NBA Great Calls It a Career

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NBA Great Calls It a Career WEDNES.DAY, O CTOBER 6, 2004 SPORTS THE MIRROR 17 NBA great calls it a career SAM SMITH Like evcryone e lse, I>ippc n NBA h igh lig hlll and individual It's clear it still gratcs on and I)ippcn's first - the Bulls K N l c w r RIl)I)f.K wa nled to be like Mike. Eve ryone acclaim. Pippen. Because o r h is various adva nced to t.he second round wa n ts to be Lhe he ro. It's even Pippe n di rccte d the Bull s' transgreSS ions - his I.S-second wi Lh a Game 5 vi ctory over CHICACO -Scottie Pippen to ugher when you're that close complicmed triangle o ffense. walko ut in lhe 1994 playoffs, his Clevc\and. Pippen, in his first was old-sch ool. and can no t be. While jordan found the basket, migraine headache in the 1990 carecr slart, was the star o f Ihat Not that he couldn't relate to Pi p pen was the ultimate sup- Pippe n found his lCammales. confe rence finals and his various game wi th 24 point.s, five o fren- today's NBA 1>laye r. After all. porting player. the I>crfect com· Steve Ke rr always said he enjoyed rages - many believe he rod e si\'c rebollnds, a game·high steals Pippen was o nce arrested , he quit plement, the guy to defcnd U1 C pla),ing with Pippe n more Lhan jordan's coaltails Lo six c hampi- to tal and one key play after o n h is team, paid off ror childre n opponent's best lind sh uL down any other teammate not only onships and status as o ne of the anothe r. Coincidc nc;e? born oul of wedlock, d emanded an offense. When the Bulls linal- because of the way Pippen wou ld league 's 50 g reatesl p layers. Whe n Pippe n sUCC; lI mbed to to be trad ed, tossed barbs al fa ilS Iy won their first champio nship in get him the ball in good shooting k J'VC h eard thal n u mcrous that migrainc headache in Ihe and managemf:nt <I nri th rew the 199 I, j ohn Paxson hit the big posiLion , but a lso because he Limes," I)ippe n said Tucsda)', セ b ャ i エ se\'cnth of the 1990 confer· 0(C:15ional c hair. sho ts and j ordnn made the hi gh- knew when a struggling p layer as I st;t nd here and look back, I ence final s against the Pistons, Yes. Sco tt ie Pippen.could be a Iiglll pl ay, the swi tch-hands lay up needed a sho t to boost hi s conli- don' t think Mi chael had a n }' thc !lulls Ins!. Whe n Pippen headache, migraine and other· sl iII shown as t he symbol of thai deuce, champio nShip tro phies wit houl I'ellwined calm L B 、 p1'Oduccd wise - but mostly for the opposi- series, But it was Pippen who wok Pippen ScI the screen, gOl the me. ThOll wo uld be my answer to aftcr Den nis Rodman's allac k in lion . away the Laken,' game, shutting rebound, made the assist, Isn 't that queslio n ,M the 199 1 conference linals Pippen. who officially down Magic johnson and thus the d efinition o r grc<l lncss mak- j ordan, truly, migh t n ot ha\·e. against the Pi stons, the !llllls won, a nno llnced h is "Clirc mc n l the I.akcrs' o ffense. ing yo ur teammates be llc r? Not to d enigratc J o rda n - Perhaps j ordan wOllld have Tuesday aftcr 17 yca,'s in the It was Pippen O\'CI' the years Pi ppen did that as well as anyo ne and Scottie Pi ppen was no figured il way without Pi ppen. N n A, | | G 。 セ a u nil'JLl c player - wil- HIking 0 1. a little point guard like Wi Lh hi s \,c,rsatilit.y, Mi chael j o rda n - b ll t .J o rdan Pcrhaps nO t. Pippen wal; the anti- lowy and long-arll1t.:d, cat-quick, Ma rk Price one night, goi ll g up lie a ll owed M ic hael to be needed Pippe n as m uch as j ordan. Pi ppe n didn ' t セ i ャ ャ ゥ 」 powerful anel in telligent. !