Pacific Highway upgrade Six month report card (January – June 2012) Photo by: Ballina Bypass Alliance This report provides an update on progress on the Pacific Highway until 30 June 2012. The 669 kilometre Pacific Highway corridor is a major contributor to Australia’s economic activity. The road is a vital piece of the nation’s infrastructure and is included in the National Land Transport Network. The eastern seaboard of NSW is also one of the fastest growing areas in the country. An upgraded Pacific Highway must continue to service the needs of the travelling public, while also achieving transport efficiencies, ensuring ecological sustainability and meeting the needs of the coastal communities who live alongside the highway. The Australian and NSW governments have been jointly upgrading the Pacific Highway since 1996. There is a shared commitment from both governments to finish its upgrading to a four- divided highway as soon as possible. Available funding is being directed to the areas of highest priority in terms of crash histories and traffic volumes while work also continues to be carried out to keep existing two-lane sections as safe as possible. Projects currently under construction will see the completion of four-lane divided highway between Hexham and Port Macquarie, around the growing suburbs of Coffs Harbour and between Ballina and the Queensland border in 2014. Funding discussions are ongoing between the Australian and NSW governments to continue the upgrading of the Pacific Highway.

2 Ballina bypass, opened in May 2012 Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card Summary

At the end of June 2012, more These include: Project teams continue to liaise than half of the final length of the • The steel truss bridge to with communities and stakeholders highway between Hexham and the Alum Mountain at Bulahdelah. about projects and address Queensland border was a four-lane environmental, planning and other divided highway. • The Frederickton interchange concerns relating to the upgrade. and Inches Road. Between January and June 2012, During the reporting period, major work was under way on • The Inches Road and Old Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) eight upgrade projects (almost 80 Station Road overpasses on and its alliance partners have held kilometres). The Glenugie, Ballina the Kempsey bypass. a number of community site tours at and Banora Point upgrades recently In the first half of 2012, five projects Kempsey and a major community opened to traffic. 59 kilometres were being prepared for major work site inspection at Banora Point, giving now remain under construction. with activities including finalising residents a first hand look at the major The remaining sections of the highway planning requirements, acquiring construction work along the highway. are being prepared for construction. properties needed for construction, Work is also under way on at-home Safety work is being completed on carrying out geotechnical noise treatments to provide early sections that are yet to be upgraded. investigations and starting detailed improvements in noise for residents. In addition to the opening of the design work. final sections of the Ballina bypass and Glenugie upgrade and the opening of the Banora Point upgrade, other key pieces of infrastructure were also opened.

Opening the steel truss bridge at Bulahdelah (June 2012)


Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card

NT QLD WA SA NSWW Current status VIC

QLD BRISBANE Since 2008-09, the Australian Government has Almost 80 kilometres were under construction committed $4.1 billion under the Nation Building in the last six months. Of that, more than 18 Program, with the NSW Government committing kilometres of new has recently Banora Point upgrade SOUTHPORT TWEED almost $1 billion since mid 2009, to further the been opened. Major work remains under way HEADS upgrading of the Pacific Highway to a four-lane on another 59 kilometres. Pacific Highway Tintenbar to divided road standard. upgrade Ewingsdale upgrade Major work will start on a further 17 kilometres

Future funding share arrangementsN on the in the second half of 2012. additional Australian and NSW governments LISMORE BALLINA Contracts for major work have also started Ballina bypass TWEED HEADS commitments from the 2012-13 Federal and on another 48 kilometres. State Budgets are currentlyMURWILLUMBAH under negotiation.

BRUNSWICK HEADS QLD KEY MAP Devils Pulpit upgrade BYRON BAY BANGALOW More than half of the final lengthTINTENBAR of the PacificNSW Highway between Hexham andBALLINA the Queensland NT WOODBURN LEGEND QLD Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Pacific HIghway border is now open to a four-lane divided Under construction WA GRAFTON Existing Pacific Highway SA highway standard. MACLEAN NSWW Glenugie upgrade GRAFTON VIC COFFS WOOLGOOLGA Sapphire to HARBOUR COFFS HARBOUR Woolgoolga upgrade URUNGA NAMBUCCA HEADS MACKSVILLE

LEGEND Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Under construction KEMPSEY



0 25 50km NABIAC TUNCURRY N Herons Creek to PORT COOLONGOLOOK FORSTER MACQUARIE BULAHDELAH LEGEND Stills Road upgrade KARUAH N RAYMOND TERRACE LEGEND Major roads HEXHAM LEGEND Upgrade completed Rivers NEWCASTLE Upgrade completed TAREE F3 FWY Upgrade approved, or I I I Railway preferred route identified, or route being prepared Upgrade approved, or for project approval, State border Bulahdelah or under construction preferred route identified, Route options identified: PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE process underway to or route being prepared upgrade select preferred route Upgrade completed for project approval N Upgrade approved, or Under construction preferred route identified, or being prepared for project DRAFT 3 / 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 approval Pacific HIghway LEGEND N Construction contract aw a r d e d / u n d e r c o n s t ru c t i o n Upgrade completed Airports are at NEWCASTLE Environmental assessments or concept Newcastle, Taree, Port F3 Freeway designs being prepared NSW GOSFORD for the remaining sections Cyclist at BanoraMacquarie, Point upgrade admiring Laura Street throw screens (August 2012) of single lane highway Coffs Harbour, Under construction 4 SYDNEY Ballina and Coolangatta. Lismore and Grafton

LEGEND Upgrade completed Environmental assessments or concept designs being prepared for the remaining sections of single lane highway Under construction Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card Current status

Since the start of the Pacific Highway Upgrade PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE WET WEATHER DAYS in the mid 1990’s, light vehicles have saved JULY 2011 - JUNE 2012 on average 80 minutes and heavy vehicles on average 90 minutes in travel time between Hexham and the Queensland border. Allowed 29 wet days 50 Crash data for 2011 also shows crashes are Additional continuing to trend downwards. In 2011, there wet days were 24 fatalities compared to the mid 1990’s Remaining when there were around 460 casualty crashes 135 work days and fatalities were in the high 40s. Total available work The upgrade program is a major generator of days 214 days employment for areas along the east coast with between 1700 and 1800 staff working on upgrade projects over the last six months from Bulahdelah to Banora Point. In the last financial year (July 2011 to June 2012) we planned for an average of 50 wet weather days across each of the Pacific Highway construction projects. However, extensive wet weather meant we actually lost an average of 79 of the 214 available work days (or 37 per cent) and we have not been PACIFIC HIGHWAY PROGRAM able to make much progress. JULY 2011 - JUNE 2012 1,200,000








Monthly forecast expenditure Monthly expenditure Cumulative expenditure Budget allocation

Heavy rain on the Herons Creek to Stills Road 5 upgrade (January 2012) Banora Point upgrade looking south (August 2012) Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card Current status

For the 2011/12 financial year, just over Despite these challenges, between January and June 2012, we have: $910 million of the $1.035 billion planned was spent. The shortfall was mainly due to: Opened to traffic: Progress on work: • Impacts of excessive wet weather on those 33 The final section of the Ballina bypass. 33 Started major earthwork on the Devils projects under construction. 33The final section of the Glenugie upgrade, Pulpit upgrade. • Delays in finalising the pre-construction south of Grafton. 33Advanced major work on five other approval documents for the Tintenbar upgrade projects, including bypasses to Ewingsdale upgrade. 33The Frederickton interchange, Inches Road and Old Station Road overpasses on the of Bulahdelah, Kempsey, Frederickton, • Delays in finalising property acquisitions Kempsey bypass. Woolgoolga and Ballina. for the Warrell Creek to Urunga section 33The Myall River bridges have been opened 33Continued building on the longest bridge upgrade due to later than expected planning in Australia, across the Macleay River and approval and a review of part of the route. to construction traffic, continuing RMS’s commitment to reducing construction vehicle floodplain near Kempsey. movements through the town. 33Completed major traffic switches on the 33The Alum Mountain steel truss bridge. Bulahdelah and Banora Point upgrades. 33The new highway through the Sexton Hill 33Worked towards improved flood immunity for cutting at Banora Point, eliminating the last the highway by reducing flood prone sections set of traffic lights on the Pacific Highway north of Ballina (as part of the completed between the Brisbane CBD and Coffs Harbour. Ballina bypass); and between Grafton and Coffs Harbour (Blackadder Creek). 33Work is also well advanced at Farlows Flat near the Clarence River and on the Kempsey bypass along the Macleay River.

