ANZAC Research Institute

Biennial Report 2015 - 2017



Introduction 3 About Us- Vision , Mission 4 Strategic Plan & Aspirations 5 The Organisation Reports 6 Chairman’s Report 7 Director’s Report ANZAC Research Institute Research Groups 9 Adrenal Steroid 10 Andrology 13 Atherosclerosis 14 Biogerontology 15 Bone Biology 17 Burns Research and Reconstructive Surgery 19 Dendritic Cell Research 21 Geriatric Epidemiology 22 Platelet and Thrombosis Research Lab 24 Northcott Neuroscience Laboratory 26 Vascular Biology Our Research Involvement 28 Collaborations: Summary 30 Grants & Contracts 33 Staff & Students 33 Financial Performance 34 Publications 42 Board 46 Donor Honor Roll Annual Financial Report & Independent Audit Reports Annual Financial Reports available at

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About Us

Vision To provide Leadership and excellence in health and medical research activities throughout Australia, with a focus on aging, to improve the future health and medical care for the Australa- sian community. In so doing, the Foundation will provide a lasting legacy to the veterans and their families who have created the society we have today.


To establish and operate a state-of-the-art biomedical research institute on the campus of Concord Hospital that is affiliated with the University of Sydney.

To encourage, collaborate in and undertake basic, clinical and epidemiological research, with a particular focus on ageing, that aims to improve health and medical care and is dedicated to the memory of our war veterans and their families.

To gain and optimise support from the wider community in order to facilitate our vision.

To provide leadership and excellence in biomedical research in national and international arenas.

To foster education and training in relevant research and health disciplines.

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Strategic Plan & Aspirations

 The ANZAC Research Institute (ARI) serves to provide state-of-the-art research facilities and services. To create and maintain a research-friendly environment in order to foster, conduct and collaborate in highest quality biomedical research of potential benefit to the health and medical welfare of the Australian and wider general community.

At the ARI each research group is headed by a medically qualified clinical scientist and is required to be self-sustaining for their research based primarily on peer-reviewed research funding supplemented by other forms of research funding. This facilitates clinical and translational research by allowing for optimal priority setting for each specific field in balancing basic discovery research with translational of findings into clinical, epidemiologi- cal and public health domains.

ARI’s distinctive responsibilities is to provide the best possible environment for conducting top quality biomedical research. Our in-house research services and facilities are an efficient, responsive and sustainable operational format.

TRF (Translational Research Facility) has now been completed providing additional capacity for our expanding invivo research facilities.

ARI’s plan is geared towards maintaining, and building upon where possible, the underlying research services and facilities which includes laboratory space and research facilities as well as acquiring major specialized scientific equipment.

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The Organisation

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Chairman’s Report

The ANZAC Medical Research Institute is very focused on delivering relevant and first class research in the ten key areas we support under the ANZAC umbrella. The Boards primary responsibility is to support our scientists and ensure they are well equipped in their endeavors.

One of the exciting developments this year has been the building of a new state of the art Transitional Research Facility (TRF) to house our research animals and provide the best means of advancing our knowledge using these means.

Working in partnership and sharing of resources key to institutes such as ours. The Sydney Local Health district was central to the final stages of this TRF development which started some years ago with a grant from the Federal Government under Kevin Rudd that included our neighbors the Asbestos Diseases Research Institute. With the support of Teresa Anderson the Chief Executive, a firm supporter of medical research, the project was finally completed. Great news for the future of Concord Hospital and ANZAC Research is the announcement from the NSW Government of some $341million for stage 1 of the redevelopment of the Hospital, including space for ANZAC in the new buildings.

One advantage we have is our close proximity to everyday medicine through the Hospital and the ability to address clinical problems. Many of our researchers hold hospital appointments and look to translate their work directly into clinical applications. We also have primary research which often takes a long time to become relevant but is central to the development of scientific knowledge and needs understanding and support.

Fundraising to support the purchase of equipment is most important and a never ending challenge. This year we acquired a very advanced microscope capable of looking at live cells thanks to fundraising effects. Other equipment was also purchased to support research grants which never seem to cover all the costs. Alice Kang with the support of the hospital and its public relations department was instrumental in raising over $135,000. Contributions came mainly from local groups such as Rotary and the Lions Clubs as well as dinners and the Opera Night supported by hospital staff and the local community. We have been fortunate in the support we have from the local community and their political representa- tives, not only in our research efforts- the Translational Research Facility for example, but also in convincing Government of the need to continue to develop Concord Hospital. The inclusion of ANZAC in the new development opens new and exciting opportunities and the means to continue our links with the Military in support of Veterans Health.

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Director’s Report Welcome to the ANZAC Research Institute’s Biennial Report. As the ANZAC Research Institute closes in on its second decade of operations, it continues to thrive as a leading NSW independent medical research institute. As the Concord Hospital campus’s own medical research Institute it supports the Concord Clinical School, its co-located teaching hospital of the University of Sydney’s Medical School. More widely it is affiliated with Sydney Research, the hub of research organisations centred on the Sydney Local Health District (SLHD), as well as a member of Sydney Health Partners, one of NHMRC’s 1st four Advanced Health Research and Translation Centres (AHRTC), which unifies ANZAC and 7 other Sydney independent medical research Institutes with the 4 surrounding health districts & the University. Beyond our earned reputation for scientific excellence, the Institute aims to maintain a researcher- friendly environment for biomedical scientists to achieve the best they can in making important progress over a wide variety of areas as outlined further in this Report. A major development over the last two years has been the successful campaign by our Board member and SLHD Chief Executive Dr Teresa Anderson to gain NSW government funding for a $341 million expansion of the Concord Repatriation General Hospital. A key element included in those plans was an ANZAC Clinical Research Facility (CRC) which aims to provide a state-of-the-art clinical facility committed to providing research services for clinical trials. This exciting development will fulfill the Institute’s ambition to extend its support of laboratory discovery research to also providing facilities with similar focus for vital clinical research that involves direct interactions with people and patients. Starting from scratch in 2000, the ANZAC now provides a scientific home for 130 scientific staff including nearly 70 graduate (mostly PhD) students working in research groups covering many key disciplines in modern biomedical science. Together they earn over $8 million of external research funding and produce over 130 peer-reviewed research papers per year. From the opening of our main building in 2000, the research laboratory facilities have expanded to include additional research labs (ANZAC2) on the upper floor of the adjacent Bernie Banton Centre building, in which the Asbestos Diseases Research Institute is housed on the ground floor, and the ANZAC3 research laboratories located in the Hospital main building adjacent to and providing laboratory facilities for the future ANZAC Clinical Research Facility located in the new building. Progress in medical research is based on new ideas or new technologies. For new ideas, we rely on attracting the best and brightest scientists in basic discovery, clinical, translational and public health research domains. But our scientists require the state-of-the-art equipment to identify, visualize or quantify new molecules and biological mechanisms at the research frontier. Through this process they discover not only the biological mechanisms that create disease and disability but also opportunities to develop new biomarkers, diagnostic tests and therapeutic targets to prevent, cure and ameliorate disease. It remains our major challenge to equip our scientists with the state-of-the-art tools required for discoveries. Accordingly, over the last two years the Institute has upgraded its major equipment and facilities. This includes spending over $1 million in acquiring top-line equipment including a multichannel fluorescence intravital microscope to provide state-of-the-art imaging facilities for living animals, an X irradiator required to perform experimental bone marrow transplantation and ablative fractional carbon dioxide laser for treatment of severe burn scars. Another major development is SLHD’s construction of

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The Translational Research Facility (TRF), the new campus animal facility that ANZAC operates to provide a wide range of high-end, non-invasive imaging and metabolic monitoring facilities for small animals including the ability to undertake experimental bone marrow transplantation. Together, these state-of-the- art facilities guarantee that ANZAC scientists will have the tools necessary to stay at the forefront of discovery science and innovation. The last few years have been very difficult times for funding of medical research. We look forward to the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) on the future horizon to boost the stagnant NHMRC funding, which has suffered 50% decreases in recent years resulting in the loss of many high quality researchers. Our career medical researchers as well as the upcoming generation now find their career paths disappearing with the impeding loss of decades of scientific training and expertise. While we get the government we choose and deserve, the dire situation for Australian career medical researchers is still not widely under- stood. Our Institute’s main support for its operating costs comes from the NSW government together with a contribution indirectly from the Commonwealth government via research income generated by our Institute scientists grant applications lodged through the University. More direct community support in the form of gifts, donations and bequests is also received with gratitude. In the last year the ANZAC Research Institute was fortunate to be the CRGH’s annual fundraising beneficiary and the work of Alice Kang and her CRGH public relations staff has been much appreciated in providing valuable research funding to maintain the Institute’s operations. There are many people to thank for the Institute’s ongoing success. Thanks are especially due to the Institute’s excellent management team of Julie Taranto, Annet Doss, Yuthika Rao, Justin Crosbie, Peter Tan, Candice Chang, Eva Zhou, Tracey Dent, Mark Jimenez, and Mamdouh Khalil who ensure our smooth, efficiently and personal management. Many thanks are due to Concord Hospital and the Sydney Local Health District, notably Tim Sinclair and Steevie Chan as Concord Hospital’s General Managers, and Teresa Anderson, the SLHD’s Chief Executive. Their unwavering goodwill and support is the vital ingredient in the Institute’s continued success. Similarly, the support of the University’s Sydney Medical School, notably its Deans Professor Bruce Robinson and Professor Arthur Conigrave, is gratefully acknowledged. Thanks are also due to John Gatfield for editing our newsletter Discovery. Finally, my personal thanks go to Emeritus Professor Bob Lusby as Board Chair who, together with the Board provides unflagging support and enlightened commitment to making the Institute as good as possible. Above all, it remains the pinnacle of privilege in a fortunate life to work in the challenging and productive environment created by the Institute’s scientists whose inspiring commitment make all efforts on their behalf worthwhile.

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Research Groups and their Projects

Adrenal Steroid

Group Leader: Prof Mark Cooper

The Adrenal Steroid group was established in 2013 and focusses on the role of endogenous glucocorti- coids in a range of common medical illnesses. The group has strong clinical / translational research ties with the Universities of Birmingham and Leeds in the UK. The role of adrenal steroids in osteoporosis and arthritis are being explored in collaboration with the Bone Biology Group. The role of local cortisol production in burn injury is being explored in collaboration with the Burn Research Group. Australian based research is supported by an NHMRC Project Grant and the Rebecca Cooper Foundation.

Ongoing Projects Role of cortisol metabolism in the CNS in the HPA axis response to inflammation. J Tu, J Sattler, F Buttgereit (Berlin, Germany)

Endogenous Glucocorticoids in Immune Arthritis J Tu, S Stoner, MS Cooper, P Stewart (Leeds UK), F Buttgereit (Berlin, Germany), MJ Seibel, H Zhou

Endogenous Glucocorticoids in the Development and Progression of Rheumatoid Arthritis R Hardy (Birmingham UK), K Raza (Birmingham UK), MS Cooper

Endogenous Glucocorticoids and Ageing H Henneicke, MS Cooper, P Stewart (Leeds UK), MJ Seibel, H Zhou

Local Glucocorticoid Production in Skin and its Role in Scar Healing Y Wang, J Tu, P Maitz, MS Cooper

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Group Leader: Prof David Handelsman

The Andrology group purses basic, applied, clinical and public health re- search in male reproductive health, medicine and biology. Andrology is literally the study of man (Greek andros, man). The medical and scientific discipline is defined as the study of male reproductive health, medicine and biology. Male Reproductive Health involves the overlapping domains of Fertility, Sexuality and Andro- genisation which overlap with male general health, especially with regard to androgen (male hormonal) effects. The Andrology group focuses on both the biological and clinical effects of androgens on male health, in particular men’s reproductive and general health across all ages. Androgens (male hormones), the main one being testosterone, occur naturally in the body and play far-reaching roles in many body systems, particularly in male reproduction, fertility and sexuality. They exert important influence on most non- reproductive tissues especially the prostate, cardiovascular system, bone and the brain, throughout the entire male lifespan and may also influence women’s health.

The Andrology group is a collaboration of the:

Andrology Laboratory at the ANZAC Research Institute where the focus is on the physiology and pharmacology of androgens in males and females, by undertaking research using experimental animal models and laboratory bench research. Andrology Department of Concord Hospital, where patient and community centred research is carried out and translated into improvements in patient care. The focus is on the therapeutic use of androgens such as to treat hormone deficiency states in adolescence and adulthood, in certain chronic diseases, for male contraception and for ageing men. In addition we also study the relatively widespread misuse/overuse and abuse of androgens for many wishful or harmful non-medical reasons as well as in sports doping. Ongoing Projects PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY OF ANDROGENS Clinical Pharmacology of Testosterone AJ Conway, C Fennell, S Savkovic, L Turner, DJ Handelsman

Subcutaneous route of administration of androgen ester injections L Turner, C Fennell, S Savkovic, G Singh, DJ Handelsman

Randomised controlled trial of testosterone vs placebo to prevent diabetes (T4DM study) G Fraser, AJ Conway, V Jayadev, DJ Handelsman

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Ongoing Projects continued Pharmacokinetics of testosterone via scrotal transdermal rout R Iyer, SF Mok, S Savkovic, G Fraser, L Turner, DJ Handelsman

Randomised controlled trial of testosterone vs placebo with choice extension phase for androgen deficiency symptoms (T4DM study) SF Mok, C Fennell, G Fraser, L Turner, AJ Conway, V Jayadev, DJ Handelsman

Randomised controlled trial of DHT pre-treatment for poor ovarian response in IVF N Narayana-Shankara, A Marren, M Bowman, K Walters, DJ Handelsman

Impact and reversibility of non-prescribed androgen use on cardiac and male reproductive function S Rezapour, N Narayana-Shankara, A Conway, V Jayadev, S Savkovic, C Fennell with C Yu, C Naoum, A Ng, L Kritharides (Cardiology, Concord Hospital), L Ridley (Radiology, Concord Hospital)

Urine and Serum Sex Steroid and Gonadotrophin Profiles in Testosterone-Treated Transgender and Hypogonadal and Healthy Control Men S Savkovic, S Lim, L Turner, C Fennell, G Fraser, V Jayadev, AJ Conway, DJ Handelsman

LABORATORY RESEARCH Steroid Mass Spectrometry: measuring steroids in serum and biological samples R Desai, T Harwood, P Keski-Rahkonen, M Jimenez, K Walters, N Narayana-Shankara, DJ Handelsman

Development of urine steroid and LH assays for field studies of puberty (Archer study) G Singh, R Desai, T Sivananthan, F Bathur, DJ Handelsman with K Steinbeck (CHW)

EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF ANDROGEN ACTION Androgens and the Prostate U Simanainen, F Suarez, K McNamara, M Jähne, B Zhao, DJ Handelsman

Hormonal regulation of Sertoli cell function and spermatogenesis R Hazra, D Upton, T Rastegar, L Corcoran, J Spaliviero, M Jimenez, DJ Handelsman, CM Allan

Androgens and Female Reproductive Physiology K Walters, A Caldwell, D Upton, DH Lin, S Lamb, L Middleton, C Cerna, CM Allan, DJ Handelsman

Role of Androgens in the Breast and Uterus U Simanainen, K Walters, E Gao, P Choi, B Psarommatis, DJ Handelsman

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PUBIC HEALTH ANDROLOGY Hormonal Epidemiology of Male Ageing: The Concord Health in Ageing Men Project (CHAMP) B Hsu, R Cumming, D Le Couteur, MJ Seibel, F Blyth, V Naganathan, DJ Handelsman and others

Pharmacoepidemiology of testosterone prescribing and overuse LP Ly, DJ Handelsman Androgen Abuse: Testosterone & Sports Doping C Fennell, M Jimenez, DJ Handelsman in collaboration with A Death, L McRobb, K McGrath (Heart Research Institute) and C Goebel, R Kazlausakas, G Trout, C Howe (National Measurement Institute)

Statistical methods to deduce population-based profile of androgen status in men and women over a life span K Sikaris, LP Ly, DJ Handelsman

Pooled Australian data on androgen status of men B Yeap,G Wittert, LP Ly, DJ Handelsman

Highlights & Prizes: Fellowship, Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (DJ Handelsman)

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Group Leader: Prof Len Kritharides & Prof Wendy Jessup

Principal Scientist: Dr Maaike Kockx & Dr Mathew Traini Atherosclerosis is a hardening and narrowing of the arteries due to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques within the vessel wall. These plaques encroach on the arterial lumen, interfering with blood flow and in acute events can rupture, blocking blood flow completely causing heart attacks or strokes. Macrophages are inflammatory cells that play an important role in the initiation and the progression of the atherosclerotic plaque. Within a lesion, macrophages take up large amounts of cholesterol giving them a “foamy” appearance- hence called foam cells. These foams cells can promote narrowing and blockage. We study aspects of macrophage biology that are important in atherosclerotic plaque formation using cells and animals. We also study processes that tell us how well the body can remove cholesterol from cells and how “good cholesterol” removes cholesterol from the body. Two proteins are of particular interest to our work, apoE and SMPDL3A, which have complicated roles in coronary disease.

