Guard Half Price Sale!
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kbvftftmi TTss3e-,- , AAdaaj.Ljrwy ;" "Vi .V ''VWV AN "T1 fPfFVWf I wr !43i aW' PPfWp!? ji! VSSl i EVENING; PUBLIC LEDGERPmDADELPHIA, . TUESDAY, .' AUGU&T 22, 1922 ,t'lltHia 74 8000 Fans Saw Chester and Seuth Phils Clash, but the Expected Boxing Beut Wasn't Staged' - b- BREAKING INTO THE BIG LEAGUE CHESTER BEGS PARDON CHANEY THBEAI N Hew Dees It Strike Yeu? ' HIS rigST REAL PAMTS - fr, Ruth's Return OF SOUTH PHIL FANS; TO QUIT THE RING K Sarazen8 Game By j THE V OBSERVER TRIMS RUDOLPHIANS Alonte's Energy Knockout King, With 12-Ye- ar Everything Was Levely at Shetzline Park Except the Recerd, Intends Retiring ABB RUTH has kept faith. The Big Bambino has reformed. After he had been fined nnd suspended some weeks age for calling aa Ball Game, Which Was Much to the Fremagc, by End of Year umpire a nasty, mean tning, or weras 10 tnni cucci, num rcpentea ana prem- ised thereafter te regain speaking acquaintance with every arbiter In the Amer- Ending When Night Fell ican League. WANTS TO MEET DUNDEE This he has done. He has avoided trouble instead of hunting It, hnd has behaved strictly accerding: te the dictates of the game. heflwl TARK, en the margin of the benutiful boulevard that runs In the early part of the season Ruth wns the target for ridicule in every through Varcvllle from the Southwestern trolley line te Uncle Sam's Navy By LOUIS II. fi JrFK ban parK in tne circuit. J. ne weivcs were en mm ana eieacner blasts sounded '? Jltnl at League Island, h a Una plant, which Is elang for some place. WHETHER premise or threat, If iiKc trumpets in nis ears. ti We Dpenlt with conviction because last evening we were the twilight guest have announced Inten- But the Babe has heeded them net. He has attended te affairs of an mn.i Oy tions te retire by the time the new jcar g fielder's business nnd he has (bad his reward In seeing his home-ru- n total climb'-.?- ' f Bill Itudelph and Jack Ileden. who unanimously nnured us that Shetzline (wsu i-- jlV list-me- " rolls around, nt least three n r a&ssjsaC. ?& nnd his batting average leap. ; Is the most pretentious kwball enclosure south of Market street. When star lark will be missed by the dear old Sweeter te his ears, however, than the smack of the home-ru- n wallop and 17! manager the publicity agent of the Seuth Phillies are unanimous en the and public when 1022 pnsscs off Inte his- softer te his eyes than the rise of his hitting percentage is the change in tht'W ny given subject they he right. nttitutle or the crowd. vtrj must tory. ' T.lttln nlrl Vfw VnrV lan't an hail nil. Tha fane ne tt.... i. 'f'l , Certainly net Mnee the daj.s of the old Union Association and Jumbo Benny champion nttr FIrt Leenard, the reaterarl hllll iA Ilia fnFtilAi nlnnn tn tlm kiln. Until Im nn l.lnl amaa .ma iT ' thing In peuthern section of our fair city that 102Ti Park has there been an the hlmcelf, declared the bejlnnlng of On Sllltlftnv liA wab nM niAKnli1v ihn iAnfActt mam fM.u l... tji of the I'lills, and even the rs admit the would tlnd him approached the home Seuth "among thec rclirtd." player when be wen the game in the ninth inning with n four-bas- e clout. Tha. it Bread and Klglcr field has nemcthlng en Jumbo for comfort and appointments. Then Johnny Dundee Fald he would EWnrninrt rlmrn nn fhi AaI tf.AHftnti.aA nt tnam 1t anvln,, . At., .t And the gemes; what Philadelphia baseball fan has net teen or nt least write "finis"' at the bottom of his rec- of their here. The Jeers have turned te cheers. itl' ard of old Jack Clements, the famous southpaw catcher of the Phillies, ord with the end of this year, and new Babe Ruth is minding his own business, which is geed for the pnblle, feesltllrl'i ,These specialty was blocking the runner at the plate nt the risk of a broken Oeergc Chaney has come ettt with the for the game, geed for the Yankees nnd geed for Ruth. tvwJ Apsocintlen. fmkln or werv. Clements was graduated from the Union In same ort of n ,),i bleed, the best of the August jam. thece days the games were battles for but efforts "Yeu knew, twelve years Is n long Jeckles arc becoming quite numerous. Mrs. Leuis ' In quality of light- Milt, .15 t( piewera and their opponents was nc nay superior te the time for a fellow like Chaney te be In en Anvlllc. wen the