March / April 2021 A Publication of The University of Southwestern Medical Center Campus Edition Class of 2021 celebrates Match Day Soon-to-graduate students learn where they will serve their residencies in virtual event brate the milestone as students neared By Patrick Wascovich graduation. Many joined to watch the Class of 2021’s top Months of anticipation turned to countdown clock and hear the drum- destinations for instant excitement for 207 fourth-year roll – both UT Southwestern traditions – before opening their long-awaited medical students on Friday, March 19, 1. UT Southwestern (56) as they joined together via computer email notifications. on Match Day to learn where they will “The Medical School Class of 2021 train as residents. marks a group of medical professionals 2. Baylor College of Medicine (10) For a second consecutive year, who straddle two very different time Match Day for UT Southwestern periods in medicine – before COVID-19 3. Emory University School medical students and many others and after COVID-19,” said Dr. Melanie nationwide became a virtual event due S. Sulistio, Associate Dean for Student of Medicine (7) to the coronavirus pandemic. Instead Affairs. “Not surprisingly, because of of gathering together in person to open their unique experiences and perspec- 4. UT Dell Medical School their envelopes in the Bryan Williams, tive, these students are incredibly and McGovern Medical School M.D. Student Center, UT Southwestern resilient, graceful under pressure, academic leaders organized a virtual and have risen far beyond the call to at UTHealth (tied-6) meeting where students could join serve others.” Dr. Daniel K. Podolsky, President; Dr. This year’s seniors, as well as their 5. UT Health Science Center at W. P. Andrew Lee, Executive Vice Presi- faculty instructors, had to pivot at a key dent for Academic Affairs, Provost, and clinical phase of their medical educa- San Antonio and University Dean of the Medical School; and Dr. tion before continuing to operate in a More than 200 UT Southwestern Medical School students celebrated of Washington Affiliated Charles Ginsburg, Vice Provost and new landscape throughout their final simultaneously with medical students nationwide at 11 a.m. CDT on Friday, March Senior Associate Dean for Education, year, said Dr. Angela Mihalic, Dean of 19, when they opened emails revealing where they matched for residencies. Hospitals (tied-5) along with many other faculty, to cele- Please see MATCH DAY on page 4 See pages 4-5 for additional coverage, including photos and Match Day list. Howell-Stampley named Master of Cary College mentoring, the colleges provide “Throughout my formative years, I was naturally drawn to By Lori Sundeen Soderbergh a learning environment in science and ultimately developed a passion for it. I also had a Dr. Temple Howell-Stampley has been named Master of Cary which clinical and professional strong desire to be of service to others that was instilled in me by College at UT Southwestern Medical School, succeeding Dr. Arthur skills are taught and modeled by my mother. Medicine was my chosen path to unite both of those Sagalowsky, who retired from that role after 10 years. the mentors. The students also passions,” said Dr. Howell-Stampley. Dr. Howell-Stampley is a Professor of Internal Medicine and engage in team-based learning During her time at UT Southwestern, she has seen the impor- Department Chair and Program Director of the Physician Assis- activities that further their tance of diversity and inclusion expand in many ways. Of the six tant Studies program in the School of Health Professions. She has knowledge of medical ethics and academic colleges, half are now led by women as college masters. served as a Cary College mentor for the past four years and will professionalism, both of utmost “Dr. Howell-Stampley is an accomplished clinician and be the first African American female physician to hold the title of importance in the practice of educator,” said Dr. William Gary Reed, Associate Dean for Quality, Master of an academic college at UT Southwestern. medicine. The long-term goal is Safety, and Outcomes Education and Headmaster of Academic Colleges. “We are excited and honored that Dr. Howell-Stampley “What a wonderful opportunity to play a role in developing to develop excellent physicians has agreed to assume this important position.” future health care professionals,” said Dr. Howell-Stampley, a who are caring, compassionate, UTSW faculty member since 1997. “Mentorship of students and and empathetic. ■ faculty is one of my passions.” “Mentorship matters,” Dr. Cary College is one of six colleges at the Medical School, along Howell-Stampley said. “It has Dr. Howell-Stampley holds the P. Eugene Jones, Ph.D., PA-C with Estabrook, Fashena, Pritchard, Seldin, and Sprague. Students played an important role in Dr. Temple Howell-Stampley Professorship in Physician Assistant Studies, and the Cissy and W. are assigned to a college at the beginning of their first year, helping my own life and I believe it’s Plack Carr, Jr. Professorship in Medical Education. them transition to Medical School life by fostering friendly my duty to give back to others.” She oversees Cary College, both Dr. Reed holds the S.T. Harris Family Distinguished Chair in competition, collaboration, common bonds, and camaraderie. mentors and mentees, to ensure that the students develop strong Internal Medicine, in Honor of Gary Reed, M.D., and the Eva A. Each academic college has 10 or more faculty mentors who oversee professional and clinical skills while establishing solid support Rosenthal Professorship in Internal Medicine, in Honor of Gary about six students each. In addition to individual and group networks. The new role expands her own path of service. Reed, M.D. UTSW quality and safety Studies shed light on how, where improvements boost rankings – the body can add beneficial fat cells subcutaneous fat just under the skin in and save more than 500 lives By Carol Marie Cropper humans. This second study also found Gaining more fat cells could help that a commonly used cancer drug could since January 2018 at UT South- By Patrick McGee in the fight against diabetes and other jump-start healthy fat cell creation in western’s William P. Clements Jr. diseases. Two new studies from UT South- mice, raising the possibility of future drug Dr. Sterling Overstreet has University Hospital. western provide insight into how and treatments for humans. noticed a tremendous change in “Antibiotics get in the patient where the body adds those cells. While fat isn’t popular, as long as the Emergency Department in over 100 minutes faster whenever The studies, published recently in people overeat they will need a place to recent years. It’s not the result we’re using the established order Cell Stem Cell, describe two processes store the excess calories, explained Dr. of COVID-19 – or even because set for sepsis,” said Dr. Overstreet, that affect the generation of new fat Philipp Scherer, Director of the Touch- of any physical changes to the Assistant Professor of Emergency cells. One reports how fat cell creation stone Center for Diabetes Research and ER space. Rather, it reflects a Medicine and Quality Officer for is impacted by the level of activity in senior author of the first study focusing cultural shift at UT Southwestern Health System Affairs. “Overall, tiny organelles inside cells called mito- on mitochondria. There are two options, in which teams of doctors and the patient receives treatment chondria. The other outlines a process he said: squeezing more lipids (fat) into nurses are working more effi- significantly faster, which we that prevents new fat cells from devel- existing fat cells and ballooning their ciently, saving more lives. know reduces mortality.” oping in one fat storage area in mice – size, leading to problems such as inflam- For example, by reworking This and other changes the area that correlates with the healthy Please see FAT CELLS on page 2 how patients are diagnosed and have been implemented over a treated for sepsis, deaths related period of two and a half years at This image shows a blood vessel in fat More inside on page 2: Study identifies trigger for the chronic inflammation leading to to the bloodstream infection Clements University Hospital and tissue, surrounded by fat progenitor cells obesity and connections between the pandemic, mental health, and overeating. have decreased by 40 percent Please see QUALITY on page 7 (in green).

INSIDE THIS ISSUE PAGE State of the Campus Autism Research Advances Fighting COVID-19 UT Southwestern President Dr. One study identifies a gene linked to Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett shares Match Day 4-5 Daniel K. Podolsky and other autism while another uses songbirds insights as a prominent NIH Class Notes 6 executive leaders share accom- to investigate speech development. researcher at the forefront of plishments of the past year and COVID-19 vaccine development. News Makers 8 priorities going forward. Visit our website at Page 3 Page 6 Page 7

