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Report of the Executive Head of Planning and Transportation.

Ref: C2012/65722/FUL WARD: C13 / Time Taken: CENT 5 weeks, 5 days

Site: Wentworth Hall 80 RUSKIN ROAD Carshalton SM5 3DH

Proposal: Erection of new roof to front entrance to provide storage accommodation, re- positioning external staircase to provide access to first floor flat, erect first floor extension fronting Woodstock Road to enlarge first floor flat, alterations to the external elevations and alterations to the Ruskin Road frontage to provide a new ramped access to the building. Applicant: Mr Lal Hussain Agent: Mr John Glenn


Reason for Report to Committee: Fourteen letters have been received objecting to the development. Also, the Council owns the site.

Summary of why application proposals are acceptable: There would be no significant and long term affect on the character and visual amenity of the area and the development would not unreasonably adversely affect the amenities of the adjoining occupiers.


1.1 Site and surroundings:

1.2 The application site comprises a single/ two storey detached building located at the junction of Ruskin Road and Woodstock Road. The building is currently being extended; its lawful use is for Class D1 (assembly and leisure) purposes. The footprint of the building occupies nearly the entire site, with the exception of a small service/ access area along the east side of the building and towards the rear. Recent works have removed the small landscaped area fronting Ruskin Road.

1.3 The building is set in an elevated position relative to the adjoining highway on Ruskin Road; land levels rise gently towards the south and east of the site. There is a street tree outside the site on the Ruskin Road frontage of the property.

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1.4 The surrounding area is predominately residential and is characterised by two storey detached and semi-detached houses. On the opposite side of Ruskin Road there is a purpose built flat development at the junction of Park Lane and Ruskin Road. On the west side of Woodstock Road there is a small commercial car repair business.

1.5 Site specific DP designation:

1.6 The site is not located in a designated area. Carshalton District Centre is located approximately 380m to the north.

1.7 Relevant Planning History:

1.8 C2008/60587/FUL ± In October 2010 conditional planning permission was granted for the increase in roof height and provision of an additional floor within the roof space to provide additional community facilities and enlargement of existing flat involving the formation of three dormer extensions at front and three dormer extensions at rear. Retention of security gate at increased height.

1.9 C2012/65976/FUL ± In May 2012 a retrospective planning application was received for the retention and completion of a new driveway at the front of 82 Ruskin Road.


2.1 Details of Proposal:

2.2 Planning permission is sought to erect a new roof to the front entrance to provide storage accommodation, repositioning the external staircase to provide access to the first floor flat, erect a first floor extension fronting Woodstock Road to enlarge first floor flat, alterations to the external elevations and alterations to the Ruskin Road frontage to provide a new ramped access to the building.

2.3 Significant amendments to application since submitted:

2.4 The drawings have amended to correct several inaccuracies. In addition to this the three car parking spaces originally proposed on the Ruskin Road frontage have been removed from the proposal; it is now proposed to pave and provide planting in this area; and the proposed staircase to the first floor flat is now shown as being partially enclosed.


3.1 Adjoining Occupiers Notified: 53

3.2 Method of Notification:

3.3 Letters were sent to fifty three adjoining occupiers in Ruskin Road, Rotherfield Road, Woodstock Road and Park Lane on 3 May 2012. The proposed development was also advertised as a site notice. A further neighbour Page 43 Agenda Item 3

consultation letter was sent on 23 May 2012 following receipt of amended drawings.

3.4 Number of Letters Received:

3.5 Seven letters were received from nos: 1, 2, 3, 32 Woodstock Road; 35 Rotherfield Road; and 73 and 75 Ruskin Road in response to the first consultation letter, objecting to the proposed development on the following planning grounds: a) Adverse affect on highway and pedestrian safety arising from the proposed use of the Ruskin Road frontage for car parking b) Adverse affect on the appearance of the building arising from the removal of the soft landscaping c) Loss of privacy and overlooking from the proposed relocated external staircase d) The proposed first floor extension to the Ruskin Road frontage of the building will increase the bulk and prominence of the building in this residential area e) Loss of character and name of the hall f) Legal and useable parking needs to be provided for the Hall, but this should not compromise pedestrian safety g) The development has already started, including laying a hard surface to the Ruskin Road frontage h) Use of the parking area at 05:00 for prayer meetings i) The capacity of the building to host large functions will increase, increasing noise and disturbance to residents and additional on street parking

