Index for Journals, Volumes 1–3
Index for Journals, Volumes 1–3 In addition to the journals themselves, introductory essays, annotation, and most refer- ence materials have been indexed. Most maps are not indexed; map coordinates for specific locations are given in the Geographical Directory. Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization of quotations have been standardized. Personal names are listed by their correct spellings, not by variant spellings that may be found in the journals, unless correct spelling is unknown. Entries for women are generally listed under their final married names, with appropriate cross-references under maiden names or earlier married names. Unidentified individuals, such as “Mr. Brown,” are included in the index. In subentry text, Joseph Smith (JS) and Emma Smith (ES) are referred to by their initials. Because JS is the implied subject of the index, the entry for his name does not report all JS-related events in the volumes. Rather, it records important events and highlights. When found in an entry, “id.” generally indicates an entry in the Biographical Directory or Geographical Directory, “def.” usually refers to a definition in the Glossary, and “hand- writing of” identifies ranges of pages on which an individual inscribed text in the journals. Other documents recorded in the journals, such as letters or revelations, are identified under the Journal entry. A of, 1:231, 1:271, 1:274, 1:275, 1:284n184; JS travels Aaronic priesthood. See Priesthood and specific to, 1:291; stake organized at, 1:274, 1:457; priesthood offices N. Whitney to be bishop in, 1:290; mentioned, Abbott, Stephen, 3:26n92 1:289, 2:25.
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