Demolition work at Tintenbar to Ewingsdale

6 Bridge in progress at the Kempsey bypass Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card Current status

Prepared for construction: Planned for construction: Safety and minor works program: 33 Invited tenders for building 48 kilometres 33 Received planning approval for the Oxley 33 Completed intersection safety improvements of highway as part of the Frederickton to Highway to Kempsey upgrade. at Swan Creek (north of Grafton). Eungai and Nambucca Heads to Urunga 33Advanced environmental investigations for 33Progressed paving work for flood immunity upgrades. the Woolgoolga to Ballina upgrade. improvement work and Farlows Flat 33Completed geotechnical studies for the 33Carried out reviews of alternative options for (near Maclean). Oxley Highway to Kempsey upgrade. the previously approved Bangalow interchange 33Completed safety work at Plummers Lane 33Advanced geotechnical investigations on the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale upgrade, and and Blackadder Creek. for the Frederickton to Eungai and an eight kilometre section of the highway at 33Continued to implement safety improvements Warrell Creek to Nambucca Heads Macksville as part of the approved Warrell between Frederickton and Urunga upgrades. Creek to Urunga upgrade. (including central wire rope, vegetation 33Awarded contracts and started detailed clearing, pavement correction, linemarking design work for 42 kilometres as part of the and speed zone changes) and improved Woolgoolga to Glenugie and Kundabung and repaired pavement damaged in the to Kempsey upgrades. extended period of wet weather. 33Awarded a contract and started work on site for geotechnical investigations for the Woolgoolga to Ballina upgrade.

Wire rope installed at Blackadder Creek

New section of the under construction, as part of the Ballina bypass 7 Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card Upgrade outcomes

Where are we now? Travel times At 30 June 2012: Since the start of the Pacific Highway 346 kilometres are dual carriageway - upgrade program in the mid 1990’s travel about 52 per cent. time between Hexham and the Queensland border has been tracked. 59 kilometres are being built. End of 2011 travel time surveys showed travel 121 kilometres have received planning approval times are becoming shorter, with light vehicles and are being prepared for construction. save 80 minutes and heavy vehicles save The remaining sections of single-lane highway 90 minutes, compared to when the upgrade are being prepared for major work. program started. These savings include about 12 minutes from the recently opened Banora Point after it was opened to traffic in May 2012 For the first half of 2012, there was an Ballina bypass. average of 1800 people working on the Dual carriageway status various construction projects. The graphs below show the status of completing highway priorities 1, 2 and 3.

TRAVEL TIMES ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY, HEXHAM TO QUEENSLAND BORDER DUAL CARRIAGEWAY STATUS (adjusted for work site delays from November 97 onwards) 570 PRIORITY 1 (Hexham to Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, Ballina to the Queensland border) 560 550 540 9 hours PRIORITY 2 (Port Macquarie to Coffs Harbour) 530 Bulahdelah, Sapphire to 520 Woolgoolga, Tintenbar to 510 Ewingsdale early work 500 Kempsey bypass 490 480 8 hours PRIORITY 3 (Woolgoolga to Ballina) 470 460 450 440 Devils Pulpit SOUTHBOUND TIMES (MINS) 430 AVERAGE OF NORTHBOUND + OF NORTHBOUND AVERAGE 420 7 hours 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 KILOMETRES 199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012 YEAR (NOVEMBER)

Completed dual carriageway In construction Tendering phase Being prepared for construction Heavy vehicles Light vehicles

8 Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card Upgrade outcomes

Crashes From dirt road to four-lane divided highway Since the start of the Pacific Highway upgrade, Preliminary data for the first half of 2012 fatal crashes have almost halved, down from the shows there have been seven fatal crashes mid 40s to the 20s in recent years. with nine persons killed between January In 2011, there were 24 persons killed in 21 fatal and June of this year. crashes. This compares with the previous five All 2011 crash data is now available and year average of 26 persons killed. trends in fatal crashes and casualty (fatal Crash data for 2011 also shows there were 862 and injury combined) crashes are now able overall crashes on the highway with 366 casualty to be reported from the start of the program crashes and 540 persons injured. This compares in 1996 to the end of 2011. Note that traffic to the previous five year average of around 360 has increased by around 60 per cent over casualty crashes and 511 persons injured. the same period. Bulahdelah to Coolongolook project in 1955


40 35 30 Bulahdelah to Coolongolook project and its dangerous 30 25 bends before the upgrade program (circa 1990) 20



1996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011 2012 1996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011 2012

(6 months) (6 months)

The Bulahdelah to Coolongolook section now

9 Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card Finishing the job

Early completion of a four-lane divided Discussions are continuing on: Key project milestones – highway between Hexham and the how are we travelling? • Finalising the funding arrangements NSW/Queensland border remains an for the extra funding announced Did we do what we said we would important issue for local communities by both governments in their between January and June of this year? and is a priority for the NSW State and 2011/12 and 2012/13 budgets. Australian governments. Open to traffic: • The outstanding funds required 33 The final section of the Glenugie upgrade. By 2014: to finish the job. 33The final section of the Ballina bypass. • 63 per cent of the highway will be 33The Frederickton interchange as part of RMS will engage contractors the Kempsey bypass. opened to a four-lane divided to complete the remaining sections 33The Banora Point upgrade project to highway highway standard. of highway as soon as funding traffic (traffic is on the highway with finishing work under way). • Another 7 per cent will be under becomes available. construction. Major construction work progress: 33 Continue major work on a further 68 kilometres • The remaining 30 per cent will be of highway including bypasses of Bulahdelah, fully prepared for construction. Kempsey, Frederickton and Woolgoolga. 33Complete the Myall River bridges at Current funding commitments will Bulahdelah and open the Alum Mountain go a long way towards completing steel truss bridge across the new highway the upgrade. for local use. 22 Complete a southbound traffic switch for Herons Creek to Stills Roads. Extensive wet weather and the discovery of contaminated soil significantly and unexpectedly delayed the project. Work restarted at the end of May.

The final section of the Glenugie upgrade is now open to traffic 10 Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card Finishing the job

33 Start road work on the Kempsey bypass. In addition to the commitments made Prepare for major work: The bypass is now expected to be completed in the January 2012 Pacific Highway 33 Complete geotechnical investigations for a further three months ahead of schedule with report card, we have also: the Frederickton to Eungai and Nambucca the new highway now expected to open to Heads to Urunga upgrades. traffic before Easter 2013. 33 Invited tenders to build the Nambucca Heads to Urunga upgrade. 33Award a contract for the design and 22 Start building the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale construction of the Frederickton to Eungai upgrade. Early work has started including 33Reached agreement on key pieces of land to upgrade. setting up the site compound at Bangalow. be purchased to offset environmental impacts. (The Construction Environmental Management 33 Finalised a review of the Bangalow interchange. 33Announce a preferred tenderer for the Plan was submitted to the Department of Nambucca Heads to Urunga upgrade. Planning and Infrastructure for approval in July, In the next six months 33Announce a decision on the review of with substantial construction expected to (July – December 2012) RMS will: the alternative alignment at Macksville start in the second half of 2012). (as part of the Warrell Creek to Nambucca Heads project). Preparation for major construction work: Open to traffic: 33Start the procurement process for the 33 Complete finishing work for the 33 Complete geotechnical investigations for Warrell Creek to Nambucca Heads and Banora Point upgrade. the Oxley Highway to Kempsey upgrade. Oxley Highway to Kundabung upgrades. 33Complete the Farlows Flat flood immunity 33Advance the selection of a contractor 33Start the procurement process for early works improvement work (near Maclean) as part of to design and build the Frederickton to for the Kundabung to Kempsey section. Eungai upgrade. the safety and minor works program. 33Start the process for selecting a contractor 33Start detailed design work for the upgrade Achieve major work progress: of the Sancrox Road interchange on the from Kundabung to Kempsey. Oxley Highway to Kundabung section of 33 Start major construction on the Tintenbar the Pacific Highway. 33Start detailed design work for the upgrade to Ewingsdale upgrade. from Woolgoolga to Glenugie. 33Continue land acquisitions. 33Complete major traffic switches for the 33Start geotechnical investigations for the Bulahdelah, Herons Creek to Stills Road and Plan for remaining sections: Woolgoolga to Ballina upgrade. Sapphire to Woolgoolga upgrades. 33 Display the environmental impact statement 33Advance construction of the Kempsey bypass, Planning for construction work: for the Woolgoolga to Ballina upgrade for including completing major bridge crossing public comment. 33 Obtain advice about planning approval of the Macleay River and concrete paving. for the Oxley Highway to Kempsey upgrade. 33Continue land acquisitions.

