Bolingbroke Deanery


Faithful, Confident, Joyful

Our calling from God is to work together across the Bolingbroke Team to reconnect dispersed communities with the transforming love of Jesus through our FELLOWSHIP, INCLUSIVENESS & SERVICE

Our Vision We aim to have more visible links between people of faith and our local communities by working together in a ministry of encouragement across boundaries 50p



Principal Service

Sunday 1st December 1st Sunday of Advent (Purple) First Reading Isaiah 2.15-5 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 122 Second Reading Romans 13.11-end Gospel Matthew 24.36-44

Sunday 8th December 2nd Sunday of Advent (Purple) First Reading Isaiah 11.1-10 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 72.1-7, 18-19 [72.1-7] Second Reading Romans 15.4-13 Gospel Matthew 3.1-12

Sunday 15th December 3rd Sunday of Advent (Purple) First Reading Isaiah 35.1-10 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 146.4-10 or Canticle: Magnificat Second Reading James 5.7-10 Gospel Matthew 11.2-11

Sunday 22nd December 4th Sunday of Advent (Purple) First Reading Isaiah 7.10-16 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 80.1-8, 18-20 [1-8] Second Reading Romans 1.1-7 Gospel Matthew 1.18-end

Sunday 29th December 1st Sunday of Christmas (White) First Reading Isaiah 63.7-9 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 148 [148.7-end] Second Reading Hebrews 2.10-end Gospel Matthew 2.13-end

Wishing all our readers a very Happy Christmas



Five ways to ‘get the best out of Christmas’

That time is nearly upon us, and it’ll creep up quickly. Here are five suggestions for making the best of our celebration of the birth of Jesus.

1. Look forward It is so easy to see the very important concerns about food, cards, presents and parties overshadow the most important. Could you deliberately build in some time each day or each week during Advent to stop, calm yourself, and refocus? A Strange Christmas by Krish Kandiah is a great little book to help us prepare.

2. Look around No doubt there will be some extra church activities going on over Christmas, but did you know that research has shown that 20% of people in Britain would be grateful for an opportunity to think about who Jesus is? We have so often believed the lie that no-one is interested in our faith. So, seek the seekers, and invite them to something. Who do you know who is likely to be keen to find out more?

3. Look outwards Deuteronomy 26 contains the instructions for celebrating the Jewish Harvest Festival, but built into the chapter are encouragements to remember the foreigners, widows and orphans in the land in their celebrations. Is there anyone you might include in your festivities, who might otherwise go without?

4. Look again Part of Christmas is the repetition of readings, prayers and carols that we have been using since ‘the year dot’. Could you address the familiarisation by choosing to think more deeply about the words we’re using? Ask the Holy Spirit to give you one new insight into the Christmas story this year, or take maybe just one line from a carol and let it dwell in your thoughts and prayers.

5. Look up When all the presents are wrapped and the sprouts peeled, take some time to reconnect with the wonder of it all, which can so easily get lost among the mundane. The God of the Universe, the King of Kings and Lord above all Lords stepped down into our world in the shape of a newborn baby so that we might know God and share the eternity of heaven, feasting at his table! Wow! What a tragedy if we miss that!

Words prepared by the diocesan Mission Team. Don’t forget to look out for #FollowTheStar, the ‘national Advent and Christmas campaign’ with accompanying resources offered by the Church of . 3


The Deanery Office hours have changed.

Jane will be in the office Monday – Friday 9.30am to 1.30pm.

Bolingbroke Grape Vine

Please can all articles be with the Editor by the 14th of the month. They can be emailed to [email protected] or posted to The Grape Vine, The Vicarage, Church Street, , Lincs PE23 5EF

Group Registers: Funerals: Spilsby Cluster Pauline Thornton 58 yrs Spilsby died 27.09.19 Helen Patricia Carpenter 75 yrs died 11.10.19 John Edward Ronald Panton 96 yrs died 13.10.19 Phyllis Mary Blackbourn 87 yrs Raithby died 17.10.19

Stickney Cluster Alice May Snow 103 yrs died 21.10.19

Marden Hill Cluster Harry Middleton 93 yrs died 06.10.19

South Ormsby Cluster David William James Price 72 yrs Harrington died 25.10.19

Weddings: Spilsby Cluster Richard Bouchard-Gresham & Annie Rose Munson Hundleby 28.10.19

Baptisms: Spilsby Cluster Pixie Irene Boulton Spilsby 03.11.19 Maddison Esme Marshall Spilsby 17.11.19 Leila Grace Marshall Spilsby 17.11.19


Dates for the Diary December 2nd “To Love and Serve the Lord” 7pm St James Spilsby 3rd Churches Together meeting, The Vicarage, 2pm 3rd Èast Kirkby Christmas Bingo 3rd Stickney PCC 4th Guiding Carol Service, St James, 6pm 5th Deanery Study Group – Renewal of Creation 5th Hundleby Book Swap, Parish Rooms, 2pm 6th Spilsby Good Neighbour Coffee Morning, Franklin Hall, 10am 6th Linkage Carol Service in St James, 2pm 6th Old Church Carol Service, 6.30pm 7th Christmas fayre in church, 10am 7th HOP Christmas ~Workshop, Hundleby, 2-4.30pm 7th Spilsby Cracker Day 9th East Keal Community Café in church, 10.30am 10th Eresby School Nativity in St James, 1.30pm 10th Church Carol Service, 7pm 11th Stickney Primary School Christingle Day 11th Lusby Church Carol Service, 7pm 13th-16th Christmas Tree Festival at Spilsby Methodist Church 13th Rotary Carol Service in St James, 7pm 14th Coffee morning at Methodist Church 16th Old Bolingbroke Church Carol Service, 7pm 16th Church Carol Service, 7pm 17th East Keal Carol Singing round village, meet at shop 6pm 17th The Old Rectory Carol Service with Choir 18th Halton Holegate School carol service in church, 1.45pm 18th Great Steeping Church Carol Service, 7.30pm 19th William Lovell Academy Carol Service in Church 19th Stickney Primary Carol Service in Church 19th Church ‘Follow the Star’ Service, 6pm 21st Church Carol Service and Community BBQ, 3pm

