

This September 25, 1960 Last Weeks Week Fiction Week On List

1 HAWAII, by James A. Michener. (Random House.) 1 45

2 ADVISE AND CONSENT, by . (Doubleday and Company.) 2 59

3 THE LEOPARD, by Guiseppe di Lampedusa. (Pantheon.) 3 20

4 THE CHAPMAN REPORT, by Irving Wallace. (Simon and Schuster.) 4 17

5 , by . (J.B. Lippincott Company.) 7 8

6 THE LOVELY AMBITION, by Mary Ellen Chase. (W.W. Norton and Company.) 5 13

7 WATER OF LIFE, by Henry Morton Robinson. (Simon and Schuster.) 6 13

8 THE AFFAIR, by C.P. Snow. (Charles Scribner's Sons.) 8 18

THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, by Nikos Kazantzakis. (Simon and 9 9 3 Schuster.)

10 DIAMOND HEAD, by Peter Gilman. (Coward McCann.) 12 11

11 BEFORE YOU GO, by Jerome Weidman. (Random House.) 10 7

12 THE SUN IS MY SHADOW, by Robert Wilder. (G.P. Putnam's Sons.) 11 6

THE VIEW FROM THE FORTIETH FLOOR, by Theodore H. White. (William 13 13 16 Sloane Associates.)

14 AWAY FROM HOME, by Rona Jaffe. (Simon and Schuster.) 16 3

15 MISTRESS OF MELLYN, by Victoria Holt. (Doubleday and Company.) -- 1

16 SET THIS HOUSE ON FIRE, by . (Random House.) 14 14

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This September 25, 1960 Last Weeks Week Non-Fiction Week On List

1 BORN FREE, by Joy Adamson. (Pantheon.) 1 20

HOW I MADE $2,000,000 IN THE STOCK MARKET, by Nicolas Darvas. 2 2 13 (American Research Council.)

3 ENJOY, ENJOY!, by Harry Golden. (World Publishing.) 6 9

MAY THIS HOUSE BE SAFE FROM TIGERS, by Alexander King. (Simon and 4 3 36 Schuster.)

5 FOLK MEDICINE, by Deforest Clinton Jarvis. (Henry Holt and Company.) 5 76

FELIX FRANKFURTER REMINISCES, by Felix Frankfurter. (Reynal and 6 4 14 Company.)

7 THE GOOD YEARS, by Walter Lord. (Harper and Brothers.) 8 13

8 THE LIBERAL HOUR, by John Kenneth Galbraith. (Houghton Mifflin Company.) 10 4

THE CONSCIENCE OF A CONSERVATIVE, by Barry Goldwater. (Victor 9 7 13 Publishing Company.)

10 I KID YOU NOT, by Jack Paar. (Little, Brown and Company.) 9 23

11 TAKEN AT THE FLOOD, by John Gunther. (Harper and Brothers.) 13 2

12 MR. CITIZEN, by Harry S. Truman. (Bernard Geis Associates.) -- 12

13 BASEBALL IS A FUNNY GAME, by Joe Garagiola. (J.B. Lippincott Company.) 11 9

THE NIGHT THEY BURNED THE MOUNTAIN, by Thomas A. Dooley. (Farrar, 14 15 21 Straus and Cudahy.)

15 THOMAS WOLFE, by Andrew Turnbull. (Charles Scribner's Sons.) 12 9

16 DAUGHTERS AND REBELS, by Jessica Mitford. (Houghton Mifflin Company.) 16 4

Hawes Publications www.hawes.com