumerated based on the information sent by the area supervisors through short messaging system (SMS) or text messaging.

Review of accomplished questionnaires for completeness and consistency of entries was also carried out at the census headquarters or other designated areas where the census teams met weekly and at the Provincial Statistical Office (PO) during manual processing. Machine processing included scanning and interpretation, key-from-image (KFI) data entry, electronic coding, verification of codes, key-verification of batchfiles, validation of geographic and household identification, completeness and consistency checking, and tabulation of marginal and consistency tables. Data files and images were transmitted from the Data Processing Centers (DPCs) to the Central Office (CO) for the generation of census counts. Population counts by province, city, municipality, and barangay, as determined from the processed census questionnaires are considered official for all purposes once they are proclaimed by the President of the Philippines.

Philippine Statistics Authority D - 2 2015 Census of Population Appendix D – Trainings And Fieldwork

The POPCEN 2015 adopted the following technologies to make the census operations efficient:

1. GPS technology for mapping . For this census round, GPS (Global Positioning System) technology was used for mapping selected barangays in all regions. This activity provided the ENs with more accurate maps with exact boundary information. The use of GPS technology will be continued by the PSA as part of its rolling program for mapping activities.

2. SMS technology for progress monitoring . The PSA made use of the SMS technology in monitoring the progress of census enumeration nationwide. Started in the 2007 census, the enhanced version of the PMS was adopted for this census round. The Philippines is the first country in Asia and the Pacific to use the SMS technology in progress monitoring.

3. OMR technology for data processing . The use of Optical Mark Reader (OMR) technology in the Philippine census started in the 2000 Census of Population and Housing (2000 CPH). The Philippines is among the first few countries to have successfully used this technology. The use of OMR shortened the data entry phase because only selected items with codes corresponding to write-in entries were encoded. Data encoding using KFI was done instead of keying from the questionnaires.

4. CAFES for supervisors. The Computer-Aided Field Editing System (CAFES), a module of the Computer-Aided Data Collection System (CADaCS), is a data entry program installed in the tablet, which enabled the CASs to encode entries from accomplished household questionnaires during supervision. The CAFES, thereby, enabled the Head CASs to detect errors or inconsistencies in the accomplished questionnaires during field editing.

5. MIS for quick monitoring of selected POPCEN 2015 activities. The Management Information System (MIS) is a web-based application system that served as a sound board for both the PSA CO and Field Office (FO) staff. It facilitated the monitoring of status of delivery of census questionnaires and supplies, reporting of accidents, injuries, and deaths, among others.

6. Satellite images for validating census coverage . The CO downloaded satellite images and identified structures (buildings) in selected cities and municipalities. Counts of households were estimated based on the said structures. These estimates were used to validate the completeness of census coverage in many areas.

The PSA implemented various strategies to enumerate areas which were hard to reach, remote, upland or mountainous, under military control or with peace and order problem, Chinese communities or exclusive villages with low response rate for reasons of security or other concerns, and areas with boundary disputes. These strategies included the recruitment of ENs who were from the area; coordination with various government agencies and local government units for mobility; coordination with local officials; and coordination with homeowners’ associations in exclusive villages, high-rise condominiums, and in communities inhabited by many foreign nationals and indigenous peoples.

D - 3 Philippine Statistics Authority



Progress monitoring reports were utilized to track the progress of census field operations and evaluate the completeness of census coverage in every barangay/enumeration area (EA). The provincial, regional, and central offices of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) monitored the progress of census enumeration through the Progress Monitoring System (PMS). Information on a completely enumerated area was sent to the Central Office (CO) through Short Messaging Service (SMS) using information from CP Form 1 (Listing Booklet). The Field Offices (FOs) and CO monitored the progress of enumeration through the use of PM reports generated from the PMS.

Evaluation of Population Counts at the PSA Field Offices

The Regional Statistical Services Office (RSSO) was responsible for the evaluation of the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015) counts for the provinces in the region while the Provincial Statistical Office (PO) was responsible for the evaluation of population counts in the cities and municipalities in the province. The computerized reporting through the PMS facilitated the evaluation of population counts at the RSSO and PO. The PMS generated various reports, which include the progress of enumeration by EA with total number of households and total population (PM Report 2). This report showed the EAs, which were completely enumerated as of the date the report was generated. It also showed the percentage of EAs in a barangay, city/municipality or province that has completed the census taking. This report was used to evaluate the acceptability of the reported counts for the following indicators, computed at the barangay level in comparison with the results of the 2010 Census of Population and Housing:

a. Household and population counts b. Demographic indicators • Annual population growth rate • Percent change in the number of households • Average household size c. Difference between 2015 and 2010 institutional population d. Number and percent of EAs completed

The FOs investigated areas with demographically implausible growth rates and questionable values in any of the above cited indicators.

Evaluation of Population Counts at the Central Office

Parallel monitoring and evaluation of population counts were done at the CO, particularly at the Population and Housing Census Division (PHCD). The information used by the PHCD for evaluation were:

a. POPCEN 2015 counts at the barangay level generated through the PMS;

Philippine Statistics Authority E - 1 Appendix E – Evaluation of Population Counts 2015 Census of Population

b. POPCEN 2015 counts at the barangay level from the Enumeration Area Reference File (EARF) filled up with population counts by the POs after matching and completeness checking of census questionnaires during the manual processing; c. POPCEN 2015 counts at the barangay level generated from the Quick Count; d. average annual population growth rates for the provinces and cities/municipalities for the periods 1995-2000, 2000-2007, 1995-2007, 2000-2010, 2007-2010, 2010-2015 and for all geographic levels, that is, including barangay level, for the period 2010- 2015; e. sex ratio for the provinces and cities/municipalities for the year 2010, and for all geographic levels for the year 2015; f. average household size for all geographic levels for the years 2000, 2007, 2010 and 2015; g. percent change of population between census years 2000 and 2007, 2000 and 2010, 2007 and 2010, 2007 and 2015, and 2010 and 2015 for all geographic levels; and h. difference in the total population, household population, and number of households between census years 2000 and 2007, 2000 and 2010, 2007 and 2010, 2007 and 2015, 2010 and 2015 for all geographic levels.

Below are the other sources of information used as inputs for the extrapolation of population counts for 2015. The results of extrapolation were compared with the population counts from 2010 CPH, using the balancing equation assumption:

a. vital registration data on annual births and deaths and estimates of levels of registration based on POPCEN 2007 and 2010 Census of Population and Housing (2010 CPH), for the provinces and cities/municipalities; and b. number of housing units based on satellite images, for selected provinces and cities/municipalities.

Acceptable or demographically plausible values for the abovementioned indicators, as well as the expected direction of their changes over time are specified in the Field Operations Manual (FOM) of the POPCEN 2015 (pages 156-157). The demographic indicators for each geographic area were evaluated using the procedures also contained in the FOM. Explanations were sought if a particular indicator fell outside the acceptable range of values, or if the observed change in the indicator deviates from the expected demographic trend. The RSSO submitted to the CO the explanations of the POs in the region for areas with census results that were considered questionable by the CO based on its independent evaluation.

A more thorough procedure of evaluation was employed for barangays suspected of having census undercoverage or overcoverage. In extreme cases, wherein the results of the evaluation confirmed that underenumeration, padding or fabrication of population were committed, field verification was required.

E - 2 Philippine Statistics Authority APPENDIX F

List of Report No. 1 – Population by Province, City, Municipality, and Barangay


* Renamed pursuant to Republic Act No. 10879, also known as the MIMAROPA Act, which took effect on 17 July 2016.

Philippine Statistics Authority F - 1