Christmas Eve 10.00am Spilsby Making Christingles 3.30pm Spilsby Christingle & Blessing of the Crib 4.00pm Stickney Crib Service 6.30pm 9 Lessons and Carols 10.00pm Hundleby Bethlehem Service 11.30pm Spilsby Midnight Mass 11.30pm Stickney Midnight Mass 11.30pm Hagworthingham Midnight Mass


Christmas Day 9.30am Holy Communion 9.30am East Keal Holy Communion 9.30am Halton Holegate Holy Communion 10.00am Stickney Family Service 11.00am Holy Communion

For other carol services please see the usual ‘Patterns of Worship’ pages.

January 7th Little Steeping Coffee Morning at ‘The Steepings’, 10.30am 13th Spilsby PCC 14th PCC 20th Old Bolingbroke PCC 21st Little Steeping Coffee Morning at ‘The Steepings’, 10.30am 21st The Old Rectory Communion 27th PAMG meeting, Spilsby Vicarage, 7pm

To Love and serve the Lord

The Priest says these words (Go in peace) To Love and serve the Lord, at the end of the Eucharist, it is a great moment of completion and new beginnings to which we all reply In the name of Christ Amen. Our lives are all made up of endings and new beginnings. As we now come to the end of another Christian year filled with ordinary and extraordinary events I pray that we all may rededicate our lives to God’s service.

That this Advent may indeed prepare us for the coming of the Lord in ordinary and in extraordinary ways. That this Christmas and New Year may fill us with the determination to do everything in the name of the Lord who is always with us in weakness and in strength.

Can I especially and particularly invite you to a new beginnings evening on Monday 2nd December at St James, Spilsby when we will be introducing the new course “To Love and serve the Lord”. The aim of the course is threefold to deepen our Christian Faith, to ask where God is calling us and to prepare for a new growth in Christian Lay Ministry. So it is open to the seeker, to the person who wants to look at next steps and to those who want to prepare for a particular form of lay ministry.

As a Diocese we are now looking at three ways to develop lay ministry, the very local, the wider deanery and Reader type ministry. However, you

6 don’t have to be looking at any of those just come along and see what it is all about.

Every blessing for Advent, Christmas and all our new beginnings

Yours, Fr. Peter

There is a reason for every season!

In the early 1970’s, there was a ‘craze’ for stickers – slogans printed on garish sticky paper which, since then, have developed into Car Stickers and Window stickers and may cause some amusement when first spotted. I have one given to me recently which says ‘If you haven’t grown up by 60, you don’t have to!’ I will certainly take that one to heart.

At my Confirmation, even the Bishop sported a sticker on his crozier. More than that – he actually preached on it. What did that sticker say? “Jesus is alive today”. The gist of his sermon (and yes, I was clearly paying attention despite being forced to wear a white miniskirt my mother had made for me!) was that the slogan was not complete – Jesus Christ is alive today AND EVERY DAY.

As Christmas approaches, there is a tendency to think that the story begins again, as year on year we hear the familiar readings and sing the familiar carols – and woe betide any minister who seeks to ring the changes.

But Christmas without Easter just doesn’t work. And Easter without Christmas is the same. As we come to worship a new baby each year, we have in mind that this baby is already crucified, risen and ascended, and is continually doing something new.

As we go through December 2019, perhaps we could keep looking and listening for those ‘new’ things that God is doing and celebrate them too. Fran


What will you do with your calendars at the end of the year? Will you put them in the recycling bin?

If you have calendars with large, beautiful pictures please may I have them? I do a display board in Eresby Hall every two weeks so that the residents have something that might stimulate memories or becomes a topic of conversation or just be lovely to look at. If you can help please leave the calendars in St James’ Church or at the Deanery Office. Thank you. Margaret Cook 7

Whist Drives

Hundleby Parish Room 3rd Tuesday each month 7.00pm

We are looking for new members. Why not come along and join us?

Cost £2.50 to include tea, coffee and biscuits and raffle.

Old Bolingbroke

The Harvest Supper was held in the Village Hall on 14th October, with a full house. The auction of produce conducted by Gareth Evans was well supported and the money raised from the evening amounted to £1273.47, which has been shared between two charities: Village Defibrillator and the Butterfly Hospice Trust. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to make this event so enjoyable.

Carols – The Carol Service will be held at Old Bolingbroke Church on Monday 16th December at 7.00pm, followed by coffee and mince pies. We would be grateful for any gifts of tinned products or dried goods for Centrepoint at Boston. These can be left at the church or brought to the service on the night. Many thanks.


Life is good when we all get on with each other and there are no arguments, no falling out, no misunderstandings, no disagreements. It is good but, how often is life really like that? Too often we want our own way and can symbolically stamp our feet and metaphorically “throw our toys out of the pram”. In society today, it is all about what the individual wants, “my right” “my way” - not looking at the wider picture but focusing on a belief in oneself rather than trust in another.

