Issue #95 Linking , Westchester & Connecticut March 21, 2019 14 Adar B, 5778

CANDLE LIGHTING March 22 - 15 Adar B, 5778 See ad Parshat Tzav on page Light Candles: 6:51 PM 11 Shabbat Ends: 7:52 PM JEWISH LINK Hero Rabbi Achiad Ettinger H”yd, Is Buried NORPAC Mission to Washington Despite serious injuries and heavy bleeding, the rabbi turned his car around and fi red four Tuesday, May 21, 2019 bullets at the attacker in an attempt to neutralize the threat to innocent bystanders. Anti-Semitism is at a dangerous high. Israel’s critics are becoming bolder and By louder; we can’t afford to sit on the sidelines. Come make a difference on NORPAC’s Mission to Washington D.C. Rabbi Achiad Ettinger, H”YD, a 47-year-old father of 12 who was See our ad on page 6 critically injured in a terrorist at- tack near Ariel on Sunday, suc- Genetics cumbed to his wounds on Monday morning and was laid to rest. “The passing of the blessed Rab- 101: bi Achiad Ettinger, who fell with the grace of God at the hands of a EVERYTHING YOUR FAMILY NEEDS TO KNOW... lowly murderer during a terror at- tack in which he revealed daring MARCH 9 AM - 12 PM mental strength and courage while 31 CONG. BNAI YESHURUN 641 W ENGLEWOOD AVE, TEANECK NEW JERSEY shooting at the loathsome terror- SPEAKERS: ist,” the Ettinger family said in a See our ad on page 16 statement. In the statement, the family thanked the team at Beilinson Hos- pital, Magen David Adom paramed- ics, Samaria security personnel and Rabbi Achiad Ettinger, H”yd. CREDIT: CHABAD.ORG/NEWS reunion & open house “all the people of Israel who prayed ON & OPEN HOUSE for his recovery.” injured. He is survived by his wife that situation. He didn’t run away, Similarly, Rabbi Avraham Schil- Sunday, March 24th, 2019 | 3PM - 5PM Lifeplex, 18 College Road, Monsey, NY A resident of the town of Eli in and children, ages 1 to 20. but strove to confront the terror- ler, the rabbi of Eli, called Etting- Samaria, Ettinger—the dean of the “Your father was a hero in his ist. He fired bullets at the murder- Oz V’Emunah yeshivah in the Neve life and a hero in his death,” Israeli er and paid for it with his life.” CONTINUED ON P. 7 Sha’anan neighborhood of South Education Minister Naftali Bennett

& Open House tour our facility enjoy ice skating Tel Aviv—is being heralded as a said during a eulogy at Ettinger’s See our ad on page 26 hero by his family for firing at the funeral. “In his death, he didn’t do terrorist even after being severely what most people would have in Stamford’s Rabbi David Hundreds Rally in Albany Israel Leads RZA By Judy Berger

for Increased STEM Funding For the past year, Stamford res- By JLBWC Staff ident Rabbi David Israel has served as the executive vice-president of Hundreds of students from Jew- the Religious Zionists of America. ish day schools and yeshivas came The RZA is the US branch of the See our ad on page 22 to the State Capitol recently as part worldwide Mizrachi-HaPoel HaMiz- of the Orthodox Union’s Teach NYS rachi movement. delegation to advocate for increased “I have always described myself and sustainable funding for non- as a Religious Zionist, someone who public school STEM (science, tech- sees the establishment of the State nology, engineering and mathemat- of Israel as part of a divine plan, des- ics) education. Now in its third year, tiny if you will,” said Rabbi Israel. the Teach NYS Albany mission has “The imagery of Shir HaShirim used become the largest annual lobbying by the Rav, Rabbi Joseph B. Solovei- event in Albany on behalf of non- tchik, to describe the establishment OU Executive VP Allen Fagin (left) and RZA Executive Director Rabbi David public schools and yeshivas. The OU President Moishe Bane. of the State of Israel—God knock- Israel. CREDIT: RELIGIOUS ZIONISTS OF AMERICA students hailed from more than 50 ing on our door and our need to get See our ad on page 30 schools in City, Long Is- CONTINUED ON P. 12 ourselves out of bed and answer the CONTINUED ON P. 16


NEW YORK | HACKENSACK | LAKEWOOD | MONSEY | CHERRY HILL | PHILADELPHIA The Community is invited to a special Leadership and Education Conference in honor of Yeshivat Har Etzion’s 50th Anniversary and the Stella K. Abraham Beit Midrash for Women at Migdal Oz’s 20th Anniversary

$SULOu:45pm-5:00pm Grand Hyatt Hotel NYC

A unique opportunity to hear distinguished faculty of Yeshivat Har Etzion and Migdal Oz and alumni and alumnae in communal leadership positions address the contemporary challenges impacting the Jewish community in Israel and the Diaspora today.

Speakers will include: HaRav Mosheh Lichtenstein ’78, HaRav Baruch Gigi ’75, Rabbanit Esti Rosenberg, Rabbi Moshe Taragin ’83, Yoetzet Halacha Shayna Goldberg, Dr. Yael Landman Wermuth MO ‘05

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis ’76, Rabbi Dr. Michael Rosensweig ’73, Mr. Moishe Bane ‘77 Rabbi Dr. Leonard Matanky , Rabbi Menachem Penner ’88, Rabbi Dr. Michael Berger ’80

Topics will include:

ľ8IBUEPFTUIFGVUVSFIPMEGPS+FXJTIDPNNVOJUJFTJOUIF%JBTQora? Is increasing antisemitism in America and Europe a threat to the safety and security of our communities?



Registration is required at or by email usoffi[email protected] Suggested Donation: $18 Followed by Etzion Jubilee Gala Dinner (Registration and couvert required for dinner attendance)

To see full schedule go to

2 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM 50 years of personal development. 50 years of national commitment. 50 years of the Gush.

718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 3 WORLD NEWSBRIEFS

Gantz Rebuts Secret Recording his machine gun, and using it to fire at Dvor- Saying He Would Invite Likud sky and at Rabbi Achiad Ettinger, who has to Join His Government since succumbed to his wounds. Abu Laila’s father and brother were ar- rested in connection with the attack, and Abu Laila was located and killed in a fire- fight with IDF forces in the Arab village of Abwein. Keidan was buried in the military cem- etery of Beersheva on Monday by his par- ents—immigrants to Israel from the former Soviet Union—and his two older brothers. Jordanian Lawmakers Call for Expelling Israeli Ambassador Over Temple Mount Dispute (JNS) Jordanian lawmakers are calling for expelling the Israeli ambassador in Amman, Amir Weissbrod, in retaliation for “ongoing Benny Gantz Israel aggression” at Jerusalem’s holy sites, (JNS) In the wake of a firestorm of con- including the Temple Mount. troversy resulting from the leak of a record- “The parliament recommended the gov- ing in which Blue and White Party leader ernment recall the Jordanian ambassador Benny Gantz revealed that he would consid- from Israel and expel the Israeli ambassa- er inviting Likud to join a unity government dor from Amman to confront the ongoing if his party wins the upcoming election, Israeli aggression at holy sites in occupied Gantz has retracted, stating that he would Jerusalem,” reported the official Petra news not be willing to form a coalition with Isra- agency. Along with Egypt, Jordan is the only el’s current prime minister. Arab nation to have a peace accord with Is- In a response to the announcement of CONTINUED ON P. 6 an upcoming indictment of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by Attorney Linking The Bronx, Westchester & Connecticut General Avichai Mandelblit, Gantz told a press conference that he would not form a coalition with Netanyahu in light of the ac- cusations that Netanyahu committed acts of JEWISH LINK fraud and breach of trust. TABLE OF CONTENTS However, a recording broadcast by Chan- nel 13 this week appeared to show Gantz telling close confidants that he would con- World Newsbriefs………...Pages 4 & 6 sider such a merger if he won the election. World/Israel News……..……….Page 7 “I chose the words ‘given the circum- stances’ [in the Feb. 28 statement] in order Editorial………………………....Page 8 not to completely close the door [on a co- alition with Likud] and lock it. The door is Publisher’s Perspective closed, but not locked,” he said. Gantz attempted to defend the state- By Moshe Kinderlehrer………..Page 8 ments the next morning, saying they were made “before the full details of the severe Op-Ed charges against Netanyahu were revealed, By Jonathan Tobin………...…..Page 9 and definitely before it turned out he re- ceived NIS 16 million in a round-trip trade Community News.....Starting on Pg 10 on the submarines and lied to the public on serious security matters.” Community Newsbriefs….…..Page 10 “I am saying, not in an anonymous re- Stamford Community News....Page 16 cording but openly and in my voice: I won’t sit with Netanyahu in the government!” he Divrei Torah declared. By Rabbi David Walk..……….Page 18 Medical Condition Improves for IDF Soldier Injured in By Rabbi Gidon Rothstein…...Page 18 Deadly Ariel Attack Reflections From the (JNS) Alexander Dvorsky, the Israel De- fense Forces’ soldier who was critically in- Schoolhouse jured in a fatal terror attack outside the city of Ariel in Samaria on Sunday, showed sig- By Ingrid Hauptman………….Page 19 nificant improvement as of Tuesday morn- News From Israel…………….Page 20 ing, and is considered to be out of immedi- ate danger. SIMCHA LINK…………..…….Page 24 Doctors at Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah reported that Dvorsky is fully con- Food & Wine Link………...…..Page 25 scious and breathing on his own, and was Schools…………………..Pages 26-28 able to speak with medical staff. Israeli security forces hunted for 18-year- Sports…………..……………..Page 29 old Omar Abu Laila, who is suspected of stabbing 19-year-old Sgt. Gal Keidan, stealing Real Estate Section.……...Page 30-31 4 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM YESHIVA UNIVERSITY NEW! ASSOCIATE IN MANAGEMENT DEGREE


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718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 5 WORLD NEWSBRIEFS

World Newsbriefs According to the report, the Shin Bet se- CONTINUED FROM P. 4 curity agency informed Barak that his per- sonal device was compromised and gave rael. The Jordanian Wakf has custodianship him further instructions on how he should of the mount complex, which includes the conduct himself. Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. It also appears that the Iranians bought Israeli police maintain security order on the the data from hackers, rather than engaging NORPAC Mission complex. in the hacking themselves. Earlier this week, an Israeli court or- dered the tentative closure of a side build- Hamas Arrests, Beats ing on the compound known as the Golden Seven Journalists Covering to Washington Gate—also referred to as the “Gate of Mer- Economic Protests in Gaza cy,” Sha’ar HaRachamim in Hebrew and Bab (JNS) Seven Palestinian reporters were al-Dhahabi in Arabic. The building in ques- in Hamas’ custody earlier this week, report- tion had been inactive for years and then ed The Times of Israel, citing a source with Tuesday, May 21, 2019 recently opened by the Wakf despite a Su- the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, as they preme Court ruling banning the opening of were covering protests over Gaza’s increas- the compound. ingly severe economic hardships and high Anti-Semitism is at a dangerous high. Jordan slammed the ruling, as its foreign cost of living. ministry remarked that Israel would bear They were “due to be released in the com- Israel’s critics are becoming bolder and “full responsibility for the dangerous conse- ing hours,” according to the outlet, as “secu- quences” behind the decision. rity forces have used violence to break up the demonstrations and, according to rights louder; we can’t afford to sit on the sidelines. Israeli Forensics Team Travels groups, dozens have been arrested, includ- to Ethiopia to Help Identify ing journalists and human-rights workers.” Plane-Crash Victims The West Bank-based syndicate said that Come make a difference on NORPAC’s 17 journalists were arrested, 10 of them re- leased and four undergoing hospital treat- Mission to Washington D.C. ment. The U.N. envoy to Israel and the Palestin- ian territories, Nickolay Mladenov, said in a statement: “I strongly condemn the cam- paign of arrests and violence used by Hamas security forces against protesters, including women and children, in Gaza over the past three days.” “I am particularly alarmed by the brutal ZAKA members in Ethiopia. beating of journalists and staff from the In- dependent Commission for Human Rights (JNS) A forensics team from the Israel Po- and the raiding of homes,” he added. lice arrived in Ethiopia this week to assist Mladenov also noted that “the long-suf- local authorities in identifying the remains fering people of Gaza were protesting the of two Israelis who were killed alongside dire economic situation and demanded an the 155 other passengers onboard Ethiopi- improvement in the quality of life in the an Airlines Flight 302, which crashed to the Gaza Strip. It is their right to protest without ground shortly after takeoff on March 10. fear of reprisal.” Reportedly, it may take half a year to identify the victims’ remains. Supreme Court Bans Otzma “We are embarking on a national mission Yehudit Candidate Ben-Ari and joining the international effort and oth- From Israel’s April Elections er delegations that will arrive in the field,” (JNS) Israel’s Supreme Court banned Otz- said chief superintendent Ilan Peer, the lead- ma Yehudit candidate Michael Ben-Ari from er of the delegation, reported The Jerusalem running in the upcoming national elec- Post. “Our goal is to identify the two Israelis tions—the first time Israel’s highest court Roundtrip transportation to DC from NY-NJ. who perished in the disaster.” has ever prevented a single individual from Glatt Kosher meals included. The Israelis identified were Avraham running in an Israeli election—in opposi- Matzliah, 49, of Ma’ale Adumim, and Shimon tion to a decision by the Central Elections Additional Information and Registration at Re’em, 55, of Zichron Yaakov. Committee. A ZAKA emergency response group sent In an 8-1 vote, the Supreme Court voted or call (201) 788-5133 volunteers to Ethiopia just hours after the in favor of a petition to disqualify Ben-Ari crash to identify and repatriate the remains due to anti-Arab beliefs and incitement. The of Re’em and Matzliah so they could be af- court’s decision had been urged by Attorney SPECIAL EARLY REGISTRATION RATES UNTIL APRIL*: forded a proper burial by their families back General Avichai Mandelblit and represents in Israel. the first time that the Supreme Court barred Adults - $135, Students/Young Professionals (Under 30) - $75 an individual, rather than a faction or party, *Rates will increase by $50 in April. Deadline subject to change. Please register soon! Report: Former Israeli Prime from running. Call about special Clergy and College Student rates. Minimum age: 12 Minister Barak’s Phone Under Article 7A of the Basic Law: The Data Accessed by Iran Knesset, “incitement to racism” is one of (Israel Hayom/JNS) Less than a week after three actions that disqualify a candidate Hadashot 12 reported that Blue and White from running for Knesset. Party leader Benny Gantz had his phone Ben-Ari has insisted that his remarks hacked by Iran, a similar report emerged were taken intentionally out of context and stating that Iran also managed to access the that he is not a racist. data on former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Otzma blasted the decision, with Ben-Ari Paid for by NORPAC Barak’s phone, according to the “Uvda” in- calling the Supreme Court a “judicial junta vestigative news program. that seeks to take over our lives.” 6 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM WORLD/ISRAEL NEWS Does Trump Administration’s New Language on Golan, West Bank Represent a Notable Shift? By Jackson Richman/ The current U.S. policy on who controls “The policy on the status of the territo- The softening of the language comes as the West Bank and Gaza is that the final sta- ries has not changed,” he told reporters last the Trump administration has taken a hard- The decision last week by the U.S. State tus is to be decided in peace negotiations be- week. er line against the Palestinians, largely cut- Department to change its designation of the tween Israel and the Palestinians. But the de- Nevertheless, the Middle East Fo- ting off aid due to the Palestinian Authority’s Golan Heights from “Israeli-occupied” to “Is- scription changes from Israel occupying the rum’s Gregg Roman told JNS that “the refusal to negotiate with the , raeli-controlled” in its annual human-rights aforementioned areas to controlling them U.S. omission of the term ‘occupied’ as well as its financial support for terrorists report comes amid a push for the United demonstrates a significant shift in seman- from both the West Bank and Golan and their families. States to officially recognize Israeli sover- tics by U.S. officials. Heights reflects regional reality on the At the same time, the administration is eignty of the Golan Heights, which it cap- However, Michael Kozak, head of the ground. The U.S. recognizes Israel main- preparing to release its proposal to resolve tured in the 1967 Six-Day War. State Department’s human-rights and de- taining a hold on the Golan Heights, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Reports indi- Additionally, the report’s section on the mocracy bureau, noted that the language the argument over the West Bank should cate that the Trump administration will like- West Bank and Gaza did not label those are- in the report does not reflect any policy be treated as disputed territories, not oc- ly release its Mideast peace plan following as as being “occupied” or under “occupation.” changes. cupied.” Israel’s elections on April 9.

