The annual excursion of the members of the Institute of Archteology took place on the 1st of August, 1906. The start was made from the Angel Hill, Bury St. Edmund's, under most favourable circumstances ; members collected from East and , and were afterwards joined at Gedding Church, the first -halting place, by a party of twelve members from Sudbury, under the guidance of Mr. W. J. Langdon, as well As by several others who arrived in motor cars and in their own • conveyances. Over one hundred members entered the quaint and interesting church, which was carefully described by the Rev. J. Hind, Rector of Gedding, whose father, the Rev. W. M. Hind, LL.D., was, in conjunction with PrOfessor Babington, .author of a well-known work on Suffolk flora (pub. 1889). The principal features of Gedding Church are the various traces of Norman stone- work still to be seen in the windows of the North and South walls ; the low-side window about which arose the usual arguments as to the reason for its construction ; and the recesses in the wall dividing the chancel from the nave, which .bear the appearance of the former existence of aumbries. The main part of the edifice was erected in the 13th or 14th centuries by members of the Chamberlain family, whO awned the adjacent hall at ;that period, and whose arms (Argent fretty, on a chief sable three torteaux ) may be seen portrayed in stone and stained glass both inside and outside the church. The chancel arch is an ,ugly piece of workmanship. Mr. T. Cotman and Mr. H. Miller expressed their opinions that the admission of light 234 GMDING RAU. .. to the chancel was the cause of the construction of itS arches. The church has recently been carefully and judiciously restored. Many members were interested in a stone which marks the resting place of one Joseph Ely, who had been in twenty-nine engagements, among them the battles of Corunna and of Waterloo, and who lived to return to his native village and die in the year 1860. The party walked from the church to Gedding Hall, the property., of Arthur Wakerley, Esq., J.P., passing on the way a herd of Suffolk dun cows, which Prince Frederick remarked were the only ()hesof that species in existence. They had been purchased .by Mr. Wakerley from Lord Iveagh. Gedding Hall ig a red- • brick mansion surrounded by a moat ; its entrance hall was erected in the 15th century. Unfortunately, owing to the severe illness of Mr. Wakerley, then at Matlock, both Mr. and Mrs. *Wakerleywere unable to receive their guests, who were welcomedby Mrs. Wakerley, of Woolpit. Full permission was given to members to view the house and to inspect its many treasures, among which were several interesting portraits and a fine collectionof pewter. The building itself has recently undergone extensive. alterations under the direction of Mr. Wakerley. The task of attending upon the guests in the absence of the host and hostess fell upon their secretary, Mr. Dixon, who was most anxious that the visit should be a pleasant one. A generous, well-served luncheon was provided for the numerous party. After it was concluded the Hon. Secretary read letters from Mr. and Mrs. Wakerley, ex- pressing great regret at their inability to be present ; and, upon the motion of Prince Frederick Duleep Singh, seconded by the Rev. J. Hind, it was unanimously agreed that the SeCretary should convey a deep expression of sympathy on account of the illness of Mr. Wakerley, and should thank both Mr. and Mrs. Wakerley for the hospit- able reception they had provided for. their visitors. A vote of thanks was also accorded to Mrs. Wakerley; who was present. GEDDING HALL.


From Gedding the journey wa& made to Cockfield Church, at a time when the tower was undergoing repair. The rector of Cockfield, the Rev. E. Hill, F.G.S., met the visitors, and gave a description of his church.* He pointed Out the existence of interior.Tower buttresses, and stated that he had noticed a similar construction of buttresses in only one other church, viz., at Hitcham. He remarked also that the lower part of the pulpit, probably belonged to the Perpendicular period, while the upper part was of Jacobean workmanship. Near to the pulpit is an Early English Credence table of an interesting design. A monument in the chancel, erected to the memory of the Harvey family, notifies the fact that one member died of ,small pox (variolarum lue correptus). A gravestone in the churchyard, bearing the name of Cecilia, a near relative of the poet, Edmund Waller, attracted attention. Adjacent to the churchyard are some picturesque brick and timber houses, with moulded ceilings and overhanging gables, built probably in the latter half of the 15th eentury. They may have answered as the meeting place of the parish guild. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Hill for his interesting paper and for permission to inspect the church registers and plate -which he had placed for view in the vestry. The next stopping place was Shimpling Thorne Court, the charming residence of F. J. Methold, Esq., F.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Methold welcomed their guests upon the lawn, where a most inviting tea was set out. Many of .the visitors took the opportunity of walking about the grounds, whilst others entered the house to look at the valuable oil 'paintings and collection of silver plate. After tea Mr. V. B. Redstone gave a description of some neighbouring earthworks known aS the Warbanks. A, great discussion arose as to their true character, and the speaker found many opponents to his views. Mr. Redstone gave as his opinion that the deep channels were merely *,For a full description of Cockfield Church, see Proceedinvs, Vol. v., P. 215. The photograph of the church has been kindly supplied by Mr. H. I. Jarman, Abbeygate spr99t,Bury S. Edmunds. 236 EARTHWORKS--WARBANK S. gullies, or water-ways, but some of the party who visited the Warbanks were loud in support of the tradition that, like the Devil's Dyke, they were anciently made •for defensive works. The main arguments set forth against this belief Werethat the banks did not present the appear- ance of an artificial construction ; there is little or no sign of embankments formed on either side by mounds of excavated earth ; the trenches, like many other ditches, form to a large extent boundaries .of adjacent parishes. No records mention the exiSstenceof an early encanipment Upon the site, nor of the finding of Roman or Saxon remains within ,the area they are considered to enclose. Dr. J. S. Holden expressed the view that the Warbanks are similar in construction to the cattle ways on the South. Downs. The Warbanks, he stated, are a long trench •5 to 30 feet. wide, and about 25 feet deep, and full of bushes, briars, and brambles. For about 300 .feet it runs parallel with the high ground, then it makes a right angle turn down the hill for about 600 feet, where it stops, being levelled into the adjoining field ; still the left band boundary. is traceable for several hundred feet further down to the edge of the valley below. The Rev. E. Hill was unable to agree with the views given by Mr. Redstone and Dr. Holden ; and published a letter in The East Anglian Daily Times, giving his opinion as to the nature of the Warbanks as follows :—

" Dr. Holden's is a fourth theory of the war-banks. There are now the views which see in them ancient boundaries, ancient water- courses, ancient cattle-tracks, besides the traditional view of them as military works. As few-readers can be familiar with their features, I give a descrip, tion. Beginning from near the Greyhound cottages on the high road, the portion west of the road consists of a line of about 200 yards,' running N.W., followed by another about as• long, S.W. These are in the middle of an arable field, and show a broad, shallow trench about 30 feet broad by four feet deep, and on the southern (therefore inner) side of the trench, a broad, shallow mound, perhaps 20 feet broad, and one or two feet high. Returning:to the cottages, tbe part east of the road begins from the back of their gardens. There is first a„line of nearly 300 yards, EARTHWORKg—WARBANKS. 237 about N.E., between two fields. On the west side is a broad trench, several feet below- the general level of the field, with a ditch at its bottom along the hedge. This hedge itself hides a mound about 12 feet broad, which rises some four feet above the field on the east; from top of mound to bottom of ditch is as much as 10 feet. From the end of this side the next line of about 300 yards runs about S.E. along two fields. ' Along the first is a broad and very deep ditch, with the field level on the south much higher than that on the north ; making a terrace, with a fall of about four feet. The continua:" tion along the second field has a smaller-ditch and lower terrace, the fall being about two feet. The side which follows this is the longest of all, running S.W. for about 600 yards. Along this line there is a broad ditch, in the upper part very deep. Also along the whole the field on the west is several feet higher than that on the east; so there is again a terrace on the inner side. The remaining line is the last and shortest, running about 150 yards S.E. : it also is a deep ditch, and a terrace of about two feet rise on the south side; it ends in an ordinary hedge and ditch. The shallow mound above described, west of the road, is such as might remain when a bank has been levelled by plough or weather. The terraces would naturally result where a bank was levelled by the spade, as has been done within living memory to portions. of •these war- banks. Where a bank runs across a slope, the soil washed down against,it would create a terrace (I owe this remark to Dr. Holden).. At one spot a relic of a,former bank can be seen. A hedge crossing the terrace at its edge is growing on a mound. When the bank was levelled, the hedge crossing it would be left, and the earth on which it grew, left as a mound. On plotting out the dimensions and directions of this description or on looking at the six-inch or tWenty-five-inch Ordnance map, their lines will be seen to form a portion of a parallelo- gram, with projections from its terminations. Along the whole there is not only a trench, but also on the inner side either a mound, or indications that a mound once existed, or a terrace, ,at a level three, four, sometimes more than six feet above the level of the field without. Any explanation must account for lines uniformly straight, arranged in two sets of directions; with corners nearly right angles, and . for mounds or terraces on the inner side. Water-courses and ,cattle-ways are unlikely to form straight lines, parallels, or right .angles, and unable to produce mounds or terraces. The boundary theory does not seem to agree with their great size and restricted length. The traditional view that they are defensive military works agrees With every feature. .Their date is difficult to decide. British earthworks I am accus- tomed to believe mostly circular. Roman camps were rectangles, and if only the middle part were in eiistence we should at once put it down 238 COLDHAM HALL. - as one of these. But the outer projections are difficulties. I have often thought the westward extension may have been only a conduit to bring water (every camp requires a water supply), while the east- ward projection is in the position for a gate. If so, however, no trace remains of the other side of the gate, and great part of the rectangle. Though roads pass across much of their probable positions, and though ditches on the plateau would readily fill up, yet such total obliteration is hard to conceive. There is another possibility. No doubt the country in early days was dense forest. A Roman road through such a forest would certainly be bordered by a wide clearing on each side. Were these works • &instructed to resist an advance along such a road 7 If so, they would be carried across the clearing as far as the forest on eaeh side, and no further. This would explain the projections at each end, and the absence of a complete enclosure." A hearty vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Mr. and Mrs. Methold for their kind reeeption, and for the permission to visit the delightful grounds of Thorne Court. Quitting Thorne Court the conveyances were driven to Coldham Hall, a charming Elizabethan mansion, the old home of the Rokewoods. A paper on Coldham Hall and the Rokewoods, by S. Tymms, is to be found in Vol. iff., page 299 et seq. of the Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archology. Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Trafford Rawson received the members present, and con- ducted them through the rooms of the old hall, pointing out the secret chamber, the priest's hiding place, and the room in which Queen Elizabeth slept. The visitors entered the grounds by a long avenue of trees, whence they gained

