Inocenti Foundation Annual ActivityReport - 2008

Table of Contents

Foreword ...... 2

AnnualActivity Report of 2008

Introduction...... 4

1. Child life Program ...... 6 2. Bistrita Child life Program ...... 10 3. Me and My Family Program ...... 14 4. Early Literature and Education (Literacy) Program ...... 19 5. The Early Intervention for the Deficient Little Child Program ...... 23 6. Pilot program for social and school integration of 10 Rroma children ...... 28

OtherActivities ...... 31

I. Special Events ...... 38 II. Professional Trainings ...... 38 III Groups of Visitors and Volunteers...... 39 IV.Breakdown of the Staff Hired During 2008 ...... 39 V.Financial Bearings ...... 40

Organization Chart ...... 47 Map of the Inocenti Foundation's Services in in 2008 ...... 48 Map of the Inocenti Foundation's Services in the Bistrita-Năsăud County in 2008 ...... 49

Table of Content page 1 Inocenti Foundation

Dear Friends,

It takes a community to raise a child. In Romania, where community values were destroyed by years of communist dictatorship, we like to say it takes an NGO* like Romanian Children's Relief to help re-build a community.

Re-building community was the theme of much of our work in Romania in 2008. This report details the many ways in which our staff has helped 1.457 Romanian children and families in the year 2008. It also tells you about the hundreds of volunteers who have joined us in our efforts. What is harder to report on, is the impact that help has had on each child, each family – and how coming together to help those families in need, has helped to build community.

How do we measure it when one of our staff accompanies an abandoned child for two weeks in a far away hospital so that child can have life saving surgery? Is it even possible to gauge the way a city's residents view someone with handicaps after an all-day celebration like the Bistrita Olympics of the Inocents?

As a professional photographer, I have come to understand that messages which are difficult to put into words can sometimes be more easily conveyed by photos. I hope as you read this report, you will look for the ways our staff and many volunteers are making life better for children and families, as together they also help re-build their communities with generosity, trust and hope.


Michael Carroll President Romanian Children's Relief and Fundatia Inocenti

*NGO - Non-Governmental Organization

page 2 Foreword Annual ActivityReport - 2008

Dear Friends,

Here we are at the end of another wonderful year that passed too fast. It was sometimes a difficult year, as we felt the financial crisis long before other people. But still, it was a year filled with achievements for Fundatia Inocenti. The best measurement of our achievements is the smile and hope that we see on the faces of hundreds of children and parents who benefit from the services of our staff and volunteers.

Among the most important achievements for 2008 was the successful start of a new program run with the cooperation of the Town Hall Bistrita, the pilot program for the social and educational integration for Roma children. This program brought 11 Roma children to attend school, who otherwise may never have attended school.

Another very important achievement was the extension of the Inocenti Literacy program into the third area of our county, Beclean. This National Authority „Best Practice” program was begun in 2002 in Bistrita, and extended to Nasaud in 2007.

A very important development for us in Bucharest is the arrival of our new colleague, Valentina Maghirescu, M.Ed, who is in charge of development of the organization there, as well as gathering resources from the community.

From the long-term perspecitve, the most important achievement of our organization this year, is the more profound integration of our organization into the community where we work. Thanks to our wonderful colleagues, the local media and government, our work and our organization is more and more seen as an active and important member of our community, as a vital wheel in a mechanisim. This Activity Report for 2008 tries to capture this perspective.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Fundatia Inocenti, we want to thank all of the partners, collaborators, volunteers, beneficiaries and sponsors who supported us during this year, particularly to Romanian Children's Relief, who created us and support and finance us with a lot of generosity. Last but not least I want to thank all of my collegues from Bucharest and Bistrita for their unconditional support and huge effort that they have done throughout this busy year filled with good works for children and families in need. Thank you for supporting them, and all of us at Fundatia Inocenti.

With Friendship,

Marin MIC Executive Director Inocenti Foundation

Str.Mihai Eminescu nr.2, Bl. 16, Sc. D, Etj. 4,Ap. 70, 420076, Bistrita, Bistrita –Nasaud Tel/fax:0263-236368, cell: 0744-866806, e-mail: [email protected], Web:

Lei Donations: RO03 BTRL0060 1205 2418 83XX USD Donations: RO83 BTRL0060 2205 2418 83X Euro Donations: RO49 BTRL0060 4205 2418 83XX

Foreword page 3 Inocenti Foundation ANNUAL ACTIVITYREPORT OF 2008

The Inocenti Foundation is a non-Governmental, non-profit, philanthropic organization without political or religious affiliations, whose mission is to support needy children and their families in order to have a better life. The beneficiaries of our programs are institutionalized or the post institutionalized children, handicapped children, and Roma children.

The mission of the Inocenti Foundation is to offer help to needy children and their families in order to have a better life. The Foundation values the principles taken from the International Convention Relative on Children's Rights.


The Inocenti Foundation carries out programs: In Bistrita, Bucharest, Beclean, Năsăud and Nimigea

The beneficiaries of the programs are children from: · Foster care, Bistrita-Nasaud County ·Bistrita-Năsăud County Hospital – Pediatric Departm ent · BucharestAlfred Rusescu Pediatric Hospital Beclean Orphanage/Placement Center Bistrita Orphanage/Placement Center

Brief History of the Most Important Programs and Projects Carried Out Between 1991-2008 : 1991 – Child Life program was initiated in Bucharest – IOMCAlfred Rusescu Hospital 1998 - Child Life program was extended in Bistrita – The County Hospital 2000 - Me and My Family program was initiated in Bistrita in a co-operation with the General Division for Protecting Children's Rights 2002 - The Me and My Family program was extended in Beclean and Năsăud as well 2002 - a new program was furthered, the Early Literature / Education one, in Bistrita and Bucharest 2004 – Me and My Family program oriented its services towards children with special needs 2005 – Child Sponsorship program was initiated 2006 – Early Intervention for the Deficiency Child program began, financed by French Ministry of ExternalAffairs 2006 – the beginning of The Way we live around – The Labyrinth of the Corporate Social Responsibility project with reference to the furtherance of the corporate social responsibility concept, as main partners of the Bistrita-Năsăud Chamber of Commerce, Industry andAgriculture 2007 – arranging the first edition of the Innocents Olympics - Bistrita, May 2007 2007 – participation at the Strengthening the OrganizationalAbility program arranged by the Partners for Local Development Foundation 2007 – the opening of Day care Centers in Nimigea and Rebrisoara page 4 Annual ActivityReport - 2008 Annual ActivityReport - 2008

2007 – the completion of The Way we live around – The Labyrinth of the Corporate Social Responsibility project with reference to the furtherance of the corporate social responsibility concept, as main partners of the Bistrita-Năsăud Chamber of Commerce, Industry andAgriculture 2007 – First edition of Saint Nicholas for Deficiency Children' gala - December The fight for helping people who 2008 - Pilot program for social and school integration of 10 Rroma children suffer can't be understood without loving people in the moment when they need this. Fundatia Inocenti Programs and Projects Being Carried Out in 2008 from Bistrita is doing this with a lot of professionalism and a “big heart”. 1. Child life Program - Bucharest The year that just passed, 2008, was a 2. Child life Program - Bistrita good year for this small group of special people with whom I have 3.Me and My Family Program worked. I'd like to take this occasion 4.Early Literature / Education Program to thank them and to assure them of my good faith from now on. I want to 5.Early Intervention for Disabled Children Program congratulate them for the time they spend organizing humanitarian 6.Pilot program for social and school integration of Rroma children, Bistrita actions.

Eng. VasileMoldovan Awards Mayor of Bistrita in the period 2000 – 2008 -–ANational Model of Good Practice in the Social Services in Romania we were selected for two projects (Literacy and Early Intervention) in the 90 Practical Ideas for Making Romania More Friendly for Children – 2007 catalog drawn up by the National Authority for the Child's Protection, Oradea 2007- -Selection in theCatalog for Philanthropy - Massachusetts, USA, 2004 -A Model of Good Practice in the Field of the Child's Protection in Romania the Foster Care Network – the ANPCA and USAID National Conference - Romania, 2003 -A Model of Good Practice in the Participating Management – The National Conference - Romania, LIFT, 2002 It is very hard to synthesize in just few -The award for special merits in the collaboration with the local words the activity of Fundatia Inocenti, as it is also hard to express administration and the involvement in the community's problems, an old and lasting collaboration. offered by the City Hall of Bistrita chief town on the occasion of the What defined Fundatia Inoenti in all Volunteer'sDay – December 5th, 2007 these years is social responsibility; -The Excellency Award, offered by the Bistrita Dept. Social Services, solidarity and desire which succeed December 2007 in going beyond all the difficulties and helping the people. Our relationship was based on support and trust, trust in each other and above all trust that every project developed by us for the community gets us closer to a better society. I am strongly certain, that in the future existing programs will continue and based on our community needs we will succeed reaching the objectives and bring more trust in our strength and values.

With respect, Secretary of Bistrita-Nasaud County Concile. Iosif Redl Annual ActivityReport - 2008 page 5 Inocenti Foundation Child Life Program, Bucharest

Case identification:

The beneficiaries are the hospitalized children, the unaccompanied ones and those in difficulty – the Pediatrics Department - I.O.M.C. Alfred Rusescu, Bucharest.

Number of children Total number of children helped in 2007 within the program: 588 children 0-1 year old 5-18 year old 91 Total number of children helped divided into age groups: 380 Age N.o of children 1-2 year old 0 - 1 year old 91 41 1 - 2 year old 41 2 - 5 year old 76 2-5 year old 5 - 18 year old 380 76

Number of children girls, boys) : Number of evaluations: Boys - 206 25 initial psychological evaluations 6 intervention plans 2 reevaluations

Number of case conferences: Girls - 382 24 case conferences

Who assigned the case to the program : Except for a few cases notified by physicians or by the social worker. We ourselves take notice of the cases ex officio when there are unaccompanied children or children in difficulty in hospital.

Number of hours of documentation about the case : One hour of documentation, as an average, was allotted to each and every case.

page 6 BucharestChild Life Program Annual ActivityReport - 2008

II.. Interventions Made Within the Program

Number of beneficiaries and types of intervention : - 380 school children that were unaccompanied in the departments of the hospital benefited from educational and entertaining activities - 132 children in difficulty benefited from psychological evaluations, from therapy (neural-psycho-motor stimulation) and from an intervention schedule, depending on the case - 76 pre-school children that were unaccompanied or in difficulty benefited from educational and entertaining activities and from a neural-psycho-motive stimulation - 385 mothers/legal representative benefited from information, counseling, and parental development sessions

Breakdown of the Beneficiaries and of the Monthly Intervention: 0-- 2 Year Old Mothers/ Evaluations, Total amount Children – Reevaluations, 2008 the Recovery Preschoolers Scholars legal Intervention of work / Depart. representative activity plans month January 23 16 13 34 6 92

February 23 13 16 32 1 85

March 25 12 21 28 3 89

April 21 12 7 37 2 79

May 34 10 15 31 4 94

June 24 12 17 32 2 97

July 23 22 17 35 2 99 August 23 21 14 39 1 98

September 20 16 20 43 3 102

October 25 18 8 32 5 88

November 20 13 19 32 3 87

December 16 15 21 15 1 68

Totalnumber of children (boys, girls) that were in the program on 12/31/2008: - 25 girls - 27 boys

Number of intervention sessions with each beneficiary/specialist in 2007 The children identified with special needs benefited from a 5 hours/day program in the Play Room and the intervention sessions were carried out by all the specialists on a equal basis. As an average, during 5 or 6 months (the lapse of time spent by a child in the Recovery Department), he benefits from 115 hours of intervention from every specialist. In 2008 there were 25 children in the recovery department who benefited from 115 hours with everyspecialist.

