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OFFICE: (1902270138!,, SANGEET BHAVANA SANTIN KETAN, VISVA BHARATI SANTINIKETAN BOLPUR BIRBHUM, P.O. - SANTINIKETAN, Subdivision - BOLPUR, Block/Muni - Bolpur-Sriniketan, P.S. - Bolpur, Dist, - BIRBHUM, PIN - 731235 Sl, No PIN Name Designation Postlng Status 1 19022707051 SUOHIR CHANORA KORA SECTION OFFICER COUNTING MICRO-OBSEI 2 19022707063 PRAOIP HEMBRAM ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN COUNTING SUPERVISOR Received (.........) No(s). of Appointment Let'ler. Head of the office signature ELECTION URGENT Block: Bolpur-Sriniketan Order No: 151/MMW Dale:241041202i ln excrcise of ther power conferred upon vide Section 26 of the '1951, R.P. Act, I do hereby appoint the officer specified below for the purpose of undergoing reporting for counting of votes in connection with the conduct of Geneial Election to west Bengal Assembly, 2021. Legistative Name of the Counting Officer (pB / ETPBS) SUDHIR CHANDRA KORA, 5591 SANGEET BHAVANA SANTINIKETAN, VISVA BHARATI SANTINIKETAN BOLPUR BIRBHUM, P.O, - SANTINIKETAN, Subdivision. BoLPUR, Dislrict. BIRBHUM, PIN - 731235 Appointed As: COUNTTNG MTCRO-OBSERVER Office cd - 1902270138, Mobite No - 9A32278201 You are requested to report for Training as per Schedule below : Training Schedule You are directed to bring your Elector's Photo ldentity card (EPlc) or any photo bearing proof of ldentity for issuance of ldentity Card. Place: BIRBHUM Signature Date:24104t2021 v - ":*--x-, District Election iofficer NB: Please 1. bring two copies of recent stamp size color photograph with you for issuance of identity card. 2. Please your check mobile number, electoral data and bank account details given below. lf any correction is needed, correct with red ink and submit the same at training venue. a) Mobile Number. - 9832278201 b) EPIC No.- LVD2335594, Part No. - 164, St. No .-31 c) AJc No.- 10598551735, |FSC - SB|NOOO2121 Copy to DDO / Head of Office to serve the Letter and submit service return. Receipt of Appointment Letter SUDHIR CHANDRA KORA Signature of the Recipient Date: ELECTION URGENT Block: Bolpur-sriniketan Order No: 151/MMW Dale'. 2410412021 ln excrcise of lher power conferred upon vide section 26 of the R.P. Act, 1951 , I do hereby appoint the officer specified below for the purpose of undergoing reporting for counting of votes in connecrion with the conduct of General Election to west Bengal Legistative Assembly, 2021. Name of the Counting Officer (pB / ETPBS) PRADIP HEMBRAM, ASSISTAN SANGEET BHAVANA SANTINIKETAN, VISVA BHARATI SANTINIKETAN BOLPUR BIRBHUM, P.O. SANTINIKETAN, Subdivision - BOLPUR, District. - B|RBHUM, ptN - 73123S Appointed As: COUNTTNG SUpERVTSOR Office cd - 1902270138, Mobite No - 9733848378 You are requested to report for Training as per Schedule below : Training Schedule Venue Address Date Time GITANJALI AUDITORIUM - BOLPUR BIRBHUM 27t04t2021 12 NOON You are directed to bring your Elector's Photo ldentity Card (EPIC) or any photo bearing proof of ldentity for issuance of ldentity Card. Place: BIRBHUM Signature Date:2410412021 @."dt District ElectionlOfficer District: BIRBHUM NB: '1. Please bring two copies of recent stamp size color photograph with you for issuance of identity card. 2. Please check your mobile number, electoral data and bank account details given below. lf any correction is needed, correct with red ink and submit the same at training venue. a) Mobile Number. - 9733848378 b) EPIC No.- wB/33/2221507151, Part No, - 52, St. No ,-445 c) A/c No.- 10598542175, IFSC - SBtN0002121 Copy to DDO / Head of Office to serve the Letter and submit service return. Receipt of Appointment Letter PRADIP HEMBRAM Signature of the Recipient Date: oFFICE: (19022701441, STKSHA BHAVANA SANTT,J p.S. Block/Muni - Bolpur-Srlniketan, - Bolpur, Dlst. - BIRBHUM, plN - 731235 Received (.........) No(s). of Appointment Leiler. Head of the office signature ELECTION URGENT Bolpur-Sriniketan Order No: 151/MMW Date:2410412021 ln excrcise of ther power conferred upon vide Section 26 of the R.P. Act, 1951 , I do hereby appoint the officer specified below for the purpose of undergoing reporting for counting of votes in connection with the conduct of General Etecfion to Assembly,2021. west Bengal Legislative Name of the Counting Officer (pB / ETPBS) UTTAM KUMAR DATTA, SENIORAM SIKSHA BHAVANA SANTINIKETAN, SRINIKETAN ROAD SANTINIKETAN, P.O. - SANTINIKETAN, SUbdiViSiON - BOLPUR, District. - B|RBHUM, ptN - 73123S Appointed As : COUNTTNG MICRO-OBSERVER Office cd - 1902270144, Mobite No - g4t4t67|2g You are requested to report for Training as per Schedule below : Training Schedule You are directed your to bring Elector's Photo ldentity Card (EPIC) or any photo bearing proof of ldentity for issuance of ldentity Card. Place: BIRBHUM Signature Date:2410412021 y s P-:-*Y_f District Election lOfficer NB: 1. Please bring two copies of recent stamp size color photograph with you for issuance of identity card. 2. Please check your mobile number, electoral data and bank account details given below. lf any correction is needed, correct with red ink and submit the same at training venue. a) Mobile Number. - 9474767529 b) EPIC No.