The Westfield Leader the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County

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The Westfield Leader the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY fENTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 30 atWe«tft>ld N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1962 32 P«gei—10 Cents Boro Adopts Smut Foes Weigh Historic Church To Be Rededicated Legal Steps To $444,165 For Presbyterians to Hold '62 Budget Achieve Aims 100th Anniversary Service Sunday MOUNTAINSIDE — Before a Committee Confers standing room only audience Borough Council adopted its 1962 With Attorney, Sets On March 26, 18C.2, the Rev. Ed- municipal purposes budget which ward n. Edgar conducted the serv- shows total general appropria- Monday Session ice which dedicated as a place of tions of $444,165, an increase of worship tho building presently used $36,023 over last year, Monday Members of the executive com- an the (Presbyterian Church. This night. mittee of the Citizens Committee coming Sunday the Rev. Dr. Fred- for Decent Literature nu't Monday erick E. Christian, senior minister, Council declined to reduce the night with Cuddie K. Davidson Jr., will load the congregation In a ro- budget despite persistent requests town prosecutor, to discuss legal dedication of this 100 year old from economy minded residents measures in the campaign against building to further Christian serv- who contributed to an overflow the display and sale of objection- ice and »B a continuing sanctuary crowd of about 150. able literature. for the worship of Cod. Public hearing on the measure Adequate laws exist in the town Special preparations have been lasted about two hours. Following code, it was pointed out, but store a 30-minule recess Council voted made for each of the three morn- owners will be asked to cooperate ng services at which the sacra- unanimously to adopt the budget with the committee without the as presented. ment of communion will be ob- necessity of resorting to the law. sorved and each momber of the The budget adds nineteen cents The review committee will start church will spiritually dedicate to an overall tax rate figured at its work at 8 p.m. Monday, it was himself anew to his vows of mem- $7.35 per $100 of valuation for announced. bership and to tho acceptance of the current year. Last week an amended statement a responsible share In the tifo and The tax rate includes: Borough of purpose was introduced by the growth of the church. Dr. Chris- schools, $3.37, up U cents; region- chairman of the committee and ac- tian's sermon topic for tho niorn- al high school, $2.02, up 7; county, cepted at a meeting in the Munici- nj? is "A Dwelling place on the tl.10, down «, and municipal pur- pal Building. Journey." DOES WORK—Tfc« "Dellon Gem" above, •• ca*.r|la><d> ananad oubuilmt oby mthee inaustriaIndustriail poses, 86 cents, up 9. About 30 personu attended, gome , Department al Westfield Hifh School took tw[wo totop awardawards aat thth«e "Ne w Jerse" y Vocational and as representatives of sponsoring An historical pageant, prepared ulrisl Arti Conference at Asburjr Park last weekend deipite the fast that it refuted to per. The amount to be raised by by iMra. Louis Quad after exten- taxation for the municipal budget organizations, others as observers. a >• designed. Shown aboard the air car it David Reid, "pilot" and (tending by with a fire As originally worded, the state- slvo research In the church ar- iifuiiher i> William Balka. is $184,054, compared to $161,142 chives, will be presented at 4 p.m. in 1901. This Includes a reserve ment, noting the group's opposi- vespers. Entitled "Window on of $56,587 for uncollectcd taxes, tion to the display and xulc of ob- Our Past," the pageunt will por- as against $44,142 for this pur- scene literature to minors, atao in- tray by tableaux and a running jelton Gem' Balks-Wins 2 Awards pose last your. cluded the word "objectionable." This was deleted in the amended narration the development of the An explanatory statement lists (Continued on page 2) church's education program in the US Students' 'Air Car' major increases in the new bud- hlldren's youth and adult areas. In Memory Of— get as follows: Group insurance; Junior nnd plrmary choirs un- Takes Prizes at N. J. plan for employes, $11,000; fire, der the direction of Stephen Kram- $G,000; sewer system, $5,000, and YMCA SeTs Theme er and the Canterbury and West- Shore Convention Area Scout Council Establishes library, 6,000. minster choirs undor tho direction Finance Chairman Henry P. For 39th Annual IT WAS A MEMORABLE DAY for Weitfield when, in 1862 the of Mrs. John Herrmann will sup- in "«ir car" built by Westfteld Wester explained the $3,01)0 allo- plement