An Illustrated Series on Germany's Experimental Aircraft of World War II David Myhra Bachem-Werke Ba 349 "Natter" David Myhra Schiffer Military History Atglen, PA Book Design by Ian Robertson. Copyright © 1999 by David Myhra. Library of Congress Catalog Number: 99-66304. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any forms or by any means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or information storage and retrieval systems - without written permission from the copyright holder. "Schiffer," "Schiffer Publishing Ltd. & Design," and the "Design of pen and ink well" are registered trademarks of Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. Printed in China. ISBN: 0-7643-1032-1 We are interested in hearing from authors with book ideas on military topics. Published by Schiffer Publishing Ltd. In Europe, Schiffer books are distributed by: 4880 Lower Valley Road Bushwood Books Atglen, PA 19310 USA 6 Marksbury Road Phone:(610)593-1777 Kew Gardens FAX: (610) 593-2002 Surrey TW9 4JF E-mail:
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[email protected]. Please include $3.95 postage. Try your bookstore first. Try your bookstore first. Bachem Ba 349 The Bachem Ba 349 [BP-20] "Natter"—meaning ers by Hermann Göring. Galland had been pretty much 509A2 bi-fuel liquid rocket engine producing 3,307 viper or snake—was, near war's end, one of the des- without a job until Hitler allowed to form a fighter group pounds [1,500 kilograms] thrust.