11 Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card Community

How are we travelling? Between January and June 2012, RMS and its project teams have: 33 Attended more than 130 community and stakeholder meetings or information sessions. 33Carried out more than 2500 individual meetings with property owners and other stakeholders across the upgrade projects from Hexham to the Queensland border. 33Maintained five static displays. Tintenbar to Ewingsdale community information session 33Issued 26 community updates New online community noticeboard (including progress advertisements). 33Distributed about 125 separate letters Online community notice board to householders and traffic updates. Following the live webcast held in November 33Held 23 community events 2011, RMS is trying a more collaborative online (including site tours and opening events). experience for local communities living along the Pacific Highway. 33Worked with the community on the review of alternative suggestions for two previously RMS has developed an online community approved sections of the highway at Bangalow noticeboard for the Pacific Highway residents. and Macksville. The outcomes of the The noticeboard provides a facility for interested review of the Bangalow community members to share information and interchange were local knowledge quickly and easily, about Sapphire to Woolgoolga display centre announced in May 2012. what is happening in their area. A decision on the review RMS will also post on the noticeboard about of an eight kilometre upcoming community events. The new section of the Warrell noticeboard is an interactive and fun way for Creek to Urunga residents to post notes, images and information. upgrade It is a great addition to the extensive (near Macksville) Pacific Highway website, which has over is expected shortly. 62,000 pageviews per month. The noticeboard started in July 2012.

Kempsey bypass foreman teaching TAFE formwork 12 students Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card Environment

How are we travelling? 33 Successfully translocated a threatened flora population of ‘hairy joint grass’ Between January and June 2012, before construction on the Tintenbar to RMS and its project teams have: Ewingsdale upgrade. 33 Reached agreement with a private property 33Publicly released the outcomes of koala owner to acquire 102 hectares of high research for the construction and post conservation value habitat near Moonee construction phases of the Bonville and Beach as part of compensatory habitat Yelgun to Chinderah upgrade projects. for the Sapphire to Woolgoogla upgrade. 33Won the International Erosion Control 33Worked with the NSW Environment Protection Association Environmental Achievement Award Authority to finalise practice notes for for 2011 for the Banora Point upgrade project. dewatering and temporary clean water Heavy rain on the Bulahdelah upgrade (January 2012) diversions on upgrade projects. Environmental issues for the past six months 33Continued rehabilitation work on a mangrove Environmental incidents recorded between site as part of the Banora Point upgrade. January and June 2012 generally relate to: THERE WERE 46 Environmental issues IN the Past six months: 33Developed construction environmental • Minor fuel and hydraulic oil spills management plan templates as part of from machinery on construction sites the Nambucca Heads to Urunga upgrade, and compounds. with the aim of speeding up the 5 Erosion and • Erosion and sediment control (water quality) 2 Sediment preconstruction approval processes on issues within construction sites. Control future upgrade projects. 23 Minor fuel / • Unauthorised work (i.e. outside of approved 33Carried out more than 65 environmental 16 Oil Spills areas and/or construction hours). inspections for project sites from Bulahdelah Unauthorised to Banora Point, with the majority of the results • Other issues relating to air quality, heritage, Works identifying low priority issues for resolution. and waste management. Other 33Initiated a pilot research program to obtain We have had significant wet weather on our genetic information for the endangered coastal construction sites. In many cases, this weather emu to the east of Grafton. This information was greater than the best practice design will help RMS learn more about how the for rainfall events. Some sediment basins on In March 2012, potentially contaminated proposed highway upgrade could impact on construction sites were overtopped. These material was discovered at the Herons Creek the emu population. events were responsible for 70 per cent of the to Stills Road construction site. The area is reportable erosion and sedimentation issues where a truck carrying a mixed load of waste indicated in the graph to the right. crashed on the Pacific Highway in 1980. RMS and its contractor have been investigating the potentially contaminated area. More information is available on page 15 of this report.

13 Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card

Projects being built KEY MAP

NT QLD WA SA NSWW BulahdelahVIC upgrade Contractor: The Bulahdelah upgrade is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW governments. Baulderstone FormQLD of BRISBANEcontract: The upgrade of the Pacific Highway at Bulahdelah will involve building about 8.5 kilometres Construction of four-lane divided highway with an eastern bypass of the Bulahdelah township. Average workers on site SOUTHPORT during the past six months: 252TWEED 55 days were lost to wet weather July – December 2012, HEADS Pacific Highway Average pieces of large plant on in the past six months.upgrade expected work progress: site during the past six months: 66 Weather permitting January – JuneN 2012, Start date of majorLISMORE construction:BALLINA 33 Bombah Point Road will be opened to work progress: TWEED HEADS local traffic. August 2010 MURWILLUMBAH

BRUNSWICK HEADS QLD KEY MAP Expected completion date: 33 The Myall River bridgesBYRON BAY were opened to 33Traffic will be temporarily switched on the BANGALOW TINTENBAR NSW First half of 2013 (weather permitting) construction vehicles,BALLINA which allowed for NT future northbound carriageway between the WOODBURN LEGEND QLD Upgrade completed the removal of the temporary SmithPlanning / design stage bridge. Bulahdelah Golf Club and Wootton Way so Under construction WA Project value:GRAFTON $315 million Existing Pacific Highway SA 33The Alum MountainMACLEAN steel truss bridge across NSWW the existing highway can be reconstructed Australian Government GRAFTON VIC into the new southbound carriageway. contribution: $303.6 million ** the new highway was opened to the public. COFFS WOOLGOOLGA 33A section of dual carriageway will be opened NSW State Government HARBOUR 33The local accessCOFFS HARBOUR to the wastewater treatment plant was completed.URUNGA to traffic south of the southern interchange. contribution: $11.4 million ** NAMBUCCA HEADS MACKSVILLE

LEGEND Upgrade completed 33Drainage, paving and landscaping work, ** Contribution amounts may vary from year to year. 33Frys Creek bridge was completed. Planning / design stage Under construction KEMPSEY as well as noise and safety fence installation, 33The final bridge decks were poured at the KEMPSEY PORT MACQUARIE will continue. northern interchange,KEW which means that the N TAREE

0 25 50km bridge decksNABI forAC the project are complete. TUNCURRY N PORT COOLONGOLOOK FORSTER Community issues

MACQUARIE 33Traffic was switchedBULAHDELAH onto a temporary LEGEND KARUAH 33 The project team is working through concerns N Major roads road betweenRAYMOND Lee TERRACE Street and theLEGEND Bulahdelah Bulahdelah HEXHAM LEGEND raised about property damage. Upgrade completed Rivers NEWCASTLE Upgrade completed TAREE Golf Club.F3 FWY Upgrade approved, or I I I Railway upgrade preferred route identified, or route being prepared Upgrade approved, or for project approval, State border or under construction preferred route identified, While we allow for wetRoute options weather identified: there have PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE process underway to or route being prepared Environmental issues select preferred route Upgrade completed been four more months of wet weatherf orthan project approval 33 Ongoing monitoring of the threatened Upgrade approved, or N Under construction preferred route identified, or originally anticipated. orchid species. being prepared for project DRAFT 3 / 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 approval Major traffic switchesLEGEND N are planned at the northern Construction contract aw a r d e d / u n d e r c o n s t ru c t i o n and southernAirports endsUpgrade are of completed atthe project in the next six NEWCASTLE Environmental assessments months. TheNewcastle openingor concept, ofdesigns a bypassbeing by Christmas prepared for the remaining 2012 will Taree,not be sectionsPortpossible of single laneand highway the project is now GOSFORD NSW scheduledMacquarie, to openUnder toconstruction traffic in early 2013. Coffs Harbour, Ballina and SYDNEY Coolangatta. 14 Lismore and Grafton

LEGEND Upgrade completed Environmental assessments or concept designs being prepared for the remaining sections of single lane highway Under construction PacificPacific Highway Highway upgrade upgrade six month report card Projects6 Monthly achievement being report, January built 2012