Ongoing Projects Serum cholesterol efflux capacity in humans D Marcal, C Costaz, M Anastasius, W Jessup, L Kritharides

The role of PCSK9 and apoCIII in Cyclosporin A- mediated dyslipidemia M Kockx, D Nawara, W Jessup, L Kritharides

Biology of SMPDL3A, a macrophage- secreted phosphodiesterase M Traini, R Kumaran, W Jessup, L Kritharides

HDL function and dysfunction M Anastasius, D Marcal, M Kockx, M Traini, W Jessup, L Kritharides

Biology, secretion and glycosylation of apolipoprotein E M Kockx, M Traini, D Nawara, W Jessup, L Kritharides

In silico models of coronary disease A Javadzadegan, A Moshfegh, L Kritharides, A Yong

Highlights & Prizes: Dr Maaike Kockx was invited to present her work on cyclosporine A-mediated dyslipidemia at the International European Lipid Club meeting in Munster, Germany.

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Group Leader: Prof David Le Couteur AO

Principal Scientist: A/Prof Victoria Cogger Our objective is to develop strategies to delay and prevent diseases of old age. The Biogerontology Laboratory in the ANZAC Research Institute is the laboratory component of the Ageing and Alzheimers Institute (AAAI) and Centre for Education and Research on Ageing (CERA) at Concord Hospital. The Biogerontology Laboratory performs research into the biology of ageing and age- related diseases with a major focus on the effects of old age on the liver and the cells of the hepatic sinusoid. Our objective is to uncover the biology of ageing and develop strategies to delay and prevent diseases of old age. The Biogerontology group carries out research on the biology of ageing. Key focus areas include the liver microcirculation, nutrition and pharmacology.

Ongoing Projects Ultrastructure of the liver microcirculation Cogger and Le Couteur

Nutrition, Ageing and Health Le Couteur, Cogger, Solon-Biet and Simpson

Disposal of nanomaterials by livers at the cellular level Cogger, Le Couteur, Roberts and Xu

Ageing and late life health: calories, macronutrients or branched chain amino acids? Le Couteur, Simpson, Cogger, Solon-Biet

Targetting Ageing with Nanomedicines Cogger, Le Couteur, Kuncic and McCourt

Highlights & Prizes: Professor David Le Couteur’s contribution to Pharmacology and Geriatric Medicine were recognised by the following awards:  2016 AO For distinguished service to medicine as a clinical pharmacologist and geriatrician, particularly through a range of advisory roles and academic research activities  2015 Rand Medal, Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists

The Biogerontology lab organized the highly successful 2nd Australian Biology of Ageing Conference at Rhodes in April 2017. The construction of the dSTORM super-resolution microscope in the ANZAC. The Biogerontology lab hosted Professors Gunbjorg Svineng and Peter McCourt and PhD scholar Hong Mei from the Arctic University in Tromso from 2016-2017 PhD completions: Mashani Mohamed and Shajjia Razi

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Bone Biology

Group Leader: Prof Markus Seibel

Principal Scientist: Prof Hong Zhou The Bone Research Program pursues basic, applied and clinical research in bone health and biology, including osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease. Our basic research covers three main areas: steroid hormone action in bone, arthritis and cancer bone metastasis. Our applied and clinical research focuses on the assessment of bone metabolism, the implementation of secondary fracture prevention programs, and male ageing. Our research has been continuously supported by competitive grants from the NHMRC, Cancer Council NSW and many other agencies.

Ongoing Projects Effects of Exogenous Glucocorticoids on Bone, Fat and Energy Metabolism S Gasparini, H Henneicke, C Jørgensen, M Swarbrick, H Bräuner-Osborne, H Zhou, MJ Seibel

Interaction of Exogenous Glucocorticoids and Sex Steroids in Metabolic Dysfunction S Gasparini, H Henneicke, S Kim, D Handelsman, H Zhou, MJ Seibel

Endogenous Glucocorticoids and Ageing H Henneicke, S Kim, M Swarbrick, P Lee, M Cooper, MJ Seibel, H Zhou

Endogenous Glucocorticoids and Diet-induced Bone, Fat and Metabolic Dysregulation S Kim, H Henneicke, M Swarbrick, MJ Seibel, H Zhou

Endogenous Glucocorticoids in Immune Arthritis J Tu, M Cooper, C Little, F Buttgereit, MJ Seibel, H Zhou

Preventing the Spread of Malignant Tumours to Bone Y Zheng, C Fong-Yee, H Zhou, MJ Seibel

The role of the Vitamin D receptor in malignant bone disease Y Zheng, K Horas, C Fong-Yee, H Zhou, MJ Seibel

The Concord Fracture Liaison Service: A world-class research and clinical program for secondary fracture prevention K Ganda, MJ Seibel

Concord Health in Ageing Men Project (CHAMP) with RCumming, D Handelsman & others.

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Highlights, Honours & Prizes: Our group is well represented at national and international scientific meetings (e.g. American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR); Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society (ANZBMS); Australian & New Zealand Obesity Society (ANZOS), European Association for the study of Diabetes Annual Meeting; European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS); Endocrine Society’s Annual Meeting and Expo (ENDO2017) and others). At all of these meetings, our group has had multiple oral presentations and awards, reflecting the high standard and international recognition of our research. Work presented at ENDO2017 (Florida, USA) won the Endocrine Society Outstanding Abstract Award and was cited as a top story by the European Society of Endocrinology. In 2016-2017, our group’s research has been selected for ten oral presentations at international and national conferences. Prof’s Seibel and Zhou have been invited to speak at numerous domestic and international conferences, including meetings in Europe, Japan, China and the US.

Prof Markus Seibel: President (2013-2015) and Immediate Past-President (2015-2017), Australian and New Zealand Bone & Mineral Society (ANZBMS); Chair, National Alliance for Secondary Fracture Prevention (2016- ); Invited member, Publications Committee, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (2015 – 2018); Invited member, Nominations Committee, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (2017).

Prof Hong Zhou: Re-elected Chair, Board Directors, ICMRS (2013-2015); University Fellow Award, Hong Kong Baptist University (2015-2016).

Dr Yu Zheng: Cancer Institute NSW Career Development Fellowship (2014 -2017).

Dr Jinwen Tu: Educational Travel Award, Joint Annual Scientific Meeting of the New Zealand Rheumatology Association (NZRA) and Australian Rheumatology Association (ARA), 2017; The Best Basic Science Free Paper, Joint Annual Scientific Meeting NZRA and ARA, 2017

Dr Holger Henneicke: Poster Award, German Society for Osteology Annual Meeting 2015.

Dr Konstantin Horas: Poster Award, German Society of Osteology Annual Meeting 2016.

Sylvia Gasparini: Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) 2013-2015; ANZBMS Travel Award 2015; CRGH Travel Award 2016; CRGH Postgraduate Research Prize 2016 .

Sarah Kim: Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) 2014-2016; ANZBMS Travel Award 2015; Young Investigator Award, Runner up, 2015; CRGH Travel Award, 2015; ANZOS Early Career Research Award, Top 3 Finalist, 2016; Concord Hospital Conference Travel Award, 2017; Endocrine Society Outstanding Abstract Award, 2017; ENDO 2017 Newsworthy Abstract, 2017; ANZBMS Travel Award, 2017.

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Burns & Reconstructive Surgery

Group Leader: Prof Peter Maitz AM

Principal Scientists: Dr Zhe Li & Dr Yiwei Wang Lack of skin donor site, wound infection and scar formation remain the major issues in treating severe burns. Our laboratory is committed to develop engineered living skin substitutes as alternative grafts for deep burn wound care. The research involves in generating various biological scaffolds using bio-degradable matrix proteins and synthetic polymers that are biologically compatible, safe and suitable for skin cells to attach and grow. The bio-scaffold could facilitate the repair and regeneration of the damaged dermal tissue and the engineering of living skin substitutes with skin structures comparable to normal human skin. Our research also covers other important aspects in severe burn and reconstructive surgery including burn epidemiology and prevention; wound healing; wound infection; dermal angiogenesis; stem cells for skin regeneration; hormones regulation &metabolism in wound healing, scarring and wound contraction, nutrition and hypermetabolism post severe burn injury.

Ongoing Projects Skin Tissue Engineering Using a Biodegradable Polymer Y Wang, P Maitz and Z Li

Efficacy and Safety of Engineered Skin Substitute and Dressing Materials on Skin Wound Healing: A Mouse Model Study Y Wang, R Parungao, P Maitz and Z Li

Nutritional support on skin formation and wound healing: J Hew, Y Wang, Z Li and P Maitz

The effect of endotracheal tube size on voice, swallowing and laryngotracheal injury in patients intubated for thermal burns: a three year observational study N Clayton, W Cheung, P Maitz, D Milliss, G Thanakrishnan and F Li

A new framework for analysis and prevention strategies of severe burns and injuries in NSW D Goltsman, Z Li and P Maitz

Skin Tissue Engineering: Producing the Ideal Electrospun Scaffold with Optimal Skin Cell Culture Conditions for Cellular Interactions C Chong, Y Wang, P Maitz and Z Li

Study of skin graft contraction V llie, Y Wang, Z Li and P Maitz

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Ongoing Projects continued The role of androgens in wound healing-design of a new wound dressing material to accelerate healing process P Shi, P Maitz, Z Li and Y Wang in collaboration with U Simanainen and D Handelsman (Andrology Laboratory, ANZAC Research Institute)

Skin glucocorticoid metabolism in burn injury: towards novel treatments that reduce scarring K Tsai, Y Wang, P Maitz in collaboration with M Cooper (Adrenal Steroids Laboratory, ANZAC Research Institute)

A randomised and double-blinded trial to investigate the effects of Clobetasol Propionate cream on skin grafts for burn wounds R Hilmi, R Johnson, Z Li, S Zagarella and P Maitz

Defining the effects of herpes simplex virus infection on human gamma delta T cells U Yu, M Fernandez, A Ferguson, A Cunningham, M Kim, S Alexander , A Holland, P Maitz, Z Li and C Jones

Investigation of novel skin wound healing materials in an in vitro human skin equivalent model. B Farrugia, M Lord, P Maitz, Z Li and J Whitelock

Ablative fractional CO2 laser for the treatment of severe burns scars A Issler-Fisher, F Li, O Fisher, M McSweeney, P Haertsch, Z Li and P Maitz

Post burn scar maturation F Li, P Maitz and Z Li

Comparative study of cross-linked vs non cross-linked dermal regenerative scaffolds in wound contraction J Beekman, F Suarez, A Fathi, C Chong, Y Wang, P Maitz, PVan Zuijlen and Z Li

Early management of burns S Lajevardi, P Kennedy and P Maitz

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Dendritic Cell Research Group Leader: Prof Derek Hart

Principal Scientist: A/Prof Georgina Clark, Dr Philip Fromm, Dr Pablo Silveira, Dr Xinsheng Ju

The Centre for Immune Therapies will move pioneering preclinical work on human leucocyte surface antigens and novel monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) into new diagnostic applications and immune therapies. Our knowledge of dendritic cells (DC) and other immune cells will enable us to develop mAbs, their derivatives and cellular therapies to stimulate immune responses. Phase I trials will initiate novel immune therapies to combine with current treatments for haematological and solid tumours. Our experience with mAbs (including checkpoint inhibitors), cancer vaccination and the use of biologically engineered chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CAR-T cells) will accelerate their application in Australia. The Centre for Immune Therapies collaborations with infectious disease researchers will make wider contributions to DC targeted vaccination strategies and treatments for important infections. We will also trial immune therapies that block or modulate immune responses. Our collaborations will develop and trial its lead immune suppressive ant-CD83 mAb in allogeneic haematopoietic transplantation and solid organ transplantation. Additional mAb and cellular applications will be developed and trialled in the major autoimmune/ inflammatory diseases. The group will use a recently created but proven world class team of scientific/clinical investigators and international collaborators to mentor young investigators and drive research that will develop established mAbs and intellectual property (IP) in a Virtuous Cycle. This will leverage ongoing funding for benefits in health delivery and attract industry support. We will grow the network of collabora- tors, with new and strengthened alliances and capabilities, linking and training basic scientists and clinicians across Sydney teaching hospitals, universities and research institutes. The recent understanding of immune therapies value, the novelty of our work, and the assistance of DendroCyte BioTech has attracted serious confidential negotiations with international Pharma.

Ongoing Projects Antibody engineering to produce “custom made” reagents G Clark, D Hart.

CMRF-44 as a diagnostic target S Sutherland, P Fromm, J Hsu, D Hart, G Clark.

The potential to control inflammation by modulating CD300a and CD300c biomarkers G Clark H Bolton, D Hart.

CD300f & CD302 as target for the treatment of AML E Abadir, R Gasiorowski, P Silveira, K Lo, G Clark, D Hart.

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Determining the function of CD302 P Silveira, K Lo, G Clark, D Hart.

Determining the function of CD300e K Chen, P Silveira, G Clark.

Dysfunctional antigen presentation by malignant multiple myeloma plasma cells changes cytotoxic effector -T cells into acquired regulatory cells D Hart, P Fromm. Collaborators: J Gibson, R Brown, S Yang, H Suen, P J Ho.

Identification of blood DC biomarkers that predict the development of acute and chronic graft versus host disease following bone marrow transplantation D Hart, K Bradstock. Collaborator: S Larsen, L Bendall.

Modulation of dendritic cell function through extracorporeal photophoresis in the treatment of chronic graft versus host disease P Fromm, F Kupresanin, G Clark, D Hart. Collaborators: H Suen, R Brown, S Larsen, J Gibson, D Joshua.

The use of anti-CD83 antibodies as novel immunosuppressive agents X Ju, Blake Hsu, C Lu, P Silveira, P Fromm, G Clark, K Bradstock, D Hart.

Translation of human blood dendritic cell subset biology in multiple myeloma P Fromm, C Bryant, F Kupresanin, J Hsu, D Hart. Collaborators: H Suen, R Brown, D Joshua.