BucharestChild Life Program page 7 Inocenti Foundation

First Impressions : by Beth Kirkham IV.Other General Information Partbers of the program 1. RCR, Romanian Children's Relief 2. IOMC “Alfred Rusescu”, Bucuresti 3. FICF, International Foundation for Child & Family

Collaborators and donors: - Danone -American School of Paris - Tasis, England - Rivers and Nobles, USA - School no. 31, Bucharest - British School - INS - International Nursery School I am fairly new to Romania and - Ubi Soft Fundatia Inocenti. I came to the -Anotimpul 5 playroom within the first month of arriving in Bucharest and from that Special Events Organized – Brief Description first introduction, I was impressed - Easter Festivity – presents to hospitalized children, activities specific to this by several aspects of the festivity, such as egg painting, rabbit making out of various materials, painting organization and its people. a.s.o. It was clear to me that all of the - 1st of June party – open air activities – guests: puppet show, School No. 31, clowns. staff knew the children - Christmas Festivity : a short artistic performance with the hospitalized children to individually and were genuinely welcome Santa Claus, guests: School N0. 31, volunteers, donors etc. Every child devoted to their progress, even received presents! those children who had left the hospital. Observing the Brief Description of theActivity Carried Out Within the Program interaction between the hospital staff and Fundatia Inocenti, I The first program began in 1990 in the Bucharest 'Alfred Rusescu' Mother and Child's Protection Institute. At present the Bucharest InocenŃi Foundation has 4 sensed a mutual respect and permanent employees – one assisting worker in the child's development, one productive working relationship. educator, psychologists and many volunteers who work with hospitalized children. Both sides are working together for the welfare of these children. Most The target population are hospitalized children (0-18-year old), unaccompanied of all, I was struck by the integrity ones and the of the organization and their efforts ones in difficulty in the Bucharest Alfred Rusescu I.O.M.C. Hospital. The activity to protect the children and preserve is carried out in 3 play rooms for : - 0-1-year old children their dignity. When I first inquired - pre-school children about volunteering in the - school children ( teenagers) playroom, Valentina arranged to meet with me first to explain their These rooms are completely endowed for educational and recreational activities. work and to get to know me. This The children leave their beds every day, for a few hours, and go to the Play Room. meeting was beneficial for me and Seeing that these children have no family to take care of them, we want to help showed me Fundatia Inocenti is an them develop and grow up in a normal way. Sometimes they stay in hospital for a longer period of time (a few months - 1 year) and the lack of stimulation and organization with a strong affection is the cause of many psychological problems and delays in their foundation. development. I'm happy and honored to be affiliated with a group with these ActivitiesProgramming values and look forward to giving 1. Programfor0 12 MonthOldChildren (Schedule: every day: 10-13; 14-17) my time while I'm living in Goals: Bucharest. There are many - social-psychological-motive stimulation activities that compete for one's - assimilating living habits time, but volunteering 2-3 hours a - providing a food supplement week in the playroom is such a - evaluation of the psychological and motor development and setting up an small amount of time yet is so individualized plan for the intervention, when such case may be worthwhile. Staff Involved: 2 psychologists, one assisting worker for the child's development

page 8 BucharestChild Life Program Annual ActivityReport - 2008

Program for Pre School Children (schedule: every day : 11-13 / 16-17 ) Activities: -arranging an educational and recreational program for pre-school age children; -arranging painting lessons, manual works, logical games, sporting activities, shows; -providing a food supplement (fruit, cereals, yoghurt etc.) -assessing the psychological and motive development and setting up an Volunteering – An Exceptionally Rewarding Experience individualized plan for the By Beth Orshalimy, volunteer intervention, when such case may be. Staff Involved: one educator, one assisting worker for the child's It has been well proven that in order development to grow into happy, functioning adults, babies need affection and Program for Teenagers (schedule: every day : 15-17) stimulation as much as they do Goal : food and sleep. Institutionalized babies are sorely lacking in the -the development of the inter-personal communication abilities and the kind of personal attention most constructive approach of children get from their parents. the problems specific to this age ; This is where the volunteers play a -a better understanding of oneself ; most important role. The smile, -the improvement of the social relationships ; hug, or song a volunteer provides -the teenagers' hygiene education ; to an institutionalized infant can -the development of the teenagers' imaginative and creative capacity ; mean the difference between a human being who will eventually -the organization of recreational activities, such as painting, manual works, become a contributing member of activities in the open air. society, and a child who is “lost” Staff Involved: 2 psychologists forever. The staff of Fundati Inocenti have Mothers Program support groups (schedule: every day : 14-15) built a bright and cheerful playroom at the Rusescu Hospital Goal : in Bucharest, and furnished it with -parental development colorful toys purchased through -prevention of the abandon generous donations. The -providing information related to the child's development and care playroom is the ideal place to bring Staff Involved: 2 psychologists, one educator, one assisting worker for the the babies, where they are provided child's development with the stimulation they can't get from lying in their beds. Over and over again, we've watched the reaction of babies who come to the playroom for the first time. At first, they're overwhelmed by the sensory stimulation of colors, music, laughter, and the general happy environment. By the second or third visit, they know what to expect, and in no time at all, they are playing with their favorite toys, getting a massage, or being spoon- fed tasty baby food, all of which the institution cannot supply. Seeing a baby smile, maybe for the first time, holding it close, and feeling it snuggle into your arms – these are tremendously rewarding experiences for a volunteer. The playroom is open five days a week, from 10:00 – 13:00 in the morning, and from 15:00 – 17:00 in the afternoon. Volunteers are needed everyday, both morning and afternoon, whichever suits the volunteer's schedule.

BucharestChild Life Program page 9 Inocenti Foundation

2. Inocenti Child Life Program, Bistrita

I. Case Identification:

The beneficiaries are the hospitalized children, the unaccompanied ones and those in difficulty located in the Pediatrics Department County Hospital.

Total number of children served Number of children in the program in 2008: 715 children 0 - 1 year old 102 N:umber of children served, dividen into age groups Age N.o of children 0 - 1 year old 102 (aabandoned 11: with belongers 91) 6 - 18 year old 1 - 6 year old 228 384 1 - 6 year old 618- year old 384 228

Number of assessments and intervention plans: - 10 initial psychological assessments - 28 intervention plans - 4 reevaluations

Number of hours of documentation about the case: One hour of documentation, as an average, was allocated to each case.

II.: InterventionsMadeWithintheProgram

Number of beneficiaries and types of interventions: - 11 abandoned children (0-1-year old) - 26 pre-school children that were unaccompanied or in difficulty benefited from educational and entertaining activities, from a neural-psycho-motive stimulation and from an intervention plan, accordingly - 228 pre-school children that were hospitalized in the Pediatrics Department took part in the program and benefited from educational and entertaining activities - 384 school children benefited from educational and entertaining activities - 63 children in difficulty benefited from psychological evaluations, from therapy (neural-psycho-motive stimulation) and from an intervention plan, depending on the case - 190 mothers/caregivers benefited from information, advice, and parental development sessions

page 10 BistritaChild Life Program Annual ActivityReport - 2008

Breakdown of the Beneficiaries and of the Monthly Interventions: Babies School Assesments, Total amount Abandoned Preschool Mothers/ Month with age reassesments, of babies Children Belongers mothers children PSI work/month January 2 19 21 34 19 6 101

February 3 9 23 37 9 81

March 3 17 17 19 17 6 79

April 2 5 7 37 2 72

May 3 9 15 31 4 3 76

June 4 9 17 32 2 9 81

July 4 22 17 35 2 75

August 4 21 14 39 1 22

September 4 16 20 43 3 6 67

Octomber 3 18 8 32 5 3 94

November 5 13 19 32 3 6 86

December 4 15 21 15 1 3 66

Number of intervention sessions with each beneficiary/specialist in 2008:

The special needs children that were identified benefited from a 4 hour/day program in the Play Room and the intervention sessions were equally carried out by all the specialists.

V.Other General Information: Partners and Collaborators for the Program:

- RCR, Romanian Children's Relief - Bistrita County Hospital - Social Work and Child Protection General Division - Public HealthAuthority

Special Events Organized – Brief Description: -Easter Festivity: We gave presents to hospitalized children and made activities specific to this festivity, such as rabbit making out of various materials, painting, stained pieces of glass. -1st of June party – open air activities – guests : Bistrita school children -Christmas Festivity: We prepared a short artistic performance together with the hospitalized children in order to welcome Santa Claus, who offered presents to the children.

BistritaChild Life Program page 11 Inocenti Foundation Brief Description of Program:

The Inocenti 'Child Life' Program was an expansion of the Bucharest Child Life program. The Child Life Bistrita program began in 1998 with the help of the local Rotary Club. There are two specialists overseeing the activities, a social worker and medical assisting worker. They are assisted by several volunteers from the community in activities that take place in two age-appropriate playrooms and within the wards of the Pediatrics Department of the Bistrita County Hospital.

Since the hospital is one of the community centers where people go when they are in need, the goals of this program are several: to educate parents to prevent child abandonment, to reduce the trauma for children who are hospitalized for long periods so that they may develop in a normal way, and to ensure that abandoned babies receive the activities they need to develop normally in the all important first two years of life.


Various activities are designed to stimulate the child's cognitive development and train parents include: Inocenti Foundation program emerged as an answer to child abandonment. The -early literature and education. program's effectiveness and the tenacity -services that support the transition of the child from the residential of our specialists responsible for it's well institution towards family life (professional foster care, its biological family, the function are reflected in their work with adoptive family). children confronted with difficulties. -evaluations of the hospitalized children's neuro-psychological and motor The decrease in the number of development. abandoned children shown in the -personalized intervention plans. abandonment statistics reveal the great -socialization and educational-recreational activities utility of the program. If prior to 1989 -activities of informing mothers about feeding, child development, early abandoned children were suffering from literacy, and child abuse prevention. the hospitalism syndrome, affectivity -support groups for the teenagers and the school children with special deficiencies, now we can say that all that problems. was successfully eliminated through the professional implication of the -activities of involving the community in the services provided on a program's medical-social assistant and voluntary basis. child development assistant. Tuesdays featureEarly Education and Literature programs with reading sessions for The collaboration between the Bistrita preschool children while offering parents information on the importance of reading. Emergency County Hospital's social Thursdays are Hygiene Day: mouth and body hygiene, various diseases such as assistance department and the “Child's hepatitis, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and many others. Life” program was and still is of immense benefit through its great progress. From the hospital statistics regarding the child abandonment, the number of the Renata Racu, abandoned children is dramatically increasing, which shows the necessity of this Social assistance specialist program.

The schedule of the program is Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 16:00:

-08:00-10:00 – abandoned babies (playing therapy, neural-psycho-motive activities, literature activities, melody-therapy, socialization etc.) -10:00-12:00 – school and pre-school children (educational and recreational activities, self-knowledge games, collages, literature and hygiene activities, mouth hygiene, various other diseases, evaluations and intervention plans for the children hospitalized for longer periods of time) My name is Carmen Ratiu and I am a -12:30-13:00 – abandoned babies (involvement in feeding abandoned babies, happy mother from Bistrita. Two years therapy through playing) ago I adopted a little girl who used to -13:00-14:00 – mothers with babies (activities of keeping mothers informed on the be on the Pediatric section of the contraceptive methods, the suckling baby's feeding and bathing, the importance of County Hospital. There I find out the child's hygiene, the importance of early reading etc.) about the „Child Life” program run by -14:00-16:00 – school and pre-school children (creativity games, origami, Fundatia Inocenti. During my visits painting/drawing, games for stimulating the imagination and some others). there I learned how the foundation staff worked on the children's Special Features of the Program: development helping them to make progresses through play stimulation. Weekly, two sessions of the „Shaken Baby” training, are held for the young mothers Thanks to their services I can say that on the Pediatric and Maternity section of the County Hospital, who are tought the my girl had no development delays or negative effects of shaking the baby even for few seconds and how to avoid this attachment disorder. I've also received situation. This type of information it has been given to the mothers since November useful information regarding child development. I would like to thank 2007 after our staff received this training from Katie Smith, the Executive Director of you very much for everything you've “Lift the Children”, affiliated with the Child Abuse Prevention Center, Sacramento, done for my family and I. I consider CA myself very lucky to have met you!” Carmen Ratiu, Mother

page 12 BistritaChild Life Program Annual ActivityReport - 2008

At the beginning of 1998, with the support of Romanian Children's Relief from USA, we have started a program to make the hospital more human, especially in the pediatrics section, by organizing some play and educational areas for hospitalized children. In the first stage, after a medical and sociological research, we established what it really means for a child to be “Hospitalized” – that is, the trauma caused to the children by hospitalization. On the next stage we realized a psychological and medical report on children. The third stage is about work on rehabilitation of children from the biological, psychological and social perspective. For this purpose we have organized in Pediatrics Section of the County Hospital in Bistrita, special rooms for play, where the hospitalized children spend time, between therapies and consultations, making activities with qualified staff (educator, psychologist, social worker). This research project, with an initial budget of $20,000 continued, beginning with 2004 with a different and more elaborated name, “Child Life” that include the child and family. The program is supported by Romanian Children's Relief from USA and Fundatia Inocenti from Romania. The fact is that these programs, not only continued during all this time, but also they were continually perfected, succeeding to convince everybody by its complexity and the efficiency of results. We are grateful to Fundatia Inocenti and their partners for their continued activity and we wish them to exist as long their services will be necessary.

Manager Dr. Mircea Gelu Buta

I collaborate very well with the staff of Fundatia Inocenti in all these nine years since they opened the Child Life program at the County Hospital in Bistrita. I want to mention that they helped us every time when we needed help and they also help us in dealing with abandoned children and mothers with high risk of abandoning their children in the hospital. There are a lot of ways to say it, but words are unnecessary, the facts of their good work stand on their own.

Nurse:Ani Grelus

Innocents Foundation is offering a part of their services at the County Hospital in the pediatrics section. They have two play rooms, one for babies (0-1 years) and the other one for preschoolers and scholars. The staff of Innocents Foundation integrated very well at pediatric section schedule. Every day they take the children to the organization's rooms were they doing different activities like: motor and cognitive stimulation, early literacy, and support for the adolescents and scholars with particular problems and also activities to develop different skills. The organization is also developed a program for mothers were they are presenting and talking about child development and alimentation. The staff of Innocent Foundation is taking care of all the children with a lot of warmth and perseverance, proving in this way their professionalism and humanitarian characteristics.

