Aromatherapy E-Journal


2007.2 NAHA E-Journal

About NAHA: *Board of Directors: Aromatherapy Journal President: Michele A. Miller-Clarke Vice President: Kelly Holland- Azzaro This is a live journal or in other words an Electronic version of Public Relations: Deborah the hard copy journal you are used to receiving. Please scroll Halvorson your way through to enjoy the journal as you have others in Director Coordinator (Director the past. This is the paperless waste free version that NAHA Liaison to the Board of Directors): has recently adopted. If you have trouble in viewing or would Shellie Enteen prefer a hard copy or a disk sent to you please contact us and Editorial Board: Shellie Enteen, we will send one out to you. Additional fees apply. Enjoy and Kelly Holland Azzaro, Lesley we look forward to hearing from you soon! Wooler Layout: Michele A. Miller-Clarke * Interested in volunteering? Click Here: volunteer.htm

Inside this issue (Click Links to go directly to titled page)

Response to Prepubertal Gynecomastia Pat J. Molter: Mitigating Harmful Behaviors with Essential oils

Dr. Vivian Lunny: Aromatherapy Foot Injury Treatment Book Review: Daily Aromatherapy

Updates from the Board: President, Vice President, Public Relations, Director Coordinator


© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved

NAHA President

Basil Mint Herbal Bread Dipping Oil

I love this recipe on Hot summer nights drizzled on fresh garden greens, during winter with a hearty soup I dip my bread in the oil with a splash of Balsamic Vinegar, and in general I enjoy tossing fresh blanched veggies and a hint of salt. I hope you enjoy this recipe, you may change the ingredients with any other herbs you find delightful, explore and expand your options. 1/8 Cup dried Basil leaves 1/8 Cup dried mint leaves 1 TBSP crushed Garlic 1 Tsp Salt 1 Tsp Fresh Ground Black Pepper 1 Tsp Sugar 1 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil 3 drops basil essential oil and 3 drops mint essential oil Grind dried herbs with salt and sugar into a fine powder. Pour powdered ingredients and Olive Oil into a glass jar or container, drop essential oils into mix, cover with a lid and shake well. Shake daily for 1 week and keep in a dark cool place. If you would like to use fresh herbs, increase herbs to 1/2 Cup each and add 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar to preserve ingredients and use immediately. Enjoy!

© Copyright NAHA All rights reserved 3 Keeping you Informed in Our Industry. . . In response to: Prepubertal Gynecomastia Linked to Lavender and Tea Tree Oil.

© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 4 Keeping you Informed in Our Industry. . . In response to: Prepubertal Gynecomastia Linked to Lavender and Tea Tree Oil.

© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 5 Keeping you Informed in Our Industry. . . In response to: Prepubertal Gynecomastia Linked to Lavender and Tea Tree Oil.

© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 6 Keeping you Informed in Our Industry. . . In response to: Prepubertal Gynecomastia Linked to Lavender and Tea Tree Oil.

For other links to the important issue Click here:

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NAHA Vice President

Kelly Holland Azzaro

Photo by Todd Bush By Kelly Holland Azzaro RA CCAP LMT

Summer for us is the height of our busy season, since we live and work within a small resort mountain town where many clients are part-time residents who reside at their beautiful mountaintop homes where they come to beat the summer heat. My husband and I prepare ourselves for our busy days by living- breathing-applying preventative holistic medicine (walk your talk), which includes taking natural vitamins and herbal supplements, eating healthy natural foods, daily exercise and aromatherapy body skin care regime. Time is set aside for meditation, prayer and positive affirmations giving ourselves space to creatively visualize how we want our day to flow in a mindful and supportive manner. We are now prepared to support the client to gently ease into the bliss of „mountain time‟ (as I affectionately call the „transitionary state of being‟ that many go through when they travel from a more high-strung area to a more peaceful place, allowing for peace of mind and grounding of spirit.) The client also receives the benefit of our balanced Qi (pronounced „chi‟) during any of the services we offer. Healer-heal thyself, something so true…how can you help others to heal them- selves if you yourself are not taking the time to tune into your own inner ability to heal yourself. Aromatherapy is certainly one way to „walk your talk‟ towards natural healing.

Summertime sharing: Essential Energy Blend (this blend is useful for when you need an extra boost during the middle of your busy work day and as a refreshing pick-me-up needed when taking the time to prepare a healthy meal, thus avoiding the temptation to or- der take out.)

Application: Topical use only. Excellent for spot massage to neck and shoulders and don‟t forget foot reflexology points to help „your barking dogs‟ (feet). Tired and swollen feet can make for mid-afternoon crankiness and low energy. After applying an energetic blend prop feet up for 5-10 minute break while you enjoy a healthy snack and cup of antioxidant rich green tea.

Container: 2-4 ounce cobalt blue or amber glass bottle with either a cap top or a mist spray.

Carrier base: Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis) mixed with 8-12 drops of Vitamin E (Tocopheryl) Get creative and use a sugar-salt mixture as your carrier base to blend essential oils for an energizing foot scrub, sure to leave toes tingling and ready to dance an Irish jig, well at least enough energy to complete one more laundry load of work linens or pre-set your treatment room for the next day.

Pure Essential Oils of: Choose from your favorite stimulating essential oils. Here are some that I have found useful; Ginger (Zingiber officinalis), Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi), Lemon (Citrus limon), Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Rosemary (Romarinus officinalis), Spear- mint (Mentha spicata).

I also add several drops of the Bach Flower Essence of Olive (Olea europaea) which can be useful for exhaustion and fatigue on all levels.

Something Special: Try experimenting with flower essences to enhance your aromatherapy blends, these wonderful tincture bottles contain remedies infused with the vibrational essence from specific flowers, and trees, and with some brands even from fruits and exotics. Bach Flowers are the original source for flower essences, a great place to start and they offer CEU (Continuing Education Units/ Credits) educational training for several licensed professions such as Massage Therapy. 8 © Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved NAHA Vice President

Flower Essence Remedies I have found useful for clearing blockages that create energy-drain: Crabapple (detox of negative energy), Elm (feelings of being overwhelmed), Hornbeam (feeling of Monday morning blahs, not wanting to get out of bed) and Olive (feelings of extreme tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion).

Inspirational Reading: Aromatic Alchemy; Ixchel Susan Leigh, Aromatherapy Scent and Psyche; Peter and Kate Damian, Bach Flower Therapy-Theory and Practice; Mechthild Scheffer, Journal of Spiritual PhytoEssencing; Dr. Bruce Berkowsky.

Zen Calendar Quote: „I came to the flowers; I slept beneath them; this was my leisure.‟-Buson

Kelly‟s Aromatic Interpretation: „Ahhh…sounds like a good quote to me…that is sleeping beneath aromatic flowers and taking some leisure time- remember to take time to smell the roses-caring for your own spirit and daily needs allows one to care for oth- ers without it being an energy-drain.‟

NAHA NEWS: NAHA E-newsletter Advertisement Opportunities will be posted to the NAHA website. Here is a creative, cost- effective way to promote your business, products and services within the NAHA Aromatherapy Community. NAHA E-Newsletters are sent directly to the NAHA Membership and to non-members who have signed up to receive the newsletter based on their interest in aromatherapy and essential oil inquiries. For more information visit the “NAHA Promote Your Business” webpage.

© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 9

NAHA Public Relations The Future of Professional Aromatherapy

This is an exciting time to be working in the field of Aromatherapy, as Western medicine is beginning to look toward and be more accepting of complementary modalities such as ours. More and more hospitals, nursing homes, and hospice settings are incorporating Aromatherapy into their patients‟ treatment plans. Recently there was an article about NAHA Director Pam Conrad, who is the Clinical Aromatherapist and complimentary medicine consultant for Wellspring Pharmacy /Community Health Network, which discussed how they are implementing Aromatherapy with their patients. (to read the article, go to: ts=110907083913&id=442589 )

Even with all this interest in Aromatherapy, our field is far from being saturated; there is a great need for trained Aro- matherapy professionals. I was recently contacted by a hospital in Northern California that is starting to use essential oils. They are in need of a qualified Aromatherapist to oversee their program and asked me if I could help out in find- ing someone. So far I have had no success in finding anyone in that area who is qualified or able to take on the posi- tion. There are many such opportunities out there for qualified Aromatherapy professionals.

One thing I try to emphasize to my students who are studying to become Certified Aromatherapists is the importance of belonging to professional organizations such as NAHA. While there are many members who are “friends” or stu- dent members, we are largely a community of professional Aromatherapists who have agreed to follow a standard of ethics in our practice. Being part of a professional organization does lend credibility to one‟s resume and credentials. Also, as part of a professional community, members have access to information and networking opportunities not available to the general public.

As with most professional organizations, NAHA is run by volunteers who also work 40-hours a week (or more) in our jobs in addition to our NAHA responsibilities. Volunteering does take time and energy, however it also has many re- wards, including the opportunity to work closely with some of the top people in our field. Personally I have found that with NAHA, the more I give, the more I get back. I would like to encourage all of our members to volunteer in some way. NAHA needs Directors, people to write journal articles, and many other tasks that take less time but are still a great way to get involved. To find out what positions currently need volunteers, visit: volunteer.htm There is a form you can fill out to volunteer for any of the available positions, or if you have particular skills or interests you would like to use in helping NAHA, please let us know. If you would like to be involved on a lo- cal level, contact the Director in your area and let him/her know that you are interested in helping out.

As NAHA grows, we hope to continue to become a more closely knit community of Aromatherapy professionals. The Board of Directors is exploring ways to improve communications amongst our Directors and members. Ultimately, though, each member is only as “connected” as they want to be, so if you are passionate about Aromatherapy and being part of a community, we encourage you to get involved. I look forward to getting to know many of you better!

© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 10

NAHA Director Coordinator



As Director Coordinator for NAHA, I have seen the changing times reflected in the way Directors relate to our organization. For one thing, our „instant message‟ site with MSN informed us (or rather, we found out when we went for a scheduled chat) that they are no longer hosting such in- teractive sites. This stopped our ability to connect with each other on a monthly basis for a while. Instead, I would send out information and wait to see if anyone responded. That hasn‟t worked too well, but was the best we could do at the time. Now plans are underway to bring NAHA into the current mode of Blog…which will make a communicating and discussing certain topics easy and convenient for everyone. One thing I love about the Internet, email, blogs and such is that I can make contact at any time of the day or night which frees me to keep in touch and participate in more things than would ever be possible if I had to make sure I was available at a certain time on a certain day…or keep track of time zones, etc. I hope the idea of blog will appeal to the Directors, too as this could also be a great way to con- duct regional „meetings‟ with members. Through a blog, the Director post information about the organization and also share ideas, recipes and etc. It‟s a good way to get news out about prod- ucts, services and classes provided in the area, too, and to ask for feedback from members who can check in with the blog site whenever they wish. It just seems to me like most people these days are in a cycle of stress from all the needs and activities of daily life and asking for commitment to meeting times and dates is not as easy as it was in a more peaceful, time-full era. A regional members blog, however, will be a friendly place to stop by, see what‟s being discussed and make it easy for the Director to put information out to the members at their convenience, too (i.e., in cozy pj‟s, sporting an aromatic beauty mask!) Directors and members, please let us know your thoughts about this. Times change, and NAHA intends to respond to those changes in ways that will support us all.

Best aromatic blessings, Shellie

11 © Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved THE USE OF ESSENTIAL OILS IN MITIGATING HARMFUL BEHAVIORS Stress Induced Over Eating in Five Subjects

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of essential oils in helping mitigate stress and depression and therefore reduce the desire to overeat and smoke. Five female subjects (one smoking, one smoking and over- weight, three overweight) volunteered to participate in a 30 day self-administered program of essential oil therapy and diet modifications. All five subjects showed measurable improvement in their respective harmful behaviors (one stopped smoking altogether and the other reduced her smoking from two packs to two cigarettes a day; average Author: Pat J. Molter weight loss was five pounds). Although the study sample was small, the results suggest that essential oils, selected for the individual and when coupled with diet modification are effective in helping mitigate harmful behaviors.

“Maury (1964) stated that “To reach the individual we need an individual remedy. Each of us is a unique message. It is only the unique remedy that will suffice. We must, therefore, seek odiferous substances which present affinities with the human being we intend to treat.” Margareute Maury