-Ie was ag;tinst c ィ Z ャ イ ・ セ Barkley or Sh al"!'11 Michl\c1. Pippel1 needed .J ordan. m uch and onen d idn't セ 。 ケ the the Sial' who wOli ld be a rule pl;\)" Kemp 0 1' Karl i\hllone the nexl. J ordan scored! The fans In his fir .. t th ree I G 。 セ with the right thin).:'. That's why ィ ゥ セ relllrn cr, nOt that it alwil}'s キ 。 セ h is Whatever was necessary, C\'CIl if gaspedJ But jOT'daH never won Bulls, .J ordan's teams ncver gOt キ 。 i G エ exactly hai led here, and choice and o ne he d idn 't rc .. t' nt he didn't shoot the ba ll , isolate ulllil Pip l:)e n C;IIl1C :l long, Ah, the out of tbe first round I)f' Ihe pl ay· wh('11 h(' rouldn', perform, m ,Hl Y al tim(;s. and go onl'-on-one, tht, エ ィ ゥ ャ Q ァ セ of blasphemy! on:... In .J ordan's founh »cason - we re quid. to reject him Ol guin . Cardinals take first game BILLPWNKm The Cardinals 1i(.'(1 the NL record second half, Dodgers starters had a All You Can Eat K\J t GI, '1 Rll)Ut: k for hOllle rUlls in a POSlSC;L'>O n game collective EJtA 01'6.0 1 in lhe Iinal40 with five , m:ttching the Chicago gallll''i of tJ1 C n.'gul:u' Se<tSQl1. Sf. LOUIS_Odalis Perel fou nd Cubs, who hit live against the S.UI Bllt they were o ptimis tic that Beef & Bean Burritos Ollt Tuesda} that the SL i N ッ オ ゥ セ Diego p 。 、 ャ G セ in Game I of tJlC 1984 slump | セ Q s O\'cr after a 'iuing of qual- Q u"dinals' oll en .. i\le biLe is e\'Cry bil NL\S. it y s g ャ G l セ clown the stretch. Perc/.. in as bad as the ir sialisticall)<lfk. Threc of the home rUlls came niT particu lar, st.eppe d up against thc $ In prcparinl{ to bCe the bC:il·hi t- Pere7, \"'ho Im;t,cdjtlSl 22/ 3 i,millhrs. San f セ ュ 」 ゥ ウ 」 ャ I Giants and Colomdo ling team in the N"ational League, "I d idn't perfurm tJ.c W'd), I wa nt- Rockies. going eight innings;n each the Dodger.. Icll-h"lIlder ',aid he \\':"L" lxi to. It'<; Ill)' hlllll," Percl セ 。 ゥ 、 L セ w ・ of hi.. i ィ l セ エ two n:guh_lr-SC: L'I01l .. tarb not arraid of the Cardinals' liHcup had 53 」 ュ ・ 「 。 」 セ (his )'C<1l (in the and ァ ィ セ ョ ァ lip a tut,,1 of threc run.... and all)'OnC not rcad}' for the post- rCbfular :.e;LSl m ), but when you give That I1Iclllory 、 ゥ セ 。 ー ー ・ \ ャ イ 」 、 a:i SC,L<;()11 challenge should "give li p up six nms in tll1'(:C innings, tJlel'C is quickly [ l セ pilCht.'S to Alben p ャ A ゥ ャ セ (in and get a black dug" lor protection. no | セ ャ I N YOli C UI try to cOlile b,lck the liNt inning), i セ i t ス G Walker and T he C"..ardin"ls then mauled hill, no, this iii difkrc m'ICball .Jim E.dmond .. (in the:: fi\'e-run IhiITI). p ・ ヲ セ Q iI. l:"\n1c I of their National now. k Walker lat('r add('d a S(."Cond home Lca1,rue Divi<;ion Sclic:.:s, chru. ing him The Dodgers wen: put in ー ッ セ ゥ ᄋ rUIl ufTrclie\'er Giovanni Calmra (i n from the g<II1W wilh a !ive-nm Ihird tion to make all those comebacks by the .S(.'vcllth), and Mike Matheny inning Ull till' W;I) to an X M Z セ victor), ,I patchwork "laJ'ling l'Ot:ui()1I thaI CO llnected (Iff reliever [Imel OWl' the i I o 、 セ c B G B )o ltllnpt:d rur 1Ituch 01 the \ [ c G l B H I i Q ᄋ セ DC"-"t'Il)o ill th(' rourth. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS ,A ,pplie'''',on. are available in the Student A c t lvlties. Office in the University Requ;rellfe nfS u n ci Responsibilities: • • A llenll 1111 SRe ' ''eeliug. ..· '"I(/I",I1t1 10 r'I..'glil ur o./Jicc IrO ll r ... p er week I-I," fe fI ",i"i" II,," 2.5 C PA o B ・ イ セ G ・ ・ soule ,,' confere" ce grllnl p roce.'iS F llllli"'e IIlu l cr/.:Ftulullle i ll-... ,a Ie 'uUio ll " lid fee. .. pllid Applications mus t b e turne d in O c t . 15. 2004 by 5 PM. Turn a ll a pplications Into the Adminis trative A ••I.
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