Hero Rabbi Achiad Ettinger H”yd ous injuries and heavy bleeding, the rabbi turned his car around and fired four bul- CONTINUED FROM P. 1 lets at the attacker in an attempt to neu- er a “hero and fighter” for the Jewish peo- tralize the threat to innocent bystanders ple. being targeted by Abu Laila. The terrorist “In your heroism you became an emis- managed to escape in a car that had been sary for the entire nation of Israel. Every- abandoned by a terrified driver during the one will learn from your actions, both ci- incident. vilians and soldiers,” he said. Ettinger’s organs will be donated to Ettinger was shot in the head and neck those in need. by 19-year-old Omar Abu Laila while driv- Soldier and new immigrant from Mol- ing his car at the Gitai junction on Sun- dova Alexander Dvorsky, who was injured day, just moments after Abu Laila stabbed when Abu Laila drove to the nearby Gi- 19-year-old Israel Defense Forces’ soldier tai junction and opened fire after the Ari- Gal Keidan of Beersheva and stole his gun. el Junction attack, remains in serious con- Ettinger’s family said that despite seri- Rabbi Achiad Ettinger and family. dition.

- Ross B. Rothenberg, Esq.



718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 7 EDITORIAL JEWISH LINK Wishing Our Readers a Freilichen Purim BRONX, WESTCHESTER & CONNECTICUT Co-Founders/Co-Publishers This is a time of the year when we glad- 50 men, women and children of the Islam- tion centers of Tel Aviv. David Winter ly remember that good will ultimately pre- ic faith as they worshipped in two sepa- Our people have a history, indeed a pre- Moshe Kinderlehrer vail over evil. rate New Zealand mosques. At this writing, disposition, to overcome evil with good, Mark (Mendy) Schwartz It is a space in time when we celebrate many of the victims remain in critical con- and we not only aspire to live that way, we Associate Publisher/Editor Esther and Mordechai. dition. teach our children as well about our he- Elizabeth Kratz That time could not have arrived with Like we blot out the name of Haman roes and that they, our own girls and boys, Founding Partner, more urgency. during our reading of the Megillat Esther, have within them the strength to be tri- Jewish Link Design Group Last week, while reading Parshat Zach- so too here we would not dignify the ha- umphant with a spirit of goodness. Adam Negnewitzky or, we are told without doubt, without tred of this gunman by the mere writing, So have a meaningful experience this Senior Editor pause, that there is evil in the world, that even once, of his name. Purim. You (and your children) should dress Jill Kirsch we must protect our most vulnerable from Still, since as we read the Book of Es- up in a spirit of fun, enjoying seudot and Associate Editors Phil Jacobs Amalek’s despicable intent. ther, we know all too well that our own mitzvot together. Tamar Weinberg Synagogues all across New Zealand last people have suffered the results of unbri- Still, remember to read closely our well Community Editor Shabbat were unable to hear this message dled hatred as regionally close as the Tree known story of Esther and Mordechai. It is Yvette Finkelstein as kehilot, because their government was of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh to as dis- our hope that once and for all, the memo- Advertising Director concerned over the very security of Jewish tant as Ariel in Samaria where as recent- ry of Amalek will be vanquished, and Jews Yaakov Serle worshippers. On erev Shabbat Zachor, an ly as Sunday a Palestinian terrorist shed and other righteous people of goodness Production Editor armed gunman, who might as well be de- Israeli blood. Earlier last week, Hamas ter- and faith should never again know from Jennifer Hoff er scribed as an Amalekite, murdered some rorists fired rockets towards the popula- such evil. Offi ce Manager Dena Kinderlehrer PUBLISHER’S PERSPECTIVE Bookkeeper Gila Negnewitzky Sales Development Ken Goff stein With Nefesh B’Nefesh I’ve Got Aliyah on My Mind Sales Representatives By Moshe Kinderlehrer, Josh Bernstein Risa Lefkowitz Jewish Link Co-Publisher Rachel Ashendorf & Co-Founder Avi Koenig Simon Worman The Jewish Link’s Database Coordinator readership and commu- Moishie Rosenberg nity is relatively diverse Sports Editor and broad but if there Steve Gutlove is one thing that I feel is shared by nearly Proofreader/Copy Editors all our readers and community, it is the very Rivky Bergstein strong and visceral connection that many Ruth Brody Shifra Ebbing of us feel to the land of Israel. As part of my being educated or directed to see ourselves Boy, have they succeeded, with nearly Emily Minton sales pitch to Israel-based advertisers, I of- living in long-term. It just wasn’t. 60,000 olim making aliyah since they start- Contributors ten like to say that virtually everyone in our For many reasons, ranging from soci- ed and with a 90+ percent retention rate. We Rachel Berger • Judy Berger • Shneur Garb readership either dreams about going to Is- etal, economic, religious, and even politi- all know many people who have made ali- Jenny Gans rael at least once a year, is already visiting Is- cal, everything has now changed in how yah in the past 10-15 years, almost all with Adam Samuel rael multiple times yearly or has close family we look at Israel and that change has all oc- the help of NBN. I have also had the good Rabbi Gidon Rothstein • Rabbi David Walk The Jewish Link of Bronx, Westchester members and friends living in Israel already. curred within the last 20-25 years. With help fortune to fly with one plane of NBN olim & Connecticut That pitch resonates and is effective most of from organizations such as Nefesh B’Nefesh back in 2017 and my wife and I always like to PO Box 1027 the time because it’s true. We as a communi- and the thriving and growing Anglo com- watch the Livestream whenever a new plane Bronx, NY 10471 ty do always have Israel on our minds and munities throughout Israel, almost no one lands in Israel in the summer. There is some- Phone: 718-564-6710 Email: [email protected] our readers and advertisers see it clearly on today can just dismiss the thought of mov- thing powerful and emotion-tugging about Advertising: [email protected] the pages of this paper. ing there. Nearly everyone I know at this watching people you know and don’t know Subscriptions/Home Delivery: But over the past two decades, I feel point has either thought about moving to stepping on the ground in Israel and being [email protected] something very significant and profound Israel or has had a family member such as welcomed as new citizens and olim. I usual- The Jewish Link of Bronx, Westchester & Connecticut, an independent publication, promotes honest and rigorous conversations about Ju- has shifted in the ground beneath us here a parent, child or sibling thinking seriously ly cry while watching it. daism, Israel and issues aff ecting our community. The opinions refl ected in articles from our contributors do not necessarily refl ect JL- in the Orthodox Diaspora community in about moving to Israel (or has already done It is with all of the above in mind that I BWC’s positions, and publishing them does not constitute an endorse- ment from JLBWC. We simply off er food North America, and the shift is continuing so). One can almost visualize the truth that attended two Nefesh B’Nefesh (NBN) events for thought. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content to play out within our families and across the center and core of our community is two weeks ago. First, on a rainy, cold and and length. We also reserve the right to re- the generations. When I graduated high shifting to Israel today. For the more yeshi- windy Sunday, I joined well over 1,000 at- fuse advertising that in our opinion does not refl ect the standards of the newspaper. school, relatively few of my peers serious- vish and right wing among us, communi- tendees at NBN’s 11th Annual Mega Event, We are not responsible for the kashrus of any product advertised in the Jewish Link ly considered making aliyah or saw it as a ties like Lakewood and Monsey are grow- this year in Teaneck at the Glenpointe Mar- of Bronx, Westchester & Connecticut. strong, competitive option. Although we ing exponentially, but for the more centrist, riott. Although The Jewish Link has certain- were educated in a fairly strong religious modern Orthodox community, it’s clear that ly written about and covered past NBN Mega sessions, the overall vibe and energetic at- Zionist environment, I always felt that our the center is shifting further and further to- Events in the city, this was the first time I mosphere of the event was so upbeat that generation and the one before us all im- wards Israel. ever attended and I was literally blown away. I almost got swept away and signed up to bibed a strong message from our own par- It’s also clear to me that the organiza- I was simply amazed at how many peo- make aliyah this August, although I am not ents, grandparents and teachers that Isra- tion probably most responsible for this on- ple came to the event. I saw singles, young sure how I could manage—yet— to run a hy- el was a wonderful place to visit and learn going shift is Nefesh B’Nefesh, which was marrieds, mid-career professionals, educa- perlocal Jewish community paper from Isra- and study, but not to live in. Certainly, peo- co-founded in 2002 by my friend, and MTA, tors, successful physicians and businesspeo- el...although who knows today… anything is ple made aliyah but they were often looked YU and RIETS classmate, Rabbi Josh (Yehosh- ple, all looking seriously into the prospect of possible! upon as either the most idealistic ones (al- ua) Fass. In the wake of the suicide bombings moving to or spending a pilot year or buying Then, the next day, NBN arranged a spe- ternately known as the crazy ones), or the and the tragic death of his 14-year old cousin, a home in Israel—and all within the very im- cial briefing of editors and writers from Bnei Akiva/Moshava alums, or they were Rabbi Fass left a wonderful community and mediate future. Most of the dozen or so that throughout the Jewish media world led by people who could easily afford to make rabbinic position in Boca Raton and started I spoke to were planning to go within the Rabbi Fass. Over the course of an hour, Rab- the move (or all of the above). But Israel, Nefesh B’Nefesh with his co-founder, Tony next six months to a year! for most of us, was not the place we were Gelbart, with a goal of making aliyah easier. Although I could not attend any of the CONTINUED ON P. 16 8 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM OP-ED What’s the Matter With Israel’s Supreme Court? By Jonathan S. Tobin perfect example. point, they all also run afoul of the provision such people to claim that the system is The basis for exclusions is a law passed that bans parties whose goals are antithetical rigged, especially when the same standards Israel’s highest court in the 1980s that targeted Kahane, who had to Israel’s founding principles. are not applied across the board to Arabs just did Israeli Prime won election to the Knesset in 1984. In order Banning any or all of those four parties who also have said hateful things. Minister Benjamin Net- to ensure he wouldn’t be re-elected in 1988, (who ran together as a Joint List in the last The lack of a written constitution has anyahu a big favor. the Knesset passed a law banning racist and two votes, but are now running as two sepa- sometimes forced the court to step in where On Sunday, the Is- anti-democratic parties. rate coalitions this year) would be undemo- the law offers no guidelines. But if Isra- raeli Supreme Court The same argument was made this year cratic and a public-relations disaster for Isra- el’s judges want to make up for that short- handed down the final rulings on who to eliminate Otzma’s candidates because el since it would essentially disenfranchise fall, they should try imitating America’s First could run in the country’s April 9 Knesset they engaged in Kahane-style incitement the Israeli Arab minority, who enjoy equal Amendment traditions of free speech. elections. The Central Elections Committee against Arabs. Ben-Ari, like his mentor, over- rights under the law in spite of the fact that A court that applies such double stand- set up by the Knesset had previously decid- flows with hatred of Israeli Arabs. the primary purpose of Israel is to defend ards undermines respect for the rule of law. ed that members of Otzma, whose leaders But the problem with having such a law the rights of the Jewish people. Far from protecting the Jewish state against are disciples of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, is that the Kahanists are not the only people The Knesset is better off without any Ka- the barbarians at the gate, as its defenders could run in spite of accusations that they who can be credibly accused of being racist or hanist sitting in it. But that is for the peo- claim, this arbitrary ruling has further dis- were guilty of racism. The committee had anti-democratic. Strong arguments can be put ple to decide, not judges. One can argue that credited the Israeli Supreme Court. banned the appearance on the ballot of one forward that all four Arab parties (the Com- nations must defend themselves against an- of the Arab parties running—the Balad-Unit- munists of Hadash, the Islamists of Ra’am, and ti-democratic elements. But keeping a racist Jonathan S. Tobin is editor-in-chief of JNS-Jewish News ed Arab List—as well as one of the candi- the two secular nationalist Balad and Ta’al) are member out of the Knesset doesn’t defend Syndicate. Follow him on Twitter at: @jonathans_tobin. dates for Hadash-Ta’al, the other Arab coali- either racist or anti-democratic. More to the democracy. It undermines it by allowing tion seeking votes. But the court, which has the final say, overturned their decisions by banning Michael Ben-Ari of Otzma while en- suring that both Arab tickets and all of their candidates could remain on the ballot. In spite of the fact that Netanyahu was responsible for helping to broker the merger of right-wing parties that made it likely that a member of Otzma will enter the Knesset, this latest upset will wind up helping him. How is that possible? Getting rid of Ben-Ari means there’s a good chance no one from the party will be in the next Knesset. Since the Jewish Home Party with which Otzma merged would now need to win seven seats in order to get the next one of their members into the Knes- set, the Likud may still reap the fruits of con- solidating the right-wing vote while being spared the embarrassment of having ena- bled the entry of a follower of Kahane into the legislature. But it also helps Netanyahu and his allies because it reminds their voters of an issue that angers and motivates them to turn out. If there is any issue that unites those who support the current center-right coalition, it is outrage to an activist Supreme Court that is prepared rule in any way it sees fit, regard- less of the letter or the meaning of the laws that it is supposed to enforce. For the latest three decades, the high court has consistently foiled the efforts of the Knesset and the various governments of the day to do as they liked on security and other issues. In theory, that sounds right since in any democracy an independent ju- diciary is necessary to act as a check on both the legislative and executive branches. But rather than enforce existing laws, the Israe- li Supreme Court has largely sought to make new laws of its own when they wished to frustrate the desires of the Knesset. Nor does the Knesset—and by extension, the voters— have the kind of input on the court’s compo- sition that the U.S. Senate has over the U.S. Supreme Court. There are times when the court seems to 718.256.7200 | AARONTEITELBAUMPRODUCTIONS.COM think that it is a super legislature making de- cisions on the basis of what it believes is ex- pedient or right, often eschewing its role as an impartial referee enforcing the law. The ruling on who may run for the Knesset is a 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 9 COMMUNITY NEWS OU Women’s Initiative Genetics Announces Inaugural Leadership Summit Program

