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Film and Print Media

Ask your parents about the plays they Latha went to her great grandfather’s had seen during their childhood. town in the summer holidays. She wanted to watch the latest film with her What changes have occurred in great grandfather, Rangaiah. Since drama over the period? Rangaiah was not well, they talked about his childhood days. Latha was surprised to know that there were no films in her great grandfather’s childhood. There were performances of various arts like plays, Harikatha, Burrakhatha and Tholubommalata by folk artistes. The plays were both Padya natakam, famous for rendering poems with lengthy ragas, and Gadya natakam. Rangaiah vividly Fig 22.1: recalled the experience of watching the Camera (above), play Satya Harishchandra and staying Projector (below) awake until dawn. The other plays he recalled were ‘Bhuvana Vijayam’, ‘Kanyashulkam’, ‘Bobbili Yudham’ and ‘Vara Vikrayam’. Latha has acted in a play that they performed for their school anniversary and has also seen a stage performance. But she was surprised to know that at one time, they were the major form of entertainment.

Birth of Cinema Evolution of cinema The birth of cinema in can be attributed While drama is to be performed live to Lumiere brother’s first public show at Watson with all the instruments for music, de- Hotel in Mumbai on July 7, 1896. In 1887, SCERT TELANGANAvelopment of technology has helped in William Friese-Green of England invented shooting of a play and projecting it at camera capable of taking upto ten photographs per second using perforated celluloid film (Fig several places at the same time and again 22.1). In 1895, Woodwill Latham invented and again. Further, the cinema could be cinema projector capable of exhibiting lengthy shot over a period of time and mixing and film reels without break. editing of the footage can give an entirely

and Print Media

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new effect. The plays written by George In Telugu, the first mooki was ‘Bhishma Bernard Shaw and Shakespeare were Pratigna’. The first talkie movie was visualised with camera and exhibited on the ‘Bhakta Prahalada’ released in 1931, screen as a film. Similarly, popular plays produced by H. M. Reddy. in Telugu like Vara Vikrayam, Satya Make a mime presentation of five Harishchandra, Kanyashulkam were minutes and a play for five minutes. made into films. The stage artistes made a Compare the ease of performance, beeline to the studios for a chance in films. the themes that can be presented and The popularity of plays has decreased sig- the communication to the audience. nificantly while the films have gained The first prominence. However, several film artistes Talkie movie in who became famous continue to work for Hindi‘Alam Ara’ the theatre like Gollapudi Maruti Rao, was released in Naseeruddin Shah. 1931. This was made by Ardesher Irani. The father of Telugu film in- dustry is Raghupathi Fig 22.3: Poster of Venkaiah. He was Alam Ara born in Bandar Fig 22.2: Photograph of a scene from and settled in Ma- Shakespeare’s play dras as a still pho- What are the differences in a stage play tographer. He built and a film? Make a comparative table. a cinema studio With the help of your teacher, discuss named ‘Gaity’ in the changes in the livelihood Madras. As the opportunities from play to films. owner of Cinema Studios and The- Raghupathi Venkaiah Latha was surprised to know that atres and the pro- initially, the cinema did not have sound ducer of cinemas, and SCERTthat the projection was to TELANGANAbe he rendered his accompanied by live musicians and valuable services sometimes by commentary by the to Telugu industry. projectionist. It was only after several Hence , the then technical developments that the films Government of had sound and were known as ‘talkies’ as they could talk. Fig 22.4: Nandi Award

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awards, Raghupathi Venkaiah Award every up drinking and get educated. The year along with Nandi to artistes for their priest’s son falls in love with a dalit girl. contributions to Telugu film industry. The priest’s wife, who is caught in a fire, Cinema - form of entertainment is saved by a dalit, and the priest realises that there should be no untouchability. Before cinema, there were various Dalits are the given entry into the forms of entertainment like folk art forms, temple and the marriage of the priest’s folk dances, classical dances, music, son and the dalit girl is blessed. dramas etc. But gradually, cinema became Rythu Bidda is about the Zamindari the major form of entertainment. The songs system, which shows the plight of the from films have a popularity of their own. toiling farmers. A farmer who takes a Earlier radio and now television broadcasts loan from the zamindar votes for the these songs independent of the movie. The peasant party in elections. For this, he actors have a following in the public and is harassed and put through difficulties. fan clubs have emerged. Popular dialogues The zamindar’s son is kidnapped by his from films have become a part of daily life. own brother, which brings a change of The style and dresses of the actors and heart in the zamindar. In the true actresses are imitated by the people. With Gandhian thinking of Trusteeship, he the advent of TV, one need not go to a theatre gives away his lands to the tillers of the to watch a movie. There are dedicated land. channels and time slots for telecasting Latha told Rangaiah that their school screened the film ‘Gandhi’. films, songs, news about the film industry Rangaiah informed her that this film etc. was made in 1982 by Richard Make a list of sources of Attenborough in English. What she saw entertainment in your village or town. was the dubbed film in Telugu. This film How will you assess their popularity? was also dubbed into Hindi and many What changes are taking place over regional languages. time? Several films on national movement were made later. In Telugu, ‘Maa Bhoomi’ Cinema and freedom movement and ‘Komaram Bheem’ are films based on landlordism and the struggles of the tribal Rangaiah is visibly excited even now people respectively. when he talks about the films Mala Pilla “Maa Bhoomi”, directed by Narasinga and Ryhtu Bidda released in 1938 and Rao, depicts the revolt by Telangana 1939.SCERT Mala Pilla is a film about untouch- TELANGANA farmers. Ramaiah, the main character as, ability and about the entry of dalits into was a labourer of a zamindar who owns 50 the temple. The protagonist is thousand acres of land. Ramaiah migrates Chowdarayya, a Gandhian, who to Hyderabad and joins a factory. He preaches to the upper caste to mend interacts and develops friendship with their ways and exhorts the dalits to give communist leaders. He learns about changes