At this time of the year we are reminded of the incredible humility and example of obedience that we are shown in Mary; no tantrums, no arguments, just acceptance and trust, in God.

Advent as we all know, is a time of preparation, a time of waiting. We all know that the day will come for celebration, a day full of laughter and gifts and dare I say, yes, even feasting! A great opportunity to celebrate the birth of our King. Of course when this King was born, there were no paparazzi waiting outside the hospital for the first glimpse of the baby; only humble shepherds who would later be followed by wise men.

Before we get to that wonderful day, there is a time of reflection; whilst we are busy singing carols and already heralding the birth of Christ, we can so easily miss this special time. A time of waiting, a time of watching, a time of assessment, a time of sitting in quietness, simply meditating on those things that are vital in the life of every Christian. As we use this time of preparation before we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, there is that word that gives such meaning to our faith: “Hope”. We wait; for our hope is truly in the Lord: for us and for all mankind.

Blessings Teresa

    Anagrams (see page 16 for answers) ANY A RAW ENIGMA TINSEL THING SOFTEN NOSY WARMTH NO FIT SHELTER 9

Hundleby Outreach Project

On 26th October we met for an afternoon of games. We played everything from card games to old favourites like Cluedo and Connect Four as well as Mastermind, Solitaire and many others. The older children were very happy to help the younger ones and to guide the adults through the rules of games which were unfamiliar. There was a lovely cosy atmosphere of co-operation and friendship. We were well provided with refreshments including delicious chocolate cake and biscuits. Many thanks to all who contributed to a very enjoyable afternoon despite the very wet weather.

Our next event is our Christmas Workshop on Saturday 7th December 2-4.30pm when our theme will be "Follow the Star." Our craft activities will include making stars in different ways using twigs, wool and origami folding techniques. Sweets will also be made and we will work together on a large picture to be displayed in St. Mary’s Church. We will conclude the afternoon in the church where we will hang stars on the tree, share a Christmas story and join in favourite Christmas songs.

Everyone is welcome whatever your age so please come along and take part.


Many thanks to Pauline and everyone at The Eaves for serving our Harvest Supper. As usual it was enjoyed by all. Our food comes to us so easily these days that we can often forget all the effort needed to produce it. Harvest time reminds us to be thankful.

Advent is not Christmas but we do lots of Christmassy things during this time. As I write this I can see Christmas lights shining. Christmas cakes are made and cards and presents are being prepared for posting and giving. Our Carol Service will be on THURSDAY 19TH DECEMBER at 6.00pm. Come along and join us. There will be Carols, Cake and Crackers as we think of how the star of Bethlehem will lead us onto Christmas.

Coffee mornings will now be at Basil and Sheila’s home, THE STEEPINGS, during the cold weather. In December there will not be one because the only date is for the Village Christmas Lunch. Other than that the next scheduled Coffee Morning will be on JANUARY 7TH 2020 at 10.30 am. HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE 10

Safeguarding Training

The Diocese have given two dates to provide the essential training required for church officers, all PCC members, as trustees of their church are required to undergo the basic training which can be done online or from a hard copy which can be provided. Church Wardens are required to undertake the next level which is what is being offered.

Which ever date receives the most positive responses is the one we shall go for. It is intended that the training will be held in Skendleby Old School – this has yet to be confirmed.

As a deanery we currently have very few PCC members in the Deanery who have completed the training. As past training has sometimes been at short notice it is hoped that this advance notice will enable people to attend. The meeting will last no longer than 3 hours and refreshments will be offered!

Possible dates: Monday 3rd February 2020 starting at 6pm Saturday 7th March starting at 9.30am

Please let the Deanery Office know if you would be interested in either of these dates.

Every Monday drop in between 10am & 12

A Hug and a Mug in the shop for anyone in need of a hug and a chat over a mug of tea or coffee.

(suitable for all abilities)… Craft Events Mon 2nd & Fri 6th December – Origami Christmas Tree. 10am – finish £6.00

Fri 13th and Sat 14th December – wreaths and table arrangements. 10am-12pm or 1-3pm £6.00

Booking is essential for all craft events as places are limited. Cost includes materials.

High Mill, Kirkby Hill, Old Bolingbroke, PE23 4HP 01790 763627 email: [email protected]



We gaze at the heavens on this special night, 'tis the eve of Christmas, Holiest of nights, true wonder surrounds us, great is our joy on the eve of the birth of a baby boy. Here, by the hearth, so warm, so bright, bathed in flickering firelight, we hear the tales of long ago and the true message of Christmas fills our home. The tree twinkles in silence, a magical sight, shedding its soft gleam of candlelight. I pray a fervent prayer by the comforting glow, for children everywhere, please let there be snow, soft flakes of gentle snow to dress the trees in white, an incandescent glow, swirling down through lantern light. A drifting coverlet from the skies, a Christmas wonderland before our eyes, such beauty the little ones have yet to know, dear little Lord Jesus, please, may they have snow? When the trees now grey, sad, stark and bare glistening soft white gowns will wear, the rooves now dark against the night will bear their cloaks of velvet white. Let me awaken my babes and take their hands, let me show them a winter wonderland.

The hour draws towards midnight, we make our way to church, our paths lit by lamplight we go to celebrate His birth. Mighty kings with peasants stand, bearing gifts from distant lands, a young boy beats upon his drum, come now, all ye faithful, come. Come ye shepherds one and all, pay homage to the babe lying in a stall, gather around he who lies in a stable in a handmade wooden cradle.

