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National Circulation, '433,502; Denver Catholic Register, 20,613 GLOCKNER TO MARK GOLDEN JUBILEE SEPT. 24

Renewed Annunciation School building !• ihown below. Tbe edifice i« Content! Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1989- -Permission to Reproduce, Excepting now in tip-top shape, rebuilt and decorated on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M- Friday Following Issue at a cost o f $35,000. The work, under the direction o f the Very Rev. Charles Hagus, paster, was be­ gun last March. The main change was the removal o f the third floor, to relieve the walls o f weight, and Charitable Service the erection o f a two-story addition to the north o f the original building. The walls were rebuilt wher­ ever they showed signs o f weakness. The high schoo^, with some 240 enrolled, is housed on the second floor and the grades, register- ri* **"• f '” *- The top story o f the new addition is given over to science classes and the ground floor contains lavatories. Library facilities have been moved to the high school division and the former In 50 Years Worth library is ^ now a classroom. The interior decoratin g scheme consists o f slate wainscoting and white walls. DENVER CATHOLIC The exterior is finished in a .Spanish buff. The enrollment at the school has jumped about 100 this year, comparing favorably with the regis­ tration before the building was condemned as unsafe in 1938. Formal opening services-will be held in the near future. An anonymous gift of $31,000 made the rebuilding possible. REGISTER Almost a Million Bishop Vehr to Golebrale Mass at Affair; Nars-

’The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have iag School Plaas QradHalioa; BaiH|iiot, Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services,, ' Photo Featuces, and Wide World Photos. Roooplion Slated

VOL. XXXV. No. 4. DENVER, COLO., 'mURSDAY, SEPT. 14, 1939. $2 PER YEAR Colorado Springs.— Completion of 50 years’ service to humanity, in which Glockner sanatorium has cared for ® 1 Cathedral Quartet to Sing approximately 43,000 patients, has given $992,500 in free service, and has expended $5,500,000, will be observed here Sunday, Sept. 24. Highlights of the all-day program com­ w ^ M sgr. McMenamin Treats ^World^s memorating the institution’s golden jubilee will be a Solemn p Pontifical Mass celebrated by the Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, commencement exercises for the Seton school of nursing, a Crisis^ on ^Church of Air^ Sunday banquet, and a reception. Officers of the Pontifical Mass The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Hugh L. broadcast address. He declared events is no new thing. The his­ to be celebrated in St. Mary’s church at 11 o’clock, are, in addi­ McMenamin, rector of the Cathe­ that “ together with our fellowmen tory of the past makes us familiar with the phenomenon. For just as tion to Bishop Vehr, who will also dral, has been selected by the Co­ we are facing a crisis in human Greek civilization gave way that preach, the Very Rev. William lumbia Broadcasting system to affairs; the last quarter century Rome might have jier day, so Medi­ Kipp, assistant priest; the Very speak on “ The Church of the Air” has cut history in two, and once terranean culture yielded to that Rev. Thomas Coyne, C.M., and the again, as often in the past, a long wave of barbarism which Swept Very Rev. Robert Kelley, S.J., dea­ PEillED EOS in a coast-to-coast hookup Sun­ series of co-relatcd events has down from the North. Northern cons of honor; the Rev. Joseph day, Sept. 17, at 10 a. m., Denver come to a sudden stop as if cleft barbarism, in turn, was merged Higgins, deacon; the Rev. George time. The title of Monsignor by a giant sword. A new order into that high expression of Chris­ Flanagan, M.M., subdeacon, and McMenamin’s address will be “ The about to begin. 'Whether a tianity which flourished in medie­ the Rev. William J. Kelly, master L. F. Creagan, Noted Writer, World’s Crisis.” The Denver prel­ higher or lower order, we do not val days and left us the brightest of ceremonies. Registorials ate’s appearance on the Columbia know; we can only surmise. But pages in human history. Following the Mass the Rev. network’s national weekly broad­ whether higher or lower will de­ Hubert Newell, diocesan superin­ cast marks the first time anyone Middle Aget Worthy Period Arrangements have been made pend in no small degree upon tbe tendent of schools, wilKpresent the with the Rev. Thomas J. Hayes, Gets High Railroad Post from the immediate Rocky Moun­ rising generation. “ Modern historians are just be­ graduation candidates of the Seton ginning to get the proper perspec­ pastor of St. Patrick’s church, Chi­ A STORY OF CHARITY tain area has beer, so designated. “ This sudden upheaval in human school of nursing jubilee class and Outstanding representatives of va­ tive of the middle ages. They are cago, for a special Mass to be cele­ OF BENEFIT TO AIX Bishop Vehr will confer the di­ brated in his church (Adams and A refugee nun with tears cours­ Climaxing a career in which he peared frequently In American rious religious denominations, both beginning to realize that an age plomas and give Solemn Pontifical here and abroad, have appeared on Will Be Nuns that could give us a Dante, a Desplaines) at 11:30 or 12 noon ing down her cheeks stood before has attained success in the fields magazine. Benediction at the close of the Sunday, Sept. 24, for Catholic the regular weekly Columbia reli­ Michelangelo, a" Leonardo da services. a group of a hundred or more of railroading and journalism, For many years, Mr. Creagan members of the American Legion friends in South Boulder on Tues­ Leo F. Creagan of Blessed Sacra­ nurtured the hope that one day gious forum. Among these have 'Vinci, a Fra Angelico, an age that At a dinner for priests and sis­ been Cardinals, Bishops, rabbis, and could dot Europe with those splen­ from Denver and other Colorado day, amaeed but visibly relieved to ment parish has just been ap­ he might be able to devote the ters in the Glockner diningroom at cities who plan to attend the na­ find that she and her companion pointed chief train rules examiner major portion of his time to writ­ noted laymen. Arthur Cardinal did Cathedrals, an age that could 1:30, the Rt. Rev. Hugh L. Mc­ Hinsley, Archbishop of Westmin­ solve its economic problems with tional convention of the American Benedictine Sisters at the Convent for the Union Pacific system. He ing, but his recent promotion ap­ Menamin ■will give the principal Legion in' the Windy City. o f St. Walburga still had friends. will soon leave Denver, which has parently has voided that possi­ ster, in England, and the Most its trade guilds was no mean civili­ address. A reception will be held These nuns, whose mother-house been his home for 20 years, for bility. He will, however, con­ Rev. Bishop Duane G. Hunt of zation. on the lawn of the sanatorium The Colorado American Le­ mon’s special train is due to arrive is at Eichstaedt,.Bavaria, fled their Omaha, headquarters of the Union tinue his contributions to maga­ Salt Lake were recent speakers on (Turn to Page i — Cblumn i) from 3 until 6 o’clock; in Chicago at the Northwestern native land a few years ago be­ Pacific. zines and newspaper syndicates. the program. * In addition to the events sched­ cause o f persecution and found Music for the half-hour broad­ uled Sept. 24, a jubilee tea for station Sunday morning. Sept 24, In 'his new position, Mr. Crea­ In addition to his work on the Auditions to Be Held at 11:15. The several hundred Le­ haven in the United States. With gan will have general supervision Denver university faculty, he cast will be handled by the Cathe­ alumnae will be held Oct. 12 and the foundation o f their little com­ dral quartet, under the direction For Cathedral Choir doctors connected with the hos­ gionnaires, including an entire of operating rules and ■will ex­ managed somehow t6 conduct an drum and bugle corps, will munity at South Boulder, they re­ extension short story course by of the Rev. Dr. Thomas Doran. The pital will be feted at a banquet amine all train and engine men, march in formation to, St Pat­ ceived not only welcome but also correspondence for the institu­ quartet, composed of Kenneth Auditions for membership in Oct. 17. as well as the personnel of many rick’s. All will be attired in chapa assistance from a loyal band o f tion, which was very popular. Bruggeman, basso; Joseph O’Neil, the Cathedral choir will bo held other departments, concerning Founded in Menvory and ten-gallon fiats. A number Catholics. Each year a pantry those rules. His extra-curricular activities in­ baritone; Richard Hynes, first Thursday evening, Sept. 21, at shower has aided materially in tenor, and Joseph Lilly, second Of Albert Glockner expect to go to Confession before Previously, the prominent Cath­ clude vice presidencies in the 7 o’clock in the Cathedral high Mass and to receive Communion. keeping the sisters in provisions. Colorado Authors’ league and the tenor, will sing the following num­ school, 19th and Grant streets, Founded in memory of Albert olic had been a U. P. train dis­ Glocllner by his 'wife, Mrs. Marie The Rev. Louis J. Grohman, pas­ Here in America, these foreigners patcher. In this capacity he gath­ Colorado division of the Union bers: “ 0 Quam Suavis,” by Pietro according to the Rt. Rev. Joseph enjoy a freedom that had been Pacific Oldtimers’ club. Yon; “ Adoro Te Devote,” and J. Bosetti, V.G., director. All Wynne Glockner, in 1889, the in­ tor of St Rose of Lima’s church, ered much of the information stitution has gfTO'wn from one car­ Denver, and chaplain of the local denied them in their homeland; used in portraying his own rail­ The Creagan home is at 2387 “ Virgo Maria Pia,” by Bruno Catholic men of the city are ing for 225 patients in its first Leyden-Chilcs-'Wickersham post they have peace, contentment. road experiences and observations Forest street. His wife is a mem­ Klein. eligible to participate in the year under religious direction to a No. 1 of the American Legion, In the midst o f this peace there in fiction. He is the author of ber of the Guardian Angel so­ In an interview W’ednesday, tryouts. From the ranks of the hospital of national and interna­ corresponded with Father Hayes suddenly arose the specter o f war many railroad stories and is a ciety. The couple have one son, Sept. 13, Monsignor McMenamin Cathedral choir Monsignor Bo­ tional reputation. In 1938 2,433 and made arrangements for the that had been threatening Europe frequent contributor to popular Harry. elaborated upon the theme of his setti annually recruits most of patients were admitted. special Mass. He ■will leave Denver for some time, with their home­ magazines and newspaper syndi­ the cast for the Denver Grand land, Germany, taking the initia­ Opera company's production. When Colorado Springs was a for Chicago a week previous to the- cates. (Turn to Page i — Colum n U) convention. tive. The nuns, most o f whom As a member of the faculty of have near relatives engaged in the TTniversitv nf rionvar’K F.nyUch do- School Registration Is hostnilTes, ‘ believed their haven partment Mr. Creagan has as­ had been established in a coun­ sisted many literary aspirants in try where Germany and all things fulfilling their ambitions. Prob­ Bishop Vehr Will Uedicate New German would be hated. They ably the same kindly personal in­ Expected to top 14,000 thought they were destined for terest he always displayed to­ abandonment. Hence, when they wards his pupils played no small 115 students have been registered Church at Frederick Sept. 23 learned this week that they still ^art in his being selected to fill Catholic school registrations in had their friends, the mother the diocese in the first week of On the faculty staff of 37 teach­ the important railroad position in ers are nine priests and seven lay­ superior stood before her bene­ which he will deal constantly with school reached the new high of 13,248. Later enrollments and the men, which is considered a record Frederick.— Solemn dedication vielle and Thomas Di Cino, aco­ years In St. Leanderis parish, factors with shameless tears to men as instructor and counselor. receipt of the college figures, in itself. of the new Church of St. Ther- lytes. Pueblo; two years at the Canon express the gratitude o f her com­ Perhaps the versatile man’s which are not yet complete, are ese of Lisieux ■will be held here At the dedicatory rites Bishop City* abbey, and was transferred munity. biggest bid for literary fame came expected to push the total figure Over 70 Freshmen Saturday, Sept. 23, with the Most Vehr will be assisted by Father to Longmont. He still resides in Our heart strings were touched when one of his works, entitled over the 14,000 mark for the Rev. Urban J. Vehr scheduled to Connelly, Father Glentzer, and Longmont and administers his par­ when we leaned o f this story. But Martin Garrity Get» Even, written At Loretto Heights first time in the history of the bless the edifice and preach the the Rev. Bernard J. Cullen, as­ ish from there. in it we -skw a lesson all o f us in collaboration with Courtney More than 70 freshmen com­ diocese. sermon at the Solemn Mass pre­ sistant Chancellor, who will act One Mass is offered on Sundays should heed. Officially, this coun­ Riley Cooper, was selected for the pleted registration this week to ceding the dedication. as master of ceremonies. at Frederick and another at Meade, try has no enemy on earth. We are 0. Henry Prize Stories of 1921. Loretto Heights college, start­ set the pace for the largest enroll­ ing its second year under the di­ Bishop Vehr will preside in the l(t Service! Held in 1920 a mission. The chapel in the latter not in this war. Privately, we Numerous other stories which the ment in the history of Loretto sanctuary at the Solemn Mass and town has been enlarged and reno­ (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) two men prepared together ap- rection of a lay president. Dr. Heights college. An increase of Mass was celebrated for the Paul J. Ketrick, has the largest his chaplains will be the Very Rev. first time in Frederick in 1920, vated under Father Mahrer’s lead­ 50 per cent in freshmen attending Bernard Froegel, pastor, St. ership. ■ • enrollment in its history. Regis the school from Denver was noted, when arrangements were made by A P Wrong About Comedy of Errors Peter’s church, Greeley, and the Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sweeney, who college, with about 200 registered (Turn to Page ^ — Colum n 1) at noon Thursday, showed a good Rev. Benedict Ingenito, O.S.B., celebrated their golden wedding an­ increase over last year’s figure. pastor, St. Louis’ church, Louis­ niversary April 29 of this year. Fa­ OHIO PRIEST Twin Jesuit Shakes Hands Grade school registrations in Fr. Maloney Gels ville. Officers of the Divine Sacri­ ther Froegel and the Rev. Antonine Denver parochial schools total fice will be the Rev. James