Stanf- yer BEYOND NAPSTER: Copyright, Fair Use, Intellectual Property Collide in Cyberspace e-mal for life! ired ofhaving to send your new e Tmail address to family and friends every time you change your provider? Avoid the hassle by signing up today for a permanent Stanford Alumni Association (SAA) e-mail account Best of all, it~ FREE! Here's what you'll get: It's as easy as 1-2-3. • An address that's easy to remember Log on to OStanford ill number (above your name on
[email protected] the Stanfird Lawyer mailing label) • 24/7 access to your mail on the C1 After you've signed up, you might want to Web-great when you're traveling ~ update your address in the SAA online • Automatic forwarding to your Alumni Directory to let your friends know where you are. Just click on "Update Your every-day account-keep current Profile." This directory is a great resource. with classmates and friends ~ Contact your Law School friends Ii:.I and classmates frequently ... They'll be glad and so will you. SUMMER 2001 / ISSUE 60 Contents Features ,------------------------------_e 14 BEYOND NAPSTER By Doug Fine Copyright, Fair Use, and Intellectual Property Collide in Cyberspace P2P networking technology has revolutionized file swapping, but now new business models are emerging to beat down the legal challenges faced by upstarts like PROFESSOR Napster. Here's what the experts LAWRENCE LESSIG ----1------111IIII--------- see in our digital future. I 20 ELECTION REVIEW By Mel Taylor Stanford Law School was very well represented during Election 2000.