Along the aisle we tread with care, close to the manger now, lost in prayer, timeless is the silence of long ago, perfect, the peace that we now know. Children sing for weary travellers gathered here, celestial voices sweet and clear, 12 tears of devotion mist our eyes, hear the haunting strains of 'Silent Night.

Midnight service, His house, His home, separately we kneel, but not alone, the atmosphere intense and ethereal, His presence we sense, His presence is real. The priest now stands, midnight service at an end, the congregation grasps hands, Happy Christmas, neighbour, friend.

'tis 5 O-clock now - barely dawn, we sneak downstairs to make the house warm, stockings to fill, fires to light, Santa's work is done this night. A thousand thoughts come to my mind for Christmas is such a joyous time, soon there'll be shrieks of joy and cries of glee, mummy, daddy, LOOK - SANTA HAS BEEN. So, as stealthily we descent the stair a mystical silence fills the air, I glance at the window, too happy to speak, daddy brushes a teardrop from my cheek, so great is our delight at the breathtaking sight, our cup is overflowing, for a magical world awaits them outside, 'tis CHRISTMAS...and 'tis



Marden Hill Cluster November Lottery Winners

1st No.21 S Lumb 2nd No.18 R C Lingard

Toynton All Saints November Lottery Winners

1st No.28 P Pape 2nd No.48 Richard Richmond 3rd No.8 R Locke-Wheaton

Hundleby Book Swap and Teas

We have been swapped! Due to the Election we

are having to move dates for December only.

December’s meeting is now on Thursday 5th at 2pm Stock up on your Christmas reading

Future dates: 9th January, 13th February Parish Rooms, 2-4pm

New books added each month All welcome

HOP Preparing for Christmas

Hundleby Parish Rooms and Church Saturday 7th December

2-4.30pm. Christmas refreshments

No charge. Donations welcome Further details please contact Jane on 01790 752541


Holy Trinity, Hagworthingham


will be held in church on

Saturday 7th December

10am – 12 midday

Refreshments, Mince Pies, Sausage Rolls etc.

Cake, Book and Gifts in Wood stalls, ‘Jo’s’ All Sorts stall, Raffle and Tombola

Everyone Welcome

Join us for Carols and mince pies

Hundleby 3pm Sunday 8th December

All Welcome


CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL Saturday 14th 10am – 4pm Sunday 11.30am – 4pm Monday 16th 10am – 4pm



Walking into Church for the Family service on November 3rd was rather disconcerting as a large mirror had been placed on the nave altar with lighted candles in front of it. As the congregation walked down the nave they were reflected in the mirror and if they were prepared to look, could see themselves as they took their places.

The theme of the service was ‘Reflections’ and Reverend Joan Thornett led the worship. Lessons from 1 Corinthians and 2 Timothy were read by Linda Taylor and Jane Parker. Martha read a poem asking the question ‘Do you see a reflection or do you see the real me?’ Reverend Joan told the Greek myth about Narcissus and Echo which gave the warning about self love. It must be remembered that true beauty is in the real world and not in reflections seen in water.

All Saints Day was also being celebrated and Joan reminded the congregation that all are called to be faithful and to love their fellow beings. Everyone needs to get to know the real person and must put faith into action.

The children had been attempting to do mirror writing and made an excellent attempt. When it came to the Peace, Peter read out a poem about God's own circle which is love that goes on and on and with the handshake the response was Glad you are here. The crucifor was Ethan and the offertory was taken by Elizabeth.

The next Family service on December 1st will be on Advent Sunday and Reverend Joan will be leading a Family Communion with the assistance of the children who are being trained to act as servers. Everyone is welcome.





December 9th Drop In 10.30am-12noon

Reference Information Hub Local Information / Walks leaflets Magazine Swap / Books Available Fun and Games Drinks and Cakes Let me know what you would like see happening Contact Diane White on 01790 752381


Stickford Community Centre

9th December & 16th December

Doors open 6.45pm Play starts 7.30pm

Everyone Welcome

St Andrew’s Church, Little Steeping


10th & 24th December

10.30am at Sheila & Basil’s house (The Steepings)

Drink and cake - £1.50



Wednesday 11th December 2.00pm in the Franklin Hall

U3A Entertains


More Newhome thoughts on Computers

This month I am going to talk about a useful programme that might well help some of you save some money. Before I get into the programme/App I will state that you do really need a reasonable understanding of the filing system in order to get the best out of the programme and I take no responsibility for you or I getting it wrong in anyway. The programme that I want to talk about here is 'Treesize'. This will help to clean out your storage space and get rid of files you don't need. Treesize, will allow you to see where all the space on your storage is used up. You can get it from the address below and it is free. Or if you have trouble typing that lot in you can Google 'Treesize'. The Icon looks like a red wind turbine inside a grey circle with a red ring on the outer edge. Once you have downloaded the programme and installed it you can now use it.

The easiest and safest way to learn is to open the 'File Explorer' usually a yellow folder on the taskbar in Windows 10. Once this is open you can point to the 'Libraries' folder on the left side. Then Right click on it to get the menu list. From that list you will now see 'Treesize Free'. Left click on it. You will now be asked the question “Do you want this App to make changes to your computer”; answer Yes. Now wait a few seconds as it goes through your files. What you will be presented with is what looks like a new File Explorer. This time though is arranged so that the largest folders are at the top of the list. In my case that is my Pictures folder. As you open the folders you will see that it continues the process of putting the largest space hoggers at the top. You can go through the folders one at a time and get rid of the files that you no longer want. This can be quite surprising. These are your files so it is up to you if you delete them or not. Don't forget to check the 'Downloads' folder. This often has a lot of large old files that you have forgotten about. The same process does also work on the whole C: drive and it will show you the space taken up by Windows or any other folder on the root. Most of these files are needed and NOT yours. The rule is if you don't know pwhat it is leave it alone. YOU CAN BREAK IT IF YOU DELETE THE WRONG FILE. So stick to the rules.