3.6 Six letters were received from nos.: 35 Rotherfield Road; 1, 2a, 3, 27 Woodstock Road; and 1 with no address, in response to the second consultation letter. The earlier objections were reiterated and additional objections received on the following grounds: a) Inclusion of dormer windows to the rear elevation b) No provision made for trade waste bins c) Wentworth Hall is understood to be a community hall not a prayer hall d) The proposed hours of use are not stated on the application. The hall is in use from 05:00 to late into the evening e) No information relating to the glazing and opening of the first floor windows in the rear elevation

3.7 Objections were also received in regards of the following matters which are not considered to be material planning grounds relating to the consideration of this application: a) Health and safety during building phase; b) Works within the curtilage of 82 Ruskin Road c) Work is taking place on a Sunday d) Disposal of waste water from the premises e) No details relating to fire alarms

3.8 Official Consultation:

3.9 None.

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3.10 Senior Engineer ± has commented on the revised drawings and has requested the following conditions are imposed should permission be granted: the development shall not be occupied until the proposed access ramp from Ruskin Road has been constructed in accordance with the approved drawings; and provision should be made on site for a minimum of two secure cycle parking spaces.

3.11 Councillor Representation:

3.12 There have been no Councillor representations made on this application.


4.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 states that when determining a planning application, regard is to be had to the development plan, and the determination shall be made in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The development plan for the Borough of Sutton comprises the following documents:

The July 2011 The Local Development Framework (LDF) which comprises: (a) The Core Planning Strategy; and (b) The Site Development Policies Development Plan Document.

4.2 Also a material consideration in determining planning applications are: National Planning Policy Framework Adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance documents.

4.3 London Plan 3.16 Protection and Enhancement of Social Infrastructure 7.2 An Inclusive Environment 7.4 Local Character 7.6 Architecture

4.4 Core Planning Strategy BP6 One Planet Living BP7 Flood Risk and Climate Change Adaptation BP11 Leisure and Cultural Development BP12 Good Urban Design and Heritage

4.5 Site Development Policies DM1 Character and Design DM2 Protecting Amenity DM3 Enhancing the Street Scene and Public Realm DM5 Sustainable Design and Construction DM7 Flood Risk DM10 Air Quality DM12 Noise and Vibration DM19 Promoting Sustainable Transport and Accessibility Page 45 Agenda Item 3

DM20 Assessing the Transport Impact of New Development DM22 Parking DM29 Housing Standards DM31 Social and Community Infrastructure

4.6 Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents SPD1 Designing Out Crime 63'&UHDWLQJ/RFDOO\'LVWLQFWLYH3ODFHV6XWWRQ¶V8UEDQ'HVLJQ*XLGH Interim Planning Guidance 11 Sustainable Design and Construction


5.1 The principal considerations (including whether any material planning objections have been reasonably addressed) in relation to this application are:

Use of the Premises Design Quality Impact on Neighbours Layout Trees and Landscaping Highways

5.2 Principle of Development:

5.3 Policy 3.16 of the London Plan and Policy DM31 of the Site Development Policies DPD encourage the retention and enhancement of existing community facilities.

5.4 The applicant took over the lease of the building in 1996. Since this date it has been used as a community hall and as a meeting place for members of the Muslim Cultural and Welfare Association of Sutton, as well as a facility for prayer and worship. A flat is located in part of the roof of the building.

5.5 The proposal would not involve any change to the lawful use of the premises. There is no planning objection to the continued use of the premises as a community facility and it is considered the proposed extensions and alterations to the premises are acceptable in principle in land use terms, subject to consideration of all other policy guidance and material considerations. The objections about increasing the capacity of the hall are noted, however the increase to the size of the room over the main hall equates to only 22.71m² and it is noted the use of this room was not conditioned under the earlier application.

