Year 2016 - Vol. 28 - No.4


Science for humanity 27th TWAS General Meeting in ,

PUBLISHED WITH THE SUPPORT OF THE KUWAIT FOUNDATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCES TWAS Visiting Scientists Share your expertise. Advance science in the developing world. Build partnerships that last a lifetime. CONTENTS

8 2 Editorial: Building 24 Zhao Dongyuan wins a stronger TWAS community Lenovo Prize The leaders of TWAS discuss how The Chinese scientist developed nano-sized the academy can advance further. materials useful for clean water, medicine and energy. 3 In the news Robotics is revolutionizing farming. 26 Ghanaian researcher Data in Africa must focus on girls. wins new prize for women Marian Nkansah’s heavy-metals research 4 “To reach our full potential” won her the first-ever Al-Kharafi Prize. The spirit of cooperation prevails at the 27th TWAS General Meeting. 27 Nepali scientist wins Rahman Prize 8 Humankind relies on science Bijay Singh is a pioneer in biomaterials that Rwandan President Paul Kagame says could be used to deliver drugs. science can narrow the North-South gap. 24 28 mathematician 10 Bai: Rwanda is wins Rao Prize “a beacon of hope” M.N. Hounkonnou was honoured for Top to bottom: Rwandan President TWAS President Bai Chunli says Rwanda high-level maths research. Paul Kagame (left) greets TWAS President Bai Chunli at the start of the has prospered by investing in science. Academy’s 27th General Meeting. 29 Shaping the future (Photo: /Rwanda SPECIAL SECTION: through chemistry Ministry of Education). Tiny drug- RWANDAN SCIENCE Former TWAS President C.N.R. Rao spoke delivering microspheres from the 12 Rwanda: Racing toward passionately on his chosen field. research of TWAS-Lenovo Prize winner Zhao Dongyuan. (Photo provided) the future Two decades after genocide, the country 30 TYAN: Working through Cover: Rwandan President is emerging as an African science leader. networking Paul Kagame offered the keynote The TWAS Young Affiliates Network will give address in the General Meeting’s 17 Q&A: Musafiri Papias early-career scientists a platform. opening ceremony. (Photo: Robert Mugabe/Rwanda Ministry of Education) Malimba, Minister of Education 32 Better chickens for Africa Accelerating the development of Rwandan Ylann Schemm (left), programme Ghanaian scientist Julius Hagan studies director of the Elsevier Foundation, science. local chickens to find adaptable breeds. was among the key partners and high-level participants at the General 20 Jean Bosco Gahutu: 33 Turning loss into Meeting. (Photo: Robert Mugabe/ a better life for Rwanda Rwanda Ministry of Education) a nutritional gain A TWAS Medal lecturer describes Olaniyi Fawole, South Africa, studies the rebirth of Rwandan science. pomegranate chemistry.

4 22 A complex map for S&T 34 TWAS: Key role development in Beijing Declaration Science ministers see education, Leaders called for broad cooperation partnerships as crucial. for shared development.

35 People, places & events

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 1 EDITORIAL BUILDING A STRONGER TWAS COMMUNITY cross more than three decades, TWAS has Second, we are adjusting some key Aworked with partners and allies to advance programmes to focus more tightly on countries science in the developing world. Working with the greatest needs. For example, over the together, we have contributed to a global past 10 years, our research grants and other transformation that is evident in the research programmes have been targeting 81 countries strength of nations such as Brazil, China, India identified as science- and technology-lagging. and South Africa. We now have revised the list to 66 countries – But with success has come a new challenge: including the LDCs and others with low income While a significant number of nations are making levels and specific needs for capacity building. progress linked to investments in research and OWSD, too, will adopt this list for its growing science education, for others progress is coming PhD fellowships programme. more slowly. The result: for at least a decade, we These adjustments increase our focus on have seen a gap opening between the emerging sub-Saharan Africa, where the needs – and nations and others that continue to lag. the potential – are so great. Without intensive This gap is troubling, and it has global commitment from TWAS and its partners, Africa implications for the health of human will struggle to catch up with other countries. communities and the environment. We cannot afford a gradual approach. We see this gap in TWAS’s membership, as At the same time, a number of TWAS well. Too many developing nations still have members, partners and offices are already Bai Chunli, no TWAS Fellows; others have only a few. And working to extend the TWAS community. The TWAS President; despite strong efforts, women still count for OWSD-Elsevier Awards for Early Career Women Mohamed H.A. Hassan, only 12% of our Fellows. In recent years, we Scientists in the Developing World have quickly TWAS executive director (interim) have taken steps to address the gap, but it established a global reputation. And three remains central to TWAS’s mission that we do new prizes named for our Fellows – the TWAS- everything possible to close it. Fayzah M. Al-Kharafi Prize, the TWAS-Abdool Following our General Meeting in Rwanda, Karim Award and the TWAS-Samira Omar TWAS is initiating a number of new efforts that Prize – will help us to recognize and encourage will make the Academy more truly global and women scientists in less-developed countries. maintain our commitment to excellence. As with any science, our efforts must First, the TWAS Council has advanced new continually be tested, evaluated and improved. initiatives to extend our membership, with a But with commitment and creativity – and special focus on poorly represented countries, sustained support from our community – we regions and groups, sub-Saharan Africa and the will strengthen our Academy and deepen our Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in particular. impact. Taken together, these initiatives are Our membership committees will give more bound to produce benefits for scientists today, balanced consideration to candidates from and in generations to come. poorly represented countries and to women. At the same time, we will work with our regional Bai Chunli Mohamed H.A. Hassan offices and the Organization for Women in TWAS President TWAS Executive Director Science for the Developing World (OWSD) to (interim) identify new candidates. We are asking current Fellows and Young Affiliates to help us in this campaign.

2 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 WORLD NEWS

TWAS NEWSLETTER Published quarterly by The World Academy yield and productivity issues as well as of Sciences for the environmental concerns. advancement of science IN THE NEWS in developing countries Because leaps forward in computing power have with support from made real-time data gathering and analysis the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement possible, farmers could now be able to make of Sciences (KFAS). critical decisions that address the issues of ICTP Campus Girl-focused data is critical for Africa an individual plant, tree or animal, rather than Strada Costiera 11 The has made the gathering of having to apply decisions across a whole farm 34151 Trieste, Italy tel: +39 040 2240327 data on girls across the world the focus of 2017. or orchard. fax: +39 040 224559 Marking the International Day of the Girl Child, SciDevNet: e-mail: [email protected] website: the U.N. issued a call for action for increased investment in collecting and analysing data TWAS COUNCIL that’s focused on and relevant to girls. President Bai Chunli Robust and reliable data collected on a regular Excitement builds for new HIV vaccine Immediate Past President basis is essential for policymaking. For Africa, Glenda Gray, head of South Africa’s Medical Jacob Palis girl-focused and girl-relevant data is a critical Research Council, leads the first large study of Vice Presidents tool for identifying the challenges that continue an HIV vaccine’s effectiveness since 2009. It’s Moctar Toure Mohammed Hamdan to disadvantage girls. This will enable African expected to end the 33-year-long wait, since Rabia Hussain politicians, lawmakers and civil society to better 1983, to develop an effective vaccine. Khatijah M. Yusoff Manuel Limonta-Vidal understand the barriers that confront girls and The current study is based on a vaccine used Secretary-General design policies and services to respond to their in a trial in in 2009. The success rate Ajay K. Sood specific needs. of that vaccine was 30%. The new vaccine has Treasurer Samira Omar Asem The Conversation: been made stronger so that its effects last Council Members longer. Results from South Africa are expected Robin Crewe in four years. Abdel Nasser Tawfik Habib Firouzabadi Down to Earth: Bishal Nath Upreti Desalination plants – risky Mahabir Prashad Gupta Ex-officio Council Member investments? Fernando Quevedo India, China and the Middle East are hot markets for desalination plants. But efforts in Midwives on motorbikes mothers TWAS Executive Director Mohamed Hassan (interim) Australia to increase capacity are a cautionary in Kenya Editor tale of growing the sector too big, too fast. International development agencies believe Edward W. Lempinen Australia’s stranded desalination plants, that providing funding for motorbikes as part of Assistant editors Francesca Pettoello coupled with huge electrical power demands, the Rural Transport Network scheme, rates of Cristina Serra have put the world’s desalination sector on maternal mortality in Isiolo County, Kenya, will Sean Treacy the defensive, especially for developers of big improve. Design & Art Direction Rado Jagodic and expensive seawater plants. About 150 According to the World Health Organisation, Studio Link, Trieste, Italy such plants, producing the bulk of desalination more than 6,300 women died in childbirth last Printing capacity, operate around the world. The greatest year in Kenya, one of the highest rates in East La Tipografica Srl Campoformido, Udine, Italy density of seawater plants is in the Caribbean Africa. Deep in Kenya’s interior, health facilities and the Arabian Gulf states. are sparse, with some up to 100 kilometres Unless otherwise indicated, the text is written by Circle of Blue: from the communities they serve. For pregnant the editors and may be women, reaching a centre can be perilous, reproduced freely with due credit to the source. particularly when dirt roads flood and bridges become submerged. Printed on Fedrigoni Arcoprint 1 E.W., a paper Robots on farms are coming of age : made with environment- From tracking cattle and measuring crop friendly ECF pure cellulose, health to counting yields and dispensing agro- FSC certified. chemicals, robotics technologies promise solutions to pressing farm labour shortages,

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 3 “TO REACH OUR FULL POTENTIAL” In a ceremony opening TWAS’s 27th General Meeting, speakers from both Rwanda and the Academy recognized the value of closer cooperation.

by Cristina Serra and Edward W. Lempinen

he opening ceremony of the 27th TWAS and to affirm the Academy’s partnership with His Excellency President TGeneral Meeting celebrated a mission Rwanda and all of sub-Saharan Africa. The Paul Kagame of Rwanda, joined by TWAS President shared by both Rwanda and TWAS: to event drew journalists from Rwanda and China; Bai Chunli and Rwandan advance science and technology in support of it was broadcast live on Rwandan television and Education Minister Papias sustainable human prosperity. livestreamed to the world. Musafiri Malimba, makes a ceremonial entry into the Standing before 500 science and policy The mood of the event was both solemn opening session of the leaders from Rwanda and 50 other countries and hopeful, a recognition of the remarkable TWAS General Meeting in around the world, Rwandan President Paul commitment Rwanda has made to employ Kigali, Rwanda. (Photo: Kagame offered a stirring call to embrace education, science and technology – and Robert Mugabe/Rwanda Ministry of Education) science, citing its power to transform international partnerships – to recover from economies and human relations. Then TWAS devastation. The genocide left up to a million President Bai Chunli, in his opening address, people dead, including many teachers. It cited the shattering impact of the 1994 destroyed schools and equipment. genocide against the people and the long Claire Lyngå recalled a two-year stay in and difficult recovery led by Kagame. [For full Rwanda earlier in her career, teaching physics speeches, see page 9 and page 11] at the National . Though Rwandan Education Minister Musafiri Papias few resources were available, the university “had Malimba, in his welcome to the audience, cited a its aims set high, and with a vision of how to large team of Rwandan scientists who had been transform itself”. invited to the meeting. Today, Lyngå is a research adviser in the “I know that there are many opportunities Unit for Research Cooperation at the Swedish to be gained from a strong collaboration with International Development Cooperation Agency TWAS,” Musafiri said. “I trust that you will truly (Sida). “Coming back, more than ten years later, benefit from the interactions with the many to what is now the University of Rwanda, I see a esteemed scientists gathered here from around university that is transformed,” Lyngå told the the developing world.” audience. “The government of Rwanda should be The TWAS General Meeting opened on Monday commended for their commitment to science.” 14 November in Kigali, Rwanda’s capital city. It Flavia Schlegel, UNESCO’s assistant director- featured symposia and lectures on a range of general for natural sciences, struck a similar topics related to science and development. note in a video address to the conference. The opening ceremony, following a TWAS Under President Kagame’s leadership, she tradition, celebrated scientific excellence by observed, Rwanda has increased its efforts to awarding prizes and awards to researchers from build prosperity and economic growth through across the developing world. It also offered an science, and today the nation is emerging as an opportunity to celebrate Rwanda’s progress, African leader in science.