Every Friday morning in the Victory Hall, Partney 9.30am to noon

Come for coffee, tea, cake and a chat!

All proceeds to Partney School, St Nicholas Church and the Victory Hall


St Helen's Church East Keal

Sunday 15th December At 4pm

Come and Join us at this Festive time to Sing your Favourite HYMNS Followed by tea/ coffee and mince pies

The Collection this year will be shared with St Andrew's Hospice and Centrepoint Boston

Partney Cluster

St Nicholas, Partney

Sunday 15th December




Join us on 17th December To Sing Carols around the Village


Come and join us in this annual event Singers and non Singers welcome.

This years Collection will be shared with St Andrew's Hospice Grimsby and Centrepoint Boston

Experience the true meaning of Christmas at the village

Carol Service

st Saturday 21 December 3pm at St Helen’s Church, Stickford

Mulled wine and mince pies served after the service Everyone welcome


Meet your representative on District Council

David Mangion will hold a drop session on December 18th at the Conference Hall, Franklin Hall, Halton Road, Spilsby Time 18.30-19.30. No appointment is necessary

You can also contact me on: Telephone 07470 717474 Email: [email protected]

Message from Rev’d Jean

We are all on a journey in life. As most of you are aware of what a difficult journey it has been for both Peter and myself since a diagnosis of cancer last November. Thank you all for your support and prayers during this difficult time and now after completing treatment it is a wait and see time. As chemotherapy was the final part of the treatment plan, I was aware that I would lose my hair and chose to have a sponsored hair crop one Saturday in March. This was well attended and supported with tea and cakes, and a fund raising event. Over £900 was raised to be divided between the Church training fund and the Rotary.

The Rotary have always been a huge support in the volunteer sector for myself and others. So I have asked if they could use the money to support ‘ Clean water’ projects to enable communities abroad to enjoy benefit from clean water for drinking . We are very blessed with fresh water to drink every day and unfortunately this is not so for all. So last month I presented a cheque to Rotary to make a difference for others to have a better start in life. Thank you all so much for being there for Peter and myself. Yours in Christ. Rev’d Jean

CHRISTMAS EVE AT ST JAMES 10.00am Come and help us make the Christingles! All ages welcome and please stay for refreshments and the finishing of any left-over sweets afterwards.

3.30pm Christingle and Blessing of the Crib service

11.30pm Midnight Mass


St Andrew’s Church COME AND Halton Holegate

Carol Service th Sunday 15 December at 3pm CHRISTMAS DAY

Christmas Day 11.00am Join us as we celebrate ST PETER & the birth of Christ. ST PAUL’S Service at 9.30am SKENDLEBY


The flower arrangers at Eresby did some beautiful displays for Remembrance using greenery, corn and poppies with the help of Cinny and her team. The display board also reminded the residents of Remembrance Sunday. Kath Bell recited the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ and the session ended with the residents singing ‘All things bright and beautiful’. They will meet again in December to make table decorations for Christmas.

Alison is now the new Manager of Eresby Hall and we hoped to get to know her better in the forthcoming weeks. May we wish a Very Happy Christmas to all those volunteers, visitors and relatives who have supported the residents and the Hall during the year. Thank you.




‘‘We’re making a Nativity Scene, called “Away in a Manger”. I’m in charge of Udders for Lowing Cattle.’ Congratulations – Mary Bosak

Just for laughs! When I said, "Please give me a hand", that wasn't quite what I meant!’ - June Fitz Gibbon

‘We're the new Entertainment Officers' – Elizabeth Pinnion

‘Many hands make light work.’ – Mary Bosak


Please send your captions by 14th December to

‘Caption Competition’ The Vicarage, Church Street,

Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF or email to [email protected] 22


East Keal, , , Hagworthingham, , , , Lusby, Old Bolingbroke, Toynton All Saints, Toynton St. Peter, West Keal


1st December 1st Sunday of Advent Eucharist service at Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Service of the Word at Toynton All Saints 11.15am Service of the Word at East Kirkby 3.00pm

8th December 2nd Sunday of Advent Eucharist service at East Keal 9.30am Service of the Word at Hagworthingham 11.15am Carol Service at Toynton All Saints 11.15am Carol Service at Mavis Enderby 2.00pm

15th December 3rd Sunday of Advent Service of the Word at Old Bolingbroke 9.30am Carol Service at West Keal 11.15am Carol Service at East Kirkby (to be held in Village Hall) 3.00pm Carol Service at East Keal 4.00pm Carol service at Hagworthingham 6.00pm

22nd December 4th Sunday of Advent Service of the Word at East Keal 9.30am Eucharist service at Toynton All Saints 11.15am

29th December 1st Sunday of Christmas Deanery Eucharist service at Spilsby 10.00am Carol Service at Spilsby Roman Catholic Church 3.00pm

Please see diary dates for carol services during the week 23


Eastville, Midville, New Leake, Stickford, Stickney


1st December 1st Sunday of Advent Eucharist Service at Stickney 9.30am

8th December 2nd Sunday of Advent Service of the Word at Stickney 11.15am WI Carols at Stickford 2.00pm Carol Service at New Leake 3.00pm

15th December 3rd Sunday of Advent Eucharist service at New Leake 3.00pm Carol Service at Stickney 5.00pm