5.6 Design Quality:

5.7 Policy BP12 of the Core Planning Strategy requires development to respect or reinforce the character and identity of the area and avoid developments which do not integrate well into the surroundings. Policy DM1 of the Site Development Policies and Supplementary Planning Document 14 reinforce this requirement. Under Policy DM4 of the Site Development Policies new Agenda Item 3 Page 46

development should be designed in a way that respects the setting and reinforces the distinctiveness of the adjoining heritage designation.

5.8 Under the 2010 permission the Council approved raising the height of the roof of the main building by 0.5 metres to allow the formation of a usable space at first floor level and the installation of a total of six dormer windows to the east and west roof slopes (three to each side). Work has started on site to erect the enlarged roof. Consent is now being sought to extend the roof to the north and to the west, to increase the size of the storage area and the flat. In terms of the impact on the streetscene it is considered the proposed enlargement of the roof would not detract from the visual amenity of the area. The proposed extension of the roof to the west would be seen in the context of the dormer windows and existing projecting wing and the decision to end the northern roof extension with a pitched roof will act to minimise the visual bulk of this addition. The proposed roof extensions are in keeping with the character and appearance of the building and the visual amenity of the area.

5.9 As part of this application the front door to Ruskin Road would be brought forward to the level of the front building line, allowing for the removal of the recessed porch and internal alterations including a larger kitchen and toilet facilities. One window is shown as being removed on the Woodstock Road frontage (ground level) and two windows will be removed from the rear elevation. One window will be inserted at ground level in the rear elevation. Also at ground level the windows and door in the elevation facing no.1 Ruskin Road would be removed. It is considered these are minor works which would not detract from the character and appearance of the building and thereby the visual amenity of the area.

5.10 Subject to the recommended condition requiring the proposed external facing materials, treatments and finishes to be identical to the original building it is considered the proposed extensions and alterations to the building would not detract from the character and appearance of the building, or the visual amenity of the area.

5.11 Impact on neighbours:

5.12 Policy DM2 of the Site Development Policies DPD seeks to protect the amenities of neighbouring properties in terms of overlooking, loss of outlook and the loss of light and overshadowing. Policy DM12 prohibits development proposals that would result in exposure to noise or vibrations above acceptable levels affecting housing, unless appropriate mitigation measures are put in place.

5.13 The drawings show the provision of three dormer windows facing Woodstock Road and three dormer windows on the rear elevation. Dormer windows were approved in this location under the 2010 permission (reference C2008/60587/FUL). Condition no.3 of the consent C2008/60587/FUL requires the dormer windows in the east elevation of the development to be glazed with obscure glass and fixed shut in a manner that they cannot be opened and so maintained. This condition was imposed in order to protect the amenities of the occupiers of the properties to the south and east of the property from a loss of privacy. A similar condition is recommended for the same reason. Page 47 Agenda Item 3

5.14 The drawings show the provision of a velux window in the rear elevation of the building, in the same location as that permitted in 2010. A new velux window would be provided in the Woodstock Road elevation, in a similar location to that permitted in 2010. Two velux windows would be provided either side of the extended storage area to the front of the building. It is considered there would be no significant loss to residential amenity arising from these velux windows.

5.15 Concern has been raised about possible overlooking from the relocated staircase. An open staircase in this location would allow for views over gardens of houses in Ruskin Road and Woodstock Road. However, the applicant proposes to erect a 1.8 metre high screen to the open side and return of the staircase. This would ensure there is no overlooking of the neighbouring properties and no loss of privacy detrimental to the amenity of the occupiers of these properties. A condition is recommended requiring the submission of details of this screen and the installation of the approved screen prior to occupation of the flat and its retention thereafter. This is to ensure the amenities of the residents of adjoining and nearby properties are protected and retained.

5.16 The flat was previously accessed by an open staircase that was located between the Hall and no.1 Woodstock Road. There are two windows in the flank elevation of no.1 Woodstock Road and it is likely that there was some overlooking of the neighbouring properties from this staircase.