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OBESITY RESEARCH ADVANCES Pandemic increases substance abuse, mental health issues for those struggling with obesity Wellness Program. Sarah Messiah, an Adjunct By Lori Sundeen Soderbergh According to the Centers for Professor of Population and Data The COVID-19 pandemic is Disease Control and Prevention, Sciences who is now affiliated having a detrimental impact on more than 42 percent of American with the UTHealth School of substance use, mental health, adults have obesity. Obesity-related Public Health. and weight-related health behav- health conditions include heart The researchers noted that the iors among people with obesity, disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes, patients surveyed were predomi- according to research findings and certain types of cancer that nantly white, college-educated from UT Southwestern and the are some of the leading causes of individuals with middle- to high- UTHealth School of Public Health. preventable, premature death. income levels. Thus, the survey The study, published in Clin- Nearly 70 percent of the results may not be generalizable ical Obesity, surveyed 589 patients patients reported that it was more to other populations and may not with obesity (defined as a body difficult to achieve their weight accurately assess the burden of mass index of 30.0 or higher) loss goals during the pandemic, the pandemic on obesity-related who are enrolled in the UT South- with about half spending less time health behaviors in lower socio- western Weight Wellness Program, on exercise. These findings were economic status and/or ethnic a multidisciplinary weight man- minority populations dispropor- agement and post-bariatric care similar to another paper authored Dr. Jaime Almandoz tionately affected more by obesity clinic. Nearly half of the group by Dr. Almandoz last year, which home orders had been lifted in and COVID-19. The survey partic- reported using recreational drugs was one of the first studies to North Texas. ipants were established weight and alcohol, and 10 percent show the impact of shelter-in- management patients with health reported increased use since the “Many patients with obesity are place orders on health behaviors insurance – not representative of start of the pandemic. Seventeen also challenged by mental health in people with obesity. of the patients have tested positive conditions. Those who reported “This study demonstrates that the average American challenged for COVID-19. anxiety, depression, and trouble adults with obesity continued with obesity, in which less than 2 Almost a quarter (24.3 percent) sleeping were two to four times to engage in the same behaviors percent receive anti-obesity medi- of the patients reported using more likely to increase their use of and struggled with mental health cations and fewer than 1 percent opioids in the 30 days preceding substances. For those who reported challenges, even after lockdown undergo bariatric surgery. the survey and nearly 10 percent stress eating, there was a sixfold orders were lifted. We need to reported using sedatives or tran- increase in substance use,” said study develop interventions targeting More online: Read the full quilizers. Patients were surveyed author Dr. Jaime Almandoz, Assis- these vulnerable groups, such as story on Center Times Plus at from June 1, 2020, to Sept. 30, tant Professor of Internal Medicine telehealth options and outreach 2020, after COVID-19 stay-at- and Medical Director of the Weight efforts,” said senior author Dr. Blood vessel cells implicated in chronic inflammation of obesity tory molecules – into WAT. By Sarah Williams In 2018, Dr. Gupta and his When fat cells in the body are stuffed with excess colleagues identified a new type fat, the surrounding tissue can become chroni- of cell lining these blood vessels in cally inflamed, which is one of the driving factors mice – an adipose progenitor cell behind many of the diseases associated with obesity. (APC), or precursor cell that goes UT Southwestern scientists recently discovered a type on to generate mature fat cells. of cell responsible in mice for triggering this inflam- But unlike most APCs, the new mation in fat tissue. Their findings, published in cells – dubbed fibro-inflammatory Nature Metabolism, could eventually lead to new ways progenitors, or FIPs – produced to treat obesity. signals that encouraged inflam- Dr. Rana Gupta “The inflammation of fat cells in individuals with mation. In the new work, the obesity is linked to many of the comorbidities we asso- researchers looked more closely at the role of the FIPs in ciate with being overweight – cancer, diabetes, heart mediating inflammation. disease, and infection,” said study leader Dr. Rana Within just one day of switching young male mice to Gupta, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine. “By a high-fat diet, Dr. Gupta and his colleagues discovered identifying these cells, we’ve taken a step toward under- that the FIPs quickly increased the number of inflamma- standing some of the initial events that contribute to tory molecules produced. After 28 days on a high-fat diet, that inflammation.” they found a substantial increase in the proportion of When a person consumes more calories than needed, the excess calories are stored in the form of FIPs compared with other APCs. triglycerides inside fat tissue, also known as white “This is the first study to demonstrate that these cells adipose tissue (WAT). Researchers know that in people play a very active, early role in being gatekeepers of inflam- with obesity, WAT becomes overworked, fat cells begin mation in fat tissue,” said Dr. Gupta. to die, and immune cells become activated. But the Dr. Gupta and his colleagues went on to show that exact mechanism by which this inflammation occurs increasing levels of a related signaling molecule, ZFP423, in FIPs can also ameliorate the inflammation in mouse A UTSW study identified a type of blood vessel cell that triggers inflammation in isn’t fully understood. fat tissue. Above, inflammatory immune cells (green) surround fat cells (red) in While many studies have focused on the signaling mole- fat cells. obesity and contribute to the development of metabolic disease. cules produced by the fat cells or immune cells in WAT that “It looks like ZFP423 could be an important brake in might contribute to inflammation, Dr. Gupta’s team took terms of slowing the inflammatory signals in these cells,” a different approach. They focused instead on the vessels said Dr. Gupta. “Of course, it remains to be seen if that’s More online: Read the full story in the newsroom at that carry blood – as well as immune cells and inflamma- true in humans as well as mice.”

the organs, creating inflammation. The healthiest In Dr. Scherer’s study, “Understanding the mechanism is an impor- Fat Cells Continued from page 1 place to store fat is in subcutaneous fat, Dr. Gupta researchers man-ipulated tant first step,” Dr. Scherer said, referring to the said. Ironically, that is where mice in his study the protein MitoNEET in findings from the two studies. “We will have mation and, eventually, diabetes; or creating were least able to create new fat cells even though the outer membrane of the to learn in the future how to manipulate these new fat cells to help spread the load. Fat stored stem-cell-like progenitor cells primed to become pre-cursor cells’ mitochon- processes pharmacologically.” properly – in fat cell layers under the skin (subcu- fat cells were present there as well, he said. dria. The resulting mito- First author of Dr. Scherer’s study is post- taneous fat) that aren’t overburdened instead of Dr. Gupta’s mouse study identified a process chondrial dysfunction and doctoral researcher Dr. Nolwenn Joffin. In Dr. around organs (visceral fat) or even inside organs that prevents progenitor cells from developing drop in cell metabolism Gupta’s study, the first author is Dr. Mengle Shao, – is the healthy alternative, he said. into fat cells in mouse subcutaneous inguinal fat. caused precursor cells to Assistant Instructor of Internal Medicine. Problems follow if existing fat cells are left on The protein HIF-1a, central to the process, kicks lose the ability to become their own to become engorged, added Dr. Rana off a series of cellular actions that ultimately new fat cells and increa- ■ Gupta, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine inactivate a second protein called PPARgamma, Dr. Philipp Scherer sed inflammation. and senior author of the second study. “When the key driver of fat cell formation. “This study shows we can manipulate the Dr. Scherer holds the Gifford O. Touchstone, these cells are so overwhelmed that they can’t When researchers inhibited HIF-1a, progen- precursor cells’ willingness to become fat cells,” Jr. and Randolph G. Touchstone Distinguished take it anymore, they eventually die or become itor cells could then make subcutaneous inguinal Dr. Scherer said. “The ability to recruit new fat Chair in Diabetes Research, and the Touchstone/ dysfunctional, spilling lipids into places not fat cells, and fewer were inflamed or fibrotic. cells by tickling these pre-fat cells to become fat West Distinguished Chair in Diabetes Research. intended to store fat,” Dr. Gupta said. Next, they tested the cancer drug imatinib and cells is very important and has profound benefi- Those lipids may move into the liver, leading found it had the same effect. The drug was tried cial effects on health, particularly in the obesity- to fatty liver disease; to the pancreas, resulting in because it was known to have beneficial effects prone environment that we all live in.” More online: Read the full story on Center diabetes; or even to the heart, causing cardiovas- against diabetes in cancer patients with both Next, Dr. Scherer said his goal is to design a Times Plus at cular disease. Visceral, or belly fat, may surround diseases, Dr. Gupta said. drug that could stimulate mitochondrial activity.