(Courtesy of the OU) The OU Wom- en’s Initiative, a division of the Ortho- dox Union, is hosting its inaugural lead- ership summit for women, May 20-21 at the Hilton Woodcliff Lake in New Jersey. Lay-leaders from Jewish communities 101: throughout the country will participate in the confab, which will focus on en- gaging and retaining volunteers, creating nities geared toward meeting the needs of compelling programming, effective use of the women in their respective cities. social media, honing and growing one’s Participants must be nominated by an EVERYTHING YOUR FAMILY personal leadership strengths, commu- organization. The nomination form can nity spiritual growth and other lay-lead- be found here: NEEDS TO KNOW... ership challenges for 21st century Ortho- “Healthy communities depend on the dox women. Expert lecturers, educators contributions of women – whether it be and leaders in the field will deliver work- through synagogue board service, institu- MARCH shops, sessions and other presentations tional programming or the many other 9 AM - 12 PM throughout the program. ways women give their time and talent,” Keynote speakers include: said Founding Director of the OU Wom- Dr. Erica Brown – an associate profes- en’s Initiative Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmid- 31 CONG. BNAI YESHURUN sor at the School of Education and Hu- man. “We support and value the dedi- 641 W ENGLEWOOD AVE, TEANECK NEW JERSEY man Development at The George Wash- cation of lay-leaders and hope they will ington University, where she directs the come away from this conference with the SPEAKERS: Mayberg Center for Jewish Education and tools they need for ongoing success.” Leadership. She is the author of 12 books. “By identifying leaders within the Her forthcoming commentary is “The community and investing in their devel- Book of Esther: Power, Fate and Fragility opment, we hope to ensure that our com- in Exile” (Maggid/OU). munity continues to have a cadre of tal- Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt – an ented female leadership to serve the award-winning journalist and essayist. needs of tomorrow,” said Orthodox Un- Currently, the life editor at the “Forward,” ion Executive Vice President Allen Fagin. her writing has appeared in “The New York “Since its relatively recent inception, Rabbi Dr. Dr. William Dr. David Rabbi Steven Times,” “Salon,” “Haaretz” and “Tablet.” the Women’s Initiative has already provid- Aaron Glatt Kearns Pelcovitz Pruzansky Allison Josephs – named as one of the ed cutting edge programming, training and National Jewish Outreach Project’s Top opportunities for women to play increas- Ten Jewish Influencers in 2012 and one of ingly impactful roles in our community. the “Jewish Week’s” 36 Under 36 in 2013. The OU is proud of the Initiative’s accom- Allison has been involved in the field of plishments, and is committed to continu- Jewish outreach for over 15 years. Nota- ing and expanding these efforts,” added Or- bly, she is the Partner in Torah mentor to thodox Union President Moishe Bane. Rabbi Elan Rabbi Gideon Temima Wildman actress Mayim Bialik. The OU Women’s Initiative works Segelman Weitzman Lebowicz, MS, CGC Chani Neuberger – the senior advisor with Orthodox communities nationwide to the director of the National Security to identify and address women’s spiritual, Agency, founder of Sister to Sister, a com- educational and communal needs by ex- prehensive resource and support network panding and enhancing Torah learning • DNA & Halacha for Jewish divorced women and their chil- opportunities by women and for women • Genetic Abnormalities & Pregnancy Loss dren, and board member of Chai Lifeline and by creating innovative programming • How to handle Genetic Issues in Shidduchim & Life MidAtlantic and Stern College. to meet the needs of women at all ages Attendance at the summit is limited as and phases. The Women’s Initiative fo- • New World of Science & Halacha the goal is to create an intimate cohort of cuses on the development of profession- representatives from across the country al and lay leadership training for wom-

TOPICS INCLUDE: INCLUDE: TOPICS • Genetic Screening 101 who will continue to network and learn en in the Orthodox Jewish community. from one another. They will work together For more information, visit https://www. CORPORATE to develop impact plans for their commu- SPONSOR: COMMUNITY NEWSBRIEFS

Paint With Congregation Gloria’s work will also be available for RABBINIC HOST COMMITTEE: Rabbi Yosef Adler Rabbi Shalom Anshe Sholom Sisterhood purchase. (See photos on her website glos- Baum | Rabbi Aharon Ciment | Rabbi Daniel Feldman | Rabbi Yehuda Come paint with Cong. Anshe Sholom! Halpert | Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot | Rabbi Haim Jachter Rabbi Binyamin Krohn | Rabbi Steven Pruzansky Rabbi Larry Rothwachs All are welcome on Sunday, March 31, at 2:00 Ten percent of the proceeds from sales Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky Rabbi Moshe Stavsky | Rabbi Michael Taubes p.m. for an exciting workshop. Attendees will go to the sisterhood. Please send your will earn how to decorate glassware from $12 fee with your reservation, payable to: COMMUNITY COMMITTEE: Rina and Nahum Felman Mindy and Yisrael Gloria Porcaro, certified in the “one-stroke” Sisterhood of Congregation Anshe Sholom. Gottesman | Shelly and Robert Lefkowitz | Monique Victor and Curtis Rindfleish painting method developed by Donna Dew- Light refreshments will be served. berry. Please note: Attendees may want to wear Every participant will go home with her a smock or apron or old shmattah you don’t work. mind getting paint on. 10 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 11 COMMUNITY NEWS Rally State Leaders THE OU WOMEN’S INITIATIVE CONTINUED FROM P. 1

land, Westchester, Rockland County, Buffa- lo, Rochester and Albany. Throughout the day-long program, more than 700 students and lay leaders heard from and met with over 90 legislators, shar- ing their desire to increase funding for STEM programing and instruction with- in their schools. Last year, a similar Teach NYS mission helped to influence the histor- ic tripling of state-funded STEM programs in nonpublic schools from $5 million in 2017 to A two-day summit of workshops and networking $15 million in 2018, allowing the State to re- with innovative thinkers and leaders. imburse nonpublic schools directly for the cost of qualified STEM instructors. MAY 20-21, 2019 Legislators addressed the crowd, sharing HILTON WOODCLIFF LAKE, Northern New Jersey their commitment to increasing nonpublic school funding for STEM education and the OU Executive Vice President Allen Fagin. CREDIT importance it will have on the future econo- SEMERARO PHOTOGRAPHY PRESENTERS INCLUDE: my of the state. Following the speeches, the students and lay leaders broke into groups and went to the Statehouse where they met ERICA BROWN with more than 90 state legislators, includ- Associate Professor, George Join a nation-wide ing: Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stew- Washington University. art Cousins (D-Yonkers), Deputy Majority Director, Mayberg Center community of Leader Sen. Michael Gianaris (D-Queens), for Jewish Education and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx), Leadership. Author. engaged and inspired female lay-leaders Chairman for the Committee on Educa- tion (D-Bronx), Assem- who are impacting blywoman (D-Brooklyn), AVITAL CHIZHIK- synagogues, schools Sen. Shelley Mayer (D-Westchester), and Sen. GOLDSCHMIDT (D-Long Beach). Journalist, Life editor at and other community The day closed with an inspiring and The Forward. Rebbetzin. organizations. empowering panel of legislators who grad- NYS Attorney General . CREDIT SEMERARO uated yeshiva and nonpublic day schools PHOTOGRAPHY. and are now giving back to their communi- how and where to be educated, without fi- DESIGNED FOR A ties by representing them in the New York nancial penalty or hardships, is a civil right LESLIE GINSPARG-KLEIN WOMAN WHO IS: State Assembly. That panel included Assem- that every parent and student in this state Academic Dean Women's blywoman (D-Queens), Assem- should enjoy.” Institute of Torah Seminary, • An emerging or blyman Daniel Rosenthal (D-Queens), and “Teach NYS works year-round with Maalot Baltimore; Author. experienced lay-leader Assemblyman (D-Brook- schools, community activists and other or- lyn). The panel was immediately followed ganizations to advocate for equitable gov- • Mission-driven and by a chance for the students to hear from ernment funding of our yeshivas and day collaborative ALLISON JOSEPHS NYS Attorney General Letitia “Tish” James. schools. Missions like this, involving par- Founder and Director • Involved in building OU Executive Vice President Allen Fagin ents and the students themselves, allow the of Jew in The City, community initiatives told students, “Today is about how you members of our community to play a cen- Project Makom. change the way state government thinks tral role in reminding our legislators of the • Committed to the about education and our schools. Today is breadth and commitment of our communi- spiritual growth and about hundreds of students, parents and ad- ty. By seeing and hearing from our students, well-being of her ministrators coming to Albany to talk to our they can better appreciate the returns that CHANI NEUBERGER community elected officials, to explain that the edu- their investment in our children’s education Senior Advisor to the Director cation of our children matters; that educa- will bring the state long term,” said OU Pres- of the National Security Agency. Founder of Sister to Sister tion is a civil right; that your right to choose ident Moishe Bane. resource and support network for Jewish divorced women.

Connect. Develop. Impact. Grow.


Teach NYS rally crowd. 12 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 13 COMMUNITY NEWS Westchester Friendship Circle Benefi ts From Teen Volunteers By Judy Berger

Beginning in 2004, The Friendship Cir- cle Program has been part of the menu of services offered by the Chabad of Westches- ter. This program extends a helping hand to families who have children with special needs in ways that are unmet by other or- ganizations. The idea for such program- ming originated in Michigan when follow- ers of the Lubavitcher Rebbe organized local teens. The program has grown to 80 chap- ters worldwide since 1994. In the local chapter’s early years, Rochel Magician entertains The Friendship Circle. CREDIT: Butman, director of Chabad of Westchester, THE FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE OF WESTCHESTER headed this program. As it expanded, desig- Sunday Circle activity at The Friendship Circle in New Rochelle. CREDIT: THE FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE OF WESTCHESTER nated coordinators were brought in. For the past five years, Rabbi Mendel and Esti Moch- On Sports Sundays, each child has an oppor- kin have served in this capacity. tunity to play sports with volunteer coach- “The Friendship Circle’s core mission is es. Moms Night Out is an evening just for to bring joy, friendship and a sense of com- moms of children with special needs, pro- munity belonging to children with special viding them a chance to relax and enjoy, needs and their families,” explained But- while connecting to other mothers facing man, “In addition, the program’s mission is similar challenges. Throughout the annual to empower teens in our community and cycle, Holiday Fun includes celebrations be- to give them a sense of purpose and mean- fore each of the Jewish holidays. ing by experiencing firsthand the difference Butman continued, “Families find out they can make in someone else’s life.” about the program either by word of mouth, Friends at Home is a weekly home visit- through our website or Facebook page, and Friendship Circle of Westchester volunteer ing program where pairs of teen volunteers we are part of several groups for parents of ‘connects’ with a Friendship Circle friend. CREDIT: THE New Rochelle teen volunteer with a Friendship visit children in their own homes for an children with special needs.” FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE OF WESTCHESTER Circle friend. CREDIT: THE FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE OF WESTCHESTER hour and a half. Their role is to play and in- Jodi Sheinman of Scarsdale stated, “I got teract with the child, thus giving the parents involved with The Friendship Circle when cle has made a huge impact in our lives for ing with them for two hours makes them needed respite and giving the child a bond my son was 10 years old. Having a very small the better.” feel special and included. I know that when of everlasting friendship. social circle is very hard for any child, let “Volunteers are recruited in various I make a connection with a kid that I am Butman discussed how The Friend- alone a child with special needs. Every Fri- ways,” explained Butman. “Sometimes, sib- brightening their day which makes me feel ship Circle’s programming also includes a day, my son would wait by the door for his lings or graduates of other Chabad programs good. Also, it makes me feel good seeing the wide variety of activities. Sunday Circle is a volunteer to come. It means the world to and their friends are recruited as volunteers. kids enjoy the program. I feel grateful to be monthly program where children and their these kids that someone is coming to have Esti and Mendel, our coordinators, visit lo- able to participate in this amazing program volunteers meet on Sunday afternoons for special time just for them. Over the years, we cal schools to present this community ser- and impact others in a positive way. Many special performances, activities, snacks and have had so many volunteers, and they have vice opportunity for teens. Many times, vol- teens become close with the kids that they crafts for the children. Family members are become part of our family. The volunteers unteers and their families spread the word hang out with at Friendship Circle.” given the option to stay and participate. Oth- visit on their college vacations, they have to their friends!” For additional information on the The er families leave and enjoy some free time. attended our family’s milestone moments Lily Wurzburger, a New Rochelle teen Friendship Circle of Westchester or to be- The Birthday Club brings a program coordi- such as bar mitzvahs and graduations. As volunteer, stated, “I know that it will make come a volunteer, please contact Westches- nator and volunteers to a child’s home, of- time goes on, even with busy jobs, they stop these kids that have harder lives feel spe- [email protected] or call Esti at (718) fering birthday gifts, balloons and snacks. by whenever they can. The Friendship Cir- cial. I hope that by me hanging out and play- 344-0554.

