RECTOR. Vacancy . Please contact the Benefice Administrator or The Rural Dean, The Rev’d Justin Pottnger 01929 459244 Retired Priests with Licence to Officiate The Rev’d Paul Renyard 01202 682460 The Rev’d John Graves 01202 669808 The Rev’d Paul Skinner 01725 552785

Parish Staff Local Licensed Ministers Canon Simon Tong. Bridge House. . 01258 840061 Mrs Carol Neilson, ‘Dormers’, , DT11 8JB. 01258 830876 Mrs Pat Harris. 36 Holland Way. Blandford. DT11 7RU 01258 452863 Mr Robin Bragg. China Cottage, . DT11 8JR 01258 830941

Benefice Administrator:

Mrs Gill Baverstock, telephone 01725 516311, email [email protected]

Magazine Editor Items for inclusion in the Advertisements

Mr Bob McCarthy March 2021 magazine copy to Culpepper House the editor by Mrs Jane Benson 12th February please. Amen Corner Wimborne Opinions expressed Gussage All Saints BH21 5ET in articles submitted for BH21 5ET Tel: 01258 840168 publication are personal Tel: 01258 840824 [email protected] to the contributors. [email protected]


WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? As I write, we have just entered a new year, a new decade, and many people are asking, ‘Where do we go from here? Where will we go? What will we do? What will happen to us? How will Brexit affect us? How secure is my job? How will I feed the family? How can I stay safe in this pandemic?’ Not many concerns then!! Maybe, by the time you read this, the Covid vaccination programme will be well under way.

A new year is like a blank sheet of paper - the story and events are yet to unfold. Life is very uncertain re the economy, our health. There are many concerns about church reorganisation in this benefice and deanery, but also across the nation as a whole.

The social structures which have anchored us have been removed as a result of the pandemic. We have been denied the human contact and fellowship we’ve so long for. We can’t wait to see and hug our children, grandchildren and friends. People of faith or none are looking for an anchor. Many feel anxious, depressed and deprived, in need of someone to lift their burden, to offer hope. Many struggle to see light at the end of the tunnel. But, Christ is our light, Christ is our hope, Christ is our anchor. Peter (I Peter 5v7) writes, ‘Cast all you care upon him (Christ) for he cares for you.’

In World War II (1939) King George VI quoted from Minnie Haskins poem, ‘The Gate of the Year’:

And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’

And he replied: ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way. So I went forth, and finding the hand of God, trod gladly into the night. May each one of us be able to do just that.

Pat Harris LLM

Due to Covid restrictions we are once again distributing The Chase Benefice Parish Magazine electronically. It gives an opportunity to inform you of what has happened, future plans and the local services that are available. We hope that you enjoy it and we will be back to paper format when circumstances allow. Keep safe and healthy. WORSHIP IN THE CHASE BENEFICE DURING FEBRUARY 2021

During the current Covid lockdown, the government is allowing churches to be open for communal worship. After weighing up the situation, the churches in the Chase Benefice have decided jointly not to open their churches for services during January and February. However some of the churches in the Benefice do remain open to individuals for private prayer and contemplation. The situation will be kept under review.

How can I access worship at the moment?

There are a number of ways:

Simon Tong is leading a short act of worship on Zoom on Sundays. The time of broadcast may vary. If you wish to join the service, please email Simon so that he can email you the link and service time each week. [email protected] You can join the national online services, streamed at 9am each Sunday. They are also available online afterwards. You can listen to a Sunday service on Radio 4 at 8.10am Songs of Praise is broadcast on BBC television on a Sunday, usually at 1.15pm but sometimes they change the time, so check the TV schedule. The Church of Phone Church may suit you. Daily Hope offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services at the end of a telephone line – and the call is free! The line is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044.

As we carry on with life under the threat of Covid, it’s easy to feel that life is pretty negative, so here are a couple of thoughts:

“Positive anything is better than negative nothing”. Elbert Hubbard – writer and philosopher

“Positive thinking is more than just a tagline. It changes the way we behave. And I firmly believe that when I am positive, it not only makes me better, but it also makes those around me better”. Harvey Mackay – author and columnist


CHETTLE News gatherer Rosamond Sweet-Escott [email protected] 07786 920991.