President: Dr. Daniel K. Podolsky Editors: Debbie Bolles, Steve Kaskovich Executive Vice President for Institutional Advancement: Dr. Marc Nivet Writers: Erica Boehm, Christen Brownlee, Carol Marie Cropper, Nyshicka Jordan, Patrick McGee, Lori Sundeen Soderbergh, Interim Assistant Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs: Center Times is published by the Office of Communications, Marketing, and Public Affairs at Patrick Wascovich, Sarah Williams UT Southwestern Med­ical Center. UT Southwestern is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Diane McGhee Copy Editors: Denita Nash, Rachel Stowe Master Employer. Women, minorities, veterans, and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Director, Institutional Communications: Debbie Bolles

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Southwestern Health Resources ACO listed No. 1 in U.S. for Medicare savings ipating in the Next Generation ACO with the Department of Health and 2015. It was approved in 2017 to western Accountable Care Network, From Staff Reports Model, which is Medicare’s highest- Human Services, this accountable participate in the Next Generation the organization was among the The Southwestern Health Resources risk ACO model. SWHR’s results care model is evaluated on its ability ACO Model. first accountable care organizations (SWHR) Accountable Care Network represent more than 20 percent of to deliver better care for individuals, Prior to this, SWHR achieved to participate in the CMS Medicare saved Medicare more than $52 million total savings generated by all Next better health for populations, and successful performance results as part Shared Savings Programs. in 2019, placing it at the top of organi- Generation ACOs. These savings are lower growth in expenditures. of the CMS Medicare Shared Savings Southwestern Health Resources zations participating in the Centers for in addition to other discounts and “These successful results reaf- Program (MSSP), the national initia- includes 29 hospital locations and Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) other built-in reductions established firm the effectiveness of our clini- tive to reduce costs by coordinating more than 5,000 physicians and other and delivering better health care Next Generation Accountable Care by CMS. SWHR also saved more than cally integrated network of academic providers. With more than 500 points for Medicare patients. This included Organization (ACO) Model. Since any of the nation’s approximately 550 and community doctors and hospi- of access to care, this provides for delivering cumulative savings of $73 joining the Next Generation program regular Medicare ACOs. tals,” said Dr. Andrew Ziskind, Senior higher value and allows patients to million during a three-year period in 2017, SWHR has saved the program SWHR coordinates care for Executive Officer of Southwestern access services across a full continuum (for 2014, 2015, and 2016), combined nearly $120 million. nearly 100,000 Medicare beneficia- Health Resources. “Being ranked No. of medical needs. The network coordi- with maintaining a top-decile nates care for approximately 700,000 Southwestern Health Resources, ries in North Texas aligned through 1 in the nation for the third year in a th quality score in the 95 percentile people in 17 counties in North Texas. a clinically integrated health care the Next Generation ACO Model – row further demonstrates the success nationally. SWHR’s quality scores SWHR operates the nation’s highest network, was formed in 2015 by more than any other ACO in North of the physician-driven strategies improved 5 percent among estab- rated Next Generation Accountable UT Southwestern and Texas Health Texas and the fourth largest in the SWHR has designed to build a stronger lished measures and 13 percent on Care Organization for savings. Resources to broaden and simplify nation. With this model, CMS sets system of care. While we’ve achieved preventive measures. North Texans’ access to leading predictable financial targets, enables significant savings, we also have SWHR’s network includes medical care by blending the providers and beneficiaries greater significantly improved the quality of UT Southwestern faculty, Texas More online: Read the full story in strengths of the state’s largest health opportunities to coordinate care, and care delivered to patients.” Health Physicians Group members, the newsroom at UTSouthwestern. care providers. aims to attain the highest-quality SWHR has been among the coun- and independent community physi- edu/newsroom. SWHR is one of the 41 ACOs partic- standards of care. In accordance try’s top-performing programs since cians. Formerly called the UT South-

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MATCH DAY | 2021 A ‘match’ made virtually UT Southwestern medical students share excitement of residency match reveals

By Nyshicka Jordan and Lori Sundeen Soderbergh Medical school presents a four-year challenge, but those who cross the finish line and find their perfect match understand that the struggle is worthwhile. Several medical students from the Class of 2021 reflected on their unprece- dented time at UT Southwestern, described what a residency match means to them, and shared their reactions upon learning where they are headed next.

Samantha Black Petra Constable

Match Day went entirely virtual for the second straight year due to the pandemic. Medical students joined the group celebration from private gatherings and shared their announcements via the Zoom event and social media. Match: UT Southwestern Match: McLennan County Family Specialty: Dermatology Medicine Reaction: “This is amazing news for Specialty: Family Medicine For 2021, the top five residency specialties More online: my professional career and my family! Reaction: “I am so happy! God has I am beyond grateful to continue been so gracious, and my family has selected by UTSW graduates were: training at this fantastic institution.” been so incredibly supportive. I’m For more Match Day coverage, ready for you, Waco!” including videos, additional stories, Internal Medicine Family Medicine and the full student spotlights, go Psychiatry Gray Umbach to Center Times Plus at Lucio Zapata Jr. Pediatrics Emergency Medicine

history. There were 38,106 total posi- while bringing individuals together Match Day tions offered, the most ever, and in a unique way that reflected the Continued from page 1 36,179 filled. selflessness of medical professionals “I could not be prouder of the Class in this era of COVID-19. Of the 207 Medical Students and Associate Dean of 2021. They have faced the circum- students who matched, 56 will serve for Student Affairs. stances of the past year with esprit their residencies at UT Southwestern “These students were in the midst de corps, determination, and grace,” and another 50 will train at other of their core clerkship rotations when said Dr. Blake Barker, Associate Dean Texas medical institutions. the pandemic hit,” Dr. Mihalic noted. for Student Affairs. “They have taken “As we transitioned from virtual advantage of every opportunity to ■ course offerings back into clerkships develop their craft and respond to the during the summer, their courage and needs of patients and our community. Dr. Ginsburg holds the Marilyn R. determination to return to the hospi- They are true leaders in the making, Corrigan Distinguished Chair in Pedi- tals and clinics to serve in a much- and I am genuinely honored to call atric Research. needed time and obtain the skills them colleagues.” Dr. Lee holds the Atticus James Match: University of Utah Health Match: UC San Francisco required to progress in their ability to While Match Day 2021 at Gill, M.D. Chair in Medical Science. Specialty: Neurosurgery Specialty: Dermatology care for patients was impressive.” UT Southwestern and around the Dr. Podolsky holds the Philip Reaction: “I am just excited to know Reaction: “I was excited to see I The MS4s and their faculty mentors nation appeared much different O’Bryan Montgomery, Jr., M.D. where I will be training and want matched at Utah because I feel like then had to adjust to a completely new than in recent years, it still reflected Distinguished Presidential Chair in to walk in Day One and focus on they expressed that they wanted me set of rules, timelines, and processes both the spirit of the Medical School Academic Administration, and the being the best resident I can be to be part of their team. I’m thankful during the residency application community and medicine itself by Doris and Bryan Wildenthal Distin- going forward.” to my mom, dad, siblings, and season, she added. Over the past year, honoring hard work and achievement guished Chair in Medical Science. mentors. I could not have done this visiting rotations at other hospitals journey without them. Tyler Huffaker were canceled, interviews transitioned to a virtual format, and application Hai-Uyen Nguyen and selection dates were delayed. “This is a historic year that will likely not be repeated. The faculty who serve as specialty advisers for the departments sprang into action to ensure that every student had the rotations, letters of recommen- dation, and guidance and practice with virtual interviews to succeed in the match,” Dr. Mihalic said. “It was a pleasure working with the Class through the various challenges that we have faced together over the past year. I anticipate that the grit and determination they have demon- strated will benefit them in their residency training and future careers in medicine – and ultimately count- less patients.” Each year, fourth-year medical Match: UT Health San Antonio Match: University of Washington students across the U.S. complete Specialty: Internal Medicine Affiliated Hospitals applications and deep-dive interviews Reaction: “It’s a whirlwind to experi- Specialty: Psychiatry for residency programs in the medical ence life-changing events in different Reaction: “I’m ecstatic to continue my specialties of their choosing. The ways, with the birth of my twins training next year at the University of National Resident Matching Program and Match Day happening so close Washington in Seattle. I’m so grateful (NRMP) then uses an algorithm to together, so I am looking forward to to all of my mentors who have guided determine the highest match based my future and all the possibilities that me through this application process, off rankings given by both students come with growing both my family and I’m happy to be at a place where and programs. The 2021 Main Resi- and career.” I’ll receive great training.” dency Match was the largest in NRMP

