TERMINATION of DEPARTMENT the BLUE ONE, of INTERNATIONAL OR the PINK? STUDIES Follow Us to a Tee Party Former Pro-Wrestler Runs UM's Dry Cleaning Service
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BREAKING NEWS EDGE NEWS I'AGE 2 **u COLLEGE OF ARTS AND from DRIVING MACHINE SCIENCE ANNOUNCES I to... {_?_£___? TERMINATION Of DEPARTMENT THE BLUE ONE, Of INTERNATIONAL OR THE PINK? STUDIES follow us to a tee party Former pro-wrestler runs UM's dry cleaning service TODAY By Christine 'in.;. (apone caOK ! wre*tlmg aareer se I mted Mate* with ended. Capone took up a emit Ofvetopmctrt Dominguez •• his family in 1%2. when new hob!* Centrr hosts a Brown Bag he was Ift vear* old * car ra. Workshop on '"Organization and The new Go Orange about 11 years ot working Once again, he derived Time Management." in l'( 241 at and drcrn l*"i hlSM*- p m Reservation* are rryuired 'ami, he had his own up station m the ing races on teievtsio.' no later than 24 hour* En advance business by i-aao, working - . tk is readv idol being Mario Andretti, 'lore information or to make a his way up from a tailor to who won four National reservation, all 305 a*4-47v0. the owner nt Mario- Mario Capone, owner Cleaning. Indv (jr Championships, - !>r* (..leaning. "I feel more Anv logged more than one WEDNESDAY h provides the se than I do Italian." said hundred career victories UiketbaU & free tail ts a former pro wrestler Capone, who frel* the and captured more pole gale* What more could you ask fott and racecar driver. I'nited State* i» a great positions than anv other i support our women as they diiafl to (apone. country full ot" opp. driver in hit ding take on the fighting Irish of Notre services include drv .•Ww Dame at 7 p. m t ategorv 5 is host- cleaning, laundering, wash At age I}, Capone pular luiturt. tng a tailgate rvent for all students and frit, alteration* and began amateur wrestling dale lirtvup (apone, whose in the Hurricane 100 (loom at the igh the YMCA in Fort career lasted more than a ( onvocation Onier from 6 to 7 p.m. (apone said *• Mver*. Fl., under the alias decade, said he raced in free food and drinks and wit- nol the first time he has lulius Capone local speed**as* and old •n Presideni Shalala and (oach offered his service* to the ate* m those days. pm ra.es, in* luding the I ahatt hetore the game! the WH, wa* Brum Miami Grand I'* "I've been doing foot Martino. the Cham;* The drv cleaning sta- THURSOAY ball coaches' uniforms. said (-apone. who drew his tnin is located across (Tom JAN (iet involved this semefter mne football -""layers' set inspiration from watching tht StirrmSurge Cate in the catch "Spring Few" at the Spnng umpires' uniforms, wrestling on telev Vi Hoursof operation are Involvement Fair on lhe UC Patio ladies and men's basket After about a year and iv ihrough Friday from 11 a.m. lo 1 p.m.. hosted !->\ hall uniforms and some a half, Capone car from B a.m. to 6 p.m. iO In the W: lown Louagt. the at the cheerk.*ader and the Miami and turned profe* Cttrmmt OommQuet Volunteer Fair will be ht*id. There band uniforms for about a tional. hu carea lasting can be contacted at -c t variety of volunteer organi- few vrar*." Capone said. three and a half vear* c 6omineuti3mutni»mi M»IK i'afXVII" •otion* from the Miami -area pretent adv HE'LL PRESS YOUR SUIT & GET YOU IN A HEAOLOCK* Cafjone a background in Soon after his profes to show how you can give hack to (top) was a pro-wrsstier before he ownea Mario s Dry Oeertng your community For more infor mation, contact lennv Rodriguez at • ING Department of International Studies Closed FRIDAY By Jorge Arauz graduate maior in Ial in American studies, a pm • gSnuation took place and tlie School 30 - is> hosting a "Feel Good | program in the field nf international stud of International Studies became the Department Wt^mt^t^^^m alaliaa*.MMm a*aaaaa-kaaaaa aaa-^-aaaajma) tata-a ajtalaajMltt of International Studies within the College of Arts rTKWy '-a-VM.MCYT nfW IO rl-lll itive administration inauguration of i c*. Sciences. the Gladstone Center for girl* and Ml a md thil-rpanmewrasfUgernaliofrialStuo^ ie II in uveloped the Center Students who are concerned about the effects the Ronald McDonald Howe. They I hi* move comes after last year's closing of for Advanced International Studies, the (.raduate the dosing ot the departmeni could have on their will be meeting it the Rock at 3 p.m boot of International Studies and the North School of International Studies and the Dante B degrees can attend an informative meeting tonight For more information, contact Irak. South (enter Fascdl North-South Center at h p.m outside ot the Ferre Building •studorgPmiami.edu or call Marc International Studies at I'M included interna In IW?, the Umversiiy'i graduate and under The Hurru ane will follow up on this issue as O'Connor at .