22nd December 4th Sunday of Advent Eucharist Service at Stickford 11.15am

29th December 1st Sunday of Christmas Deanery Eucharist service at Spilsby 10.00am Carol Service at Spilsby Roman Catholic Church 3.00pm

Please see diary dates for carol services during the week

Coffee Morning

at St Luke's, Stickney

every Thursday at 10.00am



Ashby by Partney, Aswardby, , Dalby, Langton w , Partney, Sausthorpe, , Skendleby


1st December 1st Sunday of Advent Eucharist Service at Partney 11.15am Service of the Word at Scremby 3.00pm

8th December 2nd Sunday of Advent Service of the Word at Candlesby 9.30am Eucharist service at Skendleby 11.15am

15th December 3rd Sunday of Advent Service of the Word at Aswardby 9.30am Nine Lessons and Carols Cluster service at Partney 6.00pm

22nd December 4th Sunday of Advent Service of the Word at Sausthorpe 11.15am Carol Service at Dalby 3.00pm

29th December 1st Sunday of Christmas Deanery Eucharist service at Spilsby 10.00am Carol Service at Spilsby Roman Catholic Church 3.00pm

Please see diary dates for carol services during the week

Time of Prayer

Every Tuesday, 12 noon at St Nicholas, Partney

Every Wednesday, 12 noon at St Peter & St Paul, Skendleby



Bag Enderby, , , , , Harrington, Haugh, , Maidenwell, , , , Somersby, South Ormsby, Tetford & .


1st December 1st Sunday of Advent Eucharist Service at Tetford 9.30am

8th December 2nd Sunday of Advent Eucharist service at South Ormsby 9.30am

15th December 3rd Sunday of Advent Eucharist service at Brinkhill 9.30am

22nd December 4th Sunday of Advent Eucharist service at Somersby 9.30am

29th December 1st Sunday of Christmas Deanery Eucharist service at Spilsby 10.00am Carol Service at Spilsby Roman Catholic Church 3.00pm

Please see diary dates for carol services during the week

Morning Prayers every Wednesday at 9.45am

at St Philip’s Church Hall, Brinkhill

Time of Prayer

every Monday and Thursday 12 noon at St Mary’s Tetford



St James Spilsby, St Mary Hundleby, Holy Trinity Raithby, All Saints Great Steeping, and the three St Andrew’s: Halton Holegate, Little Steeping &


1st December 1st Sunday of Advent Eucharist service at Spilsby 8.00am Eucharist service at Hundleby 9.30am All Age Family service at Spilsby 10.00am Service of the Word at Raithby 11.15am

3rd December Eucharist service at Firsby 10.30am

8th December 2nd Sunday of Advent Eucharist service at Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist service at Great Steeping 3.00pm Carol Service at Hundleby 3.00pm Community Carols at Spilsby Methodist Church 5.00pm

15th December 3rd Sunday of Advent Eucharist service at Spilsby 9.30am Carol Service at Raithby 10.15am Carol Service at Halton Holegate 3.00pm Service of the Word at Firsby 3.00pm

22nd December 4th Sunday of Advent Carol Service at Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist service at Little Steeping 9.30am Carol Service at Firsby 5.00pm

29th December 1st Sunday of Christmas Deanery Eucharist service at Spilsby 10.00am Carol Service at Spilsby Roman Catholic Church 3.00pm

Please see diary dates for carol services during the week

Daily Prayer: 8.00am Daily at St James Spilsby Wednesday: 10.30am St James Eucharist

Coffee and Prayer Socials Raithby 3rd Sunday at 10.15am; Hundleby 4th Sunday at 9.30am; Great Steeping 4th Sunday at 10.30am 27


th Friday 17 January—9.30 am Meet on Roadside, Main Road in Firsby, Great Steeping end for 6.5 mile circular walk .

th Thursday 20 February 10am Meet at Church for 4 mile circular walk .

th Thursday 26 March 10 am Meet at Church for 8 mile circular walk

th Saturday 18 April- 10am Meet at Franklin Hall Spilsby. 1.5 mile walk around Franklin Trail in Spilsby followed by refreshments

Please wear suitable footwear

No Dogs Please

For further details please telephone :-

Stef 01205 270312 Gill 01790 754797

ReGenerate your life! ✓ Regain your confidence and rejuvenate your love of life ✓ Improve your flexibility, mobility and balance Come and join this friendly keep-fit community with beneficial and adaptable exercises set to uplifting music. FIRST LESSON FREE! MONDAYS: 10.30am at Village Hall WEDNESDAYS: 10.30am at Stickney Youth Centre Call Rebecca at ReGenerate on 01205 750265 or email [email protected]

Julia’s “Happy Feet” Foot Health Practitioner Dip.FH. MCFHP. MAFHP Free Initial Consultation Routine Foot Care Finger & Toe Nail Trimmings Health Advice Ingrown Toe Nails Diabetic Foot care Athlete’s Foot Vascular & Neuro Assessment Cracked Heels Corn Removal Callus Reduction Providing care in the comfort of your own home Book for appointments with Julia Moore Tel: 01790 753161 07900 914897 28



FORTHCOMING PRODUCTIONS Massage Therapist Tel: 07500 946611 DECEMBER

• Full Body Massage/Deep Tissue Massage 6th & 7th Christmas at the Riverhead • Back, neck & shoulders massage presented by Louth Playgoers • Head, neck & arm massage with matinee performance on th • Seated Acupressure chair massage 7 at 2.30pm

• Indian Head Massage th 14 The Wind in the Willows – this • Thai foot massage classic story is presented at • Facial Rejuvenation 11.30am and 2.00pm by • Hot Stones Riverhead Youth Theatre • Spa wraps th • Warm Bamboo 14 In the Christmas Mood with the Steve Walker’s Big Swing • Myofascial Release Band • Nutrition Advice th • Facials 16 The Nutcracker presented by Vienna Festival Ballet Any treatments can be tailor made 2.30pm & 7.00pm to fit requirements performances.