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MATCH DAY | 2021


ANESTHESIOLOGY OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY Northwell Zucker Hillside, N.Y.; Hai-Uyen Nguyen, Jacqueline Chavez, U North Carolina Hosps; Sandra Laura Kenyon, UT Southwestern; Taylore King, U Wash Affil Hosps; Justin O’Brien, UT South- Chavez-Carmona, UT Southwestern; Rodney Chen, Emory U SOM, Ga.; Sarah Manning, Wright State western; Swetha Ramamurthy, UT Southwestern; U Rochester/Strong Memorial, N.Y.; Anthony Dao, U-Wright State Air Force Base; Priyanka Mehta, Tiana Raphel, UCLA Semel Inst for Neuroscience; UT Southwestern; Jessica Fults, U Alabama Med Ctr- Emory U SOM, Ga. Kayla Robinson, U Colorado SOM, Denver; Sydney Birmingham; Kyle Gashler, Baylor COM, Houston; Singleterry, U Illinois COM, Chicago; Tiffany Son, Kathryn Jan, UT Southwestern; Sadia Karani, Barnes- OPHTHALMOLOGY Barnes-Jewish Hosp-Mo.; Harini Suresh, Beth Jewish Hosp-Mo.; Sandy Kim, NYP Hosp-Columbia Hamza Bhalli, LSUHSC, Shreveport, La.; Matthew Israel Deaconess Med Ctr, Mass. U Med Ctr, N.Y.; Brendan Swain, UT Southwestern; Gregory, U Florida COM, Jacksonville (Prelim- Kevin Truong, UT Med School, Houston; Judy Yang, inary-Surgery, U Florida COM, Jacksonville); PSYCHIATRY/FAMILY MEDICINE Thanos Rossopoulos, UC San Diego Med Ctr. NYP Hosp-Columbia U Med Ctr, N.Y. Aishwarya Ramamurthi, UT Southwestern; Betty Tong, UT Southwestern. DERMATOLOGY RADIATION ONCOLOGY Samantha Black, UT Southwestern (Transitional ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Jonathan Schoenhals, Ohio State U Med Ctr. Scott Bueno, UT Southwestern; Michael Gross, (Preliminary-Internal Medicine, Med Coll Year, John Peter Smith Hosp, Fort Worth); UT Southwestern; Neeraja Balachandar, UT South- UT Southwestern; Robert Hermann, UT South- Wisconsin Affil Hosps). Christian Carr, UT Southwestern (Preliminary- western; Peter Butler, Emory U SOM, Ga.; Alvin western; Casey Lee, UT Southwestern; Andrew Internal Medicine, UT Southwestern); Connor Chung, Temple U Hosp, Pa.; Max Cruz, UT Rio Naden, UT Southwestern. RADIOLOGY-DIAGNOSTIC Hughes, UT Austin Dell Med School (Prelimi- Grande Valley; Christine Dang, U Miami/Jackson Alexander Bass, UT Southwestern (Preliminary- nary-Internal Medicine, Virginia Mason Med Health System, Fla.; Edward Daniel, Barnes-Jewish ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Internal Medicine, Presbyterian Hosp, Dallas); Ctr, Wash.); Stacy Kasitinon, UT Southwestern Hosp-Mo.; Pallavi Dev, UT Southwestern; Aseel Isabel Alvarez, Harbor-UCLA Med Ctr.; Alejandro Bryan Bishop, U Utah Health (Transitional Year, (Preliminary-Internal Medicine, Presbyterian Dweik, UT Southwestern; Calvin Geng, U Virginia; Diaz de Leon, UC San Francisco-Fresno; Dang-Huy Intermountain Med Ctr, Utah); Akilan Gopal, Hosp, Dallas); Jeffrey Li, U Miami/Jackson Health Jaskeerat Gulati, UT Southwestern; Sabhi Gull, Do, UT Southwestern; Daniel Gelvez, LSU SOM, UT Med School, Houston (Transitional Year, System, Fla. (Transitional Year, Providence Sacred UT Rio Grande Valley; Stephen Haff, Emory U Broward Health Med Ctr, Fla.); Diana Hoang, UT New Orleans; Jennifer Liu, Methodist Hosp, Heart Med Ctr, Wash.); Stephen Li, Northwestern SOM, Ga.; Waqas Haque, NYU Grossman SOM, Med School, Houston (Transitional Year, HCA Houston; Terrul Ratcliff, UT Southwestern; Easton McGaw/NMH/Va.-Ill. (Preliminary-Internal N.Y.; Tyler Huffaker, UTHSC, San Antonio; Houston Healthcare/U Houston); Darren Imphean, Ryan, Massachusetts General Hospital; Joshua Medicine, Kaiser Permanente-San Francisco); Angelina Iyinbor, Yale-New Haven Hosp, Conn.; UT Southwestern (Preliminary-Internal Medicine, Sun, UT Southwestern; Brian Wahlig, Mayo Clinic Edgar Martinez, UT Austin Dell Med School (Tran- Anya Kalsbeek, U Utah Health; Keith Liu, Baylor Presbyterian Hosp, Dallas); Aladdin Khalaf, Brook- School of Graduate Med Educ, Minn.; William sitional Year, Virginia Mason Med Ctr, Wash.); COM, Houston; Jason Lu, Baylor COM, Houston; wood Baptist Health, Ala.; William Ou, Barnes- Young, UTHSC, San Antonio. Lucio Zapata, U Utah Health (Preliminary-Internal Nikhil Madhusudhan, UT Southwestern; Harris Jewish Hosp-Mo. (Preliminary-Internal Medicine, Medicine, Amita St. Joseph Hosp, Ill.); Jane Zhu, Majeed, U New Mexico SOM; Courtney McNeely, OTOLARYNGOLOGY Presbyterian Hosp, Dallas); Nishitha Reddy, Emory UT Med School, Houston; John Menchaca, U SOM, Ga. (Transitional Year, Riverside Commu- UT Southwestern (Transitional Year, John Peter Nicholas George-Jones, U Iowa Hosps and Clinics; Smith Hosp, Fort Worth). Emory U SOM, Ga.; Leah Mikesky, Baylor U nity Hosp, Calif.); Lelia Williams, Baylor Scott & Connie Ma, Vanderbilt U Med Ctr, Tenn.; Flora Yan, Med Ctr, Dallas; Navina Mohan, NYU Grossman White Med Ctr, Texas (Transitional Year, John Temple Univ Hosp, Pa. EMERGENCY MEDICINE SOM, N.Y.; Anika Morgado, Vanderbilt U Med Peter Smith Hosp, Fort Worth); Chong Zhou, Yale- Jackson Agraz, U Virginia; Christian Brewer, U Okla- Ctr, Tenn.; Reshma Narain, UT Southwestern; PATHOLOGY New Haven Hosp, Conn. (Preliminary-Internal homa COM, Tulsa; Christian Davidson, NYP Hosp- Danh Nguyen, UT Southwestern; Katherine Medicine, UTHSC, San Antonio). Blaine Berger, Baylor Scott & White Med Ctr, Columbia & Cornell, N.Y.; Bryant Dixon, UT South- Panettiere Kennedy, Johns Hopkins Hosp, Md.; Texas; Joshua Pierce, UCLA Med Ctr. western; Cooper Hale, Northwestern McGaw/ Christine Park, Baylor COM, Houston; Colton Pence, SURGERY Chukwubinyelum Amaechi, UT Southwestern; NMH/Va.-Ill.; Asher Horowitz, HCA Healthcare/ NYP Hosp-Weill Cornell Med Ctr, N.Y.; Syed PEDIATRICS Joseph Balaban, U Tenn. Grad SOM, Knoxville; USF Morsani GME-Oak Hill, Fla.; Ryan Itoh, UHS Rizvi, UT Southwestern; Ramiro Rodriguez, UT Jennifer Bachand, Children’s Hosp, Boston; Sanjana Balachandra, SUNY HSC Brooklyn, N.Y.; S Calif. Med Ed Consortium; Kathryn Krause, Rio Grande Valley; Kyle Saysana, Massachusetts Zoe Brown, U Chicago Med Ctr, Ill.; Morayah Ricardo Garza, Texas Tech U Affil, El Paso; Omar UT Southwestern; Kendra Maple, U Florida COM- General Hosp; Lauren Shaffer, Hosp of the U of Pa.; Ciprien, UT Austin Dell Med School; Aya Embabi, Harirah, UT Southwestern; Eduardo Hernandez, Shands Hosp; Nikola Milanko, UT Southwestern; Sidrah Shah, Baylor COM, Houston; Anjanya Singh, UT Southwestern; Joseph Formella, UT South- HCA Medical City Healthcare, Texas; Natasha Stephen Rodriguez, Palm Beach Consortium for Presbyterian Hosp, Dallas; Aaron Smith, UT South- western; Rohit George, UTHSC, San Antonio; Houshmand, Johns Hopkins Hosp, Md.; Maya Hunt, GME, Fla.; Carolyn Shanks, UT Southwestern; western; Katelynn Smith, Duke U Med Ctr., Alexandra Ghaben, UC San Diego Med Ctr; Samuel N.C.; Catherine Sobieski, U Utah Health; Naveen Indiana U SOM, Ga.; Bernadette Peltier, Emory Bradley Upchurch, Indiana U SOM; Tyler Yates, Glick, UCLA Med Ctr; Allyson Liu, Baylor COM, Subramanian, UT Med School, Houston; Adrienne U SOM, Ga.; Priscilla Tanamal, LSU SOM, New Zucker, SOM-Northwell Staten Island U, N.Y. Houston; Priya Mathew, UT Austin Dell Med Walker, Baylor COM, Houston; Justin Wong, UC San Orleans; Zoe Tao, Oregon Health & Science U. School; Lakshmi Menon, U Oklahoma COM, Okla- Diego Med Ctr.; Calif.; May Xac, UT Southwestern. FAMILY MEDICINE homa City; Vi Pham, UT Southwestern; Meredith Amber Allen, John Peter Smith Hosp, Fort Worth; SURGERY-PRELIMINARY INTERNAL MEDICINE/PEDIATRICS Rae, Baylor COM, Houston; Maya Rao, U Wash Zachary Christian, Baylor COM, Houston; Katherine Cantu, John Peter Smith Hosp, Fort Affil Hosps; Leah Rushin, Morehouse School of Zachary Blair, UT Southwestern; Samarth Daniel Mohammadi, U Wash Afill Hosps; Khanh Worth; Petra Constable, McLennan County Fam Medicine, Ga.; Layla Samandi, Children’s Hosp, Med; Micah Gamble, Ventura County Med Ctr, Shrivastava, UT Southwestern. Nguyen, UT Southwestern; Clementine Young, Boston; Micah Tatum, U Wash Affil Hosps; Kyle UT Southwestern. Calif.; Leon Gu, HCA Houston Healthcare/U INTERNAL MEDICINE-PRELIMINARY Willett, U Virginia; Amy Xia, U Wash Affil Hosps; Houston; Sara Hassan Youssef, UT Med Branch, Neha Mulpuri, UT Southwestern; Kinnari Ruikar, Kaili Yang, UT Southwestern. TRANSITIONAL YEAR Galveston; Kevin Ma, PeaceHealth Southwest Med UT Southwestern; Aemen Zamir, UT Southwestern. Zachary Farni, Naval Med Ctr, Portsmouth, Va. Ctr, Wash.; Emily Magallanes, John Peter Smith PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION Hosp, Fort Worth; Jack McDaniel, UT Austin Dell NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY Kristin Bristow, UT Southwestern; Brandon UROLOGY Med School; Logan Mills, John Peter Smith Hosp, Gray Umbach, UC San Francisco. Fletcher, UTHSC, San Antonio; Jasmina Solankee, Jorge Fuentes, Houston Methodist Hosp; Inkkaruch Fort Worth; Albert Mo, Memorial Hermann Hosp, UT Southwestern. Kuprasertkul, Wash U; Jacob Stevens, U Wisconsin Texas; Olivia Nguyen, Ventura County Med Ctr, NEUROLOGY Clinical Science Ctr. Calif.; Akinjide Onifade, HCA Medical City Health- Sonal Gagrani, UT Austin Dell Med School; Ramya PSYCHIATRY care, Texas; Rigo Palomarez, CHRISTUS Health, Krothapally, UT Southwestern; Kayla Maaraoui, Darara Borodge, Vanderbilt U Med Ctr, Tenn.; Anna ■ Texas; Ashley Young, UT Med School, Houston. UT Southwestern; Trung Nguyen, UT Southwestern; Davis, U Virginia; Esteban Garcia, HealthONE, Landon Simpkins, Tulane U SOM, La.; Michelle Tsai, Colo.; George Han, U Hosps, Jackson, Miss.; This list does not include matches for 2021 students INTERNAL MEDICINE Ochsner Clinic Foundation, La.; Ailing Yang, Beth Christine Hernandez, UTHSC, San Antonio; Daniel who asked for no publicity, students pursuing alter- Khaled Al-hreish, Baylor U Med Ctr, Dallas; Hasan Israel Deaconess Med Ctr., Mass. (Preliminary- Howard, UTHSC, Tyler; Michael Ji, Texas Tech native careers, or students who are taking a year off Ali, Baylor COM, Houston; Naveen Balakrishnan, Internal Medicine, Mt. Auburn Hosp, Mass.) U Afill, Lubbock; Min Hyung Lee, Zucker SOM- before starting their residency training.