Ten year survivors of multiple myeloma demonstrate differing expression of immune biomarkers C Bryant, D Hart, P Fromm. Collaborators: H Iland, JGibson, R Brown, S Yang, H Suen, PJ Ho.

mRNA loading of tumour associated antigens into blood dendritic cells to treat prostate cancer P Fromm, S Sutherland, J Hsu, M Papadimitrious, C Bryant, F Kupresanin, G Clark, D Hart Collaborators: S Anguille, E Newman, I Cunningham, Z Berneman, L Horvath

Dendritic cells based immunotherapy for treating glioblastoma P Fromm, B Kong, J Kim, F Kupresanin, G Clark, D Hart. Collaborators: J Simes, H Wheeler.

Highlights & Prizes: Rebecca L Cooper Medical research Foundation “Leo Dintenfass” Memorial Award. 2016 Excellence in Research presented to Prof Derek Hart

Completion of Degrees PhD-2017: Dr Christian Bryant Honours-2015: Emily Lelliott; Nicolas van Kooten Losio; Kate Chen

Fellowships Dr Phillip Fromm: Cancer Institute NSW, early career fellowship 2016-2018 Dr Holly Bolton: Cancer Institute NSW, early career fellowship 2017-2019

Australian Postgraduate Award – University of Sydney to undertake a higher degree. Dr Cindy Li, 2015; Dr Ben Kong 2016; Ms Kate Chen, 2016-2020; Dr Sarah Sutherland, 2016-2020 and Mr Kevin Lo, 2015

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Geriatric Epidemiology

Group Leader: Prof Robert Cumming

Epidemiology is the study of the frequency and causes of disease in groups of people (Greek demos, the people). The Geriatric Epidemiology group is responsible for the Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project (CHAMP), an epidemiological study of health and disease in older men. Despite the fact that men who reach the age of 70 still have much lower life expectancy than women of that age, very little research has been done on the health of older men. CHAMP was designed to fill this gap and is one of the world’s most comprehensive studies of the health of older men, with more than 70 papers published in peer-reviewed journals.

CHAMP provides a platform to study a wide range of health-related issues in older men. The investigators have skills in epidemiology, andrology, biogerontology, bone biology, dementia, geriatric medicine, nutrition, oral health and social science. CHAMP is a real “bench to bedside to population” study. The data has been used to study topics as diverse as the role of testosterone in the aetiology of dementia and identification of socio-demographic factors associated with good nutrition. A new area of interest for CHAMP is oral health, with detailed examinations of teeth and gums conducted in all CHAMP men in 2015 and 2016.

Ongoing Projects Study of the relationship of oral health and oral health service utilisation to the general health of older Australian men Cumming RG, Wright FC, Hirani V, Naganathan V, Blyth F

Highlights & Prizes: Robert Cumming: 2016 Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate Analytics)

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Platelet & Thrombosis Research Lab

Group Leader: Dr Vivien Chen Thrombosis, as the cause of myocardial infarction, stroke and venous thromboembolism, is the most common cause of death in the Western world. Activated platelets and their ability to support fibrin formation are critical components of thrombi and anti-platelet drugs are the mainstay of current pharmacotherapy for the prevention of arterial thrombosis. The Platelet and Thrombosis Research Laboratory is interested in the mechanism of blood clot formation, the biology of platelets a coagulation proteins and how manipulation of these can be used to influence disease. We use intravital fluorescent microscopy to investigate the processes of platelet accumulation and coagulation initiation in mouse models, and novel flow cytometry assays to measure platelet sub-population in patient samples. We use this insight to design translational projects with impact on clinical thrombotic disease. Our particular focuses are: novel assays of coagulation and platelet function, and a highly activated “procoagulant” platelet subset, the role they play in health and disease and novel methods to selectively target procoagulant platelets. Our research has been greatly enhanced since arrival at the ANZAC via increased integration clinical units with access to clinical samples and the clear synergies with the Vascular Biology Group which has resulted in multiple collaborative projects. Ongoing Projects Procoagulant platelets in coronary artery disease: H Liang, Heather Campbell, J Lau L Pasalic, V Chen

Mechanism of thrombin mediated procoagulant platelet formation: finding novel targets for atherothrombosis M. Bourcy, H Liang,L Pasalic, H Campbell. V Chen

Genetic drivers of procoagulant platelet formation. I Tohidi, H Campbell, R Lin, M Bourcy, M Kockx , L Kritharides, P Hogg, V Chen

Procoagulant platelets as a biomarker of ischaemic stroke K Downes*, J Batista*, W Ouwehand*, V Chen. Collaboration: *University of Cambridge, UK.

Bruton Tyrosine Kinase pathway in platelet function: G Pennings, H Campbell, L Kritharides, J Trotman, V Chen

procoagulant platelets in Myeloproliferative disease: CW Tan. V Chen. Collaboration: Singapore General Hospital, Haematology.

Clot wave analysis: predictors of severity in haemophilia and thrombophilia G. Kershaw, J Ho, V Chen. Collaboration: Institute of Haematology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Chromogenic and clotting based assays for FIX assays G Kershaw, L Khoo, V Chen Collaboration: Institute of Haematology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

ANZAC Research Biennial Report 2015-17 Institute 22

Super-resolution imaging of platelet membranes and cytoskeleton. H Liang, H. Mei, V Cogger, V Chen, P Mc Court

Procoagulant function platelet transfusion products: standard, cold stored and cryopreserved I Tohidi, S Tan, L Johnson, D Marks, V Chen Collaboration: Australian Red Cross Blood Service, Platelet Research Laboratory

IgVH mutation status in transformed lymphoma D. Talaulikar, YY Cheng, K Lee, V Chen

ACAT (Anti-coagulation in Cancer Associated Thrombosis) PI: T Brighton (POWH), V Chen (Concord Hospital)

Coagulation biomarkers in lung cancer: LC-PLAT substudy Sydney Catalyst project biomarkers in lung cancer Collaboration: RPAH, Concord Cancer Centre, Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, NHMRC CTC. Highlights & Prizes:  International patent filing: Selective targeting of procoagulant platelets  Singapore government research training fellowship for 2018 fellowship: Dr Chuen Wen Tan (2018-).  University of Leige, BeIPD-COFUND-OPD post-doctoral fellowship: 2016-2017. Dr. Morgane Bourcy  Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, medical student research award, 2016: Samuel Wang  HAA travel grant: Mr Samuel Wang  ECR grant UNSW 2016, Dr Elias Glaros (post-doctoral fellow)  Runner up, Baaike Medal HSANZ 2015, Dr L. Pasalic (PhD student).

ANZAC Biennial Report 2015-17 Research Institute 23

Northcott Neuroscience

Group Leader: Prof Garth Nicholson Principal Scientist: A/Professor Marina Kennerson

The Northcott Neuroscience Laboratory, headed by Professor Garth Nicholson is internationally renowned in the field of molecular genetics of human hereditary neuropathies and motor neurone disorders. The group continues to make significant contributions to the discovery of gene mutations causing neurodegeneration of peripheral nerve and motor neurons. The discovery of mutant genes in our families has uncovered new mechanisms causing disease. We are setting up ways to screen compounds for possible treatments. For hereditary sensory neuropathy (HSN1) we have commenced a pilot treatment trial. Our laboratory is truly translational, and focuses on determining the underlying causes of neurodegen- erative disease firstly to develop diagnostic tools and eventually to develop effective therapies

Ongoing Projects Gene Discovery Program for Inherited Peripheral Neuropathies M Kennerson, M Brewer, A Drew, M Ellis, A Kidambi, C Ly, G. Nicholson

Structural Variation and Gene Dysregulation and its Role in Inherited Peripheral Neuropathies M Kennerson, M Brewer, A Cutrupi, A Drew, G Nicholson

Worm Models for Inherited Peripheral Neuropathies M Brewer, A. Siddell, G. Nicholson, M. Kennerson

Cell models of Inherited Peripheral Neuropathies G Perez-Siles, M. Ellis, A Grant, A Kidambi, C Ly, A Siddell, G Nicholson, M. Kennerson

Mouse Model for Distal Hereditary Motor Neuropathy (Atp7aT985I): investigating the role of copper dysregulation in axonal degeneration G Perez-Siles, M. Ellis, C Ly, G Nicholson, M Kennerson

Motor Neuron Disease (MND) and Disorders G Nicholson

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Highlights & Prizes:  A/Prof was an invited speaker for the 2017 research conference Model Organisms in Human Health Australia, Yarra Valley Estate, Victoria.

 A/Prof Kennerson presented and was session chairperson at the 2017 GeneMappers Meeting, Geelong, Victoria.

 Dr Gonzalo Perez-Siles was awarded a 2017 Cass Travel Award $3,100

 2016/2017 Summer Student Jessica Fallon won the ANZAC Summer Student Seminar and went on to place equal second at the Dean’s Award Prize.

 Dr Gonzalo was awarded the 2016 Concord Hospital Early Career Research Award.

 Dr Gonzalo Perez-Siles was an invited speaker for the 2016 Biometals Symposium, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, Victoria

 First report of a knock in mouse model for X-linked distal motor neuropathy.

 Reported structural variation mutations causing gene dysregulation as a new genetic disease mechanism for Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy and hereditary motor neuropathy.

 A/Prof Kennerson presented new hereditary motor neuropathy structural variation mutation as a platform presentation at the 2016 65th American Society of Human Genetics, Vancouver, Canada.

 Professor Nicholson and A/Prof Kennerson were invited speakers at the 2016 Asian Oceanic Congress of Neurology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

 A/Prof Kennerson was an invited speaker and Session Chairman at the 2016 International Conference of the Genetics Society of Korea, Jeju Island, South Korea.

 Associate Professor Kennerson became the Unit of Study Co-Ordinator for the Brain and Mind Centre Post Graduate Masters by course unit “Genetics of Brain and Mind Disorders”.

 A/Prof Kennerson and Prof Nicholson were awarded an ANZAC Research Institute Near-Miss Grant $50,000

 A/Prof Kennerson was awarded a grant from the CMT Association of Australia (CMTAA) $14,000

 Dr Gonzalo Perez-Siles was awarded the 2016 Tony Basten Fellowship, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney $50,000.

 Dr Megan Brewer was awarded at Concord Hospital Travel Scholarship in 2016 $2,000

 Dr Megan Brewer, Dr Gonzalo Perez-Siles and Dr Alexander Drew were awarded travel scholarships from CMTA (the CMTUSA organisation)

 PhD Student Anthony Cutrupi won the Best Poster Award at the 2016 NSW Australian Society of Medical Research Meeting.

 Associate Professor Kennerson was nominated Secretariat of the Asian Oceanic Inherited Neuro- pathy Consortium (AOINC) establishes at an inaugural meeting held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

 2015/2016 Summer Student Rebecca Webby won the Summer Student ANZAC Seminar and went on to represent the institute at the Deans Prize Awards

ANZAC Research Biennial Report 2015-17 Institute 25

Vascular Biology

Group Leader: Prof Len Kritharides

Principal Scientists: Dr Gabrielle Pennings & Dr Caroline Reddel Cardiovascular disease is considered to be the leading cause of death world-wide and in Australia (30 % of deaths in Australia in 2015). Cardiovascular disease affects 1 in 6 Australians and one Australia dies from cardiovascular disease every 12 minutes. Cardiovascular disease includes coronary artery disease (CAD), heart failure, arteriosclerosis, and hypertension. In 2015, the leading cause of death in Australia was ischaemic heart disease. This results from insufficient blood supply to the heart generally due to blocked arteries around the heart (coronary arteries); this can cause angina (chest pain), heart attack, and death. Research within the Vascular Biology Group incorporates a mixture of basic and clinical science aimed at understanding, preventing and treating CAD and its complications. Areas of interest include:

Thrombosis and inflammation in cardiovascular disease Novel measures of coagulation Novel non-invasive intervention techniques to reduce future cardiovascular events Age effects on platelet responsiveness

Ongoing Projects Exploring the Effect of Colchicine on Platelet Function G Pennings, M Traini, C Reddel, V Chen, L Kritharides

Investigating early platelet IL-1 beta release G Pennings, C Reddel, M Traini, L Kritharides

A high throughput flow cytometry assay for the detection of platelet microparticles C Reddel, G Pennings, V Chen, L Kritharides

Procoagulant effects of low-level platelet activation and its inhibition by colchicine C Reddel, G Pennings, J Curnow, V Chen, L Kritharides

Increased thrombin generation in a mouse model of cancer cachexia is partially interleukin-6 dependent C Reddel, J Allen, A Ehteda, R Taylor, V Chen, J Curnow, L Kritharides, G Robertson

ANZAC Research Biennial Report 2015-17 Institute 26

Remote ischaemic preconditioning and its effect on coronary physiology and platelet & leukocyte activation (RIPPLE Study) J Lau, A Yong, G Pennings, C Reddel, H Campbell, V Chen, L Kritharides

The effect of aging on cardiovascular disease prediction S Gnanenthiran, G Pennings, C Reddel, C Naoum, Blyth F, V Chen, V Naganathan, D Brieger, L Kritharides

Cardiac dysfunction after pulmonary embolism and after clozapine V Chow, L Kritharides

Highlights & Prizes:  KickStart Grant 2015 – G Pennings  Finalist Concord Repatriation General Hospital Early Career Research Award (2016); “Highly Commended” Award – G Pennings  KickStart Grant 2015 – C Reddel  Concord Repatriation Travel Scholarship 2015 – C Reddel  THANZ Travel Grant 2017 – C Reddel  ANZET Fellow’s Prize- Finalist 2015 – J Lau  AVBS Student Award 2015 – J Lau  Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics International Fellows Prize 2016 – J Lau  CSANZ travelling fellowship to attend ESC 2016 – J Lau  SLHD Clinician Researcher Scholarship 2017-2019 – S Gnanenthiran

ANZAC Research Biennial Report 2015-17 Institute 27

Our Research Involvement Collaborations Summary

ACRF-Centenary Cancer Research Institute Arctic University of Norway, UiT, Norway Asbestos Diseases Research Institute Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, Monash University Australian Institute of Nanoscale Science and Technology Australian Red Cross Blood Service Blood Centre Wisconsin Bogazici University, Instanbul Turkey Bosch Institute, University of Sydney Busheer University, Busheer, Iran Cawthron Institute, Nelson, NZ Centenary Institute Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney Children’s Hospital at Westmead CONRAD, USA Deakin University, Melbourne Depart of Infectious Disease, Immunology and Sexual Health, St George Hospital Department of Pharmacy, University of Sydney

Faculty of Engineering, University of New South

Wales Harvard Medical School, USA Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Heart Research Institute Wales Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sydney Hudson Institute, Monash University Faculty of Science and Engineering, Macquarie Humboldt University Berlin, Germany University Indiana University, Indiana, USA Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental INSERM UPMC 1166, Paris, France Health Institute for Epidemiology, Statistics and Fred Hutchinson, Cancer Research Centre, Informatics GmbH, Germany Seattle, Washington, USA Kolling Institute, Sydney Garvan Institute of Medical Research Leiden University Medical Centre ,University Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, of Leiden, Netherlands UNSW

