13 Paid WordPress Tools That’ll Double Your Blog’s Traffic

Here is a rundown of 13 paid WordPress tools that will double your blog’s traffic.

1. Yoast SEO Premium ​

As a free plugin, Yoast SEO is a must-use. But, if you want more out of this tool, it’s time to consider an upgrade.

● While you can likely get away with using the free version of this plugin, it never hurts to upgrade. The added functionality is worth the money. Price: $69 for a single site premium license.

2. Thrive Leads ​

The Thrive Leads plugin helps you to build your mailing list in a fast and efficient manner, thanks to a super-easy-to-use backend for adding opt-in forms to any location on your blog. Furthermore, you can split test forms and monitor the results.

● Thrive Leads gives you the tools that you need to speed up the growth of your email list. It is easy to implement, no tech skills are required and there are many designs and options to choose from.

● Price: $67 for a single site license.

3. Social Warfare ​

If you understand the power of social media, including how it can drive traffic to your website, the Social Warfare plugin is right for you.

● This isn’t the only social sharing plugin to choose from (more of these below). And, even though there are many free tools to consider, with Social Warfare you truly get what you pay for.

● Price: $24/year for a single site license.

4. Framework ​

Genesis is a clean theme that ensures that you are doing everything right, from an SEO perspective. Everything about the code is the way it should be, while still allowing you to customize the appearance to suit your style and audience. It is even mobile responsive.

● Price: $59.95 one-time purchase fee.

5. Visual Composer ​

If a lack of programming knowledge is keeping you from designing a well optimized, attractive blog, Visual Composer can help. Its tagline reads.

● Visual Composer works with any and every WordPress theme. With a drag and drop interface, you don’t have to concern yourself with code. Move things around, test them out and find what works best for your readers.

● Price: $34 one-time purchase fee.

6. Ninja Popups ​

Many people associate popups with the spam of the past. Don’t let this scare you away.

● There are many ways to benefit from popups on your WordPress blog, including the ability to boost traffic.

● There are free popup plugins for WordPress, but you don’t typically get all of the functionality that you require.

● This is what makes Ninja Popups a top seller. You will pay a few dollars for the plugin, but access to the above features, among others, increases your chance of a positive return.

● Price: $25 one-time purchase fee.

7. BrowserStack ​

There is no other way of saying it: your WordPress blog must be compatible with every browser, not just the one you are using.

● BrowserStack is one of those tools that can easily double your blog’s traffic, but for some reason it is overlooked by many bloggers. Don’t be one of these people.

● Price: $29/month for one parallel test, one user.

8. Flow-Flow Social Stream ​

You want to show off your social media prowess, right? The Flow-Flow WordPress Social Stream plugin allows you to do just that.

● Social media marketing remains one of the best ways to drive traffic to your site.

● Using a plugin like this will accelerate your growth, while also giving you the opportunity to better establish your brand on a variety of social platforms.

● Price: $24 one-time purchase fee. 9. LinkPatrol ​

If you have concerns about your outgoing link profile, there is no time to wait. The wrong strategy could kill your blog’s traffic. It can also drive away readers and harm your search engine rankings.

● Enter LinkPatrol. This WordPress plugin is built to clean up your link profile, ensuring that you avoid costly errors.

● Cleaning up your blog’s link profile could result in a jump in search engine rankings. LinkPatrol provides you with the tools and the control that you need to take on this task.

● Price: $50 one-time fee for one site.

10. WPtouch Pro ​

With mobile device usage continuing to grow, it’s essential that your WordPress blog is responsive.

● With WPtouch Pro, you can transform the way that your blog appears and works on mobile devices.

● Since it is a plugin, you don’t have to make any major changes to your blog. Once you install the plugin, it takes over and does the work for you.

● With a set-up wizard and easy to use settings panel, no programming experience is required. Follow the step-by-step instructions and watch your blog transform itself into a mobile powerhouse.

● Price: $88 for a one site activation.

11. WP Mobile Detector ​

Another mobile solution for your WordPress blog, this plugin helps you to, “create a mobile version of your website instantly and effortlessly.”

● A simple plugin, such as WP Mobile Detector, can transform your blog and help increase mobile traffic.

● Price: $50 one-time fee for a single installation.

12. Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress ​

Joining other social plugins on the list, the Easy Social Share Buttons plugin is a best seller and top performer. And, here is why.

● There are times when social traffic will come on its own, but there is nothing wrong with reminding your audience to share. This plugin makes it easy for visitors to share your content via their social networks.

● Price: $19.

13. SmartCrawl ​

SmartCrawl is designed to increase traffic without making you jump through hoops or make major site changes.

● By including the most effective methods of optimization and working on autopilot, SmartCrawl gives you more time for other areas of your blog. As you work and grow, you know that SmartCrawl has your back.

● Pro tip: take advantage of the setup wizard, as it will have you on the right track within a ​ matter of minutes.

● Price: $49.50/month for access to SmartCrawl and other premium plugins from WPMU DEV.