. a view of the front of tbe hail , equally as charming as the view frona the garden which is surrounded by the Nun's embowered walk. Before leaving for Bury St. Edmund's, the Rev. F. J. Eld, F.S.A., proposed a vote of thanks to Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Rawson. This vote was cordially supported by all who were present. Coldham Hall was the last plaç visited upon the occasion of this excursion. 239


A good muster of members met at Ely on Monday, 1uth September, 1906, when special facilities were granted by the Cathedral authorities to visit the Cathedral. The Venerable Dean Stubbs, now Bishop of Truro, took special interest in the visit, and kindly acted as guide. After luncheon, at the Lamb Hotel, the Rev. Canon Warren took the opportunity when members were assembled together to propose a vote of thanks to the Dean of Ely, Archdeacon Chapman, and Canon Glazebrook, who had offered hospitality to the visitors, fifty-five in number. A meeting was then held in the Cloister Garth, where Dr. Stubbs explained the• early history of the building from an architectural and structural standpoint, and also gave a brief account of St. Etheldreda, who •founded the first religious house at Ely, which wag described by the Monk Thomas as a twin monasterY of monks and nuns. No trace now remains of this Saxon monastery, though it was on the site of the present cathedral, a development of a Norman church erected about the year 1080. In the 13th century, Abbot Northwold, of Bury St. Edmund's, when Bishop of Ely, added the beautiful Early English presbytery. The Dean spoke highly of the octagonal tower which supplied the place of the Norman central tower destroyed in 1321. After dealing in some detail with the additions •and alterations to the structure, the Dean conduaed the party to the inside of. the Cathedral, and gave an interesting account of the cross of St. Ovin, once used as a horse- block The visitors passed to the west of the building and inspected the Chapel of St. Catherine and the Galilee porch. Much interest was taken in the carving and painting within the building. 240 tY CATHERAL

Many Members availed themselves of the opportunity to be present at evensong. After service parties visited the Deanery and the residences of Archdeacon Chapman and Canon Glazebrook, where tea was kindly provided,

• and members were allowed to inspect the muniments, which have been most carefully arranged by Archdeacon , Chapman, and also the extensive vaults formerly part of the monastic buildings. Permission was granted by the Bishop of Ely to visit the Palace. In the Palace gardens stands a noble plane tree whose branches have a spread of 104 feet in diameter. Mr. G. H. Tyndall, of Ely, kindly acted as guide In the town, and Mr. Tyne11 Green kindly made arrangements for the convenience of members travelling from . 241


Acton, 33, 34, 42, 72 Blackbourn, 139 Bury S. Edmunds, 4, 10, Acton Barnet, 94 Blakenham Magna, 43, 11, 12, 24, 25, 26, 27, Aghgrim, 123 73, 178 34, 38, 39, 40, .75, 76, Akenham, 44, 53 Blakenham Parva, 44 97, 98, 129, 164, 165, Aldeburgh, .177, 200, Blaxhall, 62, 177 183, 228, 237, 238 202, 204 Blodhall Manor, 219, Butley, 182 Aldringham, 51 220 Buxhall, 68, 76 , 72 Blundeston, 50, 73 Buxlowe, 62 , 52, 72 Blyford, 175 Ash Socking, 178, 192 Bokenham, 73 Cambridge, 129 Ashby, 176 Botisdale, 4, 73 Campsey, 63, 180 Ashfield, 35, 56, 178 Boulge, 180 Canterbury. 90, 161 Ashfield with Thorpe, 179 Bowes Hall, 34 Capelfield, 220 Ashley, 194 Boxford, 42, 73 Capel S. Mary, 180 Aspall Hall, 216, 217 Boxted, 42 Carlton, 38, 64 Athelington, 47 Boylland Manor, 46 Carlton Colville, 176 Athlone, 123 Boyton, 182 Cavendish, 76 Bradfield Magna, 43, 74 , 27, 58, 76 •Bacton, 32, 47, 53, 173 Bradfield S. George, 53, Charsfield, 63, 170, 180 Badingham, 38, 49, 172 , 74 Chatisham, 45, 180 Badmondisfield, 3, 5, 6, BradleY Magna, 38, 59 Chediston, 51 7, 72; 129, 135 Bradley Parva, 60 , 46 Badwell Ash, 55, 178 Bradwell, 50 , 66 Bardwell, 56, 72 Braiseworth, 173 , Cheshire, 111, 127, 132 Barham, 30 Bramfield, 51 Cheveley, 129 Barking, 31, 43, 68, 72 Bramford, 44, 192 Chickering, 77 Barnby, 176 Brampton, 175 Chillesford 177 Barnham, 182 Brandeston, 63 Chilton, 3, 35, 77 Barningham, 40, 57, 182 Brandon Ferry, 181 Christ's College, Cam- Barley, 34 , 46 bridge, 129 Barrow, 54, 129 Bredfield, 182 Cinque Ports, 166 Barsham, 174 Brest, 123 Clackmannan, 127 Barton, 24, 39, 58, 181 Brettenham, 39, 69, 74 Clare, 35, 60, 77 Bavents, 35 Bretts Manor, 40 Claydon, 44, 179, 228 Baylham, 43, 73, 178 Bricett, 178 Cockfield, 39, 233, 235 Bealings Magna, •37, 73, Bricett Parva, 44 Coddington, 228 178 Brockley, 54 Cokefield, 220 Bealings Parva, 178 Brokes Hall, 192 COlchester, 41, 204 Beamonds, 35 Bristol, 165 Coldham Hall, 233, 238 Beccles, 3, 11, 24, 34, 68, Brittany, 193 Combes, 77, 181 73, 174, 228 Brome, 173 , 55 Bedfield, 48, 49 Bromeswell, 182 Cookley, 51 Bedingfield, 73, 172 Bruisyard, 62, 177 Cornard Magna, 77 Belton, 176 Brundish, 38, 172 Cornard Parva, 77 Belvoir, 224, 229 . Bungay, 65, 74, 174 Corton, 176 Benacre, 228 Bures S. Mary, 74 Cossey, 94 Bentley, 68, 73, 97, 180 Burgate, 34, 47 74 Cotton,'47, 77, 173 Beodricsworth, 1 Burgh, 2, 64, 74 Covehythe, 34, 51, 175 Beyton, 38, 178 Burstall, 180 Cove, North, 174 , 66, 180 Burgh Castle, 1, 203 Cove, South, 175 Billinglee, 111 Burgundy, 1 Coventry, 137, 165 242 INDEX-PLACES.