ANZAC Research Biennial Report 2015-17 Institute 28

Macquarie University Melbourne Pathology Metabolomics Group, Baker IDI, Melbourne Monash University Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Poland Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Nanjing Medical University, China National Institutes on Aging, USA NHMRC CTC North Western Polytechnical University, China Platelet Funct Group, University of Cambridge UK The University of Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne The University of Melbourne Royal North Shore Hospital The University of Royal Prince Alfred Hospital The University of Sydney Rush University, USA University Bologna, Italy Shanghi Jiaotong University, China University Halle, Germany Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese University Manchester, UK Medicine, China University Munster, Germany Shihezi University School of Medicine, China University of Antwerp, Belgium Singapore General Hospital University of Birmingham, UK Stanford University University of California, San Francisco Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, University of Chile Seoul South Korea University of Copenhagen, Denmark Sydney Catalyst University of Edinburgh The Chinese University of Hong Kong University of Leeds, UK The Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney University of Malaya University of Miami University of Michigan University of New South Wales University of Otago, NZ University of Queensland University of Technology Sydney University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre, USA University of Turku, Finland University of Ulm, Germany University of Western AustraliaA Vascular Biology Research Centre, Westmead Hospital Western Sydney University Westmead Hospital Yale University, USA

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Grants & Contracts 2015-17 Australian Research Council: Cumming. Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research. $12,500 Cancer Australia: Seibel, Zhou, Zheng, Dunstan. “Novel Cytoplasmic Functions of the Vitamin D Receptor in Bone Metastases” $59,946 Cancer Australia: Hart , Bradstock. “RNA loading of tumor associated antigens and the activation of blood dendritic cells for cancer immunotherapy” $2,479 Cancer Institute NSW: Hart, Clark, Ho, Larsen, Horvath.Therapeutic “Antibody Translation into Patients” $3,485,000 Cancer Institute NSW: Hart, Bradstock, Joshua. “Enabling Diagnostic and Therapeutic Antibodies for Haematologi- cal and other Malignancies” $563,140 Cancer Institute NSW: Hart, Chen, Siebel, Hogg, Lin, Reid, Ho, Handelsman, Zheng, Wang. “A high speed, multi- channel fluorescence intravital microscope to provide state of the art imaging facilities essential to ANZAC/ADRI/ Concord collaborative cancer research groups.” $206,284 Cancer Institute NSW:van Zandwijk, Reid, Lin, Seibel, Cowley, Bowden, Cooper, Kao, Horvath, Hart. “Expanding Basic, Clinical and Functional Genomic Cancer Research at Concord Campus” $192,735 Cancer Institute NSW: Fromm. “Therapeutic Vaccination for Prostate Cancer using mRNA Loaded Blood Dendritic Cells” $190,000 Cancer Institute NSW: Zheng. “Characterization and Functional Analysis of the Vitamin D Receptor Isoforms and their Role in Breast Cancer Progression: Experimental and Human Translational Studies.” $99,000 Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association Australia: Kennerson, Pérez-Siles,Saporta, Lin, Nicholson. “Modelling A Novel Disease Mechanism for Distal Hereditary Motor Neuropathy (DHMN1) on chromosome 7 using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) Technology” $7,000 Heart Foundation: Yong. “Wireless fractional flow reserve measurement using computational fluid dymanics analysis during coronary angiography” $94,000 Heart Foundation-Vanguard: Freedman, Neubeck, Peiris, Lowres. “GP SEARCH_AF” $37,500 Heat Foundation-Vanguard: Freedman. “Identifying early recurrent post-operative atrial fibrillation to prevent stroke” $37,500 Muscular Dystrophy Association: Nicholson, Kennerson. “Determining the pathogenic effects of ATP7A Mutations in distal motor neuropathy.” $23,461 National Institute of Health: Le Couteur, Handelsman, Simpson (CPC),Milne, Cooper. “Nutrition, ageing and health.” $65,000 National Institute of Health: Hart. “Moving a Novel Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibody Strategy into Clinical Practice.” $65,000 NHMRC: Barter, Celermajer, Rye, Kritharides, Jessup. “Atherosclerosis- the key roles of HDL, cell cholesterol metabolism and vascular function.” $566,801 NHMRC: Hart, Bradstock. “The translation of dendritic cell biology into clinical practice.” $380,097 NHMRC: Hart, Clark, Frazekas de St Groth et al. “Development of a New Specific Immunosuppressive Monoclonal Antibody to Advance Transplantation.” $301,320 NHMRC: Kritharides. ”Atherosclerosis - the key roles of HDL, cell cholesterol metabolism and vascular function.” $283,400 NHMRC: “Circulating sex steroid levels by tandem liquid chromatography mass spec. “ $266,000 NHMRC: Cooper, Zhou, Seibel, Swarbrick, Stewart. “Age-Related Changes in Body Composition and Fuel Metabolism: The Role of Glucocorticoid Signalling in Osteoblasts.” $220,057

ANZAC Research Biennial Report 2015-17 Institute 30

NHMRC: Seibel, Zhou, Osborne, Swarbrick. “How Does Osteocalcin Reverse Glucocorticoid- Induced Dysmetabolism?” $208,539 NHMRC: Hart. “Clinical translation and commer- ANZAC Research Institute Grant Income Cat 1: Australian cialisation of novel therapeutic interventions in 2015-17 Competive Grants haematological malignancy and ASCT.” $188,063 Cat 2: Other Public 30% 36% NHMRC: Zhou. “Are Chondrocytes the Target Sector Research Cells of Glucocorticoid Therapy in Serum- Income Induced Auto-immune Arthritis?” $178,751 34% Cat 3 Industry & NHMRC: Simpson, Le Couteur, Cogger, James. Other Research “Molecular pathways linking nutrition and Income age-related health.” $125,370 NHMRC: Wang. “The role of androgens in burn injury wound healing.” $116,169 NHMRC: “IRIISS Infrastructure. “ $113,363 NHMRC: Cumming, Wright, Hirani, Naganathan, Blyth Harford. “Study of the relationship of oral health and oral health service utilisation to the general health of older Australian men.” $109,931 NHMRC: Kennerson, Nicholson. “Gene identification for inherited peripheral neuropathies applying next generation sequencing.” $89,119 NHMRC: Laird, Nicholson, Becker, Giacomotto. “Seeking a cure for Machado Joseph disease- prevalent neurodegenerative disease in North east Arnhem Land.” $72,271 NHMRC: Walters. “Role of androgens in polycystic ovary syndrome.” $68,312 NHMRC: Wittert, Yeap, Grossman, Conway, Allan, Kaye, Jenkins, Daniel. “Testosterone intervention for the prevention of diabetes mellitus in high risk men: a randomised trial” $61,121 NHMRC: Lau. “Remote ischaemic preconditioning and its effect on coronary physiology and platelet and leukocyte activation.” $40,896 NHMRC: Teede, Norman, Hart, Handelsman, Davies, Sullivan, McNeil, Moran, Rodgers, Patton. “Centre for Research Excellence in the evaluation, management and health care needs of Polycystic Ovary.” $20,000 NHMRC: “Ageing and latelife health: calories, macronutrients or branched chain amino acids?” $5,000 Office of Health Medical Research: Infrastructure Funding $1,406,763 Philip Bushell Foundation: Maitz. “Treatment of severe burn scars with the ablative fractional CO2 laser at the Burns Unit of Concord Repatriation General Hospital in conjunction with the ANZAC Institute” $126,000 Philip Bushell Foundation: Freedman, Neubeck, Lowres. “An iPhone screening program in general practice for atrial fibrillation to prevent stroke.” $45,127 Philip Bushell Foundation:Kennerson, Pérez-Siles,Saporta, Lin. “Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC): a program to introduce iPSC technologies to study hereditary neuropathy gene mutations in motor neuron cell models.” $37,500 Royal Australasian College of Physicians: Sir Roy McCaughey Fellowship -Yong. “Wireless fractional flow reserve measurement using computational fluid dymanics analysis during coronary angiography.” $17,500 Rebecca L Cooper: Hart, Clark, Silveira. “The compelling need for new therapeutic antibodies targeting acute myeloid leukaemia.” $11,079

ANZAC Research Biennial Report 2015-17 Institute 31

Rebecca L Cooper: Hart. “BD Influx Optical Block Upgrade and Accuri C6 Selectible laser.” $10,000 Sydney Medical School- Kick Start Grants Program: Tu. “Support to fund pilot projects.” $12,500 Sydney Medical School- Walter Eberhard Schroeder Obstetrics & Gynaecological Research Scholarship: Shankara Narayana. $11,144 Sydney Research- Infrastructure Award: Brewer. $5,000 University of Sydney: Infrastructure Grant- MoU $1,346,500 University of Sydney: Hart, Handelsman, Seibel, Kritharides, Nicholson. “X-RAD 320 Irradiator.” $100,000 University of Sydney- HMR & Implementation Fund: Hart et al. “Moving a Novel Therapeutic Antibody Strategy into Clinical Practice.” $75,000 University of Sydney- Fellowship (Prof Tony Basten Fellowship): Brewer. “Establishing a model organism-based pipeline using C. elegans to identify novel gene mutations causing axonal degeneration.” $25,000 University of Sydney: Li. “Ausgrid Award.” $20,000 University of Sydney- Sydney Catalyst: Bryant. “Pilot seed funding.” $20,000 University of Sydney- ECR: Reddel. “A quantifiable role for microparticles in global coagulation, fibrinolysis and mechanisms of their release in patients with coronary artery disease.” $12,500 University of Sydney- ECR: Pennings. “Exploring the effect of colchicine on platelet function.” $12,500 University of Sydney- Research Award: Drew . “Sydney Neuroscience network.” $5,000 USyd Health Medical Research+ Implementation Fund: Le Couteur, Charles Perkins Institute, BMRI SPARCs. “Nutrition, ageing and health.” $65,000 ARI Bridging Grant: Hart, Horvath. “Therapeutic Vaccination for Prostate Cancer Using mRNA Loaded Blood Dendritic Cells.” $30,000 ARI Bridging Grant: Zhou, Seibel, Copper. “The role of endogenous glucocorticoids in the promotion of osteoarthritis.” $30,000 ARI Bridging Grant: Allan, Handelsman. “Testicular development and male fertility: understanding vital androgen actions.” $30,000 ARI Bridging Grant: Cooper, Wang, Maitz, Venkatesh, Cohen, Stewart. “Role of glucocorticoids in burn injury: towards novel treatments that reduce scarring.” $15,000 Astra Zeneca Pty Ltd: Brieger. “New data base, approved sites & recruited patients.” $322,065 Sanofi- Aventis Pharma Pty Ltd (Australia): Clinical Study- $150,000

ARI Bridging Grant Astra Zeneca Pty Ltd ANZAC Income by ARC Cancer Australia Cancer Institute NSW CMT Association Australia Heart Foundation NIH NHMRC OSMR Bushell Foundation Rebecca L Cooper RACP Sanofi- Aventis Pharma Sydney Medical School Sydney Research USyd ANZAC Research Biennial Report 2015-17 Institute 32