Email: [email protected] Box Office 01507 600350

The Lodge, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4PF

Now booking on line

“Are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin.” Last year I wrote my first children’s book ‘Barty and Darcy.’ It was published as an e- book in January of this year. Reviewers from the likes of Amazon, Apple Books, NetGalley and Goodreads have described the book as “cute’ – ‘A lovely story.’ – ‘A book which I read with excitement.’ (this was from a mother reading it to her 3years old daughter.) These reviews which can be substantiated by the above organisations, are from customers all over the world, especially the UK and the USA. Many of the reviewers are teachers and librarians who have recommended it highly for reading.

Aimed at the age range 6 to 10 years old, it is being read to children much younger, some as low as 3 years old. It is also being read by adults. The story is “cute” but it also has a meaning. The cost is only £1.99 and can be read on an iPad, a Laptop, a Tablet, or an iPhone. Visit, Kindle, Books, Goodreads or Troubador Publishing and buy at the low price. Let the young ones read it or read it to them. Believe me, they will love it! Thanks for reading this. Mo Bird – email [email protected] you can contact me on Facebook at Maurice Bird, (Lincoln, .)

Can’t work these new fangle gadgets? Get someone you know to help you to buy it, don’t let your kids, your nieces and nephews or grandchildren miss out. Make someone happy!




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RAITHBY VILLAGE HALL Planning a wedding, a party or just PRIVATE HIRE a family get together? Book our historic village hall for your

Looking for a venue? private function or for a meeting, lecture, or regular classes.

Look no further Full kitchen facilities, crockery and glassware with seating and tables for TOYNTON VILLAGE HALL up to 50-60 people.

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GRAPE VINE MAGAZINE All copy for next month's issue to be with the Editor th by the 14 of the month. The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 5EF

Email: [email protected]

Grape Vine Advertising

Prices per year 1 1 1 /8 page - £40 /4 page - £60 /2 page - £90 Full page - £160

5% Off all services5% Off with thisall servicesAdvert withwhen this quoting Advert whenGrape quoting Vine Grape Vine

DARREN SHARP PROPERTY MAINTENANCE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Local Builder/Decorator Over 30 years experience General Maintenance of in the building trade Home and Garden

All aspects of Property Maintenance Painting – Interior and exterior undertaken Fencing NO JOB TOO SMALL! Hedge trimming and tree work

Bathroom and kitchen fitting Telephone: 01790 753253 or 07875 643 851 Tiling for a All maintenance jobs considered FREE NO OBLIGATION ESTIMATE

PHIL WHITE 73 Halton Road Spilsby Mobile 07422 515681 Lincs Email: [email protected] PE23 5LD




Fenwold Veterinary Practice

Caring Compassionate and Professional Care for your Pets

Boston Road Heath Road 110 High Street SPILSBY PE23 5HD PE25 3ST LN12 1BG

Tel. 01790 752227 Tel. 01754 767444 Tel. 01507 478182


Partney Ray Ford Carpentry & Joinery Aided

Bespoke/Heritage Primary School

Mob: 07776 288639 • Beautiful rural setting on the edge of the Tel: 01790 754006 • Only a couple of miles from Spilsby

• Distinctive Church School character 9 Winston Road, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5HJ • Strong links with our local community • Active Parent Association • Friendly, supportive, caring Staff and

Governing Body

• Unique opportunities for your child • Lots of extra-curricular activities

Eresby Hall is situated in Spilsby providing available resident ial care for older people offering high ‘A real small school family atmosphere’ quality long and short-term care and flexible day Come and judge for yourself! care in a homely environment. Our tea room is open: Maddison Lane, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4PX Tel: 01790 753319 Thursdays 10am–11.30pm Sundays 2pm–4pm Email: [email protected] Please contact Zoe Randall on 01790 752495 for more information. Headteacher: Mrs Sue Kay Registered charity no 1048355

Horncastle McTimoney Chiropractic Clinic

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The Compleat PAUL

Gardener Ltd We are, qualified gardeners working for domestic and EVERARD commercial clients throughout the area. REGISTERED PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR We have established an enviable reputation for our work and can THE BUNGALOW, TOYNTON FENSIDE, offer you a quality service backed SPILSBY, LINCS., PE23 5DB Telephone/Fax: 01790 753101 by garden design expertise Mobile: 07774 661017

We are also able to provide a Email: [email protected] total lawn-care package to give Est. 1973 – Time served City & Guilds you the emerald green lawn you Tradesman serving the area for forty have always wanted. years.

For further information and a free FOR ALL TYPES OF PLUMBING AND estimate – without obligation, HEATING REPAIRS AND HEATING please call CONTACT PAUL FOR FREE QUOTATIONS Mark Fort on 01790754479 AND INFORMATION

Jacky & Simon welcome you to



Tel: 01790 754970 Mobile: 07958 650927


Doing things good neighbours do…

If you need help or know of someone who would appreciate support please

contact: Telephone 07716 127186 or email [email protected] Simply leave your name, address and ‘phone number with brief details of the

help required and we will get back to you.



