PATCHEN MARKELL Department of Political Science office: 773-702-8057 The University of Chicago home: 312-663-4167 5828 South University Avenue fax: 773-702-1689 Chicago, IL 60637 USA
[email protected] ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS: Associate Professor of Political Science and the College, University of Chicago, 2006–present. (also appointed in Fundamentals: Issues and Texts, New Collegiate Division, 2007–2014). Assistant Professor of Political Science and the College, University of Chicago, 1999–2006. Instructor and Lecturer, Social Studies, Harvard University, 1998–99. EDUCATION: Ph.D. in Political Science, Harvard University, 1999. Dissertation: Bound by Recognition: The Politics of Identity after Hegel. Committee: Seyla Benhabib, chair; Bonnie Honig; Michael Sandel. B.A. in Political Science and Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley (with highest honors), 1992. Honors thesis: Judgment and Paradox in Hannah Arendt’s Political Theory. Supervisor: Hanna Fenichel Pitkin. BOOKS: Bound by Recognition (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003). Co-winner of the 2004 First Book Award, Foundations of Political Theory; subject of a special “Forum” in Polity (January 2006) based on an “Author Meets Critics” roundtable, NPSA, Boston, November 13, 2004; reviewed in Choice (June 2004); Perspectives on Politics (December 2004); Political Theory (June 2005); Philosophy in Review/Comtes Rendus Philosophiques (August 2005); Political Psychology (April 2006); Law, Culture, & The Humanities (June 2006); Contemporary Political Theory (November 2006); Qui Parle (Fall/Winter 2008). ARTICLES AND CHAPTERS: “Hannah Arendt, 1906–1975.” Forthcoming in The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, ed. Michael Gibbons (Wiley-Blackwell; refereed 8000-word entry). “The Moment Has Passed: Power After Arendt.” Forthcoming in Radical Future Pasts: Untimely Political Theory, ed.