Staff & Students

Financial Performance

Income & Expenditure 2002-2017

Millions $10 $8 $6 $4 $2 $-

Income Expenditure

ANZAC Research Biennial Report 2015-17 Institute 33

Publications Albulym OM, Kennerson ML, Harms MB, Drew AP, Brewer MH, Chaudhry R, Qi J, Kidambi A, Drew Chan YX, Alfonso H, Chubb SA, Handelsman DJ, Siddell AH, Auer-Grumbach M, Pestronk A, AP, Menezes MP, Ryan MM, Farrar MA, Mowat D, Fegan PG, Hankey GJ, Golledge J, Flicker L and Connolly A, Baloh RH, Zuchner S, Reddel SW and Subramanian GM, Young HK, Zuchner S, Reddel Yeap BB Nicholson GA SW, Nicholson GA and Kennerson ML Higher Dihydrotestosterone Is Associated with the MORC2 mutations cause axonal Charcot-Marie-Tooth Whole Genome Sequencing Identifies a 78 kb Incidence of Lung Cancer in Older Men. Horm Cancer disease with pyramidal signs. Ann Neurol 79 (3): 419- Insertion from Chromosome 8 as the Cause of 8 (2): 119-126, 2017. PMID:28233278 427, 2016. PMID:26659848 Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy CMTX3. PLoS Chan YX, Knuiman MW, Hung J, Divitini ML, Genet 12 (7): e1006177, 2016. PMID:27438001 Anastasius M, Kockx M, Jessup W, Sullivan D, Beilby JP, Handelsman DJ, Beilin J, McQuillan B Rye KA and Kritharides L Brieger D, Hyun K, Chew D, Amerena J, Farouque and Yeap BB Cholesterol efflux capacity: An introduction for clini- O, MacIsaac A, Goodman S, Yan A, Aliprandi Neutral associations of testosterone, dihydrotestos- cians. Am Heart J 180 54-63, 2016. PMID:27659883 Costa B, Dabin B and D'Sousa M terone and estradiol with fatal and non-fatal cardio- The relationship between the proportion of admitted vascular events, and mortality in men aged 17-97 Anguille S, Smits EL, Bryant C, Van Acker HH, high risk ACS patients and hospital delivery of years. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 85 (4): 575-582, 2016. Goossens H, Lion E, Fromm PD, Hart DN, Van evidence based care. Int J Cardiol 222 86-92, 2016. PMID:27106765 Tendeloo VF and Berneman ZN PMID:27467317 Dendritic Cells as Pharmacological Tools for Cancer Chasland LC, Knuiman MW, Divitini ML, Chan YX, Immunotherapy. Pharmacol Rev 67 (4): 731-753, Brown R, Yang S, Weatherburn C, Gibson J, Ho Handelsman DJ, Naylor LH, Green DJ and Yeap 2015. PMID:26240218 PJ, Suen H, Hart D and Joshua D BB Phospho-flow detection of constitutive and cytokine- Greater physical activity and higher androgen concen- Arriaga ME, Vajdic CM, Canfell K, MacInnis R, Hull induced pSTAT3/5, pAKT and pERK expression trations are independently associated with lower P, Magliano DJ, Banks E, Giles GG, Cumming RG, highlights novel prognostic biomarkers for patients cardiometabolic risk in men. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) Byles JE, Taylor AW, Shaw JE, Price K, Hirani V, with multiple myeloma. Leukemia 29 (2): 483-490, 2017. PMID:28656662 Mitchell P, Adelstein BA and Laaksonen MA 2015. PMID:24990616 The burden of cancer attributable to modifiable risk Choi JP, Desai R, Zheng Y, Yao M, Dong Q, factors: the Australian cancer-PAF cohort consortium. Bryant C, Fromm PD, Kupresanin F, Clark G, Lee Watson G, Handelsman DJ and Simanainen U BMJ Open 7 (6): e016178, 2017. PMID:28615275 K, Clarke C, Silveira PA, Suen H, Brown R, Androgen actions via androgen receptor promote Newman E, Cunningham I, Ho PJ, Gibson J, PTEN inactivation induced uterine cancer. Endocr Aumailley L, Warren A, Garand C, Dubois MJ, Bradstock K, Joshua D and Hart D Relat Cancer 22 (5): 687-701, 2015. PMID:26285813 Paquet ER, Le Couteur DG, Marette A, Cogger VC A CD2 high-expressing stress-resistant human and Lebel M Choi JP, Zheng Y, Handelsman DJ and plasmacytoid dendritic-cell subset. Immunol Cell Biol Simanainen U Vitamin C modulates the metabolic and cytokine 94 (5): 447-457, 2016. PMID:26791160 profiles, alleviates hepatic endoplasmic reticulum Glandular epithelial AR inactivation enhances PTEN stress, and increases the life span of Gulo-/- mice. Caldwell AS, Eid S, Kay CR, Jimenez M, McMahon deletion-induced uterine pathology. Endocr Relat Aging (Albany NY) 8 (3): 458-483, 2016. AC, Desai R, Allan CM, Smith JT, Handelsman DJ Cancer 23 (5): 377-390, 2016. PMID:26984887 PMID:26922388 and Walters KA Choi JP, Zheng Y, Skulte KA, Handelsman DJ and Haplosufficient genomic androgen receptor signaling Behre HM, Zitzmann M, Anderson RA, Simanainen U is adequate to protect female mice from induction of Handelsman DJ, Lestari SW, McLachlan RI, polycystic ovary syndrome features by prenatal hyper- Development and Characterization of Uterine Meriggiola MC, Misro MM, Noe G, Wu FC, Festin androgenization. Endocrinology 156 (4): 1441-1452, Glandular Epithelium Specific Androgen Receptor MP, Habib NA, Vogelsong KM, Callahan MM, 2015. PMID:25643156 Knockout Mouse Model. Biol Reprod 93 (5): 120, Linton KA and Colvard DS 2015. PMID:26468082 Efficacy and Safety of an Injectable Combination Caldwell ASL, Edwards MC, Desai R, Jimenez M, Chow V, Reddel C, Pennings G, Chung T, Ng AC, Hormonal Contraceptive for Men. 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Holmes AJ, Chew YV, Colakoglu F, Cliff JB, Handelsman DJ, Jimenez M, Singh GK, Spaliviero Hew J, Solon-Biet SM, McMahon AC, Ruohonen K, Klaassens E, Read MN, Solon-Biet SM, McMahon J, Desai R and Walters KA Raubenheimer D, Ballard JW, Le Couteur DG, AC, Cogger VC, Ruohonen K, Raubenheimer D, Measurement of testosterone by immunoassays and Nicholls C, Li Z, Maitz PK, Wang Y and Simpson Le Couteur DG and Simpson SJ mass spectrometry in mouse serum, testicular, and SJ Diet-Microbiome Interactions in Health Are Controlled ovarian extracts. Endocrinology 156 (1): 400-405, The Effects of Dietary Macronutrient Balance on Skin by Intestinal Nitrogen Source Constraints. Cell Metab 2015. PMID:25365769 Structure in Aging Male and Female Mice. PLoS One 25 (1): 140-151, 2017. PMID:27889387 11 (11): e0166175, 2016. PMID:27832138 Handelsman DJ, Matsumoto AM and Gerrard DF Horas K, Schnettler R, Maier G and Horas U Hilmer SN and Le Couteur DG Doping Status of DHEA Treatment for Female A novel intramedullary callus distraction system for Athletes with Adrenal Insufficiency. Clin J Sport Med Standardized, Multidisciplinary Approaches for the the treatment of femoral bone defects. Strategies 27 (1): 78-85, 2017. PMID:26844622 Study of Aging Biology and for Translation of Aging Trauma Limb Reconstr 11 (2): 113-121, 2016. Interventions. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 71 (4): Handelsman DJ, Sikaris K and Ly LP PMID:27221258 425-426, 2016. PMID:26791090 Estimating age-specific trends in circulating testos- Horas K, Schnettler R, Maier G, Schneider G and terone and sex hormone-binding globulin in males and Hirani V, Blyth F, Naganathan V, Le Couteur DG, Horas U Seibel MJ, Waite LM, Handelsman DJ and females across the lifespan. Ann Clin Biochem 53 (Pt The role of soft-tissue traction forces in bone segment 3): 377-384, 2016. PMID:26438522 Cumming RG transport for callus distraction : A force measurement Sarcopenia Is Associated With Incident Disability, cadaver study on eight human femora using a novel Handelsman DJ, Teede HJ, Desai R, Norman RJ Institutionalization, and Mortality in Community- and Moran LJ intramedullary callus distraction system. Strategies Dwelling Older Men: The Concord Health and Ageing Trauma Limb Reconstr 10 (1): 21-26, 2015. Performance of mass spectrometry steroid profiling for in Men Project. J Am Med Dir Assoc 16 (7): 607-613, diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome. Hum Reprod PMID:25820868 2015. PMID:25820131 32 (2): 418-422, 2017. PMID:27999117 Horas K, Zheng Y, Zhou H and Seibel MJ Hirani V, Blyth FM, Naganathan V, Cumming RG, Animal models for breast cancer metastasis to bone: Hardy RS, Doig CL, Hussain Z, O'Leary M, Morgan Le Couteur DG, Handelsman DJ, Waite LM and opportunities and limitations. Cancer Invest 33 (9): SA, Pearson MJ, Naylor A, Jones SW, Filer A, Seibel MJ Stewart PM, Buckley CD, Lavery GG, Cooper MS 459-468, 2015. PMID:26305725 Active vitamin D (1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D) is and Raza K associated with chronic pain in older Australian men: Hsu B, Cumming RG, Blyth FM, Naganathan V, Le 11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 within the Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Couteur DG, Seibel MJ, Waite LM and Handelsman muscle protects against the adverse effects of local J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 70 (3): 387-395, 2015. DJ inflammation. J Pathol 240 (4): 472-483, 2016. PMID:25104821 The longitudinal relationship of sexual function and PMID:27578244 androgen status in older men: the Concord Health Hirani V, Cumming RG, Naganathan V, Blyth F, Le and Ageing in Men Project. J Clin Endocrinol Metab Harish V, Raymond AP, Issler AC, Lajevardi SS, Couteur DG, Hsu B, Handelsman DJ, Waite LM Chang LY, Maitz PK and Kennedy P 100 (4): 1350-1358, 2015. PMID:25629357 and Seibel MJ Accuracy of burn size estimation in patients trans- Longitudinal Associations Between Vitamin D Metabo- Hsu B, Cumming RG, Hirani V, Blyth FM, Naga- ferred to adult Burn Units in Sydney, Australia: an lites and Sarcopenia in Older Australian men: The nathan V, Le Couteur DG, Seibel MJ, Waite LM audit of 698 patients. Burns 41 (1): 91-99, 2015. Concord Health and Aging in Men Project. J Gerontol and Handelsman DJ PMID:24972983 A Biol Sci Med Sci 2017. PMID:28549108 Temporal Trend in Androgen Status and Androgen- Sensitive Outcomes in Older Men. J Clin Endocrinol Hart RJ, Doherty DA, Keelan JA, McLachlan R, Hirani V, Naganathan V, Blyth F, Le Couteur DG, Skakkebaek NE, Norman RJ, Dickinson JE, Metab 101 (4): 1836-1846, 2016. PMID:26918290 Kelly P, Handelsman DJ, Waite LM and Cumming Pennell CE, Newnham JP, Hickey M and RG Hsu B, Cumming RG, Naganathan V, Blyth FM, Handelsman DJ Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations Le Couteur DG, Hirani V, Waite LM, Seibel MJ and Early Life Events Predict Adult Testicular Function; Between Anemia and Frailty in Older Australian Men: Handelsman DJ Data Derived From the Western Australian (Raine) The Concord Health and Aging in Men Project. J Am Temporal Changes in Androgens and Estrogens Are Birth Cohort. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 101 (9): 3333- Med Dir Assoc 16 (7): 614-20, 2015. PMID:25840760 Associated With All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mor- 3344, 2016. PMID:27340882 tality in Older Men. 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Issler-Fisher AC, Fakin RM, Fisher OM, McKew G, Juarez M, McGettrick HM, Scheel-Toellner D, Yeo Kleinbongard P, Gedik N, Witting P, Freedman B, Gazzola R, Rauch AK, Gottlieb T, Haertsch P, L, Spengler J, de Paz B, Hardy R, Cooper M, Raza Klocker N and Heusch G Guggenheim M, Giovanoli P and Maitz PK K, Buckley CD and Filer A Pleiotropic, heart rate-independent cardioprotection Microbiological findings in burn patients treated in a DKK1 expression by synovial fibroblasts in very early by ivabradine. Br J Pharmacol 172 (17): 4380-4390, general versus a designated intensive care unit: Effect rheumatoid arthritis associates with lymphocyte 2015. PMID:26076181 on length of stay. Burns 42 (8): 1805-1818, 2016. adhesion in an in vitro flow co-culture system. Arthritis Kockx M, Glaros E, Leung B, Ng TW, Berbee JF, PMID:27372144 Res Ther 18 14, 2016. 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PMID:25187367 Sproviero W, Smith BN, van Es MA, Topp SD, Frailty States and Death: The Concord Health and Kostner K, Nicholls S, Amerena J, Brown A, Ageing in Men Project Cohort Study. J Am Geriatr Kenna A, Miller JW, Fallini C, Tiloca C, McLaughlin RL, Vance C, Troakes C, Colombrita C, Mora G, Cooper M, Hammett C, O'Brien R, Kritharides L, Soc 64 (1): 89-95, 2016. 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Le Couteur DG, Solon-Biet S, Wahl D, Cogger VC, Maier GS, Maus U, Lazovic D, Horas K, Roth KE Chinnery PF, Horvath R, Kohlhase J, Schmitt I, Willcox BJ, Willcox DC, Raubenheimer D and and Kurth AA Wolf M, Greschus S, Amunts K, Maier W, Schols Simpson SJ Is there an association between low serum 25-OH-D L, Nurnberg P, Zuchner S, Klockgether T, Ramirez New Horizons: Dietary protein, ageing and the levels and the length of hospital stay in orthopaedic A and Schule R Okinawan ratio. Age Ageing 45 (4): 443-447, 2016. patients after arthroplasty? J Orthop Traumatol 17 Hypomorphic mutations in POLR3A are a frequent PMID:27130207 (4): 297-302, 2016. PMID:27294830 cause of sporadic and recessive spastic ataxia. Brain 140 (6): 1561-1578, 2017. PMID:28459997 Le Couteur DG, Tay SS, Solon-Biet S, Bertolino P, Maier GS, Seeger JB, Horas K, Roth KE, Kurth AA McMahon AC, Cogger VC, Colakoglu F, Warren A, and Maus U Mitsui J, Matsukawa T, Sasaki H, Yabe I, Holmes AJ, Pichaud N, Horan M, Correa C, Melvin The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in patients Matsushima M, Durr A, Brice A, Takashima H, RG, Turner N, Ballard JW, Ruohonen K, with vertebral fragility fractures. Bone Joint J 97-B Kikuchi A, Aoki M, Ishiura H, Yasuda T, Date H, Raubenheimer D and Simpson SJ (1): 89-93, 2015. PMID:25568419 Ahsan B, Iwata A, Goto J, Ichikawa Y, Nakahara Y, The Influence of Macronutrients on Splanchnic and Momose Y, Takahashi Y, Hara K, Kakita A, Hepatic Lymphocytes in Aging Mice. J Gerontol A Biol Manavitehrani I, Fathi A, Wang Y, Maitz PK and Yamada M, Takahashi H, Onodera O, Nishizawa M, Sci Med Sci 70 (12): 1499-1507, 2015. Dehghani F Watanabe H, Ito M, Sobue G, Ishikawa K, PMID:25335766 Reinforced Poly(Propylene Carbonate) Composite Mizusawa H, Kanai K, Hattori T, Kuwabara S, Arai with Enhanced and Tunable Characteristics, an K, Koyano S, Kuroiwa Y, Hasegawa K, Yuasa T, Liang X, Wang H, Zhu Y, Zhang R, Cogger VC, Liu Alternative for Poly(lactic Acid). ACS Appl Mater Yasui K, Nakashima K, Ito H, Izumi Y, Kaji R, Kato X, Xu ZP, Grice JE and Roberts MS Interfaces 7 (40): 22421-430, 2015. PMID:26376751 T, Kusunoki S, Osaki Y, Horiuchi M, Kondo T, Short- and Long-Term Tracking of Anionic Ultrasmall Manavitehrani I, Fathi A, Wang Y, Maitz PK, Murayama S, Hattori N, Yamamoto M, Murata M, Nanoparticles in Kidney. ACS Nano 10 (1): 387-395, Mirmohseni F, Cheng TL, Peacock L, Little DG, Satake W, Toda T, Filla A, Klockgether T, Wullner 2016. PMID:26743581 Schindeler A and Dehghani F U, Nicholson G, Gilman S, Tanner CM, Kukull WA, Lin SC, Wang Y, Wertheim DF and Coombes AG Fabrication of a Biodegradable Implant with Tunable Stern MB, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ, Masliah E, Production and in vitro evaluation of macroporous, Characteristics for Bone Implant Applications. Low PA, Sandroni P, Ozelius LJ, Foroud T and cell-encapsulating alginate fibres for nerve repair. Biomacromolecules 18 (6): 1736-1746, 2017. Tsuji S Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl 73 653-664, 2017. PMID:28535038 Variants associated with Gaucher disease in multiple PMID:28183657 system atrophy. Ann Clin Transl Neurol 2 (4): 417- Martinez C, Katholing A, Wallenhorst C, Granziera 426, 2015. PMID:25909086 Lo TH, Silveira PA, Fromm PD, Verma ND, Vu PA, S, Cohen AT and Freedman SB Kupresanin F, Adam R, Kato M, Cogger VC, Clark Increasing incidence of non-valvular atrial fibrillation Mohamad M, Mitchell SJ, Wu LE, White MY, GJ and Hart DN in the UK from 2001 to 2013. Heart 101 (21): 1748- Cordwell SJ, Mach J, Solon-Biet SM, Boyer D, Characterization of the Expression and Function of 1754, 2015. PMID:26307057 Nines D, Das A, Catherine Li SY, Warren A, Hilmer the C-Type Lectin Receptor CD302 in Mice and SN, Fraser R, Sinclair DA, Simpson SJ, de Cabo Martinez C, Suissa S, Rietbrock S, Katholing A, Humans Reveals a Role in Dendritic Cell Migration. R, Le Couteur DG and Cogger VC Freedman B, Cohen AT and Handelsman DJ J Immunol 197 (3): 885-898, 2016. PMID:27316686 Ultrastructure of the liver microcirculation influences Testosterone treatment and risk of venous thrombo- hepatic and systemic insulin activity and provides a Lowres N, Freedman SB, Gallagher R, Kirkness A, embolism: population based case-control study. BMJ mechanism for age-related insulin resistance. Aging Marshman D, Orchard J and Neubeck L 355 i5968, 2016. PMID:27903495 Cell 15 (4): 706-715, 2016. PMID:27095270