Herons CreekKEY MAP to Stills Road upgrade Contractor: The Herons Creek to Stills Road upgrade project is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW governments. BMD Constructions The project will upgrade three and a half kilometres of highway to four-lane divided highway with a NT QLD Form of contract: WA SA NSWW Construction multi-level interchangeVIC at Bago Road. Average workers on site during the past six months: 65 QLD 66 days were lost to wet weather Environmental issues AverageBRISBANE pieces of large plant on site during the past six months: 38 in the past six months. Incident investigation – possible site contamination Start date of major construction:SOUTHPORT In addition, the construction site was closed RMS and its contractor BMD Construction are investigating March 2011 TWEED between 8 May and 30 May while RMS and its a suspected contamination area on the project, which may HEADS contractor investigatedPacific Highwaya contamination issue Expected completion date: upgrade have affected the health of several workers. The area is where, on the work site (see right for details). in December 1980, a truck carrying a mixed load of waste crashed

Second half of 2013 N on the Pacific Highway. (weather permitting) LISMORE BALLINA January – June 2012, TWEED HEADS On 27 March 2012, a construction worker received medical attention Project value: $60 million work progress: MURWILLUMBAH as a precaution and other workers reported feeling unwell while BRUNSWICK HEADS QLD KEY MAP BYRON BAY Australian Government BANGALOW 33 Earthwork, drainage andTINTENBA Rbridge workNSW spreading material from a nearby cutting on the construction site. contribution: $53 million ** BALLINA NT WOODBURN were the primary activities carriedLEGEND out QLD Upgrade completed Planning / design stage RMS and its contractor are taking this investigation seriously. Based Under construction WA NSW State GovernmentGRAFTON in the past six months. Existing Pacific Highway SA MACLEAN onNSW Wthe advise of experts, it would appear there are no long term contribution: $7 million ** 33 Progress has beenGRAFTON significantly impacted healthVIC affects to the workers. ** Contribution amounts may vary fromCOFFS year to year. by extensive wet weather and the need to WOOLGOOLGA Independent chemical specialists have detected organochlorine HARBOUR investigate the potentialCOFFS HARBOUR soil contamination. URUNGA pesticides, however the maximum levels of these pesticides are

NAMBUCCA HEADS MACKSVILLE generally at levels below the relevant criteria endorsed by the

LEGEND July – December 2012, Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Under construction Environment Protection Authority and there is no evidence that KEMPSEY expected work progress: these chemicals would pose a risk to human health. PORT MACQUARIE KEMPSEY Weather permittingKEW Volatile fatty acids (including acetic acid and propionic acid) were N TAREE

0 25 50km 33 Completion of NABIearthworksAC and drainage also found to be distributed in the soils. Herons Creek TUNCURRY N PORT on the mainCOOLONGOLOOK upgradeFORSTER section. to Stills Road MACQUARIE BULAHDELAH On the basis of these findings the independent specialists LEGEND KARUAH N upgrade 33 Completion ofRAYMOND the TERRACE Herons Creek bridges.LEGEND recommended a remedial action plan be prepared and put in place, Major roads HEXHAM LEGEND Upgrade completed Rivers NEWCASTLE Upgrade completed TAREE F3 FWY Upgrade approved, or given that the exposed workers reported health concerns in addition I I I Railway 33 Start of concrete paving.preferred route identified, or route being prepared Upgrade approved, or for project approval, State border or under construction preferred route identifiedto, the materials posing an aesthetic issue (odours and discolouration) Route options identified: PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE process underway to or route being prepared select preferred route at the site. Upgrade completed Community issues for project approval Upgrade approved, or N Under construction preferred route identified, or 33 The project team is continuing to work through The metals present were within natural levels and did not exceed being prepared for project DRAFT 3 / 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 approval concerns relatingLEGEND to roadN safety, dust, noise NSW Environment Protection Authority endorsed criteria. Construction contract aw a r d e d / u n d e r c o n s t ru c t i o n and otherAirports propertyUpgrade are impacts completedat from work, For more information visit the project website: NEWCASTLE Environmental assessments includingNewcastle at Bobsor concept Creek, designs Road. being prepared for the remaining Taree, sectionsPort of single lane highway GOSFORD 15 NSW Macquarie,Under construction Coffs Harbour, Ballina and SYDNEY Coolangatta.

Lismore and Grafton

LEGEND Upgrade completed Environmental assessments or concept designs being prepared for the remaining sections of single lane highway Under construction PacificPacific Highway Highway upgrade upgrade six month report card Projects6 Monthly achievement being report, January built 2012

Kempsey bypass Contractor: RMS has formed an alliance with As part of the Building Australia Fund, the Australian Government is funding the $618 million Leighton Contractors, AECOM Kempsey bypass. and Coffey Geotechnics The bridge over the Macleay River and floodplain will be 3.2 kilometres long on completion, The bridge over the Macleay River and floodplain is being built by Abigroup making it the longest bridge in Australia. Contractors under a separate design

and construct contract KEY MAP Form of contract: 46 days were lost to wet weather 33Completed minor bridge work. Alliance and design & construct contract in the past six months. 33Started concrete paving work. Average workers on site during NT 33Started house treatments as part of noise QLD WA SA NSWW the past six months: 558 Delivery methodologyVIC mitigation work. Average pieces of large plant on The project has been split into two separate 33Completed flood mitigation work, in the form site during the past six months: 152 contracts: of house raising and building stock mounds. QLD BRISBANE 33An alliance contract for the main roadwork Start date of major construction: July – December 2012, June 2010 and minor bridge work. expected work progress: Expected completion date:SOUTHPORT 33A design and construct contract to build the

By early 2013 (weather permitting) TWEED bridge over the Macleay River and floodplain. Weather permitting HEADS Pacific Highway Project value: $618 million The project is now scheduledupgrade to open 15 months 33 Traffic switch at South Kempsey to allow earlier than originally expected, by Easter 2013, completion of the South Kempsey interchange. Australian Government N weather permitting. 33Complete the concrete pavement on the contribution: AustralianLISMORE GovernmentBALLINA TWEED HEADS main upgrade. contribution: Fully Federally funded MURWILLUMBAH January – June 2012, (Building Australia Fund) $618million ** BRUNSWICK HEADS QLD KEY MAP 33Complete the Frederickton levee and boat ramp. BYRON BAY BANGALOW TINTENBAR NSW work progress: BALLINA 33 Complete the Macleay River and floodplain bridge. ** Contribution amounts may vary from year to year. NT WOODBURN LEGEND QLD Upgrade completed Planning / design stage WA 33 Completed all piling for the MacleayUnder construction River 33 Start asphalt paving of bridge deck. GRAFTON Existing Pacific Highway SA MACLEAN NSW and floodplain bridge. W 33Complete noise mitigation measures, including GRAFTON VIC 33Continued construction of piers, supports, noise mounds and at house property treatments. COFFS decks and wallsWO forOLGOOLGA the Macleay River and HARBOUR COFFS HARBOUR 33Remove temporary rock platform from the floodplain bridge.URUNGA Macleay River. NAMBUCCA HEADS MACKSVILLE

LEGEND 33Continued delivery and erection of super-TUpgrade completed Planning / design stage Under construction Community issues KEMPSEY Kempsey girders for the bridge. KEMPSEY PORT MACQUARIE 33 The project team is working through concerns bypass 33Opened the FredericktonKEW interchange to traffic.

N TAREE relating to noise.

0 25 50km 33Opened the InchesNABIAC Road and Old Station Road TUNCURRY N PORT COOLONGOLOOK FORSTER overpasses to traffic. Environmental issues MACQUARIE BULAHDELAH LEGEND KARUAH N RAYMOND TERRACE LEGEND 33 Nil. Major roads HEXHAM LEGEND Upgrade completed Rivers NEWCASTLE Upgrade completed 16 TAREE F3 FWY Upgrade approved, or I I I Railway preferred route identified, or route being prepared Upgrade approved, or for project approval, State border or under construction preferred route identified, Route options identified: PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE process underway to or route being prepared select preferred route Upgrade completed for project approval Upgrade approved, or N Under construction preferred route identified, or being prepared for project DRAFT 3 / 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 approval Pacific HIghway LEGEND N Construction contract aw a r d e d / u n d e r c o n s t ru c t i o n AirportsUpgrade are completedat NEWCASTLE Environmental assessments Newcastleor concept, designs being prepared for the remaining F3 Freeway Taree, sectionsPort of single lane highway GOSFORD NSW Macquarie,Under construction Coffs Harbour, Ballina and SYDNEY Coolangatta.