I. Study Motivation

The world seems to be involved in an epidemic of obesity and preventable diseases. People from all walks of life engage in harmful activities such as binge eating and smoking due to a number of cultural, social and familial factors. The premise of this paper is that stress and depression cause anxiety that inflicts pain the individual by indulging in habits that are harmful. Stress is defined as “a state in which a strong demand is made on the nervous system.” Depression is defined as “a state of low mental vitality.” Using food and/or cigarettes to combat stress and depression is counter productive; as one gains weight their self image slips and so they con- sole themselves by eating which leads to more weight gain and the cycle continues. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center “depression affects approximately 17 million Americans each year. It can be mild, moderate, or severe and occur as a single episode, as recurring episodes or as chronic depression.” Among the signs and symptoms are weight gain, loss of energy, and extreme difficulty concentrating. The University of Maryland Medical Center article states “the use of essential oils in massage therapy may also be of value as a supplemental treatment for depression. Theoretically, the smells of the oils illicit positive emotions through the limbic system (the area of the brain responsible for memories and emotions). However, the benefits of aromatherapy appear to be related to the relaxa- tion effects of the treatment as well as to the recipient‟s belief that the treatment will be beneficial.” Dealing with underlying stress and depression will reduce or possibly eliminate harmful behaviors. The following statements are from the Weight Loss Resource website, “For some people being overweight starts in the mind: once the mind is healthy, the slim- mer body will follow. Mentally, aromatherapy can help to combat stress and lift your mood. Physically it can alleviate aches, pains, burns and even cellulite for the ladies. According to Energize!, an article by Diane Carney, “essential oils can help the individual get to the root cause of excess weight by supporting proper liver, kidney, thyroid and endocrine system functions. Personal weight management blends can be made with essential oils that have diuretic, appetite suppressant, digestive, detoxifying, and anti-depressant qualities. A lot of times we eat when we are stressed, anxious, or bored. This is a sure way to sabotage a weight loss program.” II. Study Methodology I wanted to work with subjects who had already shown the motivation to confront their harmful behaviors but who had not yet had the success they sought. I solicited volunteers from a local fitness center (Curves Fitness Center, Bay View, WI). I limited the study to five subjects for economic reasons. The five female volunteers exercise on a regular basis but weren‟t controlling their weight or smoking effectively. Their ages range from 43-56 years old. Each participant was given a Confidential Client Startup Worksheet (Appendix I). I used the information to suggest dietary changes and also to pre-select oils for them to choose that would be beneficial for the changes they wanted to make. The oils I pre- selected had properties that addressed their own issues: stress, anxiety, depression, overeating and/or smoking. In our meeting they selected oils for their customized blend from the numbered scent sticks that I had placed in groups (e.g., base note, middle note, top note, etc.). They also selected the carrier (cream or oil) and methods they preferred (topical, inhalation and/or bath salts). The under- lined oils are ones used in my study with curbing the desire to overeat and/or smoke. Each oil was selected for their balancing and uplifting properties. “Essential oils used for depression are basil, bergamot, clary sage, frankincense, geranium, cedarwood, grape- fruit, lavender, lemon, jasmine, myrrh, neroli, rose, sandalwood, spruce, orange and ylang ylang. Essential oils that can have a posi- tive influence on feelings of anger, which are associated with depression, include rose, chamomile, ylang ylang and rosemary.”


OIL NOTES STRESS & DEPRESSION Citrus reticulata This essential oil is extracted by cold expression from the outer peel, whose main components are: terpene hydrocarbons, espe- (Mandarin) cially limonene. This oil was native to China and the Far East, brought to Europe in 1805 and to the USA in 1845. The presence of the highly sedative anthracitic acid ester makes this a good oil for dealing with stress., Top Note Lavendula angustifolia This essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from the fresh flowering tops. Lavender is indigenous to the Mediterranean but (Lavender) now grown all over the world; mainly comes from France. Its main components are linalool and linalyl acetate. This balancing oil relieves tension. Middle Note Chamaemelum nobile This essential oil is extracted by steam distillation by the flower heads. Roman chamomile is native to southern and western (Roman chamomile) Europe; naturalized in North America and cultivated in Britain, Belgium, Hungary, the USA, Italy and France. Esters of acids only rarely found in essential oils determine the character of Roman chamomile. One of its main effects is its ability to calm the nervous Middle Note system. , Salvai sclarea (Clary This essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from the flowering tops and leaves. It is native to Southern Europe but cultivated Sage) world wide, especially in the Mediterranean region, Russia, the USA, Britain, Morocco and Central Europe. The French, Moroccan and English Clary Sage are considered to be of superior quality. Clary Sage‟s main components are esters (especially linalyl ace- Middle Note tate, 75%) thus making it a relaxing oil. , ANXIETY Ravensara aromatica Distilled by steam. It originates from Madagascar. Ravensares main components are terpene alcohols and terpene oxides (1, 8 (Ravensare) cineole). Its effectiveness seems to come from the interaction between the cineole and a-tepineol making it an excellent nerve tonic. ,“Ravensare is also described as an immune stimulant, CNS stimulant, aiding detoxification and an oil to use when one de- Top Note sires a change and wants to realize one‟s potential.”

Citrus aurantium var. This essential is produced by steam distillation from the leaves and young twigs of the orange tree. Petitgrain is native to southern amara (Petitgrain) China and north-east India. The best quality oil comes from France with a good quality oil being produced in North Africa. Main properties of this essential oil are 40-80% esters; mainly linalyl acetate and geranyl acetate, as well as linalool, nerol, terpineol, Middle to Top Note geraniol,nerolidol, farnesoil, limonene, among others. It is a good essential oil to use for anxiety.


Pogostemon cablin This essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the dried leaves (usually subjected to fermentation previously). It is native to (Patchouli) tropical Asia, especially Indonesia and the Philippines. Its main components are sesquiterpenes, sesquiterpene alcohols. Patch- ouli curbs the appetite, tones the colon, relieves fluid retention and tones loose skin after dieting. It is also good for depression, Base Note stress and anxiety and balancing the mind. Patchouli has been used for the treatment of obesity; inducing the loss of appetite and reducing fluid retention, as an anti-depressant and can also work well on all stress related conditions and anxiety. ,, ,

Cedrus atlantica (Atlas This essential oil is extracted by steam from the wood, stumps, and sawdust. It is native to the Atlas mountains of Algeria and the Cedar) oil is mainly produced in Morocco. The main components of Atlas Cedar are phenyl propane (anethole). It has a calming effect on the nervous system and is good for the breakdown of accumulated fats and is used to reduce cellulite. , Base Note Foeniculum vulgare Fennel is extracted by water or steam distillation from crushed seeds. It is native to Middle East and Western Asia. Its‟ main (Fennel) chemical composition is 1.8 cineole, a-pinene, myrcene, fenhone, trans-anethole, methyl chavicol, limonene, and anisis aldehyde. It is good for reducing cellulite, fluid retention, addictions, obesity, as a detoxifier and to calm the nervous system and increases Middle Note energy. Not to be used if pregnant. , , Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary is extracted by steam distillation from the fresh flowering tops; in Spain and the whole , for a poorer quality. It is (Rosemary) native to the Mediterranean, but is grown in California, Russia, the Middle East, Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, former Yugosla- via, Morocco, China, etc. In small dosages, Rosemary relieves nervous tension, supports the digestive system and stimulates Middle Note production of bile. It is also useful in relieving the lymph gland of congestion and is a good essential oil to consider with obesity and depression. Avoid if epileptic or pregnant. ,, Juniperus communis This essential oil is distilled by steam from (1) The berries (which produce an inferior product) and (2) the needles and wood. The (Juniperberry) oil is produced mainly in Italy, France, former Yugoslavia, Austria, former Czechoslavakia, Spain, Germany and Canada. Juniper- berry is good for relieving cellulite, fluid retention, obesity, depression, relieves toxins, and cleansing the body, mind and spirit. Middle Note Avoid during pregnancy. , Citrus bergamia Bergamot is extracted by the cold expression of the peel of the nearly ripe fruit. It is native to tropical Asia. Bergamots‟ main com- (Bergamot) ponents are terpene hydrocarbons, linalyl acetate whose results come from a tension between its terpene hydrocarbons and es- ters. Bergamot is a calming and balancing oil and is also good for cleansing and strengthening the body. Top Note Citrus x paradisi Grapefruit is extracted by cold expression of the peel of the grapefruit. Grapefruit is the only citrus species native to the New World. (Grapefruit) It contains mostly limonene, a monoterpene hydrocarbon. Grapefruit is a diuretic, lymphatic stimulant and is indicated for cellulitis, obesity and water retention. This essential oil has an uplifting and reviving effect rendering its‟ use most suited to people who are Top Note tense; who under pressure tend to resort to comfort eating as a means of dealing with difficult situations. 13 Advanced Aromatherapy by Kurt Schnabel- The Science of Essential Oil Therapy, Healing Arts Press, Rochester, Vermont (1998)

© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless, Element, Hammersmith, London (1995)


QUIT SMOKING Piper nigrum (Black Pep- Black Pepper is distilled by steam using the black peppercorns, dried and crushed. It is native to south west India. Black Pepper per) is good for addictions, it strengthens the mind and nerves and boosts stamina when frustrated. , “Smokers need to maintain a certain nicotine blood level to avoid withdrawal symptoms, these withdrawal symptoms include cravings; dysphonic or depressed Middle Note mood; insomnia, irritability, impatience, hostility; anxiety, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, increased heart rate; and increased appetite and/or weight gain. Black Pepper, in addition to the mental stimulation also provides a warming sensation to the throat and bronchi, similar to that of hot smoke. Other oils listed to help stop smoking are Rosemary and Clary Sage. OBSERVATION I found it interesting that the two subjects who smoke both selected Ravensara aromatica and not sclarea which is a flavor- ing in cigarettes.

POSITIVE FEELINGS Rosa damascena (Rose) Rose is distilled by steam or water from the fresh petals. Rose is believed to be a native of the Orient, but is now cultivated mainly in Bulgaria. Its main components are: terpene alcohols, (citronellol), approximately 50% paraffin (as in waxes) Rose stabilizes the Middle Note nervous system, addictions and lymph (congested). , ,

I developed my subjects‟ custom blend using the oils, base and method of application they selected. In the second consultation we discussed their current diet along with suggestions for changes which I had typed out for them. We also discussed how to use their blend, application and evaluation sheet. The four week evaluation sheet was to be filled out weekly with a mid-term progress report. If any changes were needed they were to contact me immediately. (The subjects were so excited about the positive things they were experiencing they communicated with me weekly).

III Study Results The results of the study were encouraging. Each subject realized measurable improvements.

Subject #1 Subject is 43 years old, 5‟3” and despite having stomach stapling surgery performed in 1987, weighed 396 lbs at study onset. She listed her problems as being anxious, sad, worried, unable to concentrate, binging on salty and sweet foods. She also reported eating a lot of salt and dairy and not drinking enough water. Her Doctor has her taking 10 ml of Lisinopril. Subject #1 chose the following oils: Pogostemon cablin, Citrus bergamia, Foeniculum vulgare, Citrus aurantium. Var.amara, and Lavandula angustifolia in a 4% moisturizer base. She was instructed her to use it on the pressure points and bottom of her feet in the morning and evening. She also chose Pogostemon cablin, Lavandula angustifolia and Citrus bergamia in Epsom salts for a relaxing bath blend to use two to three times a week. She selected Pogostemon cablin, Foeniculum vulgare and Citrus bergamia as an inhalant; to use as needed to curb appetite and reduce stress. Dietary changes were recommended. I suggested she start the day with a “Green Smoothie” (Appendix II and she was encouraged to drink hot water with lemon first thing in the morning, and decrease her consumption of cheese, coffee, salt, fried and sweet foods. On her study evaluation sheet, Subject #1 indicated” that her desire to eat cheese and salt changed from not all diminished in the first two weeks to somewhat diminished in the last two weeks. Her stress level diminished somewhat the first week, considerably the second and third weeks and greatly the fourth week. Her sense of well being increased somewhat the first week, considerably the second and third weeks and greatly the fourth week. She used the inhalation oil three times a day, the cream three times a day and the bath salts two times a week. She found the bath salts helped the most. After a month her weight decreased seven and a half pounds. Her comments - I really believe if I continue on a regular basis it will keep me going with a positive attitude and feeling I‟m taking time for me. Still having trouble cutting salt altogether but cut down a lot – no coffee!! Loved the green drink.”

Subject #2 Subject is 52 years of age, 5‟5” and weighed 130 lbs at the beginning of the study. Initially she reported that she is anxious, unable to concen- trate, smokes, has sinus congestion and arthritis. Subject #2 chose the following oils: Pogostemon cablin, Rasmarinus offiinalis, Citrus x paradisi, Ravensara aromatica, Lavandula angustifolia in Sweet Almond oil in a 4% dilution. I suggested she use this two times a day on her pressure points and the bottom of her feet. I gave her Piper nigrum as an inhalant which she is to use as needed when the urge to smoke arises. I suggested she drink a Green Smoothie in the morning. To alleviate headaches, she was encouraged to avoid alcohol, sugar, cheese, choco- late, ham, potatoes, and spinach due to their tryamine content which is known to increase the norepinephrin levels, a brain stimulant which is often a cause of some headaches. I suggested that avoiding caffeine, nicotine, meat and sugar might help increase her level of concentration and consuming no dairy or wheat would help with allergies. She reported in her evaluation that: “My desire to drink cow‟s milk diminished somewhat in the first week and considerably in the second, third and fourth weeks. My stress level diminished somewhat in the first and second weeks and considerably in the third and fourth weeks. My sense of well being increased somewhat in the first and second weeks and considerably in the third and fourth weeks.

14 © Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved THE USE OF ESSENTIAL OILS IN MITIGATING HARMFUL BEHAVIORS In the first week she used the relaxation oil blend two to three times a day and the black pepper oil three to four times a d ay. She found them both very helpful. In the second week she used the relaxation oil blend two to three times a day and the black pepper oil two to three times a day. In the third week she used the oil once or twice a day and the pepper oil once or twice a day. Both oils helped me. In the fourth week she used the oil once or twice a day and the pepper oil once a day or not at all. The relaxing oil seemed to help her the most at this time. “My desire to smoke decreased dramatically as did my cravings for cow‟s milk and dairy foods. Goat cheese and milk filled the void without so much craving. My sinuses cleared up markedly. My weight remained the same. Thank you for the opportunity.”