Mar_Apr_CAMPUS_2021.indd 5 4/8/21 12:55 PM Page 6 March / April 2021

ADVANCES IN AUTISM RESEARCH Gene involved in autism spectrum disorder identified had changes in these vocalizations. ingly, eight out of nine patients also By Erica Boehm “Initially we found that the had a complete lack of speech. UT Southwestern scientists utilized quality of these vocalizations was This work will expand beyond forward genetics, a classic research different in mice with KDM5A muta- KDM5A as researchers search for technique, to identify genes involved tions. Looking more closely, we found more genes involved in ASD, a in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In that mice completely lacking KDM5A subject of research for which the a study in eLife, the researchers used have a severe deficit in the number simplicity and efficiency of forward this approach in mice to find one such of these vocalizations,” said Dr. genetics come in handy. gene called KDM5A. Maria Chahrour, who led the study. “The wonderful thing about Approximately 1 in 54 children Dr. Chahrour is Assistant Professor forward genetics is that we can in the U.S. are diagnosed with ASD, of Neuroscience, Psychiatry, and grind away at the genome. We know a neurodevelopmental disorder that in both the Eugene McDermott progressively how much of the causes disrupted communication, Center for Human Growth and genome we’ve saturated,” said Dr. difficulties with social skills, and Development and Center for the Beutler, who estimates that his group repetitive behaviors. It is hypoth- Genetics of Host Defense. has already mutated about half of the esized that thousands of genetic In addition to loss of vocaliza- mouse genome with this approach. mutations may contribute to ASD. tions, mice lacking KDM5A also But to date, only about 30 percent displayed repetitive behaviors ■ of cases can be explained by known had to be done by laborious cloning,” with a screen developed to ascertain and deficits in social interaction, genetic mutations. said Nobel Laureate Dr. Bruce ASD-like behaviors in mice, made it Dr. Beutler, also a Professor learning, and memory – all hall- For decades, forward genetics has Beutler, Director of the Center for the possible to use forward genetics for of Immunology and a Regental Genetics of Host Defense at UTSW the first time to identify new genetic marks of ASD. been used to find mutations associ- Professor, holds the Raymond and and study co-author. “We developed mutations in ASD. Because this was the first time ated with various diseases. It involves Ellen Willie Distinguished Chair a platform wherein when you see a In this study, the research team that KDM5A had been implicated inducing genetic mutations in mice, in Cancer Research, in Honor of phenotype you know the mutational documented the quality and number in ASD, the researchers looked into screening for certain phenotypes, Laverne and Raymond Willie, Sr. and then identifying the causative cause at the same time.” of vocalizations in young mice whether KDM5A mutations could mutation through sequencing of all So, when a mouse displays a carrying induced genetic mutations. be found in patients with autism as genetic material of an organism, or certain phenotype or trait of interest, Given that one of the common char- well. Through international collab- More online: Read the full story its genome. the researchers would know almost acteristics seen in autism is disrupted orative efforts, the group was able to in the newsroom at “The difficult part in the begin- instantly what genetic mutation was communication, the researchers identify nine patients with ASD and ning was finding the mutations. It causing it. This technique, combined were on the lookout for mice that causative KDM5A mutations. Strik-