Lismore and Grafton

LEGEND Upgrade completed Environmental assessments or concept designs being prepared for the remaining sections of single lane highway Under construction PacificPacific Highway Highway upgrade upgrade six month report card Projects6 Monthly achievement being report, January built 2012

Sapphire to Woolgoolga upgrade Contractor: Leighton Fulton Hogan joint venture The Sapphire to Woolgoolga upgrade project is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW governments. Form of contract: This project will provide a four-lane divided highway extending about 25 kilometres from Campbell Design and construct contract Close at Sapphire to Arrawarra Beach Road at Arrawarra. Average workers on site during the past six months: 340 71 days were lost to wet weather Community issues KEY MAP Average pieces of large plant on in the past six months. 33 The project team is working through concerns site during the past six months: 234 relating to noise and other property impacts Start date of major construction: January – June 2012, from the upgrade work.

NT work progress:QLD WA August 2010 SA NSWW VIC Environmental issues Expected completion date: 33 A temporary road was opened at Bark Hut Road. 33 Unexpected asbestos pipe was uncovered Early 2014 (weather permitting) 33Construction continued on the service road at a number of locations on site. Incident ProjectQLD value:BRISBANE $705 million between Gaudrons Road and Sugarmill Road. management, OHS and environmental Australian Government 33Construction continued on the Moonee management procedures have all been contribution: $632 million ** Beach interchange. followed to minimise risks and to quarantine, SOUTHPORT inspect and safely remove any asbestos NSW State Government TWEED 33Earthwork continued on the Arrawarra contribution: $73 million ** HEADS interchange. material to a licensed facility. Pacific Highway upgrade ** Contribution amounts may vary from year to year. 33Bridge work, public utility relocation work, 33Woolgoolga Creek has been rehabilitated vegetation clearing,N bulk earthwork and following 230ml of rainfall on Australia Day LISMORE BALLINA and a wash out of material. Following the drainage and blastingTWEED HEADS work. MURWILLUMBAH reinstatement of the low flow diversion channel, 33Detailed design work was completed. BRUNSWICK HEADS QLD KEY MAP a number of eels, crustaceans and native BYRON BAY BANGALOW TINTENBAR NSW BALLINA fish are using the channel. NT WOODBURN July – December 2012, LEGEND QLD Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Under construction WA GRAFTON Existing Pacific Highway SA expected work progress:MACLEAN NSWW Sapphire to Weather permittingGRAFTON VIC Woolgoolga COFFS 33 Temporary trafficWOOLGOOLGA diversions. upgrade HARBOUR COFFS HARBOUR 33The Greys Road URUNGAoverbridge will be opened NAMBUCCA HEADS MACKSVILLE to traffic. LEGEND Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Under construction 33Bridge work, publicKEMPSEY utility relocation work, PORT MACQUARIE KEMPSEY bulk earthwork andKEW drainage and blasting work.


0 25 50km 33A series of majorNABIAC traffic switches will take place. TUNCURRY N PORT COOLONGOLOOK FORSTER

MACQUARIE BULAHDELAH LEGEND KARUAH N Construction continues on the Arrawarra interchange RAYMOND TERRACE LEGEND Major roads HEXHAM LEGEND Upgrade completed Rivers NEWCASTLE Upgrade completed TAREE F3 FWY Upgrade approved, or 17 I I I Railway preferred route identified, or route being prepared Upgrade approved, or for project approval, State border or under construction preferred route identified, Route options identified: PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE process underway to or route being prepared select preferred route Upgrade completed for project approval Upgrade approved, or N Under construction preferred route identified, or being prepared for project DRAFT 3 / 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 approval Pacific HIghway LEGEND N Construction contract aw a r d e d / u n d e r c o n s t ru c t i o n AirportsUpgrade are completedat NEWCASTLE Environmental assessments Newcastleor concept, designs being prepared for the remaining F3 Freeway Taree, sectionsPort of single lane highway GOSFORD NSW Macquarie,Under construction Coffs Harbour, Ballina and SYDNEY Coolangatta. Lismore and Grafton

LEGEND Upgrade completed Environmental assessments or concept designs being prepared for the remaining sections of single lane highway Under construction Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card Projects being built

Glenugie upgrade Contractor: RMS has formed an alliance with The Glenugie upgrade project is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW governments. Macmahon Contractors and Arup The seven kilometre Glenugie upgrade forms part of the larger Woolgoolga to Ballina project. Form of contract: This section extends from Franklins Road to Eight Mile Lane, about 15 kilometres south of Grafton. Alliance design and construct contract Average workers on site during 12 days wereKEY MAPlost to wet weather the past six months: 55 in the past six months. Average pieces of large plant on site during the past six months: 31 January – June 2012,

NT QLD WA SA Start date of major work: NSWW work progress:VIC March 2010 33 The final section was opened to traffic. Expected completion date: Open to traffic 33Forestry and local road access roads QLD BRISBANE were completed. Project value: $60 million Australian Government SOUTHPORT July – December 2012, contribution: $54 million ** TWEED expected work progress: HEADS NSW State Government Pacific Highway Traffic switch onto a new section of road Weather permittingupgrade contribution: $6 million ** at Glenugie upgrade 33 Work will start on an animal monitoring program. ** Contribution amounts may vary from year to year. N LISMORE 33Work will start on a plant biodiversity offset BALLINA TWEED HEADS


BRUNSWICK HEADS QLD KEY MAP BYRON BAY 33Operational noise monitoring.BANGALOW TINTENBAR NSW BALLINA NT WOODBURN 33A final road seal will be put down.LEGEND QLD Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Under construction WA GRAFTON Existing Pacific Highway SA MACLEAN NSWW



LEGEND Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Under construction 33 Nil. KEMPSEY

KEMPSEY PORT MACQUARIE KEW Construction of a concrete drainage structure N TAREE


MACQUARIE BULAHDELAH LEGEND KARUAH N RAYMOND TERRACE LEGEND Major roads HEXHAM LEGEND Upgrade completed Rivers NEWCASTLE Upgrade completed TAREE F3 FWY Upgrade approved, or I I I Railway preferred route identified, 18 or route being prepared Upgrade approved, or for project approval, State border or under construction preferred route identified, Route options identified: PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE process underway to or route being prepared select preferred route Upgrade completed for project approval Upgrade approved, or N Under construction preferred route identified, or being prepared for project DRAFT 3 / 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 approval Pacific HIghway LEGEND N Construction contract aw a r d e d / u n d e r c o n s t ru c t i o n AirportsUpgrade are completedat NEWCASTLE Environmental assessments Newcastleor concept, designs being prepared for the remaining F3 Freeway Taree, sectionsPort of single lane highway GOSFORD NSW Macquarie,Under construction Coffs Harbour, Ballina and SYDNEY Coolangatta. Lismore and Grafton

LEGEND Upgrade completed Environmental assessments or concept designs being prepared for the remaining sections of single lane highway Under construction PacificPacific Highway Highway upgrade upgrade six month report card Projects6 Monthly achievement being report, January built 2012

Devils Pulpit upgrade Contractor: John Holland The Devils Pulpit upgrade is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW governments. Form of contract: It will provide more than seven kilometres of four-lane divided highway and additional wire rope Construct only fencing, north of Iluka Road (between Grafton and Ballina). The upgrade forms part of the Average workers on site during larger Woolgoolga to Ballina project. the past six months: 31 Average pieces of large plant on 37 days were lost to wet weather site during the past six months: 86 in the past six months. Start date of major construction: December 2011 January – June 2012, Expected completion date: work progress: Mid 2013 (weather permitting) 33 Utility relocationsKEY MAP were completed. Project value: $77 million 33Clearing work was ongoing. Australian Government contribution: $62 million ** 33Major earthwork started on site.