Identifying postoperative atrial fibrillation in cardiac surgical patients posthospital discharge, using iPhone McAuliffe S, Brown R, Catalano A, Ho PJ, Nassif Mohan SS, Knuiman MW, Divitini ML, James AL, N, Woodland N, Hart D, Weatherburn C, Yang S, ECG: a study protocol. BMJ Open 5 (1): e006849, Musk AW, Handelsman DJ, Beilin J, Hunter M and Suen H, Paul C, Joshua D and Gibson J 2015. PMID:25586373 Yeap BB Using digital polymerase chain reaction to detect Higher serum testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, Lowres N, Krass I, Neubeck L, Redfern J, minimal residual disease in myeloma by identifying but not oestradiol, are independently associated with McLachlan AJ, Bennett AA and Freedman SB FGFR3 up-regulation. Leuk Lymphoma 56 (9): 2714- favourable indices of lung function in community- Atrial fibrillation screening in pharmacies using an 2716, 2015. PMID:25651422 dwelling men. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 83 (2): 268-276, iPhone ECG: a qualitative review of implementation. McCann EP, Williams KL, Fifita JA, Tarr IS, 2015. PMID:25660119 Int J Clin Pharm 37 (6): 1111-1120, 2015. PMID:26202627 O'Connor J, Rowe DB, Nicholson GA and Blair IP Nanus DE, Filer AD, Hughes B, Fisher BA, Taylor The genotype-phenotype landscape of familial PC, Stewart PM, Buckley CD, McInnes I, Cooper Lowres N, Mulcahy G, Gallagher R, Ben Freedman amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Australia. Clin Genet MS and Raza K S, Marshman D, Kirkness A, Orchard J and 2017. PMID:28105640 TNFalpha regulates cortisol metabolism in vivo in Neubeck L McLachlan A, Doolan-Noble F, Lee M, McLean K patients with inflammatory arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis Self-monitoring for atrial fibrillation recurrence in the and Kerr AJ 74 (2): 464-469, 2015. PMID:24385202 discharge period post-cardiac surgery using an iPhone electrocardiogram. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg The electronic tracking of referral and attendance at Nanus DE, Filer AD, Yeo L, Scheel-Toellner D, 50 (1): 44-51, 2016. PMID:26850266 cardiac rehabilitation in Counties Manukau Health: a Hardy R, Lavery GG, Stewart PM, Buckley CD, potential model for New Zealand. N Z Med J 129 Tomlinson JW, Cooper MS and Raza K Lowres N, Neubeck L and Freedman SB (1446): 64-71, 2016. PMID:27906920 Differential glucocorticoid metabolism in patients with Can screening for atrial fibrillation be implemented McRobb LS, McGrath KCY, Tsatralis T, Liong EC, persistent versus resolving inflammatory arthritis. at scale? Europace 18 (10): 1449-1451, 2016. Tan JTM, Hughes G, Handelsman DJ and Heather Arthritis Res Ther 17 121, 2015. PMID:25971255 PMID:26941341 AK Ng KS, Brookes SJ, Montes-Adrian NA, Mahns DA Mach J, Huizer-Pajkos A, Kane A, Jones B, Estrogen Receptor Control of Atherosclerotic and Gladman MA McKenzie C, Mitchell SJ, de Cabo R, Cogger VC, Calcification and Smooth Muscle Cell Osteogenic Electrophysiological characterization of human rectal Le Couteur DG and Hilmer SN Differentiation. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 37 (6): afferents. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol The effect of aging on mitochondrial and cytosolic 1127-1137, 2017. PMID:28473445 311 (6): G1047-G1055, 2016. PMID:27789454

hepatic intrinsic death pathway and apoptosis Middleton T, Turner L, Fennell C, Savkovic S, associated proteins in Fischer 344 rats. Exp Gerontol Nguyen B, Bauman A, Gale J, Banks E, Jayadev V, Conway AJ and Handelsman DJ 67 54-61, 2015. PMID:25910621 Kritharides L and Ding D Complications of injectable testosterone undecanoate Fruit and vegetable consumption and all-cause Mach J, Huizer-Pajkos A, Mitchell SJ, McKenzie C, in routine clinical practice. Eur J Endocrinol 172 (5): mortality: evidence from a large Australian cohort Phillips L, Kane A, Jones B, de Cabo R, Cogger V, 511-517, 2015. PMID:25637074 study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 13 9, 2016. Le Couteur DG and Hilmer SN Minnerop M, Kurzwelly D, Wagner H, Soehn AS, PMID:26810760 The effect of ageing on isoniazid pharmacokinetics Reichbauer J, Tao F, Rattay TW, Peitz M, Rehbach and hepatotoxicity in Fischer 344 rats. Fundam Clin Noguchi N, Blyth FM, Waite LM, Naganathan V, K, Giorgetti A, Pyle A, Thiele H, Altmuller J, Pharmacol 30 (1): 23-34, 2016. PMID:26454000 Cumming RG, Handelsman DJ, Seibel MJ and Le Timmann D, Karaca I, Lennarz M, Baets J, Hengel Couteur DG Maier GS, Horas K, Kurth AA, Lazovic D, Seeger H, Synofzik M, Atasu B, Feely S, Kennerson M, Prevalence of the geriatric syndromes and frailty in JB and Maus U Stendel C, Lindig T, Gonzalez MA, Stirnberg R, older men living in the community: The Concord Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients with Sturm M, Roeske S, Jung J, Bauer P, Lohmann E, Health and Ageing in Men Project. Australas J Ageing Bone Metastases and Multiple Myeloma. Anticancer Herms S, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Nicholson G, 35 (4): 255-261, 2016. PMID:26970062 Res 35 (11): 6281-6285, 2015. PMID:26504063 Mahanjah M, Sharkia R, Carloni P, Brustle O, Klopstock T, Mathews KD, Shy ME, de Jonghe P,

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Noguchi N, Chan L, Cumming RG, Blyth FM, Purves-Tyson TD, Boerrigter D, Allen K, Shahrizaila N, Noto Y, Simon NG, Huynh W, Handelsman DJ, Seibel MJ, Waite LM, Le Couteur Zavitsanou K, Karl T, Djunaidi V, Double KL, Desai Shibuya K, Matamala JM, Dharmadasa T, DG and Naganathan V R, Handelsman DJ and Weickert CS Devenney E, Kennerson ML, Nicholson GA and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Incident Falls in Testosterone attenuates and the selective estrogen Kiernan MC Community Dwelling Older Men: The Concord Health receptor modulator, raloxifene, potentiates ampheta- Quantitative muscle ultrasound as a biomarker in and Ageing in Men Project. J Urol 196 (6): 1694-1699, mine-induced locomotion in male rats. Horm Behav Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy. Clin Neurophysiol 2016. PMID:27350076 70 73-84, 2015. PMID:25747465 128 (1): 227-232, 2017. PMID:27940147

Noguchi N, Chan L, Cumming RG, Blyth FM, Raubenheimer D, Simpson SJ, Le Couteur DG, Shankara Narayana N, Kean AM, Ewans L, Handelsman DJ, Waite LM, Le Couteur DG and Solon-Biet SM and Coogan SC Ohnesorg T, Ayers KL, Watson G, Vasilaras A, Naganathan V Nutritional ecology and the evolution of aging. Exp Sinclair AH, Twigg SM and Handelsman DJ Natural history of non-neurogenic overactive bladder Gerontol 86 50-61, 2016. PMID:27094469 Painful ovulation in a 46,XX SRY -ve adult male with and urinary incontinence over 5 years in community- SOX9 duplication. Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Razi S, Cogger VC, Kennerson M, Benson VL, dwelling older men: The concord health and aging in Rep 2017 2017. PMID:28620497 McMahon AC, Blyth FM, Handelsman DJ, Seibel men project. Neurourol Urodyn 36 (2): 443-448, MJ, Hirani V, Naganathan V, Waite L, de Cabo R, Sholts SB, Korkalainen M, Simanainen U, 2017. PMID:26756291 Cumming RG and Le Couteur DG Miettinen HM, Hakansson H and Viluksela M Ohnesorg T, van den Bergen JA, Belluoccio D, SIRT1 Polymorphisms and Serum-Induced SIRT1 In utero/lactational and adult exposures to 2,3,7,8- Shankara-Narayana N, Kean AM, Vasilaras A, Protein Expression in Aging and Frailty: The CHAMP tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) show differential Ewans L, Ayers KL and Sinclair AH Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 72 (7): 870-876, effects on craniofacial development and growth in A duplication in a patient with 46,XX ovo-testicular 2017. PMID:28329314 rats. Toxicology 337 30-38, 2015. PMID:26320568 disorder of sex development refines the SOX9 testis- Reddel CJ, Allen JD, Ehteda A, Taylor R, Chen VM, Shu CC, Cumming RG, Kendig HL, Blyth FM, specific regulatory region to 24 kb. Clin Genet 2017. Curnow JL, Kritharides L and Robertson G Waite LM, Le Couteur DG, Handelsman DJ and PMID:28317102 Increased thrombin generation in a mouse model of Naganathan V Orchard J, Lowres N, Freedman SB, Ladak L, Lee cancer cachexia is partially interleukin-6 dependent. Health status, health behaviours and anxiety W, Zwar N, Peiris D, Kamaladasa Y, Li J and J Thromb Haemost 15 (3): 477-486, 2017. symptoms of older male caregivers: Findings from the Neubeck L PMID:28058802 Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project. Australas Screening for atrial fibrillation during influenza J Ageing 36 (2): 151-157, 2017. PMID:28211188 vaccinations by primary care nurses using a Reimer D, Lee AY, Bannan J, Fromm P, Kara EE, smartphone electrocardiograph (iECG): A feasibility Comerford I, McColl S, Wiede F, Mielenz D and Simanainen U, Ryan T, Li D, Suarez FG, Gao YR, Korner H Watson G, Wang Y and Handelsman DJ study. Eur J Prev Cardiol 23 (2 suppl): 13-20, 2016. PMID:27892421 Early CCR6 expression on B cells modulates Androgen receptor actions modify skin structure and germinal centre kinetics and efficient antibody chemical carcinogen-induced skin cancer O'Toole BI and Catts SV responses. Immunol Cell Biol 95 (1): 33-41, 2017. susceptibility in mice. Horm Cancer 6 (1): 45-53, The Course and Correlates of Combat-Related PTSD PMID:27465674 2015. PMID:25563841 in Australian Vietnam Veterans in the Three Decades After the War. J Trauma Stress 30 (1): 27-35, 2017. Roberts-Clarke D, Fornusek C, Saigal N, Halaki M, Simons LA, Ortiz M, Freedman SB, Waterhouse PMID:28103407 Burns J, Nicholson G, Fiatarone Singh M and BJ, Colquhoun D and Thomas G Hackett D Improved persistence with non-vitamin-K oral antico- Parreira PCS, Maher CG, Ferreira ML, Machado Relationship between physical performance and agulants compared with warfarin in patients with atrial GC, Blyth FM, Naganathan V, Waite LM, Seibel MJ, quality of life in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: a pilot fibrillation: recent Australian experience. Curr Med Handelsman D and Cumming RG study. J Peripher Nerv Syst 21 (4): 357-364, 2016. Res Opin 32 (11): 1857-1861, 2016. PMID:27463735 A longitudinal study of the influence of comorbidities PMID:27699915 Simpson SJ, Le Couteur DG and Raubenheimer D and lifestyle factors on low back pain in older men. Sanders KM and Seibel MJ Pain 2017. PMID:28520648 Putting the balance back in diet. Cell 161 (1): 18-23, Therapy: New findings on vitamin D3 supplementation 2015. PMID:25815981 and falls - when more is perhaps not better. Nat Rev Pasalic L, Wang SS and Chen VM Simpson SJ, Le Couteur DG, Raubenheimer D, Endocrinol 12 (4): 190-191, 2016. PMID:26915528 Platelets as Biomarkers of Coronary Artery Disease. Solon-Biet SM, Cooney GJ, Cogger VC and Semin Thromb Hemost 42 (3): 223-233, 2016. Sawyer SL, Cheuk-Him Ng A, Innes AM, Wagner Fontana L PMID:26926585 JD, Dyment DA, Tetreault M, Care4Rare Canada C, Dietary protein, aging and nutritional geometry. Ageing Res Rev 2017. PMID:28274839 Pasalic L, Williams R, Siupa A, Campbell H, Majewski J, Boycott KM, Screaton RA and Henderson MJ and Chen VM Nicholson G Sinclair M, Gow PJ, Angus PW, Hoermann R, Enumeration of extracellular vesicles by a new Homozygous mutations in MFN2 cause multiple Handelsman DJ, Wittert G, Martin S and improved flow cytometric method is comparable to symmetric lipomatosis associated with neuropathy. Grossmann M fluorescence mode nanoparticle tracking analysis. Hum Mol Genet 24 (18): 5109-5114, 2015. High circulating oestrone and low testosterone Nanomedicine 12 (4): 977-986, 2016. PMID:26085578 correlate with adverse clinical outcomes in men with PMID:26767510 Scott D, Seibel M, Cumming R, Naganathan V, advanced liver disease. Liver Int 36 (11): 1619-1627, 2016. PMID:26998685 Perez-Siles G, Grant A, Ellis M, Ly C, Kidambi A, Blyth F, Le Couteur DG, Handelsman DJ, Waite LM Khalil M, Llanos RM, Fontaine SL, Strickland AV, and Hirani V Singh GK, Balzer BW, Desai R, Jimenez M, Zuchner S, Bermeo S, Neist E, Brennan-Speranza Sarcopenic Obesity and Its Temporal Associations Steinbeck KS and Handelsman DJ TC, Takata RI, Speck-Martins CE, Mercer JF, With Changes in Bone Mineral Density, Incident Falls, Requirement for specific gravity and creatinine Nicholson GA and Kennerson ML and Fractures in Older Men: The Concord Health and adjustments for urinary steroids and luteinizing Characterizing the molecular phenotype of an Atp7a Ageing in Men Project. J Bone Miner Res 32 (3): 575 hormone concentrations in adolescents. Ann Clin (T985I) conditional knock in mouse model for X-linked -583, 2017. PMID:27736026 Biochem 52 (Pt 6): 665-671, 2015. PMID:25780247 distal hereditary motor neuropathy (dHMNX). Metallomics 8 (9): 981-992, 2016. PMID:27293072 Seldon TA, Pryor R, Palkova A, Jones ML, Verma Singh GK, Balzer BW, Kelly PJ, Paxton K, Hawke ND, Findova M, Braet K, Sheng Y, Fan Y, Zhou EY, CI, Handelsman DJ and Steinbeck KS Perez-Siles G, Ly C, Grant A, Drew AP, Yiu EM, Marks JD, Munro T, Mahler SM, Barnard RT, Urinary Sex Steroids and Anthropometric Markers of Ryan MM, Chuang DT, Tso SC, Nicholson GA and Fromm PD, Silveira PA, Elgundi Z, Ju X, Clark GJ, Puberty - A Novel Approach to Characterising Within- Kennerson ML Bradstock KF, Munster DJ and Hart DN Person Changes of Puberty Hormones. PLoS One Pathogenic mechanisms underlying X-linked Charcot- Immunosuppressive human anti-CD83 monoclonal 10 (11): e0143555, 2015. PMID:26599397 Marie-Tooth neuropathy (CMTX6) in patients with a antibody depletion of activated dendritic cells in pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 3 mutation. Neurobiol transplantation. Leukemia 30 (3): 692-700, 2016. Solon-Biet SM, Cogger VC, Pulpitel T, Heblinski M, Dis 94 237-244, 2016. PMID:27388934 PMID:26286117 Wahl D, McMahon AC, Warren A, Durrant-Whyte J, Walters KA, Krycer JR, Ponton F, Gokarn R, Wali Purves-Tyson TD, Allen K, Fung S, Rothmond D, Shahin K, Mattar Z, Silveira P, Hsu WH, Bendall L, JA, Ruohonen K, Conigrave AD, James DE, Noble PL, Handelsman DJ and Shannon Weickert Hart D and Bradstock KF Raubenheimer D, Morrison CD, Le Couteur DG C Bone Marrow Graft-Versus-Host Disease in Major and Simpson SJ Adolescent testosterone influences BDNF and TrkB Histocompatibility Complex-Matched Murine Reduced Defining the Nutritional and Metabolic Context of mRNA and neurotrophin-interneuron marker relation- Intensity Allogeneic Hemopoietic Cell Transplantation. FGF21 Using the Geometric Framework. Cell Metab ships in mammalian frontal cortex. Schizophr Res Transplantation 2017. PMID:28319565 24 (4): 555-565, 2016. PMID:27693377 168 (3): 661-670, 2015. PMID:26088421 Solon-Biet SM, Mitchell SJ, Coogan SC, Cogger VC, Gokarn R, McMahon AC, Raubenheimer D, de Cabo R, Simpson SJ and Le Couteur DG Dietary Protein to Carbohydrate Ratio and Caloric Restriction: Comparing Metabolic Outcomes in Mice. Cell Rep 11 (10): 1529-1534, 2015. PMID:26027933