tho musical program with i School students won two top Camp Grants to Honor Doctor steeplejacks topped off the ipire of the new Preibyterlan Church, cation for insurance was Included at recorded In Ihii hi'torlc photograph. At the centennial commun- 10th century musical selections. to it the convention of the in lieu of » pay raise for police. Costumed In period clothes, the Jersey Vocational and Indus- Meeting April 10 ion service Sunday, the famout old church bell will chime the ' The Watchung Area Scout Council today announced the estab- He said Council also decided to dramatic moment of itlent prayer and rededicatlon. players will enact the. rolea of lcnd- Arts Association last week- provide the coverage for the bor- ng church characters of the past It Asbury Park despite the lishment of camping scholarships in the memory of Dr. Daniel C. The theme of the YMCA's 30th Haekett of Westfleld, who died March 1. There will be four -winners (Continued on page 2) while the thread of tho Btory Is that it refused to perform annual meeting will be "Tho Y's carried by tho narration, of Ilov, the judges. each year from District Four, which comprises Mountainside, Westfleld, Launch Into Space," according to Series Of Articles To Explain Hlchard 1>. 'Smith, the Uov. James vehicle, called the "Del- Garwood, Fanwood and Scotch Plains. First place will be an all- Registration Urged an announcement tortay by Itobert D. Cole, HBBOciate. minlstei'K of tho Gem," designed to ride on a expense, 7-week stay at Camp Riv- C. Fuller, chairman of the commit- Westfield Revaluation Survey thurch and the Hev. Joseph T. Hou- n of air gave its sponsors erdale, a private camp in Long tee for arrangements. The session rani, fraternal worker. embarrassing moments but Lake, N. V., of which Dr. Hackett PTA Study Group By Church Council will take place Tuesday, April 10. This article ii the ftrit of a weekly series especially The Hev. M. Bolln Durway, who vtre forgotten when the was part owner. The Camp River- will Boon join the staff of the followed. dale scholarship ia worth approx- The second in m lerlei of Mr. Fuller stated thut tho theme prepared by Associated Surveys to provide background In- the Weslfield High School formation for « better understanding by the public of the re- church as minister Xo children, also Certificate oJf Merit was pre- imately $G50. , . For Lenten Series is: a direct reference to the current will tuke part In the service, id to the WHS industrial Parent - Teacher Allocation valuation program now underway in the Town of Westneld. The other three winners will be study groupi will be held YMCA-YWCA building expansion The pageant will closo with a Department by the New Jer- awarded $50 scholarships to be Participating churches In West- REASONS FORTURVEY grand cnvulcndo nujnmuriidng the Voutional and Arts Educa- Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in the project which will double the avail- used during a 2-weck period at field are pressing for early regis- able spuce to accommodate the pro- There mo sound and compelling rcanons why the Town of Wcst- past nnd the forward look for the Association and a Certificate Sabnttis Wilderness Camps oper- senior high school library. tration by those expecting to at- grams of the YM mid YW. The fltld is reliving its land iiiitl building* revalued al this time. Ciimnlc- future—*with narration by Dr. MOgnilion by the Association ated by the Watchung Council in The title for the hour-long tend the 1902 Lenten lectures mentiiltf Ihe growth of the town's population to .'11,500 Is n remark- Christian. 'Refreshment!! will bo it vehicle itself. the same area as Camp Riverdale. program will be "What's Now sponsored by the Council of program will be n dramatized nur- able growth in homes, in new stores ami .upurlmciit buildings. New served in the assembly hall. lie New Jersey Industrial la Guidance?" Churches. This in the 13th unniver- rnlion of using pantomime utid Basically, each contestant will 11 construction has accounted for an avcrngo expenditure in the town Association also honored the be between 11 and 13 years old, All four counselori of the sary of the "Famous Preachers skids to illustrate tho story of the f close to $10,000,000 nnnually. (Continued on page 2) be a first class scout and hold u school guidance department series and certain innovations this project and what it means to the At present, llio town is in the Rotary Club Lists swimming merit badge. Winners will participate. They are year nuike possible so great an work of the Y. Cancer Crusade's process of considering n master will be selected on the basis of Vincent F. Washeville, di- interest that Inte registrants may plan.
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