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brought about by the Revolution in Russia. from the film ‘Donga Ramudu’ released He decides to return to the village and in 1955. struggles against Feudalism. Thus, bringing List at least two more films which an end to the Nizam’s rule through an armed are based on the freedom struggle. struggle, after the merger of Hyderabad, the Collect some patriotic songs from Indian Army suppresses the armed struggle Telugu movies. and during the course, Ramaiah dies. The songs “ Bandenaka Bandi Katti” and Influence of film on the society “Palleturi Pillagada, Pashulagache While the society influences the art, Monagada” became very popular among and hence films, it is also true that the films the people and are popular even today. influence the society. Hair and dressing ‘Komram Bheem’ was made into a styles follow the latest popular films. feature film and was released in July 2010, Dialogues, songs and mannerisms are also after more than 20 years of its making. copied and mimicked. The fan following is Mukumdamgari Bhupal Reddy played the the highest and most organised for various lead role. The director of the film Allani heroes and heroines and there are several Sridhar, received the Best First Film fan organisations. No other professionals Director Award. The film also received Best nor sports persons have such a fan Feature Film on National Integration and following. several state level . Komram Bheem is a Gond tribal from Present Form two groups and have a debate Asifabad. Though illiterate, he fought on the pros and cons of fan clubs. against the exploitation of the tribals by the Films can influence opinions and ideas Nizam government. He took up both legal of people in the society. There are several battles and armed struggles. Bheem was killed on 27th October, 1940 in his fight films in Telugu depicting patriotism, with the Nizam government at Babe Jhari. people’s struggles for land, real life heroes There are several other films in Telugu who have braved many challenges, fought which are based on national movements or against corruption etc. While this is so, have a part of the story focusing on it. there are several bad influences of films. Similarly, there are several songs on Women are shown in poor light in most of patriotism and national movement. the films, which strengthens the gender dis- Suddenly, Rangaiah started singing crimination in the society. Smoking and the song ‘Vedalipo Tella Dora Vedalipo…’ drinking are often depicted in the films (‘Go aSCERTway white ruler, go away…’) frTELANGANAom which influence the young impressionable the film ‘Mana Desam’ made in 1949. minds as acts of adults and heroism. Many Latha sang ‘Bhale taata mana Bapuji…’, films depict violence and vulgar language. which is regularly played in her school Juveniles caught in acts of robberies and on Gandhi Jayanthi and other national violence have said that they got the idea after celebrations. She was surprised to know seeing such and such a film. Children ex- from her grandfather that this song was posed to too much violence can either be-

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come immune to violence or become vio- Apart from lent themselves. making copies of On the other hand, there are also films various texts made on social or political events easily available, happening in society. These are called printing also documentary films. introduced the Analyse the latest movie that you saw culture of for its content and influence on newspapers and children like you. magazines which Make a list of movies that various are published students in the class have seen during daily, weekly, the month. Rank them on a scale of fortnightly, and 0 to 5 for violence; where 5 is for monthly. films with no violence and 0 for films with repulsive violence. Film as an industry There are also journals on various The Telugu film industry has a record subjects. Collect the cover pages of of number of films produced in a year – old issues of various magazines averaging about 200, which also includes available in your village/ town and dubbed films. The film industry which was classify them according to the initially located in shifted to subject. Are there any other ways of Hyderabad with the encouragement from classifying these journals? the government. The production of each film costs anywhere between Rs. 5 to 50 Print media includes daily newspapers, crores. There are more than 2000 theatres weeklies, monthlies and other forms of in the state. The film industry employs printed journals. The contribution of print thousands of people directly in production media in providing information and knowl- and indirectly in exhibition. edge is remarkable. Even after the advent of electronic media, the print media had not Print Media lost its importance. In the earlier classes, you have learnt The newspapers play a very about some great texts. Initially, people important role in our daily life. Many wrote on various materials like palm leaves, researchers consider “The Peking bark and cloth. With the introduction of pa- Gazette”, published from China, as the per productionSCERT in the 11th century and TELANGANA the first newspaper. It was started in the year printing machine by Gutenberg in the mid 618. In the initial stages, this newspaper 15th century, things have changed. Earlier, reading and writing was limited to the few was handwritten. Later, it was printed and elite people. Printing has played an impor- circulated. The first newspaper with the tant role in spreading literacy to the modern concept was published at masses. Oxford in London in 1655. It was the