Mah- Hintenach, O.S.B., served the town 5,085, and outside the city, 4,379. To Rome Safely rer, O.S.B., Frederick pastor, as a mission and the first Mass BEGINS STUDY Institutional and private elemen­ celebrant; the Rev. Matthew Con­ was celebrated in Union hall ■with With Himself, Via Mirror tary schools in Denver are teach­ nelly, O.S.B., chaplain, Colorado tha permission of the Most Rev. ing 413 pupils; outside, 190. The Rev. David Maloney, Den­ U. Newman club, deacon; the Bishop J. Henry Tihen. These two graduates o f St. Fran­ AT REGISTER There are, therefore, 10,067 grade ver diocesan priest who is pur­ Rev, Harold Glentzer, O.S.B., as­ Under the direction of the Rev. cis de Sales’ school, Denver,' left A story about the twin Fathers two brothers passed half way«Sbe- school pupils receiving formal suing advanced studies in Rome sistant at Sacred Heart parish, Raymond Layton, O.S.B., and the Keenoy, S.J., carried by Asso­ tween Kansas City and Denver, but who spent the summer at this week for the mother-house o f Boulder, subdeacon; the Rev. Rev. Paul Fife, O.S.B., the old The Rev. Lawrence 'Walter of Catholic education in the state to the Sisters o f St. Joseph o f ciated press, has been run in many and still teach in different s'chools. date. Louvain, Belgium, working on his Roger Hoehn, O.S.B., chaplain, St. Frederick church was constructed. the Archdiocese of Cincinnati be­ American newspapers, and even doctoral thesis, was able to get to Carondelet in St. Louis, where they Anthony’s hospital, Denver, mas­ The Register is probably the In the parochial high A portion of the building costs was gan a two-year course in journal­ in Time magazine. They are twins, first to publish the real truth of Rome this week despite the Euro­ will enter the religious life Sept. ter of ceremonies; Nicholas Re- borne by the Cathplic Church Ex­ ism at the Register Thursday. He it says, both chemistry teachers, schools of Denver, 1,506 students pean war. Bishop Vehr cabled 15. The order the girls are join­ the matter. According to Father are registered, at Regis, 260; St. ❖ ❖ ❖ tension society of Chicago and succeeds the Rev. Edward Graham, I ■ and Father Louis had been teach­ Louis, who recently arrived at him last week to go to Rome if ing leaches at St. Francis’ and Mary’s academy, 90, and at the the remainder was furnished by who completed his course and re­ ing at Roefthurst college in Kansas Regis to replace his Kansas' City- possible but to use his own judg­ other Denver schools. Upper photo, Good Shepherd convent school, parishioners. turned to Cincinnati early this City, while Father Francis was bound brother, Francis, they did ment about returning to Amer­ Miss Marion Brady; lower. Miss 84. Outside the city 1,241 stu­ The demolition of the old church month. teaching in Regis college. It con­ not make such a pact at ordina­ ica. It was felt that Father Rita Ellen Craig. Another Denver began last April under the guid­ dents are enrolled, which brings girl advancing toward life as a The Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr tinues: They made a pact at ordi­ tion, did not ask for a change. On Maloney, within one school term ance of the pastor. Father Mahrer, has assigned Father Walter to nation to attempt to teach both at the total state high school enroll­ of his canon law doctorate and nun is Miss Mary Clare Meek, who the contrary, each was surprised ment to 3,181. who designed and did much of the serve as assistant at St. John’s the same school; last year each when he saw his name on the list with his licentiate in theology entered the novitiate o f the Sis­ The largest grade school enroll­ construction work on the new St. parish, replacing the Rev. Walter asked the provincial, unbeknownst for a new post. Many of thejr already won, would get through ters o f Charily o f Leavenworth Therese’s building. Mass was ment in the diocese is at Holy Sept. 1. Others in this group in­ J. Canavan, who left Wednesday 1' to the other, to be changed to the fellow Jesuits even did not notice somehow. A cablegram came this celebrated in the completed proj­ for study at the Catholic U. Trinity school, Trinidad, with an week to his parents in Littleton cluded Misses Zita Marie Falk and school at which his brother was the change when the lists were ect Aug. 7. Father Walter was ordained in attendance of 420. Cathedral of saying he had arrived. It is pre­ Grace Orleans, both o f Fort Col­ teaching; and the requests were published, and, so perfect is the About 250 persons can be seated Cincinnati June 3, 1939, by the Denver heads the total combined sumed he got through by train. lins. granted, with the result that the twins’ resemblance in looks, in the building, which cost $10,000, Most Rev. Archbishop John T. Mc- are still a bit mixed up as to who high and grade enrollments with 750 pupils. In Pueblo, Walsen- of which the Extension society Nicholas. He made his theo­ is where. If there had not been burg, and Sterling the first week furnished $2,000 and the parish­ logical studies at Mt. St. Mary’s so much publicity g;iven to the LIVES SAVED BY BLOOD DONORS ioners paid the remainder with'the seminary, Norwood, after attend­ change, it is possible that their of school showed appreciable de­ creases in attendance under last exception of $1,500. The single ing St. GregoryEs seminary in Cin­ classes would have thought that year, but all deficits are expected liturgical altar and all candle­ cinnati, where he obtained his they still had the same teachers. AMONG K. OF C. IN TRINIDAD sticks used in the church were Bachelor of Arts degree. In 1930 An interesting, and really true, to be wiped out by the arrival of late registrations. made from native alabaster. he was graduated from Elder high story is told of these twins. Father Fr. Mahrer at Poit 4 Years school, which is conducted by the Louis (or perhaps it was Francis) The 750 students at Cathedral FOR FIJOim set an all-time record. Tl^re are A little black book in a desk the formation of such a group. Father Mahrer has been direct­ secular clergy of the archdiocese. saw his brother coming toward him 412 students in the high school at Mt. San Rafael hospital lab­ From physicians on the staff at ing the parish for the past four Mr. and Mrs. William Walter, through a door at the Palmer oratory, Trinidad, tells a story of Mt. San Rafael hospital has come years and in that time has seen his parents, reside with their six House in Chicago one time. and 338 pupils in the grade de­ partment. In the senior cla.ss alone human interest— a story of lives nothing but fine praise for the the weekly religion classes grow other children in Price Hill, a “ Hello, Frank” (or maybe it saved by the charitable service efforts, said Dr, James G. Epsey, from an attendance of 40 to 150. part of Cincinnati which prides eOLDEII JUBILEEwas “ Louis” ), he said, and put out of a group of Trinidad Catholic Jr., president of the Las Animas Franciscan Sisters conduct the itself as the birthplace of Bishop his hand. And ran into a mirror. men. county medical association. sessions each Saturday. Vehr of Denver, Archbishop F. J. Right now, Father Louis is Returns Listed ‘“rhis is a fine thing for our The Frederick pastor came to L. Beckman of Dubuque, and Aux­ Plans have ben completed for Within the covers of the book,> having a picnic here in Denver tell­ Fr. Jamee Mahrer, O.S.B. Colorado in 1925 and served four iliary Bishop George J. Rehring the golden jubilee of the found­ closely guarded by the Sister of (TumtoPagei — Column S) ing the many friends of Father of Cincinnati. ing of St. Patrick’s parish. La Francis, who left here, that he is in Collection Charity in charge of the labora­ Junta, Sunday,- Sept. 17. Prac­ the other one, and watching their tory, are the names of 20 men, all Cathedral Goaverl tically all of the 1,400 seats at looks of incredulity. Probably members of Holy Trinity council, Chalice, Stations, the new high school athletic .sta­ Father Francis is doing the same For Orphans Knights of Columbus, of Trinidad, Glass Opens Sepl. 18 dium have been reserved for the in Kansas City. who stand ready at any time to Missal Given to Solemn Pontifical Field Mass at donate their life blood that some 11 o’clock, to be celebrated by Returns from the annual or­ unfortunate individual may live. The Rev. Dr. Thomas Doran, as­ Evergreen Church the Most Rev. . Urban J. Vehr, First Annual Picnic phans’ collection, taken up Aug. The “ blood donors’ club” was sistant at the Cathedral, an­ Bishop of Denver, and temporary For Diocese’s Nuns 24, are announced this week by organized among the Trinidad nounced this week that instruc­ stands are being erected to ac­ the Chancery <^ce as follows: knights several months ago. The tions for prospective converts and The Church of Christ the King commodate the large overflow Slated for Sept. 16 Denver— ' volunteers went to -the hospital interested non-Catholics, under at Evergreen was enriched by crowd expected. Cathedral ...... for blood tests and typing. Their the auspices of the Guild of Faith, three gifts i'n the past summer. A Annunciation ...... I will be resumed Monday night, chalice was donated in memory of The altar will be erected in the The firtt annual picnic for all BleRBed Sacrament ...... ] names were registered and their center of the beautifully-sodded the listen o f the diocese will Holy Family ...... blood was classified as to type. Sept 18, at 8:15 in St. Paul’s Maurice Kearney by his mother playing field. A public address sys­ be held Saturday, Sept. 16, at Since that time, the sister in chapel in the basement of the Ca­ and sister, Mrs. M. Kearney and tem is being installed to make sure Holy Rosary ...... thedral. Father Doran’s open­ Mrs. W. H. Winterrowd of Villa- Loretto Heights college. The Our Lady of Mt. C arm el__ ...... charge disclosed, these men have that everyone will hear the Mass event is being jointly sponsored Preaentation ...... given 15 blood transfusions to ing lecture will be on the “ Exis­ nova, Pa. In the past week a set and the music, which will be by the Sisters o f Charity of Sacred H^art and Loyola...... hospital patients and several are tence of God and the Problem of of oak crosses with a g^:een metal broadcast over La Junta’s radio Evil.” The weekly lecture and scroll giving the number of each Leavenworth, the Sisters of St. Cajetan’s ...... the instances where this action station, KOKO. An English trans­ Charity o f Cincinnati, the Sis­ St. Catherine*! ...... has saved the life of the patient. open discussion are complemented station was presented by Mrs. John lation of the Mass is being printed ters o f St. Benedict, the Sisters St. Dotaiinic’f ...... “ You have no idea what a help by private ii^tructions for con­ Campbell of Denver. These will and will be distributed to all those of Loretto, the Sisters of St. St. Elizabeth’s ...... this blood donors’ club has been verts on Wednesday and Thurs­ serve as stations of the cross. A in attendance so that they may St. Francis de Sales' ...... Joseph, and the Sisters of St. James' ...... to us at the hospital,” said she. day evenings at the Cathedral rec­ Missal, the gift of Miss Marie follow the service. Mercy. According to the spon­ St. John the Evangeliat’a...... K. o f C. Pioneer in Work tory, which are also conducted by Smith and Michael Gill, was re­ The celebration will close with sors, it it hoped that the event St. Joseph's (C.SS.R.) ...... The Knights of Columbus coun­ Father Doran. Last year’s class of ceived earlier in the season. a banquet at the Harvey House at St. Joseph's (Polish) ...... will be observed at a yearly St. Leo the Great’ s ...... cil in Trinidad, it is said, is one 53 adult converts is expected to Interior o f the new Church o f St. Therese at Frederick, showing Mass is being offered at 10 6 p. m. at which Bishop Vehr will cutton. St. Louis' (Englewood) ...... 28.8 of the first, if not the first, or­ be greatly surpassed by this win­ its unique sanctuary. The pastor, Father Janies Mahrer, O.S.B., de­ o’clock on tha last two Sundays be the principal speaker. (Turn to Page i — Column S) ganized in Colorado to aid in ter’s enrollment. signed the church and him sdf built much o f iU of September. PAGE TWO Office, 998 Banxeclt Streei THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER TeleplftJH, KE3^fl!otW '4205 Thursday, Sept. 14, 1989 iSt. James’ New GLOCKNER SANATORIUM WILL OBSERVE JUBILEE ON SEPT. 24 -COME OH LET'S SINK THIS PirTR m READY FOR THAT Clubroom Will (Continued From Page One) woolly Wezt In 1897 Sister Ann small town with a rapidly mrowlng Xavier replaced Sister Fidelis. population in the ’ 80’s, and There was a debt of more than ' COLD iO m E OF COORSr wealthy health seekers from sll $12,000 and the order’s officials de­ over the nation were flocking cided to sell the institution, rather Open on Sunday than try to run it at so great a here to take advantage of Colo­ rado’s sun and climate, Mr. Glock- loss. ner saw the handicap placed on Sr. Ro*« Come* to Re*cne (St. Jamat’ Parish) persons of moderate means. He History was in the making, how­ On Sunday, Sept. 10, following dreamed of an institution in the ever, and Glockner’s g;uardian an­ I the Masses, the people are invited Pikes Peak region where people gel, Sister Rose Alexius, was sent to inspect the newly decorated from every walk of life could share west to ta^e charge and to complete I clubroom in the basement of the in (he benefits of a well-equipped the sale. Sister Rose, who cele­ Jim McGonat7, Jr. Jamet P. McConat^, Sr. medical center. brated her golden jubilee in 1937 41 T o n Exp«ri*Rc« church. With the co-operatioi of W ife Fulfill* Dream and is still at Glockner, met vigor­ the various parish organizations Mr. Glockner did not live to see ous protests from Bishop Matz, When You Need an Undertaker that have used the clubroom in his desire fulfilled, but his wife, who objected to the sale, and be­ the past year the space has been picking up his dream where death cause of her initiative the institu­ in your home, you should put aside all transformed into an attractive unit had ended it, consulted Dr. B. P. tion did not go on the auction arifuments in favor of the one fact—the of parish property. Anderson, then a leading Colorado block. trained and proficient man is the best. The walls have been paneled Springs physician, and plans for The new superior, who had been with wood and stained to bring the sanatorium were drawn. sent to sell the institution, not out' the beauty of tiie grain and The site selected for the struc­ save it, was faced with even i-f. Our Staff Is Composed of Experts r the floor has been carpeted in ture was located between Tejon greater difficulties than her pre­ The expense it a matter of your own desire brown, tan, and silver. The cur­ street and Cascade avenue and decessors, but she resolved to do tains, which formerly enclosed was purchased for |10,000. The all in her power to prevent this the room, have been dyed a blue- first building was erected at a cost instrument of humanity