(Iowa City, Iowa), 1960-09-02
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Railroad Strike .. - TIM Pennsylvania Railroad celebr.. ed It, 114th Weath., forecast _Iversary Thursday by bel", comp.... ly Idled for tho first tim.. A strike by non .....r.t. Mottly fair ...,....h tonitht with little cMnte 5 Evy I", employ.s crippled tho r.llroed with M r. In ............ H.......... y ,. ... H. Furtfler lief in sight. A story and plctu ... on tho strike owan ........., IIttte cUntto s.turey. .pp.. rs on p.g. thrH of tod.y's D.lly 1_"'. and the People Ot Iowa City Blaze Hanov.- Establisbed in 868 Friday, September 2, 1960, Iowa City, Iowa Wins Classic Hambletonian Khrushchev To Attend U.N~ Sessions ~ DU QUOIN, D1. III - lD • Wi! 5 toric four·heat session, r~ [ ever trotted by three.year..., Blaze Hanover Wednesday WOII ~ · Red Chiefs 1-: record $144,590 Hambletonlla by • neck in a race-off with Quick R.I. Appeals Injunction 7[0 Resume Train S e and Hoot Frost. erv~ce To Head ,~ 'f Blaze's oCCicial margin 01 e tory was less than a head O! Quick Song, who was one Ie Delegations in front of Hoot Frost. Sept. 7 Set Good 01' Mel Begins His Court Reiects I· It was a great comeback IIId To Pre.ent 5 Point e personal victory for Blaze aDd . Week with Leathernecks I' crafty driver·trainer Joe 0'8 ' For Hea.ring· South's Delay Program to Session; I· The big chestnut son of a r LAGUNA BEACH, Calif (A'! - theft came non·drlnk.r M.lvl,,'. by winner, Hoot Mon, owned "Gentlemen," said Peoria's Melvin vole.: "I'll h.ve I ,I... of Arm. Plan Possible S. A. Camp Farms of Miller, resplendent in a nowered Seven·Up." Calif., had not a victory all MOSCOW III - The Soviet Un Before Court luau shirt, "my wife told me on the Bartender Grant Maxwell swoon· Of Integration Ion announced Thursday night after setting a record (or 2- telephone to relax and ha ve fun . ed. Seasoned Leathernecks blanch old trotters in 1959 by wi Premier Nlklta Khrushchev wiJI That's what I'm ioing to do." ed. No one had bet on a soft drink Disallow Speed Up '142,052. Earlier Ruling Said head Its deleg.tlon to the U.N. line Should Restore A loud cheer greeted Good 01' - so Melvin lficked up the $12 Desegregation Plan General Assembly opening Sept. This was only the third tlmt Mel's announcement at a civic reo pool. 20 in New York. Within bours it the history of the trotting cl Service by Saturday ception Thursday that officially The fi rst chance he gol Melvi n In Delaware Schooli was learned Friday that the gov· sic that four heats were ~ ~ouc~ed off . "Melvin Miller Week" j broke away fr om the ch ~ O\l c reo ernment chiefs of all Communist to determine winner. a The DES MOINES (.f! - Counsel for ID thIS seaSIde colony. ception, retreated to his ocean. WASHINGTON {.f! - Th Suo countries except Red China also time was 26 years ago wheD the Rock Island Railroad sought For trapped mlDers, flag pole front hotel suite and called his preme Court Thur day rejected wUl attend. Jim beat out Muscletooe ~ relief in the Iowa Supreme Court sitters and olhers. out oC touch wife in Peroia. pleas tor delay in public school Princess Peg in Goshen, N,V, Communist dlplomaUc sources late Thursday to stay an injunction lalely, thl.s brleny LS th e saga of "I1 ello , Sa lly," he said, "I don' t desegregation in HollAAn , 'fex.. said the foreign ministers of all The Hambletonian record J that would have forced the road to Melvin !"fIller: . know why these Colks are goi ng and New Orleans, La. U.N. members in the Soviet bloc !. I: 59 4/5 set by Emily's Pride ~ resume operation of the two Des MelVin, 40, Is tho solid cllizen to all lhis trouble for ju t an or· At the sam Ume the court reo except Red China bad held a se 1958 was matohe<\ by Blaze ill ~ Moines·Chicago trajns which were from Poorla who a y.ar 1190 90t dlnary Joe like mil fused to uphold effectiveness oC a cret meeUn, in Bucharest early ing the first mile heat by a DOIf discontinued last Sunday. a chine. telephone call from L.