Profile of Dr. A. K. Bastia

Personal Profile

1. Name : Dr. Akshaya Kumar Bastia 2. Date of Birth : 5th March 1959 3. E-mail : [email protected] 4. Phone : 06792-255733 (Office) 09437412099 (Mobile) 5. Language Known : Odia, English, Hindi

Professional Profile

1. Qualifications

Examination/ Name of the Class / Percentage Subjects taken Year Degree Board/ Division of Marks University

M.Sc. Utkal Unversity 1st with 69 Botany 1981 Grade A+ (Bio-Chemistry & Enzymology Spl.)

M.Phil Berhampur 1st 70 Botany (Physiology of 1983-84 University Cyanobacteria)

Ph.D. Utkal Unversity - - Botany (Physiology of 1994 Cyanobacteria)

2. Designation : Reader & HOD in Botany. 3. Department : P.G. Department of Botany, North Orissa University, -3 4. Specialization : Biochemistry and Enzymology, Microbial Physiology 5. Course Designed : Under Graduate, Post Graduate, M. Phil. and Pre Ph.D. courses in Botany of North Orissa University and other state Universities. 6. Laboratories set up : Laboratories for class work and research (Algal culture & Tissue culture lab) 7. Student’s Project Guidance Sl. Title Year Status No. M.Sc. Degree 1 A study of algal flora from rice fields of Baripada and adjoining areas 2006 Completed 2 Survey of freshwater algal flora of Similipal Biosphere Reserve 2006 Completed 3 Exploration of cyanobacterial flora in Similipal Biosphere reserve 2007 Completed 4 Freshwater algal wealth of Similipal Biosphere Reserve of 2007 Completed Mayurbhanj, Orissa 5 Blue green algal bio fertilizer: A review 2008 Completed 6 The biology of blue green algae (Cyanobacteria): A review 2008 Completed 7 Biotechnological Potential of cyanobacteria: A review 2008 Completed 8 Bioremediation: A review 2009 Completed 9 Plant secondary metabolites: A review 2009 Completed 10 Biodiesel from microalgae: A review 2009 Completed 11 Bioactive compound from cyanobacteria: A review 2010 Completed 12 Role of cyanobacteria in agriculture: A review 2011 Completed 13 Nitrogen fixation in cyanobacteria: A review 2011 Completed 14 Antimicrobial activity of cyanobacteria: A review 2011 Completed 15 Ecology of blue green algae (Cyanobacteria): A review 2012 Completed 16 Biotechnological Potential of cyanobacteria: A review 2012 Completed 17 Secondary metabolites and their role in plants: A review 2012 Completed M. Phil. Degree 1 Exploration of cyanobacterial diversity from rice fields of Baripada 2008 Awarded and adjoining areas 2 Studies on heterotrophic potentialities of two selected nitrogen fixing 2009 Awarded cyanobacteria from rice fields of , Orissa 3 Effect of pH on the growth and pigment composition of two nitrogen 2009 Awarded fixing cyanobacteria 4 Toxicity of agricultural pesticides on two nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria 2010 Awarded 5 Effect of light intensities and qualities on the cyanobacterium Nostoc 2011 Awarded linckia 6 Effect of sodium chloride on growth and physiological traits of two 2012 To be nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria Awarded 7 Studies on distribution and occurrence of microalgae in sewage water 2012 To be of Baripada, Mayurbhanj, Awarded Ph. D. Degree 1 Isolation and characterization of photochemicals in selected medicinal 2011 Awarded plants with special reference to their antimicrobial efficacy 2 Study of cyanobacteria in rice fields of Mayurbhanj district, Orissa 2011 Awarded