Solomon Schechter School of Westchester Plans Name Change

(Courtesy of School of Schools. The school leadership believes that funds and setting the overall direction of the ues to bring a tremendous feeling of close- Westchester) Effective July 1, 2019, Solomon the name change will enable the school to organization, and they remain trusted advi- ness and warmth to our lives.” Schechter School of Westchester will be- broaden its appeal without fundamentally sors even years after their four children grad- “The mission of The Leffell School will come The Leffell School. altering its core principles or program. uated. Michael has served for more than 20 continue to be one of celebration and inclu- “While our name is changing, our heart “We are excited to introduce The Leffell years on the school’s board of trustees, in- sion of the vibrant differences in our com- is not,” said Dr. Michael Kay, head of school. School to the wider community as an inde- cluding 13 as president, and he was instru- munity while exemplifying and teaching the “When our students, faculty and staff return pendent institution and reaffirm our com- mental in the establishment of the school’s Jewish learning and traditions that unite us,” next year, they will be greeted by new sig- mitment to the core values that have long high school in 2001. Lisa and Michael have said Headmaster Emeritus Dr. Elliot Spiegel, nage on our campuses, but they will be im- grounded our approach to education and also helped to sustain the school through who led the school from 1980 through 2013. mersed in the same familiar kehilah (com- community-building. In this new chapter, their financial generosity, culminating in “It is exciting to witness the ongoing growth munity), driven by the same overall mission, we will continue to provide a welcoming their recent commitment to endow their of an institution whose vision continues to values, commitments, educational philoso- home for all Jewish families, irrespective Annual Fund gift so that generations of fam- embrace families who share our commit- phies and Jewish practices that have come of denominational affiliation, with whom ilies can benefit from their support in per- ment to the belief that Judaism can coexist to define our school over the years.” these values resonate,” said David Landau, petuity. with full immersion in the modern world. The school, which now serves more than president of the school’s board of trustees. “Our kids have played together, prayed We believed then and continue to believe 780 students on two campuses, has been a The new name, The Leffell School, hon- together, studied together and celebrated now that academic excellence can thrive fixture in community for 53 ors the decades-long commitment to the Shabbat and holidays together,” said Lisa alongside the celebration of traditional Jew- years. Its formal affiliation with the Schech- school of Lisa and Michael Leffell and their Leffell, of the sense of community and ish observance, culture, text and language, as ter Day School Network ended in 2016 when family. Lisa and Michael have dedicated shared experiences which she feels are the well as the land, people and State of Israel.” that network merged with several other thousands of hours to recruiting students essence of the school. “This community has To learn more, visit www.schechterwest- groups into Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day and staff, volunteering in the school, raising been amazing for our family, and it contin- 14 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM EnrollmentEnroll Deadline: May 1st


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718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 15 STAMFORD COMMUNITY NEWS

Stamford’s Rabbi David Israel “to bring new energy to the organization, in- sharing the full gamut of Israel’s Torah schol- ‘virtually’ fulfilling Esther’s command in the crease programming and reposition the or- ars, educators and leaders with the Jewish Megillah to gather all the Jews and pray. It is CONTINUED FROM P. 1 ganization for a changed American Jewish community in the United States. It is distrib- incredibly powerful when young Jews expe- call—is very powerful to me.” Rabbi Solovei- communal landscape and a matured Mod- uted in over 400 synagogues and schools as rience that they are part of something bigger tchik was the religious leader of the RZA for ern Orthodox community.” well as Jewish shops throughout the coun- than themselves or just their school, espe- many decades. To achieve this goal, Rabbi Israel opined, try,” he stated. cially when it directly connects them with Before joining the leadership of the RZA, “Although we have always had a mission A second project is “ISRAEL360,” bring- Jerusalem.” Rabbi Israel was the director of Yeshiva Uni- statement, I felt it was important to refine ing Israeli roshei yeshiva, educators and In the future, Israel would like to see versity’s Max Stern Division of Communal the words into specific areas of activity. RZA thought-leaders to over 80 synagogues and the following additional programming Services. Later he also became the rabbinic has three main goals which dictate its activ- communities on the Shabbat prior to Yom implemented: synagogues with an ex- dean and director of community education ities: Strengthen Religious Zionism in the Ha’atzmaut. “What better way to celebrate panded speakers’ bureau, Yavneh and and advancement of the Bi-Cultural Day United States through educational activi- the birth of Israel in synagogue than by Aryeh Scholars, a college student lead- School, Stamford’s local Modern Orthodox ties/projects in schools, shuls and commu- bringing the ‘Torah of Israel’ to so many peo- ership program run in conjunction with day school. nities; encourage aliyah and service to the ple all at the same moment? It is both a cel- the OU, and a halacha learning program. Looking back at his latest career move, State of Israel; and support olim and the ye- ebration of ‘Ki miTzion tetze Torah’ and ‘B’rov Israel concluded, “If you were to ask me Rabbi Israel explained, “After my youngest shivot hesder.” am hadrat melech’—that the Torah shall what I hope to see in five years, I would left the school, I wanted to once again get in- In just his first year, Rabbi Israel has fo- come from Zion and that God is glorified tell you that I hope RZA-Mizrachi will be volved in broad communal initiatives. After cused on educational programs and projects when people are gathered together.” a household name in an Orthodox com- years of experience sharing my knowledge including a new Torah journal “HaMizrachi” On Taanit Esther, another project linked munity that cherishes the State of Israel, and love of Israel with the students, and my which began publication in conjunction 50 schools in an interactive program of Te- and that many communities from Florida oldest having made aliyah, it was clear my with World Mizrachi. “With a circulation of hillim, divrei Torah, music and videos orig- to California will be running five or more next position would be related to Zionism 35,500 copies across the United States, it is inating from the Kotel. Rabbi Israel added, programs each year in conjunction with and Israel.” Rabbi Israel said his mission is the only monthly Torah journal focused on “In cooperation with IsraEd, RZA-Mizrachi is RZA-Mizrachi.”

With Nefesh B’Nefesh singles moving to Israel today are non-Or- one’s resume is not necessarily competing nity. This was all news to me. CONTINUED FROM P. 8 thodox. against 5,000 resumes for a coveted job op- He closed the session by explaining Another surprising takeaway for me portunity here in the U.S., but likely only that although NBN does receive some gov- bi Fass led us all through the current state of was learning that for growing numbers competing against a few dozen at best. This ernment support, the support is limited aliyah from North America and where he be- of olim, the rationale for making aliyah fact today is a significant driver in the ali- and he and NBN do have a tremendous lieves it is heading. He shared with us statis- is not Zionistic or religiously based at all, yah growth he and NBN are experiencing. need to raise funds from both within Is- tics and strategies and anecdotes that NBN but rather almost purely economic- and op- Because of this, NBN is ramping up their rael and outside it. Hatzlacha rabba to my uses to sell aliyah to each generation. Un- portunity-based. Rabbi Fass explained that college campus efforts significantly and ex- friends at NBN in all their work and good surprisingly, Orthodox olim comprise over many today truly see Israel as a place of tre- pects to see major growth in aliyah from luck in raising the funds needed to contin- 50 percent of the total number of olim but mendous economic opportunity, and the U.S. college graduates, with the majority ue making aliyah smoother and easier for I was surprised to learn that the majority of fact that it’s a smaller country means that likely from outside the Orthodox commu- so many!

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718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 17 DIVREI TORAH

two identical goats. One is offered in the cumstances which can’t be changed for the Lots and Lots: Purim 5779 Temple (la’Hashem) , and the other is sent off good by our compassionate and loving God. to the wilderness (la’Azazel). Since the goats There is no magic, but there are unexpected By Rabbi David Walk tion or attempt to foresee the future through are identical, how do we determine which twists in Jewish destiny. We call them mira- any number of methods (“Lo t’nachashu …”, to use for each observance? As the verse ex- cles. God periodically intervenes in the af- Did you ever buy a Vayikra 19:26). Apparently, this prohibition is plained: “And Aharon shall place lots (goralot) fairs of humanity to save our people, to sus- lottery ticket? I did a few related to magic and is, perhaps, an extension upon the goats, one for God and one for Aza- tain the covenant. times. I never won any- of disdain for idolatrous practices. We don’t zel,” (Vayikra 16:8). Haven’t we banished lots Rabbi Soloveitchik points out that, “The thing, but I felt like the engage in these occult practices because from our lives? megilla is a book of contradictions … filled dollar spent was worth of our unwavering faith in God. Torah and Actually, Rav Shlomo Aviner wrote that if with events that are unreasonable even ab- the visions in my brain mitzvot bring us to the right decisions, not you have two people, with equal merit, who surd … At one moment, the Jews live in secu- about how to spend the loot. The dreams games. Eventually, the futility of these prac- want to lead the davening, it’s permissible rity, at the next they face destruction. Mor- were never about luxury cars or yachts. They tices is demonstrated by their utter failure to to flip a coin, and “God will guide the coin.”- dechai is threatened with execution, at the were always about financial security for my determine the most propitious date for the Like in the Super Bowl, Matthew Slater of the next he is prime minister.” The Rav notes that family and educational institutions where I’d destruction of the Jews. When we joyously Patriots called heads in the coin toss at the uncertainty is necessary for sinful humans to pay students to attend my classes, instead of proclaim that these are days of “nahafochu” start of overtime! So, now I’m totally con- escape obligatory punishment. He continues: the other way round like in my professional (total turnaround of fortunes), we are declar- fused. May we use lots to determine the cor- “The compelling intrusion of the unknown life. A yeshiva without pressures or financial ing our complete faith in God and total re- rect choice or not? The Vilna Gaon and Rav and the irrational is basic to man’s existential worries; that would be my paradise. But you jection of “nichush” (divination and fortune Aviner stated that these methods can work. condition and it is precisely this weakness have to wake up and smell the hummus. On telling). But as Rav Aviner explained, you should only which qualifies humanity to receive God’s the other hand, if God wanted me to be rich, I fully endorse the preceding paragraph, use them after you’ve exhausted other types compassionate forgiveness.” this would allow for that Divine prerogative. but not everyone does. The Vilna Gaon, in his of investigation. These two gentlemen have My mom passed away on Purim, my dad In any case, this is the week to discuss lotter- commentary on Esther, writes that Haman’s equal right to be chazan. right after Yom Kippur. These days are inex- ies, because it’s a major factor in this week’s machinations worked. He got the best pos- The Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzi- tricably combined in my psyche. They are commemoration of the Purim story. sible date for destroying the Jews. The mir- yon, Rav Ya’akov Medan, asked this question, equally entwined in Jewish tradition. The so- When Haman (Booo!) decides that the acle of our survival was God’s switching (“na- too. He suggested that the difference is clear. lemnity of Yom Kippur and the silliness of Jews must be done away with, the verse re- hafochu”) the nature of that date to become The “pur” in Persia was done “before Haman” Purim; the fasting of one and the feasting of cords, “In the first month, which is Nissan, in beneficial for our people. This introduces an and ignores morality. It is meant to prove the the other combine to remind us that we are the twelfth year of the reign of Achashverosh, uncomfortable reality. We seem to actually philosophy of Amalek that this is a determin- not subject to the whims of fate, but to our a pur , that is a lot (goral), was cast before Ha- engage in this practice. istic world. We make no difference; we have covenant with God. Purim Sameach! man … and it fell on the month of Adar (Es- In a famous linguistic turn of phrase, we no choice. However, the “pur” or “goral” of ther 3:7).” Eventually, the text informs us, compare Purim to Yom Kippur, which really the goat on Yom HaKippurim is after an ex- Rabbi David Walk, who has recently made aliyah, was a “Therefore, they called these days Purim, af- means Day of Atonement. However, the full tended period of teshuva. On this day, the Jew teacher at the Bi-Cultural Day school as well as Congre- ter the pur (9:26).” We’re being informed that name of the fast is Yom HaKippurim, and is fasting, confessing and praying to change gation Agudath Sholom’s education director. He continues this “lot” business is very significant. It pro- “Kippurim” can be translated “like Purim.” In the fate which transgressions have dictated to be a tireless teacher and educator. For over 30 years, vided the name of the holiday and a new some way, our Sages are comparing our most for the sinner. This lot is “lifnei” (before) God. he has taught students from third grade and up and con- word into our Hebrew vocabulary. All that’s solemn day of the calendar to our most frivo- This is a lot which can work. ducted many classes for teens and adults. Prior to joining left to figure out is why this is so very impor- lous observance. But there’s more ... We can change “distress into joy, mourn- CAS, he served as director and teacher at Yeshivat Hami- tant. No problem; a piece of hamantashen. In the Holy Temple, the central obser- ing into holidays,” (Esther 9:22). “Nahafoch- vtar in Efrat, Israel. The Torah prohibits any type of divina- vance of Yom Kippur was the offering of the hu” means there are no set laws, dates or cir-

look and partake of it, where necessary for themselves respond to how we humans be- Noach Saves the World life and enjoyment. have (or don’t). Human actions, good and That is also why Noach cursed Cham to bad, affect how nature expresses itself. By Rabbi Gidon Rothstein garden, but one cannot help but be struck by be a slave. We need the Cham view of life to (Many people, today, might dismiss his idea his insistence on taking all the good and us- take care of our basic physical needs as well as a sort of metaphysical mysticism we need Noach Redoes Adam ing it, each to its own proper extent.) as for occasional pleasures to give some taste not accept. I think they err here, as they for- The framework Rab- Noach’s planting a vine and getting to life, but only if it is fully controlled by our get he is telling us an idea which is clear in bi Arama used for the drunk right after coming off the ark repeats intellectual side (what we call today “the ex- tradition and the Torah; that Hashem made story of Adam, Kayin, the error of Adam in the garden, focusing ecutive function,” when the Yefet within us the world responsive to our deeds. We say it Hevel and then Shet too much on the physical. Cham celebrated chooses when to go with Shem and when to twice daily, that the heavens responds with (who Rabbi Arama his father’s choice, which is why he was ex- be with Cham). rain or drought when the Jewish people do thinks combined the best qualities of Kayin cited to tell his brothers what he had seen. It should be noted that Yefet also makes either good or evil deeds.) and Hevel) repeats itself with Noach. As he For Rabbi Arama, the rabbinic sources which choices about when to take Shem’s ap- I will skip over most of the examples he was the first human after the flood, his three spoke of Cham seducing Noach meant that proach, yet is not enslaved by this. Rabbi Ar- cites to support the idea; I’ll satisfy myself sons parallel Adam’s three, Shem taking the he drew him to his worldview. In this read- ama sees little danger in being too much like with only Vayikra Rabbah 35, which reads place of Shet. The two shared the quality ing, he cannot have intended to mock or be- Shem; such people are more like angels and Hashem’s promise (Vayikra 26:3) “im bechu- of guiding and choosing their activities via little his father when he related the story are, perhaps, too good for us. Most of us can- kotai telechu, if you follow My laws,” as re- their intellects, pointing themselves always to his brothers; rather, Rabbi Arama thinks not reach such a state, but if we did, there ferring not only to the laws of the Torah but towards how best to serve Hashem, to bring he was triumphantly showing them he had would be little to mourn. also the laws with which Hashem set up the Hashem into this world. won. In that, he had shown his father the ad- heaven and earth. This Midrash and others Cham, Noach’s youngest, repeated the vantages of his physicalist worldview. Man As Musical Microcosm say what he was saying, Hashem applied the role of Kayin, as indicated in his name, The idea of man as a microcosm, a reflec- same principles to the universe as reflected which means hot. The two followed what- Dealing with Cham, Then and Now tion of the larger world, extends back to an- in the Torah. (The more extreme version says ever strong (or hot) emotion arose within The brothers’ conduct models how we cient times (the Babylonians, at least). Rabbi Hashem built the world according to the To- them, including the blood-lust which led should all approach tempting physical ex- Arama adopts it here, with a musical element, rah, which is a Zoharic idea that Rabbi Ara- Kayin to kill Hevel. cess. They take a blanket and walk back- in that he sees people as instruments which ma quotes, that Hashem looked at the Torah Yefet, whose name speaks of beauty, took wards, careful to be properly modest in harmonize with the music of the universe, and created the world.) the best of Shem and beautified it with the dealing with their father. As they walk, they when played correctly. (He will return to good aspects of Cham. (As before, Rabbi Ar- occasionally look backwards, to be sure to the idea of instruments later in the work.) In Rabbi Dr. Gidon Rothstein has served in the communi- ty rabbinate and in educational roles at the high school ama is promoting the mix; for all that we know where to place the covering. When practical terms, people in harmony with their and adult level. He is an author of Jewish fiction and non- Jews descend from Shem, he sees Yefet as the physical temptation comes our way, Rabbi nature and the nature of the universe (as set fiction, most recently “We’re Missing the Point: What’s model most easily followed and which leads Arama proposes that we should also place a up by Hashem), the universe responds. Wrong With the Orthodox Jewish Community and How to the most productive outcomes. I will skip barrier between us and temptation, to put it Rabbi Arama says Hashem set up the sys- to Fix It.” He lives in Bronx, New York, with his wife and his repeat of how this reflects the trees in the behind us so to speak, and only occasionally tem this way, in that the heavens and earth three children. 18 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM REFLECTIONS FROM THE SCHOOLHOUSE