4 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 OPENING CEREMONY

improving its synergies in the context of the Trieste Scientific Hub.” Speakers noted TWAS’s valuable efforts to create opportunities for women in science – but increasing those opportunities remains a crucial need. The participation of women in scientific fields must increase, Lyngå said. “It’s not only a human rights issue, but also an economic imperative,” she said. “It makes sense to use the full potential of the population.” “Rwanda is a shining example in harnessing Left to right: Stefano The Rwanda Academy of Science was formally education and scientific research to meet Salmaso, Secretary of launched during the week of the TWAS meeting Legation, Scientific and national development needs and in creating a Technological Unit, at the to support the role of science and to provide strong basis for scientific cooperation in the Italian Ministry of Foreign evidence-based analysis to leaders at all levels. region,” Schlegel said. Affairs and International And Rwanda has built a productive network of Cooperation (Photo: Robert Her point was underscored by Stefano partnerships. Mugabe/Rwanda Ministry Salmaso, Secretary of Legation, Scientific and of Education); Flavia As illustration, Kagame offered several Technological Unit, at the Italian Ministry of Schlegel, UNESCO’s examples of high-quality scientific centres Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. assistant director-general based in Rwanda that have been developed for natural sciences; and “Italy strongly believes that TWAS can act Claire Lyngå, research with overseas partners. Among them is the East globally and locally, with an integrated approach adviser in the Unit for African Institute for Fundamental Research, toward the local scientific communities and an Research Cooperation at based in Rwanda, a partner to the Abdus Salam the Swedish International expanding global vision,” Salmaso observed. Development Cooperation International Centre for Theoretical Physics in “We are confident that TWAS will be able to play Agency (Sida). Trieste, Italy, and a Category 2 UNESCO institute. an important role in the perspective of further “The transformative power of science is

Our common dignity as human beings matters. And no one can be left out of the scientific enterprise. Rwandan President Paul Kagame

known,” Kagame said, “and we must harness it to serve our ambitious goals for sustainable development and prosperity. “But science has another, less visible, but no less valuable, dividend: The scientific mindset makes us better people. In both conception and utilisation, scientific work is blind to divisions or prejudices that only hinder further progress for everybody. “Our common dignity as human beings matters,” the president concluded. “And no one can be left out of the scientific enterprise.”

Learn more:

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 5 KAGAME: HUMANKIND RELIES ON SCIENCE Science is critical to narrowing the gap between developed and developing regions, Rwandan President Paul Kagame said in the keynote speech at the 27th TWAS General Meeting.

et me welcome you to Rwanda. institutional and academic infrastructure, as Rwandan President L It is a great pleasure to join you today to well as in the people, who ultimately are both Paul Kagame speaks at TWAS's 27th General open this important meeting bringing together the drivers and consumers of scientific work. Meeting. (Photo: Robert scientists and engineers from around the world. Second, is collaboration and partnership both Mugabe/Rwanda Ministry Let me start by thanking you for the medal among scientists and between policy-makers of Education) that has been awarded. It honours all the and researchers. Rwandans whose hard work has got our country The World Academy of Sciences is an to where it is today. excellent example of collaboration at both Allow me also to congratulate the prize levels, as well as a clear demonstration of the winners just announced for their outstanding power and relevance of increased South to contributions to science. Your work will certainly South cooperation. make lives better. The third factor is research. Strengthening Throughout history, humankind has relied scientific research capacity has never been on science to find practical solutions to its more urgent, particularly on our continent, challenges. where it can have a transformational impact on In the developing world in particular, science the pace and quality of development. plays a critical role in our socio-economic In Rwanda, we want to do our part. transformation by helping to narrow the gap This is why we have established the Rwanda between us and the more developed regions. Academy of Science to promote and support This is what has driven Rwanda’s focus the role of science in sustainable development on science and technology over the last two and to provide evidence-based solutions to decades, even when some might have thought leaders at all levels. that we had more important things to worry We greatly value the partnerships our country about. enjoys in various fields, to strengthen our The focus has always been about opening national and regional knowledge systems and up to the wider world and finding a pathway to find innovative solutions to the challenges and understand our situation, identify the best tools opportunities that we all face. available to us and then use that knowledge to Rwanda is honoured to host several important reach our full potential. centres of excellence, among them the regional For any country, achieving a comprehensive UNESCO Abdus Salam International Centre for vision while also getting into a position to Theoretical Physics. contribute to global solutions depends on A few years ago, our government invited several factors. Carnegie Mellon University to provide graduate First, is investment in the necessary education in ICT because of its strong tradition

6 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 SCIENCE FOR HUMANITY

Other centres of excellence have been established in fields as diverse as biomedical engineering and e-health, the internet of things, energy for sustainable development, data sciences, and innovative math and science teaching. Rwanda will continue to provide an enabling environment and the support required for the success of these partnerships. There is still a lot of work to be done on our continent and beyond. Investment in research and development in Africa, and other developing areas, is still too low. In most countries, less than one in three scientific researchers are women. And our continent urgently needs to produce many more scientists and engineers generally. That is why the Partnership in Applied Science Engineering and Technology initiative, to train 10,000 PhD-level researchers and multiply the number of applied science, engineering and technology students, is absolutely critical. We recognise that doing this requires significant resources. Governments must do our part while making it attractive for private sector to get involved as a beneficiary of innovation ecosystems. The transformative power of science is known, and we must harness it to serve our ambitious goals for sustainable development and prosperity. But science has another, less visible, but no less valuable, dividend. The scientific mindset makes us better The scientific mindset makes us better people. In both conception and utilisation, people. In both conception and utilisation, scientific work is blind to divisions or prejudices, scientific work is blind to divisions or that only hinder further progress for everybody. Our common dignity as human beings prejudices, that only hinder further progress matters. And no one can be left out of the scientific enterprise. Rwandan President Paul Kagame for everybody. Before I end my remarks, I want to thank you for the partnerships with all of you, and with the governments of Italy and Sweden, represented here by the previous speakers. of research and scholarship. Today, CMU Rwanda Once again, we are very happy to host the forms the core of our Kigali Innovation City. World Academy of Sciences and thank you for We have also partnered with the choosing to meet here in Rwanda. Massachusetts Institute of Technology to create I wish you productive deliberations. a world-class global climate observatory. Thank you.

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 7 BAI CHUNLI: RWANDA IS “A BEACON OF HOPE” In remarks at the opening ceremony of the 27th TWAS General Meeting, TWAS President Bai Chunli praises the scientific progress of the East African nation.

t is with great pleasure that I welcome you scientists, and connecting Rwanda to global TWAS President Bai Ito the 27th TWAS General Meeting in Kigali, science networks. Chunli addresses the opening ceremony of the Rwanda. Convening in this nation marks a Rwanda has become a beacon of hope in TWAS General Meeting in profound occasion for TWAS, and we are Africa, and its sustained dedication to science, Rwanda. (Photo: Robert honoured and humbled by the generosity and technology, conservation and innovation should Mugabe/Rwanda Ministry of Education) warm welcome shown to us by the President’s be known throughout the world. Office, the Ministry of Education, and indeed, so African farmers and researchers are many people who have had a part in organising pioneering new methods of farming and food this meeting. production. Africans are sending satellites into It is a profound occasion: 22 years ago, orbit. The Square Kilometre Array, being built genocide against the Tutsi people left perhaps in South Africa, will have influence on science a million Rwandans dead. The nation was and engineering across much of the continent. shattered. So, too, were its institutions of Increasingly, African research institutions and science and education. Schools were badly policymakers are focused on the potential of damaged. Equipment was destroyed. Teachers the Big Data revolution. and professors were forced to flee, and many African women are providing bold new were killed. leadership in research. School enrolment is Our meeting this week in Kigali is a testament soaring, and many nations are investing in new to the vision of President Kagame and to the universities. energy of thousands of people who have been Cell phones in Africa are putting technology working to rebuild the country. It is a testament – and knowledge – in the hands of the people. to the resilience of the Rwandan people. Nearly 400 million Africans are cell phone Rarely in history has science been summoned subscribers. In Nigeria and South Africa, the to address such challenges as Rwanda has rate of cell phone ownership is the same as faced. And yet, here we see a nation that in the . Today, just over 20% of embodies the TWAS ideal: It invests in science Africans have mobile broadband connections and science education. It is building South- – by 2020, that number will approach 60%. The South and South-North partnerships. It knows phones are providing direct human benefit in the importance of basic science, but it uses health care, agriculture and other fields. applied science to meet human needs and drive All of these developments are cause for economic growth. optimism. But we must keep in mind: Significant Now we are very pleased that Rwanda is needs remain. Some estimates say that, over establishing its own academy of science. This the coming decades, Africa will need 1 million will be vitally important in setting standards new scientists, engineers and technicians. They of research excellence, supporting young will be needed to research clean energy and

8 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 “A BEACON OF HOPE” health care. To address climate change and Since the Academy’s earliest days, TWAS has protect ecosystems. To build safe buildings and been a leading advocate for science in sub- strong bridges. Saharan Africa. At this meeting, we celebrate And to teach and train new generations of that history and the successes we have scientists and engineers. accomplished together. But we also come here Rwanda is achieving success that should be to consider the work ahead. There is so much studied throughout the developing world. It has more to do in Rwanda, in Africa, and throughout the highest rate of primary school enrollment the developing world. in Africa – just shy of 100%. At the time of President Kagame knows the importance the genocide, it had perhaps 50,000 students of investment, partnerships and long-term in secondary school. Today, that number has commitment. Rwanda knows that young people grown ten-fold. And sciences are by far the are the key to future progress – and we are most popular field of study. Before the genocide pleased to see so many young Rwandans joining there were about 3,000 Rwandans enrolled in us for this meeting. universities. In 2015, that number passed 86,000. Abdus Salam, the founder of TWAS, was also These projects remind us that in Rwanda, deeply committed to nurturing young scientists. and in Africa, partnerships are essential for In 1979, just a few years before TWAS was born, progress – both South-North and South-South Salam won the Nobel Prize in physics. In a brief partnerships. speech at the Nobel banquet, he said: Educating and training young scientists, “Let us strive to provide equal opportunities building global science networks – these are to all so that they can engage in the creation of areas of strength for TWAS and its partner physics and science for the benefit of all mankind.” organisations. November 21 – next Monday – marks the TWAS has been a leading advocate for science in sub- Saharan Africa. At this meeting, we celebrate that history and the successes we have accomplished together. But we also come here to consider the work ahead. Bai Chunli, TWAS President

20th anniversary of Salam’s death. I am certain that he would approve of our work here in Kigali. He would be proud of Rwanda, and proud of TWAS’s role in African progress. He would be proud of the many nations that are advancing science and education for a more prosperous and peaceful world. President Kagame, dear colleagues from Rwanda and around the world – thank you very much.