NT QLD WA SA 33Major culvert constructionNSWW started. NSW State Government VIC contribution: $15 million ** 33Manufacturing of bridge piles started. ** Contribution amounts may vary from year to year. 33Site compounds were established. Installing bridging rocks on the floodplain QLD BRISBANE 33Sedimentation and erosion controls were established. SOUTHPORT TWEED July – December 2012,

HEADS expected work progress:Pacific Highway upgrade Weather permitting


Devils Pulpit 33Major culvert construction.MURWILLUMBAH

upgrade BRUNSWICK HEADS QLD KEY MAP 33Bridge construction BYRONwill BAY start. BANGALOW TINTENBAR NSW BALLINA NT WOODBURN LEGEND QLD Upgrade completed Planning / design stage WA Community issues Under construction GRAFTON Existing Pacific Highway SA MACLEAN NSWW


COFFS Installing the first culvert for the project Environmental WOissuesOLGOOLGA HARBOUR COFFS HARBOUR


LEGEND Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Under construction 19 KEMPSEY




MACQUARIE BULAHDELAH LEGEND KARUAH N RAYMOND TERRACE LEGEND Major roads HEXHAM LEGEND Upgrade completed Rivers NEWCASTLE Upgrade completed TAREE F3 FWY Upgrade approved, or I I I Railway preferred route identified, or route being prepared Upgrade approved, or for project approval, State border or under construction preferred route identified, Route options identified: PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE process underway to or route being prepared select preferred route Upgrade completed for project approval Upgrade approved, or N Under construction preferred route identified, or being prepared for project DRAFT 3 / 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 approval Pacific HIghway LEGEND N Construction contract aw a r d e d / u n d e r c o n s t ru c t i o n AirportsUpgrade are completedat NEWCASTLE Environmental assessments Newcastleor concept, designs being prepared for the remaining F3 Freeway Taree, sectionsPort of single lane highway GOSFORD NSW Macquarie,Under construction Coffs Harbour, Ballina and SYDNEY Coolangatta.

Lismore and Grafton

LEGEND Upgrade completed Environmental assessments or concept designs being prepared for the remaining sections of single lane highway Under construction Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card Projects being built

Ballina bypass Contractors: RMS has formed an alliance with The Ballina bypass project is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW governments. Leighton Contractors, AECOM, SMEC The project provides 12 kilometres of four-lane divided highway, from south of Ballina at the and Coffey Geotechnics intersection of the Bruxner and Pacific highways to north of Ballina at the intersection Form of contract: of Ross Lane at Tintenbar. Alliance design and construct contract Average workers on site during 61 days were lost to wet weather the past six months: 130 in the past six months. Average pieces of large plant on site during the past six months: 71 January – June 2012, Start date of major construction: work progress: May 2008 KEY MAP 33 The final section of the upgrade, which included Expected completion date: the separation of the Bruxner and Pacific Open to traffic highways, was opened to traffic.

Project value: $640 million NT 33Construction continuedQLD on the truck rest area. WA SA NSWW VIC Australian Government 33Enabling works continued between Pimlico contribution: $450 million ** Road and Teven Road. NSW State Government contribution:QLD BRISBANE $190 million ** July – December 2012, ** Contribution amounts may vary from year to year. expected work progress: SOUTHPORT Weather permitting TWEED 33 The temporary truck rest area will be opened. HEADS Pacific Highway 33Operational noise upgrademonitoring.

33The old sectionsN of the highway will be LISMORE BALLINA officially handed TWEEDover HEADS to RMS assets section Marking the opening of the final Bruxner Highway Ballina and Ballina ShireMURWILLUMBAH Council. connection

BRUNSWICK HEADS QLD KEY MAP bypass BYRON BAY BANGALOW TINTENBAR NSW Community issues BALLINA NT WOODBURN LEGEND QLD Upgrade completed The Ballina bypass also won a Civil Planning / design stage Under construction WA GRAFTON 33 The project team is working throughExisting Pacific Highway concerns SA MACLEAN NSWW Contractor Federation Earth Award for relating to noise. GRAFTON VIC Excellence in Civil Construction and COFFS received a highly commended award in Environmental WOissuesOLGOOLGA HARBOUR COFFS HARBOUR the International Project of the Year for URUNGA 33 Nil. NAMBUCCA HEADS the 2012 Ground Engineering Awards. MACKSVILLE

LEGEND Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Under construction KEMPSEY 20




MACQUARIE BULAHDELAH LEGEND KARUAH N RAYMOND TERRACE LEGEND Major roads HEXHAM LEGEND Upgrade completed Rivers NEWCASTLE Upgrade completed TAREE F3 FWY Upgrade approved, or I I I Railway preferred route identified, or route being prepared Upgrade approved, or for project approval, State border or under construction preferred route identified, Route options identified: PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE process underway to or route being prepared select preferred route Upgrade completed for project approval Upgrade approved, or N Under construction preferred route identified, or being prepared for project DRAFT 3 / 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 approval Pacific HIghway LEGEND N Construction contract aw a r d e d / u n d e r c o n s t ru c t i o n AirportsUpgrade are completedat NEWCASTLE Environmental assessments Newcastleor concept, designs being prepared for the remaining F3 Freeway Taree, sectionsPort of single lane highway GOSFORD NSW Macquarie,Under construction Coffs Harbour, Ballina and SYDNEY Coolangatta.

Lismore and Grafton

LEGEND Upgrade completed Environmental assessments or concept designs being prepared for the remaining sections of single lane highway Under construction PacificPacific Highway Highway upgrade upgrade six month report card Projects6 Monthly achievement being report, January built 2012

Tintenbar to Ewingsdale upgrade Contractor: Baulderstone The Tintenbar to Ewingsdale upgrade is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW governments. Form of contract: The upgrade will provide 17 kilometres of four-lane divided highway from the northern end of the Design and construct Ballina bypass at Ross Lane to the Ewingsdale interchange. Average workers on site during the past six months: 37 January – June 2012, July – December 2012, Average pieces of large plant on work progress: expected work progress: site during the past six months: 5 33 Public utility relocations were completed. Weather permitting Start date of major construction: Second half of 2012 33Construction started on the main site 33 Major work will start, including vegetation clearing, bulk earthwork, drainage, bridge work Expected completion date: compound at Bangalow. and tunnel work. Second half of 2014 (weather permitting) 33Boundary fencing was installed. 33Detailed design work. Project value: $862 million 33At-home noise treatments were carried out. 33Community consultation on the business Australian Government 33Detailed design work was ongoing. signage strategy. contribution: $566.1 million ** KEY MAP 33The Construction Environmental Management NSW State Government Plan was finalised and submitted to the Community issues contribution: $434 million ** Department of Planning and Infrastructure. 33 Noise issues continued to be discussed. ** Contribution amounts may vary from year to year. NT QLD 33A threatened WAflora species, ‘hairy joint grass’, SA NSWW VIC 33Outcomes of the Bangalow interchange was successfully relocated. discussions and incident management for the 33Micro bat habitats were installed. St Helena tunnel. QLD BRISBANE 33Six community information sessions that discussed topics such as the revised concept Environmental issues design for the Bangalow interchange, 33 Nil. SOUTHPORT construction of the St Helena Hill tunnels, TWEED water quality management and urban design HEADS Tintenbar to Pacific Highway and landscaping. upgrade Ewingsdale upgrade 33Discussions with directly affected landowners N LISMORE BALLINA about building condition surveys, property access arrangements,TWEED HEADS property adjustment MURWILLUMBAH

details and constructionBRUNSWICK HEADS staging.QLD KEY MAP BYRON BAY BANGALOW TINTENBAR NSW 33Discussions with residentsBALLINA on St Helena Road NT WOODBURN LEGEND QLD Upgrade completed about controlled blasting and StPlanning / designHelena stage Under construction WA GRAFTON Existing Pacific Highway SA tunnel work. MACLEAN NSWW GRAFTON VIC Early work at the Bangalow site compound COFFS WOOLGOOLGA 21 HARBOUR COFFS HARBOUR



LEGEND Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Under construction KEMPSEY




MACQUARIE BULAHDELAH LEGEND KARUAH N RAYMOND TERRACE LEGEND Major roads HEXHAM LEGEND Upgrade completed Rivers NEWCASTLE Upgrade completed TAREE F3 FWY Upgrade approved, or I I I Railway preferred route identified, or route being prepared Upgrade approved, or for project approval, State border or under construction preferred route identified, Route options identified: PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE process underway to or route being prepared select preferred route Upgrade completed for project approval Upgrade approved, or N Under construction preferred route identified, or being prepared for project DRAFT 3 / 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 approval Pacific HIghway LEGEND N Construction contract aw a r d e d / u n d e r c o n s t ru c t i o n AirportsUpgrade are completedat NEWCASTLE Environmental assessments Newcastleor concept, designs being prepared for the remaining F3 Freeway Taree, sectionsPort of single lane highway GOSFORD NSW Macquarie,Under construction Coffs Harbour, Ballina and SYDNEY Coolangatta.