8. Publications


1. Dey, H.S. and Bastia, A.K. 2012. Taxonomic Enumeration of Nostocacean Cyanobacteria from Rice Field Soils of Northern Odisha. Indian Journal of Seaweed Research and Utilization, 34 (1&2): 191-204. 2. Panda, S.K., Patro, N., Sahoo, G., Bastia, A.K. and Dutta, S.K. 2012. Anti-diarrheal activity of medicinal plants of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Odisha, . International Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 1 (2): 123-134. 3. Sahu, E. and Bastia, A.K. 2012. Effect of light intensities and qualities on the cyanobacterium Nostoc linckia. International Journal of Applied Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2 (3): 197-210. 4. Panda, S.K., Bastia, A.K. and Dutta, S.K. 2011. Antidiarrheal activity of Terminalia arjuna Roxb. from India, Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature, 1 (4): 236-247. 5. Dey, H.S., Sahu, E. and Bastia, A.K. 2011. Distribution of Stigonematales from Rice Fields Soils of Mayurbhanj Districts Orissa. Plant Science Research 33 (1&2): 112-115. 6. Dey, H.S. and Bastia, A.K. 2010. Abundance of the Genus Phormidium Kutz. From rice filed soils of Mayurbhanj District Odisha, India. Biohelica 1 (2): 25-31. 7. Dey, H.S., K. Tayung and Bastia, A.K. 2010. Occurrence of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in local rice fields of Orissa, India. Ecoprint 17: 77-85. 8. Dey, H.S. and Bastia, A.K. 2010. Taxonomical enumeration of Chrococcales from rice field soils of Northern Orissa, India. Indian Hydrobiology 13 (1): 46-52. 9. Panda, S.K., Bastia, A.K. and Dutta, S.K. 2010. Anticandidal activity of Croton roxburghii Balak. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research 2(4): 55-59. 10. Panda, S.K., Dutta, S.K. and Bastia, A.K. 2010. Antibacterial activity of croton roxburghii Balak against the enteric pathogens. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research 1(4): 419-422. 11. Panda, S.K., Bastia, A.K. and Dutta, S.K. 2010. Anticandidal activity of Eleuthrine bulbosa (Miller) Urban. Inventi Impact: Ethnopharamacology 1(1): 44-46. 12. Panda, S.K., Polai, B.L., Bastia, A.K. and Dutta, S.K. 2010. Anticandidal activity of Terminalia arjuna Roxb. Bark from similipal Biosphere Reserve, Orissa, India. Biohelica 1 (1): 45-51. 13. Dey, H.S., Tayung, K. and Bastia, A.K. 2010. Antimicrobial evaluation of some freshwater cyanobacteria collected from local rice fields of Orissa, India. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 04 (2): 589-597. 14. Dey, H.S. and Bastia, A.K. 2009. The genus Oscillatoria Voucher from rice field soils of Northern Orissa. Plant Science Research 31 (1&2): 78-82. 15. Panda, S.K., Thatoi, H.N., Bastia, A.K. and Dutta, S.K. 2009. In-vitro evaluation on anti- shigella activity of Cassia fistula L. leaf extracts. Plant Science Research 31 (1&2): 49-53. 16. Dey, H.S. and Bastia, A.K. 2008. Cyanobacterial flora from rice growing areas of Mayurbhanj. Plant Science Research 30 (1&2): 22-26. 17. Dey, H.S., Bhuyan, S., Pradhan,B. and Bastia, A.K. 2008. Freshwater Algal Diversity of Similipal Biosphere Reserve. J. Indian Hydrobiology 11(1): 167-172 18. Bastia, A.K. 2008. Waste Management by Nitrogen-fixing Cyanobacteria. The Ekologia 8 (1): 83-88. 19. Bhuyan, S., Dey, H.S. and Bastia, A.K. 2007. Cyanobacterial Diversity of Selected Patches in Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Mayurbhanj, Orissa. Biannual Bulletin in SBR, BRIS, RPRC, 2 (1&2): 30-31. 20. Bastia, A.K. and Adhikary, S.P. (2001). Toxicity of malathion to two rice field cyanobacteria: possible role of sucrose in modifying the toxicity. Indian Journal of Indian Botanical Society 80: 169-172. 21. Bastia, A.K. and Adhikary, S.P. (1995). A phycoerythrin lacking mutant induced by DCMU in photoheterotrophically grown Nostoc linckia. Journal of Basic Microbiology 35: 63-71. 22. Bastia, A.K., Satpathy, D.P. and Adhikary, S.P. (1993). Heterotrophic growth of several filamentous blue-green algae. Archives für Hydrobiology 70: 65-70. 23. Adhikary, S.P., Bastia, A.K. and Tripathy, P.K. (1992). Growth response of the nitrogen fixing cyanobacterium Westiellopsis prolifica Janet to fertilizer factory effluent. Bulletin of Environment and Toxicology 49:137-144. International conference: Nil

