What Is the Most Effective Treatment for Nocturia Or Nocturnal Incontinence in Adult Women?
EUF-869; No. of Pages 11 E U R O P E A N U R O L O G Y F O C U S X X X ( 2 0 1 9 ) X X X – X X X ava ilable at www.sciencedirect.com journa l homepage: www.europeanurology.com/eufocus Review What Is the Most Effective Treatment for Nocturia or Nocturnal Incontinence in Adult Women? a, b c d Dina Bedretdinova *, David Ambu¨hl , Muhammad Imran Omar , Vasileios Sakalis , e f g h Nikesh Thiruchelvam , Marc Schneider , Arjun Nambiar , Ruud Bosch a b c INSERM CESP U1018, Villejuif, France; Department of Urology, University Hospital Bern, Inselspital Anna Seiler-Haus, Bern, Switzerland; European d Association of Urology Guidelines Office, Arnhem, The Netherlands; Department of Urology, General Hospital of Thessaloniki Agios Pavlos, Thessaloniki, e f Greece; Department of Urology, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, Cambridge, UK; Department of Urology, University Hospital Bern, Inselspital g h Anna Seiler-Haus, Bern, Switzerland; Department of Urology, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK; Department of Urology, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands Article info Abstract Article history: Context: Nocturia is a prevalent symptom with varied aetiology and no consensus on treatment options. Accepted January 28, 2020 Objective: We systematically reviewed evidence comparing the benefits and harms of various treatment options for nocturia or nocturnal incontinence in women. Associate Editor: Evidence acquisition: Literature search was performed using Embase, Medline, and Cochrane Malte Rieken databases (from 1 January 1946 to 26 September 2017), following the methods detailed in the Cochrane Handbook. The protocol was registered with PROSPERO.
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