K it if jp ic j jf if ir ir ir ir K" IP P P P 8T " " f If If if f BU-REA- V ii. , U."S. WEATHER U, T-L- ,t ,in,T-r- wf SS 22-- SUGAR-- 96 Test Aug. Ust i 24 hours rainfall, .00. Centrifugals, 4c.; Per Ton, $80.00. 88 Anal- Temperaturetmax.82, fa min. 72. Weather, ysis Beets, 9$. 9d. fair. Per Ton, ?S0.80. o J J J ji J ji jt j jt jt jt VOL. VI., NO. 295. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 1908. SIXTEEN PAGES. Entered Jn. 19. 1903. at Honolulu, HwU, m 8re4 Class Matter. Under Act of Congrea c Marck & 11. Hffllli COWBOYS SULTAN FLEEING WIN HONORS AT THE DEFEATED ER01 THE CHEYENNE CONTEST SCENE OF BATTLE K ' f t k"-x- j X :K Purdy Defeats AH Comers Kaaua Takes the Moroccan Usurper Turns Tables on Besiegers Third Place and Jack Low Shows Up v 'Tii l I z and Puts Them to Rout Good Times Among First Six. Shown on Stock Exchange. (Cablegram to Hind, Rolph & Co.). ' (Associated Press Cablegrams.) CHEYENNE, Wyoming, August 22. Purdy, of Hawaii, won TANGIER, Morocco, August The forces of Sultkn, the world's steer roping championship at the Frontier Day contest 23. the who had been encamped, around the walls of Fez, besieging the liere todav. His time was fiftv-si- x seconds. Archie Kaaua took J army of Mulai Hafid, the Usurper, were attacked in a sortie yester third place and Jack Low sixth. day, a general engagement being brought on.
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