Cowlinge, 3, 35, 38, 60, Eyke, 35, 180 Hadleigh, 45 77, 182 Halesworth, 33, 175 Cransford, 177 Felsham, 178 Ham House, 112, 11.6, Cratfield, 175 Feltham, 53, 55, 78 127 Creeting S. Mary, 44, Fenning, 92 Hampolc, 119 178 Finborough Magna, 43, Han-ipstead, 94 Greeting S. Olave, 77, 167 • Harborough Manor, 218, 181 Finningham, 39, 78 220 Creke Hall, 100 Flanders, 123, 184 , 3, 79 Cretingham, 36, 63 Flint, 137 Harleston, 90 Cropley Park, 134 Flixton, 37 Harpole, 1 Crowland, 41 Frarnlingham, 36, 63, Harrington, 107, 126 Crow's Hall, 217, 221 180, 206 , 42, 79, 178 , 55 Framsden, 36, 179 Haselwooi, 203 Culpho, 179 France, 184 Hasketon, 179 , 38, 181 Hatton, 118 , 61, 130 Fressingfield, 79 Haughley, 44, 79, 88, Dallinghoo, 182 Freston, 180 181, 216, 217 Darmsden, 43, 178 Fretton, 79 Haughwode, 220 Darsham, 51, 77, 176 Friday Street, 167 Haverhill, 5, 36, 59, 79 Debach 180 Friston, 62, 209 , 59, 80 Debden, 59 - Fornham All SS., 38 , 42, 54, 97, Debenham,. 62, 77, 87, Fornham S. Geneveve, 98, 172 179, 216, 218 52, 173 Hedingham, 102 Denham, .49, 130, 172 Fornham S. Martin, 54, Helmingham, 99, 100, Denmark, 91 173 113, 169, 179 Dennington, 4, 38, 77, Foxearth, 34 Hemingston, 43 172, 193, 194 Frostenden, 175 , 54 , 35, 78, 174 Fulbourn, 129 Henley, 43, 179 Derhaugh, 218 Hensham, 5 Ditchenham, 65 , 27, 28, 129, 182 Henstead, 175 Dodneis, 101 Gedding, 53 Hepworth, 11, 58, 80, Donnington Castle, 194 Gedding Hall, 233, 234, 182 Drinkstone,-178 235 Herringfleet, 80 Droitwich, 221 Gestingthorpe Manor, , 28 Dullingham, 129 220 Hesset, 53, 80, 178 ' Dunwich, 1, 42, 78 Giffard's Hall, 129, 134 Heveningham, 51, 176 Gimmingham, 191 Higham, 45, 129 Earl Stonham, 68 Gipping, 79, 89 Hinderclay, 3, 54, 80 , 78 Gipping Newton. 68 ; 170, 180, Easton, 63 Gisleharn, 176 221 Edinburgh, 118 Gislingham, 47, 173 Hitcham, 235 Eleigh, 39 Gledstone, 125 Holbrook, 170, 180 Elcigh, Monks', 29, 39 Glemharn Magna, 61, 177 Holford, 111 Elmham, 1, 105, 106, 201 Hollesley, 228 126, 177 Glemham Parva, 61, 193 Honington, 56, 182 , 67, 78, 181 , 7, 79 Hopton, 55, 80, 182 Elmswell, 57 Gorleston, 50, 79, 177 Horham, 47, 170, 172 Ely, 204, 239 Gosbeck, 44, 178 Horningsheath, 39, 80 Elvedon, 181 Grantham, 126 , Hornsey Wood, 223 , 4, 37, 58, 78, Grentynhawis, 220 Hoxne, 4, 49, 80 181. Goslinge Manor, 220 Hunden, 59, 80 , 3, 45 Groby, 120 1 Hunston, 178 . Essex, 202 Grundisburgh, 64 Huntingfield, 37, 81 Exeter, 165 Auntingtower, 127 Exnyng, 67, 78, 182 Hacheston, 3, 64, 79, Eye, 31, 46, 78 180 Iceland,184 INDEX-PLACES. . 243 , 10, 28, 58, , 90, 92, 122, 164, Orford, 36, 193, 228 65, 181 187, 190, 196, 215, 223 Ilketshall, 65, 174 Orford Castle, 218 Lound, 50 Orwell, 192 Ingham, 55, 173 Louth, 100 , 3, 4, 7, 8, 37,46, Otley, 49, 63, 179 Lowestoft, 49, 82, 164, 104, 107, 113, 122,- Oulton, 177 205 , 130 138, 139, 159, 160, 164, Lucca, 137 165, 166, 168, 170, 183, Lyston, 34 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, Pakefield, 64 Pakenham, 83 191, 220 Mallinge, 194 Ireland, 1 Palgrave, 32, 46, 47, 83 Malvern Hall, 128 Parham, 201, 226, 227 Islingham, 38 Marlesford, 62, 180 Italy, 184 Peasenhall, 50, 176 Martlesham, 179 Pembroke Hall, Cam- , 57, 81 Massingham, 110, Ill • Ixworth Thorp, 58 bridge, 30 Melford, 27, 34, 35, 39, Pentlowe, 34 82, 192 , 38, 60, 80, 81 Petaugh, 62, 170, 179 Melles, 82 Petistree, 67, 83 Kelsale, 81 Melton, 36 Kennett, 129 Playford, 63 Mendham, 33, 48, 172 Plymouth, 99, 124 Kenninghall, 89, 90 Mendlesham, 82, 216 , 28 , 34, 42 Metfield, 49 Portland Grove, 99 Kenton, 35, 36, 172, 216, Mettingham, 68, 217 174 , 61 Mickfield; 44, 178 Preston, 39 Kersey, 3, 34, 36, 67, 81 Mildenhall, 3, 32, 82 Kesgrave, 63, 228 Purle Magna, 198 Milding, 42 Purle Parva, 198 , 29, 39, 81 Minshull, Ill Kettleburgh, 62, 180 Monewden, 36, 180 King's College, Cam- Queen's College, Cam- , 176 bridge, 121 bridge, 36 Monks Sohatn, 170 Kirldey, 81, 176 . Moulton, 129 Ramsholt, 182 Kirtling, 38 Moyses Hall, 131 Kirton, 174 Rattlesden, 53, 178 Much Horseley, 52 Reading, 198 , 182 Muston, 224, 229 Knoddishall, 56, 176 Rede, 54, 172 Mutford, 64, 83, 177 Redgrave, 31, 47 , 173 Redisham, 35, 65, 174 Nacton, 169, 174 Rendham, 83, 201 , 181 Nancy, 200 Lancashire, 132 Reston, 31 Nantwich, 125 Reydon, 175 Landen, 123 Naughton, 39, 66, 83 Langham, 57 Rhuddlan, 137, 138 , 33, 52 Rickinghall, 57, 173 , 31, 82, 129, Needham, 43, 68, 83 136 Ringsfield, 174 Nettlestead,102, 103, 125 Ringshall, 31, 178 , 29, 82 Newbourn, 63, 179 Laxfield, 49, 82, 172 Rishangles, 173 Newbury, 198 Roydon,.68 , 2, 82, 181 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 165 Lehena, 126 Rumburgh, 41, 175 Newmarket, 67, 83, 228 Rushbrooke, 104, 105, Leicestershire, 224, 227 Newton, 83, 181 Letheringham, 180 126 , 33, 191, 202 Rush Green, 90 Levington, 174 North Cove, 34, 65 Leyston, 33 Rushmere, 63, 64, 189, North Hales, 34, 51, 175 199 , 82, 129, 130, 194 Norton, 55 Lincoln, 165, 166 Norway, 184 Sackvilles Manor, 219 Lindsey, 3, 35, 36, 67, Norwich, 165, 166 181 St. Osyth, 119 Linstead, 175 Salisbury, 165 Occold, 47 , 181 Livermere Magna, 54 Offton, 44, 178 Livermere Parva, 182 Sawtrey, 98 Onehouse, 181 Saxham, 83, 129, 173