National Conference

1. Bastia, A.K., Hembram, D.B., Durga, R. and Dey, H.S. 2009. Cyanobacteria in bioremediation of polluted environment. In: Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends in Monitoring and Bioremediation of Mine and Industrial Environment. Eds. Bastia, A.K. and Mohapatra, U.B., North Orissa University, Baripada, Orissa, pp. 64-70. 2. Panda, S.K., Thatoi, H.N., Bastia, A.K. and Dutta., S.K. 2009. Anti-fungal activity of five medicinal plants of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Orissa, India. In: Proceeding of 12th Annual conference of Orissa Bigyan Congress, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. Pp: 43-50. 3. Das, N., Bhakta, S. and Bastia, A.K. 2006. Freshwater algal wealth of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, Mayurbhanj, Orissa. In: Emerging Trends in Plant Sciences: From Morphology to Biotechnology. Ed. Behera, B. Ravenshaw University, . 4. Bastia, A.K. and Adhikary, S.P. (1999). Management of distillery effluent by cyanobacteria. In: Industries and Environment Management (Ed.) Patra, H.K., Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, pp: 22-27. 5. Satapathy, D.P., Bastia, A.K. and Adhikary, S.P. (1992). Heterotrophic potentialities of nineteen heterocystous cyanobacteria belonging to Anabaena and Nostoc. In: Biological Nitrogen Fixation and Biogas Tecnology. Kannaiyan, S., Ramaswamy, K., Illamrugu, K. and Kumar, K. (eds.). Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, pp: 23-26. Books authored/edited 1. Bastia, A.K. and Mohapatra, U.B. 2009. Proceedings of National Seminar on Recent Trends in Monitoring and Bioremediation of Mine and Industrial Environment, North Orissa University, Baripada, Odisha. Book (Chapters) 1. Bhakta, S.., Dey, H. and Bastia, A.K. 2006. Study of algal diversity from rice fields of Baripada, Mayurbhanj, Orissa. In: Environmental Biotechnology and Biodiversity Conservation. Ed. Das, M.K. Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp. 154-169. 2. Bastia, A.K., Mohapatra, P.M. and Adhikary, S.P. 2005. Management of flyash using cyanobacteria. In: Pollution Management. Eds. Trivedi, P.C. and Nehera, S. Pointer Publishers, Jaipur, India, pp. 159-169. 3. Bastia, A.K. and Adhikary, S.P. (1995). Mass cultivation of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria utilizing distillery effluents. In: Impact of Modern Agriculture on Environment. Arora, S.K., Behl, Tauru and Joshi (Eds.). Soc. Sust. Agri & N.R.M. Max Muller Bhawan, New Delhi, pp: 139-143. Magazines 1. Gopal, G.V. & Bastia, A. K. 1988. Grass Tree. Biology Education 5 (3): 180-181. 1. Research Projects:

Sl. Title Funding Fund Duration Status Brief write-up No. agency amount (in lakh) 1 Floristic inventory of medicinal plant UNDP 1.56 2008 Completed Collection of medicinal plant specimens, preparation conservation areas (MPCA) in Orissa of herbarium and their identification were carried out and preparation of herbarium from the conserved areas of Satkosia for establishment specimens for a state level herbarium of a state level herbarium. 2 Study of distribution status of five Forest Dept., 3.0 2008 Completed The distribution of five common medicinal plants of common medicinal plants of SBR and Govt. of SBR and their linkages to tribal livelihood were studies their linkages to livelihood Orissa during the research. 3 Assessment of floral diversity, richness Forest Dept., 3.0 2009 Completed The work was objected to study the diversity, richness and vegetatinal zonation of SBR with Govt. of and vegetational zonation of RET plant species of SBR special reference to endemic, rare and Orissa for biodiversity conservation. threatened taxa 4 In vitro propagation of Orchids for DST, Govt. of 4.59 2009-12 On going The project was objected for survey, collection, tribal development Orissa conservation and maintenance of existing orchids of the Mayurbhanj district region and to develop protocol for in vitro propagation of selected orchids through tissue culture and its commercial production for tribal development. 5 Nutritional and microbiological quality DST, Govt. of 7.48 2010-13 On going The objective of the project is to survey microbial flora evaluation of traditional rice bevarages Orissa & fauna including physical and chemical parameters of “Handia” from Northen Orissa Handia sample collected from different parts of Northern Odisha and to improve process and quality of Handia scientifically. 6 Studies on freshwater algal diversity of UGC, New 8.32 2010-13 On going In this work the survey and documentation of SBR and screening for their Delhi, Govt. of freshwater algal diversity of SBR were taken in to antimicrobial potentials. India account and the extraction and screening of phyto- chemicals from dominant and potent strains were being characterized for their antimicrobial efficacy.