from dis­ grreen color and remade to make of $25,000 in 1889 and was in­ appearing. She called together adequate and beautiful hangings corporated under Colorado laws the prominent and influential for doors and windows. The fur­ July 19, 1891. The first trustees Colorado Springs leaders and ^Federal at No. Speer niture, donated by the clubs last were Dr. Anderson, who was chair­ found them sympathetic to the hos­ jT year, completes the ensemble. man and also superintendent; pital cause and anxious to have A bookcase, which will even­ Louis R. Ehrich, William E. its work carried on. At their sug­ GRand 1626 tually contain a number of vol­ Barnes, J. Addison Hayes, John gestion a bazaar was held and umes of great value as reference DeWitt Pelz of Albany, N. Y., and $4,000 was netted. With this works in the adult religion classes, Mrs. Glockner. The certificate of amount and several donations Sis­ is a feature of the room, and a incorporation stated that the “ in­ ter Rose paid off the debt and gave cabinet, built and donated by stitution is intended for the care Glockner a new start. THERE'S NO QUESTION fe ' -hi/ From 1900 to 1919 the story of William L. Hirzel, 1649 Tamarac and treatment of persons suffering AlOUT THE QUALITY OF < - ■ street, is of great value as a store from diseases of the lungs and the hospital is the story of Sister for the variety of games material throat.’’ Rose. She was superior during COORS. ITS A FINE BEERl A B EnER CAR^t”/, which is the property of the par­ According to the official records those times and accomplished ish organizations. the sanatorium, the first built in seemingly impossible feats at great sacrifice and against great odds. A beautiful Missal, recently do­ Colorado, was opened to the sick k M b9 cIdIis, Iioiels, rMGrt8...|(m'II fiid C06RS nated to the church by Miss Olive in March, 1890, under the care of $40fi00 Wing L. Baker, 1220 E. 17th avenue, Miss Sarah Callahan. The rate was will be on display. Imported $1 per day for board, lodging, Added in 1903 . .. A e beer that's ideatified bq its extra-drq,*ra* from Belgium, it is distinguished laundry, medicine, etc. No insti­ The addition of a new wing was for its illustrations, copies of the tution, however, could afford to completed in 1903 at a cost of freshing flavor that completelg satisfies Natural sacred art of the old masters. operate on such a basis— as a defi­ $40,000. In 1905 a $30,000 boiler Also shown for the first time will cit of $483.81 at the end of ten and steam laundry addition was Thirst. Be sure gou ask for COORS...wherever be a magnificent ciborium, a gift months showed. For a few years constructed. Yet, despite these to the church from the Pinochle Mrs. Glockner paid $1,200 at the additional facilities, the enlarged feed beer is sold. club. The vessel is constructed of end of each fiscal year to eliminate institution was unable to care for hand-hammered silver, gold plated, the deficit. its steadily growing patient list. *Sot $weet.,. net hitter and its beauty is intensified by Brighter days were ahead, how­ Tents were erected on the grounds long-shaped emerald and ruby ever, after the institution’s found­ and as' these became occupied it • For sixtq-siz ^ears, leiftv Suppose you’d bought this snappy, beautiful, smooth­ jewels. This item, made in Switzer­ ress consulted Bishop Nicholas C. became necessary to purchase at land, will not be put in use until Matz about her problem. She was a cost of $6,000 the equivalent of •Hart lor ezpensa ks been performing 1935 Pontiac De Luxe 4-Door Sedan 3 the improvement program being in favor of placing a religious or­ a city block to the north. The city donated the street that intersected spared io nake COORS as fini AWSteYrntm years ago. You’d have paid the original price, and carried on in the church is com­ der in charge of the hospital and ..sac- about now it would need reconditioning to give you pleted. asked specifically for the Sisters the property and the tents were a beer is can be brewed. Everj ____ GAMES PARTY WILL of Charity of Cincinnati, 0. This moved lo this space. The grounds continued championship performance. Well, we’ve congregation had been recom­ were then landscaped. ■oden facility and scientific — taken care of the reconditioning and it’s all ready to BE HELD SEPT. 22 The Altar and Rosary society is mended to her by Miss Callahan, In 1907 conditions became so aid is M^oged m its brewing. AEWEt OF F I N E B E E It zip ahead for many thousands of miles. At $ 2 9 5 , who had accompanied a patient to acute that a three-wing addition planning a games party Friday ABOirM COO*S COMrAHT. OOIDIN. COIOIIAIKX Ml * X it’ll cost you less than half its original price. evening, Sept. 22. This will be Santa Fe, N. Mex., where she was was the only solution to the prob­ the first of a number of unusual ^eatly impressed by the work be­ lem of caring for all patients who MANY MAKES - AIX MODELS social affairs scheduled by mem­ ing done by the Charity Nuns at sought admission. Sister Rose se­ SKEWED WITH PURE ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPRING WATEI bers for the coming season. Ar­ St Vincent’s sanatorium, at that cured permission from the mother $75 to $595 rangements are in the hands of time the only one of its kind in superior in Cincinnati to begin the the president, Mrs. J. R. Plunkett, the entire Rocky Mountain re­ construction of the project at a LIBERAL TRADE-IN EAST TERMS assisted by Mmes. Higgins, Fran­ gion. cost of $150,000. In addition to cis Smith, and Libonati. A num­ Bishop Matz placed a strong the two large wings of the sana­ stamp of apprpval on the sugges­ torium proper, the third wing was OPEN EVENINGS ber of attractive and valuable prizes have been secured for tion and praised the work of the to contain the main kitchen, the awards in the evening and friends nuns in Denver, Trinidad, and pastry kitchen, and storeroom, a ..Patronize Our Advertisers.. GLcndml* of the parish everywhere are in­ Pueblo. Mrs. Glockner visited the cold-storage room, and a private mother-house of the order at Mt. dining-room. ABLES Motor Co. 3676 vited. Admission at 35 cents will entitle the players to participate St Joseph, 0., in February, 1893, On, the second floor of this wing ‘SERVICE THAT SATISFIES" in 20 games and the attendance and completed arrangements. The a chapel featuring Gothic archi­ prize award. Refreshments will only conditions were that the tecture was built. Windows of be served. name o f the institution be re­ stained glass were imported from tained and that the sisters assume Munich and a white marble altar \ Prices for Fri. and Sat. Only at all Parish Dinaar Saecesi the mortgage of $7,000 ag;ain8t railing was installed. Bishop The parish dinner party, heW the hospital. A committee of nuns Matz dedicated the chapel in 1908. on last Wednesday evening, was visited Glockner and made a fa­ The addition contained reception a gfreat success. More people are vorable report to the mother su­ rooms, 54 bedrooms, 28 sleeping becoming better acquainted with perior. porches, 28 bathrooms, and 28 World markets are ris in g .... their fellow parishioners by at­ Nuns Take Over open fireplaces. Furnishings for •Xv. tending these dinners, which are many of the rooms were donated. held every two weeks. Hosts and In April, 1893 At the dedication of the new hostesses this week were Mr. and A new board of directors was wing in 1908 Dr. Anderson paid Mrs. J. A. Gallaher, Lawrence chosen, with Sister Basilia Apple- tribute - to Glockner as possessing it’s