Saxmundham, 61, 201 Syleham, 48, 172 Wenhaston, 12, 176 Saxted, .172' Stonham Aspal, 44 Westminster, 164 Saxton, 84 Stonham Jernegan, 43 Westerfield, 86, 179 Scottnetts .Manor, , 218, Stuston, 173 • Westhall, 41 220 Westhorpe,.86. Semer, 34, 66, 84, 181 , 31, 45 Westleton, 42, 176 Shelley, 46 Theberton, 176 Westley, 39, 54, 86, 178 Shimpling Thorne, 233, , 85 Weston, 55, 65, 174, 182 235 Thetford, 240 Weston Coney, 182 Shipmeadow, 3, 65, 84 Thorington, 51 Wetherden, 3, 86, 88 , 30, 46, 68 Thornham Magna, 47, Wetheringsett, 86 Shropshire, 94 85, 173 Wethersdale, 48 - Sibton, 176 Thornham Parva, 173 Wethersfield, 59 Sizewell, 4, 33 Tliorndon, 46, 85, 173 Weybread, 48 Skilman's Marsh, 34 'Thorney, 2, 85 - , 181 Skipton-in-Craven, 125 , 31, 39, Whelnetham, 52 Smithfield, 12 85 Whelpyslane, 220. Snape, 61, 177, 203, 204, Thrandeston, 46, 173 , 54 209 Thurlow Magna, 61, 85 Whersted, 45, 180 Sogenhoo, 3, 38 ' Thurlow Parva, 6, 85 Whitacre, 33 Soham, Monks', 35, 172 Thurston, 53, 86 Whitton, 170, 179 SOrnersham, 166 Thwaite, 86 . Wickham, 1' Sonierton, 42, 221 , 52 , 5, 60, 174 Sotterley, 65, 84, 176 Tor Abbey, 94 Wickhain Market, 43, 87, • South Elmham, 65 Torquay,'94 182 Southwold, 34, 84 Tostock, 53, 178 Wickham Skeith, 87 -Spain, 184 Tothill, 3 Wikkelows, 3 Spexhall, 50, 175 Trimley, 64 Wilbrahams, 129 , 45, 180 , 56 Wilby. 48, 172 , 52, 172 Tudenham, 29, 57, 86 Willisham, 178 , 84, 174 Tunstal 61 Wingfield, 47, 48, 172 Stanstead, 178 Wissett, 2; 42, 175 Stanton, 56 Ubbeton, 176 WitneSham, 179 Stetchworth, 129 Ufford, 3, 38, 43, 214 , 174 Stonham Aspal, 178 Uggeshall, 50, 175 Woodbridge, 2, 62, 87, Stoke, 61, 84 Ulveston Manor, 218, 164, 206, 223 Stoke Ash, 173 - 220, 221 Woodditton, '129 Stoke-by-Clare, 40, 174 Woodney, 127 Stoke-by-Nayland, 84 Vale Royal, 111, 112 Woolpit, 52, 87, 90 Stoven, 175 - Valenciennes, 124, 126 Woodstock, 198 Stowlangtoft, 57 Vermundeston, '86 Woolverston, 45, 180 Stowmarket, 2, 5, 32, 84, , 56 130, 181, 216 , Walberswick, 51 Worlingharo, 34, 87, 174 Stradbroke, 33, .48, 85, Waldingfield, 86, 176 Worlington, 58 . 172 Waldringfield, 34, 174, Worlingworth, 49, 87, , 29, 60, 85 197 • 172 Stratford, 02, 68, 177 Walpole, 176 Wortham, 47, 173 Sudbury, 4, 42, 85, 178, Walsham, 11, 31., 57, 86, Wratton Magna, 60 183 • 182 Wrentham', 50, 175 bishop, 199 Suffolk, 160, 166 Walton, 174, 192 Wykes Surrey, 127 Warbanks, 235, 236 . Wynton, 35 Sussex, 218 Wardour, -94 Sutton, 182 Warwickshire, 128, 132 Yarmouth, 225, 229 York, 165 Sweffling, 62, 177 , 68 Swift's Manor, 39 Wattisfield, 31 Yorlcshire, 132, 202 Swilland,. 179 Wattlesfield, 86 Yoxford, 50, 170, 176 245


Adnett, William, 35 Baldwyn, Richard, 35, Berewey, John, 183 Adrian, 183 40 Berkeley, Lord Thornas Aguillon, Robert, 218 Balkley, Thomas, 12 of, 118 Airy, Sir George, 122 Ball, Christian, 45 ; Berkingg, Roger de, 154 Akenham, John de, 199 Thomas, 45 Berry, 212 Alayn, Ranulf, 152 ; Ballard, Roisia, 186 Berthelet, John, 118 Roger, 156 ; Walter, Bande, Roger, 192, 193 Bery, John de, 155 152 Banks, Sir Joseph, 225, Beton, JOhn, 56 Aldam Geoffrey, 150 226, 227 Bevereche, Muriel, 155 Aldred, John, 47 ; Roger, Bardy, William, 151 Bigod, Roger, 218, 219 47 ; Thomas, 41 Baret, John, 153 Birch, Walterde Gray, 1 Aldrich, Mr., 210 Barker, Robert, 73 Bird, Thomas, 47 Aldys, William, 72 Barnavill, Robert de, Birkbeck, Paul, 214 Alfred the Great, 117 141, 142 Blak, Benedict, 10 Alfreye, Mr., 37 Barnedeston, Thomas, Blakey, 207 Allan, Rev. George, 216 38 Blakeney, Cristine de, Allbright, Robert, 183 Baron, William, 59 190 ; Isabella de, 190 ; Allington, Lord, 116 Barrington, Daines, 118 Joan, 190 ; Stephen, Almon, Robert, 207 Barrowe, John, 6, bis. 190 ; Thos. de, 190 Amell, William, 51 Basse, John, 10 Blaxhall, Sayenne, 195 ; Andrewe, Thomas, 213, Bassett, William, 61 William de, 195 214 Bath, Elisha, 174 Blomhith, Nicholas, 41 Angar, Thomas, 41. Batman, Stephen, 118 Blundel, John,•142, 143 ; Arblaster, Richard le, Baudreseye, Hervey de, Matilda, 141, 144 ; 153 152 ; Ralph de, 151 ; Roger, 141, 144 - Archer, John, 153 Ranulf de, 151 Bockingg, John de, 154 Archil, 203 Bauldry, Roger, 62 Bokenham, John de, 98 ; Arrowsmyth, Nicholds, Baulkye, Alexander, 208 William de, 98 37 Baxter, Katharine, 183 ; Bokke, Custance, 150 Arundell, Lady Lucy, 94 ; Steven, 169 Boldero, Francis, 51, 73, Lord, 94 Bayeux, Odo Bishop of, 77, 80, 83, 87 ; Thomas, Atteglise, Isabella, 151 100, 218, 219 73 ; William, 77 Aurifaber, Isabella, 188 ; Beckett, Thomas, 39 Boletourt, John de, 134 ; Walter, 188 Bedingfild, Sir :Edmund, Matilda, 134 Austyn, John, 213 37; Margaret, 37 Boleyn, Anne, 91 Aylred, Thomas, 141, 146 Beele, John, 183 Bond, William, 67 Beesly, Mrs., 91 Booth, Sir Philip, 30 Bacon, Nicholas, 30, 168, Bekto, Walter, 150 Borrett, Jefferie, 33 169 ; Stephen, 25 ; Belamy, Joan, 59 ; Bosco, William de, 142 Thomas, 41 Richard, 59 Boteller, Antony, 79 ; Badeler, Idonea de, 153 Belfilde. Charles, 53 Dame Katherine, 79 'Bainbridge, Reynold, 41 Benale, John, 10 Bothwell, Earl, 90 Baker, Richard, 207 Bence, Alderman, 208, Botman, Thomas, 151 Baketon,•Simon de, 157 215 Botryd, Thomas, 48 Balbe, Roger, 155 Bendes, Henry; 34 Bowyere, John le, 189 : Baldry, John, 68 Benge, Roger, 155 Richard le, 189 Baldewyn, Wm., 217 Bennett, 4., 210 Boxford, Richard de, 151 Baldwin, Abbot, 27 Benslyn, Alice, 214 Boyd, Robert, 39 246 INDEX - PERSONS.

