BS1 bus time schedule & line map

BS1 Greatstone-On-Sea View In Website Mode

The BS1 bus line (Greatstone-On-Sea) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Greatstone-On-Sea: 3:05 PM (2) : 7:35 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest BS1 bus station near you and nd out when is the next BS1 bus arriving.

Direction: Greatstone-On-Sea BS1 bus Time Schedule 41 stops Greatstone-On-Sea Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:05 PM Brockhill Park School, Saltwood Tuesday 3:05 PM Brockhill Park, Saltwood Wednesday 3:05 PM The Green, Saltwood Thursday 3:05 PM The Green, Saltwood Friday 3:05 PM Lea Close, Saltwood Lea Close, Hythe Civil Parish Saturday Not Operational

Harpswood Lane, Saltwood

Sir John Moore Avenue, Hythe BS1 bus Info Red Lion Square, Hythe Direction: Greatstone-On-Sea Road, Hythe Civil Parish Stops: 41 Trip Duration: 48 min Fort Road, Hythe Line Summary: Brockhill Park School, Saltwood, Brockhill Park, Saltwood, The Green, Saltwood, Lea Reachelds, Hythe Close, Saltwood, Harpswood Lane, Saltwood, Sir Alexandra Court, Hythe Civil Parish John Moore Avenue, Hythe, Red Lion Square, Hythe, Fort Road, Hythe, Reachelds, Hythe, Pennypot, Pennypot, Hythe Hythe, Prince Of Wales, Hythe, St George's Place, 1 Martello Drive, Hythe Civil Parish Hythe, Avenue, Hythe, Martello Lakes, Hythe, Botolph's Bridge Road, Hythe, Redoubt Way, Prince Of Wales, Hythe Dymchurch, New Beach Holiday Park, Dymchurch, Marine Avenue, Dymchurch, Tower Estate, St George's Place, Hythe Dymchurch, Burmarsh Road, Dymchurch, Young'S, Dymchurch, The Ship, Dymchurch, High Street, Dymchurch, High Knock, Dymchurch, The Fairway, St Palmarsh Avenue, Hythe Mary's Bay, Dunstall Lane, St Mary's Bay, Highlands Palmarsh Avenue, Hythe Civil Parish Crescent, St Mary's Bay, Jefferstone Lane, St Mary's Bay, Taylors Lane, St Mary's Bay, Dymchurch Road, Martello Lakes, Hythe St Mary's Bay, Warren Lodge, , The Warren Inn, New Romney, Cannon Street, New Botolph's Bridge Road, Hythe Romney, The Marsh Academy, New Romney, Light Railway Station, New Romney, St Andrew's Road, Redoubt Way, Dymchurch Littlestone-On-Sea, Madeira Road, Littlestone-On- Sea, Queens Road, Littlestone-On-Sea, Clark Road, New Beach Holiday Park, Dymchurch Hythe Road, Dymchurch Civil Parish Littlestone-On-Sea, Hardy Road, Greatstone-On-Sea, The Jolly Fisherman, Greatstone-On-Sea Marine Avenue, Dymchurch

Tower Estate, Dymchurch Hythe Road, Dymchurch Civil Parish

Burmarsh Road, Dymchurch Venture Close, Dymchurch

Young'S, Dymchurch

The Ship, Dymchurch New Hall Close, Dymchurch

High Street, Dymchurch

High Knock, Dymchurch

The Fairway, St Mary's Bay

Dunstall Lane, St Mary's Bay

Highlands Crescent, St Mary's Bay

Jefferstone Lane, St Mary's Bay Jefferstone Lane, St. Mary In The Marsh Civil Parish