Dr.Rodica Koncz, collaborator

Lift the Children has been a proud partner of Fundatia Inocenti/Romanian Children's Relief since 2000. A relationship that began as a two-year project continues to thrive because of Fundatia Inocenti's ability to adapt and grow its programs to meet Romania's changing needs. Inocenti's Child Life staff has successfully implemented LTC's Shaken Baby Syndrome prevention project at two hospitals, demonstrating its ongoing efforts to strengthen its programs with up-to-date information and innovative strategies that help parents and communities nurture and protect their most vulnerable children. The children assisted in FI's programs are those at greatest risk of abuse, neglect and abandonment. Yet they are, in fact, the lucky ones who have the opportunity to thrive in the care of Inocenti's dedicated and well-trained staff.

Katie Smith – Executive Director,Lift the Children, California

BistritaChild Life Program page 13 Inocenti Foundation

3. Me and My Family Program I. Case Identification:

1. Children included in the program: disabled children from the residential center, family-type homes, foster care and their biological family, institutionalized and post institutionalized children, including special need children in the Bistrita- Năsăud county. 2. Methodology of inclusion into the program: all the beneficiaries are included in the program upon the recommendation of the Dept. of Social Services social workers and marked in their data base.

TotalNumber of Children Served in the Program in 2008: 46 children, out of which:

-18 children with special needs within the foster care – benefited from the services of the outreach workers (OW) and of the daytime services (educators) -15 children from the family-type little houses in Năsăud, Bistrita - ben efited from the services of the outreach workers - OW -1 child from the Beclean biological family - benefited from the services of the outreach workers -OW -9 handicap-free children within the foster care – benefited from sessions of individual therapy with the psychologist and the physical therapist -3 children from the Bistrita residential service (CSSC Bistrita) – psycho-pedagogue, volunteers (therapy through playing

Number of children served on age categories: Total Number of Children children with special needs Number of children (girls, boys): Served in the Program in 2008: within the foster care children from the family-type 3 little houses in Năsăud, Bistrita Girls - 16 9 18 child from the Beclean biological family children from the Bistrita 1 residential service (CSSC Bistrita) Boys - 30 handicap-free children 15 within the foster care

Number of children served on age categories:

Age 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 No. of 1 1 60141 3 0 1 children Age 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 No. of 2 3 3 12215 8 1 children

Who assigned the case to the program : All the cases were assigned to the program by the S.W.C.P.G.D.'s specialists and two cases by “Benita” Kindergarten.

Number of evaluations (initial, re-evaluations), specific intervention programs/specialist (initial and re-evaluations: Specialists Assestsments Psychologist Outreach workers (OW) 6 Educators (1) SIP 3 55 7 Initial Assessments 3 4 1 Re-assessments 50 4 * Re-assessments: each time that the goals of the PIS were accomplished, new ones were established.

Intervention of each specialist and volunteer/case:

Specialist Psychologist Outreach workers (OW) 6 Educators* Volunteers* No. of cases 3438 9 * 43 cases were served by educators, volunteers and social workers. page 14 Me and My Family Program Annual ActivityReport - 2008

Intervention of each specialist and volunteer/case:

Psychologists 5% Volunteers 14%

Educators 13%

Outreach Workers (OW) 68%

Case conferences / child: Acase conference – general about special need children within the foster care.

Hours of documentation about the case: Between 30 minutes and 5 hours, depending on the complexity of the case.

II. Interventions made within the program:

Classification of the Children on Problems: - Mental deficiencies: 22 children - Genetic troubles: 2 children - Behavioral disorders: 5 children - Hydro-cephalalgia: 1 child - Neural-psycho-motive deficiencies: 8 children - Sensory deficiencies: 4 children - Without any deficiencies: 4 children Breakdown of the Beneficiaries and of the Monthly Interventions: No. of children unde No. of assessments/ Total no. of children served Left the treatment in the last Specific Intervention Month (plans, assessments + treatment) Entered program day of the month Programs January 34 42 76 0 0

February 35 1 36 1 0

March 34 7 41 0 1

April 34 7 41 1 1

May 32 0 32 1 3

June 31 7 38 0 1

July 31 0 31 0 0

August 40 30 70 9 0

September 32 17 49 0 8

Octomber 32 9 41 0 0

November 30 0 30 0 2

December 30 0 30 0 0

„ I've started to collaborate with the Fundatia Inocenti staff/ RCR in 2000 when they began the collaboration with DGASPC –BN (Dept. Social Services) and since then we achieved great things for the children that went in foster care system by given them direct services and care. I also have to mention the material support offered by this foundation to the foster care families and also the information and trainings that these families received from different professional trainers from abroad. Thank you for your constant support and I hope that this collaboration will continue in the future as well.”

Flaviu Bercea Director of the Foster Care System -DGASPC Bistrita-Nasaud

Me and My Family Program page 15 Inocenti Foundation

Total number of children (boys, girls) that were within the program on 12/31/2008 30 children (21 boys and 9 girls) Number of intervention sessions with each permanent beneficiary/specialist in 2008 2008 Interventions of the outreach workers Interventions of the educator Interventions of the volunteers Case 1 52 118 Case 2 52 118 Case 3 52 118 Case 4 52 Case 5 52 Case 6 52 Case 7 52 Case 8 36 75 Case 9 52 12 Case 10 52 12 Case 11 52 Case 12 52 Case 13 52 Case 14 52 Case 15 52 Case 16 14 Case 17 43 Case 18 43 Case 19 43 Case 20 43 Case 21 28 Case 22 28 Case 23 28 Case 24 22 Case 25 22 Case 26 4 Case 27 2 12 Case 28 64 Case 29 64 Case 30 64 Case 31 64 Case 32 64 Case 33 64 Case 34 186 42 Case 35 186 42 Case 36 186 42 Case 37 186 42 Case 38 186 42 Case 39 186 42 Case 40 186 42 Case 41 108 34 Case 42 108 34 Note: Occasional activities performed: - The children of CSSC Bistrita (9 babies and preschoolers) benefited from the volunteers services (The Tasis and Nobles groups, the American School in Paris, a group of students from Spain, Boston College, Natalie Bridges) – play therapy

IV Other general information:

The partners and the collaborators of the program: - Lift the Children - Romanian Children's Relief - Social Work and Child Protection General Division - “Lacrima”Association

Special events arranged:

- 1st of June 2008 – a party and contests in the open air on the occasion of the Child's Day - 19th of December 2008 – a Christmas festivity for the foster care children The Me & My Family Program was begun in 2001 to help children living in the orphanage transition to foster care. Over the years, the program has changed from year to year, to meet the changing needs of abandoned and handicapped children at risk of abandonment. page 16 Me and My Family Program Annual ActivityReport - 2008

Brief description of the activity carried out within the program:

GOALS OF THE PROGRAM -to support the increase of the quality of the children's and teenagers' life who are in difficulty and the creation of a living standard as close as possible to the family environment ; -to support the improvement of the deficient children's and teenagers' health condition and the recovery of the developmental delays; - to strengthen the parental capacity of the biological and placing families in the Return to Innocence Bistrita-Năsăud county in order to be able to face any risk situations. What can be more beautiful than to rediscover the purity of people ACTIVITIES committed to the divine goal of -assessing the institutionalized children's psycho-motor development and setting helping others? Almost nothing! It up an Individualized intervention plan; is never too late to see yourself again -preparing both the child for his/her transferring from the orphanage and the foster in the beautiful moments of your childhood and youth, even as you care person to whom he/she is about to go; lived as a mature person. Soon you -periodically evaluating and providing specialized supports to the children within start to feel attached to the person the foster care system, in a direct way (at their domicile) or in the enclosures of the helping because of their innocence, Bistrita CSSC, by means of Inocenti specialists, volunteers or other professionals talent and devotion in working with brought by the foundation ; children with disabilities. - performing educational, social, recreational activities, parties, festivities; I have found again of all this in Ildi -therapy through playing and recovery therapy for developmentally delayed and Natalie, two Inocenti staff children ; members, who are coming to work -co-participation at the training course held by S.W.C.P.G.D. specialists for the with us with the purity of a child and the experience of a professional. foster care persons ; The Inocenti staff offer moments of -activities of to enhance the awareness and acceptance of handicapped children in happiness and hope to some the community. children living in a social institution, who otherwise don't feel STAFFINVOLVED much happiness or hope. Working 1 Psychologist with “Inocenti” is a life experience; 1 Kinetic therapist- when necessary it is a joy to live differently than in the material system. It is a spiritual 5 Outreach Workers experience that makes you grow 1 Educator morally and makes you, for sure, 3 Volunteers better because altruism helps make you do the same nice and good things. Special Needs Day Center at Nimigea Working with ”Inocenţi” is not naïve, silly or ungrateful, but it is In 2008, Fundatia Inocenti supported a special educator who runs a daily program really a beautiful thing to give for the foster children with special needs in Nimigea village. The activities are everything without waiting for adapted according to each child's needs: play therapy and motor stimulation, something in return. All of this is a communication, etc. The schedule were 4 sessions per week, 3 hours per day. talent given by God to some people During summer the schedule is reduced with one session. Since October 2008, we to help other people to be better, changed the location to „Nimigea” Kindergarten, due to the better conditions happier even if the medicine and offered there, adapted to the needs of the children served in the program. This specialists have already given a not helps the children with social integration with the other children. so encouraging diagnostic. But together to an “innocent” almost everything is possible and Disabled Children in Beclean served by the outreach workers: doubtless, working as a nurse is more pleasant and spiritually In 2008 we continued to offer services to the disabled children, especially to those rewarded, it is uplifting. coming from the foster care system in the Beclean town, services offered by one of If I will have to choose again the our outreach worker. He worked with seven children with special needs by offering work I am doing now, I will choose, them recovery, counseling, education and socialization services. without doubt the same work of pediatrics, of a woman who is working with little people with big hearts- children from the Placement Center together with my coworkers Collaboration with the “Lacrima” Special School: and staff and volunteers from During 2008 we continued to support the transportation of the children and of the “Inocenti.” teenagers with severe deficiencies from the Bistrita Orphanage to the “Lacrima” Special School. We financially supported some of the teachers of the “Lacrima” Susana, “Boby” Chiuzan Special School to keep working during holidays (except for 4 weeks in August, Nurse when they were on vacation) so that the achievements of these children and teenagers may not be lost over break times. Me and My Family Program page 17 Inocenti Foundation

Partnership for “Changing” “Changing” is a valuable expression that emphasizes the real meaning of our objective for children. “Change” is our goal, change for the perceptions of disabled people. I am satisfied and happy that together with Fundatia Inocenti, we are able to develop good programs for this special category of people (in Bistrita). Our collaboration with Inocenti became official in 2006, when we have decided to support some young disabled persons from the Placement Centre from Bistrita, a project that still continues today. About the director of this organization I might say that I know him for always, even if I have meet him not long ago, but by the way he is motivating his colleges, the objectives he promotes, principles that guide him, makes you feel differently and have a better perspective and understanding of his organization. I want to personally congratulate the whole staff of this organization for their involvement, dedication and the results they have achieved. Because our attention is focused on disadvantaged groups who need special services for their integration, we can't omit some attention to the community who is supposed to also integrate them. From my experience it is very important to inform the community, the majority of its citizens who consider themselves normal, but whom, somehow seem to be never ready to accept those who need their help. I wish my colleagues from Fundatia Inocenti a lot of success and I wish them to continue to have the same enthusiasm in all they do. Respectfully, The director of C.S.E.I.”Lacrima”, Eniko CUPSA „ I have the pleasure to collaborate with Inocenti Foundation for many years now. I usually come with a request and they would do the work! As a doctor on the CSSC (Orphanage), there were critical situations when I needed a certain drag for one of our children and I would always go to the Inocenti staff to ask for it. They helped us so many times with sanitary supplies, like surgical gloves! Then, as a director of the CSSC Bistrita I have also collaborated with Inocentii through educational activities for the young children from our unit. These activities made possible schooling 14 children who went to different specialized institutions where they had remarkable results in socialization and psychic improvement. I thank you, INOCENTI!” Director CSSC Bistrita, dr.MihaelaMastan

„ Inocenti Foundation is a trustable partner when it comes to their activities of care, recuperation and socialization of the children with disabilities accommodated in our Placement Center. Daily, the foundation staff and volunteers are helping us in our activities. Their contribution is remarkable in the activities with the children like the play therapy indoors and outdoors, aromatherapy, long walks outside. The love and the devotion that the Foundation staff surrounds these children bring the smile on their faces and the joy in their eyes! Congratulation and many thanks „Inocenti” and I hope we'll have a long collaboration.” Dr.Rusu Liana, CPD Bistrita „ I am Szoby-Andrei' s mother, an 11 years old boy. My son was born with a physical handicap and he needs my help in everything. We appreciate the presence in our home of an outreach worker who has so much patience with Szoby. She reads him stories, teaches him poems, helps him with the writing even tough my son can not move his hands properly. I'm happy to see my son having friendships with some of the children that come to the foundation's programs. The outreach worker have also helped my son get a wheel chair that now helps him move around much easily. Beside the professional relationship, there is also a nice friendship between us. My son is very happy when the outreach worker comes over, especially when they go the candy store along with the other children. Thank you again for the help offered to my son!” Gabriela Homonay, Szoby-Andrei's mother. page 18 Me and My Family Program Annual ActivityReport - 2008

4. “Early Literacy” Program CASE IDENTIFICATION

-Children in this program come mostly from the foster care system (Bistrita, Nasaud and Beclean), from biological families, from the Mayor's office in Bistrita and Beclean and from the Bistrita County Hospital. -Methodology for admission into the program : the data base of the Bistrita Social Services Dept. and County Hospital is used, where 0-6-year old children that have not entered the school system are recorded, but also children who have some developmental delays.

