Hbfdouse Tract to Tee U.S
PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Ctonn., Tues., April 1,1975 % OBITUARIES Tax Relief Leads (Continued from Page One) Dunlap Dies; That’s why I appeared as a character Once Served a productive year and that it already has witness for him and that’s how I’ve proved capable of representing the com answered every letter I received in City, State munity’s interests in Hartford and criticism.” Washington. Cotter said he can’t and won’t support Manchester—A City of Village Charm PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS ROCKVILLE-Willi am J. “We are ready to he your voice in further hikes in prices of home heati^ oil THIRTY-TWO PAGES - TWO SECTIONS Dunlap, 80, of 13 Webster St. legisiative m atters and to perform ser and residual oil and would support a tax in MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2,1975 - VOL. XCIV, No. 155 died Monday night at Rockville vices as needed,” he said. centive that would encourage conversion General Hospital. He was the William H. Hale, in his first official task to coal. He stressed the importance of cut husband of Mrs. Marion as chairman of the Chamber’s board of ting down on oil imports ^ s a i d he’d sup Kington Dunlap. directors (he succeeded Burl Lyons in the port relaxation of enviro'nmmtal stan Before the Rockville-Vernon post as of today), brought a laugh when he dards — as a compromise with the needs consolidation, Mr: Dunlap said, “The fact it’s April Fools’ Day will of the economy. served in the State Senate as a He said he’s still opposed to a gasoline Saigon Seething in Crisis not effect my office in any way.” representative from Rockville, Said Hale, “Hardly a legislative day tax but would vote for one — if the only and as a selectman and alternative is an increase in home heating goes by in Washington and Hartford that SAIGON (UPI) — Heavy fighting broke fantrymen were battling at Xuan Loc to people in an emotional address not to give about 200 MPs were manning tee blockade superintendent of streets for oil.
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