Evensong 24th January 2021 We are very sorry to have to announce that we are no longer able to hold this service at St Mary’s Chettle due to matters outside our control. We will endeavour to arrange a service as soon as possible. The Church Wardens

Chettle Store We are still open for business (even when the signs come down). Monday- Saturday from 8.30am to 6.00pm and Sunday from 9.00am to 1.00pm. To reiterate our lockdown rules: - Card payments only - 1 person in the shop at a time, or 2 people from the same household - Wear a mask & use our hand sanitiser on entry - The toilet is for staff only (we do not have enough man-power to clean it every time - sorry)

Thank you for supporting our little shop. For regular updates follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

FARNHAM News gatherer Mrs Gill Baverstock [email protected] 01725 51631

Christmas in retrospect We may have felt short-changed without all the bells and whistles associated with the Christmas season but, despite the Covid regulations, Christmas still happened: Although we couldn’t all come together, we were still able to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Some parishioners felt able to come to the church on the evening of Sunday 20th December, when we held a service of Music and Readings for Christmas. Our thanks go to everyone who participated in that event, either reading, singing and/or playing. We are grateful to the flower arrangers who carried on regardless and provided us with such lovely arrangements.

Whilst the PCC decided not to have a Christmas tree in the church, the crib scene has been on display since Christmas morning. The wise men who had been journeying through the church to visit the Holy Child, arrived at Epiphany and now the nativity scene remains in the church until Candlemas on 2nd February, to remind us of Christ’s coming and presence with us.

Farnham Church Opening. Whilst the latest Covid lockdown allows churches to be open for public worship, the PCC has discussed the situation and feel that, to play our part in protecting friends and neighbours, it is unwise to gather together in church at the moment. Whilst we also closed the church to private prayer for a brief spell, at the 12th January PCC meeting, we agreed that it was important to be open for anyone who wishes to go into church for prayer or contemplation. Thus, the church is unlocked from 9am until dusk. Please follow the Covid regulations and guidance to enable the church to remain a safe space. The PCC is keeping the situation under review.

From the Parish Council about CENSUS 2021 Households across along with the rest of England & Wales will be asked to take part in a Census on Sunday March 21st. They take place every ten years. This census is for everyone & will provide the information needed to help ensure our communities are well served. Getting the best possible response rates means that decisions are based on accurate high-quality data. The Census will be run predominately online with households receiving a letter in early March with a unique access code allowing them to complete the questionnaire on their computers, phones or tablets. Those residents who are unable to complete the Census digitally will be supported by a phone helpline, a network of Census Support Centres or by ordering a paper Census. Your Councilors too are here to help, so please contact us if you have any queries or need assistance in filling out the questionnaire. There is more information on the notice board and you can visit Penny Everard, Chair of Farnham Parish Council 01725 516924

Looking ahead With so many events having been cancelled in 2020, the PCC has been looking at which social and fundraising events might be possible during 2021. The Barn Dance, originally scheduled for 4 July 2020, had been postponed until 3 July 2021. Currently this is still in the diary and if Covid conditions allow we could carry on with that event then but, if that is not feasible, it may need to be deferred for a further year. It is intended that the Open Gardens event will take place in early June 2022. If the Barn Dance is postponed until 2022 then we plan to run both the Open Gardens and the Barn Dance in that same year, one in early June and the other in early July. The next Street Fair will have a date in August 2023. If you have any ideas to contribute on the scheduling or organisation of these events or would like to help set them up, then please contact a Farnham PCC Member (Gill Baverstock, Tim Tustin, Roger Newenham).

News from the Allotments It’s that time of year again when the wind is blowing the rain horizontally across the allotments, the fingers are frozen and thoughts move to the fireside and the seed catalogues. Time to prepare for the season ahead. Old favourites and new crops and varieties to experiment with, what delights will the forthcoming season bring?

The Allotment Association will continue with its usual programme of events, amended and adapted to fit with whatever the government Covid guidelines are. Even with the roll out of a number of vaccines, it’s not over until it’s over, whenever that maybe.

In the meantime, there will be a plant and produce sale on the Winklebury driveway in May, but before that, keep an eye out for chitted potatoes and enter our “Spud in a Bag” competition, £3 per Spud and Bag. Entry deadline by the end of April and judging in August. After the success of the last couple of years, this is an absolute must for any aspiring gardener or anyone who just fancies having a go.

Throughout the growing season we intend to keep the “Winklebury Table” stocked with fresh produce from the allotments and any surplus others may wish to contribute. It’s a great way to distribute nature’s bounty and cut down on food miles, as well as servicing the local community. Incidentally, it also helps fund the running costs of the allotments, a valuable local amenity.

Whilst the Allotments are currently fully subscribed, if you are interested in obtaining a plot this year or in the future, please contact Ed Sadd on 01725 516348 or [email protected], or a note through the letterbox of Winklebury Cottage.

Stay safe, stay well and enjoy the big outdoors.