5.17 The extension to the Ruskin Road frontage of the building would be marginally in front of the front building line of 82 and 84 Ruskin Road, however because of the distance between the two properties (3.5 metres) it is considered there would be no adverse affect on the amenities of the occupiers of no.82 Ruskin Road arising from this extension.

5.18 The extension to the Woodstock Road frontage would be to the north of the existing projection. The existing hipped roof will be increased in size to accommodate this extension, increasing the ridge height by 1.2 metres; however the ridge length of the main building would be reduced from 22.8 metres in length to 22.4 metres. It is considered this extension would not adversely affect the amenities of the occupier of the adjoining property in 1 Woodstock Road.

5.19 The proposal would result in a small increase in floor space for community use. It is considered that this would not result in a significant increase in the number of people using the hall. Therefore, there would be no significant increase in noise and disturbance arising from the development.

5.20 Subject to the imposition of the recommended conditions it is considered there would be no significant adverse affect to the amenities of the occupiers of adjoining and nearby residential properties arising from the development.

5.21 Layout

5.22 The proposed first floor extensions will be accommodated within the existing footprint of the building and increase the size of the first floor flat, storage Agenda Item 3 Page 48

room and room above the main hall. The flat would remain one bedroom. The external staircase to the flat would be relocated from the side elevation to the rear elevation.

5.23 The flat is shown on the 2010 approval as having an internal floor area of PðDQGZRXOGPHHWWKH&RXQFLO¶V,QWHUQDO+RXVLQJ6SDFH6WDQGDUGV7KH proposed flat would have an internal floor area of 69.44m², with the main difference being the creation of the large lounge/ kitchen/ diner fronting Woodstock Road. The proposed extension to and alteration of the flat layout would provide improved living accommodation. The proposal is considered to be consistent with the aims and objectives of Policy DM29 of the Site Development Policies DPD.

5.24 Under Policy DM1 of the Site Development Policies DPD the Council expects developments to meet the highest standards of accessibility and inclusion. The alterations to the Ruskin Road frontage of the building allow level access through the front door; whereas previously the only ramped access was via the Woodstock Road frontage of the building. The improved access arrangements are consistent with the objectives of Policy DM1.

5.25 Trees and Landscaping:

5.26 Under Policy DM1 of the Site Development Policies planning permission will only be granted for development that respects and retains, where possible, existing landforms and natural features of the site, including trees of amenity value.

5.27 The street tree at the front of the site has not been affected by the development. The only area of soft landscaping on site has been removed and the land level reduced during the current building works. Whilst, the current appearance of this part of the site is unacceptable, there are no planning controls on the site which required the planting to be retained. The applicant proposes finishing the area between the ramped access and the public highway with porous hardstanding with three raised planters. A new soakaway would be constructed in this area; the porous hardstanding and soakaway is consistent with current policy and guidance. The boundary with the public highway would be marked by a 0.9 metre high fence and a 1.1 metre high balustrade would mark the open side of the ramped access. Subject to the recommended condition requiring the submission and approval of details of the hard and soft landscaping and boundary fencing, and their subsequent retention on site, it is considered the proposed treatment of the Ruskin Road frontage would respect the character and appearance of the existing building and amenity of the streetscene consistent with Policy DM1.

5.28 Highways

5.29 Under Policy DM20 of the Site Development Policies DPD the Council will assess all new development applications for their impact on the existing and proposed transport infrastructure. In this instance it is considered that an increase in floor area of less than 23m² would be unlikely to result in a significant increase in traffic to and from the building. It is also noted that there Page 49 Agenda Item 3

are no controls on maximum occupancy under the 2010 permission, reference C2008/60587/FUL.

5.30 Under condition no.4 of the conditional consent C2008/60587/FUL the GHYHORSHULVUHTXLUHGWRVXEPLWGHWDLOVRIVHFXUHF\FOHSDUNLQJIRUWKH&RXQFLO¶V approval and the subsequent implementation and retention of the facility. A similar condition is recommended in this case.