that arise throughout the practice, such Unlocking Knowledge Through Practice as: “Did the students effectively learn the concept? What can I do to improve and By Ingrid Hauptman learning environment. The act and the ac- student’s individual needs. enrich the learning experience for each tion are interconnected and are often in- Practice is also reflective. It is based student? How can I improve the preci- I have been asked terchangeable in my practice of teaching. on feedback from students, peers and sion of the material and my delivery of it many times why I Before I plan any lessons for a unit, I mentors. Whether it is watching the stu- so that I reach each child?” teach—usually by first think about the objective. How will dents work to comprehend a concept or Student work becomes a treasure I can people who have nev- I help my students connect with the sub- whether I am reflecting on my practice, mine to learn about her thinking, her pos- er taught. Those of us ject matter in a meaningful way? What teaching is both about the act and the ac- sible misunderstandings or absence of a who teach know the examples, analogies and images will I use tion, the preparation and the reflection. necessary skill. I use data to interpret my answer. We know that teaching is not to foster deeper understanding? How It is about reviewing the many decisions students’ performance and what I need to only a vocation but also a practice. For will I know that I reached all my stu- I have made when I work with my stu- do to deepen and enhance my students’ me, practice is an essential component dents, as it is our school’s mandate and dents and asking which ones worked and learning. To improve my practice, I pur- of both teaching and learning. It is to do expectation? Where, along the curricular which did not. It is about recognizing and posefully make an effort to connect with something on a regular basis in order to continuum, will I meet my students? To collecting the multiple clues available the students in the classroom, lunch- hone a skill and keep improving upon answer these questions, I need to utilize to a teacher to assess her own practice. room and on the playground. Knowing that ability. my knowledge of curriculum, of students, Through the process of reflection, teach- students outside the academic classroom Practice takes on many forms in edu- and of the milieu in which we meet each ing is improved and becomes a more pre- helps me better inform my practice in the cation; it is both a noun and a verb—an day. What will the students be able to do cise performance. My goal is to reach classroom. act and an action. The act is the research by the end of the unit, and how will they each student today, at this lesson, at this I am able to practice and improve and planning of a unit and its compo- demonstrate their learning? I then en- point in time. It is about witnessing when my craft at Westchester Torah Academy nent lessons, that is, preparing the ma- deavor to make the learning relevant to a student masters a skill or a concept that where all teachers endeavor to individ- terials. The action is the delivery of the the students’ lives. I use the knowledge he has been learning. It is most certain- ualize and personalize instruction as we lesson to my audience, the students. I have about my students’ unique learn- ly about watching when a student makes prepare students for success in school Through practice—act and action, noun ing styles to tailor lessons to suit multi- connections and applies concepts in cur- and beyond. My goal each day is to in- and verb—I, too, am able to learn and ple levels of learners. I also strive to set ricular areas or in his own life. volve every student in his own learning, progress in my teaching. In effect, the high expectations for each student while Personal reflection, looking in the classroom becomes a mutually beneficial remaining available and empathic to each mirror, is essential to answer questions CONTINUED ON P. 22 PROFILE Rabbi Benjamin and Shevi Yudin: Serving Fair Lawn With Love for 50 Years By Robe rt Isler new beit hamedrash program. She raises ahavat chinam to new heights.” Rabbi Yudin is particularly proud of how Shevi explained that shortly after mov- Rabbi Benjamin and Shevi Yudin hit the the mini-kollel transformed the shul. As the ing to Fair Lawn she knew she would have ground running in Fair Lawn a half century average age of members increased, a com- an open-door policy. Stories of the Yudin’s ago and have yet to let up. Bump into an Or- mittee was formed and approached Yeshiva hospitality are very well known. Visitors to thodox Jew almost anywhere on the globe, University leadership, requesting four fami- the house include shul members who stop say the words “Fair Lawn,” and more often lies to form a kollel. “We’ll pay their rent. If by to strategize for upcoming simchas, oth- than not the response will include mention they like it in Fair Lawn, all we ask is that ers who quietly reveal their challenges, ask of Rabbi Yudin. they tell their friends.” Rabbi Yudin then the Rabbi or Shevi for advice—halachic or Rabbi Yudin first came to Fair Lawn to added, “In the past 10-12 years, 80 young fam- otherwise—or simply offer their help for join the 17-family Jewish community in 1969. ilies have moved to Fair Lawn because of it.” some of the many chesed projects that ema- He recalls driving around town on Fridays One of Rabbi Yudin’s bedrock beliefs is nate from the Yudin home and often require Rabbi Benjamin and Shevi Yudin CREDIT: GIL IRWIN near sundown in his 1965 Plymouth, picking that every Jewish child should be given the a small army of volunteers. up people to ensure there would be a Friday opportunity to have a Torah education. Near- Then there are visitors who are complete was told this would be a good place to hide. night minyan, which was held in the Yudin’s ly two decades ago, there were two yeshiva strangers, who suddenly appear at the door The woman stayed for a month. This and basement. He employed a similar strategy to elementary schools serving the Fair Lawn unannounced. They either find their way similar revelations led Shevi, along with sev- launch a daily Shacharit minyan in the ear- community. Each had essentially maxed out there because it’s across the street from the eral others, to become founding members of ly ‘70s. at over 800 students. With that backdrop, shul or because they are informed by those Project SARAH for battered women. Two major community milestones clear- Rabbi Yudin worked with others to create from outside the community of the Yudins’ On a more upbeat note, Shevi observed ly had an assist from above: the construction another option—Yeshivat Noam—which reputation for chesed. that “chesed is a boomerang,” praising the of the shul, Shomrei Torah, and the building first opened its doors in 2001 and now itself Shevi noted that chesed is not limited community for all the times it has been of the mikvah. Around 1980, two adjacent has over 800 students. to Jews, where the Yudins are concerned. there for her. houses across the street from the Yudins si- To Rabbi Yudin, there’s no such thing as Janusz was a math teacher from Poland Shevi reflected on how fortunate she’s multaneously came to market, providing a non-observant Jew. There is, however, a who came to the US 30 years ago. He took been to have spent 50 years serving the same the opportunity to build a shul. As for the not-yet-observant Jew. A trip to the former on the job as shul custodian. Over time, he congregation. Not only did it offer stability mikvah, after much anticipation, it was com- Soviet Union in the late 1980s profoundly was drawn more and more to the warm at- for her children, but also the opportunity for pleted and set to open in advance of a three- affected him in this regard. Over the years, mosphere and teachings of the Rabbi. Al- her and Rabbi Yudin to become a part of the day Shavuot Yom Tov. However, it lacked Shomrei Torah has had a strong Russian though Rabbi Yudin repeatedly tried to dis- lives of so many families. the requisite amount of rain water. Things presence, and Rabbi Yudin has formed close suade him, eventually Janusz converted and For those who would like to give kavod looked bleak as Shavuot approached. Sud- bonds with many from the former Soviet has become an integral and beloved mem- to this very special couple for their lifetime denly, it began to rain and continued for Union. ber of Shomrei Torah. of commitment, a gala dinner honoring four straight days. Outreach for Rabbi Yudin also includes a Then there are the somber situations. them will take place at the Atrium in Mon- One by one, more goals were set and weekly parsha talk on JM in the AM. From a Shevi spoke of one such example that oc- sey on Sunday, April 7. met. A daily Mincha/Maariv minyan was es- one-time guest speaker, he became a Friday curred when she and the Rabbi were in their For information, visit www.yudintribute. tablished, an eruv was built, a Chevra Kadi- morning fixture for 38 years. 30s. She came home to find a chasidic lady org, or call 201-791-7910. sha was formed, a Daf Yomi began, a morn- As for Shevi, a family friend described and her child at their doorstep. The woman ing breakfast shiur for retirees took root, and her by saying, “There are dozens, if not hun- explained that she was from Brooklyn, her Robert Isler can be reached at [email protected]. nightly shiurim fleshed out, followed by a dreds, of people who are her closest friends. husband had been beating her, and that she 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 19 NEWS FROM ISRAEL Nissim, Police Help ALEH Spotlight Disability Inclusion at 2019 Jerusalem Marathon Six hundred ALEH supporters, including high schoolers from across Israel, promote inclusion and quality care for Israel’s disability community. (Courtesy of ALEH) For ALEH (www.ALEH. dents down the stretch, helping them reach Israeli society.” Jewish rapper Nissim Black joined ALEH for the org), Israel’s network of care for children with new milestones far beyond the boundaries In addition to the 600 supporters cheer- community race at the 2019 Jerusalem Marathon severe complex disabilities, the Jerusalem of their initial prognoses. In fact, residents ing on the ALEH residents from the side- to promote disability inclusion in Israel and Marathon is always a celebration of disability who had been strapped to their police part- lines, more than 150 runners of all ages ran beyond. CREDIT: DAVID MENDELSON AND BENYAMIN WEISSMAN inclusion and acceptance. But the fleet of in- ners via special walking harnesses in pre- the 5K, 10K, half marathon and marathon ternational volunteers, runners and VIPs who vious years were finally able to pound the races as members of ALEH Ascend, the or- came out to support ALEH on Friday, March pavement on their own thanks to months of ganization’s inclusive running team, to 15, for the ninth annual Jerusalem Marathon, training, the guidance of ALEH’s profession- spread the message of inclusion and high- including Jewish rapping sensation Nissim al staff, and specially made walkers that con- light the importance of quality care for Is- Black, Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion, and of- vert even the slightest movements into full rael’s disability community. The team was ficers from the Jerusalem Police Department, strides via a complex pulley system. comprised of young men and women on Jewish rapper Nissim Black and Yehuda took the celebration to the next level. “I have worked with ALEH on various gap-year programs, officers from the Jerusa- Marmorstein, CEO of the ALEH Centers, help an Drawn into the festive and inclusive at- community events over the last eight years, lem Police Department, attorneys from the ALEH resident. CREDIT: DAVID MENDELSON AND BENYAMIN WEISSMAN mosphere, Nissim marveled at the passion- but the Jerusalem Marathon is by far my Goldfarb Seligman law firm, and high school disabilities, so it is incredibly gratifying to ate support for Israel’s disability community favorite. I love seeing my training partner students from across the country participat- see our ALEH residents being embraced by and the determination of the 50 ALEH resi- and the rest of the ALEH residents achieve ing in ALEH’s Tikkun Olam program, an ex- city officials, celebrities and supporters from dents, who pushed their limits to complete such an incredible level of personal growth periential education initiative that was es- around the world,” said Shlomit Grayevsky, the 800-meter “community track.” in front of a screaming crowd. I always say tablished to bring about a change in societal director of ALEH Jerusalem. “But the greatest “I volunteer with children with disabili- that he’s like my little brother, but I must ad- attitude toward individuals with disabilities reward is seeing high school youth not only ties all the time, but I have never seen any- mit that I look up to him on days like this,” through youth leadership and community participating in events like these but getting thing like this. So much dedication and love, said Tal Rubin, the Jerusalem Police Depart- engagement. excited about advancing disability care in Is- like one big family,” said Black, as he walked ment’s Community Policing Supervisor. “No matter how many times we partic- rael and thinking up ways they can make a with the ALEH residents. “I am so happy “Like any other ALEH volunteer, I can’t tell ipate in the Jerusalem Marathon, I am al- real difference for individuals with disabili- that I was able to be a part of this, to experi- you who gets more out of this mentoring ways so deeply moved by the compassion ties. Little by little, we are laying the ground- ence the warmth of ALEH.” opportunity, the volunteers or the residents. and generosity shown by the individuals work for a very bright future here in Israel.” For the sixth straight year, “Jerusalem’s But I can tell you that it’s opportunities like who come out to greet our residents and To learn more about ALEH, arrange a site Finest” used high-tech walkers and words these that made me become a police officer make them feel included. We work so hard visit in Israel or donate, please visit www. of encouragement to lead the ALEH resi- in the first place, to make a lasting impact on to change the way people view those with

20 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM TABOR. WHERE GREAT WINES GROW


Please enjoy Tabor responsibly

718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 21 PESACH ‘Streit’s Sam the Dancing Matzo Man’ Plush Toy Promotion Has Expanded for 2019 (Courtesy of Toy Vey) Jewish toy maker panies that match our dedication to excel- Toy Vey Toys is best known for its Spinning lence and great taste, and we couldn’t find Musical Dreidel plush toy. a better partner than Toy Vey. We were im- However, as a continuation of the enor- mediately impressed with the outstanding mously successful Passover 2018 promotion, creativity of all Toy Vey products, and are so Toy Vey Toys, the award-winning produc- proud to put the Streit’s logo, and all that it er of Jewish toys, plush and books that pro- stands for, on a uniquely wonderful doll like mote family traditions and family-engaging Sam.” activities for everyone to enjoy, and Aron St- “Where else can you get a custom- reit, Inc., the only family-owned and operat- ized toy for a child?,” asked Kowalski. Stre- ed matzah company in America, have a very it’s Matzo choice to partner and promote special Passover 2019 promotion featuring Sam the Matzo Man, a move they have nev- “Streit’s Sam the Dancing Matzo Man.” er done before, speaks (sings?) volumes to Now, in time for Pesach, bearded Sam Sam’s unique appeal as one of the must have who dances and sings, and wears a hat and Pesach toys on the market. apron featuring the Streit’s logo has some- Order your Sam The Matzo Man at thing special. He joins an extensive Toy Vey or product line that celebrates great family tra- call 1-877-MATZO-MAN. ditions. This year a key component of this plush toy is the ability to personalize the chef’s hat. This special Pesach product can be ordered on Amazon (https://amazon. com/samthematzoman) where customers can choose to have Sam’s hat personalized Sam will be featured on over a million alski. “We want to put a smile on kids’ fac- with their child’s name (or great gift for any boxes of Streit’s 2019 Passover Matzo, with es and become a part of the Seder tradition: adult). You even have an option if ordering free shipping for consumers who purchase You’ll have the kos shel Eliyahu, and you’ll directly from the https://SamTheMatzoMan. this plush toy through our special offer at have the Matzo Man.” (With the batteries re- com/Streits web site, to receive a free Stre- moved, he adds with a laugh) it’s unique matzah-print pot holder with the “Our goal as a company is to create fam- Alan Adler, a Streit’s vice president and purchase of bearded Sam. However this free ily traditions,” explained Toy Vey’s founder fourth generation member of the Streit fam- offer is only available from that link! and award winning book author, Eli Kow- ily, said, “Streit’s looks to partner with com-

