THE DAILY SKIFF Volume 71, Number 21 Texas Christian I Nivernity Fort Worth
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"Routing, not drifting THE DAILY SKIFF Volume 71, Number 21 Texas Christian I nivernity Fort Worth. Texas 76/29 Tuesday, October 10, ll>72 Cosell speaks of sports' By JERRY MeADAMS experiences in Munich covering Lying on a hill overlooking the men who had been Army Sports Kditor the Olympic Games He was building in which the Israelis deserters." Nationally renowned sports- critical of what he called "an were held captive, Cosell said he Shifting subjects again, Cosell caster Howard Cosell touched obvious political conspiracy" could not help examining where said "The U.S. Olympic Commit on a wide range of topics— which victimized American he was, and how he had arrived tee is a group of men, almost everything from baseball's athletes there and what sports really every one of which is over 60 reserve clause to the Olympic "I saw losers win and winners meant to society. years of age, who do not in any (James —in his Friday night lose," Cosell said. "I saw more "It is absolutely primary that way relate to the young athletes speech to an overflow audience in than 200 fights and came away we have sports in order to escape of the United States team. Ed Landreth Auditorium. with cauliflower eyes." life's torments," he said. "Even "That's why you have coaches Following a surprise ap- Sports in Society the boredom of baseball is a the athletes do not respect," he pearance at the Horned Frog pep When Arab terrorists took necessary diversion. Sports continued. "Because they're rally, Cosell delivered an often Israeli athletes hostage, Cosell today invades every aspect of appointed on a political basis." humorous, often serious talk to said he removed his newsman modern life." Turning again to the NFL, the enthusiastic crowd. identification and gained en- Cosell criticized the National Cosell complained about the trance to the Olympic Village by Football League as a monopoly television blackout policy on After delighting the crowd by posing as a shoe salesman, controlled through politics and games which are already predicting a victory over "which many thought I should attacked baseball's reserve sellouts. "Let them have a law HOWARD COSELL Arkansas, Cosell told about his have been doing all along." clause on the same grounds. that if you're sold out five days in Officials Critized advance, people in the com- Cosell defended boxer munity can see the game on Muhammad Ali, saying the home television." AddRan, honors chair, goals removal of his heavyweight title Cosell emphasized that his was both illegal and unfair work was not easy and that his "because an idiot boxing com- career had a purpose. "A sports among Faculty Senate topics missioner in New York was journalist's job is to expose these actually licensing, at that time. inconsistencies," he said By LINDA WRIGHT been rumored, as has appointing Debate centered around why Asst. News Kditor two deans for the one college. the Senate should have a voice in Kedivision of AddRan College, The Senate voted to hold a this particular chair, since it has recommendations of candidates Faculty Assembly to inform the none for any other guest position. for the Green Honors Chair, faculty at large of the proposed At the present time, the Vice abolishment of the University changes before Nov. 1 Prior to Chancellor and Dean of the Research Committee and that assembly Dr. Brewer will University makes the selection of restatement of the philosophy, prepare and distribute a report the guest professor. objectives and goals of the explaining the situation Dr. Bohon's motion was tabled, University were topics of Dissolved Committee [tending more information on the discussion at the Faculty Senate Discussion about the Senate's subject. meeting, Oct. 5. participation in filling the Green The administration's abolish- Dislurbed by many rumors Honors ("hair, a guest teaching ment of the University Research concerning the redivision of position in AddRan, was Committee this summer and its AddRan, presently in need of a sparked when Dr. John Bohon, replacement by an ad hoc permanent dean, the Senate chairman of the University committee with much more wondered why it had not been Commit lees Committee, moved power raised questions about the informed of any proposed to create a senate committee to power of the administration. Dr. restructuring. Division of Add- make recommendations for the Bohon felt this move, taken Ran into two distinct colleges has position. without consulting the Faculty Senate, set a dangerous 1 precedent. I Poetic Philosophy I A motion to reform the ■ News digest Research Committee, which was I originally established by the — from the Associated Press | Senate, failed. Another motion, requesting Dr .John Hitt, H VSHINGTON - Republi- Associate Dean of