Forming sound memories: Birdsong helps identify role of autism-associated gene Inactivating gene prevents birds from learning fathers’ songs, could shed light on speech development in humans

ment, blocking babies from forming memo- By Christen Brownlee ries of adult speech they hear around them Inactivating a gene in young songbirds that’s and hindering their own communication as closely linked with autism spectrum disorder they grow.” (ASD) prevents the birds from forming memories If this finding is reinforced in future studies, necessary to accurately reproduce their fathers’ he added, it could lead to new types of therapy songs, UT Southwestern research suggests. The for children with autism. Current ASD therapies findings, published in Science Advances, may centered on speech development often focus on help explain the deficits in speech and language helping children learn the motor skills neces- that often accompany ASD. sary to produce sounds. However, Dr. Roberts Mutations of this gene, FoxP1, are known said, helping children form speech memories to cause a specific subtype of autism associated Dr. Genevieve Konopka Dr. Todd Roberts may be more important. In the future, he said, with severe language impairment and intellec- it may be possible to avoid speech deficits by tual disability. practicing, Roberts and his colleagues used a replacing the missing FoxP1 protein using gene Dr. Todd Roberts, Associate Professor of technique called RNA interference to “knock editing or altering FoxP1-regulated signaling Neuroscience, said learning vocalizations for down” FoxP1 in the birds’ high vocal center using pharmaceuticals. both songbirds and humans consists of two region of their brains. This technique used different stages: First, birds and humans must constructs created in the lab of study co-author the songs. However, birds in which FoxP1 ■ form a memory of sounds. Next, they practice Dr. Genevieve Konopka, Associate Professor was inactivated before memorization sang the sounds through imitation. of Neuroscience. haphazard songs that bore no resemblance to Dr. Konopka is a Jon Heighten Scholar in To understand FoxP1’s role in this process, When the researchers analyzed the birds’ the ones their fathers sang. Autism Research. young zebra finches were split into two groups: songs in adulthood, they found that only “Our results suggest that FoxP1 is key for Dr. Roberts is a Thomas O. Hicks Scholar in Half the birds spent their early lives with those with active FoxP1 during the song forming the song memories in these birds that Medical Research. their singing fathers; the other half were kept memorization phase were able to accu- are critical for imitation later in life,” said Dr. with their songless mothers and later joined rately reproduce their fathers’ songs. If this Roberts, a member of the Peter O’Donnell Jr. More online: Read the full story in the news- their fathers. Either before the birds formed gene was knocked down during the practice Brain Institute. “A similar deficit in humans room at memories of the songs or before they began phase, these birds could still correctly mimic could play a parallel role in speech develop-

Experts discuss need for more Black male doctors amid CLASS release of ‘Black Men in White Coats’ documentary

In February, UT Southwestern held a virtual panel discussion to address the low NOTES number of Black men who pursue careers as physi- IN MEMORIAM cians and the release of the documentary Medical School Graduate School Royce Laycock, M.D. (’54) Clinton H. Howard (’54) “Black Men in White Thomas Preston Wood Jr., M.D. (’55) Coats.” The film was John L. Gough, M.D. (’56) Housestaff produced by Dr. Dale George T. Devaney, M.D. (’57) Loren V. Baker Jr., M.D. Okorodudu, Assistant John “Frank” Stokes M.D. (’57) James B. Cotner, M.D. Professor of Internal Robert W. Noble, M.D. (’60) Col. Brian M. Davis, M.D. Medicine. Dr. Okorodudu Samuel “Ainslie” Shelburne Jr., M.D. (’60) founded the organization Black Men in White Minah Molly Hanson, M.D. (’61) School of Health Professions Coats, also the film’s namesake, to inspire Van Q. Telford, M.D. (’65) David M. Lammers (’75) young Black men to pursue medicine. UTSW John B. Barnett, M.D. (’69) Herbert P. Ozment (’89) panelists included Dr. Okorodudu; Dr. Quinn Klaus O. Rees, M.D. (’70) Linda Robbins Conlee (’92) Capers IV, Associate Dean for Faculty Diver- Andrea S. Granzotti, M.D. (’89) sity; and Cameron Holmes, a third-year UTSW medical student; plus Dr. Barry-Lewis Harris For the latest updates on alumni events and news, visit engage.utsouth- II, Medical Director of Correctional Health and follow @utswalumni on Facebook. Services at Parkland Memorial Hospital. Dr. Please send your Class Notes contributions or address changes to the Marc Nivet, Executive Vice President for Insti- Office of Development and Alumni Relations, UT Southwestern Medical tutional Advancement, served as moderator for Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75390-9009, email alumni@ the event. Drs. Capers and Nivet both appear, or call 214-648-4539. in the documentary. To learn more, go to Clockwise from top left: Panelists included Dr. Dale Okorodudu, Dr. Quinn Capers IV, Cameron Holmes, and Dr. Barry-Lewis Harris II.

Mar_Apr_CAMPUS_2021.indd 6 4/8/21 12:56 PM March / April 2021 Page 7 Scientist at forefront of COVID-19 vaccine development shares insights school and college students. All wanted to hear a component of the NIH. Since 2014, when she “All of the data to date show these vaccines By Patrick Wascovich from an NIH research fellow who initially made was appointed to the NIAID’s Vaccine Research to be effective,” Dr. Corbett said. “We’re seeing Celebrated viral immunologist Dr. Kizzmekia national headlines by personally briefing then- Center, Dr. Corbett’s efforts have focused on that the antibodies that are induced are hanging S. Corbett, who helped develop what became President Donald Trump on March 3, 2020, developing novel coronavirus vaccines. out and are remaining strong. Moderna and the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, provided about the emerging global COVID-19 threat. After studying pathogens such as respiratory Pfizer vaccines are both about 95 percent effec- insight into its creation and rapid deployment “She is presenting syncytial, dengue, and influenza viruses, Dr. tive, AstraZeneca is showing 90 percent, and the during a virtual presentation at the 2021 Ida M. up to eight lectures a Corbett became a recognized expert with deep Johnson & Johnson vaccine is up to 85 percent.” Green Lecture Honoring Women in Science and month, so we were so knowledge and understanding of human anti- Dr. Corbett said that the success of the current Medicine. Currently one of the nation’s most fortunate in being able body responses and how genetics can impact the variety of messenger RNA vaccine formulas in-demand speakers, Dr. Corbett described how to invite Dr. Corbett severity of a disease. She proved to be the right bodes well for scientists to be best prepared for the candidate vaccine, in just a few months, went to give this lecture at person in the right spot when she began getting the next inevitable threat to global health. from scientific concept at the National Institutes such an opportune emails in January 2020 from NIH colleagues The Ida Green Lecture, now in its 28th year, of Health (NIH) to national distribution of a two- time,” said Dr. Carole including Drs. Anthony Fauci and Barney is sponsored and funded by the Southwestern dose regimen that has shown to be more than 90 Mendelson, Professor Graham concerning a respiratory outbreak in Medical Foundation. The late Mrs. Green, the wife percent effective. of Biochemistry and Wuhan, China, and the need for her team “to of Texas Instruments co-founder Cecil H. Green, “We’re in the third wave of coronavirus Obstetrics and Gyne- buckle up.” And Dr. Corbett didn’t flinch early in always championed careers for women in science. infections, and if we wait for herd immunity to cology, who co-chairs the pandemic when Dr. Fauci predicted the world WISMAC is a standing committee of UT South- bring us back to normalcy, 40 million people UT Southwestern’s Dr. Kizzmekia S. Corbett might see an effective vaccine in about a year. western whose goals are to raise the international will have to succumb to the disease,” said Dr. Women in Science In response to the ongoing pandemic, the visibility and recognition of women in science Corbett. “A vaccine can reduce transmission and Medicine Advisory Committee (WISMAC) concept incorporated in candidate vaccine and medicine at UTSW and to provide inspiration and make it safer to return to normal life. I call with Dr. Sharon Reimold, Professor of Internal mRNA-1273 was designed by Dr. Corbett’s team and career guidance for female trainees, faculty, it vaccine community service. Immune people Medicine. “One of the committee’s major goals from viral sequence data. It was then rapidly and senior administrators. are essentially roadblocks to transmission of is to encourage young women to pursue careers deployed to industry partner Moderna for a the virus.” in STEM by example, and Dr. Corbett serves as Food and Drug Administration-approved phase ■ Dr. Corbett’s Feb. 10 virtual presentation, a spectacular role model for young women in 1 clinical trial, which began only 66 days from Dr. Reimold holds the Gail Griffiths Hill “My Journey to COVID-19 Vaccine Develop- general, as well as for young women of color in the viral sequence release, an unprecedented Chair in Cardiology. ment: From Basic Biology To Prevention,” gener- particular,” Dr. Mendelson added. time frame. What followed was a whirlwind ated more than 1,800 advance registrations Dr. Corbett is a senior research fellow and the series of ever-larger successful trials that ulti- from students, postdoctoral trainees, residents, scientific lead for the coronavirus vaccines and mately resulted in Moderna’s vaccine receiving More online: Read the full story on Center faculty, and staff, as well as numerous groups immunopathogenesis team at the National Insti- emergency use authorization from the FDA on Times Plus at in the North Texas community, including high tute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dec. 18, 2020.