Subject #3 This subject is 54 years of age, 5”4” and weighed 168 lbs at the start of the study. She listed the following concerns on her evaluation sheet: being anxious, wanting to stop smoking and needing to move bowels regularly. She was also concerned about puffiness under eyes. She listed a heavy consumption of meat, sweets, cheese, potatoes, salty foods, milk and coffee. Subject #3 selected the following oils: Citrus bergamia, Juniperus communis, Cedrus atlantica, Citrus aurantium.var.amara, Lavan- dula angustifolia, Rosa damascena in a moisturizer base. A 4% dilution was made and applied 2 times a day on pressure points and the soles of the feet. She selected Lavendula angustifolia, Rosa damascena and Ravansara aromatica as an inhalant for stress and overeating which she is to use as needed. She had Piper nigrum from a previous session for help in ceasing smoking. Lavendula angustifolia, Rosa damascena and Ravansara aromatica in Epsom salts were her choice for a relaxing bath which I recommended two to three times a week. According to Tara Levy, ND, “My experience with under eye puffiness and darkness is that this is often due to allergies of various types but year round puffiness is most commonly due to food allergies. The most common food sensitivities are wheat, dairy, citrus, corn, egg and soy. Try eliminating for a period of three weeks or so, then challenge the foods and see what happens.” She used the cream two to three times a day and the inhalant whenever when needed. She reported on her evaluation sheet that, “In the first week my desire to eat diminished greatly but I bought a pack of cigarettes while packing for a trip. In the second week I was in Califor- nia and my desire to eat diminished greatly. In the third week my desire to eat diminished greatly and I was only smoking one to three ciga- rettes a day. In the fourth day my desire to eat diminished greatly and I was not smoking at all. My stress level diminished greatly all four weeks.” She also wrote that, “My sense of well being increased greatly in the first week, increased greatly in the second and third weeks and somewhat in the fourth week.” My weight decreased four pounds. “The bags under eyes decreased. I have had no milk or dairy since I met with you (four wks ago). The shake is great; I have it first, then some oatmeal, tuna and veggies & brown rice for lunch. I had no sugar while in California or snacking, other than fruit and nuts.” She also noted that, “When I was in California with my daughter I was away from all my triggers. We discussed telling people that we needed to talk directly with one another. I had no alcohol, we ate well and only when we were hungry. I used the inhalant often but still had some cigarettes (I know out of pure habit). I drank tea a lot, oatmeal with nuts and dried fruit for breakfast. Her lifestyle supported what I could see as working for optimum health and wellness in my life. Her thinking and realization that she had to work on it supported what I knew I needed too. Home brings up in your face, choices. Gene‟s vision of a healthy marriage involves alcohol when we are out, at home and a way to celebrate. I know I have to make the choice to NOT to drink with him. If I do I feel left out. I have a lot of work to do regarding all of this. My thinking has to change to cope with my life here. I see your help offered in your spirit and your therapy as part of my physical salvation. P.S. I would love to meet with you again to discuss the next step”.

Subject #4 This subject is 45 years of age, 5‟5” and weighed 251 lbs. On her evaluation form she checked being bitter, anxious, and unab le to concentrate as her problem areas. She is a heavy meat eater, drinks a lot of coffee, eats a lot of sweet foods, salty foods, potatoes, chocolate, cheese and fried foods. She also uses alcohol. Subject #4 has high blood pressure, has had a heart attack and lost her husband three years ago. She selected the following oils: Pogosteman cablin, Foeniculum vulgare, Citrus bergamia, Citrus auratium var. amara, Lavandula angustifolia in a cream base, 2 oz - 4% dilution. She was instructed to use it twice a day on pressure points and the soles of her feet. Citrus bergamia, Citrus auriatium var. amara, Lavandula angustifolia were the oils she picked as an inhalation to be used as needed. I suggested starting the day with a Green Smoothie and also removing fat and caffeine from her diet, decreasing meat consumption, increasing raw vegetables, fruit and fish. She was encouraged to watch her cheese and dairy consumption as they are mucous forming and not helpful for detoxing. I recommended she try substituting goat cheese. I also suggested she add avocados and raw nuts to her diet and to drink fresh lemon juice in warm or cool water, adding raw honey as a sweetener because lemon juice is a great detoxifier. Her desire to eat snack foods diminished considerably all four weeks. Her stress decreased somewhat in week one and week four, and considerably in weeks two and three. Her sense of well-being increased somewhat all four weeks. She used cream twice a day all four weeks, used the inhalation four times the first week, four to six times week‟s two through four and found the inhalation helped the most, all four weeks. After four weeks her weight decreased four pounds. She noted, “I plan to continue with oils. You have been a big help.”

Subject #5 She is 56 years of age, 5”2” and weighed 210 lbs. She wants to loose weight and reduce stress. Her worksheet showed she eats a lot of meat, sugar, salty foods, cheese, chocolate, and medium intake of fried food. She also binges on ice cream. She has joint pain in knees. Subject #5 selected Pogostemen cablin, Citrus bergamia, Chamaemelum nobile and Lavandula angustifolia in a 2 oz cream base - © Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 15 THE USE OF ESSENTIAL OILS IN MITIGATING HARMFUL BEHAVIORS

4% dilution. I suggested she use this cream twice a day on the pressure points and on the soles of her feet. Her bath salts have the same oils in Epsom salts for relaxing two to three times a week in warm water. She selected the same oils as an inhalant; for her stress, to be used as needed. I talked with her about dietary changes, which included adding more fish and decreasing meat, sugar, salty foods, cheese, chocolate, fried food and ice cream. She used the cream twice a day and the oil once a day. She found the cream helped the most. After four weeks she lost four and a half pounds. Her evaluation indicates her desire to eat ice cream and chocolate diminished greatly all four weeks. Her stress level diminished some- what over the four weeks. Her sense of well being increased somewhat over the four weeks. She hasn‟t had any ice cream for a month. Her bing- ing was so extreme that she would visit every ice cream stand and have their flavor of the day while traveling with her job on a daily basis. Due to knee pain she hasn‟t used the bath salts because she is unable to get in and out of the tub. (I have since made her massage o il for the knee pain.)

IV. Conclusion The results from this particular four week study appear to support the thesis that essential oils customized for each individual‟s prefer- ence can be effective in mitigating both overeating and smoking. When the customization includes individually selected oils and carriers for the oils (lotion, bath salts, and inhalation), their symptoms of anxiety, cravings, mood swings, and depression decreased. The essential oils selected played an important role in allowing the subjects to loose weight and curb their desire to smoke. This study showed how clearly essential oils play a part in holistic healing dealing with underlying emotional needs and also physical needs. I saw most of the subjects at least three times a week at Curves and sensed a change in their countenance as they gained control over the behaviors that have been causing havoc in their lives.

If you are a Student of Aromatherapy and have written a paper your school supports, please submit your final draft version to [email protected] We look forward to reading your work!

This paper was submitted by Pat J. Molter, a student of the Institute of Integrative Aromatherapy. For more information you may contact Pat J. Molter via by email at: [email protected]

© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 16


One fateful Saturday night, the beginning of December 2002, just when I was getting things ready for Christmas in my new home, “I put my foot into it”. Or to be more precise I went from the settee to the floor - not very far of course. I had gotten my left foot caught on my carpet and instinctively tried to shake the carpet off rather than pulling my foot out from under it. I felt and heard a cracking noise, just like the sound of a twig breaking. I fell over in agony, screamed in pain and called for my husband for help. My foot felt very painful yet numb and I felt drained, in shock and incapable of much rational thought.

In the next hour a friend came over with an ice pack and I asked my husband and son to find my large stock bottle of italicum; which some of my students and readers know I can‟t bear to part with. I managed to put some of the oil on my foot but then had to give in and call for an ambulance so that I could be taken to the emer- gency room at the nearest hospital for further assessment.