NHS and Private Eye Examinations Includes Digital Retinal Imaging

Budget to top designer frames Single Vision spectacles from £19.95 complete

Bifocals and Varifocals

Pet Sitting, Dog Walking and from £59.95 complete Pet Taxiing in and around Repairs and on site glazing for a fast service the Spilsby area.

Fully qualified & insured. Contact—07766 954228 3-4 Market Place [email protected] Horncastle LN9 5HD Or Tel: 01507 526527 Find my page on Facebook [email protected]


J & J FUELS (BOSTON) Your local suppliers of

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White Cottage, Mill Lane, , Spilsby. PE23 4AJ

Tel: 01790 763791 Mobile: 07814 444533 39

Newhome Computers The ONE stop place for ALL of your COMPUTER issues.

New Number

01754 806 144 Same great service

New Number

Steve 01754 806 144

Or 01754 830 506 40

Garden Machinery  Kitchenware

Housewares  DIY  Tools Paint mixing now available

1 High Street, Spilsby ~ Tel: 01790 752548

ICB Fencing & Halton Holegate Church of England Groundworks Primary School All types of fencing work undertaken Halton Holegate is a good (Ofsted Ian Blackamore 2014) school with a friendly, family 07932 057580 atmosphere, encouraging children to 01790 756952 reach their full potential.

We are proud of our whole school community and invite you to make an appointment to look round and have a chat.

Head teacher – Andrew Leeman

Contact: Post & Rail, Picket, Close Board & Station Road, Halton Holegate, Stock Fencing, Equine fencing and Spilsby, Lincs PE23 5PB ménages. All types of timber gates 01790 752 575 supplied & fitted. [email protected] Manor Farm House, Main Road, or visit our website: East Keal, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4AS


Family run independent company providing a personal memorial as a lasting tribute to a loved one in everlasting granite, slate, marble and stone

Visit our showroom: 110 Horncastle Road, Boston PE21 9HY Call us for a brochure: 01205 362652 or visit our website at:

Betty’s Sewing Box

Vesta House, Roman Bank, Skegness (next to bingo hall)


Alterations and Repairs

Tel Betty Lilley on (07593) 372104/(01790) 752071

Book -keeping Services

Reasonable Rates

Contact: Jo Jeffries

07903 844080




Manor Care Home is a converted country house on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds. Constantly upgrading, we are able to offer the following:-

⚫ Residential care & Dementia ⚫ Friendly, caring staff ⚫ Respite and holiday care ⚫ Day care ⚫ Hairdressing and Chiropody service ⚫ Aromatherapy

⚫ Local library facilities ⚫ Weekly craft afternoons ⚫ Good home cooking with special diets catered for ⚫ Single, double and bed sitting rooms available ⚫ Fortnightly church service

For further information, or to call in for a coffee and an informal chat, contact

The Manager on 01790 763381 email: [email protected] Visitors always welcome Our Philosophy is: “To treat each resident as an individual; to care for with respect, privacy and dignity. To carry out tasks for that resident in the manner that, if able, they would do so for themselves”

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For personal, caring and sympathetic service.

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Choice of Prepayment Plans – Private Chapels of Rest – 24 Hour Service.

16 St. John Street, Wainfleet, Telephone: 01754 880334

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And 1, Sea Road, , Telephone 01754 873035


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For advice or quotation Ring Rob –

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IN OUR EXTENSIVE SHOWROOM WE HAVE ON DISPLAY ➢ over 100 fridges and freezers ➢ over 40 washing machines and dryers ➢ over 40 cookers and over 40 ovens and hobs. ➢ vacuum cleaners ➢ microwave ovens ➢ cooker hoods ➢ all colours of kettle and toaster ➢ food mixers and fryers ➢ table lamps and light fittings



WE ALSO SELL • lots of different sorts of lamps including pearl light bulbs, fluorescent tubes and fittings • salt for water softeners • cooker hood filters and • spares for washing machines • plus lots of unusual bits and pieces


Due to redevelopment we have moved to a bigger showroom, more choice, better parking and not so far to come (What used to be Ashcroft Fabrics) We also have a Murdoch Troon kitchen display in our showroom




Acting Bishop of Lincoln The Rt. Rev. David Court Tel: 01522 50 40 90 or 01522 534701 Team Vicar & Office: Edward King House, Minster Yard, Curate to South Ormsby Group Lincoln LN2 1PU The Rev’d Teresa McLaughlin email: [email protected] The Rectory, Skegness Road, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 4PG Tel: 01790 752344 email: [email protected] Archdeacon of Lincoln The Venerable Gavin Kirk Assistant Curate 01522 504039 The Rev’d Jean Coates [email protected] Contact via The Vicarage, Spilsby email: [email protected]

The Rural Dean of Bolingbroke The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates Deanery Synod The Vicarage, Church Street, Joint Chairmen: Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF The Rural Dean and Lay Chair Tel: 01790 752526 Mr. Bill Rose email: [email protected]

Bolingbroke Deanery Administrator & Grape Vine Editor Bolingbroke Deanery Group Jane Howsam Team Ministry The Vicarage, Church Street, Marden Hill, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Spilsby & Stickney Clusters Tel: 01790 752526 email: [email protected] Team Rector Mon-Fri 9.30am–1.30pm The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates (address as above). Retired Clergy The Rev’d. Joan Thornett Gardener’s Cottage, Harrington, Team Vicar Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 4NH The Rev’d Fran Jeffries Tel: 01790 754151 The Rectory, Lane, email: [email protected] Stickney, Boston, Lincs. PE22 8DQ Tel: 01205 481183 email: [email protected] Reader & Community Chaplain Mr Paul McLaughlin Tel: 01790 752344