Lismore and Grafton

LEGEND Upgrade completed Environmental assessments or concept designs being prepared for the remaining sections of single lane highway Under construction PacificPacific Highway Highway upgrade upgrade six month report card Projects6 Monthly achievement being report, January built 2012

Banora Point upgrade Contractor: RMS has formed an alliance with The Banora Point upgrade project is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW governments. Abigroup Contractors, The upgrade extends over about two and a half kilometres from the northern end of Barneys Point Seymour Whyte and SMEC bridge to the southern end of the Tweed Heads bypass. Form of contract: Alliance design and construct contract Average workers on site during 25 days were lost to wet weather the past six months: 170 in the past six months. Average pieces of large plant on January – June 2012, site during the past six months: 104 work progress: Start date of major construction: 33 Sections of the northbound and southbound December 2009 carriageways were opened to traffic. Expected completion date: 33A major community site inspection that attracted Final completion December 2012 more than 4000 people was held on 18 March. (weather permitting) 33Work continued on the Wilson Park landbridge. Project value: $359 million 33Drainage work, paving work and noise wall Australian Government

construction KEYwere MAP ongoing. contribution: $349 million ** NSW State Government 33Work started on the Kirkwood Road extension. Banora Point upgrade – southern valley viaduct contribution: $10 million ** July – December 2012, ** Contribution amounts may vary from year to year. NT QLD WA SA expected work NSWWprogress: VIC Weather permitting Community issues 33 The project team is working through concerns 33 On and off ramps will be finished. relating to noise and other property impacts. QLD BRISBANE 33Local road work will be completed. 33Concerns have been raised about damage to 33Work will continue on the Kirkwood Road properties and project work. SOUTHPORT extension, which is being managed Banora Point TWEED by Tweed Shire Council, separate to the Environmental issues HEADS Pacific Highway upgrade Banora Point upgrade.upgrade 33 Nil.








LEGEND Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Under construction KEMPSEY




MACQUARIE BULAHDELAH LEGEND KARUAH N RAYMOND TERRACE LEGEND Major roads HEXHAM LEGEND Upgrade completed Rivers NEWCASTLE Upgrade completed TAREE F3 FWY Upgrade approved, or I I I Railway preferred route identified, or route being prepared Upgrade approved, or for project approval, State border or under construction preferred route identified, Route options identified: PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE process underway to or route being prepared select preferred route Upgrade completed for project approval Upgrade approved, or N Under construction preferred route identified, or being prepared for project DRAFT 3 / 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 approval Pacific HIghway LEGEND N Construction contract aw a r d e d / u n d e r c o n s t ru c t i o n AirportsUpgrade are completedat NEWCASTLE Environmental assessments Newcastleor concept, designs being prepared for the remaining F3 Freeway Taree, sectionsPort of single lane highway GOSFORD NSW Macquarie,Under construction Coffs Harbour, Ballina and SYDNEY Coolangatta. Lismore and Grafton

LEGEND Upgrade completed Environmental assessments or concept designs being prepared for the remaining sections of single lane highway Under construction KEY MAP

Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card

NT QLD WA SA NSWW Safety improvements VIC

QLD BRISBANE While most of the funding will be directed to upgrading the highway to a four-lane divided highway, there is a need to address road safety and traffic issues on sections of two-lane highway which are SOUTHPORT not being upgraded as part of the current five year program. 3 kms of wire rope TWEED Safety improvements are a part of the Australian and NSW governments’ commitment to upgrade at Devils Pulpit HEADS Pacific Highway the Pacific Highway during upgradethe five years to mid 2014. Additional work is fully state funded. Work is being delivered to improve safety until upgrades can be completed. This work is to reduce Farlows Flat N the delays caused by local and major flood events. improvements LISMORE BALLINA TWEED HEADS


Swan Creek BRUNSWICK HEADS QLD KEY MAP BYRON BAY BANGALOW January – June 2012, improvements TINTENBAR NSW Contractor: BALLINA workNT progress: WOODBURN LEGEND QLD Upgrade completed RMS Road and Fleet Services Planning / design stage Pacific HIghway Under construction WA GRAFTON Existing Pacific Highway 33 SwanSA Creek village intersection improvements, Blackadder Creek MACLEAN NSW Average workers on site completedW in March. improvements during the past six months:GRAFTON 15 VIC 33 Paving work progressed for the Farlows Flat COFFS flood immunity improvement work (near Maclean). Average pieces of largeWOOLGOOLGA plant on Martells Road HARBOUR COFFS HARBOUR site during the past six months: 9 33 Through the NSW Government’s Road Toll improvements URUNGA NAMBUCCA HEADS Response package, safety work at Plummers Lane Start date of major MACKSVILLEwork: LEGEND Upgrade completed and Blackadder Creek were completed. November 2009 Planning / design stage Under construction Ballard Road KEMPSEY 33 Safety improvements between Frederickton and improvements Expected completion date: PORT MACQUARIE Urunga (including central wire rope, vegetation KEMPSEY Mid 2014 (weather permitting)KEW N clearing, pavement correction, linemarking and speed Project value: $55 millionTAREE 0 25 50km Plummers Lane NABIAC zone changes) and improved and repaired pavement TUNCURRY N improvements PORT COOLONGOLOOK FORSTER damaged in the extended period of wet weather.

MACQUARIE BULAHDELAH LEGEND KARUAH 33 Tree trimming at Shark Creek as part of river bank N Major roads RAYMOND TERRACE LEGEND Road HEXHAM LEGEND stabilising work. Upgrade completed Rivers NEWCASTLE Upgrade completed TAREE F3 FWY Upgrade approved, or I I I Railway widening work preferred route identified, or route being prepared Upgrade appro3v3ed,T reeor trimming at Pimlico Road (near Ballina) for project approval, State border or under construction preferred route identified, Route options identified: to improve visibility for motorists. PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE process underway to or route being prepared select preferred route Upgrade completed for project approval N Upgrade approved, or Under constructionJuly – December, preferred route identified, or being prepared for project expected work progress: DRAFT 3 / 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 approval Pacific HIghway LEGEND N Construction contract Weather permitting aw a r d e d / u n d e r c o n s t ru c t i o n Upgrade completed Airports are at 33 Farlows Flat flood immunity improvement work. NEWCASTLE Environmental assessments or concept Newcastle, Taree, Port 33 Work will start on intersection improvements F3 Freeway designs being prepared and shoulder widening at Old Post Office Lane GOSFORD for the remaining sections Macquarie, NSW of single lane highway (near Ulmarra). Loading gravel intoCoffs the batch Harbour, plant at Farlows Flat SYDNEY Under construction Ballina and 23 Coolangatta. Lismore and Grafton

LEGEND Upgrade completed Environmental assessments or concept designs being prepared for the remaining sections of single lane highway Under construction KEY MAP

Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card

NT Pacific Highway upgrade QLD WA SA NSWW VIC Projects6 Monthly achievement being report, January prepared 2012 for major work: Priority 2

QLD BRISBANE Oxley Highway to July – December 2012, Kempsey upgrade expected work progress: SOUTHPORT Weather permitting TWEED The Oxley Highway to Kempsey upgrade 33 Land acquisitions will continue. HEADS Pacific Highway will provide 37 kilometres of four-laneupgrade divided highway between the Oxley Highway at 33Resolution of the referral to the Federal Department of Sustainability, Environment, Port Macquarie and the KempseyN bypass. Water, Population and Communities. LISMORE BALLINA Planning for the Oxley Highway to Kempsey TWEED HEADS 33Detailed ground survey will be completed. upgrade is jointly funded byMURWILLUMBAH the Australian 33Additional geotechnical investigation will and NSW governments. BRUNSWICK HEADS QLD KEY MAP BYRON BAY BANGALOW TINTENBAR NSW be carried out as property access becomes BALLINA available.NT January – June 2012, WOODBURN LEGEND QLD Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Pacific HIghway Under construction WA GRAFTON work progress: Existing Pacific Highway 33TheSA concept design will be finalised. MACLEAN NSWW

33 NSW planning approval wasGRAFTON received on 33DetailedVIC design will be completed for Warrell Creek to 8 February. sections of the project at Sancrox Road and COFFS Urunga upgrade 33This project is being referredWOOLGOOLGA to the Federal near Kundabung. Detailed design work will HARBOUR COFFS HARBOUR continue on the rest of the Kundabung to Department of Sustainability,URUNGA Environment, NAMBUCCA HEADS Kempsey section. Water, Population and CommunitiesMACKSVILLE (SEWPAC) Frederickton to LEGEND Upgrade completed due to Environment Protection and Biodiversity Planning / design stage Under construction Eungai upgrade KEMPSEY Act considerations.