Unlocking Knowledge nection to his own world is the reason CONTINUED FROM P. 19 that teaching has become the practice that I strive to improve upon every day. to guide each student to become a more self-directed learner and to help each stu- Ingrid Hauptman is the Middle School Summit Coordina- dent become fully involved and invested tor at Westchester Torah Academy. She has been teaching in her personal academic journey. for over 19 years and has a Degree in English Literature Practice—act and action—allows from Union College as well as a Masters in Elementary and those who educate young minds to see Special Education from . In her free the true joy in teaching. Watching a stu- time, she enjoys teaching yoga throughout Westchester dent master a concept and make the con- County and spending time with family


22 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM DESTINATION KOSHER Before Tanglewood, There Was Charleston By Barbara Wind boutiques, galleries, antique and craft shops, economic opportunity first settled there dox satellite Shabbat and Yom Tov minyan plus a covered marketplace. If you’re more in 1695. It has the second oldest synagogue was Dor Tikvah’s predecessor and still oper- You don’t have to interested in just chilling, there’s a plethora building and oldest continuous synagogue ates as home away from home (reservations wait for Tanglewood of restaurants; plus marvelous beaches just (originally Sephardi, now Reform) in the required). to open its gates to fifteen miles from downtown. United States, Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim The houses of worship, along with kick off your summer Charleston is also a college town. There led by Rabbis Alexander, Holz and Kanter. Charleston’s other Jewish institutions, its Fed- fun. Charleston, one of are many institutes of higher learning in- This synagogue was founded in 1749. Named eration, a JCC, and Jewish Family Services, as- America’s most beau- cluding the Citadel, a medical school, law a national historic landmark in 1980, it in- sures that no day passes without at least one tiful cities, will host its annual Spoleto school, and a wonderful Art Institute, plus cludes a small museum and Judaica store. interesting program and event with spiritual, USA festival from May 24 –June 9. Featur- the College of Charleston (C of C), which The spiritual leader of the Conservative educational, cultural or purely social content. ing 150 performances of music, theatre, op- dates back to 1770. It has a marvelous Juda- Emanu-El synagogue, Rabbi Adam Rosen- Additionally, there is Addlestone Hebrew era and dance as well as talks, master class- ic Studies department, an active Hillel and a baum, served at Beth Shalom in Livingston Academy, whose executive director is Reb- es and visual arts, the events will take place kosher cafeteria, Marty’s Place, open to the 2003-2009, before being tapped for this solo betzin Ariella Davis. It’s a day school for chil- at various venues in a city Jews have lived public throughout the academic year. C of pulpit. There are also two Orthodox syna- dren 18 months through 8th grade, and excel- in for centuries. And it’s not over when it’s C is also instrumental in the World of Jew- gogues, as well as a Chabad Center for Jew- lent summer camps are not far away. over because that’s when Piccolo Spoleto be- ish Culture, which was inaugurated in 1998 ish Life, led by Rabbi Yossi Refson and his You’re sure to find welcome wherev- gins. It’s an extra week of festivities that in- as a joint project of the Yaschik/Arnold Jew- wife. There’s a daily minyan downtown er you go because of southern hospitality. cludes World of Jewish Culture, a program ish Studies Program at the college, in coop- where congregants gather at Brith Sholom When combined with the ancient Jewish that brings a series of Jewish-inspired music, eration with Piccolo Spoleto. Beth Israel Synagogue (BSBI.) Established in tradition of hachnasat orchim, (welcoming movies, lectures and more to the festival. Charleston is hot, hot, hot in the sum- 1854, it is the oldest continuous Ashkenazi guests) you’re certain to find a warm wel- But beware: you may fall in love and nev- mer. In winter, it’s warm, albeit cooler than synagogue. Its leader is Rabbi Moshe Davis. come. Don’t expect dinner in Abraham and er want to leave Charleston. It’s a beautiful Florida and a draw for those looking ahead Congregation Dor Tikvah (Modern Ortho- Sarah’s tent. However, their descendants will vibrant city, a walking city, a port city with to retiring to a laid-back city where snow dox) is located a few miles from downtown make sure you won’t starve. a pier and pavilion, where you can relax rarely falls. It’s a relatively easy drive from in the West Ashley neighborhood. Dor To- Charleston is a dining destination, on one of the benches with its view of Fort New Jersey; and its airport is compact and rah is the new kid on the block, established though not for kosher foodies. At least, not Sumter and watch winged wildlife (birds simple to navigate. Taxis and Ubers are read- in 2006. Its leader is Rabbi Michael Z. Davies, yet. On King Street, whose shops were virtu- and flying fish.) It has numerous hotels, in- ily available, the drivers are friendly, with the husband of Ora. The young couple, orig- ally closed on Shabbat in the 1920s-1950s be- cluding elegant historic ones, an aquarium , many who are more than glad to talk about inally from New Jersey, are growing an in- cause so many of the city’s merchants were a water park, a Museum Mile, Holocaust Me- their beloved city. The population is consid- volved and inclusive Orthodox congrega- Jews, there’s King Street Cookies, a kosher morial, guided horse and buggy tours of the erably less than a million, but it’s growing tion. Rebbetzin Ora established a Sunday gourmet bakery, where you can get break- historic district; gardens and lots of other tremendously. morning Hebrew school for high school stu- fast or lunch. The vegan-vegetarian cafeteria, sightseeing and leisure activities. For those It’s also a city where it’s good to be a Jew. dents committed to continuing their Jew- who enjoy shopping, there’s an elegant mall, In fact, Jews seeking religious freedom and ish studies. The Minyan House, an Ortho- CONTINUED ON P. 29

718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 23 THE SIMCHA LINK BRONX, WESTCHESTER & CONNECTICUT Local Shuls Reveal Their Mishloach Manot Projects By Judy Berger

On Purim, Jews around the world cele- brate and observe four basic mitzvot. For many years, organized communal pro- jects have successfully combined elements of these mitzvot and raised large sums in the process. With food as a central theme, the projects commonly involve mishloach manot, but matanot l’evyonim and pir- sumei nisa of the Purim miracle are also included. Around our region, individual shuls have unique approaches. Each year, new creative themes are developed for the shuls’ packages. “It is exciting to be part of the process!” Baseball & Summer in White Plains. CREDIT: YOUNG ISRAEL expressed Sarra Lorbert, co-chair of Young OF WHITE PLAINS Israel of New Rochelle’s Purim project. “We work for months trying to find a great con- Festive & Fun in Scarsdale. CREDIT: YOUNG ISRAEL OF SCARSDALE cept and new products to present a theme.” SISTERHOOD Pizza, Pasta and Purim delivered in New Rochelle. This year, YINR’s theme is Pizza, Pasta, and CREDIT: YOUNG ISRAEL OF NEW ROCHELLE WOMEN’S LEAGUE PURIM PROJECT Purim. Members receive a red insulated de- for running the shul, youth and other impor- livery bag, with Italian products and a “de- tant projects to make the shul a great place Bendheim explained that this year’s pack- livery menu” containing an original recipe for all.” age did not have a particular theme. Rath- combining many of the items. “We searched Marie Miller, co-chair of Young Israel er, they decided to purchase pre-packaged for products that were a little different and of Scarsdale’s project, described this year’s mishloach manot from Yachad. The River- unique but still palatable and appealing for package theme, Fun and Festive. “We had a dale Minyan found this a great opportuni- everyday use,” explained Mickey Nyer, an- red bag containing a red cake mold in the ty to give mishloach manot as well as giving other YINR co-chair. “We selected products shape of a Jewish star, Twin Suns wine, Fun- tzedekah to Yachad. The Riverdale Minyan’s based on aesthetics, durability and purpose.” fetti popcorn, Les Terroirs de Marrrackech mishloach manot program distributes to A portion of the funds raised is distrib- Young Israel of Scarsdale packed for fun. CREDIT: olive oil, Oodles candy, pear and wine jam every member family on Purim night. Mem- uted to poor people on Purim day by Rab- YOUNG ISRAEL OF SCARSDALE SISTERHOOD from Israel, Tuscanini crackers and, of bers also have the option to make a dona- bi Fink and his delivery volunteers. The re- Adina Shrage of the Young Israel of White course, hamantashen.” Miller revealed, “We tion, but not specify individuals. They be- mainder of the funds supports various YINR Plains outlined this year’s YIWP theme of started looking for items to put in the bas- lieve this gives their project a holistic and Women’s League programs throughout the Baseball and Summer. “We tried to find ob- kets nine months ago and had the star mold inclusive feeling. year. “Most importantly, these funds are jects that fit that theme such as ‘home plate’ delivered last August. We decide what goes The Chabad of Stamford continued its used by the Women’s League shiva commit- peanut butter, beer, pretzel challahs, Na- into the package, keeping in mind that our Mega Shalach Manos Project with a beauti- tee to supply meals and other needs in shi- than’s mustard, late July chips, Cracker Jacks congregation is multi-generational. We have ful keepsake gift and high-end foods. “Our va houses, and the Kesher program whose and a baseball bat filled with gum,” listed to keep kids and adults excited about getting goal is to spread Purim cheer and the mes- chesed committee provides discreetly for Shrage. “We included a sun-shaped ice pack the package. Three of our items are kosher sage of Purim to many!” explained Leah families in crisis in our neighborhood,” ex- with the shul logo. This is YIWP’s second big- for Passover, which is great for those who Shemtov. “This year’s package includes a plained Lorbert. gest fundraiser of the year. Funds are used start Passover prep right after Purim. This beautiful Lucite tzedaka box, caramel pop- year, Panim El Panim’s support of learning corn, Belgian dairy chocolate gelt, haman- programs for female IDF soldiers, and Mas- tashen hand dipped in chocolate and gold .Classical, Jazz & Jewish Music bia Soup Kitchen, will get monetary dona- dust, caramel vodka and a special custom . tions. Masbia Soup Kitchen will also get at chocolate bar with a message about charity, Beginners to Advanced least 60 baskets donated, as we have an op- distributed in an organza bag. The tzedaka .Children & Adults tion for our members to donate a basket to boxes were commissioned from China and the needy. We have a fabulous Sisterhood custom-made to our specifications. We in- .Encourages Creativity that works really hard to make sure we sell cluded a full-color printed guide about Pu- . every basket, because the more we sell, the rim. We search for items that are unique, Enhances Motor Skills more the charities get.” tasty, gourmet and fit the theme. Over the .Improves Memory In Riverdale, RJC used a Shabbat theme. years we have done Russian nesting dolls in “With Purim falling out on Thursday, we a Purim theme, Purim puppets, tea boxes, a Piano & Keyboard Lessons thought it was a perfect fit,” explained Malki bottle holder and puzzles.“ .Weddings Bernstein. Their basket contains challah, YI of Scarsdale’s Miller summarized, “It’s Yisroel Fishbain wine and a custom Lucite kiddush card. a lot of work, but it feels great knowing that .Bar Mitzvahs by “This is a great fundraiser for the RJC, and our shul makes a difference in people’s lives, . we are able to provide mishloach manot to not only through donations but also the spe- Orchestra 718.790.8659 the entire membership.” cial treat so many people get by getting this .One Man Band Another approach to this project was bag of goodies, making their Purim bright yisroelfi[email protected] taken by the Riverdale Minyan. Sarah Roer and joyous as Adar should be!” 24 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM F OD & W NE LINK BRONX, WESTCHESTER & CONNECTICUT A Tale of the Wine Queen By Gabriel Geller to build a 50-gallon sink to pour Châ- Queen Malartic-La- teau du Tertre down the drain and gravière to fast for It was in the times throw it into the recycling bin. three days with their of Herzog Special Edi- One night, Château du Tertre over- people and then to go tion Cabernet Sauvi- heard two guards plotting to smash ask the King to nulli- gnon Chalk Hill 2016. the King, so he warned it, fy Corked Bottle’s terri- In the year 5779, King and the two guards were ble decree. The Queen Herzog Chalk Hill 2016 poured down the drain had not been invited to reigned over the Kosher Wine Kingdom, and thrown into the re- the King’s cellar in over from California through Bordeaux and Is- cycling bin. 30 days and feared rael. The King was a powerful, full-bodied, for its fate. However complex wine with 127 aromas and flavors when Queen Malar- and a structure built to age for over 15 tic-Lagravière walked years. In the first year its reign, the King into the King’s Cel- organized a big party in its cellar and in- lar, King Herzog vited its Queen. The Queen was spoiled, Chalk Hill picked so the King got angry and poured it down up its corkscrew the drain and then threw it into the recy- and handed it to cling bin. the Queen, offer- Once its anger had passed, the King ing it up to half started looking for a new Queen. The its cellar. The King dismissed thousands of candi- Queen invited dates. When came the turn of Châ- the King and teau Malartic-Lagravière 2016, a Corked Bottle great classified growth from Pes- for a tasting in the Queen’s infuriating the King even more. Then the sac-Léognan, an appellation lo- cellar. Queen’s servant, the delicious semi-dry Car- cated to the south of the Médoc, As they were drinking mel Appellation Gewürztraminer 2017, with it pleased King Herzog Chalk Hill some deliciously aromat- its notes of peach, lychee and rose petals, 2016 with its velvety texture and ic and fragrant Flam Rosé told the King that Corked Bottle was also multiple layers of flavors, and so it 2018, the King again asked planning to pour its savior Château du Tertre made it Queen. Queen Château Malartic-La- down the drain in a 50-gallon sink it built es- The Queen’s close relative, Châ- A long gravière what its request was, pecially for that purpose. King Herzog Chalk teau du Tertre Margaux 2016, was time went by as it would give it up to half Hill 2016 ordered to pour the evil Cork Bottle an elegant wine which command- and then one its cellar. The Queen told the down the drain in the 50-gallon sink it had ed thought while swirled in the night, as King King that someone was plan- built. glass and sipped. Château du Ter- Herzog Chalk ning to get rid of all kosher On the 13th of the month of Adar, the ko- tre was always sitting by the Cellar Hill couldn’t wines. King Herzog Chalk sher wines poured out all corked bottles and to protect the Queen. After these finish its glass, Hill stood up in its anger and were saved. The 14th of Adar was declared as events, King Herzog Chalk Hill ele- it called its serv- asked who it was. Château Purim, a day of joy and feasting with many vated the evil Corked Bottle to Gov- ant, the lovely Malartic-Lagravière pointed great kosher wines enjoyed at the Purim seu- ernor of its Kingdom. Corked Bottle light to medi- and said, “The evil Corked dah and given as mishloach manos. L’chaim! was furious that Château du Ter- um-bodied Her- Bottle!” tre would not bow to it, unlike all zog Lineage Pi- Corked Bottle leaned in Gabriel Geller is a wine consultant for Royal Wines. other wines. Corked Bottle decided not Noir 2017, panic over the Queen’s glass, to read a story from the archives. The servant related how Château du Tertre had saved the King. When King Herzog Chalk Hill heard that 10% Château du Tertre was never rewarded for its merits, he called Corked Bottle who then OFF! happened to be in the Cellar and asked how should a subject dear to the King be hon- CASH ONLY. NOT VALID ON SUNDAYS, ored. Corked Bottle suggested that the dear MONDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. MUST PRESENT COUPON. subject be publicly poured into the decanter EXPIRES 6/30/18. of the King. King Herzog Chalk Hill ordered Corked Bottle to quickly run and pour Châ- We Now Deliver to Riverdale and Westchester. teau du Tertre in the Royal Wine Decanter, The Finest Glatt Kosher Chinese Restaurant and Sushi Bar so it ran and did as the King had requested. Corked Bottle felt so humiliated that it de- cided to also get rid of all kosher wines and randomly chose the 13th day of the month of 1327 North Ave Under Strict Kashruth of the Phone: 914-637-9363 Adar to carry out its evil plan. New Rochelle Vaad Harabonim of Queens Fax: 914-637-9371 When Château du Tertre heard of New York 10804 E-mail: [email protected] Corked’s intentions, it tore its label and told 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 25 SCHOOLS Learns About Kinneret Welcomes Purim Pi Day With Art, Music and Baking

Using hands on, creative materials, stu- Adar is hopping at KDS as Purim prep is dents at Carmel Academy celebrated Pi Day in full gear. on March 14th. They calculated circumfer- ences, created art using circles, recited the numbers in Hebrew and English, and of course, ate pie.