· " You 'lI probably see some pic. lower court order requIring faster last month and decided on the at· over Elaine Rodney. The high court set Sept. 7 for a gun. Beach. Th. call was from tures of me in the paper with some integra tion oC Delaware's public tendance of their government Then Quick Song, driven b} hearing on an appeal by the Rock • complete strang.r, Marin. girls at the airport. I just thought cbiefs. Capt. Joe G.stson, and led to a " Well anyway I got kissed by school . Frank Ervin and owned by Cas t~ Island to set aside a temporary in· They wid It .Iso wu decided lonll distanci fri.ndship. Gelt. I'd tell you so ydu won 't think any. It also denied a plea by attor· I ton Farm of Lexington, Ky ., .~ junction under which resumption of to pr..... t thl. flv.,.ln. Commu· service between Des Moines and son'. L.atherneck buddies pitch. thing is wron g. neys (or the National Assn. for Ad· , " the second trip in the blisteri., ~ vancement of Colored People in nlst bloc progr.m to tho .s.. m· degree heat at the Du Quoin Fair· Davenport had been ordered on or ed in dimes and quarters to bring Mamie Van Doren. ... bly: before next Saturday. Mel h.re for a frH wHk of uny From Peoria came the voice of New Orleans that Integration begin grounds in 1 :593/5 by tbree.rOlllthj there with the start of the school 1. Chargln, American aggression of a length over Lowe HallO\'~ A. B. Howlond, aHorn.y for the festivities. Sally, not much of a movie fan . railroad, said the trains will not year on Sept. 8 instead of Nov. 14 , against the Soviet Union . The original field o( 19 ~ operate at lea.t before next W.... gU~~:'s b[ee:d~~:tb~~~~:~~~ ~~f ;:; M ~I~'~o 'S Mamie Van Doren, 2. A program of aid to new Af year-olds was trimmed to 11 All nine of .... court's lustl. nesday and not th.n unle.. the given a straw hat. flowered shirt Sometimes Mel a guy just can't participated In tho acliont, which rican naUons . scratches before the third Supreme Court soys so pending and a large "Welcome Melvin " make a nickie. ' race, which was won by were t.ken behind the c'oMel Reallyl?! 3. Creation of nuclear·Cree zones the Rock Isl.nd's appeal. cake decorated with a toy tractor in the Ballic, Central Europe, the Frost, equalling Quick Song's rett honoring his job as a tractor fac· doors of It. conferenc. room, The appeal is from a temporary A S.a"l. Civic Auditorium .llIn cha",.r ' c.me of tho wr•• tllnll cud w.s repl.ced with tho .... Balkans, the Far East and possibly ord. ,,\ tory foreman . Ju tlce William O. Douglas I in up with "'Is ,t.rtll", .1II1OUnC.ment. H•• ub· tic .....t K.nnedy, Son. J.ckson, and Gov. Ro ..l· other regions. Among those scratched was lb4 injunction issued earlier Thursday Before Mel and his Marine pals the West on vacation, but the Russ Warns IInl will appear Tuesday - but not II I tall tllm. of. A program for the education strongly supported Uncle Sam. by Polk County District Judge left for nearby Del Mar racetrack court announced that he partici· ,tltut.d K.nnedy'. n.m. for four t.g·t.am Ralph Randall at the request of the and the running of the "Melvin wrestlers .nd th.n went to 'unch. L.I.r tho rut . -AP WI ...photo of world youth In the principles of Then came the race-off amolll Iowa Commerce Commission. pated in the action by telephone. peaceful coexistence. Blaze, Hoot Frost and Quick So~ Miller Stakes," he was presented The Houston school bOard is un· Attorneys for both the railroad a key to the city jail. The chiet China About 5. A U.N. guarantee for the Od· The victory was worth a recori and the commission said that Suo of police invited Good 01' Mello der ord er to integrate first grade Sel·zes cr·Ncisse fromler between Ger $85,019 fol' the Blazer, wbo didJI1 clas es when school opens Sept. 7. Cuba preme Court Justice Norman R. drop in "anytime you want some Bee ng Loner Patrolman, 8 Others Iniu,red many and, PoiaM. win in seven starts this ~' Hays agreed following a confer· l Fed ral District Judge Ben C. and broke gait in four of the peace and quiet." Th Informan" IIld Khrushchev ence at the Statehouse 10 sign an Arter Wednesday night's rau· Connally issued the Houston or· ree More mlllht u.. tho U.N. pl.tform to Blaze was rated a 6 to 1 shot f order temporarily suspending the cous reception. Mel said he might MOSCOW t4'I - The Kremlin has der. The school diatrlct had asked this Kentucky Derby of harne [ umr.1I soma new dlllrmam.nt Saturda), deadline at least until take him up on it. Hundreds of di screetly warned the Red Chinese the court to hold up Its effective· U 5 F· When Auto, Police (or Hit · plan_ DI ..rmament Is ...