10. Seminar/Conferences/Workshops attended (Since 2000): 1. National Seminar on “Phycology in the new millennium” 1-3rd March 2000, University of Madras, Centre of Advanced Study in Botany, Guindy, Chennai. 2. The 17th Parija Memorial Lecture (1999-2000), 14th March 2000, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. 3. National Seminar on “Plant Resource Management for Sustainable Development” and “Silver Jubilee celebration of Orissa Botanical Society”, 25-26th March 2001, P.G. Department of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. 4. The 26th Annual Conference of Orissa Botanical Society held at CRRI, Cuttack, 21-22nd December 2001. 5. Seminar on “Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation Technology” held at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar in collaboration with NAARRI, Mumbai, 21-22nd November 2002. 6. The 28th Annual Conference of Orissa Botanical Society held at College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, 10-11th January, 2004. 7. National seminar on “Role of Microbes in Agriculture, Industries and Mines”, 21st March 2004, P.G. Department of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. 8. The 29th Annual conference of Orissa Botanical Society held at Ravenshaw(Autonomous) College, Cuttack 18-19th December 2004. 9. The 19th Parija Memorial Lecture (2004-2005), Somatic Embryogenesis: Process & Prospects. By Professor V.S. Jaiswal, on 29th March 2005, P.G.Department of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. 10. Indo-US workshop on “Conservation of Biodiversity in Similipal Biosphere Reserve” on 14- 15th November 2005, held at North Orissa University, Baripada in collaboration with United States Educational Foundation in India. 11. State level seminar on “Issues of Human Rights and Ethics in Biological Development” 18-19th December 2005, held at Udala College, Udala, Mayurbhanj, Orissa. 12. International Conference on Applied Phycology “Algae in Biotechnology and Environment” 14-15th February 2006, held at P.G. Department of Botany, University of Delhi, Delhi. 13. National Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Plant Sciences: Morphology to Biotechnology “on 29-30th October, 2006 held at Deptt. of Botany Ravenshaw University,Cuttack. 14. International Conference on “Current Trends in Algal Bioresource Utilization”on 4-6th December, 2006, held at Deptt. of Ecology and Environmental Science, Assam University, Silchar, India. 15. 31st Annual Conference of Orissa Botanical Society held at P.N.College, Khurdha on 24-25th February, 2007. 16. Seminar-cum-Workshop on “Freshwater Algae and Their Utilization” on18-19th March, 2007 held at P.G.Department of Biotechnology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. 17. National Seminar on “Recent Trends of Application of Microbial Techniques in Agriculture” on 28th March, 2007 held at P.G. Department of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. 18. 32nd Annual Conference of Orissa Botanical Society held at College of Basic Science & Humanities, OUAT Bhubaneswar from 21-22 December 2007. 19. The UGC (DRS-SAP-II) sponsored National Seminar on “Abiotic Stress on Plants” held on 30th March 2008 at P.G. Department of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. 20. The 21st Parija Memorial Lecturer (2007-2008) on” Engineering Catalase Protein: A Strategy for Stress Alleviation in Rice”, held on 31st March 2008 at MKCG Auditorium, Utkal University, Vanivihar, Bhubaneswar. 21. UGC sponsored National Symposium on Biodiversity Management and Sustainable Use of Resources on 19-20th April 2008 at P.G. Dept. of Botany, G.M.College (Autonomous), Sambalpur. 22. UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Bio-fertilizer and its potential” at Sidheswar College, Amarda Road, Balasore from 19-20th Dec. 2008. 23. Conducted 33rd Annual Conference of Orissa Botanical Society and National Seminar on “Recent Trends in Monitoring and Bioremediation of Mine and Industrial Environment” in the P.G. Dept. of Botany, North Orissa University, Baripada from 10-11th January 2009. 24. Attended 34th Annual conference of the Orissa Botanical Society and the National Seminar on “ The present and Future of Biodiversity Conservation” held at Banki (Auto) College, Banki, Cuttack from 26-27th December, 2009. 25. Presented paper in 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology “Algal Biotechnology in the Asia Pacific region: New Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century” held at Dept. of Botany, Delhi University, Delhi from December 1-4, 2009. 26. Attended International Symposium on Phycological Research held at Centre of Advanced Study in Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi from February 25-27, 2010 (Paper presented).

27. Attended the 35th Annual Conference of Odisha Botanical Society and National Seminar on “Plant Resource Assessment and Conservation Under Changing Environment” at Christ College, Cuttack, Odisha from 29th to 30th December, 2010.

28. Attended the National Conference on Algae and Algal Products at Department of Biotechnology, Sathyabama University, Chennai, from 22th to 24th September, 2011

29. Attended the National Seminar and 8th Probir Chatterjee Memorial Lecture on “Present Scenario and Future Prospect of Cryptogamic Botany” held at Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India on 9th November 2011.

30. Participated and presented paper in the 14th Orissa Bigyan Congress & National Conference on “Interandisciplinary Sciences-Key to Novel Innovations” held at OUAT, Bhubaneswar from 12th-14th November, 2011.