Total number of children served by the program in 2008 : Total number of children served: 57 children -Children from the foster care: 31 children ( from Bistrita, Nasaud and Beclean) -Children from biological families with special needs: 3 children (Bistrita) -Children from the Orphanage: 12 children ( Bistrita and Beclean) -Babies from the Bistrita County Hospital: 11 babies -Babies from Rusescu Spital in Bistrita

All these 57 children benefited from the services offered by 38 Literacy volunteers.

Distribution of the children and of the volunteers: Number of children served on age categories

0 - 1 year 3 11 1 - 2 years 12 2 - 3 years 31 children from the foster care 32 volunteers 1 3 - 4 years 3 children from biological families 3 volunteers 3 4 - 5 years 12 children from CSSC Bistrita and Beclean 5 volunteers 6 5 - 6 years 11 babies from the Bistrita County Hospital 2 volunteers 8 6 - 7 years 13 7 - 8 years

Number of children (girls, boys): Age No.of children Total number of girls : 24 girls 0-1 11 Total number of boys : 33 boys 1-2 1 2-3 3 3-4 8 4-5 13 5-6 6 6-7 2 7-8 3

Who assigned the case to the program / number :

The Bistrita County Hospital : 11 babies S.W.C.P.G.D:46 children. Initial evaluation - children 25 children

Number of evaluations, SIP/specialist Volunteer initial eval about child's level of development 32 volunteers (initial, re-evaluations) : Parent initial eval about the children's level of development and the volunteers' activity 19 parents Some of the children from the program were first been evaluated in the last years when Evaluation after 3 months - children 25 children they were served by others volunteers who Questionnaires after 3 months for the parents relative to 19 parents were active in that period. the children's progress and about the volunteers' activity

Early Literature and Education (Literacy) Program page 19 Inocenti Foundation

Number of hours of documentation about the case: Documentation for drawing the evaluation scales 10 hours Documentation for new Literacy books 5 hours Documentation for preparing the volunteers' training 10 hours Total no. of hours 25 hours II. Interventions Made Within the Program

Children's classification of problems : -31 children from the foster care system – low verbalization level and disorders at the level of the -relational-emotional area ; -3 children from biological families – with developmental delays -12 children from the Orphanage – with neural-psycho-motor delays -11 abandoned babies from the Bistrita County Hospital

Breakdown of the beneficiaries and of the monthly interventions :

Re – Re – No.of No. of No. of No.of No. of Initial eval.- Initial eval.- Initial eval.- Month Evaluation Evaluation children children children volunteers parents children volunteers parents children parents out in

January 3 3 2

February 38 30 20 17 15 14 35

March 38 30 20 17

April 34 18 10 4

May 34 18 10 5

June 34 18 10 25 19

Iuly 4 5 3 30

August 4 5 3

September 19 12 6 15

October 27 20 11 8 8 5 8

November 27 20 11

December 27 20 11

Note: the table doesn't include the 11 abandoned children from the hospital because the number is changing in each month. Because of that we couldn't evaluate and reevaluate them constantly.

page 20 Early Literature and Education (Literacy) Program Annual ActivityReport - 2008

Total number of children (boys and girls) that were in the program on 12/31/2008 : Total no. of children - 27 children from the foster care and Orphanage, 12 girls and 15 boys. In addition, there were 4 abandoned babies from the hospital served by the volunteers.

III. Other General Information “ I'm very happy that I have the opportunity to be a part of the Literacy Partners in the Program : program, especially to work with -Bistrita-Năsăud Dept. of Social Services children from the Orphanage. Working -Bistrita-Năsăud County Hospital as a volunteer in this project, I have the -Bistrita-Năsăud County School Division chance to discover new abilities and to learn more about the child psychology. Collaborators in the Program : After the first months, I realized how -Aletheia bookstore in Bistrita important is for a child to have someone -Liviu Rebreanu National High School in Bistrita to help him discover the book's words and the learning experiences. I know -A. Muresanu National High School in Bistrita that in general, people expect to be -Music High School in Bistrita rewarded for their work, but for us, the -George Cosbuc High School in Nasaud volunteers, the motivation is not a -Petru Rares High School in Beclean material one. I have learned, once again, that a smile of a little child and his Special Events Organized – Brief Description happiness are the most beautiful reward that you can get....and this is something -March 27 and May 28, 2008 – Reading Day at the Bistrita Nicolae wonderful!” Rusu Carmen, volunteer from Steinhardt bookstore for the community children, ages 5-6-year old from Beclean local kindergarten. This event was arranged by program volunteers and included reading sessions and practical activities related to the books. Each child received a story book as a gift upon leaving. The parents were also involved in this event, as they received information on the fun and importance of reading from the earliest ages. -June 12, 2008 – a party for the Literacy volunteers to reward them for the activities carried out with the children within the program.

“ My name is Adriana Stejerean and I'm volunteering at Fundatia Inocenti since 2007. My first experience as a volunteer helped me improve my knowledge about children with disabilities and about life. I have learned to understand the children's needs and to develop a personal style to work with little babies or children with special needs. Being a volunteer in this program gives me an enormous satisfaction. I have learned the real meaning of solidarity and assistance. At the same time, I'm feeling more responsible, more useful and more prepared for the life experiences. The results of my work are personal: I am doing something that makes me feel good, something that is useful for the children, and something that helps me develop as a human being.” Adriana Stejerean, the volunteer of the year 2008

Early Literature and Education (Literacy) Program page 21 Inocenti Foundation

Brief Description of theActivity Carried Out Within the Program

Goals of the Early Literature and Education Program : - developing the writing-reading skills and the attachment of the institutionalized, post-institutionalized and community children ; - increasing the level of involvement of the foster care worker and of the parents in the child's Thoughts about the Literacy educative and recreational activities ; program, - involving the community in the improvement of the children's education level from the earliest “At the beggining, I didn't realize ages ; the impact of the literacy activities - encouraging the foster parents, the biological parents and the other people made by the volunteers with my that take care of children. But after few weeks, I - children to read something to them as a daily routine. started to notice the first results: Beneficiaries of the Program new words in the children's vocabulary, more interest in books, - the children within their own family or within the foster family ; learning more letters from the - babies and children hospitalized for long periods of time or abandoned in the alphabet, etc. Bistrita County These important results were Hospital, the Community Social Services Center, the family-type little house noticed when my little boy started in Năsăud ; the school. Then I realized again the - kindergarten children. positive effect of the literacy activities in the learning process. The Volunteers: The experience and the new - are recruited on a yearly basis ; knowledge obtained with the work - their task is to read and interpret texts and images to the children, to make of the volunteers contributed to the various activities related to the book with them and to involve the child's tutor success of my child in the school. in the activities carried out. Another important issue refers to Early EducationActivities Carried Out : the special bond between my - regular sessions of early education in foster and biological families (once a children and the volunteer. They are week for one or two hours a week) ; eager to receive the volunteer's visit - early literature activities for the children hospitalized in the Bistrita County and curious about the book or Hospital, for those in the Bistrita Community Social Services Center and in material they work with. The the family-type little house in Năsăud (once a week, for one hour) atmosphere is always a positive one - Reading Day – carried out for the community children. and I am very happy to see the interest of my children in the The Literacy volunteers list: activities of reading or drawing. Bistrita: Stejerean Adriana, Satmar Alexandra, Vlad Patricia, Hapca Sandra, Finally, I can say that I'm very Curean Maria, Nicoara Raluca, Orsan Diana, Szolosi Ana Maria, Cira Paula, happy that this program exists and Campan Andrada, Todoran Simona, Sabau Roxana, Galatan Ana, Mihaese I'm thanking Fundatia Inocenti for Ancuta, Mesaros Raluca, OlaruAlina, Pop Claudia. all the support and help for my Nasaud: Miron Daniela, Doboca Viorela, Lup Ramona, Iovu Ioan, Dologa children. Diana, Onoe Adriana, Moldovan Saveta, Nastuta Maria, Silvesan Ana, Chis Rus Veronica, Foster Parent Ioana, Georgita Nastasia, PopAna-Maria, Guzu Mariana,Androne Dan. Beclean: Afrim Bianca, Vlasim Diana, Ripan Anca, Haiduc Iulia, Cojanu Ana, Rusu Carmen, Chiurar Doina, Bica Cecilia.

We thank all for their generosity and dedication in supporting our activities. We respect and we admire their work.

page 22 Early Literature and Education (Literacy) Program Annual ActivityReport - 2008

5. Inocenti “Early Intervention Program”

I Detection Origin of the Children Within the Program : Children are referred by the complex evaluation department of the Bistrita-Năsăud Dept. of Social Services and Pediatricians.

Total number of children served by the program in 2008 :

40 children were served within the program in 2008, out of which: -38 children guided by the complex evaluation department, the family doctors, by specialists -2 children from the Bistrita-Năsăud County Hospital – the Pediatrics Department From the initial number of 40 children, 7 children were oriented, guided, helped by the FI specialists towards institutions relevant for their problems.

Total number of children served by the program in 2008 : 40 children were served within the program in 2008, out of which: Who assigned the case to the program / number : - 38 children guided by the complex - 34 children guided by the complex evaluation 7 evaluation department, the family doctors, by specialists department of the S.W.C.P.G.D. 2 - 2 children from the Bistrita-Năsăud County Hospital – the Pediatrics - 2 family doctors Department - 2 Bistrita Polyclinic From the initial number of 40 children, 7 children were oriented, - 2 children – the BN County Hospital - Pediatrics guided, helped bythe FI specialists towards institutions relevant for their 38 problems .

Number of children served on age categories

Age 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9

No. children 5 7 4 8 2 33

Age 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17

No. children 1 421

Girls Boys 26 14

Number of evaluations, SIP / specialist: Specialist Initial evaluations Reevaluations Specialized individualized plansTotal Total Physical Therapist 10 25 9 44 Psychologist 13 12 15 40

Each specialist's intervention / case:

Orientations towards other Specialist Psychologist Physical Therapist services or medicine help

No. of cases 29 34 7

Hours of documentation about the case: - depending on the complexity of the case – as an average: between 15 min. and 1.5 h

The Early Intervention for Deficient Little Child Program page 23 Inocenti Foundation

Each specialist's intervention /case:

Physical Therapist - 34

Orientations towards other services or medicine help - 7 Psychologist- 29

II. Treatment

Classification of the children according to their problems :

-ESI + hemi paresis, tetra paresis, para paresis + psycho-motor retardation: 21 children -spastic dysplasia: 4 children -spastic hemi paresis + post-traumatic sequel: 1 child -cerebral paralysis: 3 children -medium retardation in the psycho-motive development: 3 children -Down Syndrome: 4 children -equin leg – bilaterally: 1 child -developmental disorder ( psychologically + speech): 2 children -acondroplasia:1 child Breakdown of the beneficiaries and of the monthly interventions:

No. of children under treatment Total no. of children served Month thelast day of the month No. of evaluations/IAPs (plans + treatment) In Out

January 18 8 26 3 3

February 25 6 31 7 4

March 18 3 21 1 0

April 16 0 16 2 2

May 14 2 16 3 2

June 15 3 18 3 1

July 12 2 14 0 0

August 0 0 0 0 0

September 14 12 26 1 0

October 21 7 28 5 0

November 20 3 23 2 0

December 15 0 15 0 0

Total number of children with whom we actually worked: 40 children

Total number of children (boys, girls) in 2008 Boys -14; Girls -26

Total number of children (boys, girls) that were in the program on 12/31/2008: Boys -12; Girls -26

page 24 The Early Intervention for Deficient Little Child Program Annual ActivityReport - 2008

Number of intervention sessions with each beneficiary/specialist in 2008 :