Quality Mortality Improvement University Hospitals Continued from page 1 UT Southwestern’s clinics to increase BETTER patient quality and safety outcomes. Mortality By bringing a new level of scrutiny 3 to each step of the clinical process, continuous improvements have saved UTSW 0.64 an estimated 563 lives from January 2018 to August 2020, said Dr. William Daniel, Vice President and Chief TEXAS AVERAGE 0.70 Quality Officer. After joining UT Southwestern in November 2016, Dr. Daniel made ALL AMC AVERAGE 0.90 reduction of sepsis – a problem faced by hospitals nationwide – his first priority. Dr. Sonja Bartolome, Professor USNWR HONOR 0.82 of Internal Medicine and Associate ROLL AVERAGE Vice President of Ambulatory Quality Outcomes, said the key was taking a holistic approach to the issue. 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 “Quality and safety are mostly about making the system around the Various quality improvement practices put in place over a period of two and a patient, doctor, and nurse work opti- mally,” Dr. Bartolome said. “This lets half years at William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital have helped advance Case Mix Index the doctors and the nurses do their patient quality and safety outcomes. part, and lets everything else run “Once the numbers tell a story, A ‘Magnet’ for success smoothly and without errors in the there’s no arguing. They can see it, Dr. Hernandez led UT South- UTSW 2.12 background. That’s what the core of they can see that they’re making a western’s effort to achieve Magnet quality and safety is about.” difference,” she said. designation in 2016, an elite status granted by the American Nurses TEXAS AVERAGE 1.68 Targeting sepsis Changes lead to improvement Credentialing Center for excellence Dr. Daniel and his team identified Critical steps had to be taken in aligning the goals of nurses with sepsis reduction as the main target and performed in the correct order the organization’s overall improve- ALL AMC AVERAGE for improvement because it was the to increase efficiency. Sophisticated ment in patient outcomes. 1.87 greatest threat to patients. According software was implemented to replace Dr. Daniel said this designation, to the Centers for Disease Control manual processes. As a result, commit- held by only 8 percent of hospitals in USNWR HONOR and Prevention, 1.7 million adults ment to teamwork increased due to the United States, was one of the major 2.03 ROLL AVERAGE get sepsis, and it kills nearly 270,000 the greater emphasis placed on atten- drivers of UT Southwestern’s quality people nationwide every year. Three- tion to the process – resulting in lives and safety efforts. quarters of patients who get sepsis saved in every hospital service line. Ashley Holroyd, Associate Vice 00 .5 11 .5 22 .5 Ove come to a hospital’s Emergency Depart- “This is a credit to the real change President of Quality Operations, came ment, so the focus there was intense. in work culture,” Dr. Daniel said. to UT Southwestern in 2018 to find Analysis showed Clements Univer- “Teamwork is the reason we were able areas to improve and speed up care. Over 500 lives saved since Jan 2018 sity Hospital staff were doing every- to get to these super-elite levels of She leads a team of 70, including UT Southwestern outperformed peers on driving down mortality rates no matter thing right to address sepsis, but that patient survival.” 12 industrial engineers and process how it is measured, on the state level, in comparison to other academic medical taking steps more quickly could save Among 2,800 hospitals ranked by optimization experts who work with centers, or in comparison to other institutions that rank in U.S. News & World more lives. their 30-day mortality rates by the health care providers to analyze Report. UT Southwestern achieved this despite having a high-case mix index, “For sepsis, we realized that the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare each step of the operational process, meaning a high number of diverse patients with clinical complexity and medical earlier you recognize someone has the Services, UT Southwestern skyrock- seeking areas to improve. resource needs. infection, the better. Every hour delay eted from No. 700 to as high as No. 12 “It’s about creating value for brings about a 4 percent increase in in just three years. The hospitals were our patients, as well as creating the health care workers used quality and advance, once thought to be unattain- mortality,” Dr. Daniel said. ranked for their 30-day mortality in optimal environment for our care- safety principles to improve care for able, reduces complication risks and Following activation of new quality five areas: acute myocardial infarc- givers to be able to provide the highest COVID-19 patients. increases patient comfort. and safety improvements, patients tion, coronary artery bypass graft, level of care. We want to empower the Dr. Daniel, a 1990 graduate of And in several operating rooms, were screened for sepsis. If certain chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- staff, through resources and training, UT Southwestern Medical School, new “black box” technology has been criteria were met, nurses did not wait ease, heart failure, pneumonia to become problem solvers,” Ms. said health care providers rethought installed to record all aspects of a for a doctor’s orders to start antibiotics. and stroke. CMS gives Clements Holroyd said. procedures for resuscitating COVID-19 surgery so physicians and nurses can Rather, they were empowered, starting University Hospital five stars, its Her data analytics team builds patients and found ways to put fewer review data and find ways to improve. in January 2018, with standing dele- highest rating. scorecards and dashboards to track providers at risk for exposure to the “Quality and safety improvements gated orders to start treatment. The improvements in quality performance and identify opportu- virus. Equipment was placed outside are not an administrative or bureau- This approach was so new that outcomes, in turn, have boosted nities throughout the organization, patient rooms and configured to cratic structure,” Dr. Daniel said. “It’s some nurses checked with the Texas patient satisfaction, which rises while project management and trans- deliver the same level of support for really about engagement and empow- Board of Nursing to see if this could be when patients perceive their health formation teams provide additional the patient. Exposure was reduced erment at the very front lines.” done, according to Chief Nurse Execu- care providers are working together resources to facilitate change. while still maintaining high levels of tive Dr. Susan Hernandez, who said she as a team. In 2019, UT Southwestern patient resuscitation. ■ and other leaders welcomed the skep- ranked fourth among academic Quality improvement as a philosophy Members of the UTSW liver trans- ticism because teamwork and honest medical centers in patient experi- This new look-for-something- plant team also embraced the new Dr. Daniel holds the William T. scrutiny were needed to ensure success. ence as measured by Vizient Inc., to-improve philosophy has spread philosophy and found ways to get Solomon Professorship in Clinical Dr. Hernandez said nurses then a company that tracks health throughout UTSW’s clinical culture. patients off breathing machines before Quality Improvement at UT South- embraced the changes – and saw results. care indicators. So when the pandemic hit this year, they leave operating rooms. This western Medical Center.

Mar_Apr_CAMPUS_2021.indd 7 4/8/21 12:56 PM Page 8 March / April 2021 Reviving exhausted immune cells to fight cancer Removing a key gene could help T cells effectively attack solid tumors state, referred to as “exhaustion,” is accompa- By Christen Brownlee nied by the addition of proteins, including PD1 Exhaustion resistant CAR-T cells for solid tumors Eliminating a single gene can turn exhausted and Tim3 on their surfaces and an inability to cancer-fighting immune cells known as CD8+ T produce their usual immune-inciting molecules, CAR-T cells upon infiltrating tumors express PD1 and Tim3 (the inhibitory receptors) and become cells back into refreshed soldiers that can continue such as Interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis T cells CAR-T cells ‘exhausted,’ which fails to kill tumor cells. to battle malignant tumors, UT Southwestern factor. Finding a way to prevent CAR-T cells from v research suggests. The findings, published in the becoming exhausted has become a significant Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer, could offer a goal in cancer research, Dr. Poojary added. Death new way to harness the body’s immune system Toward this end, he and his colleagues Genetic reprogramming to recognize tumor antigens to attack cancers. scoured published research comparing gene In 2017, the Food and Drug Administra- activity in working and exhausted T cells. The tion approved treatments involving chimeric researchers quickly zeroed in on a gene called antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cells, which consist Cbl-b, which is more active, or upregulated, in of immune cells known as T cells that have exhausted cells. Deletion of Cbl-b Increased survival been engineered to recognize specific proteins Dr. Poojary and his colleagues confirmed using CRISPR on the surface of cancer cells. When these cells that Cbl-b was activated in T cells that infiltrated “Exhaustion resistant” are delivered by infusion, they mount a targeted tumors in a mouse model of colon cancer. Not CAR-T cells Cbl-b deficient CAR-T cells do not express PD1 and immune response against cancer cells. only did these cells lose their tumor-fighting abili- Tim3 and become efficient tumor cell killers.a CAR-T cells have been successfully used to treat blood cancers such as leukemia and ties, but they also developed a characteristic set lymphoma, often with dramatic results, said of cell surface proteins and inability to produce, and his team deleted this gene from CAR-T “Our study is a major step forward in devel- Dr. Venuprasad Poojary, Associate Professor of or express, immune molecules characteristic of cells engineered to recognize carcinoembry- oping CAR-T cells to fight solid tumors,” Dr. Internal Medicine and Immunology. However, exhaustion. However, when the scientists used the onic antigen, a cell surface protein commonly Poojary said. “This could overcome the limita- these treatments have had little success against gene editing tool CRISPR to delete Cbl-b in these overexpressed in colon cancer, the cells tions of some current immunotherapy strategies solid tumors, such as those that develop in the cells, they regained their cancer-fighting capacity effectively fought cancer in mice bearing for cancer.” colon, breast, and lung. and lost other exhaustion features. these tumors – significantly extending their When CAR-T cells enter these solid tumors, Dr. Further experiments showed that removing survival. However, CAR-T cells with func- More online: Read the full story in the news- Poojary explained, they quickly become dysfunc- Cbl-b also prevented exhaustion specifically tioning Cbl-b quickly became useless, providing room at tional and lose their cancer-fighting abilities. This in CAR-T cells, Dr. Poojary added. When he little anti-tumor effect in animal models. Simulation helps refine pediatric care guidelines for COVID-19 that causes COVID-19, to health care equipment and medications and others By Christen Brownlee workers. To help protect hospital staff, actively treating the simulated patient. Simulation exercises helped to the American Heart Association (AHA) The COVID-19 pandemic required Dr. Nichols said the team identified refine pediatric care guidelines and and the Society of Critical Care Medi- “us to find new ways to provide the best several problems with the proposed

