Il caso ‘/Sony Computer Entertainment, PS3, 2010

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] 1. Quantic Dream

Quantic Dream is a French based in Paris, France, founded in 1997. The company also supplies motion capture services to the film and video game industries.

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] 2. David De Gruttola (born June 9, 1969), better known by his pseudonym David Cage, is a French musician and video game designer.

He is the head of game developer studio Quantic Dream. Cage plays a central role in the company and the development of the games, being founder, co-CEO (with Guillaume de Fondaumière), director, lead game designer, and screenwriter.

David Cage founded Quantic Dream in 1997. He has designed and directed all three games so far released by the studio: Omikron: (1999), Fahrenheit (2005), and Heavy Rain, which was released in February 2010.

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] 3. Omikron: The Nomad Soul Quantic Dream/Eidos, PC-, 1999-2000

You are the Nomad Soul, a computer game player sucked into another dimension. At first you take on the role of Kay'l, an Omikron police officer. As Kay'l you must figure out what has happened over the past few days due to memory loss. As the game progresses you will find a plot that twists and turns at every corner. For transportation, you use a "Slider" that you can control manually or set to auto-pilot to take you throughout much of Omikron. When given a choice of what to say to a person, your answers will almost always affect your future in the game and how people act towards you.

Throughout the course of the game you may take on the role of up to 41 different characters through the use of a "Soul Transfer" spell. In most situations, even if you die, you will be "virtually" reincarnated through the next character that touches you. In your travels you must explore the vast city of Omikron. You may visit anywhere in the city that you wish to, even if it isn't important for finishing the game.

Although most of the game takes place in adventure mode there are two other modes available to use at certain points throughout the game, shooting and fighting. In the fighting mode, your character knows a variety of moves and will have to fight off his opposition. In the shooting mode, you find yourself in a first-person perspective shooting after thugs mostly, although you will run into some more interesting enemies to shoot later in the game.

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] 4. Fahrenheit Quantic Dream/Atari, PC--PS2, 2005

Indigo Prophecy (Fahrenheit in Europe) is a psychological thriller, in which you play 4 different characters on both sides of a murder - the killer and those who are trying to find him.

The game begins as Lucas Kane, the main character, who, under the control of an unknown force, uncontrollably murders a complete stranger in a New York City diner. As the game progresses you will also play Lucas' brother Markus Kane, who became a priest, as well as the police detectives investigating the murder, Carla Valenti and Tyler Miles.

You will play through 44 fast-paced chapters as this paranormal adventure unfolds. Good reflexes and hand-to- eye coordination are necessary to get through the many action sequences. You'll be able to explore the environment and interact with it, and many tasks have a time limit and will require you to act quickly.

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] 4. Heavy Rain

INTRODUZIONE - Setting e trama - Gameplay - Filosofia generale dell’OMI

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] TECNOLOGIA - Attori reali - Motion Capture - Grande sforzo produttivo

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] CRITICA / 1 Limiti tecnologici

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] CRITICA / 2 Sceneggiatura

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] CRITICA / 3 Gameplay (?)

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] CRITICA / 4 Impatto emotivo

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] CRITICA / 5 Conclusioni

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] CRITICA / 6 Critica alla critica

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected] IL FUTURO DELLA NARRAZIONE INTERATTIVA (INTERACTIVE STORYTELLING) NON È HEAVY RAIN

Dott. Marco Accordi Rickards, Presidente AIOMI [email protected]