Orientations towards other Physical Therapist Psychologist 2008 services or medicine help Case 1 3 Case 2 12 Case 3 10 1 1 Case 4 40 Case 5 43 Case 6 9 1 1 Case 7 30 21 Case 8 15 Case 9 12 1 Case 10 46 16 The unfolding of the Inocenti Case 11 20 14 Olympics by the Inocenti Case 12 20 Foundation is an Case 13 9 1 Case 14 7 3 extraordinary idea in Bistrita Case 15 2 County. The great Case 16 1 29 satisfactions in life are when Case 17 9 5 you give without expecting Case 18 29 anything in return; this is what Case 19 20 Case 20 20 15 theInocenti Foundation did Case 21 6 20 and still does. The Olympics Case 22 3 were a big challenge for me Case 23 17 6 and I tried to help out the Case 24 7 16 people that gave so much. I Case 25 12 am proud to be alongside Case 26 10 7 Case 27 12 3 1 these people and, as a partner, Case 28 9 3 to contribute with so little to Case 29 46 12 the wellbeing of these Case 30 4 children. I hope the Olympics Case 31 11 30 will have many more editions Case 32 12 4 1 and that the community will Case 33 11 4 Case 34 7 10 1 get more involved. Case 35 7 1 Prof. Maria Delia Rapan Case 36 10 2 Case 37 5 Case 38 4 Case 39 4 Case 40 9

III. Other General Information

Partners and collaborators of the program : Thank you to the Inocenti - The Social Work and Child Protection Foundation because they General Division turned to us and gave us - The Bistrita-Năsăud County Hospital protection, and handed out - The City Hall of Bistrita chief town their helping hand when we - The Inocenti Foundation needed one. Thank you for the - The family doctors smile on my little daughter's face and for the trust you gave Special events organized her in helping her become the star she is today. These words, 1. The Innocents' Olympics “thank you”, are so tiny for a The second edition of the „Innocents' Olympics ”took place on May 15th , 2008. It heart that big. From the bottom was a real success because of the big number of children, but also spectators. We of my heart I wish you great had some special guests, like the president of Fundatia Inocenti, Mr. Mike Carrol, success! and Mr. Don Hahn, film producer at Walt Disney, three times nominated at Oscar. Sutea Rozalia, Evelin's mother The Early Intervention for Deficient Little Child Program page 25 Inocenti Foundation

Like the first time, over 350 children with disabilities participated at sporting and artistic contests, like: classic soccer for boys and girls, leading a ball by the foot amongst poles, handball for boys and girls, classic basketball or basketball for motive deficient children in wheeling chairs or not, who only throw a limited number of times into the basket, throwing the oina ball, drawing, dancing or painting. All the activities were adapted and simplified according to the children's needs.

In organizing the event, our partners were: the Bistrita-Năsăud Social Work and Child Protection GeneralDivision, CSEI Lacrima Bistrita, CSEI Lacrima Năsăud, The mere existence of the the ' St. Mary ' Arts and Trades School, the County School Division, ' Liviu Inocenti Foundation is highly Rebreanu' National High School, CSEI 1, CSEI 2, CSEI Beclean, and many other benefic because it offers new volunteers. and diverse services that cover almost the entire need 2. The “St Nicolas for Disabled Children” Gala of a disability suffering child. Like at the first edition, the gala was organised having a specific goal: to promote The study case conferences the Fundatia Inocenti programs and activities, but also to motivate abd attract a held by DGASPC's complexa great number of VIPs and well-meaning people from various fields of activity on service professionals were the territory of the Bistrita-Năsăud county , to support and sustain our social also very beneficent. I have to projects on long term. Also this year, the guests responded in big number to our invitation. Over 100 people participated at the gala, where they had the opportunity mention the fact that the FI to join the raffle with prizes and also the action. At the action they could obtain a formations courses, where ball and a t-shirt signed by the football team Gloria Bistrita, gloves signed by the SEC colleagues also took boxing word champion super middle category, version IBF, Mr. Lucian Bute, part, the Inocenti Olympics paintings by Stefan Popa Popas, Miron Duca, Stefan Pelmus, Marcel Lupse, ball organization, the trips taken and t-shirt signet by the National team of Rugbi, the book “ The Beauty and the with the children faced with Beast” and video tape “Lion King”, signed by their producer Don Hahn, and many disabilities and the financial other products. help we received, all were more than welcome. Brief description of the activity carried out within the program: This program is especially meant to 0-3-year old children in the Bistrita chief town Nazarica Ariesan that have development retards and neural-psycho-motive deficiencies. DGASPC Complexa Service The aim of the program is to reduce the risk of maternal abandon in case of the Evaluation Chief deficient little child and to increase the level of neural-psycho-motive recovery. Activities : - information and counseling at home or at the headquarters of the service relative to the rights and the facilities granted to deficient children and to their families ; - support for benefiting from services adjusted to the child's individual needs ; - support for having access to the medical services and to the Complex Evaluation Department : - home intervention. Services offered : - kinetics therapy - psychological counseling and therapy All the children in the program are included in early literature activities carried out with volunteers from the community.

As a disability faced child's parent, I am very pleased with the Inocenti Foundation personnel, well prepared and capable in working with children with special needs, at the same time cooperating with us, the parents, giving us piece of advice concerning the work with our children outside the foundation. My child has made remarkable progress, is integrated in a program, and the foundation's activities keep his senses alive stimulating him in practicing some of the exercises at home. My child is always excited on the day we visit the foundation. I can assure you that the foundation's services have a positive effect upon my little girl's recovery. Herta Lucretia

page 26 The Early Intervention for Deficient Little Child Program Annual ActivityReport - 2008

Inocenti Foundation is the first one to organize the first public manifestation to promote the handicapped person's image and right to equal chance in the competition with society. It's the only foundation that unrolls activities for the early prevention of disability faced children and promotes the right of fair image concerning these children, this being the reason for constant support coming from the local public administration.

Narcisa Duda – Counselor

About passion and holiness

I am a person preoccupied by family and work. I think this is the situation that can be easily extended to the majority of the people of my age in Romania. But my chance was to have an experience that changed my way of seeing and understanding the reality that surrounds us. By a happy chance, the multinational company were I work, Leoni Bistrita, agreed to became the partner of an organization whose purpose is molding the collective conscience regarding less fortunate people. That is, the process of normalizing of the relation between the society and innocent beings that were endowed physically and psychologically, children who didn't start their way in life with equal chances. There are children to whom the spirit didn't meet the perfect vehicle and who need, for their entire life, to prove that by spirit, they are rich and equipped like any of us. I am referring to Fundatia Inocenti from Bistrita. I don't plan to talk much about common projects of Inocenti and LEONI, but I need to mention that all started in 2006 and this collaboration didn't consist only in donations and financial support for the programs. Collaboration and relationships between these two entities evolved and enrich permanently and they know today a new dimension, a personal one. I need to add that, probably the most substantial achievement was that more than four thousand employees of Leoni Company became sensitive to the problems of the children who are in the care of the Foundation, and with this, in their conscience something has changed irreversibly. It is miraculous the way in which the contact with these children changes everybody. The register of human emotions is modified dramatically, in the moment when we become aware of the chance to acquire superior endowments and we are aware of the responsibility to share with those less fortunate.

Superior humans with superior hereditary impediments do not have an ascendant, they just have a duty, more or less understood, toward others who, even if they were less fortunate physically, they were blessed with innocence and holiness. Near them, thru solidarity, we can learn the vital lesson of humanizing. We, so called “normal humans”, we are their only chance to normality and affection. On the other hand they are our only chance for modesty.

These special and fragile beings had the chance to find in Fundatia Inocenti a protector and an ambassador of exceptional quality. The team of visionaries and altruists run by Marin Mic succeed, with modesty and discretion to achieve an almost magical thing, they won, for the innocent souls they have“adopted”, a special place in the society and in this word, but especially in the hearts of the people that surround us. &n bsp; What is really fascinating is the fact that from the passion of these people it weaved, around these children, a micro universe were they are important, were they are loved, cared and respected for what they really are, were we can be accepted only if we have passed the test of the primary innocence and holiness.

Daniel Denes Leoni Company, Bistrita 09.02.2009

The Early Intervention for Deficient Little Child Program page 27 Inocenti Foundation

6. Pilot project for social and school integration for Roma children A program to integrate young Roma children into local school


The children in this program come from Roma (Gypsy) families who do not yet attend school. They are between the ages of 3-8 years old and the families live in Bistrita. 1.Methodology for admission into the program: all the beneficiaries are included at the recommendation of social workers of SPAS (Social Services/Public Assistance in Town Hall) Bistrita.

Total number of children served by the program in 2008: 11 children: Number of children served on age categories:

Age 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8

No. children 2 4 131

Number of children (girls and boys): Who reported the case to the program All the cases werw reported to the program by 7 - 8 years 3-4years Bistrita SPASspecialists. 1 2

6-7years No. of social investigations: 11 3

5-6years 4-5years 1 4

Girlls Boys 4 7

Breakdown of the Beneficiaries and of the Monthly Interventions: No. of children No. of social No. of Literacyactivities / Identification, sign-up for the Month in the program inquiries individual counseling program and participation

June 9 9 9 Identification

July 9 9 Identification

August 9 9 Sign-up

September 11 2 11 Identification/Sign-up/Participation

October 11 11 Participation

November 11 11 Participation

December 11 11 Participation

Total number of children (boys, girls) in 2008: 11 children Total number of children (boys, girls) that were in the program on 12/31/2008: Boys -7, Girls -4 page 28 Pilot program for social and achool integration of 10 Rroma children Annual Activity Report - 2008

IV. Other General Information:

The partners and the collaborators of the program: SPAS Bistrita-Năsăud (Social Services/Public Assistance, Bistrita City Hall) - “Benita”Association, Bistrita Bistrita-Năsăud County School Division

PROGRAM GOALS 1. Organize educational activities for at least 10 Roma children between ages of 3-6 years old, living in Bistrita, with social difficulties, who are not going to any kindergarten or day care center. 2. Provide training and develop parental capacity for at least 10 Roma families living Bistrita. 3. Organize information and counseling activities for 10 Roma families. 4. Increase the inclusion of all young people in activities organized for Roma children.

ACTVITIES - Provide training sessions to help parents understand the value of education - Educational activities for children - Identification of direct partners to help families and involve them in the program - Identification of beneficiaries and sign them up in the program

STAFF INVOLVED 1 psychologist 1 social worker Occasionally: 4 volunteers

Pilot program for social and achool integration of 10 Rroma children page 29 Inocenti Foundation

TASIS, The American School in England, has been bringing groups of students and teachers to Romania for annual community service trips. The following note is from Bob Stern, Teacher at TASIS:

Since February 2000, all ten TASIS - RCR February Community Service trips to Romania have been wonderful for the students who have made this grand journey. Everyone involved, our students and the RCR children, have benefited enormously from the experience. Each year is notable. For us, it is always the perfect trip---tiring, emotional, loving, caring, ever so rewarding. As usual, the memory of this opportunity will remain with our students for a very long time. I still receive e-mails from graduates saying how important this trip was to them; for some, it even has been life changing.

More than 140 students have been on this trip with me over the past 10 years; dozens of suitcases and hundreds of boxes of much-needed items have been taken or shipped to Romania for RCR. Thousands of dollars have been raised, which, at my request, go toward increasing in-country operating costs.