By this time it was around midnight when I arrived at the ER. I was assessed by the doctor on call and the ex- pected x-ray was taken. I was told that it showed a Lis-Franc type fracture of the third metatarsal bone and a dis- placement of the cuneiform bone of the tarsus. Some of this is a very rare type of lesion, which the budding ortho- pedic surgeons who were on duty did not have much experience dealing with. The doctor on duty told me that the necessary surgery would begin in 2 hours. Alarm bells started ringing in my medical brain: unusual fracture, no open bleeding, swelling, and an inexperienced surgeon. No way! my brain declared, I don‟t think so….. I proceeded to ask him what type of procedure he intended to do, to which he replied “We will put some wires in it for you.”

Once again, my whole training came to the forefront. I did not wish to undergo emergency surgery for a non surgi- cal emergency situation. You see, the foot is one of the most complex mechanical miracles of our anatomy. When we had to dissect the foot during my anatomy studies in medical school, it was everyone‟s nightmare, as it took so long and there are so many muscles, blood vessels and nerves. Many of you who practice reflexology know that there are also many energy points and meridians as well. So, not a good idea to operate was my feeling.

I suggested that perhaps a half cast or a bandage might be more appropriate and then to reassess the damage after I had the opportunity to deal with it myself. This was greeted with a patronizing “If you wish dear.”

Suddenly, the doctor came back with some plastic bandages and proceeded to set my foot, while I was face down on the bed and he proceeded to set my foot at a 90 degree angle from the forefoot and put the cast up to just be- low my knee. No space was allowed as a window for my toes or further swelling. My toes at this point were very painful. I was sent home and instructed to attend the outpatient department two weeks later. After the initial shock of the accident, I discovered that my Helichrysum had disappeared while in the emergency room. In addition to that, the pain in my foot was beginning to worsen and I was unable to get comfortable in any position. My mind started looking at the worst possible case scenarios; possible development of deep vein throm- bosis, ischemia due to lack of blood supply to the forefoot and toes and unfortunately gangrene, not a very happy thought.

The second day the cast was causing me such discomfort that I decided to make an early appointment with the fracture clinic and attend the outpatient department. Getting there was a picture worthy of a tragic-comedy film. When I was seen the consultant agreed to take the cast off and leave my foot with an elastic bandage, as I had previously requested. Once again surgery was mentioned and once again I adamantly refused not to have it on a totally swollen, numb and cold foot. You see, fear coupled with knowledge are not a very good combination. © Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 17 AROMATHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF MY FOOT INJURY by Dr. Vivian Lunny Vivian’s Foot Injury Progress December 2002

Day 2 Day 2 December 2002 December 2002

Day 3 December 2002

18 © Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved AROMATHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF MY FOOT INJURY by Dr. Vivian Lunny

Vivian’s Foot Injury Progress - 2 December 2002

Day 3 December 2002

Day 4 December 2002

Day 4 December 2002

© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 19 AROMATHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF MY FOOT INJURY by Dr. Vivian Lunny

I returned home and after finding a kind supplier, had a bottle of Helichrysum italicum delivered to my home. I started using a compress with it, applying about 20 drops at a time, 2-3 times a day. I followed this with a very gentle effleurage with rosehip seed oil in between compressing. I was determined to get the swelling down and the bruising to the surface!

For a week I followed this regime. I could not even get from my bed to the bathroom without a great deal of assis- tance and had to rely on help with bodily functions and personal hygiene. Fortunately my husband and son were brilliant but I felt incredibly helpless and fearful of the future.

Smelling Lime, Grapefruit and Bergamot helped me to feel more balanced but the biggest lesson was to learn to let go and to practice patience. When you are unable to do anything for yourself, you have to fit in and accept the timing and agenda of those who are helping you. Simple things like getting a glass of water or a piece of bread become a matter of adapting to the timing set by others, not something I was very good at.

My foot began to get better as the bruising changed in size and shape before our very eyes, showing a slightly differ- ent pattern every day. During the second week I was given a wonderful new product, ozonated olive oil, which also helped the healing process. I was also taking large amounts of Vitamin C and enzyme supplements to enhance healing, in addition to large amounts of garlic and cold pressed olive oil, sunflower oil, evening primrose oil, sesame seed oil and lecithin. At the end of the second week I was able to hop to the bathroom and feel a little bit less dependent on total help from oth- ers. No chance of getting to the next room or the computer yet though. During the third week I was recommended the name of a chiropractor, who I was told practiced Qigong and made house calls.

Continuing with the Helichrysum in a 50% blend in rosehip seed oil and using the ozonated olive oil and comfrey gel, as well as treatment from the chiropractor; it has been 10 days now at the time of writing and I have been able to get to my office and do some work on the computer and do some blending.

My foot is regaining strength very slowly and has a slight external deviation, which will take a long time to correct. This is mainly due to working on the collagen cross fibers and breaking them down to allow the longitudinal fibers to get back their strength and effectiveness. I am pleased to say that although I am as yet unable to wear smart walk- ing shoes, I am walking without any external aids, although slowly and carefully.

I continue using the Helichrysum in a 5% blend in rosehip seed oil three times daily and now my foot now looks like a foot, although still a touch misshapen. I felt I would like to share my healing process in this article because it is always easy to advise others but it is a lot harder to stick to your principals and reject surgery, which in the case of my injury has very poor results*. One particular case study quotes around 50% of patients requiring replacement of the screws which fall out into the surrounding tissue. In addition, most patients required fusion of the joint through a third surgery.

*With my background and medical training, the results of surgery would not have been a positive solution to me. Al- though I am taking longer than I anticipated in recovering, it would have taken even longer post-operatively.

This is the description of the essential oil of Helichrysum italicum and through it you will see why it is so fantastic for clearing physical and emotional trauma.

© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 20 AROMATHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF MY FOOT INJURY by Dr. Vivian Lunny

Vivian’s Foot Injury Progress—3 December 2002

Day 4 December 2002

Day 4 December 2002

Day 5 December 2002 © Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 21 AROMATHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF MY FOOT INJURY by Dr. Vivian Lunny

Vivian’s Foot Injury Progress - 4 December 2002

Day 5 December 2002

Day 21 December 2002

Day 21 December 2002 © Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 22 AROMATHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF MY FOOT INJURY by Dr. Vivian Lunny


This oil is also known as Immortal and Everlasting. Helichrysum is an essential oil which in my opinion is an oil which Aro- matherapists should always have in their first aid essential oil kit.

The yellow straw flowers of Helichrysum italicum belong to the botanical family of Daisies, the Compositae also referred to as . Helichrysum grows wildly in the Mediterranean regions of France, Italy and Yugoslavia and produces an essential oil by steam distillation of the flowering tops.

The essential oil has a light yellow color and a fruity, sweet, honey-like scent, and a very healing and energizing temperament.

The therapeutic value of this essential oil, in my experience would be of ++++, this means that it is highly efficient and beneficial when correctly used in aromatherapy treatments.