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‘Oxford Gazette’. In USA, the first newspaper was “Public Occurrences” which was launched in 1690. It was from Calcutta that the first newspaper was published in India in 1780. Its name was ‘Bengal Gazette’. It also had another title ‘Calcutta Advertiser’. The Indian Gazette, the Calcutta Gazette, Bengal Golkonda news paper cutting in 1938 Journals, India’s second, third, fourth newspapers also started from Calcutta. Role of Newspapers in Cultural The first newspaper in Telugu was Awakening and Freedom Movement ‘Krishna Patrika’. It was edited by During the British period, social Mutnuri Krishna Rao. reformers began actively campaigning for Technological revolution has radical changes in the society. The modernised the print media. For a long reformation of Hinduism, the move for time, newspapers were written by hand. abolition of ‘Sati’ and efforts to encourage Later, these were replaced by monotype widow re-marriage were some of the and linotype. In this process, a machine major reforms. Inspired by these great operated by a keyboard was used to leaders, many newspapers were started in compose letters. This has also become different parts of the country. obsolete now and type setting computers, Many freedom fighters of Indian offset and laser printing have taken over. In Independence were the editors of earlier days, newspapers were printed only newspapers. Amrit Bazar Patrika (started in black and white. But now almost all the in 1868) was edited by Sisir Kumar Ghosh, newspapers are printed in colour. Bengalee (started in 1833) was edited by The newspapers give information about Surendranadh Banerjee, ‘’ current affairs/politics, business, sports, (started in 1878) was edited by G. films etc. Subramaniya Iyer, ‘Kesari’ (started in Bring to the classroom various 1881) was edited by Balagangadhara Tilak. newspapers available in your area. The editors expressed their views through Form as many teams. Now, analyse these newspapers. These papers played a the papers for the way the news is prominent role in arousing national organised. consciousness among Indians. You have CollectSCERT one week issues of the aboveTELANGANAalready read in brief about the Krishna newspapers. In the above teams, make Patrika edited by Mutnuri Krishna Rao in a list of special features and the days an earlier chapter. on which they appear and present it Andhra Mahasabha published pamphlet to the class. Give your reasons for called vettichakiri raddu (abolish the why such features are published by bonded labour) to sensitise the people of the newspaper. Hyderabad state towards the civic problems

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create nationalist feelings; Urdu magazine Rayyat, edited by Mandumula Narasing Rao, highlighted the peasent problems; Shoiabulla Khan’s Imroz published articles that criticized the dictatorial rule of Nizam, and gundaism of the landlords. As a result, his hands were cut off and he was murdered by the Razakars. Mahatma Gandhi also wrote profusely. under the rule of Nizam landlords, and He took over the ‘Young India’ in 1918 and jagirdars. Some of the important magazines started another journal ‘Navjeevan’ in and publications in Telangana were : Gujarati. He wrote extensively in ‘Harijan’ Nilagiripathrika, edited by Sabdavishu under the editorship of Mahadev Desai. Venkatarama Narasimha Rao of the then Keywords Nalgonda; Tenugu pathrika by Vaddiraju brothers from Inugurthi in the then 1. Projector 2. Commentary Warangal. Golkonda, edited by Suravaram 3. Compose 4. Gazette Pratapa Reddy, began with the objective to 5. Publish Improve your learning

1. Find any three differences between drama and film. 2. Do you think any story or poem in your language textbook could be made into a small film? Can you think of the various people you will need in making a film based on that? 3. Some people argue “Cinema is a powerful tool to transform the society”; others argue that “It has a negative impact”. Whom do you agree with and why? 4. What were the major themes discussed in early films? How is it similar or different from the films you have seen? 5. How did newspapers play a major role in the freedom movement? 6. What are the reasons for the disappearance of dramas now-a-days. Debate: Is cinema knowledge giving or life spoiling? Conduct a debate. Project:SCERT TELANGANA 1. Look at a News Paper and classify how the pages have been organised? What type of images and photograhs are used? How much space is given for advertisment ? What issues are covered in the editorial? 2. Select some popular TV channels. Form a team of 4 to 5 children. Each team should assess the proportion of time allocated by a channel to various themes like religion, news, films, serials etc. Share your findings with the other teams in the class.

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