***fl5 2M 44B3 relations and an understanding of global graduate programs were unified, and the Graduate more details become available developrarnu, as well an appreciation of regional School of International Studies became the S developments in turope and Latin America of Internationa] Studies. JtxgeAiauican be contected at\ trauzC*vmami tami a special under In 2002. under President Donna K. Shalala, a edu motet mAteom, Bjnxa a»tu'0fHs PHOTO HUTDa **» man ftamma * pttaawt •» mm**, iSj««jtari MWBtTBMB*-OUCY r lett ta trat Mima Jim* latn* c-TMtixrm •cral-mt aaa ati a mtm aril cwrxSjoe ta* ^mms,ramtmm,l_mm,j_._tt^t\xamemm t. THE MIAMI 11* MMk oi Mon no mmmmrt mm m a TW -• * J—mtm UBs-Pan -sttrr«l«.«i*a»«r>Lia«*aa««i^ •WSEWTW QMJC ***cout» wtt f*# a-awi ant —.*** rf aStmttm, t tel. &H4mi*tmk*mmmumtrim,i»mnmmtmaar anj> cr as < aaaasa: iiaowl aratonai terete, fa ocaai -t 'Asf. mT *rilnm*mmmmtw-mm4i)rii.aaeari* HURRICANE eeeetmtet ttt Mtaai rmiiar—trmtb—ma—m^clcyiipsmmtatlmm^mti—xt^ IsrmswmemtttmmmXmeaMsmV-msmmrjmr nam Man terns 'AMttmtft m tm sitij i FOUNDED 1927 •mum* ma Tmrm*emmm.-ameimtMT~ar M Omm Btrrcn OOPVI mmmtiimr9trm-m0mmtmttiim,t*mtm ttrer imttm,'--. to 27' An Assocmted (kTtegiatt Prem 0-nrMie OanwtjuB- mtm ttmm CtwloBi Scutari *t3t*lsm*mWtxSX*<*mSm*mamM mtt of Fame tmwspoper mmmMtt IfTTfrU POUCY MMM- (306 . "a***JrrrsaxTijB ati '^lm*m>M*stm*mtmiamT*e'mmtrtm* M t-Umm-yi mta, aAttscm la mmtae oar aa*> am. n tm F^obon bt ioma J xafc m SurauKatm —sm—m^trer*mfA, »r-aaprra.fcem DuBord m mmumm m m*. mm ati -snirstWaitTai NU 306i»4-M0l MtarT- J\tMiwAt r ttt ftatt-re iamrt 11» aSta mm ta • tm—mmti ttetareaMm asilotdaM -rtmm,i7arm,iuir'7T t,rs*amt,^)m*ieMm\-m tat MM Mmm m me -stms.. umWT aVTQRB lataaRl J3IP4-3BC raSn aar a aqr-aM ar>OT>cl ST • ooo/ tm pman SO earn tw eormt OanWaii— w MMtcfTtaaon n» Sira rtrtana a i ttmrnatx CHyMbrr. OaftOBl Soulwn team mm t* tom me mm a tap, & fu SaaMOaM Sols-Clad. ettersattmt at tarn ttatttt CW04 •jnaajr»t» tst Mon THE MIAMI MUf * Jtttt January 27 2004 N I W S Greeks seeking new brothers: New UM trustees appointed The l'niversitv of Miami Board of Trustees has announced spring recruitment now in progress the appointment of five new members ! I stein, managing partner of Presidcnital Capital Partners and By Megha Qarg as manv event* last until Feb 6, which is Hid Dav and the minority owner of the Florida Panthers hockey team; Dr 'Spring is usually a little hit lighter final day of the dry rushing process Roger | Medel, President, CEO and eo rounder of Pec hecause most people have already .. fraternity doe* recruitment its tm n wa*^ Medical Group, the nations largest provider of maternal- sidering going Greek' Fraternities at ed whether they are going to go dreek" fetal newborn care; Alex Rodngue*, professional ba. ire currently participating in spring Nkkerson said. Once the students hecome familiar •* plaver tor the Texas Rangers. HI Smith, a personal tecruitnient. This brings hoth advantages and disad certain fraternity, the traternitv deckle attorney who owns his own practice in Miami, and I Va a mding to Matthew Nickerson, vantages to the spring ftea will give them a bid. In the UC on Feb. 6, the sonherg, a senior partner at the Miami law firm of Holland tofaifiaternifv ( mino' .president "en vou have knossm these people for bids will be revealed and the student ti Knight The Board is responsible tor governing the tek Recruitment, tointng a fraternity three or four months and vou know what choose their new bmtherhood. Inivr ami, thr largest private research univ aids in many different aspects of college Mr, kind of person they are,' Peter Maki. presi Maki gave some advice for students who in the southeastern I mted State* including academic ewdknce, student lead dent of "stgma Chi said "The disadvantage think they might want to give Greek htr a ^,aaa.Laaaac akaa-Mi nanf i a • • n— • I —. aafca laaali i .i • is that the interest isn't there as much. People *rv emp ano pfOHmonai act WIN sing. have either "found the things thev want to do "Don't make a decision based on who The people vou will meet in yoi Loans for textbooks available or they are waiting until next fall" (jet* you the most drunk or who throws the and other dreek organizations certainly help •rities do not partake in the events best pariM .id you after you graduate tbu never know who the Depart ment of Multicultural Student Affa * hecause they folkiw ditlerent rules and quota The 2004 Spring Fraternits lorum will be will be your brother or sister,* Nickrrson ing book loans to undergraduate African, Asian, Hispanic requirements.