educate staff in new procedures, a cine (SCCM) published recommen- guidelines written for UTSW/Chil-

recent study from UT Southwestern’s dations in April 2020 for performing care for our patients while protecting dren’s Health. For example, the team Department of Pediatrics shows. these procedures on patients who “ found that two nurses rather than one The findings, published in Pediatric are either positive for COVID-19 or health care workers and educating these were needed at the patient’s bedside Quality and Safety and originally suspected of having the virus. workers quickly on new procedures. during resuscitation to prevent task shaped around new COVID-19-related Because children who are criti- overload. Additionally, communica- pediatric resuscitation protocols at cally ill with COVID-19 make up - Dr. Blake Nichols tion needed to be refined since the PPE UTSW and Children’s Health, could just a fraction of the patient popu- prevented team members from clearly Dr. Blake Nichols eventually be used to help implement lation, resuscitation is thankfully a seeing facial expressions or hearing other types of guidelines at medical rare event, said Dr. Nichols. But this differences from the usual resusci- in a mock resuscitation event. commands as they normally would. centers nationwide. rarity also makes it more difficult to tation procedures, including involv- The team tested two scenarios: In “The COVID-19 pandemic required For decades, U.S. hospitals have create practical guidelines around ing a medical team with signifi- one, a mock patient posed under a us to find new ways to provide the best care for our patients while protecting used the same standard procedures these scenarios. cantly fewer members, making sure plastic equipment drape that had been health care workers and educating for CPR and intubation. But when To evaluate best practices, Dr. each member is fully secured in repurposed as a protective shield, these workers quickly on new proce- the COVID-19 pandemic began early Nichols and his colleagues performed personal protective equipment (PPE) confirming its utility for protecting dures,” Dr. Nichols said. “We’ve shown last year, some details of these proce- a simulation using protocols that before entering a patient’s room, and health care workers during intuba- that simulation provides a great oppor- dures needed to change, explained Dr. differ from the typical simulation ensuring the patient is enclosed in as tion and CPR and determining how to tunity to accomplish this goal.” Blake E. Nichols, Assistant Professor of events used for CPR or intubation much protective gear as possible to secure the shield around the patient Pediatrics at UTSW and a critical care training. The researchers started with block the spray of infectious droplets. for best results. In another, the team physician at Children’s Health. new guidelines written by a UTSW/ Dr. Nichols assembled a team of ped- performed simulated intubation More online: Read the full story in CPR and intubation are among Children’s Health committee based iatric intensive care physicians, nurses, and CPR on a mannequin in a nega- the newsroom at UTSouthwestern. procedures with the highest risk of on AHA and SCCM recommenda- respiratory therapists, and a writer from tive pressure room, with some team edu/newsroom. spreading SARS-CoV-2, the virus tions. These guidelines had distinct the guidelines committee to participate members outside the room passing off

“They said the ER was not working well forging paths toward cures. research alliance with MJFF a decade later. NEWS and asked me to supervise the ER in addition “It is a tremendous honor to have my work In 2014, a group of researchers led by Dr. to being a cardiologist,” Dr. Atkins said. “I did and that of my trainees recognized by this Dauer developed a preclinical model that this for five years.” award,” said Dr. Dauer, who is also Professor of mimics dystonia, a movement disorder and MAKERS During that time, Dr. Seldin also asked Dr. Neurology and Neuroscience at UTSW. “Two symptom of Parkinson’s characterized by Atkins and Dr. Erwin Thal, who would go on things make the award particularly special. painful, prolonged muscle contractions that to become Professor of Surgery, to work with First, it was presented to me by one of my long- result in abnormal movements and postures. Atkins receives award the Dallas Fire Department to develop a para- term and most beloved patients. Nothing helps In some cases of dystonia, a mutation in for EMS contributions medic program. (Dr. Thal died in 2014.) In keep in focus the real-life importance of science For almost 50 years, Dr. James Atkins, the DYT1 gene causes brain cells to make a all, starting in 1973, Dr. Atkins served as a like interacting with people suffering from the Professor of Internal Medicine and a cardiologist, less active form of a protein called torsinA. co-Medical Director of the Dallas Fire Depart- disease. Second, the co-sponsors of the award, has played an integral role in Dallas emergency Dr. Dauer created the dystonia model by the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the Bach- medicine. He has been a leader in advancing ment EMS program for a decade and Medical weakening the torsinA function, which led to emergency medicine services at UTSW, served Director for about 30 years. mann-Strauss Dystonia Foundation, are special the death of certain brain cells that control the Dallas Fire Department EMS program for Looking back over his career, Dr. Atkins organizations that have done so much for the movement. This important tool has allowed four decades, and chaired the Committee on said he has enjoyed the variety of his roles. “I field of movement disorders.” scientists to better explore the biology of Accreditation of Educational Programs for the became involved in many state and national Dr. Dauer came to UT Southwestern in July dystonia’s onset and progression and test the Emergency Medical Services Professions. organizations and helped develop programs 2019 from the University of Michigan, where impact of therapies. A member of the Texas EMS Hall of Fame, around Texas and the nation as well as he had served as Director of the Movement The Bachmann-Strauss Prize includes Dr. Atkins has received awards from the abroad. The many friendships with leaders Disorders Group and Director of the Morris a $100,000 research grant. American Heart Association, the Food and were especially rewarding for a small town K. Udall Center of Excellence for Parkinson’s “These funds will be used to advance our Drug Administration, and the National Heart, Texas boy.” Disease Research. work defining the molecular and connec- Lung, and Blood Insti- “Dr. Dauer has spear- tivity abnormalities of a specific neuronal cell tute. Most recently, the Dystonia work earns Dauer headed groundbreaking type (striatal cholinergic interneurons) that American College of Bachmann-Strauss Prize research that explores produces the abnormal twisting movements Emergency Physicians As an acclaimed physician-investigator in the underlying causes, that characterize dystonia,” Dr. Dauer said. “A honored him with its dystonia and Parkinson’s disease, Dr. William development, and treat- particularly exciting direction of the work is Outstanding Contribu- T. Dauer never loses sight of the inspiration for ment of dystonia. We our plan to explore in patients with the illness tion in EMS Award. his research – his patients. created the research the same cell type that we are focused on in our A 1967 graduate of Dr. Dauer, Director of the Peter O’Donnell, prize for this purpose – animal model work. Recent advances in PET UTSW Medical School, Jr. Brain Institute at UT Southwestern, is the to speed discoveries and imaging enable these cholinergic interneurons Dr. Atkins joined the recipient of the sixth annual Bachmann-Strauss testing of new therapies to be visualized.” UTSW faculty in the Prize for Excellence in Dystonia Research. to help people living Division of Cardiology Dr. James Atkins Given in partnership with the Michael J. Fox with this condition,” Dr. William T. Dauer ■ in 1972. Six months Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF), said Bonnie Strauss, who was diagnosed with later, he was approached by Dr. Donald Seldin, the prize honors dystonia researchers for key dystonia in 1984 and founded The Bachmann- Dr. Dauer holds the Lois C. A. and Darwin then-Chair of Internal Medicine, and Dr. Jay scientific discoveries and provides incentive for Strauss Dystonia & Parkinson Foundation in E. Smith Distinguished Chair in Neurological Sanford, Vice Chair of Medicine at the time. the next generation of investigators to continue 1995. The Foundation launched a collaborative Mobility Research.

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