Ultra-Relativistic Electrons in Jupiter's Radiation Belts
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(in the press). altitudes (1 to 3 planetary radii)14,21 by the cyclotron maser Acknowledgements mechanism10,22.Noin situ measurements are available in the high- The research at the University of Iowa, the University of Michigan, and the University of latitude auroral regions of the jovian magnetosphere, so we use our Colorado was supported by NASA through the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. knowledge of terrestrial auroral processes to help us to understand Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to D.A.G. the processes that are occurring in the jovian magnetosphere. For (e-mail: [email protected]). example, when an interplanetary shock interacts with Earth's magnetosphere, it is known that the magnetosphere becomes strongly compressed. The resulting compression leads to a large- scale recon®guration of the magnetic ®eld and associated accelera- ................................................................. tion and energization of plasma within the magnetosphere. The stresses associated with the compression lead to large ®eld-aligned Ultra-relativistic electrons currents and electric ®elds, particularly along the high-latitude magnetic ®eld lines, where the electrons that carry the ®eld-aligned in Jupiter's radiation belts currents strike the atmosphere and produce the aurora. Very detailed measurements now exist from Earth-orbiting satellites S. J. Bolton*, M. Janssen*, R. Thorne², S. Levin*, M. Klein*, S. Gulkis*, that show how the electrons involved in this process produce the T. Bastian³, R. Sault§, C. Elachi*, M. Hofstadter*, A. Bunker*, G. Dulkk, terrestrial auroral kilometric radiation via the cyclotron maser E. Gudim*, G. Hamilton*, W. T. K. Johnson*, Y. Leblanck, O. Liepack*, mechanism23,24. We infer that similar processes are responsible for R. McLeod¶, J. Roller¶, L. Roth* & R. West* the jovian hectometric radiation. At Earth the auroral kilometric radiation is known to be generated along magnetic ®eld lines that * Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech, Pasadena, California 91109, USA terminate in bright spots in the aurora25. Because the jovian aurora ² University of California, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Los Angeles, is also known to have considerable ®ne structure26, we can also infer California 90024, USA that the discrete arc-like structure evident in the hectometric ³ National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, Virginia 24944, USA radiation (see Fig. 1) is most probably associated with the ®ne § Australia Telescope National Facility, Epping, New South Wales 1710, Australia k Observatory of Paris, Department of Space Research, F-92195 Meudon, France structure in the jovian aurora. M ¶ Lewis Center for Educational Research, Apple Valley, California 92307, USA Received 3 August; accepted 1 November 2001. .............................................................................................................................................. 1. Burke, B. F. & Franklin, K. L. Observations of a variable radio source associated with the planet Jupiter. Ground-based observations have shown that Jupiter is a two- J. Geophys. Res. 60, 213±217 (1955). 1 2. Drake, F. D. & Hvatum, S. Non-thermal microwave radiation from Jupiter. Astron. J. 64, 329±330 component source of microwave radio emission : thermal atmos- (1959). pheric emission and synchrotron emission2 from energetic elec- 3. Warwick, J. W. Radiophysics of Jupiter. Space Sci. Rev. 6, 841±891 (1967). trons spiralling in Jupiter's magnetic ®eld. Later in situ 4. Broadfoot, A. L. et al. Extreme ultraviolet observations from Voyager 1 encounter with Jupiter. Science 3,4 204, 979±982 (1979). measurements con®rmed the existence of Jupiter's high- 5. Chamberlain, J. W. Physics of the Aurora and Airglow (Academic, New York, 1961). energy electron-radiation belts, with evidence for electrons at NATURE | VOL 415 | 28 FEBRUARY 2002 | www.nature.com © 2002 Macmillan Magazines Ltd 987 letters to nature energies up to 20 MeV. Although most radiation belt models the direction of the electron's motion. The spectrum of synchrotron predict electrons at higher energies5,6, adiabatic diffusion theory radiation is characterized by a well de®ned peak frequency that can account only for energies up to around 20 MeV. Unambiguous depends on both electron energy and magnetic ®eld magnitude. evidence for more energetic electrons is lacking. Here we report Observations at different frequencies (assuming equivalent mag- observations of 13.8 GHz synchrotron emission that con®rm the netic ®eld magnitude) relate to emission from electrons at different presence of electrons with energies up to 50 MeV; the data were energies; however, owing to confusion with thermal emission, collected during the Cassini ¯y-by of Jupiter. These energetic ground-based telescopes have dif®culty observing synchrotron electrons may be repeatedly accelerated through an interaction emission at frequencies higher than ,5 GHz. Cassini's proximity with plasma waves, which can transfer energy into the electrons. to Jupiter and the excellent sensitivity of the