1522 the Edinburgh Gazette, December 1, 1863
1522 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, DECEMBER 1, 1863. WINDSOR CASTLE, November 23, 1863. George Scamell, and John Annis, Esquires, Deputiei The Queen was this day pleased to confer the of the city of London, and the Deputies of the said honour of Knighthood upon Peter Stafford Carey, city for the time being; Thomas Farncomb, Esquire, Esq., Bailiff of Guernsey. formerly Alderman of the said city of London, John Southby Bridge, Thomas Watkins, Jeremiah Evans, George Meadway, William Tylor, William Humphery Pilcher, Thomas White, Henry Kebbel, WAR-OFFICE, November 27, 1863. Thomas Coruey, William Christie, Robert Butler The Queen has heen graciously pleased to give Whiteside, and John Britten, Esquires, formerly orders for the appointment of Edward St John Deputies of the city of London, Henry Alworth Neale, Esq, Acting Charge" d'Affaires in Japan Merewether, Doctor of Civil Law and Serjeant-at- during the absenee of Her Majesty's Minister, to Law, formerly Town Clerk of the city of London, be an Ordinary Member of the Civil Division of Thomas Baring, Henry Wollaston Blake, Henry the Third Class, or Companions of the Most Honour- Hulse Berens, John William Birch, Travers Buxton, able Order of the Bath. Arthur Edward Campbell, Stephen Cave, Edward Henry Chapman, Robert Wigram Crawford, William Cotton, James Pattison Currie, Bonamy, Dobree, Benjamin Buck Greene, Charles Pascoe FOREIGN OFFICE, November 24, 1863. Grenfell, Henry Hucks Gibbs, John Saunders Gilliat, The Queen has been pleased to approve of Mr George Joachim Gbschen, James Alexander Richard Williams as Vice-Consul at Waterford for Guthrie, Thomson Hankey, John Benjamin Heath, His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Mecklen- Kirkman Daniel Hodgson, Henry Lancelot Holland, burg Schwerin.
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