50 Club winners January: 1st – Henry Peterson; 2nd – Kris Taylor; 3rd –John Benjafield.

TOLLARD ROYAL News gatherer Alexandra Thomas [email protected] 01725 516320

There were three Services held during December, a Family Service, a Celebration of Words and Music for Christmas, and Holy Communion on Christmas Day, and our thanks go to those who made this possible. Sadly, services in January were cancelled and February’s services will be cancelled too. The Church is now shut during the week, however at 10.00am on Sunday mornings a bell will be rung and Prayers read and the church will then be open for prayer for the rest of the day. There will be a review for our services in March going forward.

Thanks go to all the flower ladies who decorated the Church for the Festive season so beautifully, and made our services so much more special, and feel nearer “normal”.

A Funeral Service was held for Rita Wardall in the Church on 17th December. Rita and her family lived in for many years in Glebe House. Her husband Peter was a Churchwarden and is also buried in the Churchyard.

52 Club Winners November Chris Kitching 1st prize Anita Trappitt 2nd prize December Adrian Jones 1st prize Peter Turner 2nd prize

Very many ‘Congratulations’ to Dulcie & George in Gordon Cottage on the safe arrival of their beautiful baby daughter Zara.

We would also like to welcome Peter & Anna to the village. They have recently moved into the Cottage on the Green. We hope they will be very happy here.

GUSSAGE SAINT MICHAEL News gatherer Mr Stephen Mills [email protected] 01725 552454

Village Website checkout the website to see what's going on in your village.

Christmas Celebrations in Gussage St Michael Christmas in Gussage St Michael started with a draw for two bumper Christmas Hampers. Very many thanks to all those who took part. There was a very good response and the draw raised £680. The lucky winners were Judy Masterman (Gussage All Saints) and John Edwards (Cashmoor). Many thanks to Helen and Vic Hatton for providing the hampers and Helen for all her work, with Rosemary Tong, in making this happen.

The Church: The Church was floodlit for the whole of Advent. Because of the restrictions on church services, the crib was placed in the Church porch and was lit up for all to see. The Christmas tree was lit up in the churchyard and made an excellent venue for some socially distanced Carol Singing (in the rain!). Over 20 singers braved the weather and were fortified with mulled wine, Christmas cake and mince pies.

Midnight Mass was celebrated for over 20 people with the Rev’d Robert Prance officiating and carol singing by Chris King and Els Riley to welcome in Christmas Day. St Michael’s congregation then joined All Saints for a Christmas morning service, led by Canon Simon Tong and relayed on Zoom to a wider congregation.

Gussage St Michael 100 Club: November winners: 1st Els Riley; 2nd Linda Waterfield; 3rd Neil Riley. December winners: 1st Pat Cooper; 2nd David Hall; 3rd Mary Mills. Congratulations to all – and good luck to all subscribers in 2021!

Many thanks to all those who supported me in Cake Making for funds to repair the Church roof, so far the amount raised is £175. I am still taking orders so please contact me 01258 840792 for any future orders. Thank you for your support, Hilary Pond.

Plant Sales Thank you to all of you fellow gardeners who purchased our plants last year. We need to raise a very substantial sum towards the repairs to our Church roof and hope that you might support us again in 2021.

We have been propagating since the late Summer and we will have many of your favourite Dahlias, Pelargoniums and Salvias available from early Summer. We have lists of these if you are looking for something specific and you would like to order in advance. Telephone us on 01258 840671 or e-mail us at [email protected] and we will try to ensure that your plants are reserved. Additionally, we will have the lovely begonias again together with many bedding plants.

We are all longing for this interminable Winter to end and for the warmer Spring weather and some degree of normality to arrive. Keep safe and well. Helen and Vic.

Wine tasting Very many thanks to all who supported the Gussage virtual Wine Tasting event on Saturday 16th January. Over 40 people took part, tasting wines under expert instruction from Victoria Reynolds, and nibbling canapes provided by the GSM team. Thanks to the support and to some generous donations, the event raised £600 towards the major repairs of the Church roof. (a most enjoyable Zoom evening; informative, tasty and good fun - your editor who participated)

In Memory of Ann Shirley Friend 31st May 1943 – 7th December 2020

Ann was born in Gillingham (Dorset) the only child of Walter and Doris Peters. She was educated at Gillingham becoming a member of the Grammar School Tennis team. After leaving school she attended a secretarial course at College and then joined Lloyds Bank, Shaftesbury and later the Wimborne Branch.