Brabon, Osbert, 149 • Canun, Roger, 143 Chirche, William, 67 Bradforde, John, 41 Capeles, Richard de, 150 ; Cholmondeley, Anne Bradley, Joan, 88 ; Warin de, 150 Elizabeth, 111 : Hugh,• Walter, 88 Capellanus, Seful, 155 111, 112 : Jane, 111 ; Bradshaw, Lord Presi- Capon, Henry, 216 Mary, I 11 ; Robert, dent, 116 Carectarius, :Gilbert le, 111, 112 ; Thomas, 111 Brakynthorpp, John, 74 153 ; Jordan le, 155 ; Chop, Thomas, 153 ; Brandon, John, 66 Robert le, 153 William, 186 Branston, Christian, 67 Carectere, Agatha la, Chynnerye, Sir Alleyn, 31 Braye, William, 32 153 ; Agnes la, 154 Clare, Rev. J. B., 13n. Brereton, Joseph, 120 Carewe, Sir William, 39 Clarke, Henry, 208 Brett, Henry, 42 Carpenter, Hugh, 156 Clement, John, 141, 147 ; Breustere, Adam le, 141, Carteret, Frances, Lady, Roger,141, 148; Seman 145 116 ; Grace, 116 151 Brewes, John de, 196 Cartwright, Lieutenant, Clerc, John, 52 Broke, Sir Richard, 169, 224, 225, 227 Clerk, Nicholasde, 152 174 Cary, John, 94 ; Col. Clerke, John, 49 ; Ric- Bromesymth, Sir Wil- Luicus, 94 ; Sophia, 94 hard, 31 liam, 36 CasleY, H. C., 201 Cleves, Duke of, 183 Bromley, Mrs. 135 Castleacre, Edmund, 195 Cleydon, John de, 219 Brook, Robert dil, 195 CaStyn, Alice, 141 Cleydon, William, 219 Biooke, Widow, 50 bis. Catts, John, 208 Clifford, Robert de, 137 Brown, John, 10 Caudwell, John, 55 Clopton, William, 34, 154 Browne, John, 210 Caxton, 120 Cobet, John, 199 Bryan, Alice, 33 ; Guy, Challis, Thomas, 183 Cobycen, Stephen, 155 33 Chamberlayn. Margaret, Cockes, Robert, 60 his.. Brymble, 207 76'; Richard, 191 Cocus, Elyas, 142, 145 Brysete, John, 25 Chamberley, Margaret, Coggeshall, John, 80 Buckenham, Albreda de, 12 Cok, Will of, 196 ,91 ; George, 53 Chambrelayn, Robert le, Coke, Thomas,;43 Bucklesham, John de, 141 Cole, Sir James, 37 190, 191 Chambreleyn, Robert le, Colington, Robert, 178 Bukenham, Albreda de, 142 Collyn, Father, 90 145 Chapman., Archdeacon, Colman, Richard, 46 Bull, John, 30 239, 240 ; John, 41 Colt, Geoffrey le, 156 Bulle, Robert, 180 Charles 1., 108, 208 ; Combes, Nicholas de, . Bullok, Catherine, 149 Thomas, 156 141, 148 , Bury, Richard, Abbot of, Charpentier, Hugh le, 153 Condall, Robert, 214 134 Chaucer, 'Alice, 193 ; Coney, Frances, 41 Burgeys, William, 155 Geoffrey, 186, 187, 194, Conway, Colonel, 224 Burstall, Robert de, 151 ; 196 ; Isabella, 190 ; Coo, John, 33 William de, 141, 143 John, 199 ; John le, Cook, Christopher, 55 Butler, John, 44 187, 188, 189, 190, 191 ; Cooke, 66 ; Edmund, 63 ,; Buttele, Reginald de, 149 Mary, 190, 191 ; Ric- Lawrence, 31 ; Ric- Bylet, Osbert, 149 hard le, 187, 188, 189, hard, 31 ; Robert, 60 ; Byrche}1, John de, 154 190 ; Robert le, 187, William, 54, 67 189, 190, 196, 197 ; Coole, Richard, 32 Cade, Alice, 43 Thomas, 193, 194 Coote, William, 38 bis. Cage, Robert. 57 Chaunceben, Andrew, Cootes, William, 33 Caldewall, John de, 157 150 Copham, Thoinas, 33 Calver, Davie, 41 ; Cheke, John, 220 ; Copin, John, 63 Robert, 208 Robert, 217, 220 Corbett, Richard, 38 Caltrope, Sir William, 45 Chekkey, Robert, 59 Cornwallis, Henry, 32 Campbell, Thomas, 10 Cheling, Hamo, 156 Corrance, 201. Campe, John, 44 Cheshire, Lady of, 112 Costyn, Alice, 148 ; Geof- Candeler, Wales, 10 Chesing, Matilda, 153 frey, 193 Cannon, Richard, 39 Chevallier, C. W. D., 217 Coteler, Stephen le, 196 INDEX-PERSONS. 247

Cotman, T., 233 Dennington, Hugh de, Eld, Rev. F. J., 238 Cottle, John, 168 193 ; Richard de, 193 ; Eldred, John, 56 bis. Coulot, Robert, 150 William de, 193 Elizabeth, Queen, 102, Cowper, Henry, 33 Denny, Sir Anthony, 65 104, 105, 107, 161, 206 Crabbe, George, 209, 223 ; Denys Martyn, 183 Ely, Bishop of, 83, 86 ; Robert, 205 Desyll, Edward, 183 Joseph, 233 ' Cracherode, William, 41 Deve, Thomas, 78 Elyas, servant of Friars Cracknall, Lieutenant, Devereux, Frances, 115 Carmelites, 153 211 Deye, Richard, 64 Essen, Robert, Earl of, Cramvas, Thomas, 39 Dickson, Mr., 201 115 Crane, Agnes, 219 ; Dikons, William, 41 Ethelbert, St., 28 Robert, 219 Dillwyn, Lewis, 228 Eustace, Nicholas, 47 Crapaud, Richard, 150 Dimock, Rev. Arthur, 88 Everard, John, 37 Creke, BartholomeW, 100 Disse, Richard, 159 Eveske, John le, 141, 148 ; Crespigny, Sir Claude Dixe, Alice, 58 Odo le, 141, 148 Champion de, 209 Dixon, Mr., 234 Cristemasse, John, 151 Dobbes, Agnes, 32 ; Faber, Gilbert, 141, 148 ; Crock, Simon, 150 William, 32 Peter, 152 ; Robert, Crofts, John, 52 Dobson, 116 156 ; William, 141, 143 Cromwell, Catharine, 105 Doun, James, 229 Falleden, .Hervey, 146 Cromwell, Oliver, 116 Donyngtone, Roger de, Falloden, William, 141 Cromwell, Thomas Lord, 194 Farmer, John, 42 105 Downes, 222 ; Dorothy, Farrer, Rev. E., 135 ; Crosier, John, 41 56 Sir John, 31 Crowe„John, 221 ; Mary, Dowsing, William, 74 Felltwalle, John de, 141, 221 Doyle, Henry, 159 143 Crowland, Herrick, 183 Drybeck, Christopher, 35 Fenne, James, 53 Crowlynge, Herrick, 183 Drye, Robt., 159 Ficher, Austin, 74 Crudde, Thomas, 141, 146 Drurie, John, 53 Fikkett, Nicholas, 46 Cuncewall, Geoffrey le, Duffield, William, 76 Finch, Alice, 151 ; Roger, 157 Duke, Tollemache, 99 , 154 Curteys, Henry, 51 Duleep Singh, Prince Fine, Roger, 156 Cutewyne,Augustine, 152 Frederick, 130, 132, Fire, William, 62 Cutler, Thomas le, 191; 134, 135 Fisher, Robert, 35 , 195, 199 / Dunche, John, 47 Fitzloowes, John, 31 Cutwynes, Geoffrey, 155 Dune, Amisius de la, 156 ; Fletcher, William Y., 112 John de la, 156 Flete, John, 62 Daggworth, Simon de, Duneman, Albreda, 151 Fomesse, Robert, 222 139 Dunkepot, John, 151 Foot, Emma, 153 ; John, Dameron, John, 63 Dusing, Avice, 152 31 ; Roger, 141, 147, Daniel, 186 Dymond, A. H., 94 153 Darford, Walter, 194 Dysart, Grace, Countess Forman, Buxton, 226 Darwin, Erasmus, 223 of, 116 Wilbraham, Foro, Roysia. de, 141 Daunbie, Christopher, 52 Earl of, 112, 120, 121, Forster, William,, 159 Daundeyes, Edmund, 37 122, 124, 125 ; William, Foster, Robert, 47 Daundeye, Robert, 37 Earl of, 101 Framlingham, Anne, 221, Davey, Hugh, 141, 144 Dynytone, Andrew de, 222 ; Sir James, 221, Davi, Godfrey, 196 ; 188, 190, 199 ; Robert 222 Robert, 141, 144 de, 188, 189, 199 Fraunceys, Roger le, Dawson, Sir James, 33 Earle, Rev. John, 117 141, 149 Day, Robert, 206 Edgar, King, 165 ; Wil- Freeman, W., 216 Debenham, Simon de, liam, 61 Friston, Richard, 48 141, 145, ,197 Edmund, Earl of March, Frost, Henry, 42 Dee, John, 117 40 Frye, Richard, 67 Defoe, 122 Edward Ili., 28 ; vi., 5, Fryer, Richard, 62 bis. Denham, Robert, 32 156, 168 ; the Con- Fowler, Robert, 214 Denston, John, 35 fessor, 27 Foxe, John, 205, 206 248 INDEX-PERSONS.