WDS Third Grade Celebrates Completion of Chayei Sarah The third grade finished learning par- with props. The celebration continued shat Chayei Sarah in Chumash! To cel- with a ceremony under a chuppah, lively ebrate, the class hosted a wedding for dancing and yummy hors d’oeuvres! Stu- Yitzchak and Rivka who met and married dents even volunteered to give brachot in parshat Chayei Sarah. Morah Abi and and make toasts to the chatan and kallah. Morah Elisheva played the roles of Riv- Mazal Tov to the third grade on this tre- ka and Yitzchak and the students acted as mendous accomplishment. WDS is so guests at the wedding, dressed in their fin- proud of the hard work each student put est wedding attire. Upon arrival, students in into learning this parsha and can’t wait took pictures at a photo booth, complete to start learning parshat Toldot!

Calling all our campers & prospective campers!!! SINAI at SAR Students Get Their Siddurim SINAI at SAR students proudly celebrat- ed a siddur presentation ceremony. Wheth- er students were receiving a siddur for the first time or not, all of them joined in the cel- ebration. Some students gave short speech- es which included an idea from the tefill- ah unit that they have been studying with Morah Zahava Wapner. Morah Wapner ex- plained the many stages that went into cre- REUNION & OPEN HOUSE ating their siddur cover and also reviewed Sunday, March 24th, 2019 | 3PM - 5PM concepts that formed the basis of the three tefillot a day, which were created by the RESCHEDULED! Lifeplex, 18 College Road, Monsey, NY avot, and are parallel to the korbanot giv- en in the Beit Hamikdash. Rabbi Binyam- in Krauss, principal of SAR Academy, spoke about how special a first siddur is, especially when it is with a group of «firsts,» including the school’s very own SINAI at SAR. Kol haka- vod SINAI at SAR! • Reunion & Open House – tour our facility, enjoy ice skating,

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26 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM SCHOOLS Expert in Palestinian Affairs Addresses Stamford Teens

By Judie Jacobson cans and Israelis are also involved. A few weeks ago, at the Middle East summit in “I am a proud Palestinian,” Bassam Eid Warsaw, no one expected to see the Yemen told a group of more than 40 students at the foreign minister sitting next to Netanyahu. Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy Upper School Because Iran almost occupied Syria and the (BCHA) in Stamford one recent afternoon. only one who can probably deal with that Eid, an internationally renowned politi- kind of threat is Israel, it will be difficult to cal analyst, human rights pioneer and com- coordinate anything without Israel. mentator on Arab and Palestinian affairs, “The Gulf countries are trying to nor- was in Connecticut on Wednesday, March malize their relationship with Israel. Bah- 6, to speak at an evening event hosted joint- rain, Saudi Arabia, UAE… The countries in ly by United Jewish Federation of Greater the Gulf have become more aware of the Stamford, New Canaan and Darien; and UJA/ threats to their future that Iran poses. So to- Federation of Greenwich. Arriving early in day they are looking for a strong country to the day, he stopped in at BCHA to share with help them… These countries are exchanging BCHA high school students his expert analy- delegations with Israel to discuss issues of sis and insider view of the Israeli-Palestinian security cooperation.” conflict and to answer their many insightful questions. On Media Bias Born in the Jordanian-occupied Old City “The media has their own agenda, and in East Jerusalem, Eid, 61, spent the first 33 these days they are very biased. When we years of his life in Shuafat, a United Nations Palestinian human rights activist Bassem Eid speaks to high school students at Bi-Cultural Hebrew talk about human rights violations on the Refugee Works Agency (UNRWA) refugee Academy Upper School in Stamford. part of Palestinians, why doesn’t media re- camp. He has been a resident of Jericho for port about it? We deserve to be covered, but close to 20 years. the Palestinians, are interested not so much they only report on Israeli violations.” Eid rose to prominence during the first in a two-state solution—that is, two states On Justice and Dignity Palestinian intifada and was a senior field for two people—rather we are interested in “Most [Palestinians living] in the West It’s All About the Economy researcher for B’Tselem, the Israeli Informa- three states for two people. Bank want a secure health and education “The West Bank has good economic pros- tion Center for Human Rights in the Occu- “When our leaders try to put pressure system for their children. That is what they perity, and Israel is supplying everything. pied Territories. on Israel, saying that if Israel doesn’t come are talking about. They are not talking about They are standing behind it. These days we “I spent 26 years of my life defending the to terms with us we are going to declare a settlements, or the foundation of the Pales- have 120,000 Palestinians working inside Is- rights of the Palestinians, first under the Is- Palestinian state, I ask them what that state tinian state or the wall… The majority of the rael. Settlements are one of the main sourc- raelis and then, after Oslo, defending them will be. A state where our people are starv- Palestinians are seeking dignity rather than es of income to Palestinians. Because who is from Arafat,” he told the teens. ing; a state where 54 percent of its popula- identity. Homeland is not the place where building there? We are.” In 1995, following his report on the Pal- tion are living in refugees camps? This is not you are born; it is the place where you can “Economic prosperity will pave the way to estinian Preventive Security Forces (PSF), he the state we are dreaming of and waiting for. find justice, dignity and freedom.” the solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. came under attack by some Palestinian lead- Our leaders have to understand one impor- This is one of the main messages I’m carrying ers for revealing human rights violations tant fact: that a state needs to be built before On the Palestinian Leadership to the EU [European Union] in Belgium.” committed by the Palestinian Authority (PA). it is recognized. “Since the Palestinian Authority was cre- Arrested by Arafat, he was released after 25 “Two million people are living as prison- ated in 1984, we have the most corrupt lead- BDS Is the Enemy hours with the help of then-U.S. Secretary of ers under Hamas. People are suffering and ership. “BDS [Boycott, Divest, Sanction move- State Warren Christopher. starving, and it looks like there is no change “As an Arab and Muslim, I don’t want to ment] is one of the organizations trying to In 1996, Eid founded the Palestinian Hu- … I asked some of my friends, ‘Instead of go- live in Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria… It’s much use the Palestinians in order to gain power man Rights Monitoring Group, which mon- ing every Friday to the Israeli border and safer for me to continue to live under the and money. The Palestinians have not ben- itors abuses committed by the PA and also fighting them, when are you going to go to Palestinian-Israeli conflict.” efited from BDS. BDS is committing a gen- deals, to some extent, with Israel and sup- your own leadership and fight them?’ And ocide against the Palestinians because they ports a democratic and pluralistic Palestine. they said, ‘It is much easier to fight Israelis.’ The Role of the International are not only kicking people out of their jobs, In 2016, he became chairman of the Center Because if they fight Hamas there will be Community they are taking away health insurance, etc. for Near East Policy Research. mass killing. “I don’t see any enlightened future be- Everybody knows the BDS agenda is to de- Eid lectures worldwide on the Palestin- “I don’t see that there is any solution to tween Israel and the Palestinians. The inter- stroy Israel and not to bring peace. The Pal- ian-Israeli conflict and is the author of nu- the current situation in Gaza. Prime Minis- national community has become part of the estinians should not participate in this.” merous publications and a frequent con- ter Netanyahu is sending millions of dollars conflict rather than a part of the solution. tributor to The Jerusalem Post and Times of in cash to Gaza every month. I suggest Isra- The solution can only be found between Is- Crossing the Line Israel. He is also the recipient of numerous el keep that money and instead transfer fuel, raelis and Palestinians. We want countries On February 6, there was news about the international human rights awards and, in electricity medicine etc. Because the people to help but not to interfere between us. So young Jewish girl [Ori Ansbachere] who was 2009, was profiled in the book “Next Found- are not benefiting from that money. many foreign fingers are playing in the con- raped and murdered by a Palestinian. Three ers” as the leading Palestinian human rights “Without elections for the PA in the flict, and thus Israelis and Palestinians can’t days later, I organized a Palestinian dele- activist. West Bank and Hamas in Gaza, it will be sit together and find a solution.” gation to pay condolences to the family. I The following are excerpts from Bas- difficult to change the current situation, asked two or three people to join me. Twen- sem Eid’s talk with teens at the BCHA-Upper and it looks like neither the PA nor Hamas The Iranian Threat ty came, mostly from the West Bank. It got a School: (Some quotes have been edited for is interested in any kind of elections. Two “Iran was all the time a major threat, but lot of coverage in the Israel press. I am very clarity.) weeks ago, there was a meeting of civil ac- Israel is the only country who realized this. proud that I did it because I am trying to tivists in Ramallah in the West Bank to dis- Iran had its hands cuffed, but [U.S. President] present the right image of the Palestinians. The Great Divide: Fatah and Hamas cuss what will come after Abbas. Five min- Obama made them more able to operate as It is a reaction to those who celebrated [the “Unfortunately, we, the Palestinians, are utes into the meeting the building was they want. That was one of the major prob- murder] and I hope it will make a change very divided. From 2007 to today, there ex- surrounded by Palestinian forces who ar- lems. Now, each country realizes the Iranian among Palestinians. ists a big separation between the political rested 20 people, drove them to prison and threat, and even the American administra- parties of Fatah and Hamas, between the released them only after each one signed a tion is becoming more and more involved Final Thought West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Nobody is commitment not to participate in that kind in not allowing Iranians to operate freely. The Israelis and the Palestinians are pa- able to bring any kind of unity among the of discussion again. I guess that means Ab- “Today, the world realizes more and tient people and don’t think there will be Palestinians—and that division is one of bas will live forever. Such a dictatorship is more the threats [posed by] Iran, and there a quick solution to the conflict. But I hope main obstacles to peace between the Israe- not interested in any kind of change in the are so many meetings taking place between that the violence will decrease between us lis and the Palestinians… It looks like we, near future.” the Arab countries to discuss Iran. Ameri- because a lot of bloodshed has taken place. 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 27 SCHOOLS Westchester Torah Academy Holds Immigration Fair The first WTA Immigration Fair was a family members and did research to under- great success. The night began with beau- stand the history of their artifact and the sto- tiful chavruta learning and continued with ry behind the item. All of their work culmi- middle school “docents” impressing all in nated when the students presented their attendance with their remarkable presenta- artifact and the story behind it to their par- tions of their family history. The goal of the ents, grandparents and siblings. immigration project was for each student to connect, in writing and through oral pres- entation, with his/her personal family Jew- ish heritage. Students choose an artifact that represented their unique family story including religious items, documents, pho- tographs, personal items, oral histories and written memoirs. The students interviewed MTA Joins Teach NYS Greenwich Library Exhibits on Mission to Albany Carmel Student Artwork On Tuesday, March 12, MTA joined Teach cussed his public relations efforts on behalf The current exhibition at Greenwich Li- NYS on its mission to Albany to lobby for of Teach NYS with the group. They also had brary showcases the magnificent artwork of STEM education funding. MTA’s delegation the chance to visit the New York State Mu- Carmel Academy students. Transitional kin- was introduced on the assembly floor by seum and see Jewish artifacts dating back dergarten explored the colors of the rain- Assemblywoman and to 1910. MTA is grateful to Teach NYS for this bow with paint, paper, stamping and oth- met with many leaders, including Wash- wonderful educational experience and for er mediums. First grade painted watercolor ington Heights Assemblyman and all of their lobbying efforts on behalf of ye- mandalas while second and third grades cre- MTA alumnus Josh Steinreich (‘12), who dis- shiva day and high schools. ated radial weavings. Fourth grade studied Impressionist artist Berthe Morisot’s flower paintings and created their own impression of a vase of flowers. After studying Aurora Borealis in science class, sixth graders pro- duced stunning compositions of the astro- nomical phenomena using paint and chalk pastels. Please visit the library soon to see these fabulous works of art in person.

MDS Students Celebrate Read Across Westchester Day School That’s exactly what WDS did this week Chagigat Rashi and what an amazing and inspiring few days it’s been! Mystery Reader Bingo brought All year, kitta gimmel has been fo- engaged in a beautiful intergeneration- the voices of various educators all reading cusing on learning Rashi and this learn- al moment of mesorah, a learning expe- favorite poems, short stories, recipes and ing impresses upon the students to al- rience between parent and child. MDS is songs. Students in all grades were treat- ways seek deeper meanings to life. At the proud of its students commitment to the ed to guest readers in their classrooms and French cafe themed Chagigat Rashi on teachings of Rashi and their enthusiasm during lunch. The ruach was really amped Friday and Monday, students and parents for learning! up on Thursday for Dr. Seuss dress up day. Suess hats galore, Things 1 and 2, 1 fish, 2 fish, red fish, blue fish—and don’t forget gefilte fish—all were spotted throughout the build- ings. Yasher koach to every person in the building for these extraordinary days!