10 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 SPECIAL REPORT: RWANDAN SCIENCE

More than two decades after genocide shattered the country, Rwanda has established itself as an S&T model for Least Developed Countries.

by Edward W. Lempinen Sean Treacy contributed to this report

n the summer of 1994, when the genocide Kagame told the high-level audience at Iperpetrated against Tutsi people had ended, the TWAS meeting. “This is what has driven Rwanda was a nation in ruin. As many as a Rwanda’s focus on science and technology over million of its people were dead. Already one of the last two decades... The focus has always the poorest countries on Earth, its businesses been about opening up to the wider world and were decimated. The educational system, too, finding a pathway to understand our situation, was shattered: Buildings damaged, equipment identify the best tools available to us and then stolen or destroyed. Hundreds of teachers were use that knowledge to reach our full potential.” killed, while others had fled. In the aftermath of Rwanda is a small nation, landlocked, with such a cataclysm, what map could show a road limited natural resources. It faces an array of to recovery? challenges that come with poverty, just like other And yet, today, the nation is transformed. Least Developed Countries. But the country Kigali, the capital city, is humming with is dedicated to its blueprint for development construction, growth and sense of possibility. through science and technology, a holistic Primary schools are near full enrolment. And commitment which recognises that a nation’s under the policies of the Rwandan government, S&T strength begins with its 12 million people led by President Paul Kagame, Rwanda has – with pre-natal health and child health, access established itself as a leader of African science, to quality education from early childhood with lessons for impoverished countries through PhD studies, plus robust international everywhere. partnerships. Rwanda’s impressive evolution was In 2016 alone, Rwanda scored a remarkable in evidence throughout the TWAS meeting. series of successes in science and technology “This country has come so far on a long and (S&T). One report found that Rwanda ranked difficult road,” said TWAS Vice President Moctar third among African nations in science capacity. Toure of Senegal. “Thirty years ago, Rwanda was It was named the home for the global Next among the poorest nations on the continent, Einstein Forum. When the elite World Economic and in the 1990s, it endured a tragedy of Forum on Africa met here, Rwandan officials historic proportion. But today, the nation is announced their new Kigali Innovation City rising thanks to the vision of President Kagame initiative, with a vision of technology clusters and the hard work of the Rwandan people. It that would drive the nation’s economic growth is a role model for Africa, and for other Least and link to global markets. Later in the year the Developed Countries.” Rwanda Academy of Sciences was launched, and soon after the nation hosted the 27th COWS, BEER – AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY General Meeting of The World Academy of The genocide against Rwanda’s Tutsi people Science (TWAS). was initiated in 1994, when the government A woman participates “In the developing world in particular, science was under control. Kagame was the in the Rwandan monthly day plays a critical role in our socio-economic commander of the , of community service. (Photo/Government of Rwanda) transformation by helping to narrow the gap which ended the genocide, and when a new between us and the more developed regions,” government formed in July 1994, he was vice

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 11 president and minister of defence. In 1997, Better primary and secondary schools mean even before the country had adopted a new constitution, it initiated a collaborative national that Rwanda needs to build its system of higher process on the nation’s goals. This would education to accommodate the graduates. become Vision 2020, a sweeping, ambitious development plan – with science, technology and education at the core – to bring stability and prosperity to the ravaged nation. TWAS executive director. In 2016, he was named Agricultural improvement Rwanda’s National Assembly elected Kagame director of the Division of Science Policy and has been central to Rwanda’s progress. president in 2000, the same year that Vision Capacity Building in UNESCO’s Natural Sciences 2020 went into effect. The next year, Rwandan Sector.) mathematician Romain Murenzi was summoned In those early years, energy and resources from an academic post in the United States to were focused on basic human and economic become the minister of education. needs – but with an eye to the future. “The president told me how important One programme provided a cow to families education was – not just for students, but that could care for it, but required that they for the people of Rwanda and the strength of gave the first or second female offspring calf the country,” recalls Murenzi. “He emphasized to a neighbour. The aim was not just to provide the importance of science and science a cow, but also to encourage education in education. After this meeting, I realized that agricultural and animal husbandry practices. his commitment to education was not only The slogan: “A cow is a teacher and an agent of intellectual, but also deeply heartfelt.” (Murenzi technology transfer/diffusion.” served until 2009 as a Rwandan government An information campaign – “Beer is chemistry” minister; he would later serve five years as – pointed to the science of everyday life.

12 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 SPECIAL REPORT: RWANDAN SCIENCE

Within just a couple of years, the high policy upgraded to 12 years in the 2013-2018 ambitions were producing advanced results. plan. A fleet of buses with laptops and other The result: Rwanda embarked on a fast-track equipment brought the Internet to rural areas. effort to build schools. And it has achieved near At about the same time, a submarine fibre universal enrolment in primary education, for optic cable system brought broadband Internet both boys and girls. In doing so, it achieved its connections to East Africa; that allowed the Millennium Development Goal for education, and Rwandan government to initiate a national won international acclaim. fibre-optic network that created high-speed The education policies are “leading to connections between the country’s major increased numbers of students able to enter institutions and that helped establish some of university to pursue science and technology the fastest Internet service on the continent. related subjects,” Education Minister Musafiri Papias Malimba said in a recent interview. POLICY, PARTNERSHIPS AND PROGRESS “However, it is recognised that more still needs With all of Rwanda’s economic growth, with its to be done.” progress in public health and Internet access, Already, Musafiri said, initiatives are in place it is possible to overlook a central driver of to increase student performance in science, success: public policy. It’s not flashy, it’s not technology, engineering and mathematics sexy, but in Rwanda, innovation is powered by fields. A centre of excellence is being developed detailed and rigourously implemented policy. From top: Rwandan at the University of Rwanda (UR) focused Consider education: the 2003 Rwandan Education Minister Musafiri on innovative teaching and learning for Papias Malimba; Romain constitution defines education as a basic Murenzi, director of the mathematics and science. With the African human right. Vision 2020 places human Division of Science Policy Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Rwanda is development at the core of the country’s plan and Capacity Building in developing a gender-responsive mathematics UNESCO’s Natural Sciences for progress, with a particular emphasis on teacher training program. Sector. education in science and technology, plus skills Better primary and secondary schools mean in information and communication technology that Rwanda needs to build its system of higher (ICT). The Ministry of Education develops and education to accommodate the graduates. Here, implements five-year strategic plans. Within too, government policy is holistic – and ambitious. that framework, a policy guaranteed nine years In 2013, seven public colleges and universities of basic education for all Rwandan children – a were merged into the new University of Rwanda, with satellite campuses all over the country. Meanwhile, Rwanda is building international partnerships in higher education. The Ministry of Education is working with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) to produce hundreds of new PhD scholars in the years ahead. The prestigious US- based Carnegie Mellon University has opened a master’s degree programme in Rwanda to train students in information technology. The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), based in Trieste, Italy, is developing the East African Institute for Fundamental Research, a Category 2 UNESCO institute. It is expected to start the initial Masters programmes in early 2018. “Both the Rwanda government and the country’s academic sector showed a strong interest in ICTP’s mission to support basic

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 13 science in the developing world,” said ICTP Director Fernando Quevedo. “Our new partner institute there will play a unifying role among countries in the region.” As those new PhDs move into the workforce, they could help to accelerate Rwandan science. The capacity is in place: According to the Africa Capacity Report 2017, Rwanda already ranks third on the continent – though it has only 54 scientists per 1 million population, just a fraction of the ratio in many other African countries.

RWANDAN SCIENCE IN ACTION Even in the early days of Rwanda’s recovery from genocide, initiatives proved that science could drive human prosperity. Public health initiatives helped to nearly double Rwandans’ life-expectancy. Improvements in coffee bean production and processing led to dramatic increases in harvests and income. Rwanda recognised that conservation could bring a range of benefits, including eco-tourism. Support from the US-based Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International helped to establish the Centre for Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing at the former National Rwandan President Paul working to establish a major climate change University of Rwanda (UR); by the year 2000, the Kagame (centre) building observatory atop Mt. Karisimbi, at 4,507 metres houses for vulnerable centre was using advanced technology to track families in Shyorongi in the highest point in Rwanda. the region’s mountain gorillas and their habitat. Kigali in 2011 during the The National Fund for Environment and Today, conservation and environmental nation’s monthly Climate Change in Rwanda (FONERWA), founded community service day. science influences priority areas ranging from in 2008, has had a broad impact: nearly 22,000 (Photo: Government of precision agriculture to urban design and Rwanda) hectares of land reforested, nearly 13,000 climate change. The Ministry of Education and hectares of watersheds and water bodies the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are restored, and some 17,500 families connected to off-grid clean energy. Known as Rwanda’s Life expectancy Green Fund, its investments will have created 70 100,000 green jobs by the end of 2017. Rwanda But Rwanda’s vision is holistic: it is pushing 60 development across its scientific culture. Sub-Saharan Education Minister Musafiri says centres of 50 Africa excellence are being established in biomedical

40 engineering, health supply chain management, data sciences, the internet of things, and energy 30 Since the , life for sustainable development, among others. expectancy in Rwanda has improved The breadth of Rwanda’s innovation plans dramatically, surpassing the average 20 in sub-Saharan Africa by 5.5 years. was on display during a symposium at the TWAS (© ) General Meeting, with compelling presentations 10 by UR scholars. Beth A. Kaplin, UR School of

0 Science deputy dean and acting director of the 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Centre of Excellence in Biodiversity and Natural

14 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 SPECIAL REPORT: RWANDAN SCIENCE

Africa should not still be playing catch-up by the time the Fifth Industrial Revolution comes around. Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda

Resource Management, described ecosystem From left: Sylvie Mucyo, University of Rwanda College function and wildlife behaviour in Nyungwe of Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine; Beth A. Kaplin, UR School of Science deputy National Park, one of the most important dean and acting director of the Centre of Excellence in remaining montane tropical forests in Eastern Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management. Africa. Sylvie Mucyo detailed how bio-gas technology “digests” organic solid waste to of students in science and engineering fields produce gas for cooking and lighting, and for as opposed to social sciences and humanities. bio-fertiliser. Florien Nsanganwimana described These are important concerns, but at the same how plants tolerant of toxic metals can be used time, policymakers are pursuing bold measures to clean up degraded mines and prevent health by which Rwanda can ‘leapfrog’ to the future. risks. Musafiri says that all 3,500 of Rwanda’s Other researchers detailed initiatives in schools should be connected to the Internet education, ICT, biomedical laboratory sciences, by 2020. Policymakers are launching a “green and efforts to account for the country’s “natural city” pilot programme; eventually, they hope to capital”, including land, water and other resources. turn six of the country’s secondary urban areas into green cities. They’re pressing to transform THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Rwanda into a developed, low-carbon economy The Kigali Genocide Even with Rwanda’s remarkable S&T progress, by 2050. Memorial pays tribute to challenges remain. The long-term increase in Starting with President Kagame, Rwandan some 1 million people killed high school enrolment in science fields has leaders make clear that they’re looking to a in the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. (Photo: recently slowed. At the university level, there more distant future: They aim for the country Trocaire | Flickr | CC BY 2.0) remains a need to further increase the number to be a full participant in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, an economic transformation driven by technology, sustainable development practices, and above all by the knowledge and energy of Rwanda’s people, and the African people. In a May 2016 speech at the World Economic Forum on Africa, Kagame stressed that “our hopes and ambitions for the future must be built on a foundation of clear-headed realism.” He continued: “The Fourth Industrial Revolution builds on the previous ones, which largely passed Africa by... [But] Africa can only claim its place at the table by earning it. Leapfrogging has its limits, and we must remain mindful of the gaps that hold us back, and be able to address them. Africa should not still be playing catch-up by the time the Fifth Industrial Revolution comes around.”


Though small and landlocked, Rwanda is widely national STI policy will continue to play a crucial role. seen as a leader in African science. One key to success is strong policy for science and science education, Is it possible to measure the impact of Rwanda’s investment in science and the minister says. science education on the development

n the aftermath of the devastating Following the TWAS General Meeting Igenocide against the Tutsi people in November 2016, Minister Musafiri of Rwanda, the country made a provided written answers to questions commitment to science and technology posed by TWAS Public Information as drivers of recovery and development. Officer Edward Lempinen. Today, more than two decades later, that commitment continues – and In general terms, how would you creates a profound responsibility for characterize Rwanda’s science, Musafiri Papias Malimba, the nation’s technology and innovation (STI) minister of education. It is not just enterprise today versus how it was schools that he oversees, and not just 10 years ago? research, but a holistic system central to present and future prosperity for There is a strong recognition within Rwanda’s people. Rwanda relating to the importance A breadth of leadership experience of science and technology to the has prepared Musafiri for the nation’s development and economic challenge. Before President Paul growth. During the last two decades, Kagame appointed him minister in Rwanda has invested significant efforts 2015, Musafiri was principal of the in putting in place the governance as College of Business and Economics well as physical infrastructures to at the University of Rwanda. He support sustainable development of served as vice-rector in charge of national STI. Academic Affairs & Research at the We focus on four cross-cutting School of Finance and Banking (SFB) themes: knowledge acquisition and for four years; he served intermittently deepening; knowledge creation; as SFB’s acting rector. He also knowledge transfer; innovation and served high-level positions in the entrepreneurship culture. Rwandan Higher Education Council; The National Policy on Science the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology and Innovation was Technology; and the Rwandan Ministry approved in 2005 and this Policy is of Justice. currently under review to ensure the

16 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 SPECIAL REPORT: RWANDAN SCIENCE of the nation and the prosperity of and Innovation in the Republic of and to strengthen the research the people? Rwanda, which was prepared by capacity of Rwanda’s higher education the Global Observatory of Science, system. Also in 2013, the Ministry of Science, technology, research and Technology and Innovation Policy Education established the Knowledge innovation capacity in Rwanda has Instruments, (GO-SPIN), a new UNESCO Transfer Partnership programme, expanded over the past ten years initiative. The reports detail several in collaboration with the African through government, development significant recent achievements. Development Bank, to foster industrial partners, and private sector investment. In the past five years, Rwanda has development. This, in turn, has impacted a significant put infrastructure in place to enable The Abdus Salam International number of Rwandans – from school it to become an African ICT hub. In Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), a children using the Internet to scientists 2012, Carnegie Mellon University UNESCO Category 1 institute in Trieste, using the newest technologies to solve in Rwanda was established as a Italy, has established a regional branch critical challenges. regional centre of excellence in ICT. in Rwanda, the East Africa Institute A number of studies have been In 2013, Parliament passed a law for Fundamental Research. And the carried out recently into the establishing the University of Rwanda government introduced a National effectiveness and impact the capacity- as an autonomous academic research Fund for Environment and Climate building in STI is making on Rwanda’s institution with the objectives to Change in Rwanda, which acts as a economy, including Mapping Research produce better-trained graduates cross-sector financing mechanism.

The focus is on ensuring that the students of the University of Rwanda acquire both information and skills that can enable them compete in the job market – not just in Rwanda, but internationally.

What are Rwanda’s primary areas of research focus today?

The Government of Rwanda is establishing Centres of Excellence focused on building high-level academic and research capacity to address specific development challenges facing Rwanda and the region. These include centres of excellence in fields ranging from biodiversity and natural resources management, to biomedical engineering, energy and data sciences.

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 17 We also run the Global Climate Observatory in partnership with MIT. The focus in the revised Science, Technology, Innovation and Research policy is to encourage and promote the formation of research and innovation clusters in advanced science and technology fields across many fields – biotechnology; biomedical engineering; nanotechnology; quantum sciences; neurosciences; genetic engineering; internet of things; big data; photonics; nuclear sciences and engineering; and precision agriculture.

Can you point to a particularly promising or exciting project right now that may be under the radar?

One very important developing initiative is the partnership between the Government of Rwanda and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) – Next Einstein Initiative. The global AIMS headquarters has been established in Rwanda, and Rwanda will host the Next Einstein There remain many challenges to ensure that the Forum Global Gathering in March 2018. young students of our region are able to fully In addition, there is AIMS Rwanda, a pan-African centre of excellence in participate in this Fourth Industrial Revolution. mathematical sciences. This was opened in August 2016 with the first intake of 45 master’s degree students selected from 10 countries in Africa, area of quantum information science beginning in primary school. To assure including 16 women students. and technology. the relevance of education, one major The Government of Rwanda reform underway will bring to believes that the partnership with As early as the 1990s, Rwandan policy secondary schools a competence- AIMS-Next Einstein Initiative will recognised the clear connection based system with student-centred accelerate the development of talent between primary education and learning and a focus on areas such as in science, technology, engineering science development. Now, roughly critical thinking and learning by doing. and mathematics (STEM) fields that two generations later, are you seeing We are developing a centre of are greatly needed in Rwanda and the impact of improved primary excellence at the University of Rwanda throughout the region. education in students arriving at in “Innovative Teaching and Learning The partnership includes the university? Mathematics and Science”. And one of establishment of the Quantum the initiatives in the partnership with Leap Africa Research Centre. This Many initiatives are ongoing to AIMS is a gender-responsive is positioned to be a world-class increase the quality of STEM education mathematics teacher-training program centre that will build capability in the at primary and secondary school levels. at the primary and secondary levels. information technology of the future. There are incentives such as prizes and These initiatives, coupled with the The centre will focus on the emerging scholarships for top students move to 12-year basic education,

18 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 SPECIAL REPORT: RWANDAN SCIENCE

faculty to accommodate this growth. four, soon to be five, centres related One of the strategies to meet the to health supported by the African challenge has been to merge all of the Development Bank. Each of the EAC public universities into the University countries will host a centre, but each of Rwanda, with a total of six colleges. of the centres will support the other This creates great efficiencies. countries in the EAC. The focus is on ensuring that the Such cooperation gives us an students of the University of Rwanda opportunity to maximise the efficient acquire both information and skills use of human and financial resources. that can enable them compete in the Each country will focus on one job market – not just in Rwanda, but particular area of strength, while internationally. Our mission is to ensure contributing to, and benefitting from, that the students we produce are as the other countries in the region. good as, if not better than, students elsewhere in the world. Considering both the Rwandan STI The ten-year plan is to engage our experience over the past two decades students in research and to build a and its orientation to the future, research-based institution. We want what lessons does Rwanda offer to to support that through wider access other African nations? Or to Least to open and distance education and Developed Countries beyond Africa? learning, increased use of ICT, and increased research and innovation As identified through the World outputs through collaboration with Economic Forum, the world is currently industry and government. experiencing a Fourth Industrial Revolution. This revolution is evolving The East Africa Community (EAC) is at an ever-increasing pace disrupting The University of Rwanda campus. known as an innovator in regional all aspects of Industry and life in every [Photo: University of Rwanda] development cooperation. Are there country. any significant current projects There remain many challenges to are already increasing the numbers in education or STI where the East ensure that the young students of of students able to enter university African countries are cooperating? our region are able to fully participate to pursue science- and technology- in this Fourth Industrial Revolution. related subjects. We expect to see The partner states of the EAC have Science, technology, engineering and further improvement in the years set themselves an agenda for mathematics need to be promoted ahead. cooperation in STI. This is recognized in from a very early age, starting in the treaty establishing the EAC which primary education and in support Rwanda’s higher education system includes a set of common principles of early detection and incentivising for science and technology has and undertakings by partner states in talents in STEM fields. grown and evolved significantly in the area of science and technology. The We believe that the capacity-building recent years. What is the goal of this East African Science and Technology initiatives currently underway will go a evolution? Where does Rwanda want Commission has subsequently been long way to ensure that Rwanda and its higher education system to be a established and headquartered in the region are able to stay in touch decade from now? Rwanda. with all these global developments Among the regional projects is in support of the continent’s needs The Higher Education sector in the Regional Centre of Excellence in for innovation, creativity and youth Rwanda has grown from around 3,000 Health Supply Chain Management, employment. students in 1995 to more than 80,000 which is supported by the East African at present. This in itself has led to Community. The Centre of Excellence many challenges because we need for Biomedical Engineering and both to build infrastructure and train e-Health is a part of a network of