wise to buy clothing now! MILLER’S Baalman and Mrs. Marie Brad­ gate as president, and the Charity “ the finest and most perfect oper­ ley, Mr. and Mrs. William F. nuns took charge on April 1, 1893. ating room in the United States.” O’Brien, Mr. an d ^ rs. A. J. Sam­ Before the adjournment of the old He called the sanatorium an “ in­ ^^LjU PE^ARpfSl son, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester J board a vote of appreciation was stitution that would add reputation Barkhausen. They presided over given to Miss Callahan, then su­ to the city of Colorado Springs, tables attractively decorated and perintendent, for her devotion to whose citizens will reap its bene­ We bought early—^we bought vast quantities— and set for 14. Special tables were the work in the preceding three fits, and whose people, regardless we bought RIGHT! All these advantages— all this GARDEN VEGETABLES provided for the young people of years. of class or creed, must appreciate money-saving is your* as long as our present stocks M grade and high school ages. Cards Sister Basilia also became the it for its worth and the strangers last. Choose from thousands of New Fall 1 and 2- ROSEDALE and music completed the evening. first religious superior of the insti­ it will bring to its gates. The per­ Trouser Suits, Topcoats and Overcoats from Ajner- No. 2 can...... Mrs. Raid Entertaini tution. The first chaplain was the fectly equipped and beautiful in­ ica’s foremost makers at prices that will save you Mrs. James T. Reid, 1672 Rev. Robert Servant, who, at the stitution the eye can see, and the plenty I For instance— Spruce street, entertained the time of his death, April 4, 1924, mind can compass, but it cannot GRAPE FRUIT KIDNEY BEANS members of the Entre Nous club was the oldest priest in the diocese. see the vast good, the silent acts The Charity nuns were faced of mercy, and the alleviation of JOAN last Wednesday at a bridge lunch­ JUICE eon. An award of a handworked with a great struggle during 1893 pain, suffering, and sorrow con­ No. luncheon set, donated by Mrs and 1894. In the first year they stantly present within its walls. Parslow as a special club project, received 225 persons. Of these All religious faiths, and those of $40 TIMELY & was made to Mrs. Harry Colton, 125 were marked in the records as no religion whatsoever, all creeds, 4 cans 2 5 ^ cans 1676 Tamarac street. Mrs. John “friends,” meaning that they were the rich and the poor are cared for Pfeiffer was a ^ e s t in the ab charity patients. So great were alike, and no penniless or charity MANCHESTER SUITS sence from the city of Mrs. Cava the obstacles faced in those two case was ever turned from its nagh, and Mrs. Edward O’Shea years that the mother-house found doors or discriminated against.” was received as a new member. it necessary to send relief. In In 1919 Sister Rose, when TOMATO SOUP Novena devotions to the Sacred 1895 Sister Basilia was succeeded called to duty elsewhere, turned ■MX* Heart will begin at 8 o’clock this by Sister Fidelis. over the heavy duties of the CAMPBELL’S Friday evening. Services last one At that time the nuns were do­ superior’s office to Sister Mary, New Pack, can. half hour. The sermon topic will ing all the nursing themselves, as who had been her ablest assistant be “ The Overflowing Cup.’’ the days of the trained nurse had as bookkeeper for the preceding not yet arrived in the wild and five years. Pinochle Club Feted BLEACH GELATINE Mrs. Luke Parslow, 740 Olive Organization xox, street, entertained the members Work Completed DESSERTS of the Pinochle club at her home It was at this time that or­ quart bottle Saturday evening. Sept. 9, thus Society to Biiy R o b b R o m iMortod flavora ganization and standardization officially opening the season for were the most important phases this game in the parish. Mr. and of hospital administration, and MANCHESTER SUITS with TWO Pair *f 3 2 5 c Mrs. Francis P. Smith were wel­ Glockner was fortunate in having 3 1 0 c comed as new members, as were Sanctuary Carpet at its head a woman with Sister Trouser:! also Paul Ruby and John Pelle Mary’s abilities. She drew up a grini. The entire group of old (St. Patrick’* Pariih) set of by-laws and a constitution Smart new double breasted drapes— distinctive busi­ members attended. The second A special meeting of the Altar ness models— newest fall colorings— newest fall mod­ that continue to be the guiding <’Z*> GRAPE JUICE session will be held in the church and Rosary society will be held on principles for good staff adminis­ els tailored to the nth degree! ALL SIZES— regulars, clubroom Saturday, Sept. 16, at Tuesday afternoon. Sept. 21, at 2 tration. Because of her efforts a longs, shorts, stouts! 8 R O SE M A R Y 8:45, with the Rev. Charles M. o’clock. Organization of commit­ fine hospital staff was organized. 12 oz. can...... Johnson as host. Membership in tees to secure contributions to the Standardization also demanded the club is open to men and fund for the purchase of a new competent and well qualified lab­ women everywhere who are inter­ carpet for the sanctuary is the oratory personnel, and thus Glock­ MARGARINE ested in pinochle. Instruction in reason for calling this meeting. ner’s laboratory today stands high PRUNES the game is provided for begin­ The Rev. Thomas Barry tvill pre­ in medical circles because of Sis­ $30 SUITS-' IK CELLO ners. OH IO MAID side. Members are urged to at ter Mary’s foresight and vision. M:*:J 3 Ibfl. 9 0 fe Friday Club to Moot tend. Because of the smooth function­ large...... C e w lf The Friday club, which will The Young Ladies’ sodality will ing of the new internal organiza­ TOPCOATS-O'Coats 4 lbs. meet for bridge and sewing on the receive Holy Communion in a body tion, the superior found time to this Sunday morning, A meeting build a new power plant and main­ 2 n . 2 5 medium...... lb I v first and third Fridays of each month during this year for the of the organization was held tenance building, a separate ma­ benefit of the vestment fund, will Thursday evening in the library. ternity wing, and a convent for hold its first regular session SeSept Mai* Schedula to Chanfo the sisters. 15 at 2 o’clock. Members whi The winter schedule of Masses In August, 1926, Sister Mary Tender, Sweet, I will begin the year are Mrs. will go into effect this Sunday Regina succeeded Sister Mary. Fancy, Whole Rue, Mrs. J. Hooyer, Mrs. J. morning. Hours of Masses will Under her direction the third floor Golden Ban­ Reid, Mrs. Joseph Caspar, Mrs. be 7, 9, 10:30, and 12 o’clock. The sleeping porches were enclosed tam, No. 2 can Parslow, Mrs. B. Lawless, M rs._K. 6 o’clock Mass will not be said and more room was provided for CORN Plane, Mrs.'J. R. Weaver, Mrs. W. during the winter months. patients. She held the directorial A. Purcell, Mrs. J. M. Seawell, Sister Anna Adelaide, who came reins at Glockner until 1928, when Mrs. T. G. Degan, and Mrs. Mary here upon the recent illness and she was elected to the general 7 MARKETS OPEN NIGHTS deatl of her mother, Mrs. Allies council of the mother-house. The liveliest styles you’ve seen— every one Ir perfect M-§ Shanahan. They invite others t( taste— and perfect fall style! It will be many a day ■ SATUtOAYS'dMO a. a. Okr N a o'iN 9 p. a. ■ I join them. Nevans, has returned to Peoria, Sister Henrietta Marie took ni., where she is stationed. charge in 1929 and continued to before we can duplicate values like this! All sizesr COLOFTADO Bl>d. 8th Avt i FEDERAL Cboir Noods Men’* Voice* regulars, longs, shorts, stout*. COtFAX & ELM 500 SO. BROADWAY Ray Strong, who is returning to uphold the institution’s standards 34th i YORK 3305 SO BROADWAY The men and boys of the par­ his home in Sioux City, la., from and ideals until 1933, when Sister THRIFTY MART I^t Bro idw iy ish _ who wish to belong to the Canon City, where he had been Mary returned to pick up where choir this year are invited to at­ visiting, was the guest of Mr. and she had left off in 1928. She held MrS 8TH AND SANTA FE HOURS: tend the first practice session in Mrs. A. Goetz last week. the post until her death in August, ITOWY80N Air Conditioned SaL Nit«f ’tin >—Othtr Nitea *1111 T the church next Tuesday evening The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Henri 1938. at 8 o’clock. _St. James’ church Schaller of Porrentruy, Berne, ' Siste Ann Hermine was made had a splendid choir of male for Your Switzerland, was a visitor at the superior arid under her guidance 10- COfTRELL't voices last year and the members rectory last week. Monsignor the institution rounded out its added a great deal to the dignity Schaller, who is an old friend of last, year in the 50 years of serv­ Comfort! of Divine service. Male singers the Rev. Achille Sommaruga, was ice that have proved priceless in ^ a n i St&ia 621 SIXTEENTH $T« PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS who reside outside the parish lim- a guest of the Rt. Rev. Joseph the growth of Colorado Springs ita art also invited to attend. Bosetti while in Denver. and the entire W est i Thursday, Sept. 14, 1939 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THREE REGIS ENROLLMENT RISES; Preferred Parish Cathedral P.-T.A. Father Paolazzi Glendale 3663 FOREIGN STUDENTS ENTER Trading List Holds Meeting (Regis College) According to tha official merit Organizing Choir In the past week Regis college sheet of the association, judgment mORTU/lRIES is based on the following divisions: MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER has been the scene of heightened (St. Catherine’s Parish) The Cathedral Parent-Teachers’ 1. Diffusion of Catholic thought Th« raarehantt rapresanted in this saetion am boostars. T haj ara activity. New and ’ old students and promotion of Catholic activity. The Rev. Bartolo J. Paolazzi, anxious to work with jrou and am dasarrinf of jrour patronaga. Co- association met in the cafeteria Monday afternoon, Sept. 11, with have been coming in, getting set­ How does the publication give evi­ who just returned from New York, operato with tham. dence of its Catholocity, lead CATHOLIC MEMBERS of our personnel Mrs. Andrew May, president, pre­ tled, renewing old friendships, and is organizing a ipixed c}ioir for the siding. In the absence of the secre­ making new ones. From over the Catholic Action, promote charit­ and the finest equipment and facilities are able activities, pursue a positive fail season. Rehearsals mil be tary, Mrs. James Kerr, the report country and from foreign lands Cathedral was read by Mrs. Albert Jepson. editorial policy on matters of held every Wednesday evening at assigned to every Catboiie Service they come, including students Catholic interest, emphasize its 7:30 beginning Sept. 20, when Fa­ Sister M. Janet, who was re­ from British Honduras and position as a member of the Cath­ Ksedlepoiots Mounted Slip Covers cently appointed superior of the ther Paolazzi will test the voices France, from Minnesota, Ne­ olic school press? Possible score, of all who wish to sing with the Joseph E. Bona, Vice President Cathedral convent, welcomed the 900; Brown and Gold, 860. mothers and spoke briefly on the braska, Wisconsin, Illinois, Mis­ group. W. W. MeCRAY 2. Enterprise and service to the 16th at Boulder Speer Blvd. at Sherman value of the P.-T.A., stressing the souri, California, Utah, Texas, Mrs. Purcell’s Sewing club will importance of regular attendance school and its community. Is the resume activities for the fall sea­ Furniture Upholstering New Mexico, Ohio, Kansas, Ari­ publication taking advantage of its Equipped to Respond to Any Call, Any Time, Any Distanco at the meetings and explaining zona, New York, Wyoming, and son Thursday, Sept. 21, when Mrs. how this is a prime factor in bring­ opportunities in comparison with Roy T. Davisson, formerly of 4564 SO Ysart in Denver Colorado. A substantial increase its size, aggressively to direct stu­ ing about the close relationship in enrollment is apparent, with Decatur, will entertain the club at TAbor 8986 851 Corona St. which should exist between the dent action and opinion, to stimu­ her new home, 2933 Foster court. many new students coming from late student thought and study, to child, his parents, and his teach­ out of town and from Regis high Mrs. Henry 'Weber will be joint ers. offer constructive proposals for the hostess. Mrs. Purcell urges all school and Denver parochial betterment of the community it NOB HILL INN The association extended a schools. members to be present. She ex­ Call for Appointment • TA. 4 6 5 4 serves? Possible score, 600; Brown pressed her .thanks to lieutenants 42* EAST COLFAX hearty welcome to Sister M. Fin- Returning students find several and Gold, 590. and all others who helped in any Preferred Parish “ BEAUTY IS OUR BUSINESS” ian, who returns to the Cathedral improvements in Carroll hall. A Mixed Drinks, Draught Beer this year after an absence of sev­ 8. Editorial content: How rep­ way to make the quilt and afghan new reading and smoking room for resentative is the news coverage? Delicious Dinners eral years. Greetings were also day students is on the second floor, booth a success at the carnival. extended to Sister Margaret Elea- How interesting and timely are In the first •jveek in October Trading List MnO Beauty Shop the boarders’ lounge, student feature articles? How telling, uni­ HOT AND COLD LUNCHES non and ^ister Mary Aloysius, coun,selor’s room, and student there will be a beginners’ inquiry OLIVE HARTWELL, Mgr. Tour BasincM U Appreciated Bere who have been assigned to the fied, simple, practical, well-related class for non-Catholics interested council office have been refur­ to the news stories are the edi­ 1115 EAST 9TH AVENUE school faculty, and to Sister Ruth nished, *and the Brown and Gold in the Catholic faith. Catholics MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER Anthony, Sister Mary Amadea, torials? Possible score, 450; are encouraged to bring their non- CORONA office has been moved to larger Brown and Gold, 420. Tha merchant* repreiented in this section are boosters. They aro Sister Ann Austin, Sister Mary and better quarters. Catholic friends. anxious to work with you and are deserving of your patronage. Co> c - Eudora, and Sister Agnes Maria. 