Fukkebutere, Simon, 157 Golding, Hugh, 141, 142, Hammond, John, 52 ; Fuller, Thomas, 74 143, 197 ; John, 152 Tomasine, 52 ; William, Fulmerston, Richard, 38 Goldsmyth, Agnes le, 52 Furet, Thomas, 153 156, 183 ; Robert, 54 Hampden, Edmund, 198 Furnival, Dr. F. J.,197 Goldsmith, Luke, 183 ; Hampole, 119 S. W., 200 ; Stephen, Handok, R, 83 Ganclerc, Robert le, 156 183 Hape, Richard, 48 Ganz, Chas., 200, 201 Goodrich, Richard, 93 Hardman, William, 25 Gaoler, John le, 155 Goodwin, Alice, 79 Hare, Nicholas; 159 Gardener, Thomas, 52 ; Gosnolde, John, 30 ; Mr., Hargrave, William, 57 William le, 149 50 Harleston, Elizabeth, Gardyner, John, 168 Gouch, Peter, 66 220 ; William, 220 Garnysh, John, 35 Gowche, Robert, 32 bis. Harpor, James, 41 ; Garrarde, Mathew, 167 Gowle, Margaret, 32 William 41 Gaunter, William le, 156 Granario, John de, 153 Harrison, Andrew, 168 Gawdy, Charles, 217, Gray, Rev. E. Audrey, - Harrys, John, 49 220 ; Thomas, 33 bis. 130 Harte, John, 57 Gaye, John, 67 Green, Tyrrell, 240 Harvie, Nicholas, 42 Gayton, John, 34 Grene, Duze de la, 150 ; Harwood, Mr., 117, 118, Gelham, William de, 148 Edward, 62 ; John, 60 ; , 119 Genyngham, Rose de, John de la, 155 ; Hassett, Mr., 46 191 ; Warner de, 191 Robert del, 152 ; Hasting, Isabella, 155 Gerneys, Seman, 155 Thomas, 49 • Hastings, John de, 198 ; Geyst, John le, 141, 143 Grenewood, John, 36 Ralph de, 133 Gifford, 5 Gretingham, Isabella de. Harneys, Alice, 189, 197 ; Gilbert, Ambrose, 30 ; 152 John, 147 ; Philip, 141, Edward, 166, 168 ; Grey, Sir William, 39 ' 147, 149, 189, 197 Eliz., 167; Henry,166; Grigge, Robert, 36 Hawes, Robert, 55 James, 167 ; Jefferye, Griggs, Edmund, 42 Stephen, 55 37, 166, 167, 168, 169, Grindall, Archbishop, 161 Hegge, Robert 76 170, 183 ; John, 167 ; Grinsborough, William, Henley, Lady Bridget, Katharine, 167, 169 ; 48. 124 Lawrence, 183 ; Mar2 Groome, Archdeacon, Henry, iv., 219 ; 119 ; • gery, 167 ; Richard, 117, 118 VIII., 4, 158 166, 183 ; Rosa, 167 ; Groves, James, 200, 223 Herringe, Robert, 48 William, 183 Grundesburg, Henry de, Herwyz, Alan de, 150 Gille, Reyner, 151 155 Heton, James, 58 Gilley, Merten, 54 Grygges, Andrew, 82 Hevingham, Anthony, 37 Girling, William, 65 Grymlinge, John, 49 Hickes. Dr. George, 117 Gladwyn, Nicholas, 41 Grymston, Edwarde, 159 Hill, John, 34 ; Rev. E., Glanville, Alice, 219 ; Guche, Alexander, 151 .235 Bartholomew, 118 ; Gumbold, Roger, 156 Hind, Rev. J., 233 ; Rev. George, 219 ; Kathe- Gylberd, Mr., 168 W. M., 233 rine, 219 Gyrling, Robert, 63 Holden, J. S., 236 Glazebrook, Canon, 239, Gysle, John, 25 Holebrok, Adam de, 156 ; 240 Geoffrey de, 142, 143, Glemham, Christopher, Hacon, Thomas 45 149 61 Hakluyt, 206 Holte, Aylot, 39 Godard, Robert, 25 Halcobe, Richard, 141, Holton, Edward, 33 Godbolde, Nicholas, 49 149 Horald, Baldry, 141, 148 Goddard, Pratie, 36 Halk, Robert del, 141 ; Hopton, John, 90 Goddell, Margaret, 34 ; Roysia del, 149 Horold, Hugh, 141, 148 ; William, 34 bis. Hallesworth, John, 39 Laurance, 141, 148 ; Godescalk, Nicholas, Halliday, John R. D., Robert, 153 ; William, 149 ; Richard, 151 125 ; John Delap, 125 156 Goodwyn, John, 183 Haltebe, John, 195, 199 Hosevil, John, 190 Haltwey, Thomas, 65 INDEX-PERSONS. 249

Howe, Elizabeth, 166 ; Kingseye, Robert, 48 Lovell, Mr., 40 ; Lovell, John, j67' Kirkeby, John de, 137, Thomas, 49 Howard, Thomas, Duke 138, 139 Lowe, William A., 75 of Norfolk, 102 Knapeton, Agnes de, 197 ; Lowes, Rauff, 62 Hubberd, 67 Knapeton, William de, Loy, William, 153 Huchon, René, 200 191, 197 Lung, Lawrence le, 157 ; Hudson, Henry, 40 Knight, John, 61 Matilda, 157 ; Saer le, Hunt, W. P., 196 Knott, Michael, 41 157 Hunteman, Richard, 156 Knyvett, Charles, 219 Lunge, Roys le, 157 - Hunter, B., 135 Kok, Adam, 155 Lutterell, Hugh, 220 ; Huntingdon, Lord, 90 Kydenot, Lawrence, 153 ,James, 220 Huntingtower, Lord, 116 Kyme, Thomas, 48 Lyle, William, 61 Hunyngs, William, 38, 40 Lyn, lingo, 141, 146 ; Hurt, Jacobus, 141, 148 Ladyman, Isabel, 52 Martin, 152 Hynde, Robert, 208 Laeman, Alexander, 149 Lyster, Marmaduke, 41 Hyke, Walter, 154 Lambe, John, 64 Lytel, John, 141, 143 Lane, Dorothy, 107 ; Lytelman, Hugh, 141, 145 Ides, Robert, 53 John, 183 Lytelund, Osbert de, 156 Irp, John, 199 • Langdon, W. J., 233 ' Lytewyne, John, 156 Ispania, Arnald de. 195 ; Langeston, Nicholas de, Robert de, 195 153 Mackayz Mr., 226 ; Mrs., Inkingson. James, 41 Lanham, John, 67 226 Iveagh, Lord, 234 Lauderdale, Earl of, 118 Mackinlay, J. B., 2 n. Lawes, John, 48 Maconn, William le, 195 James 1., 107, 108, 208 Lawghter, Robert, 49 Maggs, John, 210 James, M. R., 2 n.. Layer, Thomas, 5 Malet, Robert, 218 ; Jeffraye, John, 62 Layham, Robert de, 82 : Wm., 204 Jenney, Edmund, 38 Osbert, Rector of, 2, 3 Malin of London 186 Jenour, Robert, 64 Lease, Robert, 207 Mallinge, John de, 194 ; Jermyn, Ambrose, 104 ; Lechie, Edmund, 37 Richard de, 194 . Robert, 55 ; Susannah, Lee, Sir Charles, Ill Malteby, Robert de, 153 104, 105 Leyham, Alice de, 199 ; Malyn, Albreda, 192, 193 ; Jerningham, George Richard de, 188, 191, Luce, 148, 186, 188, Wm., 94 ; William, 94 197, 199 ; Robert de, 196, 197; Isabella, 189, Jerves, John, 66 2, 3, 190, 191 ; Henry, 187, Jew, Samuel le, 196 Levett, Giles, 39 188 ; John, 187; Nicho- Johnson, Sir Henry. 208, Lew, John, 199 las, 187, 188 ; Richard, 209 ; William, 208, 209 Leystone, Margery de, 187, 188, 194 ; Robert, Jordane, Thomas, 49 189 ; Leystone, Walter 187 ;' Simon, 137 ; Jones, Sir Morris, 7 de, 189 • Thomas, 194 ; William, ^ Josling, W. J., 129 Lidgate,. John de, 132, 187. 188, 189, 192, 193, Joyce, Edith, 99, 100, 198 ; Thomas de, 134 195, 197, 199 106; William, 100 Lilborne, George, 41 ' Malyns, Edmund, 198 ; Joye, Julia, 153 Lippe, Semanus, 141 Henry de, 198 ; John Litel, Roger, 150 de, 198 Kanun, Roger, 141 Loder, Robert, 228 Man, John le, 195 Ken, Roger le, 154 Lolt, William, 190, 191 Manne, John, 64 Ken, William le, 151 s Loterell, Hugh, 220 Manners, John, 125 ; Kene, Robert, 47 Louth, Ann, 98 : Roger William John, 125 Kenebrook, William de, 98 Margarett, Alexander, 199 Lovat, Lord, 94' 153 ' Kentbrok, Robert de, 152 Love, Richard, 155 Margate, William, 207 Kente, John de, 141, 144 Lovegod, Alexander, 141, Marshall, John, ,98 ; Kenton, Ivo de, 219 ; 144 Richard, 35 Nicholas of, 216 Lovelace, Lady Martha, Marsh, Thomas, 77 Kerington, Robert, 42 209 Martel, Clemence, 204 ; King, Thomas, 213 Wm., 204 250 INDEX - PERSONS..