Taylors Lane, St Mary's Bay Dymchurch Road, St. Mary In The Marsh Civil Parish

Dymchurch Road, St Mary's Bay

Warren Lodge, New Romney

The Warren Inn, New Romney

Cannon Street, New Romney

The Marsh Academy, New Romney

Light Railway Station, New Romney

St Andrew's Road, Littlestone-On-Sea

Madeira Road, Littlestone-On-Sea Madeira Road, New Romney Civil Parish

Queens Road, Littlestone-On-Sea

Clark Road, Littlestone-On-Sea Grand Parade, New Romney Civil Parish

Hardy Road, Greatstone-On-Sea

The Jolly Fisherman, Greatstone-On-Sea Dunes Road, New Romney Civil Parish Direction: Saltwood BS1 bus Time Schedule 41 stops Saltwood Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:35 AM The Jolly Fisherman, Greatstone-On-Sea Tuesday 7:35 AM Hardy Road, Greatstone-On-Sea Wednesday 7:35 AM Clark Road, Littlestone-On-Sea Thursday 7:35 AM Grand Parade, New Romney Civil Parish Friday 7:35 AM Queens Road, Littlestone-On-Sea Saturday Not Operational Madeira Road, Littlestone-On-Sea Madeira Road, New Romney Civil Parish

St Andrew's Road, Littlestone-On-Sea Littlestone Road, New Romney Civil Parish BS1 bus Info Direction: Saltwood Light Railway Station, New Romney Stops: 41 Trip Duration: 45 min The Marsh Academy, New Romney Line Summary: The Jolly Fisherman, Greatstone-On- Sea, Hardy Road, Greatstone-On-Sea, Clark Road, Sainsbury'S, New Romney Littlestone-On-Sea, Queens Road, Littlestone-On- Sea, Madeira Road, Littlestone-On-Sea, St Andrew's Cannon Street, New Romney Road, Littlestone-On-Sea, Light Railway Station, New Romney, The Marsh Academy, New Romney, Cannon Street, New Romney Civil Parish Sainsbury'S, New Romney, Cannon Street, New The Warren Inn, New Romney Romney, The Warren Inn, New Romney, Warren Lodge, New Romney, Dymchurch Road, St Mary's Warren Lodge, New Romney Bay, Taylors Lane, St Mary's Bay, Jefferstone Lane, St Mary's Bay, Cobsden Road, St Mary's Bay, Dunstall Lane, St Mary's Bay, The Fairway, St Mary's Bay, High Dymchurch Road, St Mary's Bay Knock, Dymchurch, High Street, Dymchurch, Country's Field, Dymchurch, Young'S, Dymchurch, Taylors Lane, St Mary's Bay The Oval, Dymchurch, Burmarsh Road, Dymchurch, Dymchurch Road, St. Mary In The Marsh Civil Parish Tower Estate, Dymchurch, Marine Avenue, Dymchurch, The Neptune, Dymchurch, New Beach Jefferstone Lane, St Mary's Bay Holiday Park, Dymchurch, Redoubt Way, Dymchurch, Jesson Close, St. Mary In The Marsh Civil Parish Botolph's Bridge Road, Hythe, Martello Lakes, Hythe, Palmarsh Avenue, Hythe, St George's Place, Hythe, Cobsden Road, St Mary's Bay Prince Of Wales, Hythe, Pennypot, Hythe, Kingsland Hollow, St. Mary In The Marsh Civil Parish Reachelds, Hythe, Hythe Light Railway Station Hythe (DA), Sir John Moore Avenue, Hythe, Red Lion Dunstall Lane, St Mary's Bay Square, Hythe, Brockhill Park, Saltwood, Brockhill Park School, Saltwood The Fairway, St Mary's Bay

High Knock, Dymchurch

High Street, Dymchurch

Country's Field, Dymchurch High Street, Dymchurch

Young'S, Dymchurch

The Oval, Dymchurch Burmarsh Road, Dymchurch

Tower Estate, Dymchurch Hythe Road, Dymchurch Civil Parish

Marine Avenue, Dymchurch

The Neptune, Dymchurch

New Beach Holiday Park, Dymchurch

Redoubt Way, Dymchurch

Botolph's Bridge Road, Hythe

Martello Lakes, Hythe

Palmarsh Avenue, Hythe Palmarsh Avenue, Hythe Civil Parish

St George's Place, Hythe

Prince Of Wales, Hythe

Pennypot, Hythe 1 Martello Drive, Hythe Civil Parish

Reachelds, Hythe Alexandra Court, Hythe Civil Parish

Hythe Light Railway Station Hythe (DA)

Sir John Moore Avenue, Hythe

Red Lion Square, Hythe Dymchurch Road, Hythe Civil Parish

Brockhill Park, Saltwood

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