flve.elrhtil.mllfl rlaah Vnrrlatttrn flnil.. ing game vthlrh one sees nightly in Shetzline Park. the ring." Sammy Harris, minnger and was second In the mile with In the Dark. "& for Chaney. here recently "A fellow vf the who steps In there and Is careful about M KE last iceek's encounter letieeen Chester and Seuth Phils V- net gettltig punched about a bit is net Sarazen's Success Built en Practical -j n) an example. That conflict was a riot, a knockout. Ask Imp affected like Oceige, SARAZBN Is n golfer, a professional golfer, and he Jtckus he kneus. lm te the pest works at his prv "Whenever ?ees fcsslen ns attorney Added Attractions Chane takes a let of chances te get an labors ever Blnckstene. "',i ever his knockout. As a result Geerge He has been plying his trade slnce he wns n llttle sharer. He serred Mii (VTOTHING like having an ndded attraction. If a baseball fan can witness Is a target for the ether bird's punches apprenticeship as it cnddle and then graduated ns n full-fledg- golfer. ' "ft ILN been walloped hnrd and As n enddie, n boxing match In connection with an exhibition of the national pastime and he has he watched ethers nnd learned from them the correct stancs'-- f coming out fellow-throug- h, (without additional expense he hasn't any real kick coming. often at times, but usually nnd the and when he wasn't hauling a bag ever the greens In the end." k5'). Maybe that's uliat lured the Heck of cah customers te the Seuth Phillies' a winner Covvrieht, tOtt, tv PuMle LtSetr Company wan en practicing nnu perfecting . k playground last nlgl.t. It was Chester that put the punch In the game last Ills K. (). Punch New he is a champion, n champion of champions, for In winning the epW I Sreek and It was Chester that lined up against the Itudelphlans Inst night. The Evident Early In Career nnd professional titles he set a new record in golfdem. Still he practices and' game everything. Chaney. hlmelf, according te Har- dolly can be found crowd was there ready for the and en the links, brushing up bis drive, his approach and hut $ BUI Hudelph hew many patrons were present and he replied: ris, 1r net at all anxious te bang up AGAIN Five Leading Batsmen SCHUYLKILL NAVY - , We asked Geerge START WORK liming. ("Don't knew. Yeu sec I count the runs, hits and errors; Juck Iteden figures the mitts, but Sam believes that During the professional tourney Harazen devoted ' enough In ring and ought in Each Majer League half an hour te pracUe'1 attendance." has done the lne before ererr match. Pe te be ghen the privilege of sitting back ' we the we were impressed fej acreage The park Gene has n As entered stadium its new and giving mhiie of the ether fel- AMKHIt'AN I.KAGL'E certain nmeunt of natural ability and he has developed that la sq big they had te build a fence all around It te keep the etitlicld from lows nu opportunity te sock each ether ON MANHEIM TUR (I. A. II. It. II. PRAISES COSTELLO talent by patiently polishing his strokes. 'A petting lest In the meadow a or falling Inte the back channel. around PlKlrr. st. ixruls . lis 401 IIS 187 .05 Hew much further would the rest of u go If we practiced In our ebena1 meaningly. obi. Detroit .. 101 loe in is: .Ml! profession 3 There uas a fleck of jeung men present who directed the customers te "But." said Harris "I Hpe-ike- Lletttnnit.109 4e:i an 149 .870 ns Snrazcn drills in golf? tbelr seats. Jim Tallman, who Is a strong boenter for the Seuth Phils, told hardly think there eer will be another ifrilnwn". Itro 112 4 JO HI 140 ..147 Geerge Chnnej." Ceslln. Wiulilnittiiii (!J tOH .840 pa these jeuths were the Beard of Directors. Jim knows a let of wise cracks. Ger-mante- rii Geerge Henrv Chaney. born In Baltl-mor- e Reconditioning Courts at NATIONAL LEAGUE Passes Resolution In Honer of TJlRED TOMLIN'S eye Is as clear as a June day. He broke 160 clay ; During the progress of the first Inning keine one en the home tenm, (I. In ISM, started his clouting A.U. H. II. r.r. pigeons In succession the ether day in registered -- Na- H.I-euIi.ll- a sheet. The glancing toward the Navy Yard, saw a sailor wigwagging from the fighting southpaw Cricket Club for llerntbr. .879 Lecal Athlete's Victory ; t career during 1010. The f.lilfttiKn. .101 812 74 ISA .80.1 Glassboro entry leeks like the best bet in the North American chsm- - top of a battleship.