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 19 the University of Rwanda] to study medicine. It was a good opportunity – I JEAN BOSCO thought I could make my career. The School of Medicine then was supported by the University of Ghent in Belgium. When I came to the university, there was GAHUTU: a mixture of teachers, Rwandese and Belgians. After graduation as a medical doctor, in 1986 I became university A BETTER LIFE staff, in the department of physiology, thanks to my good scores. After a few years, I went to Ghent University for my doctoral studies. FOR RWANDA In the early 1990s, I went through a difficult period. For health reasons, I had to interrupt my studies and return home to Rwanda. It was in December 1993, a r. Jean Bosco Gahutu, a Rwandan physiology researcher, was named to give a very difficult period. I was really afraid, DTWAS Medal Lecture at the Academy’s 27th General Meeting. He was born in actually, but I didn’t tell anybody. In that 1961; he completed his primary, secondary and medical . He time, I didn’t have a capacity to work. I did PhD studies at the University of Ghent in Belgium from April 1990 to December stayed home for a while, and then after 1993, then returned to Rwanda in early 1994, just before the genocide against the a few months there began this period Tutsi. His experience mirrors the nation’s: a time of unspeakable loss, followed by of genocide. I lost my father and my a profound commitment to recovery. Today Gahutu is a professor of physiology mother and many others, hundreds of in the School of Medicine and Pharmacy of the University of Rwanda and head of members of my large family. the Clinical Department of Medical Biology at Butare University Teaching Hospital. When the university re-opened, on He is also acting director of research, innovation and postgraduate studies at the 18 April 1995, I was the first to give a College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda. lesson; it was in physiology. We were not many lecturers at the university – When I was young, I lived with my The difference from today is that there about 30 in total. We were determined family in the countryside. There was were not many schools, and not many to work as much as we could, that not even a small town. My father was children going to school. a carpenter. He was so bright – even I was always trying to go ahead of the intellectuals liked him – but when what the master is asking of me, to go he was young, going to school was and advance and learn fast. Each time difficult. So he wanted me to do it – he I would learn to count – say, from 1 to wanted me to be bright, and he really 20 –I would give myself an assignment: encouraged me. count from 1 to 50. When the teacher We spoke Kinyarwanda at home, gave us an assignment to count to 50, I but my father and mother taught me would count to 200. some French and some arithmetic. I It was exceptional to go to secondary even went to kindergarten. To go to school in that time. You had really to primary school, I would walk three work hard. If you had a class of 30 to or four kilometres – some people 40 pupils, possibly only two would go to walked a longer distance. This was secondary school. I attended a school a good experience, because I know in a small town 25 kilometres from Rwandan culture from living in the home. Most students would stay at the countryside. The primary schools school and go home only for holidays. were built correctly, with benches and After secondary school, I was sent to everything. It was not under the trees. the National University of Rwanda [today

20 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 VOICES was the most important aspect. Many others came back in the following months. At the time there was a great patriotism– everyone doing his or her best to rebuild the university. I felt honoured to be able to teach. There was great uncertainty in those days. In a laboratory, you might not have anything, but people did their best. But some countries supported us to acquire some equipment and renovate the university. The students in those first years after the genocide were very, very hard-working at school, but also in their reflection about the problems the country faced at that time. They would was about physiological adaptation to – it was a first, I was a pioneer, and I organise conferences and invite people moderate altitude in Rwanda. My project received my PhD in medical sciences. for lectures and discussions. was producing results and I felt happy. My current research – the work They were really committed. With I submitted it for publication and it was on biofortification of beans is very time, we felt that now we had a accepted, and things were evolving. interesting. Between 1.5 and 2 billion good institution. In 1999, a research The University of Ghent came back people worldwide suffer from iron commission was established at the to Rwanda in 2003 in a cooperation deficiency. We have been working university with limited funds provided project. Four of my professors from with HarvestPlus, an international by the government – that was a first Ghent had continued to supervise me. programme for nutritional research, step. And then in 2002, Sida – the And so in 2007, I was the first person with headquarters in Washington D.C. Swedish International Development to present my PhD thesis in Rwanda They target micronutrient malnutrition, Cooperation Agency – came to support like deficiency in zinc, iodine, vitamin the university. Then people could get A and iron, by developing biofortified Dr. Jean Bosco Gahutu with colleagues some funds for research. crops, with high micronutrient content at the University Teaching Hospital of Butare When I started my fieldwork again, it in Rwanda. (Photo provided) through cross-breeding. For iron, one of the crops that can be targeted is beans. Every day a Rwandese consumes on average 150 grammes, and 80% of Rwandese – the rich and the poor – eat beans every day. So if you want to address the problem of iron deficiency, biofortified beans will be efficient. Over the last 10 years, based on the research results, HarvestPlus proposed new varieties of beans to the Rwanda Agricultural Board and similar institutions in other countries. So now people are interested in getting these beans. Of course for Rwanda there are still challenges, most of the time financial. But it’s up to scientists and academicians to really work at a level that is capable of producing results, to make a difference in the lives of people.

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 21 succeed...if they can succeed in Africa,” said Auf der Heyde, representing Minister Naledi Pandor. A COMPLEX “If they don’t succeed in Africa, Africa will impede global progress on the SDGs.” A plain but powerful point emerged from the ministerial session: a country with development MAP FOR S&T ambitions must have a holistic perspective. Policy, education, gender, diplomacy, partnerships – all must work with synergy to DEVELOPMENT achieve scientific progress and development. The ministerial session was held 14 November At the annual Ministerial Session, top science 2016 before a high-level audience attending the first day of the TWAS General Meeting in Kigali, leaders emphasised the important role of Rwanda. The session was chaired by Rwandan education and international partnerships. Minister of Education Papias Malimba Musafiri. Other speakers were: Joyce Ndalichako, minister for Education, Science, Technology by Edward W. Lempinen and Vocational Training, ; Yaye Ken Gassama, vice president, National Academy ver the past generation, many developing of Sciences, Senegal (representing Mary Teuw Ocountries have embraced a basic axiom Niane, Senegal’s Minister of Higher Education for escaping poverty: Science and technology and Research); Tieniu Tan, vice president, are essential for powering the engine of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Romain Murenzi, development. But putting the principle into director of UNESCO’s Division of Science Policy practice is more difficult. Policy, investment, and Capacity Building, Natural Sciences Sector; education, gender equality, partnerships – and Vaughan Turekian, science and technology where does a country begin? adviser to the US Secretary of State. In the traditional Ministerial Session From top: Rwandan at the 27th TWAS General Meeting, eight Education Minister Musafiri Papias Malimba; Vaughan government ministers and high-level science Turekian, science advisor to policy leaders explored different facets of the U.S. Secretary of State. scientific advancement, connecting them to the challenge of achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Elioda Tumwesigye, minister for science, technology and innovation (STI) in , said most countries in sub-Saharan Africa are focused on achieving the SDGs and the ’s Agenda 2063. But the job is complex, Tumwesigye said. It entails reducing poverty, which means providing food, water and housing security, plus sanitation systems, transit and a healthy environment. It means providing more jobs, especially for women and young people. All of these require policy at the local, national and global levels. The prescription is especially important to Africa, said Thomas Auf der Heyde, deputy director general of South Africa’s Ministry of Science and Technology. “The SDGs will only

22 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 DEVELOPMENT POLICY

Murenzi, a former minister of science in Rwanda, noted that developed countries generate some 80% of the world’s scholarly research; emerging countries such as Brazil, China and India account for 80% of the rest. But Africa, he said, accounts for only 2.3% of global research papers. The SDGs pledge that no one must be left behind as the world advances. But, said Murenzi: “If these numbers continue as they are, more than 100 countries worldwide will be left behind in the next 50 years.” While speakers explored a range of development drivers, two have overarching importance: education and partnerships. TWAS Fellow Tan Tieniu, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), noted that the CAS-TWAS President’s PhD Fellowships annually enroll some 200 talented young scientists for their doctoral studies at Chinese universities and institutes. “People are the key,” Clockwise from top left: that journey.... To be caregiviers, to get married, Tan said. “We should pay more attention to to Yaye Ken Gassama, Elioda to have the cultural role of caring for children Tumwesigye, Tan Tienlu, human training and development.” Romain Murenzi, Joyce – they need skills that can enable them to Women require a particular focus, and Ndalichako and Thomas multitask.” Tanzanian Minister Joyce Ndalichako suggested Auf der Heyde. For all countries, science education should “women-friendly scholarships”. Especially in extend from early childhood to those long past developing countries, she said, “a woman going school age, said Vaughan Turekian, science and into sccience is going to need extra support in technology adviser to the US Secretary of State. Policymakers have to remember the innate curiosity of children – and feed that curiosity. And, Turekian added: “Building a science-literate public truly means engaging the public in every part of the scientific process, and not just science in school.” Partnerships are essential across the research enterprise, the speakers said. Auf der Heyde urged that major research centres be based in developing countries, to help build and deepen South-North cooperation. Scientific interests in the South should have full co-ownership and co-management of such Xxxxxxxxxxx projects. At the same time, he said, regional partnerships could effectively focus on priorities such as public health. The takeaway message: A cooperative, holistic approach is essential to addressing challenges and achieving the SDGs.

The ministerial session during the 27th TWAS General Meeting. (Photo: Robert Mugabe/Rwanda Ministry of Education)

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 23 ZHAO DONGYUAN WINS LENOVO PRIZE The Chinese scientist developed innovative nanomaterials that could be used to clean water, deliver medicine and improve batteries.

by Sean Treacy

hinese materials scientist Zhao Dongyuan Cwas named winner of the 2016 TWAS- Lenovo Science Prize for his work discovering new materials that are now widely used. The award, one of the most prestigious honours given to scientists from the developing world, was announced in a special ceremony during over 30 years of research experience publishing the yearly General Meeting of The World over 600 scientific papers and winning over Academy of Sciences (TWAS). 50 research awards,” said Lenovo Senior Zhao is a 2010 TWAS Fellow and a chemistry Vice President George He. “Especially in the professor at Fudan University in Shanghai, synthesis and application of mesoporous China. His work focuses on mesoporous materials, Zhao and his research team have materials – structures that feature tiny, made great breakthroughs. We are very microscopic holes. Across two decades, his honoured to present the TWAS-Lenovo Science research and nano-scale applications have Prize to him, and look forward to more of his been used to clean water for drinking and impressive achievements.” agriculture, improve the capacity and efficiency Zhao welcomed the award as an opportunity of batteries, and deliver drugs with pinpoint to highlight his field of research and the vast precision in human bodies. In 2009, he won the diversity of potential applications. “It is a great TWAS Prize in chemistry. honour to get the award,” he said. “I would The annual TWAS-Lenovo prize includes an like to see more applications for developing award of USD100,000 provided by the Chinese countries that would economically benefit.” technology company Lenovo, the global leader in consumer, commercial, and enterprise technology SMALL MATERIAL WITH A BIG IMPACT that is the largest PC company in the world. The nanometre scale – a nanometre is one- “Professor Zhao’s body of research exhibits billionth the size of a meter – is so small that the the highest values of scientific inquiry,” said mesoporous materials can very precisely manage TWAS Executive Director Mohamed Hassan. the movement of chemicals on the molecular “Materials science requires advanced knowledge level. A water molecule, for example, is about a of fundamental science. But Professor Zhao quarter of a nanometre wide, while a haemoglobin develops applications with a direct usefulness in molecule is about five nanometres wide. people’s lives – clean water, energy and health. Perhaps the simplest way to conceive Such innovative research is deserving of our of a mesoporous material is as a filter – a Academy’s highest honour.” surface full of tiny holes that range from two “Zhao is a renowned veteran chemist with to 50 nanometres wide. The holes let some

24 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 TWAS-LENOVO PRIZE

substances through, such as clean water, organic materials have been adopted by other and hold others substances back, such as researchers throughout the field. pollutants. China and other countries had been Zhao also found a way to use mesoporous using mesoporous materials as filters for many materials to clean up toxic water that is more years, but Zhao, as a postdoctoral student in precise than simple filtering. A category of the United States in the late 1990s, began toxins called microcystins, which can damage discovering new ways to create and use them. the liver and are suspected to increase the risk Zhao and his colleagues experimented with of cancer, plague water supplies throughout the materials’ shapes and attached them the world. Unlike many other forms of pollution, to other materials, taking into account their microcystins are not caused by industry, but by electromagnetic properties. common algal blooms.