The RCR staff members are my heroes, and I know they are extremely grateful for what we do for them. Yet, I am grateful for what they do, and honored to be able to work with them. I consider them all as friends. I thank the RCR staff for their extraordinary accomplishments. For the TASIS students, what RCR achieves on a daily basis cannot be taught or even easily explained, it can only be experienced. Robert (Bob) Stern- Tasis School England

Since I first came to Romania to work in the RCR program in 2002, I have seen a lot of changes. I have continued to return to work with RCR at least three times per year. I have always been impressed with the dedicated staff, and many of them have become lifelong friends. The program has changed over the years, with more children placed in foster care and more programs set up for special needs children. In Bucharest, the program has changed less, although the children now served are mainly babies. I just returned from a week of working with TASIS Upper School students in Romania. They were so touched by the children and the staff that they worked with. I think that the best improvements over the years have been the effort to place and support children in foster homes and in improving the quality of lives of the children still in placement. Wendy Gediman- Tasis School England

I met Marin Mic (Executive Director of Fundatia Inocenti ) when the group who prepared to form Rotary Bistrita Nosa was inviting new members. The fact that he was at the head of a nongovernmental agency counted a lot, so he was accepted without reservation. At the beginning I thought he is too serious and solitary. In time I have discovered that he has a lot of humor, he knows to laugh and he is very involved in what he is doing. The Special Olympics, summer 2008, had rhythm, color, and children enjoying activities. The volunteers from Inocenti, were careful for everything to go well. And went well! It was the same at the Charity gala on December 4th , with more solemnity, but with the same children's emotions, and guests' interest and goodwill. Marin and his colleagues really promote something that has slowly become very visible in the Romanian society: VOLUNTEERING. With sincerity, bravo and wishes for success in the future! Eladie Grere, chairman Rotary Club, Bistrita Nosa page 30 Pilot program for social and achool integration of 10 Rroma children Annual Activity Report - 2008

OTHER ACTIVITIES I. Special events: 1.The Olympics of the Innocents “Olympiada Inocentilor” 2008 The second edition of the “Olympics of the Innocents” took place on May 15, 2008. It was a great success and included many children, volunteers, and spectators. Over 350 disabled children from Bistrita-Năsăud County participated in this event. They participated in sport and artistic events like: ping-pong, bowling, ball throwing, foot races, football (soccer), handball, volleyball, basketball, dance, singing and drawing. We had the privilege of having special guests like Mike Carroll, the president of RCR / Inocenti Foundation and Don Hahn,AcademyAward nominated producer of 16 animated films for Walt Disney studios. Our partners in organizing this event were Special Schools from our county (Centrele Scolare de Educatie Inclusiva numarul 1 si 2, Beclean, Lacrima- Nasaud si Bistrita, Scoala de Arte si Meserii Sf. Maria), Department for Social Services (Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului BistritaNasaud),County Department for Education (Inspectoratul Scolar General), the Liviu Rebreanu High School, and disabled children and volunteers from our county. We were helped and sponsored by the Town Hall of Bistritaand some local companies like:SC Comelf SA, SC Leoni SRL, SC. Raal SA, SC Macon SRL, SC Bonissimo SA, SC Haus Imob SRL, SC Rombat SA, SC Diagnosticum SRL, Cofetariile Cristina, Salon Baby Party and a very generous donation from a local business man, Mr. Ungur Lucian. Thank you to all those who helped us in preparing this event and to all the volunteers who were present to encourage the children. 2. International Children's Day Party for the children To celebrate International Children's Day, June 1, we organized, in collaboration with Child Protection Department, a party for the 250 children in foster care. The activities included sport contests, games, dance, and karaoke. All the children received gifts donated by the company SC Comelf SABistrita. 3. Charity Gala “St. Nicolas for children with special needs”, second edition This second annual charity gala followed the same objectives as last year, that is; promoting the activities of Fundatia Inocenti, and motivating important people of our community to become involved in our activities thus creating long and short term partnerships for sustaining social projects. More than 100 guests participated joined us for the event and participated in the auction and raffle. The price for a gala ticket was 250 lei and 10 lei for a raffle ticket (approximately 100 USD and 4 USD respectively). The evening began with Christmas carols sang by Cornelia Adrelean Archiudean and the “Doinita” children group. A big contribution was made by folk singer, Florin Sasarman, and the “ProOpera” group (Cristina Steucean, Stefan Pop and Cristian Lepadatu). The most touching moment of the evening was a dance performed by the special needs children from Lacrima Special School (CSEI Lacrima). They taught us a lesson of will; that you can move even when your illness endeavors to restrain you from doing so. It was in this tender moment that “powerful people” were moved to tears. Over 100 individuals participated in this event and had the chance to purchase raffle tickets to win small prizes and take part in an auction where they could choose to bid for more prestigious prizes such as; a soccer ball and jersey signed by the Gloria Bistrita players, a pair of boxing gloves signed by IBF Super champion, Lucian Bute, paintings signed by Stefan Popa Popas, Miron Duca, Stefan Pelmus, Marcel Lupse, ball and jersey signed by Romania National Rugby team, The Beauty and The Beast, Disney book and Lion King Disney DVD signed by the famous USA director and producer Don Hahn. These are only some of the auction objects the participants could bid on. The amount raised from selling event tickets, raffle tickets, auction and other small donations and after covering all the expenses, was approximately 17,000 lei (nearly 7,000 USD). At the gala, the participants could preview a short documentary about Mike Carroll, made by Don Hahn, who has produced some of the most successful Disney movies and was nominated for 2 Oscars.

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“It is very hard when I come from the USAto Romania. Something changes. There is another mentality, another system. In the end we have to care for each other, to be a family” said Mike Carroll in the preview of the movie.

This event was a good opportunity for Fundatia Inocenti to acknowledge the most important partners from Bistrita-Nasaud County by offering diplomas and trophies. We presented diplomas to Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului Bistrita Nasaud, Centrul Scolar de Educatie Inclusiva “Lacrima”, County Hospital Bistrita, and Townhall Bistrita. We also presented two trophies:“Children's Friend –2% money and 98% heart=hope ”, to the company “Leoni” Bistrita and the big trophy“Children's Friend” to the company “Comelf” Bistrita. 4. Inocenti Christmas party The Christmas party was held this year on December 17th . We prepared gifts for 255 children in foster care. We also offered gifts to the children from CSSC Bistrita and to all the children coming to our programs. We also gave more than 300 gifts to the children who benefit from our services in the placement center, the hospital and other children from the child protection system.

5. Inocenti Community Reading Day We organized two editions of the “Reading Day” program for children in our community. More information can be found in the section dedicated to the “Literacy program”. 6. Project in collaboration with SAM Rebra InApril 2008 we collaborated with SAM Rebra (School) on a project that included a component of helping poor families within our county. We identified and selected, with the help of the local government, DGASPC, 10 families in need within our county. We offered the families items donated by the students from SAM Rebra (sugar, flour, rice, oil, etc.). The students also donated 500 lei, which was used to buy diapers for children with special needs and babies abandoned in the hospital.

7. Christmas Party Bucharest Like every year, this Christmas Fundatia Inocenti organized and implemented a grand celebration for the hospitalized children. Santa's elves were busy for days with the preparations, and on December 22, we were all welcomed by Santa and Mrs. Claus to a fully decorated hall, with a beautifully lit tree, a well-prepared show, and many surprises. The Alfred Rusescu Hospital contributed some surprises of its own, helping to make the party even more successful. A team from CliniClowns opened the show, bringing instant smiles to the faces of all those present. Ms. Margareta Paslaru did us the honor of participating in the celebration, singing her famous song, “Veronica”. The children, their mothers, and the hospital staff alike were delighted by this unexpected treat! The show continued with a pageant put on by the students of School No. 31, who come to us every year to help spread joy among the hospitalized tots. This year, we offered Santa Claus not only songs and poems, but also “latin” dances with an on-the-spot demonstration. Through the Mania Latino Dance School, Wilmark visited us, and offered the little ones a dance lesson, with great response! Even the children who couldn't attend the party due to their medical condition weren't forgotten. Mrs. Claus went from room to room, distributing gifts directly to the children in their beds. And since the arrival of Christmas is always accompanied by caroling, our friends from Anotimpul 5 came to sing to us. A guitar, a recorder, a tambourine, and some pleasant voices followed us through the hospital, giving joy to young and old alike. We couldn't have organized this celebration without the help of additional Christmas elves. These were the donors and supporters of Fundati Inocenti, who committed themselves to providing gifts for the children. After all, even sick or abandoned children deserve a visit from Santa Claus. Since all the children were good this year, Santa was very generous with his gifts!

The British School of Bucharest donated gift boxes filled with presents for 30 children at our Christmas party. In a similar spirit of giving, the “Friends of INS” donated Christmas gifts for 30 abandoned babies, beneficiaries of our Child Life Program. Thanks to their generosity, and to that of additional, anonymous supporters, we were able to distribute 210 bags full of Christmas presents to all the children in the hospital!

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8. The project “Let's make a good deed”!

A team of young people from “Ubisoft - Romania” received a very unusual homework assignment: to make a good deed in order to help their community. Crina Popistasu and some of her colleagues visited us at the hospital where they were able to see what we do every day as we help the children. After a session of brainstorming around our needs, the team decided to organize two benefit concerts for the Foundation. The concerts were held at the beginning of November at the Downstairs Club in Bucharest. Both evenings were a great success and we raised 7500 Ron for Child Life program in Bucharest. We would like to thank to all that help organizing this project. Also, we would like to thank to all the performers who volunteered their time and talent to our cause: Mircea Vintila, Alina Manole, Ovidiu Mihailescu, Maria Magdalena Danaila, Circa Sapte, Grupul Soapta, Daniel Fat, Ionescu Marius Florin, Radu Pozneac, Highlight Kenosis, Go to Berlin, Pol opus. 400 people came to support us during both concerts.Among sponsors we mentionAzero, Konart,Anotimpul 5, Info Touch, Ubisoft Romania and Clubul Downstairs. Other events

- We distributed donations of clothing, shoes, hygiene items, and special equipment from the organization, “Stichting Hulp Kindertehuizen Roemenie- from Holland”. All these products are donated to the families and children with whom we are working and also to poor families within our county. This year we have received two transports, one in May, which contained donations for our organization and Ilisua Center for children and the town of Tagu and the last one, in October, containing more than 1,300 boxes.

- We participated again at the “Non-Government Organization (NGO) Fair” organized by ANT (National Agency for Youth) Bistrita. This year the best volunteer of Fundatia Inocenti was Adriana Stejerean. This event was also an opportunity to promote our programs and make our services more visible to the community and especially for the youth who were present at the event.

- We continued our collaboration with Bistrita City Hall and this year they co- financed two of our programs. One program was dedicated to children with disabilities and their families and one for Roma children and their families.

- We created the first program in the county dedicated exclusively to helping Roma children.

- We created and sent financing letters and financing projects to: Petrom SA, Rompetrol SA, Bistrita City Hall, Fundatia Principesa Margareta a Romaniei , Fundatia VodafoneRomania.

- In the period June 8-13, 2008, sixchildren with severe disabilities accompanied by a parent spent 5 days at Hajduszoboszlo, Hungary. They were accompanied by a nurse, who is working for SC Comelf SA, the company that sponsored the entire trip. The children were selected with the help from Department of Social Services Bistrita-Nasaud.

- We organized the 2% Campaign again this year. We collaborated with numerous institutions and companies, especially with Leoni SA Bistrita and Bistrita City Hall. The city hall permitted us to place the campaign posters in many public places in Bistrita. In 2008, we raised 35,302 lei ($10,000) from this campaign.

- At the beginning of the year we prepared a proposal at the National Agency for Community Projects in Education and Professional Training Domain (ANPCDEFP), for participating at the program Youth in Action. We have obtained the accreditation for this program which is promoting volunteering and mobility in the interior and exterior of UE frontier, non formal education and intercultural dialog, encouraging integration of the youth, independently of educational, cultural and social environment.

- In March we won the “Best practice Literacy Program and Best Practice Early Intervention program” at the European Union Annual Conference. Both programs were published in the book „ 90 de idei de proiecte sociale pentru a face Romania mai prietenoasa pentru copii”, made by the National Authority in Child Protection.

Other activities page 33 Inocenti Foundation

- We have modified the Organization statute to respond to the new law requirements.

Intotdeauna ti-ai dorit sa ajuti! Acum poti sa o faci fara sa te coste nimic!

Directioneaza acum 2% din impozitul pe venitul tau in anul 2007, Fundatiei Inocenti si sustine - At the beginning of the year we have made the most ample annual astfel cauza unui copil in dificultate. Cauza noastra e si cauza ta! report that the organization had till now (Annual report 2007 ro, en, fr Poti sa directionezi cei 2% pina in luna Mai 2007. Nu uita ca, daca nu-i directionezi se vor intorce in bugetul statului. – can be visualized on our web site). Daca vrei, sa ne directionezi cei 2%, sa faci o donatie, sa devi voluntar sau doar sa ne cunosti, cauta-ne la: La locul de munca munca: Complexul de Servicii Sociale Bistrita, Str. Toamnei, nr 1A ori in sectia Pediatrie a Spitalul Judetean, B- dul General Grigore Balan, nr 43, et. 5 sau la sediu: Str. Mihai Eminescu Bl. 2, Sc. D,

Fundatia Inocenti Et 4, Ap.70, 420076, Bistrita, Bistrita –Nasaud, ori contacteaza-ne la: Tel. 0363/102406 (luni-vineri, orele 8-16); fax: 0263-236368, 2% e-mail: [email protected] - In March we obtain the accreditation for the program „Early intervention for childen with disabilities-Interventie timpurie pentru copilul mic cu dizabilitati” from Labor and Social protection Local Department.

- We have tried to access more local funds in 2008. We had an intense activity of writing sponsorship letters to the local companies. An example of this activity is that we succeed to cover almost all the expenses of Innocents Olympics with money from local sources.

- We have participated at different TV discussions about our programs and activities at the local TV stations: As TV, Focus TV, Bistrita TV. We have been promoting our activities also in the local newspapers: Mesagerul de Bistrita-Nasaud, Rasunetul Bistrita- Nasaud, Reporter Special Bistrita-Nasaud (see annex).

- In this year we have started to work on one of our future projects, to organize trainings for professionals in child protection area. In the period June-September we have talked with potential partners: Victor Groza, Ph. D, Professor - Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Chase Western Reserve University, USA; Betty Blythe, Ph.D, Professor -Boston College Graduate School of Social Work, USA; Katie Smith- Executive director,Lift the Children, USA; JJ Orfeuvre – Director executiv, CHMPS, Puy en Velay, Franta. We have also local partners: Adela Carcu- deputy director DGASPC Bistrita-Nasaud, Flaviu Bercea- chief service Foster Care, DGASPC Bistrita Nasaud and Elena Netan – ISJ Bistrita.