the University, can congressional leaders cited as the sources In explain the administration's have asked the Fair Cam PHILADELPHIA Sargent decision at the November Senate paign Practices O nittee to Shriver said Monday meeting was passed by the investigate what they call President Nixon must Senators. PIRATE PUT-ON—Suzanne Morgan, a member of the University "the smear, the innuendo anil shoulder the blame for nol The latest output of a com- Players who ran a make-up booth at Saturday's Oktoberfest. paints the the mud slinging" directed by getting the United States out mittee appointed by Chancellor beginning traces of a pirate's face on young Phillip llassriek. Open to Democrat Ic candidates of war m Indochina and Moudy in January to restate the all students, the Theater Club is conducting a membership drive. against President Nixon should nol be given another philosophy, objectives and goals PhOtObj Bill Itahan They appended a list of four years in office of the University was deemed too statements attributed to the long and "poetic" during Senate Democratic presidential and "In the four years that discussion, but the philosophy it vice presidential candidates Nixon has been in the White Dorm circulates ouster form embodied was approved. and some of their supporters House he could have brought Dr. Comer Clay, government Pete Wright Dorm Council has circulated a petition throughout the Among these were allegations all American troops home; he professor, said the language was dorm to indicate to the House represenatives how to vote on the of corruption in the Nixon could have put an end to the both "florid and vague" and too removal of House president Tom Lowe, a motion that was tabled at the a d m i n i s t r a I i o n, playing slaughter of American boys in technical for catalogue use. Tuesday, Oct. S, House meeting politics with prisoners of war, a war the American people do Dr. Landon Colauitt, professor The petition urges the removal of Lowe from office and terms like "war monger" not support," the Democratic of mathematics, said the new Fred Marshall, in charge of the petition, said the dorm council feels and "number-one bomber of vice presidential candidate philosophy "would fit right in l,owe has exceeded his authority by spending money which he didn't all time " said (the catalogue); no one can have the right to spend and has shown inability to run the House in an understand it." efficient and orderly manner THE DAILY SKIFF Tuesday, October 10, 1972 Counselors explore University JOHN CATON Some 39 high school counselors pleasant surprise at the ap- While there are no statistics from 14 stales and Puerto Rico pearances of TCi; students, available, according to Mrs. were recent guests at TCU. saying that their dress was much Becky Roach, Dean Baker's AND FRIENDS according to Dean Daniel Maker more attractive than the dress in secretary, the counselors' of Admissions their high school conference is thought to be highly The Counselors Conference, Richmond Curtis*, a counselor successful hy the administration. "SPECIALING IN FINANCIAL, held at least twice a year, is from Manlius, NY, commented The increase in out-of-state SAVINGS , AND INSURANCE SERVICED conducted in order to better on the enthusiasm of the students enrollment is considered to be a FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS" Inform the high school counselors toward TCU, while other coun- direct result of the conferences, Suite H04, 91(1 Houston SN »41 about TCI selors made the same ob- which have been held annually The counselors met members servation about the faculty for four years. of the facility and administration at informal get together* and ate several meals with students in Order to get a well rounded view Ladies' lavatories sport of the campus The trip was all expense paid highest grade of graffiti Many counselors expressed ,«»< LONDON (AIO A lot of the go berserk. Men are not half so A prate and art work on gents' bad." lavatory walls is high-grade The report adds: "In itself, it is stuff, but it's even better in the not vicious A lot is obscene but ladies', says a report by people much is amusing." tf who should know Permissive literature is dulling 2715 W Berry Ti FOR SALI The Council of British Ceramic the impact of obscene graffiti, length iraddti. and Sanitaryware Manufac- the report noted. It said: "Four- i .!' turers said: "Much of the written I wtddtng dress, (NsvO letter words now to be found in so ..r -. ■ matter must have taken some many novels have destroyed the HARVEST rypi i rpi i t PI n PI I time to execute'' and "some shock effects when seen on loo I rvpi i 111 mi- drawings are done with drafts- walls." SALE .. - .'in man's skill The remarks on graffiti were I N\ I I OPl \hlilll --I US M i hi DIM- The council report quotes the part of a survey of vandalism in Saw 20% & More MEDIATELY, I i more lough I.