6.1 This application to erect a new roof to the front entrance to provide storage accommodation, repositioning the external staircase to provide access to the first floor flat, erect a first floor extension fronting Woodstock Road to enlarge first floor flat, alterations to external elevations and alterations to the Ruskin Road frontage to provide a new ramped access to the building is considered acceptable as there would be no significant and long term effect on the character and visual amenity of the area and it would not unreasonably adversely affect the amenities of the adjoining occupiers.

6.1 It is recommended that permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the Agenda.

Background Papers: C2012/65722/FUL

Drawings and other documents can be viewed on line ±

1) Go to page: 2) Enter Planning Application Number: C2012/65722 3) Click on Search and View Current Applications 4) Click on View Plans & Documents Agenda Item 3 Page 50


Mr John Glenn C2012/65722/FUL 64 Portnalls Road CR5 3DE


WARNING: It is in your interests to ensure you obtain the approval of the Local Planning Authority, where the conditions require that to occur. Failure to comply with the following conditions may lead to enforcement action to secure compliance.


Wentworth Hall 80 RUSKIN ROAD Carshalton Surrey SM5 3DH

Erection of new roof to front entrance to provide storage accommodation, re-positioning external staircase to provide access to first floor flat, erect first floor extension fronting Woodstock Road to enlarge first floor flat, alterations to the external elevations and alterations to the Ruskin Road frontage to provide a new ramped access to the building.


(1) The development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date hereof.

Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended.

(2) The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: WE/LH/PL01B, WE/LH/PL02C, WE/LH/PL03C, WE/LH/PL04B, WE/LH/PL05, WE/LH/PL06B.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

(3) The Hall shall not be used until the access ramp has been constructed in accordance with the approved drawings. The access ramp shall be retained thereafter.

Reason: To ensure the accessibility of the building. Page 51 Agenda Item 3

(4) The development shall not be occupied until space has been laid out within the site in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority showing provision for a minimum of two secure cycle parking spaces on site. The approved spaces shall be retained thereafter.

Reason: To encourage access by non-car modes.

(5) All external facing materials, treatments and finishes shall be identical to those of the original building. Where this is not possible the type and treatment of the materials to be used shall be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the development being carried out.

Reason: To ensure that the extension harmonises with the existing building.

(6) The dormer windows in the east elevation of the development hereby approved shall be glazed with obscure glass and fixed shut in a manner that they cannot be opened and so maintained.

Reason: To safeguard the current level of privacy enjoyed by the occupants of adjoining properties.

(7) The external staircase to the first floor flat shall not be occupied until details of the proposed 1.8 metre high screen have been approved. The flat shall not be occupied until the approved screen has been erected. The screen shall thereafter be permanently retained.

Reason: To safeguard the current level of privacy enjoyed by the occupants of adjoining properties.

(8) The development shall not be occupied until details of external soft and hard landscaping and the proposed means of enclosure to the Ruskin Road frontage and new access ramp have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved details shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the building or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any plants which within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.

Reason: To ensure high quality hard and soft landscape treatment designed as an integral part of the development scheme.

(9) The area of new hardsurfacing on the Ruskin Road frontage of the building shall be designed to direct run-off water to a permeable or porous area or surface within the curtilage of the building.

Reason: To minimise surface run-off to the highway.


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(1) This application has been assessed against the relevant policies of the London Plan 2011, Sutton's Core Planning Strategy 2009 and the Site Development Policies DPD 2012. The proposal is generally in accordance with Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) and for this reason planning permission is granted.

(2) This approval only grants permission under section 57 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Further approval or consent may be required by other legislation, in particular the Building Regulations and you should contact Building Control on 020 8770 6263 or 6325 before proceeding with the work.

(3) Landscaping means the treatment of land (other than buildings) being the site or part of the site in respect of which this planning permission is granted, for the purpose of enhancing or protecting the amenities of the site and the area in which it is situated and includes screening by fences, walls or other means of enclosure; measures to screen the refuse provision; planting of trees, hedges, shrubs or grass; formation of banks, terraces or other earth works, laying out of gardens, paved areas or courts and other amenity features.

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