ANZAC Research Biennial Report 2015-17 Institute 39

Solon-Biet SM, Walters KA, Simanainen UK, Traini M, Kumaran R, Thaysen-Andersen M, Kockx Arcuti S, Capozzo R, Zecca C, Lunetta C, Penco S, McMahon AC, Ruohonen K, Ballard JW, M, Jessup W and Kritharides L Riva N, Padovani A, Filosto M, Muller B, Stuit RJ, Raubenheimer D, Handelsman DJ, Le Couteur DG N-glycosylation of human sphingomyelin phos- Registry P, Group S, Registry S, Consortium FS, and Simpson SJ phodiesterase acid-like 3A (SMPDL3A) is essential for Consortium S, Group NS, Blair I, Zhang K, Macronutrient balance, reproductive function, and stability, secretion and activity. Biochem J 474 (7): McCann EP, Fifita JA, Nicholson GA, Rowe DB, lifespan in aging mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112 1071-1092, 2017. PMID:28104755 Pamphlett R, Kiernan MC, Grosskreutz J, Witte (11): 3481-3486, 2015. PMID:25733862 OW, Ringer T, Prell T, Stubendorff B, Kurth I, Tran TS, Center JR, Seibel MJ, Eisman JA, Hubner CA, Leigh PN, Casale F, Chio A, Beghi E, Song K, Li L, Wang Y and Liu T Kushnir MM, Rockwood AL and Nguyen TV Pupillo E, Tortelli R, Logroscino G, Powell J, Hematopoietic stem cells: multiparameter regulation. Relationship between Serum Testosterone and Ludolph AC, Weishaupt JH, Robberecht W, Van Hum Cell 29 (2): 53-57, 2016. PMID:26883144 Fracture Risk in Men: A Comparison of RIA and LC- Damme P, Franke L, Pers TH, Brown RH, Glass MS/MS. Clin Chem 61 (9): 1182-1190, 2015. JD, Landers JE, Hardiman O, Andersen PM, Song K, Li L, Yan X, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Wang Y PMID:26130584 and Liu T Corcia P, Vourc'h P, Silani V, Wray NR, Visscher Characterization of human adipose tissue-derived Trivedi T, Zheng Y, Fournier PGJ, Murthy S, John PM, de Bakker PI, van Es MA, Pasterkamp RJ, stem cells in vitro culture and in vivo differentiation in S, Schillo S, Dunstan CR, Mohammad KS, Zhou H, Lewis CM, Breen G, Al-Chalabi A, van den Berg a temperature-sensitive chitosan/beta- glycerophos- Seibel MJ and Guise TA LH and Veldink JH phate/collagen hybrid hydrogel. Mater Sci Eng C The vitamin D receptor is involved in the regulation of Genome-wide association analyses identify new risk Mater Biol Appl 70 (Pt 1): 231-240, 2017. human breast cancer cell growth via a ligand- variants and the genetic architecture of amyotrophic PMID:27770886 independent function in cytoplasm. Oncotarget 8 (16): lateral sclerosis. Nat Genet 48 (9): 1043-1048, 2016. 26687-26701, 2017. PMID:28460457 PMID:27455348 Song K, Li L, Yan X, Zhang Y, Li R, Wang Y, Wang L, Wang H and Liu T Tsai PC, Soong BW, Mademan I, Huang YH, Liu Villanueva JE, Malle EK, Gardam S, Silveira PA, Fabrication and development of artificial osteochon- CR, Hsiao CT, Wu HT, Liu TT, Liu YT, Tseng YT, Zammit NW, Walters SN, Brink R and Grey ST dral constructs based on cancellous bone/hydrogel Lin KP, Yang UC, Chung KW, Choi BO, Nicholson TRAF2 regulates peripheral CD8(+) T-cell and NKT- hybrid scaffold. J Mater Sci Mater Med 27 (6): 114, GA, Kennerson ML, Chan CC, De Jonghe P, cell homeostasis by modulating sensitivity to IL-15. 2016. PMID:27180235 Cheng TH, Liao YC, Zuchner S, Baets J and Lee Eur J Immunol 45 (6): 1820-1831, 2015. YC PMID:25931426 Song K, Yang Y, Wu S, Zhang Y, Feng S, Wang H, A recurrent WARS mutation is a novel cause of auto- Wang Y, Wang L and Liu T Wahl D, Cogger VC, Solon-Biet SM, Waern RV, somal dominant distal hereditary motor neuropathy. Gokarn R, Pulpitel T, Cabo R, Mattson MP, In vitro culture and harvest of BMMSCs on the surface Brain 2017. PMID:28369220 of a novel thermosensitive glass microcarrier. Mater Raubenheimer D, Simpson SJ and Le Couteur DG Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl 58 324-330, 2016. Tu J, Zhang Y, Kim S, Wiebe E, Spies CM, Nutritional strategies to optimise cognitive function in PMID:26478317 Buttgereit F, Cooper MS, Seibel MJ and Zhou H the aging brain. Ageing Res Rev 31 80-92, 2016. Transgenic Disruption of Glucocorticoid Signaling in PMID:27355990 Song K, Yang Y, Xu L, Tian J, Fan J, Jiao Z, Feng Osteoblasts Attenuates Joint Inflammation in Collagen S, Wang H, Wang Y, Wang L and Liu T Walters KA Antibody-Induced Arthritis. Am J Pathol 186 (5): 1293 Role of androgens in normal and pathological ovarian Fabrication and detection of tissue engineered bone -1301, 2016. PMID:26988651 aggregates based on encapsulated human ADSCs function. Reproduction 149 (4): R193-218, 2015. within hybrid calcium alginate/bone powder gel-beads Upton DH, Fuller ES, Colvin EK, Walters KA, PMID:25516989

in a spinner flask. Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl Jimenez M, Desai R, Handelsman DJ, Howell VM Walters KA 62 787-794, 2016. PMID:26952485 and Allan CM Androgens in polycystic ovary syndrome: lessons Granulosa Cell-Specific Brca1 Loss Alone or Stoll M, Teoh H, Lee J, Reddel S, Zhu Y, Buckley from experimental models. Curr Opin Endocrinol Combined with Trp53 Haploinsufficiency and M, Sampaio H, Roscioli T, Farrar M and Nicholson Diabetes Obes 23 (3): 257-263, 2016. Transgenic FSH Expression Fails to Induce Ovarian G PMID:26866639 Tumors. Horm Cancer 6 (4): 142-152, 2015. Novel motor phenotypes in patients with VRK1 PMID:25943777 Walters KA and Handelsman DJ mutations without pontocerebellar hypoplasia. Androgen receptor splice variants and polycystic Upton DH, Walters KA, Allavena RE, Jimenez M, Neurology 87 (1): 65-70, 2016. PMID:27281532 ovary syndrome: cause or effect? Asian J Androl 18 Desai R, Handelsman DJ and Allan CM (3): 442-443, 2016. PMID:26306851 Strickland AV, Schabhuttl M, Offenbacher H, Global or Granulosa Cell-Specific Pten Mutations in Synofzik M, Hauser NS, Brunner-Krainz M, Combination with Elevated FSH Levels Fail to Cause Gruber-Sedlmayr U, Moore SA, Windhager R, Ovarian Tumours in Mice. Horm Cancer 7 (5-6): 316- Bender B, Harms M, Klebe S, Young P, Kennerson 326, 2016. PMID:27506975 Walters KA and Handelsman DJ M, Garcia AS, Gonzalez MA, Zuchner S, Schule R, Role of androgens in the ovary. Mol Cell Endocrinol Shy ME and Auer-Grumbach M van Rheenen W, Shatunov A, Dekker AM, 2017. PMID:28687450 Mutation screen reveals novel variants and expands McLaughlin RL, Diekstra FP, Pulit SL, van der the phenotypes associated with DYNC1H1. J Neurol Spek RA, Vosa U, de Jong S, Robinson MR, Yang Walters KA, Simanainen U and Gibson DA 262 (9): 2124-2134, 2015. PMID:26100331 J, Fogh I, van Doormaal PT, Tazelaar GH, Koppers Androgen action in female reproductive physiology. M, Blokhuis AM, Sproviero W, Jones AR, Kenna Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 23 (3): 291-296, Suen H, Brown R, Yang S, Weatherburn C, Ho PJ, KP, van Eijk KR, Harschnitz O, Schellevis RD, 2016. PMID:26863277 Woodland N, Nassif N, Barbaro P, Bryant C, Hart Brands WJ, Medic J, Menelaou A, Vajda A, Ticozzi D, Gibson J and Joshua D N, Lin K, Rogelj B, Vrabec K, Ravnik-Glavac M, Wang T, Li J, Jin Z, Wu F, Li Y, Wang X, Zhou H Multiple myeloma causes clonal T-cell immunosenes- Koritnik B, Zidar J, Leonardis L, Groselj LD, and Zhou Q cence: identification of potential novel targets for Millecamps S, Salachas F, Meininger, V. de Dynamic Frequency of Blood CD4+CD25+ Regulatory promoting tumour immunity and implications for Carvalho M, Pinto S, Mora JS, Rojas-Garcia R, T Cells in Rats with Collagen-induced Arthritis. checkpoint blockade. Leukemia 30 (8): 1716-1724, Polak M, Chandran, S, Colville S, Swingler R, Korean J Physiol Pharmacol 19 (2): 83 - 88, 2015. 2016. PMID:27102208 Morrison KE, Shaw PJ, Hardy J, Orrell RW, PMID:25729268

Tey S, Ahmad-Annuar A, Drew AP, Shahrizaila N, Pittman A, Sidle K, Fratta P, Malaspina A, Topp S, Wang XS, Kim HB, Szuchman-Sapir A, McMahon Nicholson GA and Kennerson ML Petri S, Abdulla S, Drepper C, Sendtner M, Meyer A, Dennis JM and Witting PK Mutation analysis of genes within the dynactin T, Ophoff RA, Staats KA, Wiedau-Pazos M, Lomen Neutrophils recruited to the myocardium after acute complex in a cohort of hereditary peripheral -Hoerth C, Van Deerlin VM, Trojanowski JQ, Elman experimental myocardial infarct generate hypo- neuropathies. Clin Genet 90 (2): 127-133, 2016. L, McCluskey L, Basak AN, Tunca C, Hamzeiy H, chlorous acid that oxidizes cardiac myoglobin. Arch PMID:26662454 Parman Y, Meitinger T, Lichtner P, Radivojkov- Biochem Biophys 612 103-114, 2016. Blagojevic M, Andres CR, Maurel C, Bensimon G, PMID:27789204 Thomas-Jinu S, Gordon PM, Fielding T, Taylor R, Landwehrmeyer B, Brice A, Payan CA, Saker- Smith BN, Snowden V, Blanc E, Vance C, Topp S, Delye S, Durr A, Wood NW, Tittmann L, Lieb W, Wang Y, Mithieux SM, Kong Y, Wang XQ, Chong Wong CH, Bielen H, Williams KL, McCann EP, Franke A, Rietschel M, Cichon S, Nothen MM, C, Fathi A, Dehghani F, Panas E, Kemnitzer J, Nicholson GA, Pan-Vazquez A, Fox AH, Bond CS, Amouyel P, Tzourio C, Dartigues JF, Uitterlinden Daniels R, Kimble RM, Maitz PK, Li Z and Weiss Talbot WS, Blair IP, Shaw CE and Houart C AG, Rivadeneira F, Estrada K, Hofman A, Curtis C, AS Non-nuclear Pool of Splicing Factor SFPQ Regulates Blauw HM, van der Kooi AJ, de Visser M, Goris A, Tropoelastin incorporation into a dermal regeneration Axonal Transcripts Required for Normal Motor Weber M, Shaw CE, Smith BN, Pansarasa O, template promotes wound angiogenesis. Adv Healthc Development. Neuron 94 (2): 322-336 e325, 2017. Cereda C, Del Bo R, Comi GP, D'Alfonso S, Mater 4 (4): 577-584, 2015. PMID:25469903 PMID:28392072 Bertolin C, Soraru G, Mazzini L, Pensato V, Gellera C, Tiloca C, Ratti A, Calvo A, Moglia C, Brunetti M,

Biennial Report 2015-17 ANZAC Research 40

Wang Y, Simanainen U, Cheer K, Suarez FG, Gao

YR, Li Z, Handelsman D and Maitz P Androgen actions in mouse wound healing: Minimal in

vivo effects of local antiandrogen delivery. Wound Repair Regen 24 (3): 478-488, 2016.

PMID:26873751 Yeap BB, Grossmann M, McLachlan RI,

Watchon M, Yuan KC, Mackovski N, Svahn AJ, Handelsman DJ, Wittert GA, Conway AJ, Stuckey Cole NJ, Goldsbury C, Rinkwitz S, Becker TS, BG, Lording DW, Allan CA, Zajac JD and Burger Nicholson GA and Laird AS HG Calpain inhibition is protective in Machado-Joseph Endocrine Society of Australia position statement on disease zebrafish due to induction of autophagy. J male hypogonadism (part 1): assessment and Neurosci 2017. PMID:28687604 indications for testosterone therapy. Med J Aust 205 (4): 173-178, 2016. PMID:27510348 Whitehouse AJ, Gilani SZ, Shafait F, Mian A, Tan DW, Maybery MT, Keelan JA, Hart R, Handelsman Yeap BB, Grossmann M, McLachlan RI, Zhou JC, Guo JF, Teng RY, Wang QC, Wang J, DJ, Goonawardene M and Eastwood P Handelsman DJ, Wittert GA, Conway AJ, Stuckey Wei Q, Li ZD, Shen JG and Wang LB Prenatal testosterone exposure is related to sexually BG, Lording DW, Allan CA, Zajac JD and Burger New utility of an old marker: serum low-density dimorphic facial morphology in adulthood. Proc Biol HG lipoprotein predicts histopathological response of Sci 282 (1816): 20151351, 2015. PMID:26400740 Endocrine Society of Australia position statement on neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced male hypogonadism (part 2): treatment and therapeu- gastric cancer. Onco Targets Ther 9 5041-5047, Williams KL, McCann EP, Fifita JA, Zhang K, tic considerations. Med J Aust 205 (5): 228-231, 2016. PMID:27574445 Duncan EL, Leo PJ, Marshall M, Rowe DB, 2016. PMID:27581270 Nicholson GA and Blair IP Zhu Y, Liang Y, Zhu H, Lian C, Wang L, Wang Y, Novel TBK1 truncating mutation in a familial Yeap BB, Knuiman MW, Divitini ML, Hui J, Arscott Gu H, Zhou G and Yu X amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patient of Chinese origin. GM, Handelsman DJ, McLennan SV, Twigg SM, The generation and functional characterization of Neurobiol Aging 36 (12): 3334 e3331-3335, 2015. McQuillan B, Hung J and Beilby JP induced pluripotent stem cells from human PMID:26350399 Epidemiological and Mendelian Randomization intervertebral disc nucleus pulposus cells. Oncotarget Studies of Dihydrotestosterone and Estradiol and 8 (26): 42700-42711, 2017. PMID:28498811 Williams KL, Topp S, Yang S, Smith B, Fifita JA, Leukocyte Telomere Length in Men. J Clin Endocrinol Zhu Y, Song K, Jiang S, Chen J, Tang L, Li S, Fan Warraich ST, Zhang KY, Farrawell N, Vance C, Hu Metab 101 (3): 1299-1306, 2016. PMID:26789780 X, Chesi A, Leblond CS, Lee A, Rayner SL, J, Wang Y, Zhao J and Liu T Sundaramoorthy V, Dobson-Stone C, Molloy MP, Zhang L, Gallagher R, Lowres N, Orchard J, Numerical Simulation of Mass Transfer and Three- van Blitterswijk M, Dickson DW, Petersen RC, Freedman SB and Neubeck L Dimensional Fabrication of Tissue-Engineered Graff-Radford NR, Boeve BF, Murray ME, Pottier Using the 'Think Aloud' Technique to Explore Quality Cartilages Based on Chitosan/Gelatin Hybrid C, Don E, Winnick C, McCann EP, Hogan A, Daoud of Life Issues During Standard Quality-of-Life Ques- Hydrogel Scaffold in a Rotating Bioreactor. Appl H, Levert A, Dion PA, Mitsui J, Ishiura H, tionnaires in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. Heart Biochem Biotechnol 181 (1): 250-266, 2017. Takahashi Y, Goto J, Kost J, Gellera C, Gkazi AS, Lung Circ 26 (2): 150-156, 2017. PMID:27469897 PMID:27526111