I would like to see more applications for developing countries that would economically benefit. Zhao Dongyaun, TWAS-Lenovo Prize winner

People can’t just filter the microcystins out. Tools are needed that can attack them where they exist in the water, and that’s where Zhao’s organic mesoporous materials come into play. They play a key role in another of his inventions – magnetic mesoporous microspheres. These microspheres, tiny balls as little as 300 nanometres wide, function as microscopic couriers for chemicals that can neutralize the microcystins. An organic core made of iron and oxygen uses the magnetic force to hold a chemical in its pores. That core sits behind TWAS-Lenovo Prize One use for this discovery has been an equally porous shell of inorganic silica. The winner Zhao Dongyuan improving the quality of batteries. When a microspheres are then sent to a destination, such works in his lab. (Photo provided) surface is covered in molecule-sized holes, as polluted water, which disrupts the magnetic that increases its surface area by adding force and set the chemical loose through the shell. the surfaces along the insides of the holes The pores are an essential reason Zhao’s themselves. Since batteries store energy on microspheres work. In the iron core, the pores the surface area of materials that are good at provide an empty space for the chemical to be managing electricity, a porous carbon material stored. While the pores in the silica shell provide can store more energy than a non-porous passageways that the chemical can move material of the same size. through once they’re at the destination. Carbon is highly efficient for holding Zhao said this technique is currently used to electricity, and Zhao developed a mesoporous produce high-quality water in various parts of carbon material that is now used widely the world, including Shanghai. The microspheres in supercapacitors in Chinese-made cars have also been adapted to deliver medicine – for

Learn more: and streetlights. And the strategies he has example, injected into a human body to release used to combine porous carbon and other a drug at the site of a cancerous tumour.

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 25 Marian Nkansah working in her lab. (Photo provided)

heavy metals that Ghanaians might encounter routinely. The prize is named for 2004 TWAS Fellow Fayzah M. Al-Kharafi from Kuwait, who provides the USD4,000 prize. Al-Kharafi, the former president of Kuwait University, was the first woman to head a major university in the Middle East. She is also a former TWAS vice president for the Arab Region. Nkansah’s research analyses substances that Ghanaians consume to determine both whether they contain metal elements with nutritional value as advertised, such as calcium and iron – and harmful metals such MARIAN NKANSAH as arsenic, cadmium and lead. The effects of heavy metal poisoning can be serious and long-lasting. WINS FIRST One study by Nkansah and her colleagues focused on commercially available tea products in Ghana. She AL-KHARAFI PRIZE found heavy metals that were possibly connected to plants cultivated for the by Sean Treacy tea, which could become contaminated through unclean water, smoggy air or The Ghanaian scientist is Nkansah is its first winner was made polluted soil. In a study published in the in Kigali, Rwanda, at the 27th TWAS journal Environmental Monitoring and involved in heavy-metal General Meeting. The award recognizes Assessment, she and her colleagues screening research, her research for shedding light on found that the arsenic levels in some the health risks raised by the human of those teas, but not all, could pose a helping raise exposure to hazardous heavy metals in significant health risk. awareness of dangerous routine activities of daily life. Studying tea and other products in Nkansah started her heavy metals search of heavy metals is not a new elements in food, drink research as a master’s student from practice, but not very widespread in and the environment. 2003 to 2005 at the Ghana. She’s hoping that her research University of Science and Technology, will influence local policymakers to Ghanaian chemist whose research taking groundwater samples from support more research of this kind. “I Ahas shed light on the heavy pumps used for drinking water. Some think generally scientists have been metal content of tea, clay and dust of the pipes were decades old and confined to their laboratories and there in her home country is the first-ever had never undergone maintenance, seems to be a disconnect between winner of the Fayzah M. Al-Kharafi contaminating their water with lead. scientists and policymakers,” she added. Prize, which recognizes exceptional That research would, in turn, shape “That is an area we have to work on, and women scientists from science- and her career. She joined the University’s hopefully help bridge the gap.” technology-lagging countries. faculty in 2007 and broadened The announcement that Marian her efforts into searching for toxic Learn more:


by Cristina Serra

Singh is a pioneer In Korea, he began a career focusing targets. Using targeting drugs, we can on the global problem of antibiotic selectively kill cancer cells and spare in a new kind of resistance. the healthy ones.” biomaterials that could Upon his return to Nepal in 2011, Singh is now testing this approach in Singh founded RIBB, now among the laboratory models, but he is confident be used to deliver drugs nation’s most renowned institutes. that they will soon be able to move right to cellular and At the Institute, Singh has continued to humans. He also works to educate his research on antibiotic production, young scientists in Nepal by organizing biological targets. studying indigenous Streptomyces scientific meetings and seminars. bacteria of Nepal to find novel “Although I’m proud of it, being io-nanoparticles, a new type molecules that might be used to a scientist in Nepal is not easy,” he Bof carrier molecule that may combat emerging drug-resistant observed. “I’m sure that the Atta-ur- encapsulate several compounds and . Rahman Prize will help me and my direct the delivery of drugs, genes and “Overuse of antibiotics in hospitals career, and will allow me to be more vaccines, are a frontier of innovation in and health centres has forced competitive in joining some faculty in medicine. pathogens to find strategies to survive, the Academy.” Nepali chemist Bijay Singh, becoming resistant,” he explained. Now a principal investigator at the he is trying to engineer Streptomyces Learn more: Research Institute for Bioscience and bacteria that will produce new, Biotechnology (RIBB) in Kathmandu, modified antibiotics to help solve the Nepal, is using nanoparticles to cross problem of resistance. biochemical barriers in the organism In 2013, Singh joined Seoul National and carry drugs and genes to specific University in South Korea to advance targets. For his outstanding results, his research skills on the challenging Singh received the 2016 Atta-ur- field of biopolymers for drug delivery. Rahman Prize in chemistry at the TWAS Polymers are long strings of molecules General Meeting in Rwanda. that bind together to form complex “I’m very grateful for this prestigious structures. They can be engineered as prize, as it will raise my scientific nanoparticles that contain drugs or profile within the Nepali scientific genes. society,” Singh said. The prize is “Nanoparticles easily cross granted annually by 1985 TWAS Fellow biochemical barriers in Atta-ur-Rahman, a Pakistani chemist the organism,” Singh and a past president of the Pakistan explained. “We are Academy of Sciences. It acknowledges using them to the work of researchers from deliver drugs and scientifically lagging countries. genes on specific Singh holds a master’s degree in chemistry from Tribhuvan University in Nepal, and a PhD in biochemistry from Nepali scientist Sun Moon University in South Korea. Bijay Singh.

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 3, 2016 27 Fellow and former President C.N.R. Rao offers the award to celebrate high- M.N. HOUNKONNOU impact scientific research carried out by scientists from Least Developed Countries. WINS RAO PRIZE Hounkonnou is an accomplished mathematician and an undisputed by Cristina Serra authority also in theoretical physics, where he explores noncommutative Benin mathematician students, to help them develop critical and nonlinear mathematics, thinking and problem-solving attitudes nonassociative algebras, nonlinear honoured for high- in various fields. systems, noncommutative field level research and his For the outstanding level of theories and geometric methods in his research in mathematics and physics. He was the first to provide commitment to maths his sustained commitment to a resolution to some challenging education and training. mathematics education, Hounkonnou mathematical problems. was awarded the 2016 C.N.R. Rao Prize How did he develop such a passion for scientific research. for maths and science? “I belong to a athematics is not only about “The C.N.R. Rao prize is an important family where my eldest brothers and Mcalculations. It is also about recognition of more than 20 years of sisters are scientists, so they also applications in many disciplines, research activity,” said Hounkonnou. contributed to build in me a passion including physics, oceanography, “It is also a sort of encouragement and for mathematical sciences, including health, management of water and motivation to continue in the same theoretical physics,” he explained in an ecosystems, climate studies and direction, doing good research and interview. energy issues. promoting younger people in science.” Hounkonnou is the founder of the Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou, a The prize was announced on 14 International Chair in Mathematical 2004 TWAS Fellow and a professor November in Kigali, Rwanda, during Physics and Applications (ICMPA- of mathematics and physics at the the opening ceremony of the 27th UNESCO Chair) of the University of University of Abomey-Calavi in the TWAS General Meeting. TWAS Founding Abomey-Calavi, which selects African Republic of Benin, is well aware of this. students from over 13 French- and In fact he has always offered training to M.N. Hounkonnou English-speaking countries to follow graduate programmes. He is also a visiting professor at African, Asian, European and North American universities, and the supervisor of more than 32 PhD and 31 master’s degree students. Commenting on his engagement in education, he said: “Training in mathematical physics is important as it prepares students to eventually move into a career in almost any of the areas where technical, physical and mathematical expertise is in high demand.” That skill can be combined to address human challenges across a range of important fields.