- In the summer the executive director of the organization Marin Mic, together with the president of the organization Mike Carroll visited recuperation centers for children from France- CHAMPS, Le Puy en Velay and Holland- Padestoel-Emmelord. This trip helped us with find new partners for our next project.

- During one week in September, Mr. Jean Jacques Orfeuvre, director of CHAMPS, Le Puy en Velay, France visited Fundatia Inocenti in Bistrita. The goal of this visit was to evaluate the possibilities of a long term partnership between the two organizations. Mr. Orfeuvre made an evaluation of Fundatia Inocenti capacity of implementing two projects, one regarding creating a multifunctional recuperation center, similar with CAMSP in Bistrita and the second one regarding a new project of professional trainings for Romanian professionals working in child welfare social services.

- This year we participated at the selection of the best 2008 volunteers from Romania, organized by the organization Pro Vobis. We have signed up with two of our volunteers from Literacy Program, who have a two years experience, Adriana Stejerean and Alexandra Satmar. Both of them were chosen to be awarded and their presentation was published in the brochure “Volunteers Portrait- Portret de voluntar”.

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- We receive important donations from the local community, Rotary Club and German Forum donated wheel chairs for children, adolescents and adults and Comelf Company donated more than 500 gifts for the children this year. We have also received in important donation of computers, hygiene items and clothing from TASIS School from England. We use the computers in our Child's Life program from the County Hospital Bistrita.

Scoate un leu din portofel Ca s-ajuti un sufletel !

- We continued to raise money from individual donations through the donations boxes form Bistrita, Nasuad and Beclean shops. In 2008 we raise 3,257 lei which were used to reimburse children transportation to therapy sessions, diapers, powder milk and reimburse medicine and other medical analysis costs for the beneficiaries of Early Intervention program.

- In October 2008 we renewed for another 5 years our collaboration contract with the Department of Social Services Bistrita-Nasaud (DGASPC) .

- We have participated at competitions related to our activity areas, social services and child welfare: ERSTE (Austrian Bank Charity), Innovative projects in child welfare, and FDR,Donor Forum for Romania –Annual reports competition.

- At the end of December, our organization participated through our executive director at the final meeting of ProCopil program, organized by FONPC.

- In December Rotary Bistrita Nosa Club had the initiative to start a matching grant for a project that will raise money to buy special Scoate un leu din portofel rehabilitation equipment for children with disabilities. Ca s-ajuti un sufletel!

- The executive director of our organization was invited by FONPC, in October, for a week at Chisinau and other towns in Moldavian Republic. The goal of this visit was to have an experience exchange regarding children with disabilities with the colleagues from Moldavian Republic.

Activities in Bucharest: Meli Melo Paris is generously providing the funding for 25 new beds and mattresses for the abandoned babies section of IOMC Alfred Rusescu Hospital. These babies are supported by Fundatia Inocenti's “Child Life” program. In addition, with this support, we were able to provide 7 new beds and mattresses for one adolescence room. The total value of this sponsorship was 40000 Ron. We thank Meli Melo for trusting us with this project!

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- Because we want to start a new program – “Innocents' Mobile Team” – we submitted a proposal to Rotary Club Bucharest with the attempt of getting funding for a auto vehicle. The need of a car comes with the idea of our outreach program that wants to prevent child's neglect within the family and/or abandonment in the hospital. - Through our Director of Development, on November 5, we participate to Romania Donors Forum – “Charity, Philanthropy or support for Romanian social services”. - In December we organized “Sneak Preview for Hand Held” - a documentary that will be releaced in 2009. The main character is the founder of Fundatia Inocenti, Michael Carroll and his story of helping Romanian children for 20 years. - Among our main sponsors that continued to help us in 2008 is “Friends of INS” (International Nursing School), Bucharest who donated 5000 Ron and Christmas gifts for abandoned children from our program. Also on our side this year were British School of Bucharest, ICECOOP, P&G Romania, Danone, Italian Express, Roda Expert, and others that wanted to remain anonymous. - We participate to ERSTE Foundation competition with our “Bucharest Child Life Program” - Other proposals for funding were sent to IBM Romania, Nestle Romania and United Way Romania.

Among our visitors, we had Don Hahn – Disney producer of 16 animated movies, 2 timesAcademyAwardsnomination. After the producer Don Hahn's visit to Bucharest last spring, we received from Disney International, toys, posters and T-shirts for toddlers participating in our pre-school age programs. Inocenti Psychologist Nicoleta Rosu offered to children in the hospital 40 T-shirts, plus Mickey Mouse toys or a little lunch bag from Disney. To see their happy faces is our joy and we want to share it with you! The posters and window stickers with Disney characters were used in the IOMC Dr. Alfred Rusescu hospital in order to decorate and bring some colors for the children. The babies' playroom at IOMC Dr. Alfred Rusescu Hospital has been fully renovated and is now open for our daily activities with abandoned and sick babies. With the help of the dedicated volunteers of the “Child Life” Program, we succeeded in completely renovating the playroom in only 6 weeks! The total cost of the project amounted to Ron 10,216 ($3648), funded totally through donations and sponsorships. Fundatia Inocentiin collaboration with Volunteers' Center, Bucharest – PRO VOBIS –organized “Open Doors to the playroom!” On April 15, we facilitated a training session in order to recruit new volunteers for our“Child Life Program”. This event tool place during the Volunteers' National Week (14-20April 2008) – the end of this activity, 3 new volunteers joined our team. Many local and international individuals and groups help us to help the children and their families. Donors and/or other sponsorships are vital sources of support for NGOs such as ours. We want to express our gratitude to Deutschsprachiger Kulturkreis Bukarest (German Speaking Cultural Circle Bucharest - under the patronage of the German Ambassador, Roland Lohkamp) who donated 14500 EUR worth of medical supplies to IOMC, Alfred Rusescu Hospital, through Fundatia Inocenti. Dr. Tatiana Ciomartan, our board member, helped us in facilitating this donation. Along with this donation, when Fundatia Inocenti needed a very important item to continue the work in the hospital, DKKB offered their help again: our old washing machine broke down and they bought a new one (400 Euro).

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Trainings organized by Fundatia Inocenti

- In the period May –June were organized trainings with the theme “Volunteering- principles and motivation” in three schools from Bistrita. This project was financed by Bistrita City Hall and was initiated by Procomunitatea organization. The trainer was Fundatia Inocenti Executive Director, Marin Mic.

- In November we organized the training „Disciplinarea copiilor- Children discipline” for professionals from DGASPC Bistrita and all the Centers of Social Services for the Community form our county. 63 professionals: social workers, psychologists, nurses, educators participated at three training sessions. The trainer was Executive Director, Marin Mic.

Work meetings attended by Fundatia Inocenti executive director.

a. City Hall meeting – discussion groups organize by Bistrita City Hall for initiating the Integrate plan for durable development of Bistrita for 2009-2015 period b. Participate at writing an English project in collaboration with Chamber of Commerce Bistrita-Nasaud to identify partners in Norway for a project in Sintereag town. c. Training offered by Labor and Social Protection Ministry – Elaboration of social projects-European founds Attend at the meeting Work group 4 FONPC at UNICEF – for preparing the country report for European Union regarding respecting children rights in Romania. e. Attend FONPC Seminary – Cluj Napoca f. Attend CRESC meeting (Regional Committee for Strategic evaluation and Correlation) for approving the infrastructure projects from European founds for the 6 counties from the north-west region, Bistrita-Nasaud is one of this. The commission is formed by 4 members from each county. The officials who represent our county in this commission are: Chairman from the County Counsel, Mayor of Bistrita City, Orthodox archpriest from Bistrita and Marin Mic, executive director of Fundatia Inocenti. g. Apply to the County Council to see the importance of Law 350 regarding non-reimbursable financing. We made a document that offers argue for the County Council to offer financing support for local NGO's projects. We also sigh up and participated at audiences with Chairman of County Council. h. Writing an intention letter regarding participation of Fundatia Inocenti in the authorization process of the training “Creative techniques of little children education” organized by FICF, Bucharest. i. Attend at the CNASR (National Committee of Romanian Social Workers)- regarding the preparation of specialized standards in Specialized intervention. j. Participation at the updating of the Development Strategy of Bistrita City- Agenda 21 k. Apply to Bistrita City Hall to offer homes to families in need. Meetings with the Mayor of Bistrita. We evaluated the families' needs at the request of Bistrita City Hall.

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II. Training attended by Bistrita employees:

Employees Training theme Organizer Period City

Romanian Asociation of Children and The Second National 2 Psychologists Adolescents psychiatry, Internationales Congres with international Executiv Director Bildungs - UND Sozialwerk, Country Counsel participation - The Psychiatry June 10-14 Bistrita Physical therapist Bistrita Nasaud, DGASPC and UMF of Children and Adolescents Iului Hateganu Cluj

Office manager Educated youth foar a NovatinAssociation and ANSIT Bistrita 18 Septembrie Bistrita si Psychologist durable community

Intervention for children Center for children with November Psychologist Bucha rest with Down Syndrome Down Syndrome Bucharest 13-14 Executiv Director Office manager, Accountant, Transfer mamagement CCIA Bistrita-Nasaud March 28 Bistrita Psychologist

III. Volunteers and visitor groups In Bucharest:

January February March April May June Iuly August September October November December 0 Grup Tasis Grup Rivers Grup ASP 000 0 0Grup ASP 00 Number of individual volunteers in 2008 : 15 people Bistrita Month Grup / Person January Natalie Bridges, USA February Grupul Tasis, England (one week - 18 persons) / Natalie Bridges, USA March Grupul Nobles, USA (one week - 10 persons) / Natalie Bridges, USA April Natalie Bridges, USA Mike Carroll, president RCR / Fundatia Inocenti,one week ; Don Hahn, producer USA, one week May Natalie Bridges, USA Franconian International School group, Germania (one week - 15 persons) June Wendy Gideman, Tasis England (one week ); Natalie Bridges, USA Grup Boston College - Graduate School of Social Work, USA (one week -11 persons) July Natalie Bridges, USA August Natalie Bridges, USA JJ Orfeuvre -Executiv Director , CAMPS, Le Puy en Velay, Franta (one week ) September Stichting Hulp Kindertehuizen Roemeniegroup, Holand (5 days ) Natalie Bridges, USA October Bob Stern, Tasis, England (2 days) / Natalie Bridges, USA November Natalie Bridges, USA Mike Carroll, Fundatia Inocenti president (one week ) December Eileen O'Connell, member of RCR Board

page 38 Other activities Annual Activity Report - 2008

IV. Breakdown of the Staff HiredAlong 2008

No. Position Work time Out In Place Assistind Worker in the child's Full time 1 development / Program coordinator Bucharest 2 Psychologist Full time Bucharest

3 Psychologist Full time Bucharest

4 Educator Full time Bucharest

5 Development Director Full time March Bucharest

6 Executive Director Full time Bistrita

7 Office Manager Full time Bistrita Full time / August September 8 Accountant Part time Bistrita 9 Psychologist / Program Coordinator Full time September Bistrita Physical Therapist / Full time 10 Program Coordinator Bistrita 11 Psychologist/ Program Coordinator Full time Bistrita Assisting worker in child's Full time 12 development / Program Coordinator Bistrita 13 Medico-social Worker Full time Bistrita

14 Social worker Part time June December Bistrita

15 Psychologist/ Program Coordinator Part time August Bistrita

16 Outreach worker Part time Bistrita

17 Outreach worker Part time Bistrita

18 Outreach worker Part time Bistrita

19 Outreach worker Part time October Bistrita

20 Educator Part time Bistrita

Other activities page 39 Inocenti Foundation

V. Financial Report

Fundatia Inocenti had a total budget 2008 of638,323 lei , a 4.4% increase over 2007. These funds come from many private, corporate and foundation donors, both from Romania and abroad. As you can see in the next chart, the main source of funds is Romanian Children's Relief (RCR) from USA with a contribution of 411,006 lei (about $163.169 USD, calculated at a medium level on 2008- 2.5189 for 1 USD) at the 2008 budget, accounting for 64% of the total budget. Other external funding sources were: the French Ministry of ForeignAffairs and the Solidarite Laque French organization, which partially financed, through the Pro-Child program, our early intervention program for disabled children. This contribution together with other small contributions in money and goods from other European organization represented a total of 47.822 lei in the Fundatia Inocenti budget. This sum represented approximately 8% of the total budget.