31. Participated in the Regional Workshop “ Poverty and Conservation of Forest” on 29th November, 2011, held at North Orissa University on the occasion of celebration of the International Year of Forest-2011.

32. Attended and presented paper in the 36th Annual Conference of Orissa Botanical Society and UGC Sponsored Seminar on “Organic Farming, Plant Protection and Floriculture” at Talcher Autonomous College, Talcher, Odisha from 28th to 29th December, 2011.

33. Attended 99th Session of Indian Science Congress Association held at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar from January 3-7, 2012.

34. Participated in the UGC sponsored National level seminar on “Biodiversity: Status Loss and Conservation” held at Department of Botany, Udala College, Udala from 8th – 9th Feb. 2012 and delivered Guest lecture as a resource person. 35. Participated in the National seminar on “New Frontiers in Plant Science Research for Sustainable Development”, organized by Department of Botany, P.N. Autonomous College, Khurda in collaboration with OUAT, Bhubaneswar from 25th- 26th Feb. 2012. 36. Participated in the National Workshop cum Training Programme on “Marine Algae, Cultivation and Utilization” Employment Potential and Business Opportunities in Costal States and Union Territories in India organized by Department of Botany, University of Delhi held at Bhubaneswar from 27th-28th Feb. 2012. 37. Participated in the 53rd Annual conference of Association of Microbiologist of India (AMI) and International conference on „Microbial world: Recent Innovations and Future Trends‟ organized by KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha during 22nd- 25th November 2012. 38. Participated in the 37th Annual conference of Orissa Botanical Society and P. Parija memorial National conference on „Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology‟ held at Ravenshaw University, Cuttack during 22-23rd December 2012. 39. Participated in the „International Conference on Algal Biorefinery: A Potential Source of Food, Feed, Biochemicals, Biofuels and biofertilizers (ICAB-2013)‟ held at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India during 11th-12th January 2013.

11. Invited Lectures:

Organised By Me:

1. 33rd Annual conference of Orissa Botanical Society and National seminar on “Recent Trends in Monitoring and Bioremediation of mine and Industrial Environment held at P.G. Department of Botany, North Orissa University, Baripada during 10th-11th January 2009. 2. Invited talk on “Remote Sensing-GIS and its applications” held on 8th February 2013 at P.G. Department of Botany, North Orissa Univerisity, Baripada. Being Invited:

1. Guest lecturer in the UGC sponsored national seminar on “Biodiversity: Status, Loss and Conservation” organised by Department of Botany, Udala College, Udala, Mayurbhanj, Odisha held on 8th-9th February 2012.

12. Events organised:

1. Chancellor‟s debate in English and Odia (Zonal and Final) at North Orissa University, session 2011-2012 with 25 participants. 2. University English Essay competition on the eve of 99th Indian Science Congress held at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar in 2012 with 30 participants. 3. Fourth Governor-Chancellor cup panel discussion at University level and the final round held at Bhubaneswar during 14-15th March 2012 with 8 participants. 4. Odia debate competition organised by Odisha Television LTD (OTV), held at Bhubaneswar on 5th August 2012 with 2 participants. 13. Memberships: 1. Life membership of Orissa Botanical Society. 2. Annual membership of Indian Phycological Society. 3. Annual membership of Indian Botanical Society. 4. Annual membership of Association of Microbiologist of India. 5. Life membership of Indian Science Congress Association. 6. Life membership of Seaweed Research and Utilization. 7. Life membership of Krishnamurthy Institute of Algology (Indian Hydrobiology). 8. Triennial membership of Current Science Association (Indian Academy of Science).

14. Patents: Nil

15. Extra-curricular activities:

1. HOD P.G. Department of Botany, North Orissa University (Continuing….) 2. Prof-in-Charge Cultural Affairs. 3. Prof-in-Charge Placement cum Welfare. 4. Prof-in-Charge Central Store. 5. Officer-in-Charge Construction. 6. Officer- in-Charge UGC matter. 7. Member of University Senate. 8. Member of SC, ST cell. 9. Member of Tender and Purchase committee. 10. Member of Board of Studies in Botany (P.G., M. Phil. and Ph.D.). 11. Member of Board of Studies in Microbiology (P.G.). 12. Member of Subject Research Committee (SRC) in Botany and Life Sciences. 13. Member of Board of Conducting Examinations. 14. Adviser of Student‟s advisory committee. 15.Adviser Old Student‟s Association, P.G. Department of Botany, North Orissa University.