As always, it is important to look at the chemical constituents of an essential oil, as this, in my opinion, helps to enlighten us in the main therapeutic properties and uses, thus the main constituents found in Helichrysum italicum are the following:

SESQUITERPENES mainly caryophyllene

MONOTERPENOLS mainly nerol

ESTERS mainly neryl acetate 75% and neryl butirate

KETONES the most important of which are the diones Italidione I, II and III (15-20%)

The main therapeutic properties of the essential oil of Helichrysum italicum can be summarized as:

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY which signifies that the use of Helichrysum italicum within a blend will help to minimize the undesired effects of the inflammatory process and aid a speedy recovery.

ANTIHEMATOMA or, to clarify this term, anti-bruising, this essential oil when used in a blend speeds up the various stages of heal- ing of bruised tissue, which can be seen on the surface of the skin as a speedy change in the different color changes occurring during the course of a bruise or hematoma.

ANTISPASMODIC this essential oil helps to release smooth muscle spasms, and thus release pain.

CICATRISANT the essential oil of Helichrysum italicum has a unique power when it comes to aiding the repair of wounds and cuts.

Due to its anti-inflammatory effect this is a very good oil to use in blends for the treatment of arthritis and gout. In my experience the use of the essential oil of Helichrysum italicum in the form of 3-4 drops on a cold compress is excellent for the treatment of extensive bruising and compares favorably to the use of Arnica montana for this purpose. It is also beneficial in the prevention of circulatory and heart problems when used in a 1.5% bath blend for people suffering from high blood pressure. In this case, a trained Aromatherapist and the client‟s physician need to be consulted. For complaints relating to the digestive system such as in the case of spasmodic colitis, swallowing difficulties due to nervous tension causing contraction of the smooth muscle; Helichrysum with its antispasmodic effect is an oil to be considered when formulating treatment blends.

© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 23 AROMATHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF MY FOOT INJURY by Dr. Vivian Lunny

INMORTEL Helychrisum italicum ssp serotoninum I am intuitive, adaptable, revered, wonderful


© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved AROMATHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF MY FOOT INJURY by Dr. Vivian Lunny

I would like to share with you some more cases where without this essential oil, the damage and pain to the injured per- son would have taken a considerable amount of time in the healing process.

The most dramatic and quickest cure occurred in a young man who suffered a foot injury while playing sports. The only symptom quoted by the patient was pain. On examination there was no evidence of any bruising, swelling or deformity of the foot or the ankle. However, we decided it would be a good idea to treat the injury as if there were visible swelling. A cold compress (made with a white cloth) with 4 drops of Helichrysum was applied with the recommendation that it should be kept in place overnight. The following morning the compress was removed. The whole surface of the sole of the foot was covered in a deep purple bruise, but the area of the white compress which had been in contact with the sole was also purple. In other words the essential oil had drawn the deep bruise to the surface. The compress treatment was re- peated twice daily for the following two days. The bruise disappeared completely by the end of the compress treatments. The relevance of this treatment is staggering when we realize that the bruise would have remained unseen and the body would have used its natural healing mechanisms, that is forming scar tissue around the injury leading to the possible de- velopment of pain and joint complaints later in life. I consider this really wonderful!

In other instances this oil has helped with the treatment with crushed fingers, where x-rays showed the absence of frac- tures and many other circumstances where bruising was extensive.

Safety Precautions: The essential oil of Helichrysum italicum, due to its high content of italindeones, should only be used in very small amounts and for short periods of time. Do not use on young children or during pregnancy.

BIBLIOGRAPHY * Real Essences Aromatherapy & Leisure Ltd. Postgraduate training workshop notes. 1996 * Lunny Associates Anatomy, Physiology and Physio-pathology certified course notes. 1993 * Franchomme P, D. Penouel L‟aromatherapie exactament P. 1990 * Die atherische ole Gildemeister and Hofmann 1962 * Cecil B. de Mille “Clinical Medicine” 1994 * Dr. Lunny‟s Case reports, Mount Vernon Hospital 1977-1978 * Lunny V. MD “Aromatherapy” Salamander Press 1997

WHO IS DOCTOR VIVIAN LUNNY? She is an Author, Trainer, Holistic Healer and Aromatherapy, Crystal and Colour Healing Pioneer. Her intuition, em- pathy and mindfulness are the keys to her personality.

HER BACKGROUND/EXPERIENCE includes: A Medical Degree awarded by the University of San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia. An Honorary Doctorate in Alternative Medicine, awarded by Alma Atta. Development of National Occupational Standards for Aromatherapy in the UK. British Council Postgraduate Fellowship in Pathology. Fluent in Spanish, German and Hungarian. She has been Keynote Speaker at International Aromatherapy and Holistic Health Conferences in Australia, Europe, North and South America. 1992-2007;

© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 25 AROMATHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF MY FOOT INJURY by Dr. Vivian Lunny

HER ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Author of Alternative Medicine “Aromatherapy” published by Salamander Press in 1997, in the UK and US and now available in several languages, Author of Aromatherapy for the Birthing Year and Childbirth, published in 2005. Contributor to several Holistic Health books including the Readers Digest Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine and Professional Journals. Creator of “Aromagems” Therapy (*Complete list of publications available on request

HER MISSION: To provide individuals and organizations with the tools to manifest their optimum potential through the essences encapsu- lated in aromatic medicinal plants, colours and precious gems. Mingling ancient and contemporary healing arts in pro- motting, achieve and maintain well being

HER VISION: A balanced, stress free, joyful and fun world, where optimum health is the norm.

CONTACT INFORMATION: Email: [email protected] Courses, Lectures, Seminars and International Workshops: click English

© Copyright 2007 NAHA All rights reserved 26 Book Review Daily Aromatherapy: Transforming the Seasons of Your Life with Essential Oils byJoni Keim & Ruah Bull

“Daily Aromatherapy provides a powerful way to experience our deeper self and invite the seeds of change. With the backdrop of time, we weave our way through affirmations, visualizations, blessings and ceremonies as the oils awaken our inner guidance where authenticity lies. What a wonderful way to transform our lives—by taking the steps to wholeness, one day at a time!” —Brenda Hinton Inte- grative Wellness Coach

“This book is an offering of love from women whose connection to essential oils is sacred and pro- found. Each day provides and invitation to deepen your knowledge of essential oils, connect to the seasons, and come into greater alignment with your soul. Daily Aromatherapy is packed with wonder- ful resources for the layperson as well as the professional. A pure joy!” —Elizabeth Lombardo, Self- Care Program Supervisor, Health and Healting Center, California Pacific Medical Center

“Using essential oils, Daily Aromatherapy takes us on a journey that helps us connect more intimately to nature, the seasons of the year, and the emotional seasons within us. There is no better way to be uplifted—to experience joy and hope, clarity and inspiration—than sitting down with a daily, aromatic exercise that fully engages our body, mind, heart and spirit.” —Christel Lukoff, PhD, Psychotherapist and Hospice Social Worker.