PORT MACQUARIE KEMPSEY 33Geotechnical field investigations.KEW N Oxley Highway to TAREE 33Detailed ground survey. 0 25 50km NABIAC Kempsey upgrade TUNCURRY N PORT 33A contract was awardedCOOLONGOLOOK toFORSTER the joint venture MACQUARIE BULAHDELAH LEGEND of SMEC/Hyder for theKARUAH detailed design of the N Major roads RAYMOND TERRACE LEGEND Kundabung to KempseyHEXHAM LEGENDsection. Upgrade completed Rivers NEWCASTLE Upgrade completed TAREE F3 FWY Upgrade approved, or I I I Railway preferred route identified, 33Land acquisitions continued,or route beingabout prepared 25 Upgrade approved, or for project approval, State border or under construction preferred route identified, per cent now complete. Route options identified: PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE process underway to or route being prepared select preferred route Upgrade completed for project approval N Upgrade approved, or Under construction preferred route identified, or being prepared for project DRAFT 3 / 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 approval Pacific HIghway LEGEND N Construction contract aw a r d e d / u n d e r c o n s t ru c t i o n Upgrade completed Airports are at NEWCASTLE Environmental assessments or concept Newcastle, Taree, Port F3 Freeway designs being prepared NSW GOSFORD for the remaining sections Macquarie, The existing Oxley Highway to Kempsey section of single lane highway Coffs Harbour, 24 SYDNEY Under construction Ballina and Coolangatta. Lismore and Grafton

LEGEND Upgrade completed Environmental assessments or concept designs being prepared for the remaining sections of single lane highway Under construction PacificPacific Highway Highway upgrade upgrade six month report card Projects6 Monthly achievement being report, January prepared 2012 for major work: Priority 2

Frederickton to Warrell Creek to Urunga upgrade Eungai upgrade Planning for the Warrell Creek to Urunga upgrade is jointly funded by the Australian The Frederickton to Eungai upgrade is jointly and NSW governments. funded by the Australian and NSW governments. The 42 kilometre project involves an upgrade of the existing highway to four-lane divided The Frederickton to Eungai upgrade is stage highway from the existing Allgomera deviation, south of Warrell Creek, to the existing two of the 40 kilometre Kempsey to Eungai interchange at Raleigh. project and will provide 26 kilometres of The project is being built in two sections from Warrell Creek to Nambucca Heads and four-lane divided highway. from Nambucca Heads to Urunga. The Frederickton to Eungai upgrade will connect to the Kempsey bypass and will bypass Warrell Creek to Nambucca Heads to the site of the 1989 Clybucca bus crash. Nambucca Heads upgrade Urunga upgrade January – June 2012, January – June 2012, January – June 2012, work progress: work progress: work progress: 33 Abigroup Contractors, Leighton Contractors and 33 A draft report on the review of the alternative 33 Abigroup Contractors Pty Ltd, Baulderstone a Thiess / Macmahon Joint Venture were invited to alignment was displayed for comment. Pty Ltd and Thiess Contractors Pty Ltd submit tenders for the design and construction. 33 A submissions report has been finalised. were invited to submit tenders for the design 33 Ground survey work neared completion. and construction. 33 Geotechnical investigations continued. 33 Geotechnical investigations neared completion. 33 Land acquisitions continued with about 33 Land acquisitions continued with about 33 Land acquisitions continued with about 45 per cent complete. 58 per cent complete. 60 per cent complete . July – December 2012, 33 The access track across the Collombatti Creek July – December 2012, expected work progress: floodplain was completed. expected work progress: Weather permitting Weather permitting July – December 2012, 33 Announce the preferred tenderer for expected work progress: 33 A decision will be made on the review design and construction of the upgrade. of the alternative alignment. Weather permitting 33 Land acquisitions will continue. 33 Geotechnical investigations will continue. 33 Aboriginal archaeological salvage work is to be completed. 33 Land acquisitions will continue. 33 Utilities relocation will start. 33 RMS will prepare contracts for the design and construction of this section. 33 A design and construction contract is to be awarded. 33 At-home noise mitigation treatments will start.


Pacific Highway upgrade six month report card

NT QLD Pacific Highway upgrade WA SA NSWW VIC Projects6 Monthly achievement in report,planning: January 2012 Priority 3

QLD BRISBANE Woolgoolga January – June 2012, work progress: SOUTHPORT to Ballina upgrade 33 A contract has been awarded for the TWEED detailed design work for the Woolgoolga HEADS The Woolgoolga to Ballina project is Pacific Highway made up of four previous Pacificupgrade Highway to Glenugie section. planning projects: 33Contracts were also awarded for geotechnical N work. Work started on site in March. LISMORE BALLINA • Woolgoolga to Wells Crossing. TWEED HEADS 33Investigations for the environmental impact • Wells Crossing to Iluka Road.MURWILLUMBAH statement were completed, including ecology,

Woolgoolga to BRUNSWICK HEADS QLD KEY MAP BYRON BAY Aboriginal heritage and noise. • Iluka Road to Woodburn. BANGALOW Ballina upgrade TINTENBAR NSW • Woodburn to Ballina. BALLINA 33CNTommunity discussions continued about WOODBURN LEGEND QLD Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Pacific HIghway Under construction WA flooding impacts, mitigation measures and GRAFTON The Woolgoolga to Ballina project Existing Pacific Highway SA MACLEAN designNSW Wrefinements for the major Richmond will upgrade about 155 kilometres of GRAFTON and ClarenceVIC river systems. highway to four-lane divided highway. COFFS 33Land acquisitions were ongoing with WOOLGOOLGA HARBOUR The upgrade does not includeCOFFS HARBOUR the 21 per cent complete. recently completed GlenugieURUNGA upgrade NAMBUCCA HEADS project or the Devils PulpitMACKSVILLE upgrade July – December 2012, LEGEND Upgrade completed Planning / design stage Under construction (which is currently being built).KEMPSEY expected work progress:


N TAREE 33 The environment impact statement is expected

0 25 50km NABIAC to be placed on display for public comment. TUNCURRY N PORT COOLONGOLOOK FORSTER 33Geotechnical field investigations will be MACQUARIE BULAHDELAH LEGEND KARUAH N substantially completed. RAYMOND TERRACE LEGEND Major roads HEXHAM LEGEND Upgrade completed Rivers NEWCASTLE Upgrade completed F3 FWY 33Detailed design will continue for Woolgoolga TAREE Upgrade approved, or I I I Railway preferred route identified, or route being prepared Upgrade approved, or for project approval, to Glenugie. State border or under construction preferred route identified, Route options identified: PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADE process underway to or route being prepared select preferred route 33We will continue to acquire the necessary Upgrade completed for project approval N properties. Upgrade approved, or Under construction preferred route identified, or being prepared for project DRAFT 3 / 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 approval Pacific HIghway LEGEND N Construction contract aw a r d e d / u n d e r c o n s t ru c t i o n Upgrade completed NEWCASTLE Airports are at Environmental Aerial view of the highway at Mororo assessments or concept Newcastle, Taree, Port F3 Freeway designs being prepared GOSFORD for the remaining sections NSW * The F3 FreewayMacquarie, to Raymond Terrace upgrade, Failford Road to Tritton Road upgrade and Coffs Harbour bypass of single lane highway Coffs Harbour, Under construction projects do not form part of the joint commitment to upgrade the Pacific Highway to four-lane divided highway 26 SYDNEY Ballina and Coolangatta. Lismore and Grafton

LEGEND Upgrade completed Environmental assessments or concept designs being prepared for the remaining sections of single lane highway Under construction 27 This paper is carbon neutral, Australian-made, recycled fibre, elemental chlorine free, carbon australian recycled pulp derived from sustainably managed sources. neutral made

For detailed information about any of the projects, visit the project website at or call the Pacific Highway office on1800 653 092 or 02 6640 1000 To receive progress information about work and initiatives on the highway, go to the website to register your details.