Income 2008

Income 2008 SUA 411.006 lei Income 2008 Europe 47.822 lei Income 2008 RCR 28% Income 2008 Europe Income 2008 Romania 179.495 lei Income 2008 Romania Total Income 639.123 lei 64% 8%

Financial sources income diagram

Romanian Children's Relief 356.432 lei Lift the children 54.574 lei MAE + S.L. (French Ministr y of Foreign Affairs 40.915 lei Financial sources / program and the Solidarite laque French) RCR 2% Bistrita Campaign 32.856 lei Lift the children 1% MAE + S.L. 2% Campaign Bistrita 2% Bucharest Campaign 2.446 lei 5% 2%Campaign Bucuresti 3% Bistrita City Hall - educational project Bistrita City Hall - educational projects 3.000 lei Bistrita City Hall - social project 1% K.H.S. Holland 2% Donations Special Olympics Bistrita City Hall - social projects 13.813 lei 12% 1% 0,5% Charity Gala The princess Margarita of Romania K.H.S. Holland 6.907 lei 0,4% Foundation Donations Bucharest Donations special Olympics 16.295 lei 5% Donation Boxes 6% Charity Gala 28.800 lei 9% 55% Princess Margarita of Romania Foundation 4.000 lei Donations Bucharest 75.828 lei Donation boxes 3.257 lei

The difference of 179.495 lei, or 28% of the budget was covered from local Romanian sources, for example: 2% campaign, two grants from Bistrita City Hall, Bucharest and Bistrita corporate gifts, income raised by organizing special events like the charity concert in Bucharest and Charity Gala « St Nicolas for children with special needs » from Bistrita and also the donations made for organizing Special Olympics and money raised from donation boxes in local shops.

Another positive note is the extremely positive evolution of local contributions (Romanian). In 2006 our local contributions represented 1% of our funds. In 2007 it increased to 15% and in 2008 we had a total local contribution of 28%. This evolution reflects one of the main goals of the organization, that is, to be locally sustainable. page 40 Financial Bearings Annual Activity Report - 2008

One negative aspect of the financial perspective for 2008 was the devaluation of the dollar related with Romania national currency. This thing has created a very big pressure on the organization resources and kept us from raise the salaries. However, that negative pressure had encouraged us to be more committed to raising money from local resources.

Incomes 2007 Incomes 2006

7% 15% 10% 1% Income 2007 RCR Income 2006 RCR Income 2007 Europe Income 2006 Europe Income 2007 Romania Income 2006 Romania 78% 89%

Income 2007 SUA 429.000 lei Income 2006 SUA 332.220 lei Income 2007 Europe 41.217 lei Income 2006 Europe 37.935 lei Income 2007 Romania 84.491 lei Income 2006 Romania 3.769 lei Total Income 554.708 lei Total Income 373.924 lei

We also need to note here the exceptional efforts made by our new Development director from Bucharest, as she succeeds to draw an important number of private donors in that area, including theUbisoft Autumn charity concert organized in Bucharest. The most important donors from Bucharest in 2008 were: Friends of INS(International Nursery School) ; DKKB - Cercul Cultural de Limba Germana, Bucuresti –under the direct patronage of Germany Ambassador, Ronald Lohkamp; Brithish School Bucharest; Ubisoft Romania; Meli Melo Paris; Ionex - Med SRL; S.C. Danone; S.C. Italian Express SRL; ICECOOP S.C.A; Procter & Gamble; Disney International; Pepsi Romania - Quadrant Amroq Beverages SRL.

Special thanks to all our Bistrita donors, companies and individuals who supported us financially in 2008 : SC Leoni SA Bistrita, SC Comelf SA, Sc Teraplast, SC. Raal SA ; SC Macon SRL ; SC Bonissimo SA; SC Haus Imob SRL ; SC Diagnosticum SRL ; Cofetariile Cristina Bistrita ; Salon Baby Party ; Tulai Mariana; Ungur Lucian; SC Gold Plast SA; BRD Bistrita; SC Biasicom SRL; Geiger Boegler; SC Miro SA; Stichting Hulp Kindertehuizen, Olanda . At this list we have to add also over 3000 of individual donors who contribute financially through the 2% Campaign and donation boxes in Bistrita-Nasaud County stores.

We want to thank all our donors, on behalf of the Fundatia Inocenti team and on behalf of the thousand of children and families who directly and indirectly benefit, through our programs, of all the contributions. We reassure all our donors of all our respect and appreciation and we express our hope that, even if we all pass through difficult times, they will continue to help us in the next year and together help the communities we are living in.

Financial Bearings page 41 Inocenti Foundation

We want to thank all our donors, on behalf of the Fundatia Inocenti team and on behalf of the thousand of children and families who directly and indirectly benefit, through our programs, of all the contributions. We reassure all our donors of all our respect and appreciation and we express our hope that, even if we all pass through difficult times, they will continue to help us in the next year and together help the communities we are living in.

2008 Budget

Project based expenses diagram

Child's Life Bucharest Programs budget 2008 Child's Life Bucharest 11.560 lei Child's Life Bistrita Child's Life Bistrita 4.350 lei Early Intervention Me and My Family

Early Intervention 20.529 lei 2.26% Social and school integration rroma children 0.85% Literacy Me and My Family 3.540 lei 4.01% Salaries expences Social and school integration 0.69% 6.200 lei 2.40% Administrative expences for rroma children 1.21% 3.18% 7.17% Expences for organizing the Special 0.91% Literacy 4.680 lei 3.09% Olympics Expences for organizing Charity Gala Salaries expenses 380.112 lei Expences with direct donations Administrative expenses 15.818 lei 74.23% Expences for organizing the Special Olympics 16.295 lei Expenses for organizing Charity Gala 12.267 lei Expenses with direct donations 36.715 lei Total 512.066 lei

In the conditions of the financial–economical international crisis, in order to continue and develop our existing services and diversify, also be able to retain the staff (training costs, salary raises) for 2009, Fundatia Inocenti will focus on increasing even more the community resources. Following is 2008 budget expenses distribution chart

Calculating the difference between incomes and expenses it can be seen an amount of 127.057 lei that were not spent. This represents a reserve that we can use for continuing our activities on the first quarter of 2009.

Our income continues to increase, as it has over the past 10 years. This progress helped the organization budget with the inflation and the devaluation of the American dollar exchanging rate. In this context we registered an enormous rise of the cost of material and salaries expenses, but were able to continue meeting these expenses, as we hope to continue to do so in the future.

THE EVOLUTION OF THE BUDGET: Year Buget % difference from previous year 1999-2000 $84.952 +25% from 98-99 $300.000 2000-2001 $115.776 +35%from 99-00 2001-2002 $128.522 +12%from 00-01 $250.000 2002-2003 $112.876 - 13%from 01-02 $200.000

2003-2004 $130.680 +15%from 02-03 (Note car-$16,000 ) $150.000

2004-2005 $144.592 +10%from 03-04 $100.000

2005-2006 $161.454 +12%from 04-05 $50.000 2006-2007 $230.094 +42%from 05-06 $0 2007-2008 $240.215 +4.4%from 06-07 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 page 42 Financial Bearings Annual Activity Report - 2008

We began collaborating with Fundatia Inocenti after attending a seminary in November 28, 2006, regarding Corporate Social Responsibility in which your organization was partners with the promoters- The Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture Bistrita-Nasaud. After 3 years of collaborating together, I know more than ever that volunteering is an essential part of your day-to-day activities. Beginning in 2007, the celebration parties for the children of Comelf employees became more special when we began including gifts for the children of Fundatia Inocenti as well. Even though it is only a drop of joy, we are happy to be involved with these children who need support. Specifically, we were pleased to be a part of the Charity Gala “St. Nicholas for Children with Disabilities” on December 6th , 2007 and 2008, the “Olimpiada Inocentilor”, Special Olympics on May 15th , 2008 and Children's Day on June 1, 2008. From our point of view, Fundatia Inocenti – Humanitarian foundation for children, is the most representative nongovernmental organization from Bistrita-Nasaud County. Being humanitarian, correct, involved, respectful, and offering support are the characteristics that define it, and differentiate it, from other similar organizations. We are always honored to participate at the activities you promote and organize. With respect, Ing. Adina Ratiu Chairman of Comelf Bistrita Syndicate President of B.N.S. Bistrita-Nasaud

In 2000, Fundatia Inocenti became the main partner from the nongovernmental area of the Department of Child Protection Bistrita- Nasaud. The humanitarian and social activities of Fundatia Inocenti during these years brought happiness and hope to many children and their families. Beginning with the foster parents and their children, the staff of Fundatia Inocenti worked individually with all the children and their families and adapted their services to meet their needs. In the last years, the main beneficiaries of the Fundatia Inocenti activities were children with disabilities. In all the activities developed, they have demonstrated the fact that all children have the right to be loved, educated and to be developed as much as possible. I want to thank them for their sustained involvement and for their devotion to the children and their cause. Adela Carcu Deputy Director, DGASPC Bistrita-Nasaud

The collaboration with Fundatia Inocenti was something natural, not something forced, especially because being a journalist, I knew some of the achievements of the organization. Being also one of the people who wants to promote the human rights, especially the children rights, I am very happy to know that Fundatia Inocenti offers to the children the most important thing: the right to life. Congratulation to this organization for everything it does for the children with disabilities, especially on the developing and affective area. The “St Nicolas for Disabled Children” Gala was a real success, and I'm being proud of myself that I helped a little in organizing this event. The Inocenti foundation are preparing the future for these children. They opened new opportunities in Bistrita county, being also a pioneer in volunteering. “ Menut Maximinian Journalist

page 43 Inocenti Foundation

INOCENTI IN THE CENTER OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS During two weeks one spent in France and another in Bistrita, I have discovered Inocenti Foundation, their human potential, activities, orientation and the battles they fight for a better society. After the meeting with Mike Carroll I realized what international solidarity really means. The meeting with Mic Marin and his team could create a cultural shock but, contrarily almost immediately we noticed that we shared the same values. In a world which is in a permanent state of change, Marin and his team move just ahead of the change. If we would go down on a river, we may say that they go faster than the current. The activity of Inocenti represents a very good example, from more perspectives, like: · the efforts that the professionals of Inocenti are making in order to give back the dignity and hope to the abandoned and handicapped chil dren; · the support they offer to families in difficulty, in order to avoid child abandonment; · the cooperation with placement centers, to help them offer better ser vices · and finally they are exemplary because they have a special capacity to establish multinational contacts: · withAmericans with a financial partnership · with the Dutch people who mobilized themselves to collect information and materials; · and in the end us, the French people, in an exchange of professional practices The entire team from CAMSP (the service from Puy en Velay in France) was profoundly impressed by the human feelings they have discovered within Inocenti. I wish you INOCENTI a long, long life, to find your way, narrow it's true, that will allow you to fulfill your mission. I truly trust that Mic Marin and his team will know to navigate faster than the current even through the most difficult turbulence. Jean Jacques Orfeuvre – director of CAMSP, Puy en Velay, France "RC Bistrita NOSA is in collaboration and a relationship of support with Fundatia Inocenti for several years, in many different ways.In 2008 we decided together with our partners from RC Esslingen am Neckar in Germany, that our future common project to be dedicated to this foundation, to which we can provide special equipment for helping the recovering process of disabled persons, which Inocenti are taking care of, with the purpose of improving the quality of services that the Foundation will offer to those who need it. Last but not least, the participation at the Saint Nicolas Gala of a large number of Rotarians, brought an important financial contribution to the budget of Inocenti Foundation that helps to continue their activities in 2009. Florin Iliescu Clubul Rotary “Bistrita Nosa” Stichting Hulp Kindertehuizen, The Netherlands, has a good cooperation with Inocenti for years. Our goal is to help people in need in Rumania, and especial the children. By our self we can't find the children who need our help, but with the help of Inocenti we can. We have found in them a trustful and reliable organization, so it is a pleasure to collaborate with them. Eng. C.M.F. van Iersel Chairman. page 44 Annual Activity Report - 2008

Inocenti Fundation in the news page 45 Inocenti Foundation

pagina 46 Inocenti Fundation in the news 3

page 47

- 1/2 norma

- 1/3 time


TOTAL: 22 employees



"Early Intervention for


Children with Disabilities"

Physical Therapist: full time Psychologist Child's life assistant: 1/3time Psychologist

Annual Activity Report - 2008



social and scholar

"Pilot program for

integration of rroma

children" BISTRITA

Social worker: 1/2 time



"Early Literacy"



Psychologist: 1/2 time + Volunteers Voluntari






outreach workers

all with 1/2 time


"Me and my Family"


Psychologis: 1/2 time Physical Therapist: 1/2 time


1 1


: 2/3 time



"Child's Life"


Child's life assistant: 2/3 time Psychologists



3 st r 1 , 2008

Educator: 1/2 time

Educator: 1/2 time

Day care center Nimigea

Day care center Rebrisoara From Novembe ORGANIZATION CHART


"Child's Life"


Educator: full time 2 Psychologists: full time + Volunteers Educator: 1/2 time


Inocenti Foundation

Organization Chart page 48



County Hospital

Day Care Centres


Rebrisoara and Nimigea





IOMC Hospital, Alfred Rusescu

Annual Activity Report - 2008







Inocenti Foundation

Administrative Headquarters

Inocenti Foundation

Map of the Inocenti Foundation Services in Romania in 2008 page 49
















Day Care Centre Day Care Centre

Inocenti Foundation map of services in Bistrita-Nasaud County 2008