Published by North Atlantic Books, the excerpts from the back cover of Daily Aromatherapy certainly shares an incredibly impressive offer- ing of daily integration with essential oils . Does it really pack that much into its 370+pages? I believe that one of the most useful tools for learning and experiencing essential oils is by mindfully spending quality with them, integrating them into every aspect of your being. Using all of our senses to experience and learn and grow and renew is a gift, this book offers an opportunity to do just that! If you want to under- stand an essential oil, to relate to it and then receive the exchange allowing any oil to reciprocate, you will open yourself up to learning much. Not only about yourself but about the oil, the plant which is a base of nature. Creating a routine practice is certainly a beneficial way to do this and Daily Aromatherapy is a useful tool in your process. Add a text to your flow with your experience and you will succeed in creating an aromatic adventure in your daily life. The adventure is about you, the whole of who you are—what you think and feel, how you relate to others and how you share with the world. Setting yourself up for success is done via many avenues, Daily Aromatherapy is a tool you will use to create the opportunity of gifting to yourself that which you already are—explore this book today and see just how much you discover about yourself, your world, and nature as One.

About the Author’s: Joni Khem has worked in the alternative health field since 1976 as an Educator, Author, Practitioner, and Consultant. She has certificates in holistic health sciences, aromatherapy, massage, aesthetics, flower essence therapy, and energy healing. Keim is currently a technical advisor and educator for the Natural Product Industry and for the professional aromatherapy field.

Ruah Ball, MA,Med has been working int eh healing arts since 1978. She holds masters degrees in education and psychology and certifi- cates in Spiritual direction, guided imagery, aromatherapy, and energy healing. Bull has a private practice in Spiritual direction working with people on both traditional and non-traditional spiritual paths. She specializes in helping with the contemplative journey.

ISBN 978-1-55643-693-2 Go to the NAHA website to visit our bookstore and order this book today!

Book Review by; Michele A. Miller-Clarke - [email protected]

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AROMATHERAPY COMPANIES (Retail & Wholesale) Arlys Naturals: An online "aromatic oasis" offering a wide variety of aromatherapy products to enhance your health and well- being. Specializing in 100% Pure Essential Oils, Synergies, Vegetable/Nut Carrier Oils, Diffusers, Natural Skin and Body Care. Herbal Teas, Soaps, Perfumery, Supplies and more. Sign up for our free online monthly newsletter, Online Catalog only. Retail/ Wholesale. Secure Online ordering. 877-502-7597. URL: Email: [email protected]

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Diamond Lotus Essentials™ Diamond Lotus™: Certified Organic, Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils grown in rich volcanic soil on our farm near Mount Shasta, then harvested using custom designed equipment, steam distilled using proprietary methods, and ana- lyzed (GC/MS) by a third party laboratory - your guarantee of purity, potency and efficacy. 4520 Harry Cash Road Montague, CA 96064 USA Phone: 530-459-1506 FAX: 530-459-1430 URL: 31 Email: [email protected] Online Yellow Page Ads Essential Wholesale® manufactures one of the largest selection of naturally derived and organic Cosmetic Bases in the world with over 1000 available formulations. Compare our ingredients to any competitor and you will see a significant difference in the natural and organic ingredient quality as well as the selection. URL: & Email: [email protected]

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From Nature With Love 1,750+ therapeutic grade essential oils, CO2s, absolutes, attars, carrier oils, hydrosols, herbs, clays, salts, supplies and other ingredients. Large selection of packaging, accessories and equipment. Superior quality and exceptional customer service. Many sizes allow you to purchase as much or as little as you need. Money saving programs include our free Preferred Customer Program and our Instructor Program that offers discounts to instructors and their students. Free searchable Recipe Database located on our site. Ph:(203) 267-6061 URL: Email: [email protected]

JennScents Aromatherapy: Provides 100% pure, therapeutic products (pre-made and custom blends), 100% pure essential oils, carriers and aromatherapy accessories at wholesale and retail. Offers Aromatherapy Certification Courses live and via DVD, Mas- sage Therapy CEU, Aromatherapy Support Material such as Aromatherapy Business Guide and JennScents Recipe Guides for humans and pets. Ph: 352-243-9627 URL: Email: [email protected]

Morning Myst Botanics DIRECT FROM THE DISTILLER. We offer artisan Crafted Organic Hydrosols and Organic Infused Oils. We personally distill over 30 varieties of hydrosols, including blends and custom distillations. We offer pre-order discounts if re- ceived before 5/1/08. Wholesale, Private Label and Retail. Phone: 509-722-3150 URL: Email: [email protected]

Penny Price Aromatherapy-USA: Organic and naturally farmed therapeutic grade essential oils are sourced from selected growers and suppliers and are ECOCERT guaranteed. We also carry organic hydrolats, carrier oils, synthetic fee personal care products and accessories. The Penny Price Academy of Aromatherapy is accredited by the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFA) and the Institute of Aromatic Medicine (IAM). Len & Shirley Price are consultants to our academy. We offer an internationally rec- ognized diploma course in clinical aromatherapy via in-house and distance learning, as well as postgraduate offerings including Swiss Reflex Therapy and Hydrolats. Order online at or call 815-814-1444 for quality, purity and integrity! URL: Email: [email protected]

Pure Plant Essentials™ ~ KG Stiles' line of Aromatherapy Products are made with pure organic & ethically wild crafted essential oils from world wide sources. Exceptional Quality & Outstanding Value are Hallmarks of PurePlant Essentials. We offer single oils, as well as formulas. "Signature Blends" are our aromatic specialty. Please purchase from our online store and Save 10-25%! Visit DISCOUNTS link on our Footer Navigation bar to find out how. Location: 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR 97520 Ph: (541) 941-7315 URL: 32 Email: [email protected]

Online Yellow Page Ads

Time Laboratories: Since 1972, Time Laboratories has been a leading manufacturer of aromatherapy products, nutritional sup- plements, and specially formulated herbal compounds. Windrose Aromatics, our authentic aromatherapy line, offers a wide se- lection of Pure and Genuine GC/MS analyzed Essential Oils, expertly blended pure Essential Oil Combinations, and patented Ultra Jet System Diffusers. Buy direct from the manufacturer and save (retail/wholesale/health professional discounts available). Private label and custom product development services available. Phone: 877-846-3522 URL: Email: [email protected]


Australasian College of Health Sciences Accredited Certificate and Diploma in Aromatherapy. Australasian College of Health Sciences is the only nationally accredited, by the DETC, NAHA approved Level 1 & Level 2, pro- fessional clinical Aromatherapy training available online, approved for 340 contact hours. ACHS offers a Certificate in Aro- matherapy Chemistry. ACHS also offers a wide variety of professional natural health programs providing you with all you ac- credited natural health education needs. CEU's are available for many professionals. Contact admissions to apply for the next intake of one of ACHS accredited online Aromatherapy programs 800-487-8839 or request information online at: URL: Email: [email protected]

Institute of Integrative Aromatherapy: The Certificate Program in Integrative Aromatherapy is a comprehensive correspon- dence course for health professionals and non-professionals. You will be personally mentored by author and Holistic Nurse Aro- matherapist, Valerie Cooksley. The certification is fully endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association, The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and NAHA (Level I and II). 325 CEU‟s for nurses and massage therapists. URL: Email: [email protected] Valerie Cooksley, RN OCN, FAAIM 1-877-363-3422

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