Managing a dental emergency at home ADVICE UNTIL YOU CAN SEE A DENTIST DURING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC (01/04/20) 1 Cavendish Way, Bearsted, Maidstone Kent ME15 8PW DR KARTIK PATEL BDS 01622 736968 How does coronavirus affect dentistry?

 Dental appointments involve close contact between the dentist and patient and so government guidance has instructed dentists to STOP ALL FACE TO FACE contact. This is to prevent them from catching the virus from an infected patient and passing it on to other pateints.

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 Why routine appointments are not available

 COVID-19 has a seven-day period before symptoms show. If an unsuspecting patient had treatment, the spray from doing that procedure would likely infect the dentist and the nurse.

 The personal protective equipment dentists wear is currently required by hospitals treating coronavirus patients. Without this equipment dental staff are not safe to treat patients as normal.

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 What if I have a dental emergency?

 If you have a dental emergency, you should call us as usual on 01622 736968 where we will be able to offer telephone advice and triage your problem with painkillers or antibiotics as appropriate.

 If you have Covid-19 symptoms or an URGENT dental emergency, call NHS 111 who will refer those needing active treatment to urgent dental treatment centres. AVOID going to hospital A&E.

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 What is an URGENT emergency presently?

 Facial swelling spreading to eye/neck resulting in impaired vision or breathing

 Difficulty swallowing/restricted opening

 Tooth trauma resulting in pain/unconsciousness/ lost tooth

 Trauma or tooth extraction resulting in uncontrolled bleeding not stopped with firm pressure

 Severe disturbing sleep with swelling not controlled by painkillers.

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 URGENT treatment for swelling/spreading infection

 In appropriate circumstances antibiotics may be prescribed for infections which are spreading. Call your dentist urgently for advice or call NHS 111 or NHS 999 if you develop sudden difficulty swallowing or breathing with limited mouth opening

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 Trauma - Lost tooth

 If you have suffered trauma and have head injuries call NHS 111 or NHS 999 immediately  If you have lost a permanent tooth hold it by the crown (normally visible part in mouth) and place the tooth in a container of milk and call NHS 111 or NHS 999

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 What is a non-urgent emergency?

 Broken/chipped tooth or lost fillings  Teeth sensitivity to hot/cold  Loose or lost crowns/bridges/veneers  Bleeding gums or ulcers  Pain or some bleeding after an extraction  /gum pain  Cracked, rubbing or loose dentures  Loose sharp braces wire Unfortunately these problems even with pain will have to wait until your dentist can see you again or you may try some of the following;

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 Toothache Painkillers

 Severe toothache can be controlled with painkillers such as may also be effective OR CO-CODAMOL but not both together  Ibuprofen and paracetamol may be taken alternatively for maximum pain control  Avoid taking any of these if you have been advised against it by your doctor


 Follow the instructions on the packet as too many tablets may result in life threatening stomach and liver injuries

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 Broken tooth or Lost filling

 If you have broken a tooth or lost a filling there may be decay underneath so good cleaning with a fluoride toothpaste and reducing sugar intake will delay any risk of pain.  If there is a hole in the tooth, a temporary filling kit can be packed into the space after drying. These can be found over the counter in pharmacies or supermarkets in limited supply. Due to social distancing rules, where possible, buy these online and have them delivered to your door.  If there is severe discomfort, as a last resort the wax coating on some cheeses or even ‘blu-tack’ can be softened and rolled into a ball to pack into cavities! Dry the tooth as best as you can first to help it stick to the tooth.

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 Tooth Sensitivity

 If you are experiencing mild/moderate sensitivity to hot/cold, brushing with a dedicated sensitive toothpaste may help as well as rubbing the paste onto the dried sensitive area with a clean finger and leave on overnight.  If the tooth is extremely sensitive to hot/cold that makes eating difficult you will need to avoid exposing the tooth to these temperatures and take painkillers if it worsens to a toothache.

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 Loose or lost crowns

 If the loose crown is uncomfortable, gently agitate it out if possible. If it is loose and not painful avoid biting hard on the crown and leave it in place, cleaning around it regularly and avoiding frequent sugar intake.  If the crown comes off, inspect the inside of it and clean out any old cement debris with the tip of a paperclip. Check the crown fits back onto your tooth and bite slowly all the way down to feel if the bite is normal and not proud. If it does not fit back on, leave the crown off.  Over the counter dental cement kits can be used to recement the crown onto the dried tooth, again look online if difficult to find in pharmacies/supermarket.  DO NOT USE SUPERGLUE Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 Bleeding gums

 This is usually the result of gingivitis or gum disease

 Gums will not stop bleeding until your cleaning improves

 Brush your teeth and gums carefully twice a day spending extra time on the ones that bleed

 Use floss or interdental brushes to clean between your teeth every day.

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 Ulcers

 Most ulcers will heal within 7-10 days.

 Regular rinsing with warm saltwater will help cleanse the area and prevent infection

 Use Difflam (Benzydamine) mouthwash to help with pain relief

 Bonjela or Iglu gel can be applied onto DRY ulcers (use cotton bud/tissue prior to applying)

 Maintain good oral hygiene

 Painkillers as needed

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 Pain or bleeding after an extraction

 Pain can be present for several days but will subside, use painkillers as needed.

 Bleeding tends to respond well to pressure. Bite on a clean handkerchief firmly for 30 minutes.

 Pink saliva and a little oozing from the site is normal

 If you smoke or rinse too soon after an extraction you can risk a painful ‘dry socket’

 If pain or bleeding persist call your dentist or NHS 111 Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 Wisdom tooth/gum pain

 Wisdom tooth pain is usually from the gum over the erupting tooth becoming red/swollen from biting trauma

 Most flare ups settle in a few days to a week

 Keep brushing the area and use Corsodyl mouthwash or warm salt rinses until settled

 Maintain a soft diet and take painkillers as needed.

 IF you have face swelling/difficulty opening CALL YOUR DENTIST OR NHS 111

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 Cracked, rubbing or loose dentures

 If the denture is cracked, continue wearing the denture avoiding chewing hard foods especially nuts/seeds  Rubbing dentures can be treated by removing sharp edges with an emery board and using a fixative for loose dentures like Fixodent/Poligrip  Leave the denture out if it is too sore to wear

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 Loose sharp braces wire

 If a wire from orthodontic braces has come loose or broken and is poking/rubbing your cheeks you should try bending any sharp ends in using tweezers, a pencil with a rubber on the end or a teaspoon  Use patient wax/chewing gum to cover the sharp ends as temporary relief  Take painkillers as necessary

Bearsted Dental Studio 01622 736968 “I know dental pain can be a cause of great anxiety at the best of times let alone with the frustrating prospect of not being able to access it during a crisis. This is why my team and I are committed to offering our expert advice to all of our wonderful patients and the wider community without whom we would not be the service we have grown to become. As we prepare for what is to come we all have a responsibility to play our part to get through this. Please look after yourselves and your loved ones and see you all very soon. Thank you for understanding. Stay home, stay safe.”

Dr Kartik Patel BDS Principal Dentist & Clinical Director