New Zealand Number 114 Summer 2014 Skeptic Mathematics and Pseudoscience A mathematician’s experiences with mathematical cranks The TPP and its Impact on the NZ Health Sector ACC and Acupuncture Mark Hanna investigates New Zealand Skeptics CONTENTS ABOUT US 3 Editorial The New Zealand Skeptics form a network of New Zealanders including 4 Newsfront scientists, health professionals, teachers, magicians and many others from all walks of life. Members have 6 Letters a variety of religious faiths, economic beliefs and political leanings, but are all 7 Mathematics and Pseudoscience interested in examining what objective Steven Galbraith writes about his experiences scientific support there is for claims with mathematical cranks of such things as psychic abilities, alternative health practices, creationism and other areas where science, pseudo- 12 The Trans-Pacific Partnership and science and shonky science interact. its Impact on the NZ Health Sector 14 A tribute to Warwick Don CONTRIBUTIONS Contributions are welcome and should be 15 BioBlog by Alison Campbell sent to: P.O. Box 30501 17 Science-Based Healthcare Lower Hutt Mark Hanna investigates the ACC and 5040 acupuncture email:
[email protected] Deadline for next issue: 21 Complaining Cheat Sheet 10 April 2015 23 Science-Based Medicine Letters for the Forum may be edited Steven Novella talks about the latest bogeyman as space requires – up to 250 words is preferred. 26 Infectious Thoughts by Siouxsie Wiles Please indicate the publication and date of all clippings for Newsfront. 27 The Humanist Material supplied by email or CD is 28 The Loose Change Range appreciated. Luke Oldfield discusses the art of engaging with a ‘Non-Opinion’ Permission is given to other non-profit skeptical organisations to reprint material from this publication, provided the author 30 Skeptacular! by Mark Maultby and NZ Skeptic Inc.