Canterbury Christ Church University’s repository of research outputs Please cite this publication as follows: Wilson, S. (2015) René Guénon and the heart of the Grail. Temenos Academy Review, 18. pp. 146-167. Link to official URL (if available): This version is made available in accordance with publishers’ policies. All material made available by CReaTE is protected by intellectual property law, including copyright law. Any use made of the contents should comply with the relevant law. Contact:
[email protected] 146-167 Wilson Guénon.qxp_Layout 1 25/10/2015 15:39 Page 146 René Guénon and the Heart of the Grail * Simon Wilson ooking around him, describing and deploring the effects of modern ity, L René Guénon found an answer in the Grail. More than that, he believed that it could light our way back to the Terrestrial Paradise, to the kind of communion with the divine enjoyed by our primordial parents in Eden. It may even offer us deliverance from the world com - pletely, carrying us beyond the cosmos until we are so utterly trans - figured and transformed that we are no longer merely human. As Guénon is undoubtedly one of the most interesting thinkers of the twentieth century, we may find it fruitful to meditate on these ideas. They may not set us on the path to transformation (as Guénon would wish), but they may reveal a truth which is not generally appre - ciated: that at the very centre of Guénon’s challenging thinking, the place where the Grail is to be sought, is a heart overflowing with joy and love.