- WB/41l2841225334, Part No. - 199, St. No .-347 c) A/c No.- 10598547242, IFSC - S8tN0002121 Copy to DDO / Head of Office to serve the Letter and submit service return. Receipt of Appointment Letter UTTAM KUMAR DATTA Signature of the Recipient Date: ELECTION URGENT Block: Bolpur-Sriniketan LETTER OF INTIMATION FOR TRAINING OF COUNTING PERSONNEL Order No: '151IMMW Dale 2410412021 ln excrcise of ther power conferred upon vide section 26 of the R.P. Act, 1951 , I do hereby appoint the officer specified below for the purpose of undergoing reporting for counting of votes in connection with the conduct of General Election to west Bengal Legistative Assembly, 2021. Name of the Counting Officer (PB / ETPBS) PARESH PATRA, SENIOR ASSISTANT, PIN . ,I9O22707OO5 SIKSHA BHAVANA SANTINIKETAN, SRINIKETAN ROAD SANTINIKETAN, P.O. - SANTIN|KETAN, Subdivision - BOLPUR, District. - B|RBHUM, ptN - 73123S Appointed As: COUNTTNG MTCRO-OBSERVER Office cd - 1902270144, Mobite No - 8537037364 You are requested to report for Training as per Schedule below :-. Training Schedule Venue Address Date Time GITANJALI AUDITORIUM - BOLPUR BIRBHUM 2710412021 12 NOON You are directed to bring your Elector's Photo ldentity Card (EPIC) or any photo bearing proof of ldentity for issuance of ldentity Card. Place: BIRBHUM Signature Date:2410412021 @,"*;L- District ElectionlOfficer District: BIRBHUM NB: 1. Please bring two copies of recent stamp size color photograph with you for issuance of identity card. 2. Please check your mobile number, electoral data and bank account details given below. lf any correction is needed, correct with red ink and submit the same at training venue. a) Mobile Number. - 8537037364 b) EPIC No.- WB/411284/336233, Part No. - 256, St. No ,-726 c) A/c No.- 10598550651, IFSC - S81N0002121 Copy to DDO / Head of Office to serve the Letter and submit service return. Receipt of Appointment Letter PARESH PATRA Signature of the Recipient Date: ELECTION URGENT Block: Bolpur-Sriniketan LETTER OF INTTMATION FOR TRAINING OF COUNTING PERSONNEL General Election to West Bengal Legislative Assembly, 2021 Order No: 151/MMW Date:24t0412021 ln excrcise of ther power conferred upon vide Section 26 of the R.P. Act, 1951, I do hereby appoint the officer specified below for the purpose of undergoing reporting for counting of votes in connection with the conduct of General Election to west Bengal Legislative Assembly, 2021. Name of the Counting Officer (PB / ETPBS) PRASANTA ROY, SENIOR ASSISTANT, PIN .19022707054 SIKSHA BHAVANA SANTINIKETAN, SRINIKETAN ROAD SANTINIKETAN, P.O. - SANTINIKETAN, Subdivision - BOLPUR, District. - BIRBHUM, PIN - 731235 Appointed As: COUNTING MICRO-OBSERVER Office cd - '1902270144, Mobile No - 9474168511 You are requested to report for Training as per Schedule below : Training Schedule Venue Address Date Time GITANJALI AUDITORIUM - BOLPUR BIRBHUM 2710412021 12 NOON You are directed to bring your Elector's Photo ldentity Card (EPIC) or any photo bearang proof of ldentity for issuance of ldentity Card. Place: BIRBHUM Date:2410412021 District: BIRBHUM NB: 1. Please bring two copies of recent stamp size color photograph with you for issuance of identity card. 2. Please check your mobile number, electoral data and bank account details given below. lf any correction is needed, correct with red ink and submit the same at training venue. a) Mobile Number. -9474168511 b) EPIC No.- WB/41/2841366057, Part No. - 262, Sl. No .-192 c) A/c No.- 10598546293, IFSC - SB1N0002121 Copy to DDO / Head of Office to serve the Letter and submit service return. Receipt of Appointment Letter PRASANTA ROY Signature of the Recipient Date: oFFlCE:(1902270141|,SlKsHAsATMvlSVA.BHARATl,VlsvA.BHARATtsntNtx Bolpur-Sriniketan, P.S. - Bolpur, Dlst. - B|RBHUM, PtN - 731236 Sl. No PIN Name Deslgnatlon Postlng Status 1 19022706649 KRISHNENDU DEY ASSISTANT LECTURER COUNTING IVICRO.OBSEf 2 19022706652 SUMANTA DAS ASSISTANT LECTURER COUNTING MICRO-OBSET 3 19022706667 GIRISH CHANDRA OEHURY ASSISTANT LECTURER COUNTING IVIICRO-OBSET 4 1902270667 1 SUMAN CHAKRABORTY ASSISTANT LECTURER COUNTING i/ICRO.OBSEI 5 19022706792 ASISH THAKUR PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT COUNTING ASSISTANT 6 15022706a4a MAHAMMAD MOZHARUL HAINID ASSISTANT LECTURER COUNTING MICRO-OBSEI Received (.....,...) No(s). of Appointment Leiler. Head of the office signature ELECTION URGENT Block: Bolpur-Sriniketan LETTER OF INTIMATION FOR TRAINING OF COUNTING PERSONNEL General Election to West Bengal Legislative