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UNCLASSIFIEDIGUU SummaryofAdministrativeReview Board Proceedingsfor ISN 1094 TheAdministrative Review Board was called to order . TheDesignatedMilitary Officer (DMO was sworn. The BoardReporter was sworn . The Translator was sworn. The Detainee entered the proceedings. The Presiding Officerannouncedthe convening authority andpurposeofthe AdministrativeReview Boardproceedings. TheAdministrative Review Board members were sworn . The AssistingMilitaryOfficerwassworn. The PresidingOfficeraskedthe Detaineeifhewishestomakea statementunderoath. (Muslimoath offered). The Detaineeacceptedtakingthe Muslim . ThePresidingOfficerreadthe hearinginstructionsto theDetaineeandconfirmedthat he understood The AssistingMilitaryOfficerpresentedtheEnemyCombatantNotificationForm ExhibitEC- A , to theAdministrativeReviewBoard. The AssistingMilitaryOfficerpresentedthe CombatantElectionForm Exhibit EC- B , to the AdministrativeReviewBoard. PresidingOfficer: Assisting Military Officer, please readthe comments from the Enemy Combatant Election AssistingMilitaryOfficer TheDetainee'sARBinterviewwas conductedon 07 December2005, andlasted28 minutes. Afterreviewingthe ARBspurposeand procedures, the UrdutranslatedUnclassifiedSummaryofEvidencewas read to the Detainee. TheDetaineestated heunderstoodthe differencebetweenthe CSRTandthe ARB Whenasked if wouldliketo attendthe ARB, presenta writtenor oral statement, or havethe AMO speakonhisbehalf, the Detaineestatedhe would attendthe ARB . TheDetaineestated hewouldspeakat the ARB andrespondpoint-by-pointto the UnclassifiedSummaryofEvidence. TheDetaineewas very cooperative, attentive, and cordialthroughoutthe interview copyofboththeEnglishandUrdutranslated UnclassifiedSummaryofEvidencewas providedto the Detaineeuponhisrequest. The 1094 Enclosure ( 6) Page of19 21799 UNCLASSIFIEDI UNCLASSIFIEDI Detainee's follow up interviews were conducted on 08 and 09 December 2005. The purpose for the follow - up meeting was to collect documentation that the Detainee wished to present to the ARB as evidence on his . Upon further review of the information the Detainee wished to present to the ARB , the AMO recommended Detainee provide comments after the entire Unclassified Summary of Evidence was presented. The Detainee requested the AMO read his responses on his behalf AdditionalComments: TheDetaineespeaksvery good Englishandfully understandsthe ARB'spurposeandprocedures, citingthat hehasbeenwaitingfor thisARB to beheld sincehislawyerinWashingtonD.C.hadinformedhimearlierthisyear ofwhatto expect. The Detaineewas concernedandquestionedifOARDEChad receivedthe packetof documentation lawyerhadsentin preparationfor the ARB. TheAMOfollowedup throughthe properchannelsto confirmthe packetwas receivedand notifiedthe Detainee. The Designated Military Officer presented the Unclassified Summary ofEvidence, Exhibits DMO - 1and, The FBIRedaction DMO to the Administrative Review Board The Detaineechoseto respondtothe UnclassifiedSummaryofEvidenceafterithad beenreadin its entirety The Designated Military Officer stated that a copy of these exhibits hadbeen previously distributed to the Assisting Military Officer. The DesignatedMilitary Officer gave a briefdescription of the contents ofthe UnclassifiedSummary of Evidence, ExhibitDMO -1 to theAdministrative Review Board Designated Military Officer: ( 3 ) The following factors favor continued detention : ( 3.a ) Commitment ( ) In approximately 1999, the Detainee traveled to Kandahar, Afghanistan to meet with Usama Bin Ladin to offer al Qaida the services ofhis media company Designated Military Officer : ( In the summer of 2000 , the Detainee traveled to Afghanistan with a group of men . This group included a terrorist facilitator and men bringing to Mullah Omar to support the Taliban . DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: ) A senior al Qaidaoperativestated the Detainee agreedto a planto usethe Detainee'stextilebusinessto smuggleexplosivesintothe UnitedStates. Theplanwas to place the explosivesinthe containersthat the Detainee used to shipwomen'sandchildren'sclothing. DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: ( 3.a.4) The Detaineeassisted senior al Qaidaoperativein choosinghomes inKarachi, Pakistanto useas safe houses for alQaidafamilies. ISN 1094 Enclosure 6) Page2 of 19 21800 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIEDI/ DesignatedMilitary Officer: ( Detaineeprovided shipping regulations regardingthe UnitedStates to a senior al Qaida operative. The Detaineewas sympathetic tothe extremist cause. DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: (3.b) Connections/ Associations ( senior al Qaida operative statedthatthe Detaineewas a Pakistanibusinessmanwho hada relationship with al Qaida. Designated Military Officer: ( The Detainee met with a senioral Qaidaoperative on several occasions DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: (3.c) Intent. ( 3.c.1) Duringdiscussionswitha senioral Qaida operativeaboutthependingwar in Iraq, the Detaineedisplayedstronganti-United States sentiment. The Detaineecommentedthat nuclearweaponsshouldbeusedagainst the UnitedStatestroopsbecausethousandscouldbekilledat once. TheDetainee suggestedthat weaponscouldbeacquiredfromothercountries, suchas China DesignatedMilitaryOfficer: (3.c.2) The Detaineestatedto a senioralQaidaoperative that nuclearreactorsinthe UnitedStateswouldbe excellenttargets for attack . DesignatedMilitary Officer: ( OtherRelevantData. The Detaineewas capturedin Bangkok, Thailandafter he was identifiedas a -rankingmember ofthe Anti Coalition Forces. The Detaineewas capturedwith documentsthathad significant intelligenceinformation. DesignatedMilitary : ( 4) The followingprimaryfactor favors releaseor transfer: ( 4.a) TheDetaineetraveledto Afghanistanto contributeto the establishmentofa school for girls inKandaharandothercities. The DesignatedMilitaryOfficerconfirmedthat hehadnofurtherunclassified informationandrequesteda closedsessiontopresentclassifiedinformationrelevantto thedispositionofthe Detainee. The Presiding Officer acknowledged the request. The Presiding Officer opened the Administrative Review Board to the Detainee to present information with the assistance of the Assisting Military Officer Assisting MilitaryOfficerpresentedwitnessstatements as exhibitsEC -C1- EC -C16 as evidence on behalf of theDetainee. These exhibits beenpreviouslyprovidedto the DesignatedMilitaryOfficerinadvance oftheAdministrativeReviewBoard. The Detaineeprovidedwritten responses to each allegationlistedin the Unclassified Summary of Evidenceto theAssisting Officer, whichare annotatedon the Enemy CombatantElectionForm responsesto the allegations were made part oftherecordbyreference. Additionally, the Detaineechose topresentan oral statementto theAdministrativeReviewBoard. ISN 1094 Enclosure( 6 Page 3 of19 21801 UNCLASSIFIEDI/ TheDetainee made the followingstatement: : The writtenresponsesto the allegations), you them , correct? AssistingMilitary Officer: [ the Detainee Otherthanthe statements youhave already providedinthe Enemy CombatantElection Form inregards to the Unclassified Summary ofEvidence, do youhave any additional comments or statements you would like to make to the ReviewBoard ? Detainee: Thereare a few thingsI would liketo add. Assisting Military Officer : I believe at this time, that is what the Review Board would like for you to do. Ifyou have any additional comments or statements, now is your opportunity to do so . PresidingOfficer Are thereany other issuesthat youwould liketojustvisitwiththe ReviewBoardaboutthis afternoon ? This is your timeto makeany statementyouwould likewithregardsto yourcase. Detainee: Onething I wouldlike to clarify. I visitedAfghanistanthreetimes duringthe tenure ofthe Taliban. Oneofthe mostdifficultissues facingthe countryof Afghanistan the issueofeducationfor females. I debatedwiththem ( the Taliban) a greatdeal on that issue. Evenfourteenhundredyears, whenIslamstarted, the preaching ofour profit . Evenhe Mohammed hadaninstitutionfor females. I convincedthem( the Taliban) on that issue thatfemalesshouldhaveeducation). They [ Taliban agreedthat females shouldbe allowededucationand thattheywould allowme to establishschools ( for females invariouspartsofthe country That is onepartI did notmentionin my statement referringto the writtenresponsesto the allegationslistedon the EnemyCombatantElectionForm PresidingOfficer: You wouldliketoadd by reference, intoyour statementat this time the following: one ofthe pointsyouwould likefor the ReviewBoardto consideris that youtraveledto Afghanistan, at your ownexpenseand convincedthe TalibanGovernment to establishschools for the educationofwomen Isthat correct? Detainee : Yes Sir. The Taliban ( agreed to this proposal, but the timing was not good for the Taliban at the time I made the proposal. There is a second point I would like to clarify . After the Taliban Government fell and the Northern Alliance established their government I went back to Afghanistan again. That was the fourth time inmy life that I had been to Afghanistan . I met with the Northern Alliance Ministers. I told them I had done many studies Afghanistan . I told them that their own industry already exists, but it was obsolete . For example , any machines or hardware they may have had were now obsolete . However, they had the buildings and the infrastructure was there to begin building up industry . ISN1094 Enclosure 6 Page4 of 19 21802 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIEDIKUO I told them Northern Alliance government they leased those buildings on a long term basis, roughly five to eight years, I would put up industrial units [ to help get the economy started . For example, I wanted to put together an assembly plant