Facts for the Times
Valuable Historical Extracts. ,,,,,,, 40,11/1/, FACTS FOR THE TIMES. A COLLECTION —OF — VALUABLE HISTORICAL EXTRACTS ON A GR.E!T VA R TETY OF SUBJECTS, OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO THE BIBLE STUDENT, FROM EMINENT AUTHORS, ANCIENT AND MODERN. REVISED BY G. I. BUTLER. " Admissions in favor of troth, from the ranks of its enemies, constitute the highest kind of evidence."—Puss. Ass Mattatc. Pr This Volume contains about One Thousand Separate Historical Statements. THIRD EDITION, ENLARGED, AND BROUGHT DOWN TO 1885. REVIEW AND HERALD, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. PACIFIC PRESS, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. PREFACE. Tax object of this volume, as its name implies, is to furnish to the inquirer a large fund of facts bearing upon important Bible subjects, which are of special interest to the present generation, • While "the Bible and the Bible alone" is the only unerring rule of faith and practice, it is very desirable oftentimes to ascertain what great and good men have believed concerning its teachings. This is especially desirable when religious doctrines are being taught which were considered new and strange by some, but which, in reality, have bad the sanction of many of the most eminent and devoted of God's servants in the past. Within the last fifty years, great changes have occurred among religious teachers and churches. Many things which were once con- sidered important truths are now questioned or openly rejected ; while other doctrines which are thought to be strange and new are found to have the sanction of the wisest and best teachers of the past. The extracts contained in this work cover a wide range of subjects, many of them of deep interest to the general reader.
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