Miller J, Stockton J, Brooks WS, Boundy K, Polak Zhang Y, Li P, Wang H, Wang Y, Song K and Li T Zhu Y, Tan J, Zhu H, Lin G, Yin F, Wang L, Song K, M, Munoz-Blanco JL, Esteban-Perez J, Rabano A, Research progress on reconstruction of meniscus in Wang Y, Zhou G and Yi W Hardiman O, Morrison KE, Ticozzi N, Silani V, de tissue engineering. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 57 Development of kartogenin-conjugated chitosan- Belleroche J, Glass JD, Kwok JB, Guillemin GJ, (5): 595-603, 2017. PMID:27167710 hyaluronic acid hydrogel for nucleus pulposus Chung RS, Tsuji S, Brown RH, Jr., Garcia- regeneration. Biomater Sci 5 (4): 784-791, 2017. Redondo A, Rademakers R, Landers JE, Gitler AD, Zhao Y, Ting K, Li J, Cogger VC, Chen J, PMID:28261733 Rouleau GA, Cole NJ, Yerbury JJ, Atkin JD, Shaw Johansson-Percival A, Ngiow SF, Holst J, Grau CE, Nicholson GA and Blair IP GER, Goel S, Moller T, Dejana E, McCaughan GW, CCNF mutations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Smyth MJ, Ganss R, Vadas MA and Gamble JR frontotemporal dementia. Nat Commun 7 11253, Targeting vascular endothelial-cadherin in tumor- 2016. PMID:27080313 associated blood vessels promotes T cell-mediated

immunotherapy. Cancer Res 2017. PMID:28655790 Woitge HW and Seibel MJ Markers of Bone and Cartilage Turnover. Exp Clin Zheng LZ, Cao HJ, Chen SH, Tang T, Fu WM, Endocrinol Diabetes 2017. PMID:28444666 Huang L, Chow DH, Wang YX, Griffith JF, He W, Zhou H, Zhao DW, Zhang G, Wang XL and Qin L Wong CC, Ng AC, Lau JK, Chow V, Sindone AP Blockage of Src by Specific siRNA as a Novel and Kritharides L Therapeutic Strategy to Prevent Destructive Repair in The prognostic impact of chest pain in 1306 patients Steroid-Associated Osteonecrosis in Rabbits. J Bone presenting with confirmed acute pulmonary embolism. Miner Res 30 (11): 2044-2057, 2015. Int J Cardiol 221 794-799, 2016. PMID:27428323 PMID:25917347

Wu F, Wills K, Laslett LL, Oldenburg B, Seibel MJ, Zhou H and Seibel MJ Jones G and Winzenberg T Bone: Osteoblasts and global energy metabolism - Cut-points for associations between vitamin D status beyond osteocalcin. Nat Rev Rheumatol 13 (5): 261- and multiple musculoskeletal outcomes in middle- 262, 2017. PMID:28275261 aged women. Osteoporos Int 28 (2): 505-515, 2017. PMID:27631092

Yeap BB, Alfonso H, Chubb SA, Gauci R, Byrnes E, Beilby JP, Ebeling PR, Handelsman DJ, Allan CA, Grossmann M, Norman PE and Flicker L Higher serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin and other bone turnover markers are associated with reduced diabetes risk and lower estradiol concentrations in older men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 100 (1): 63-71, 2015. PMID:25365314

ANZAC Research Biennial Report 2015-17 Institute 41

Board Members

Professor Robert Lusby AM - Professor David Handelsman Chair David Handelsman is Professor Robert Lusby Professor of Reproductive was the head of the Endocrinology and University of Sydney Andrology and founding Clinical School at Director of the ANZAC Concord Hospital and Research Institute since an Associate Dean of 1998. He is an international the Faculty of Medicine expert in Andrology, the till January 2015. He is study of male reproductive a Vascular Surgeon and health, medicine &biology. was head of the vascular After Endocrinology training and NHMRC & surgical department of Wellcome Trust postdoctoral fellowships, he Concord Hospital. He has been president of the become Australia’s first Professor of Andrology International Cardiovascular Society Australian (1996) and created its first hospital Andrology and New Zealand Society. Professor Lusby has Department (1999) at Concord Hospital. As the served with the Australian Army Medical Corp with most highly cited author internationally on deployments to Rwanda with the United Nations, “androgens” and “testosterone”, he has over 500 Bougainville and East Timor with Interfet. Colonel peer-reviewed papers. His research focuses on Lusby has been Consultant Surgeon to the androgen physiology, Pharmacology and toxicology Australian Army and the Australian defence Force. most recently in genetic models of androgen action, Professor Lusby was a Board member of steroid mass spectrometry, anti-doping science, and Macquarie and Northern Area Health Services, a clinical & epidemiological androgen pharmacology. councillor of the NSW branch of the Australian Medical Association and chairman of its Ethics Dr Teresa Anderson committee. He was a foundation member of the Dr Teresa Anderson is the Post Graduate Medical Council. Professor Lusby is Chief Executive of SLHD proprietor of Tintilla Estate wines in the Hunter and has had over 30 years Valley. experience in the public He was awarded Member of the Order of Australia health system as a clinician in 2015 for his outstanding services to medicine as and manager. Extensive a cardiovascular surgeon, clinician, educator and experience in the manage researcher. ment of health services including General Manager, Liverpool Hospital; and Director, Clinical Operations, former Sydney South West Area Health Service. Board Memberships include: Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research; Centenary Institute; Heart Research Institute; and Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity.

ANZAC Research Biennial Report 2015-17 Institute 42

Dr Steevie Chan Dr Steevie Chan is the Acting Dr Tim Sinclair General Manager of CRGH, Dr Tim Sinclair was the Director of Medical Services at General Manager of Concord and Canterbury Concord Repatriation Hospitals & Clinical Senior General Hospital, Sydney Lecturer (Population Medicine) Local Health District until at the University of Sydney. Feb 2017. He holds a PhD Dr Chan has postgraduate & of Business Administration, specialist qualifications in a Masters in Health Services health administration and public health, and was Management and a Bachelor formerly Chair, Board of Studies, Royal Australa- of Applied Science (Health sian College of Medical Administrators (NSW). Information Management). He has experience in senior medical management Tim also successfully completed the Graduate roles in both the private and public health systems. Health Management Training Program. Prior to that Prior to his current position, Dr Chan has held posi- appointment he was the General Manager at tions as Director of Medical Services at Royal Balmain Hospital and he has previously held a Prince Alfred Hospital and Senior Policy Adviser to number of senior positions with the then Sydney the NSW Minister for Health. He has a deep com- South West Area Health Service including the mitment to health care quality and patient safety, Associate Director of Clinical Operations and the and is actively involved in health outcomes Manager, Operational Initiatives. In 2013 Tim was research. also the recipient of the Institute of Public Admin- istration Australia award for Individual Excellence Prof Fiona Blyth and the Anthea Kerr Award. Prof Fiona Blyth is the Prof

of Public Health and Pain Medicine, Head of Concord Prof Andrew McLachlan Clinical School & Associate Professor Andrew McLachlan Dean, Faculty of Medicine, is a pharmacist and researcher University of Sydney. She is with experience in clinical also a member of Research and experimental pharmacology Ethics Committee & Section and research into the quality Editor, Topical Reviews, PAIN use of medicines. Journal. Andrew is the Chair of the Sydney Local Health District- A/Prof Ilona Cunningham Concord Hospital Ethics Committee and also chairs the Drug and A Senior Staff Specialist, Head Therapeutics Committee, Concord Hospital. of Dept, Department of Haem- Andrew is actively involved on expert committees atology, CRGH. Fellow of the related to medicines regulation, medication Royal Australasian College of safety and anti-doping. Physicians, Haematology Society of Aust & NZ, Australasian Leukaemia & Lymphoma Study Group, Australasian Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis & American Society of Haematology.

ANZAC Biennial Report 2015 -17 Research Institute 43

A/Prof Meng Ngu Senior Staff Specialist, Head Lieutenant General Ken Gillespie of Gastroenterology and He retired from the Army in Hepatology Department. 2011 as Chief of Army after Chairman, Ambulatory Care 43.5 years of service. & Endoscopy at Concord He has been awarded the Repatriation General Hospital Companion of the Order of and Clinical Assoc Professor, Australia (AC), Distinguished USyd Concord RGH Clinical Service Cross (DSC), the School and Trustee and Conspicuous Service Medal member of Management Committee of the Rights CSM, the Legion of Merit of Private Practice Trust Fund. (Commander) from the United States of America, He is a Member of the following Professional and the Republic of Singapore Meritorious Service Associations: Fellow of the Royal Australasian Medal (Military -Pingat Jasa Gemilang). College of Physicians; Fellow of American Gastro- Ken is Chair of the Board of the Indoor Skydive enterological Association; Gastroenterological Australia Group, a Board Member of Senetas Society of Australia; Australian Medical Associa- Corporation, a Board Member of Airbus Group Asia tion; Australian Chinese Medical Association; Pacific, and Advisory Board Member of both Veolia European Association for the Study of Liver and International SOS, a Council Member of the Diseases and Asian Pacific Association for the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and Chair of the Study of Liver Diseases. NSW Centenary of ANZAC Advisory Council. He

owns a small strategic consulting company, is a Dr Roderick Bain corporate speaker and remains very supportive of Dr. Rod Bain has a history of Ex-Service organisations. Vietnam War time service as a naval medical officer working both with the RAN and the Mr Paul Levins RAAMC at 1st Aust. Field President of the Australia and Hosp. Vung Tau. After three NZ office of Intellectual Vetures, tours of duty he trained as an a $5bn Seattle based company anaesthetist in London & that invests in invention. locally at the Royal Prince He has worked in the fields of Alfred & the Royal North Shore Hospitals. He was business, communication, formerly the NSW State Vice President of the RSL negotiation, government and the sub-branch network. His practice was principally not for profit sector across a in Intensive Care management along with Vascular diverse policy field for over 25 and Urological surgery. Currently he is the Medical years. I am a current board member of auDA Advisor to several RSL (NSW) sub-branches and (Australia’s .au domain name coordinator). Veterans’ Centres along with several other ex- He is an Honorary Associate and guest lecturer at service groups. He also currently holds various the Graduate School of Government at the medical committee positions with the Depart of University of Sydney. Veterans’ Affairs and the Univ. of South Australia School of Pharmacology.

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Dr Katherine Moore Dr Katherine Moore is the Director of Clinical Governance in the Sydney LHD. She has held Ms Kerry Hogan-Ross a number of roles within the Ms Kerry Hogan-Ross is a lawyer, profession of occupational mediator and conciliator. She therapy including president of mediates a range of disputes in the NSW Occupational Therapy volving doctors, lawyers, insurers Association, a member of the and injured claimants. She has university accreditation panel, also mediated and conciliated and as a previous member of the overseas numerous disputes between qualifications assessment committee. institutions and women who Katherine has worked as an occupational therapist were coerced to give up their in aged care rehabilitation, and has managed babies during the 1960s and 1970s. Prior to setting occupational therapy departments in acute and up her current practice in 2013, Kerry worked for 20 subacute settings. She has also been a Director of years, 12 as a partner, at DLA Piper (as it is now Allied Health and a Community Health Director in known), a national and later international law firm. the former Sydney South West Area Health Service. She was a commercial and insurance litigator for Katherine has been a surveyor with the Australian nearly 25 years and advised organisations, insurers, Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) since 2002 professionals and company directors in a wide and has a particular interest in quality and safety in variety of areas. She represented parties in numer- healthcare. ous high profile government inquiries including the Dr Moore is a practitioner member from NSW. HIH Royal Commission and the Bundaberg Hospital Commission of Inquiry. Kerry is also on the board and is Company Secretary, of Force Majeure, a not Mr George Elias for profit dance theatre company. Principal of Elias Financial Services and is an Authorised Representative Ms Jacquie Ferguson of Count Financial Limited. He has As the Director of Finance, been providing financial/accounting Sydney Local Health District, advice as principal of Elias Financial Ms Jacqui e Ferguson is Services since July 1991 to a wide responsible for planning and range of personal & small/ medium reporting on the use of business clients, and he has been financial resources, monitoring providing investment advice as an authorized Of the Local Health District’s representative of Count since June 1992. In February budget performance including 2000, CPA Australia designated George a Financial extensive management Planning Specialist. George also specialises in tax reporting to the District Executive, District Board effective loan structuring drawing on his experience and Ministry of Health. She addresses audit He is also the as a tax advisor and mortgage broker. matters, ensures financial accountability, cost cen- chairman of an ASX listed company and a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. tre budgetary controls, develops strategies for the management and develops and implements effective strategies in respect of financial risk management.

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Donor Honor Roll

Corporations FOTARI (Friends of the ARI) ABC Tissue Products Pty Ltd 80,000 Dr Varoe Legge 50,000 Lin Zhu Pty Ltd 80,000 Dut Seeto 50,000 Bartent Pty Ltd 30,000 Max and Benita Robbie 50,000 Ian Enterprises 15,000 Mr & Mrs Richard Kuras 40,000

Mr Julius M OPIT 20,000 Esther Pang 12,000 Bequests John & Virginia Hill 10,000 Estate of Aldyth Daisy Mildenhall 350,000 Rob Welborn 10,000 Estate of Cyril George Hawk 22,112 Jill Laurent 5,000 Sam Hill 5,000 Stephen John Bell 5,000 Community Organisations Hong Zhou 2,000 Robert Yeates 2,000 Ainsworth Foundation 100,000 Davis Paul Raymond 1,840 The Beeren Foundation 15,000 Esther Kim 1,500 Tour de Cure 10,000 Falk Gregory Leighton 1,200 Dr P and DJ Bass 1,000 Rotary Club of Five Dock Inc. 10,000 John C Gordon 1,000 Rotary Club of Breakfast Point 10,000 Ms Gwen La Pointe 1,000 Beeren Foundation 10,000 Mr R D Butcher 600 Chester Hill-Carramar Sub Branch RSL 3,000 Mamdouh Khalil 400 Count Charitable Foundation 2,000 Mrs Betty Allen 400 Rotary Club of Strathfield Inc 1,000 Errol Groth 350 Everyday Hero 348 Combined Services RSL (Sydney) 1,000 Maria Lentidoro 330 Beta Sigma Phi Delta Master Sydney 775 Dr David Sharpe 300 Pittwater RSL Sub Branch 200 M W Hayes 280 Young RSL Sub Branch 100 Dayashan Perera 200 Jim Dwyer AM 200 Alan Davidson 200

ANZAC Research Biennial Report 2015-17 Institute 46

Giving Opportunities

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□ I would like to meet a representative from the Foundation to discuss making a bequest.

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