28 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM SPORTS MTA Varsity Lions Win Sarachek Championship; Earn Right to Name Coach’s Baby 4-0, winning the Sarachek Tournament Tier the past 14 years and has been an extremely II championship. vital part of the Lions, both past and present. Special shout-out to Yeshiva Universi- Now all the Lions need to do is vote on ty for hosting a truly amazing tournament, the baby’s name. as well as to the Lions’ coaches, Weissberg and Weisel, for a great tournament run and a great season. Congratulations to senior Hudy Weiss for being named to the tourna- ment all star team, Eitan Warburg for being selected to the all-tournament second team and to senior Eitan Pfeiffer for being named Tier II MVP. These three seniors, along with seniors Avi Wolk, David Saginor, Yoni Roth- berg, Joey Hernandez Burg, Ephraim Green- berg and Micha’el Shloush have been great teammates as well as great role models for the juniors on the team. A special thank you to coach Mark Weisel, who is retiring from his position as MTA’s basketball coach for

SCHOOLS Stein Yeshiva Does Mitzvot With All Its Heart The students in Stein Yeshiva’s mid- father said, “don’t you know that I own all dle school are part of the nationwide ye- of the sushi stores in town. You could have shiva Rosh Chodesh Project. Each month had it for free!” And so it is with Hashem. He there is a very entertaining video presenta- owns everything, the entire world. What He tion with follow-up activities to encourage wants is our enthusiasm in doing mitzvot. young people in their avodat Hashem in a In a true story, the students heard about By Ikey Gutlove (‘20) beating the buzzer and scoring the win for real and practical way. This month’s topic is the avodot Hashem of the previous Skulen- MTA. This win left MTA with a 2-0 record “Hashem Wants Our Hearts!” The presenta- er Rebbe, Rabbi Eliezer Zusha of Portugal. When March 4, otherwise known as and secured the team’s spot in the semifi- tion focused on not doing mitzvot by rote, On one occasion a close chosid visiting the Sarachek Selection Monday, arrived and the nals. The Lions headed into the shabbaton but with all of our hearts. rebbe in the hospital was met by nurses and seeds of the tournament were revealed, the part of the Sarachek tournament in extreme- A play about a billionaire father with doctors frantic over the behavior of the reb- Lions were determined to become the Tier ly positive spirits. world-wide real estate holdings demonstrat- be’s heart monitor. When asked what was II champions. Coach Weissberg even offered Shabbos was filled with ruach and in- ed this concept. The man wanted to give his going on, the rebbe said he was davening a great incentive to encourage the team to spirational speeches from Yeshiva Universi- property to his two sons; but, how to distrib- and if he couldn’t say shema with all of his play their best—if they went undefeated, ty basketball coach Elliot Steinmetz, former ute it? The man was advised to ask his sons heart, what was the point in having a heart! they would be able to pick his baby’s name. NBA player, and brother of JR Smith, Chris to prepare a meal for him when he returned Rabbi Cherns and the Stein Yeshiva stu- Right from the start of the tournament, Smith as well as his agent Daniel Hazan. The to Eretz Yisrael and to assess their efforts. dents invite the entire community to join it was noticeable that the Lions came to shabbaton was a well-deserved break from One of the boys spent a lot of time planning, them in increasing our avodat Hashem by play and were not going to back down from basketball for every team and on-court rival- shopping and cooking whereas the oth- focusing of doing mitzvot with all of our any challenge they faced on the court. On ries became off-court friendships. er simply ordered in sushi. “You fool,” the hearts. Thursday, March 14, the Lions started the On Sunday, MTA continued their win- tournament strong against Hillel of Pitts- ning streak with a 66-62 win over the Pos- burgh. The Lions began the game on a 9-0 nack Rams in the semi finals and were ready There Was Charleston sher meat and Israeli products. And if that’s run and didn’t look back. Although their to take on the championship. not enough, there’s kosher Krispy Kreme, CONTINUED FROM P. 23 opponent made strides and the game be- On championship Monday, the Max which for some make a great moveable came a closer contest, the Lions continued Stern Athletic Center was filled to capacity at C of C, is a good option when school’s in feast. So go and enjoy. to add to their insurmountable lead and ul- with MTA fans who wanted to win the cham- session. A kosher caterer (Dining In) owned Learn more about Charleston, S.C. from timately secured the victory. The next day, pionship almost as badly as the players. The by Marci Rosenberg offers prepared meals Rebecca Liebowitz Engel, who grew up in MTA faced off against Beth Tfiloh in a very entire student body and faculty came out to (order ahead). Her challahs are said to be su- New Jersey and is a 2000 graduate of SSDS memorable game. The Lions started out support the Lions with tremendous school per delicious. And if you’re looking to have (now .) She works for slow and missed many shots, but managed spirit. The Lions started out against the Fas- a regular tourist experience, there are even the Jewish Federation of Charleston, which to stay close throughout the game. With 10 man Yeshiva defense and at the end of the kosher meat meals available at one of the offers visitors information through Shalom seconds left in regulation, the scoreboard first quarter, Fasman was in the lead 16-4. city’s landmark restaurants, Hyman’s Sea- Charleston: 843-614 – 66484 | www.jewish- showed a tied game of 49-49, but the Lions With not only the championship on the food. They’re prepared ahead by the Chabad weren’t ready to give up. Senior David Sagi- line, but also the naming of Coach Weiss- Rebbetzin, Sarah Refson, and can be reheat- Her grandfather was one of the found- nor inbounded the ball to senior Yoni Roth- berg’s baby, the Lions continued to fight ed and served in the restaurant. They’re also ers of Piccolo Spoleto. at http://www.picco- berg, who then passed the ball to senior Ei- back until they achieved success. Both teams available for take-out. If you’re packing a pic- tan Warburg. Warburg channeled his inner fought hard, but the Lions came away with nic or prefer to prepare your own meals, you James Harden by creating space for himself the win. As the final seconds ticked off the can buy your own food at the local Publix Barbara Wind is a writer, speaker and Holocaust related with a slight crossover and step-back, then clock, MTA fans stormed the court, as their Supermarket, Trader Joe’s, as well as Bali Ko- independent scholar, curator and consultant. taking a shot that went straight into the net, team defeated the odds and went a perfect sher, a recently-opened store that carries ko- 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 29 REAL ESTATE

ble. However, an exception is made if you sell your home for more than the amount Getting Ready For ‘Busy’ Season you paid (in other words, if you make a prof- By Shmuel Shayowitz second mortgage is generally tax deductible a home buyer can utilize to lower your inter- it). The capital gains you get from selling on home loans up to $750,000 (or $375,000 est rate when you buy your home; one point your home are tax-free up to $250,000 (or The tax filings for if married filing separately). For mortgag- is typically equal to 1% of the loan amount. $500,000 if married filing jointly). The cave- this upcoming April es taken out on or before Dec. 15, 2017, the If you purchased discount points when you at is that you must have lived in that proper- marks the first year that deduction applies to home loans up to $1 bought your home, you might be able to de- ty as your primary residence for two out of the new tax laws via the million (or $500,000 if married filing sepa- duct them on your income tax return. Of the past five years. This tax perk helps you Jobs Act go into effect. rately). If you took out a home equity loan course, the IRS has eligibility requirements keep more of the equity that you worked to Much discussion and an- or line of credit, the interest is only tax de- for deducting points, so talk to your tax ad- build over the years — yet another example ticipation are taking place about whether this ductible if the loan was used to buy, build, visor to see if you qualify for this deduction. of just how powerful ownership and equity will result in a bigger refund compared to pre- or substantially improve the home that se- can be for growing your wealth. vious years. While many factors affect your cures the loan. Exceptions, limitations, and Property Tax Deduction Being a homeowner comes with some tax rate and rebate, one thing you can control restrictions apply, so talk to your tax advisor One of the more significant changes very lucrative advantages - and tax breaks is proper preparation in advance for a smooth- to see if you’re eligible for the mortgage in- with the new tax laws is as it relates to the are one of the benefits of such an endeavor. er filing and (hopefully) a faster refund. terest deduction. deductibility of property taxes. State and lo- Again, the recommendation is to talk to your While many people are busy preparing cal property taxes that you pay for any real tax advisor to learn more about how you can for the upcoming Purim and Pesach holi- Mortgage Interest Credit estate you own are deductible up to $10,000 max out your tax savings and get the most days, I thought it would be worthwhile to A mortgage interest credit of up to (or $5,000 if married, filing separately). Keep from your real estate investment. help remind homeowners of some popu- $2,000 on mortgage interest paid in a cal- in mind the deduction limit is applied to lar tax categories to consider in advance of endar year, is available for qualified low- to your overall property tax payments, even Shmuel Shayowitz (NMLS#19871) is President and Chief meeting with your accountant next month. moderate-income homeowners. Eligible tax- if you own more than one property. For in- Lending Officer at Approved Funding, a privately held lo- Of course, a conversation with your person- payers must obtain a Mortgage Credit Certif- stance, if you own two or more properties cal mortgage banker and direct lender. Approved Fund- al and competent certified public account- icate (MCC) before purchasing their home. and your total combined property tax bill ing is a mortgage company offering competitive interest ant will help best determine which of these The MCC must be issued by a state or local was $15,000, you will only be allowed to de- rates as well as specialty niche programs on all types of tax categories apply to your circumstances, governmental unit or agency under a quali- duct $10,000 total from your income taxes. Residential and Commercial properties. Shmuel has over and in what capacity. fied mortgage credit certificate program. 23 years of industry experience including licenses and cer- Capital Gains Tax Exemption tifications as certified mortgage underwriter, residential Mortgage Interest Deduction Mortgage Discount If you sell certain types of assets for more review appraiser, licensed real estate agent, and direct FHA specialized underwriter. He can be reached via email If you took out your mortgage after Dec. Points Deduction than their original cost, you may have a cap- at [email protected]. 15, 2017, the interest you pay on your first or Mortgage Discount Points are something ital gain. Capital gains are generally taxa-

Save Energy, Increase Comfort Connectivity Is King This Home-Buying Season As home improvement trends go, in- creased connectivity is rivaled only by the de- (BPT) The spring home-buying season is Security Gets Connected checking that all sensors are working prop- sire for more energy-efficient homes. Smart just around the corner and that means peo- erly, integrated security systems offer peace thermostats accomplish both these aims ple are busy making improvements to get Security systems are nothing new, but of mind. Having the infrastructure in place and can increase the value of your home in their homes ready to sell. These days, home the technology used to arm those systems is can be a selling point for buyers who want the process. Smart thermostats let you easily upgrades are increasingly focused on one key changing rapidly. More and more home se- to make sure their new home is as safe as control the temperature in your home from feature: connectivity. In 2019, buyers want curity companies now offer fully connect- possible, given they’ll only have to set up the any connected device. You can set a daily smart homes they can easily control from an- ed systems that allow users to protect and monitoring subscription upon move-in. schedule for your heater, adjust the temper- ywhere. From smart HVAC and sprinkler sys- monitor their homes from any smart de- ature in individual rooms or let the system tems to connected garage door openers, it’s vice. Whether it’s a live video feed, the abili- Updated Garages Add Value program itself based on your usage history. all about creating convenience and comfort. ty to lock and unlock doors remotely or just According to Remodeling Magazine’s 2019 Cost vs. Value survey, a garage door Lighting the Way replacement is the number one home im- Smart lighting has turned from a nov- provement project in terms of return on elty to a practical tool as products have got- MORTGAGES investment. But these days, more home- ten more advanced. Programmable light- Purchase Loans. Refinance Loans. ...And Everything In Between owners are taking it a step further and in- ing allows you to schedule when your lights stalling new technology to make the garage will come on, turn on and off lights remote- • Our Local Processors Shmuel Shayowitz more user friendly. For example, the Silent- ly or change the lighting to improve aesthet- • Our Local Underwriters Max Connect garage door opener from The ics. With a smart lighting system, you’ll nev- President - Mortgage Banking Genie Company comes with Aladdin Con- er have to get out of bed to turn the lights off • Our Local Appraisers Direct Lender NMLS # 19871 • Our Common-Sense Decisions nect technology built-in to improve con- downstairs, and you can always come home • Our Lowest Wholesale Rates (201) 833-0123 venience and functionality. Not only is the to a fully lit house, boosting your sense of se- • Our Quick Approval and Closings [email protected] opener super quiet - ideal for attached ga- curity. With these kinds of applications, your rages - but the connectivity features allow home’s lighting can go from a ‘given’ to a must- you to check whether your garage door is have, attracting buyers like a moth to a flame. Your Local Mortgage Bank! open or closed, grant individual access with New, smart products are hitting the (800) 475-0123 virtual keys, instantly know when some- market every day. For homeowners savvy one is operating your garage door (author- enough to incorporate this new technology LICENSED MORTGAGE BANKER NMLS#5411 • NY/NJ/CT/PA/FL/TX/IL FHA/VA DIRECT LENDER ized or not), and provide a log of when each into their homes, they’ll not only be more opener was used - all from your phone or connected, but they’ll likely see more offers THOUSANDS OF CLIENTS. BILLION$ IN FUNDING. THREE DECADES OF SERVICE smart device. rolling in when it comes time to sell.

30 March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM REAL ESTATE Top 2019 Outdoor Living Trends V&N REALTY GROUP (BPT) With busy schedules and on-the- cozy pergolas, today’s outdoor spaces are de- go lifestyles, outdoor living spaces offer a signed to evoke serenity and peace. chance to decompress, enjoy nature and However, trend experts are quick to connect with friends and family. Thanks to point out that “cozy” doesn’t equal “clutter.” LINDA STAMKER DEBRA BOTWINICK the impressive design and quality of today’s Clean, minimalist looks are growing in pop- outdoor products, these spaces often rival ularity, as homeowners emphasize quality the convenience, comfort and design of the over quantity. indoors. As the heart of the home shifts outdoors, Illuminated Spaces following are some of the top trends that The right lighting can take any outdoor will dominate the outdoor living landscape. space from invisible to inviting - especial- ly when it’s integrated in innovative ways Sustainable Solutions to accentuate key features. Spotlights high- SOLD There is a growing interest in sustaina- lighting an accent wall or tread lights incor- ble alternatives to wood products, which porated into a bar top are both popular op- 690 Forest Ave, Teaneck contribute to deforestation and can leave a tions. Adding dimmable LED lighting to the $1,350,000 • New Construction 640 Thames Blvd, Teaneck heavy carbon footprint. Composite decking railing and stairs not only adds ambiance 5 Bedrooms • 5.5 Baths offers an appealing option that outperforms but also enhances safety. wood, with greater durability, less ongoing maintenance and fewer harmful environ- Decidedly DIY mental impacts. More homeowners than ever are feeling Beyond decking, composite materials confident about building their own outdoor ESTHER SHAYOWITZ also can be found in today’s hottest outdoor living spaces. Lighter weight deck boards furnishings. Manufactured from recycled such as Trex Enhance, as well as innovative, milk jugs and other polyethylene plastics, easy-to-install railing panels, have made cre- these high-performance, on-trend designs ating a dream deck on your own easier than offer environmentally responsible options ever. for comfortable, stylish outdoor living. If you are comfortable using a hammer, a power saw and a drill, you can build your Cozy and Clean own deck. Or, if you have a deck but it is As homeowners spend more time en- showing signs of wear, you can easily resur- joying their outdoor living spaces, comfort face it in just one weekend, so long as the is key. From plush cushions and throws to substructure is intact. 727 Palmer Ave, Teaneck 158 Merrison St, Teaneck Open House • 12-2pm $868,000 • 4 Bedrooms 112 Ft Frontage • $825,000 214 Ft Deep Property



718-564-6710 • WWW.JEWISHLINKBWC.COM March 21, 2019 • 14 Adar B, 5778 31