Martin, ' Roger, 155 ; Neche, Thomas, 38, 39 Pascurel, John, 155 William, 151 Nelson, Mr., 208 Patchett, Robert, 32 Martlesham, Richard de, Neuman, Jordan le, 153 Patlyn, Thomas, 55 189 Neve, John, 43 ; Roger Pattrycke, Peter, 208 Martyn, Alice, 141 ; John, le, 141; 145 Paulet, John, 105 ; Mary, 150 Newells, Robert, 48 105 Mary, Queen, 206 Newhagh, Adam, 39 Pawey, Frederick, 196 Maud, Empress, 133 Newhouse, Adam, 76 bis. Payne, Widow, 48 May, Agnes, 141 Newport, Thomas, 81 - Pearce, John, 34 Mayden, Golding le, 141, Nickson, Thomas, 51 Peche, John, 60 143 ; Hugh le, 155 Nicolls, Thomas, 67 Pecoke, John, 60 Maye, William. 49 Nolloth, Jeffrey, 51 Pecocke, Sir Thomas, 37 Mayewe, John, 48 Nonne, George, 53 Peile, Dr., 129 Maystre, Roger le, 141, Noon, Robert, 153 Pek, William, 154 • 142, 143 Noote, William, 41 Peleter, Abraham le, 143 Mazeline, Elyas, 149 ; Norfolk, Thomas, Duke Pelliparius, Abraham, • Henry, 142, 145 of, 36, 90, 102, 206 141 ; Arnald, 141, 146 ; Mazun, John le, 142, 148 North, Dudley, 201 ; Richard, 152 ; Wydo, Mercator, Algodus, 141, Lady, .201 150 144 ; Janne le, 141 Northington, Earl of, 124 Pembroke, Isabella,. Mercer, John le, 148 Northwold, Abbot, 239 Countess of, 134 Mersh, William, 10 Norton, Robert, 81 Penetere, William del, Messager, John, 183 Norwich, Walter, Bishop 191 Methold, F. J., 235 of, 3, 72, 74, 77, 82, 87 Percheminener, William Metingham, John de, 139 le, 152 Mey, Thomas le, 141, 143 Ode, Michael, 197 Peters, Hugh, 116 Mildenhall, Edmund, 32 Odiham, Margaret, 183 Pethagge, Roger de, 141, Miller, 57 ; H., 233 ; Oldham, Margaret, 39 149 Lawrence, 150 Ondemere, Thomas, 149 Petra, Thomas de, 155 Millington, 200 Ording, Abbot, 27 Petygard, Edward, 199 Moist, 5 Oreford, Robert de, 141, Peyton, Christopher, 30 Monke, William, 183 147 Phelip, Sir John, 193 ; Montford, Hugh de, 2 Orosius, Paulus, 117 Richard, 193 ; William, Moore, Mrs., 217 Osborn, Thomas, 120, 193 Mordaunt, Catherine, 210 Pickersgill, 200 111 ; Sir Charles, 110, Oter, Elyas, 141, 146, Piggiitt, Richard, 52 111 157 ; Robert, 141, 149, Pigott, John, 33 More, John, 213 157 Pinton, Ralph de, 141, Morel, Adam, 197 Ottelye, Roger de, 152 148 Morley, Henry, 198 Oxford, Earl of, 31 Pipe, Radulphus, 153 Mortimer, Dame Mar- Piramus, Dennis, 133 garet, 221, 222 Page, Margaret, 53 ; Pishale, John, 36 , Moryell, Master Thomas, William, 53 Pistor, Humphrey, 152 87 Pakenham, William de, Playford, Katherine, 32 Motte, John, 61 139 • Plumer, Henry le, 153 Moundefort, Edmund, Palforth, John, 48, bis. Pond, William del, 152 220 Pallin, John, 120 Ponte, Roger de, 141, 147 Mundekyn, Thomas, 151 Parker, Archbishop, 118; Pooley, Thomas, 41 Murray,. Elizabeth, 112, Sir Henry, 45 ; Law- Poorie, William, 41 123 ; William, 112 rence, 31 ; Mathew, 40, Porta. Bartholomew, 150 Muskett, Alice, 55'; J. 160 ; Richard, 73 ; Porter, William, 165 J.; 171 Robert, 51, 77, 80, 83, Portman, John, 9 Muse, Christiana de, 192 , 87 ; Thomas, 41 Potter, Katherine, 54 Mustarder, John le, 154 Parkhurst, John, 90, 91, Powell, Edgar, 185, 197 Muys, Enota, 155 161 Prat, William, 154 Myles, William, 169 Parmynhed, Albreda,152 Prest, Geoffrey, 154 Mynting, William, 41 Partridge, Charles, 130 Preste, Henry, 50 •


Preston, John de, 199 Roundel!, Charles S., Singh, Prince Frederick Pretyman, John, 47 bis. 125 ; Mrs. Charles, 97, Duleep, 234 Priestley, Joseph, 121 112 Siward, John, 197 Pronale, Juliana, 150 Rowling, John, 48 Skeat, Professor, 135 Pugh, Rev. H. B., 130 Rownyng, Thomas, 59 Skitte, John, 65 Pulham, Alan de, 150 Royngs, William de, 139 Skreveyner, Thomas, 85 Punting, William, 156 Rubrok, John, 154 ; Skylton, Henry, 60 Purvis, George, 210 Robert de, 154 Skynner, John, 36 Pye, Henry, 50 Rucer,'Seman le, 153 Smith, John, 10, 25, 41, Pyke, John, 183 Ruker, Elizabeth, 57 78; Owen, 210 ; Robert, Pykenham, William, 40 Russell, Lord, 36 63 ; Roger, 66 ; Thos., Pynman, Martin, 151 Rutland, Duke of, 200 59, 66, 78, 206 ; Wil- Rychard, Sir William, 34 liam, 64 Raby, Robert, 183 Ryding, Sir Thomas, 30 Smithe, Martin, 80 Raffe, Thomas, 66 Rye, Walter, 88, 187, 188, Smyth, Edward, 45 ; 'Rampley, 11 190 Jenkyn, 40 ; John, 5, Randall, William, 6 bis. Rynne, John, 47 36, 39, 40 ; Nicholas, Randthorpe, Sir William, 60 ; Walter le, 197 ; 36 Sadeler, Robert le, 187, William le, 190, .197 Randulf, Ralph, 141 ; 191, 195, 197 Smythe, Edward, 94 ; Robert, 141, 145 Sage, Robert, 180 Lucy, 94 Ratcliffe, Randolf, 41 Saint Quintin, John de, Somerset, Duchess of, Rawson, Lieut.-Colonel 151 . 115 ; Sir George, 5, 6, Trafford, 238 ; Mrs. Sakeville, Andrew de, 7, 40, 135 Trafford, 238 219 ; Joan de, 219 Somersham, Anabilia, Raymund, Aunis, 198 Salter, John, 55 156 Rede, Geoffrey le, 155 ; Sampson, John; 41 Sorrell, Elizabeth, 44 Rede, William, 65 Sarding, Robert, 37 Spachell, Thomas, 51 . Redenhall, Robert of, 35 Savage, Mr., 215 Sparhawke, Alexander, Redemanne, Sir William, Sawer, Richard, 32 3 n 67 Say, Engelran de, 133 Spark, John, 10 Reedheed, 10 Scancler, Reginald de, Spenser, Edward, 111 Redstone, V. B., 200, 133 Spicer, Richard le, 199 ; 217, 235 Schestre,Nutekina le,152 Thomas le, 141, 146, Relham, Mr., 226 Schepstere, Avice le, 152 199 Reyce, Robert, 95 Schute, William, 155 Sponner, John, 56 Rence, Thomas le, 155 Scolde, John, 207 Spring, John, 79 Resshemere, Matilda de, Scott, Sir Walter, 96 Sprouton, Robert de, 150, 196 Scrutting, Walter, 151 152 Revell, Richard, 68 bis. Searles, Mr., 215 Spycer, Andrew1e, 197 Reymes, Albred de, 141 ; Selario, John de, 149 Squyer. John, 51 ; Hugh de, 141, 146, 153, Seman,.John, 48 Thomas, 207 196 Seckford, Charles, 207 ; Stabler, Adam le, 155 ; Reysmere, William de, Thomas, 207 Henry le, 142, 145 153 Serviens, Walter, 142, Stace, Agnes, 187, 188, Rhodes, Colonel Frank, 145 189, 190, 191, 192, 193 ; 130 Sewall, William, 9, 42 Geoffrey, 187, 188, 190, Richard, Master, 86 bis. Sewate, John, 149 191, 192, 193, 197 ; Richers, John, 74 Sherwood, John, 36 Thomas, 195 Riches, John, 65 Shire, William, 220 Stafford, Baron, 94 ; Vis- Rickward, John, 37 Shorter, Clement, 200 count William, 94 Roberd, Gilbert, 195 Shoytt, John, 167, 1•83 Stan hope ,Catheri ne,112 ; Rogers, John, 6 bis. ; Shreeve, John, 31 Charles, 107 ; Eliza- William, 54 Shuckforth, John, 55 beth, 107, 108, 111, Rogerons, Thomas, 59 Shute, John, 118, 183 112 ; John, Baron, 107, Rolle, Richard; de, 119 Silvester, 186 ; Vivian, 110 Rosse, Valentine, 58 son of, 141, 142; 145 252 INDEX--PERSONS.