Learn more:

28 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 RAO PRIZE, LECTURE

Former TWAS President C.N.R. Rao

Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research in Bangalore, India. In the past, he has been a professor in the most prestigious universities worldwide: King’s College, Cambridge, UK (1983-84); Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France (1990); and the University of California, Berkeley (2008 - 2011). Rao is also a polished communicator, and in Kigali he ranged easily through the history of chemistry, complex scientific ideas and the men and women who have driven progress. Starting with Lavoisier, the father of chemistry, Rao mentioned other giants who shaped the history of the field: SHAPING THE John Dalton, who studied the behaviour of gases, and Friedrich Kekulé who discovered that carbon could make FUTURE THROUGH four bonds. He did not forget Dmitri Mendeleyev, the father of the Periodic Table of elements that remains a CHEMISTRY cornerstone of chemistry today. However, Rao explained, it was the by Cristina Serra dawn of the 20th century that witnessed a remarkable burst of discovery that Former TWAS President simple, such as Antoine-Laurent de made it “the century of chemistry”. Lavoisier’s discovery some 250 years As he moved from Einstein to Linus C.N.R. Rao of India ago that oxygen allows combustion. Pauling’s molecular studies that helped From that seminal discovery, Rao elucidate the structure of proteins, offered a passionate view surveyed the extraordinary progress the passion seemed to build in Rao’s on the power of chemistry, that followed: from the dissection of narration. This is no surprise, as Rao has atoms at the nanoscale dimension been a contemporary of world leaders past and future. to the possibility of using smart, in chemistry, including Pauling, who innovative materials that change died in 1994. And Rao himself has made hen you think about chemistry, properties under specific conditions. significant contributions to emerging Wforget about boring formulas “Who would have imagined knowledge fields such as solid-state chemistry, and reactions. Think instead of what could come so far, so fast?” he asked. developing innovative research on metal surrounds you – environment, energy, Rao’s lecture offered a passionate oxides, graphene and nanomaterials. new materials – because chemistry is overview of major discoveries and the “Chemistry is everywhere,” he said, everywhere. chemists who made them. and there remain vast opportunities Chemistry has impacts across a Rao, a former TWAS president, is an for progress. “Even if we stand on the range of disciplines, TWAS Founding undisputed authority whose knowledge shoulders of giants, we still have much Fellow C.N.R. Rao said in a vibrant encompasses chemistry and extends to explore ahead.” lecture at the TWAS General Meeting far beyond. He currently is Honorary in Rwanda. But its early steps were President & Linus Pauling Research Learn more:

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 3, 2016 29 TYAN: WORKING AND NETWORKING The new TWAS Young Affiliates Network will give early-career scientists a platform for high-level engagement and a strong voice in global science.

by Cristina Serra

hey are young and enthusiastic scientists each select up to five Affiliates. After a five-year Tfrom developing countries and have joined term, they become Alumni. forces to promote joint research and new TYAN was envisioned a few years ago by partnerships in the South. The just-launched Yin Li, the director of the CAS-TWAS Centre TWAS Young Affiliates Network (TYAN) will give of Excellence for Biotechnology in Beijing. young scientists a more prominent role within TWAS and CAS welcomed the proposal, and the Academy and a stronger voice globally. the Chinese company Lenovo, the largest PC TYAN’s members will be positioned to provide company in the world, is supporting the initiative TWAS with important feedback on the needs of with a three-year grant of USD150,000 per year. young scientists in developing countries, and “I was elected as a TWAS Young Affiliate in they plan to have a global impact by creating 2010 and I attended my first TWAS General new partnerships, sharing knowledge and Meeting in Trieste, in 2011,” Li said. “I realized problems and building networks for cooperation. that Young Affiliates are a powerful resource They will provide feedback on various issues for the Academy, but that at the same time of sustainable development, while exploring they play a minor role in TWAS’s family.” Often, issues related to the social responsibilities of he explained, they feel they have to take a back scientists and the popularisation of science. seat to senior scientists who are TWAS Fellows.

TYAN was officially launched during the TWAS That means they have less engagement, and TYAN Affiliates in Kigali. 27th General Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda. “The less impact on the Academy. (Photo: Robert Mugabe/ founding and development of TYAN is a good “There is a vertical connection between them Rwandan Minister of Education) platform for collaboration and communication and TWAS, not a horizontal relationship as among young scientists,” said TWAS President there should be,” Li stated. “I felt I had to do Bai Chunli, who also serves as president of something.” the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). “I Li was awarded the 2012 TWAS Regional Prize think that TYAN will become a platform where for Building Scientific Institutions. He is also the young scientists can make contributions to deputy director-general at the Tianjin Institute the excellence of science, and also encourage of Industrial Biotechnology, a non-profit collaboration in developing countries. I believe national research institute established in 2012. that, with its wisdom and capacity, TYAN will be He serves as a professor at the CAS Institute successful for the future.” of Microbiology in Beijing, which is currently The TWAS Young Affiliate programme was the nation’s largest comprehensive research launched in 2007 to strengthen the presence of institution of microbiological science. scientists under the age of 40 in the Academy, TWAS Programme Coordinator Max Paoli said: and to take advantage of their perspective and “TYAN is a strategic initiative that will bring energy. Every year, TWAS’s five Regional Offices fresh energy and creativity to the Academy.

30 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 YOUNG AFFILIATES

“At present, we have some 250 Young Affiliates a senior lecturer at Federal University of and Alumni,” Paoli added. “About 60 of them have Technology in Akure, Nigeria; Collet Dandara, an enthusiastically agreed to participate in this associate professor at University of Cape Town, project, and we are confident that many more will South Africa; Sok Ching Cheong, a group leader join us when the group becomes fully operative.” at Cancer Research Initiatives Foundation, In Kigali, TYAN members discussed activities Selangor, Malaysia; and Yusuf Baran, a professor that they should pursue in the future, like at Abdullah Gul University in Kayseri, Turkey. strengthening the relationship with organisations “TYAN will help all of us to expand our networks such as the Global Young Academy. as well as our students’ opportunities to pay for On 16 November they elected the first exchange visits to foreign laboratories,” said TYAN Executive Committee, with gender and Zancan, who studies cancer metabolism.

TYAN will help all of us to expand our At the meeting, Zancan made an important announcement: In 2017, Brazil will host the networks as well as our students’ opportunities first TYAN meeting, under the aegis of the TWAS’s Regional Office for Latin America and to pay for exchange visits to foreign the Caribbean and the International Council for laboratories. Patricia Zancan, associate professor Science (ICSU) Regional Office for Latin America at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and the Caribbean. The meeting will take place in Rio de Janeiro, with support from the Brazilian Academy of Science. Baran studies molecular mechanisms of geographical balance. Along with Li, other drug resistance in cancer. He too sees great members are: Jalila Ben Salah-Abbès, an potential for TYAN. “We are a family from around associate professor at the Higher Institute of the world and we have to work hard,” he said. Biotechnology in Monastir, Tunisia; Patricia “I believe that science is the best way to bring Zancan, an associate professor at Universidade peace, to provide sustainable and economic Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Franco Martin development, and to use diplomacy around the

Learn more: Cabrerizo, an associate professor at IIb-Intech, world.” in Chascomús, Argentina; Bolanle Ade Ojokoh,

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 31 to first describe the morphological features and how they impact on the BETTER CHICKENS behaviour of different populations of indigenous chickens in five ecological zones of Ghana.” FOR AFRICA A total of 1,484 indigenous chickens in several areas of Ghana – each with by Cristina Serra different rainfall pattern, temperature and humidity – were studied. Ten TWAS Young Affiliate qualitative traits were taken into consideration, including naked- Julius Hagan of Ghana neck, frizzle feathers, dwarfism, and studies local chickens polydactyly (extra toes). Two of them, naked-neck and frizzling in particular to find breeds that best proved to be associated with heat adapt to the humid tolerance. From the morphological traits, Hagan weather. and his colleagues moved to identify associated genes that govern heat- hicken breeding is a major source 17 November 2016 at the 27th TWAS tolerance. They found two such genes Cof income for Ghana’s farmers, General Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda. and decided to incorporate them into especially in poor areas. Local chickens, “Conservation of local genetic exotic layers that were heat-stress in fact, are well adapted to hot and resources is one of the surest ways of susceptible, to make them as well humid tropical environment. ensuring food security, especially in adapted to Ghana as the indigenous However, chickens imported recently the developing world,” he maintained. ones. from abroad to breed with local ones “That’s why we carried out a study In another line of investigation, they and increase performance have altered did similar experiments to improve the market, as the newcomers suffer TWAS Young egg production. Both experiments are from the tropical climate and do not Affiliate Julius still in progress, but results so far are survive. Hagan. (Photo promising and Hagan wants to develop provided) “Over the years, Ghanaian chickens commercial layers and broilers with have developed heat-tolerance that heat-tolerant traits for the tropics, not make them well-suited to the country’s only in Ghana but also in other African climate,” explained Ghanaian scientist countries. Julius Kofi Hagan, a 2016 TWAS Young Hagan stands out high on African Affiliate. science. In 2014 he was named one This makes them an important of the world’s top 20 innovators by resource for local economy, especially the Technical Centre for Agricultural in times of climate change where and Rural Cooperation, and in 2013 temperatures can cause heat he placed third in a competition for stress to the birds. Heat stress, the Best Young Professional Scientist as Hagan observed, generally in Africa, organised by the Forum for affects the growth and Agricultural Research in Africa. reproductive performance of “Local chickens are unique and the animals, especially birds. represent special genetic resources in Hagan, a senior lecturer in Africa and the tropics,” he concluded. the Department of Animal “We must do our best to preserve them Science at the University and, possibly, improve them.” of Cape Coast in Ghana, presented his research on Learn more:

32 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 YOUNG AFRICAN SCIENTISTS

South African scientist Olaniyi Fawole. [Photo provided]

University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. He completed his PhD work from 2010-2013 at Stellenbosch University, where he is now a researcher in the South African Research Chair in Postharvest Technology, Department of Horticultural Sciences. He is also a founding member of the recently established TWAS Young Affiliate Network, TYAN (see pg. 30-31). Pomegranates, he explained, contain antioxidant, anti-diabetic and anti-microbial compounds. They also find applications as animal feed, as natural dye and for nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. All these properties prompted Fawole TURNING LOSS INTO to determine optimum fruit maturity and postharvest handling protocols in order to help maintain quality and A NUTRITIONAL GAIN reduce losses during postharvest handling. by Cristina Serra Sunburn bleaches the red colour of pomegranate arils (the inner red Olaniyi Fawole from or used for other purposes, they are seeds), making the fruit undesirable usually thrown away. for processing into other products; in South Africa investigates Olaniyi Fawole from Stellenbosch addition, the disposal of unsold fruit strategies to extract University in South Africa has been stresses the environment. studying pomegranates’ properties Fawole chose a popular South valuable biological for several years. He found that even African cultivar called ‘Wonderful’. He sunburned fruits contain substances extracted oils from sunburned as well compounds from sun- with potential medical and nutritional as from healthy fruits, and identified damaged pomegranates. applications, and now his goal is to find new biological properties. a way to extract high-quality bioactive “I was glad to see that sunburned hey’re beautiful to look at and have substances from the damaged fruits were still potentially useful for Tan appealing sweet-sour flavour, pomegranates. their antibacterial activity against and now pomegranates are catching “Pomegranates are an important bacteria such as Klebsiella pneumoniae the interest of scientists because resource for South Africa, and when and Escherichia coli,” he said. they contain more than 120 bioactive I realized that there were few studies As a next step, he wants to optimise compounds good for human health. on their biological properties, I felt the processing technique and patent South Africa is investing in I needed to fill this gap,” Fawole his results, then launch a spin-off pomegranate cultivation despite explained at the TWAS General Meeting company to exploit this unexpected a significant risk: severe sunburn in Kigali. resource. inflicted by the strong South African Fawole, elected as a TWAS Young sun, which spoils about 30% of Affiliate in 2016, earned a bachelor’s the annual harvest. Because these degree at Obafemi Awolowo University damaged fruits cannot be eaten, juiced in Nigeria and a master’s at the Learn more:

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 3, 2016 33 together in the supply of continuous and strong scientific support to the TWAS: KEY shared development and common prosperity.” In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping ROLE IN BEIJING proposed the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk DECLARATION Road. Known as the Belt and Road initiative, it is a unified framework for development and cooperation in a by Edward W. Lempinen region that touches three continents and their contiguous oceans and seas, International science in issuing the “Beijing Declaration”. The with human population numbering in statement calls for improved scientific the billions. leaders called for broad cooperation in the region, which The initiative has drawn support scientific cooperation for extends from the Western Pacific from over 100 countries, and already across Asia to Africa and Europe. has led to establishment of the Silk shared development in the “The Belt and Road Initiative aiming Road Fund; the expansion of trade “Belt and Road” region. at shared development harmonizes and business; the development of the fundamental interests of the high-speed railways; a deepening cientific cooperation in the “Belt international community and adds of communication on policy and Sand Road” region could help deliver a new positive force to peace and enhanced exchanges between people shared development to billions of development in the world,” the and cultures in the region. Projects people, and TWAS joined international declaration says. “National and regional under the initiative are expected to science leaders in endorsing plans to scientific organizations, scientists and multiply in the years ahead. bring the vision to life. experts from different fields need to Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) At the first-ever International strengthen cooperation by sharing of President Bai Chunli, who also serves Science Forum of National Scientific information and joining their efforts as president of TWAS, played a leading Organizations on the Belt and Road role in the forum held 7-8 November Initiative, TWAS joined more than 20 Chinese Academy of Sciences President Bai 2016 in Beijing. Mohamed Hassan, Chunli, who also serves as TWAS president, national scientific organisations and a played a leading role at the forum. [Photo: TWAS interim executive director, and number of international organizations Chinese Academy of Sciences] CAS Vice President Tan Tieniu, a TWAS Fellow, moderated a discussion on the role of STI in shared development. “The Belt and Road initiative is an historic opportunity for countries to share resources, knowledge and experience in support of shared development,” Bai said. “The International Science Forum of National Scientific Organizations is a positive recognition that science, technology and innovation will be central to the success of this initiative. TWAS clearly has an important role to play, and many valuable contributions to offer.”

See the full text of the Beijing Declaration:

34 TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 TWAS NEWS PEOPLE, PLACES & EVENTS

IN MEMORIAM: M.G.K. MENON Menon was appointed as secretary to who played a leading role in TWAS’s TWAS Founding Fellow M.G.K. Menon, the government of India (1971-1982). founding and growth, working closely an acclaimed Indian physicist whose Menon has been described as the with TWAS founder Abdus Salam, a research and advocacy for science architect of India’s modern science Pakistani physicist and Nobel Laureate. exerted global influence, and technology culture. “M.G.K. Menon After directing the Academy for 25 passed away in was one of the most brilliant men that years, until 2011, Hassan served as November 2016, at I have known,” said C.N.R. Rao, a TWAS TWAS treasurer until the end of 2015. the age of 88. Founding Fellow and former TWAS Using his foresight and charisma, he Menon was one of president. “He contributed much to succeeded in establishing international the scientists who scientific organizations in India. Above bonds that made the Academy an in 1981 met in Rome all, he had a warm personality and was influential institution, with networks and signed a document that led to a dear friend of mine.” that reach to the highest levels of the creation of TWAS. He was a TWAS Menon expressed his talent not only in science, education and government Founding Fellow and served as the high-energy physics, but also in fields across the world. Academy’s first vice-president from such as atomic energy, electronics, Hassan was also influential in bringing 1983 to 1988. He served as president environment and technology. the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) to of the International Council for Science His diplomacy and savoir faire played Trieste. IAP today represents more than (ICSU) from 1988 to 1993. an important role in gathering 130 academies of science, medicine A native of Mangalore, India, Menon consensus among intellectuals over and engineering, frequently offering exhibited a precocious talent in the protection of a fragile ecosystem guidance on science-related policy to physics. He earned a master’s degree in the Silent Valley rainforest (Kerala), address regional and global challenges. in physics from the Royal Institute which was in danger due to plans to Hassan is also the founding president of Science in Bombay, and his PhD build a hydro-electric dam. He saved of the Network of African Science in 1953 from Bristol University in the this precious area, and now there are Academies - NASAC UK. But even before earning his PhD, suggestions to rename the Silent Valley (2001-2012). He he made important contributions to National Park in his name: MGK Menon was the president the study of the decay of charged K National Park. of the African particles into so-called pions. Menon was the recipient of the Padma Academy of Another important contribution to Vibhushan, the second-highest civilian Sciences from 2000 physics came in 1955: at that time award of the Republic of India. He was to 2011 and helped Menon was at the Tata Institute of also a Fellow of the Indian Academy of in establishing the Organization for Fundamental Research (TIFR), where Sciences and the Royal Society (UK). Women in Science for the Developing he paved the way to neutrino physics World (OWSD). by recording the first-ever interaction HASSAN WINS SCIENCE He strengthened ties with the of a cosmic ray neutrino generating a DIPLOMACY HONOUR Italian government and the Swedish particle called the muon. Mohamed H.A. Hassan, TWAS founding International Development Cooperation In 1966, at the age of 35, he was executive director and currently Agency (Sida), two key supporters of appointed TIFR director. In 1972, he the Academy’s interim director, has the Academy and its programmes. chaired the Indian Space Research been awarded one of seven Science The prize was announced by Naledi Organization, heading the Indian Space Forum South Africa (SFSA) 2016 Pandor, South Africa’s Minister Programme during a crucial period Science Diplomacy Awards. The prize of Science and Technology, on 9 from January-September 1972 right recognises his commitment and December 2016 during the Science after the sudden death of Vikram career-long efforts to use science to Forum South Africa event in Pretoria. Sarabhai, the father of India’s space build international cooperation. programme. With his skill in leadership, Hassan is a Sudanese mathematician

TWAS Newsletter, Vol. 28 No. 4, 2016 35 PEOPLE, PLACES & EVENTS

IN MEMORIAM: NAJIA KBIR-ARIGUIB Management Authority of India (Status: the Behavioural Sciences at Stanford Najia Kbir-Ariguib, an esteemed Minister of State of Government of University (USA). Tunisian chemist, passed away on India, 2011-2014). Jansen earned his PhD at Stanford. 17 November 2016. Kbir-Ariguib was His scientific activity has focused His interests focus on education policy, elected to TWAS in 1985, and was on the investigation of the Himalaya science education and sociology of among the first women elected to the and Tibet Plateau region, where knowledge. Academy. She was the he proved for the first time the His engagement in promoting founder and former existence of an abnormally thick tolerance, democracy and defending director of the crust below. His leadership in disaster human rights has earned him the National Institute management is globally recognized, Education Africa Lifetime Achiever of Scientific and as well as his competence in building Award and the Technical Research major geoscience programmes at Spendlove Award, in Tunisia. the global level. Among his major both in 2013. She obtained her PhD at the University accomplishments is the His book, of Paris, and then returned to Tunisia establishment of Knowledge in the where she became full professor the Indian Tsunami Blood: Confronting (1978) at the University of Tunis. There Early Warning Race and the Apartheid she carried out research in inorganic System. Past (Stanford, 2009), won the Nayef chemistry. In addition, he set up Al Rodhan Prize, the largest award Her field of investigation was natural a model to distinguish from the British Academy for the social mineral resources, including briny between normal earthquakes and sciences and humanities. water, lake salts and clays. quakes triggered by water reservoirs. Jansen holds honorary degrees Kbir-Ariguib was a member of the He has authored over 200 scientific from the University of Edinburgh, the Tunisian Chemical Society and a papers and five books. Further, he University of Vermont and Cleveland fellow of both the African Academy compiled and edited Encyclopaedia State University. of Sciences and the Arab Academy of Solid Earth Geophysics (Springer, ASSAf was founded in 1996 to respond of Sciences. She served as the 2011), a landmark treatise of more to the need of merging science and coordinator of the National Programme than 1,500 pages in two volumes. democracy in South Africa. It works to on Phosphates and Briny Water, and The Axford Medal is bestowed by The generate evidence-based solutions to served on national committees and Asia and Oceania Geosciences Society national problems, and at developing other bodies focused on environment, in the name of Professor W.I. Axford, partnerships with national, regional remote sensing and chemical for his vision of academic excellence and international organisations to help education. and scientific cooperation in Asia and build South Africa’s capacity in science, Oceania. technology and innovation. HARSH K. GUPTA RECEIVES AXFORD MEDAL JONATHAN JANSEN TO LEAD ASSAF Harsh Kumar Gupta, a 1995 TWAS The Academy of Science of South BE A CONTRIBUTOR Fellow and a world-renowned expert Africa (ASSAf) has a new president: Do you have news for People, in Earth sciences, has been presented Professor Jonathan D. Jansen, a 2010 Places & Events? with the 2016 Axford Medal for TWAS Fellow. Please send an email to his outstanding contributions in Born in South Africa, Jansen is the Cristina Serra ([email protected]) geosciences. immediate past vice-chancellor and with a brief explanation, Gupta served as a secretary to the rector of the University of the Free links to more details, government of India (2001-2005) and State (UFS), and is currently a fellow and contact information. as a member of the National Disaster at the Centre for Advanced Studies in

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The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries – TWAS – works to support sustainable prosperity through research, education, policy and diplomacy.

WAS was founded in 1983 by a distinguished group visiting scientists and provides funding for regional and Tof scientists from the developing world, under the international science meetings. leadership of Abdus Salam, the Pakistani physicist TWAS hosts and works in association with two allied and Nobel Prize winner. Today, TWAS has about 1,190 organizations on the ICTP campus: elected Fellows from 96 countries; 15 of them are Nobel The Organization for Women in Science for the laureates. It is based in Trieste, Italy, on the campus of Developing World (OWSD). At its founding in 1989, the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical OWSD was the first international forum uniting women Physics (ICTP). scientists from the developing and developed worlds. Through more than three decades, TWAS’s mission has Today, OWSD has more than 5,800 members. Their remained consistent: objective is to strengthen the role of women in the ∫ Recognize, support and promote excellence in development process and promote their representation scientific research in the developing world; in scientific and technological leadership. ∫ Respond to the needs of young scientists in countries The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) represents more that are lagging in science and technology; than 130 academies worldwide. IAP provides high-quality ∫ Promote South-South and South-North cooperation analysis and advice on science, health and development in science, technology and innovation; to national and international policymakers and the ∫ Encourage scientific and engineering research and public; supports programmes on scientific capacity- sharing of experiences in solving major problems building, education and communication; leads efforts to facing developing countries. expand international science cooperation; and promotes TWAS and its partners offer over 490 fellowships per the involvement of women and young scientists in all year to scientists in the developing world for PhD studies its activities. and post-doctoral research. TWAS prizes and awards TWAS receives core funding from the Italian Ministry are among the most prestigious given for scientific of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and key work in the developing world. The Academy distributes programmatic funding from the Swedish International more than USD1 million in research grants every year Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). It is a to individual scientists and research groups. It supports programme unit of UNESCO.

The TWAS Newsletter is printed on paper from sustainable sources.