September 1966, she married Ricard Friend and moved to Lower Farm, Gussage St. Michael. When the bank wanter her to work Saturday’s she left and became secretary to Mr Michael Pitt-Rivers at Tollard Royal. After a few years she then went ti work for Claire and John Golden at Middle Chase Bowerchalk. Her daughter Tracey was born early in the 70’s, followed a couple of years later by her son Nigel. As the children grew older she returned to banking, doing relief part time cashiering for Lloyds Bank in the Bournemouth area, and finally at Kinson until her retirement.

Shortly after moving to Gussage St Michael she joined the village WI and MU and latterly Holt WI. Through the WI she met Joanne Robinson playing together at WI tennis tournaments and ann played social tennis ever since with friends and Joanne’s family, very often twice a week throughout the year. For about fifteen years she acted as Competition Secretary administering twenty farm competition classes each year for Holt Agricultural Discussion Club.

In the late 70’s Ann was for several years an honorary governor of Wimborne St Giles First School. When Gussage St Michael Hall was modernised Ann was heavily involved in the fund raising and after completion she became Honorary Treasurer and a committee member of GSMCHA. By supporting the hall she joined the “Pickle-Ball” group, Bridge Club, Flower Arranging meetings and “Spud and Spout” evenings. Ann was an accomplished needlework person joining a local sewing and craft group.

During the latter years of Kathleen Shephard’s life Ann cared for her welfare and wellbeing.

She got great pleasure from her three granddaughters who were always such a joy to her.

In recent years she enjoyed lunches with the Lloyds Bank Retirement group, ladies of the Holt Natter Club and Gussage Valley Ladies Club. Richard, Tracey and Nigel were so lucky to have such a wonderful, supportive, caring wife and mother. They would also like to thank all those who sent Ann “ Get Well cards, letters and flowers” as well as the many Sympathy Cards and letters which were sent to the Friend family.

Several years ago Ann expressed the wish that at her passing she should be cremated and her ashes be interned next to the Ex Ordinance Survey Stone which lies in a field at the highest point of Lower Farm, Gussage St Michael. Due to Coronavirus rules it is very difficult to have a funeral, thanksgiving service or public cremation. There will be a very private internment of Ann’s ashes early in January 2021. Donations in memory of Ann can be made to the Salibury Hospice Charity or The Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance C/O : Richard Adlam, Park Cottage, Sixpenny Handley, Salisbury, Wilts. RPF The Gussage Oil Club certainly represents good value for residents of Gussage St Michael, Gussage All Saints, Bowerswaine. There are still many villagers still paying higher rates who are not club members - spread the word! Contact Ian Hanstead - [email protected] He emails the group once a month and we reply with our order (min 500 litres), price and delivery is confirmed by email and we pay direct to the supplier after delivery.

GUSSAGE ALL SAINTS News gatherer Pauline Dilliway [email protected] 01258 840274

Dear Friends I want to inform that in Gussage All Saints and St Michael it has been decided not to have services in church until March and we will review this in the weeks ahead Simon Tong will be holding zoom services weekly and we have and are implementing a plan to enable those without zoom facilities to feel part of the church community with updates and paper contact from the church warden team and other church members. We feel that a cold church with vulnerable adults is not the ideal solution and to worship as a group on zoom somehow seems currently to be the most advantageous way of praising God and keeping together as a community in the spirt of Christ.

Kindest regards Chris

We welcome Terry and Caroline Harris-Birtle with their three dogs to 1 Bidcome Cottage. We hope you enjoy our village and look forward to meeting you at the conclusion of lockdown!


ALL SAINTS Gussage All Saints Chris Payne Southfields 01258 840255

Tarrant Keyneston Mr Grahame Webb The Leys 01258 451177 Tarrent Monkton Mrs Vicky Gumm East Farm 01258 830240

SAINT LAURENCE Farnham Mrs Gill Baverstock. Sheepfold Cottage 01725 516311 Mr Timothy Tustin, Sarunds House 01725 516385

SAINT MARY Chettle Mr David Mordaunt Saint Mary’s Farmhouse 01258 830791 Mrs Elizabeth Mordaunt Saint Mary’s Farmhouse 01258 830791

Tarrant Hinton Vacant enquiries to The Administrator; Gill Baverstock 01725 516311

Tarrant Gunville Mrs Lizzie Patterson 01258 830418.

Tarrant Rushton Mr Nick Harding Preston Farm 01258 458318 Mrs Caroline Tory, The Orchard, 01258 452452

SAINT MICHAEL Gussage St Michael Mr Peter Bending Waterside 01258 840027 Mr Simon Tong Bridge House 01258 840061

SAINT PETER AD VINCULA Tollard Royal Mrs Jackie Carlyle-Clarke Tollard Green Farm 01725 516323 Mrs Catherine Henderson Laburnums 01725 516353

LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS Mrs Caroline Tory 01258 452452