Stannard, John, 214 ; Talmache, Lyonell, 159 ; Tonni, Stephen' 165 Robert, 178 William, 97;98 Tooley, Henry, 220, 221 Slapleton, Mrs. Bryan, Talemasche, Hugh,t 97 Topcliffe, Richard, 215 198 Tannator, Geoffrey, 149 ; Topi, Richard, 145, 197 Starling, Alice, 150 ; Henry, 141 Torrell, Thomas, 43 John, 141, 146 Tanner, Bartholomew le, Towers, John, 203 ; John, Stebbing, 62 151 ; Henry le, 149 ; 4S Stedmanore, Margaret, John le, 152; William Townesend, Sir Roger, 66 le, 141, 145 30 Sterlinger; George, 55 Taverner,Andrew le,188 ; Tovell, William, 63 Sterlyng, Robert, 63 Isabella le, 188; Robert Trapenell, 63 Steven, Sir John, 5 le, 186, 188, 196 ; Trappit, 11 Stevenson, F. S., 216 Walter le, 195, 196 ; Trevisa, John de, 118 Stewart, Marie, 93 William le, 187 Tuddenharn, Thomas, 37 Stile, William, 37 Tate, John, 207 Tudor, Mary, 39, 90 Stisted, Lawrence, 37 ; Tawell, William, 216 Turner, Captain, 207 ; William, 37 Textor, Robert, 150, 154 Dawson, 228, 229 ; Sir Stok, Alexander de, 141 ' Thopy, Richard, 141 Edward, 208 ; Philip, Stoke, Beatrix de, 195 ; Thorneton, Raffe, 37 216 • John de, 195 Thwayts, Alice, 219 Tumour, Hughe, 41 ; Stokell, Hugh, 56 Thweyts, Christophei, Katherine, 59 Stowe, Robert de, 150 220 ; William, 219, 220 Tylney, Sir Peter, 101 Strafford, Eorl of, 209 Thyrkyll, 64, bis. Tymms, S., 238 • Strangman, Hugh, 156 Tilney, Sir Frederick. 102 Tyndall, G. H., 240 Stratford, Lady Eliza- Tinctor, Barnard, 141, Tyrrell, 89: Sir Edward, beth, 125 148 ; Geoffrey, 141, 148 34 ; Thomas, 92 Strawght, Richard, 30 Tirrell, Thomas, 32 Strik, William, 141, 146 Tixtor, Peter, 154 - Ugge, William, 37, 38 Stuart, Mary, 90, 96 Toke, William, 152 Ulveston, Elizabeth de, Stubbs, Ven. Dean, 239 Tollemache, Admiral, 220 ; John de, 220, 221; Stylyard, Robert, 39 125 ; Anne, 107, 110, Richard de, 220 Suffolk, Brandon, Duke 125 ; Bridget, 110 ; Uluric, 203 of, 89 ; Charles, Duke .Catherinc, 107, 110 ; Umfrey, Cristiana, 150 of, 37 ; Poles, Duke of, Cecilia, 98 ; Dorothy, Upston, John, 46 89 ; Robert de, 194 110 ; Edith, 100, 101 ; Sulyard, Edward, 91, 92, Edward, 107 ; Eliza- Vaughan; Mr., 215 95 ; John, 88, 89, beth, 110, 116, 125 ; Vaile, John, 49 90 ; Lady, 93 ; Frances, 110, 125 ; Verdun, Adam, 155; , Lucy, 94; Sophia, 94 George, 124; Jane, 110, Baldry, 155 ; Thomas, Sussex, Earl of, 214 111,- 112, 125 ; Joan, 154 Sutton, Robert, 40 110 ; John, 98, 99, 100, Vigerus, Alexander, 156 Swaluwe, Richard, 149 124 ; Lionel, 99, 100, Swonilda famula Yrp,155 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, Wage, John, 5 Swyndrovere, Hugh le, 108, 109, 110, 112, 115, Wakerley, Arthur, 233 156 116 ; Lionel Robert, Wakering, Thomas, 80 Sydey, William, 41 124 ; Louisa, 125 ; Wakring, Thomas, 59 Symonds, Katharine, 168 Margaret, 110 ; Mary, Wales, David of, 137 ; Syred, Richard, 142, 144 107, 110 ; Ptolemy, Llewellyn, Prince of, 107 ; Robert, 107 ; 137 Tabbarde, Richard, 56 Stanhope, 97 ; Susan- Walgrave, William, 34 Tabley, Lorthde, 223 nah, 107 ; Thomas, Walke, Thomas, 45 Tabur, Radulphus, 153 112, 123 ; Wilbraham, Waller, Cecilia, 235 ; Tailler, Simond, 59 97 ; William, 124 Edmund, 235 ; Wil- Talebot, Edmund, 221 ; Tollere, Osbert le, 155 ; liam, 221 Matilda, 221; Peter, Richard le, 141, 144 Wall, Edmund, 210 ; 221 ; William, 221 Tomkinson, Anne, 125 ; Thomas, 210 Rev. James, 125 Walpole, Charlotte, 116 INDEX—PERSONS.

Walter, William, 56 White, John,'207 Woodhill, Margaret, 46 Ward, Sir William, 35 Whitehead, Thomas, 40 Worde, Wynkyn de, 118 Warde, Edward, 67 ; Whiting, William, 183 Worledge, William, 5 Thomas, 45 Whitwell, 58 Worsley, Frances, Lady, 'Wardwell, Robert, 51 Whyte, Marion, 10 ; 116 Warner, Sir Edward, 44, William, 10 Wray, Lord Chief Justice 72, Wickhambrook, Vicar of, 92 Warren, Rev. Canon, 13 5 • Wrig, William, 156 Warreyn, Sir Raffe, 38 Wigg, Lilly, 225, 228 Wright, Robert, 73 Warton, Richard, 74 Wilbraham, Grace, 120 Wright. John, 61 Wateville, William de, Williams, Roger, 77 Wycks, Joan, 56 133 Wilson, Thomas, 41 Wycliffe, 119 Welles, Sir Giles, 32 William 1., 100 Wydenel, Ralph, 80 ' Wente, Simon del, 141, Williamson, G. C., 112 Wydville, Anthony, 120 145 ; William de, 142 ; Wingfield, Sir Anthony, Wygor, Thon-s, 152 William del, 145 67, 221 ; John, 36 Wyllesman, Peter, 183 Wentworth, Dorothy, Winchester, John, Mar- Wyncome, Robert, 35 102, 104 ; Lord, 103 ; quis of, 105 Wytnesham, Adam de, ' Sir Richard, 102 Winchilsea, Mary, Coun- 154 ; Mathew de, 150 ; Westofte, John, 170, 183 tess of, 116 William de, 157 Westley, Henry, 60 Wissett, Agatha, 88 ; Westfelde, John de, 156 John, 58 Yrp, Alanus, 141, 144 : Westhalle, Agnes de, Wiseman, Cardinal, 90 Mazeline, 148 ; Thomas 189 ; Joan de, 188, Withe, 'William, 62 141 190, 195 ; Sibil, Withering, Dr., 224 Yinge, kichard le, 195 195 ; Walter de, 188, Wodeward, Thomas, 10 Yonge, Thomas, 42 189, 195, 197 Wolsey, Cardinal, 74, 101 York, Richard, Duke of, Weymouth, Frances,Vis- Wood, Wilfrid, 90 35 countess, 116 Woodcock, Thomas, 74 Yorke, Captain, 207 Wheetly, Mr., 215