4. Physical appearance, typog­ Sodality Holds Meeting n; Fr. Gibboni in Charge of N.Y.A. operate with them. Mary-Ann O n e . and Creamery The following have been chosen raphy, layout, and design. Is a thoughtful evaluation of news The sodality met at the home of The Store That Opene Early hnd Cloac* to serve on committees for the The Rev. John J. Gibbons, S.J., the prefect, Florence Kaltriter, re­ Late has been placed in charge of the items incarnated in effective Beauty-Nook coming year: Mrs. 0. Madonna, cently. Father Aloysius Barthel OPEN ALL DAT SUNDAY expanded N.Y.A. allotments for makeup, attractive and unified Spacialixing in machinalass membership; Mrs. F. E. Brenner, thanked the members in the name St. Francia de Sales’ wavas hospitality; Mrs. D. McGroarty, the college. Edward Koerber will layout, and harmonious typog­ 8 49 Corona raphy, especially regarding edi­ of the priests of the parish for Kstherlns McKelver, l*rop. program; Mrs. R. G. Morrison, be timekeeper. Father Gibbons torial pages and specialized de­ their work at the carnival. He con­ 92( B. llfh Ats. Bet. Emerson A 0(4ea publicity. will also lecture on psychology to Now Open to My Many Friends FOR FINE the student nurses of St. Joseph’s partments? Possible score, 375; gratulated them on the success of JACKSON’S KAMP MOVING October 25 was decided upon as hospital. The Rev. Leo Cusack, Brown and Gold, 350. their booths. Miss Kaltriter also the date for the annual circus to extended her thanks. Plans for Cut Rate Drugs CH. 456S *JACK 8PEEGLE. Prop. SHOE REPAIRING S.J., will teach psychology to the 5. Uniformity and consistency & STORAGE CO. be held this year. A meeting of fall activities were discussed and Liquors • Sundries 534 East Colfax— Co p. Pearl TRY nurses of Mercy hospital. The of style. Possible, 300; Brown and W« enrrr ■ eoapltU stock of Fnmltiirgg all those interested in serving on new committees were formed in Bars. Linoleomi. and StoTso Rev. E. A. Conway, S.J., will Gold, 290. Prescriptions the committees will be held in the accordance with the organization Fnrnltars Repairing Argonaut Wine and Corona Shoe Shop be moderator of St. Joseph’s 6. Headlint construction and I'ree Prompt Delivery school cafeteria Friday afternoon, nurses’ sodality, and the Rev. of the Sodality, union in the Den­ Can 8p. 3441 Downinc and AU aida 1705 So. Pearl PE. S97S 853 CORONA ST. Sept. 15, at 1 o’clock. accuracy. Possible, 225; Brown ver diocese. After the business Liquor Co. Alee a full line of laeee and ahoe poliaheai Theodore Schulte, S.J., will serve and Gold, 210. Praacriptions Fret Dellvsry in the same capacity for the Mercy meeting, the members enjoyed Largest and Finest fnelndirig white ihoe shine. 7. Application of art to news games and refreshments. Mary B U Y WISE hospital nurses’ sodality. or feature articles. Possible, 160; Stock in Denver Handley took first prize and Rose JEW ELL PHARMACY GROCERY and CREAMERY STRAUSS SISTERS Student Couned Wm. J. Reals, 1544 Pearl street, Brown and Gold, 150. Marie Veltrie, second. Helen Under New Management — Depend on Pen Denver, who last year was a fresh­ Recognition If Given Schneider was co-hostess. On Sun­ Ws Fcatnre Handmade Lingerie, Negligees, man student at Regis college, is Credit for this national recogni­ L. O. WADSWORTH Supreme Dairy Products EDDIE PENN LEON PENN Hostess Coats, Robes, Handker- day, Sept. 17, the sodalists will Hours 6 A. M. to 10 P. M. entering St. Thomas’ seminary this tion was given by Regis authori­ Reglstertd Pharmaciit chifs. Costume Jewelry, Hosiery Is Reorganized receive Communion in a body at Open Sundays fall. ties, first, to the co-operation of MS SO. PENN. the 7 o’clock Mass. Rose Brady SP. 9729 Cor. So. Pearl A Jeorall Penn Bros. Market 321 E. COLFAX between Grant and Arthur Rayhawk, who was grad­ the student body, especially of the too E. 18th Arenue KE. 8787 Loffan SU.. near the Cathedral volunteered to decorate the FREE DELIVERY Cathedral high achool haa re­ uated from Regis in 1925, visited newspaper staff, which was headed Blessed Virgin’s altar for the Mass. Quality Fruits - Vegetables OPEN EVENINGS organized its student government. the campus this week. He is now by Francis Mayer of Wichita, The junior girls are holding a JOYCE CLEANERS FURHAOE OLEAHIHG Groceries - Meats Under the new plan the council married and lives in Pittsburgh, Kans., the editor, and, second, to meeting of the central council' to a policy at Regis of co-operation For Better Heating Results is made up of the president of the Pa., where he is head of the school appoint chairmen of the commit­ Alterations a Specialty When buying from the Vollmer’s Ellsworth student body, William Jones; the of commerce and finance of Du- with the national movement to­ Call Us for Complete Vacuum wards a more powerful American tees in preparation for the general Cleaning of Your Furnace and firms advertising in this vice president, Patricia Harring­ quesne university. Formerly Mr. session to be announced soon. SP. 3662 1306 S. Pearl BAKERY ton, and the secretary, Charles i^yhawk lived in Pueblo. Catholic press. 'I’he Brown and Registers S 3.00 up paper, please mention that Gold has made special efforts Jerry John Floyd, infant son of (We Call for and Deliver) FREE ESTIMATE First Class Bakery Goods Campbell; the presidents of the ‘Brown and Gold* Is Mr. and Mrs. Horace M. Floyd, you saw their advertise­ citizenship, social, publicity, and toward the encouragement of FUEL SERVICE Cake and Pastry for every occasion Rated ‘All-Catholic* reading and writing on Catholic was baptized this week. Sponsors Rugs and Upholstery SP. 7415 844 Ss. Broadway SP. 8397 15 So. Broadway assembly commissions; the editor were Ed W. Floyd and Mrs. Char­ ment. of Hi Pal, the presidents of the doctrine, particularly in its ap­ The Brown and Gold, student plication to modem problems, in lotte Goggpns. Expertly Cleaned Glee, Pep, C., Mission, Speech, and newspaper at Regis college, re­ I Dramatic clubs; prefects of the line with the truth of which Miss Eileen Purcell and her Harold’s Barber Shop . I ceived “ All-Catholic” rating for the Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen wrote boys and girls’ sodalities, and the 1938-39 school year in the annual mother, Mrs. Wm. Purcell, spent A neat, attractive shop with presidents of the freshman, sopho­ recently in the Catholic Herald re­ a vacation at Yellowstone park and AIR-UV'SYSTEM skillful, courteous service a survey conducted by the Catholic garding the Catholic people of more, junior, and senior classes. School Press association, according at Billings, Mont, where they D. A. BECKMAN. Prop. specialty. America and their unbelief in their visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo Steifer. to a communication from J. L. All Hand Work WE ARE PROUD OF OUR WORK This system provides one rep­ secular press: Sullivan of Marquette university, C.T.-P.A. Meet! Sept. 19 resentative to every 20 students. “ The press fell down completely 83 So. Ptna 8P. I88S 1509 So. Pearl Milwaukee, Wise., head of the The new plan has been introduced in reporting the civil war in Spain, St. Catherine’s C.T.-P.A. will hold association. its first meeting of the school year in order to facilitate a wider rep­ not only by misrepresenting facts Delivered anywhere in the city. Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 19, at resentation of students on the Regis was entered in the con­ now generally admitted, but also Mack’s Auto Repair 100% S p e cia lly Homogenized 3:15, with the president, Mrs. A. council. test in the class— men’s colleges by concealing the truth. AND (Pasteurized) Cream — Blend G. \Vinter, presiding. A large at­ At the general assembly of the with less than 500 enrollment. “ Catholics suspect the press be­ Milk. Drive in any of these stations for prompt, courteous attention tendance is requested as the vari­ student body following a welcome Each of the publications entered in cause it fails to call things by their Jim’s Service Station Exclusive Product of ous committees for the coming and the hest motor fuels, oils and greases this market affords. address by the superintendent, the the contest, well over a thousand right names. From the dispatches Oireetlr West of Ward's Psrkins Lst Rt. Rev. Hugh L. McMenamin, the in all, was graded by three judges one would never suspect that the year will be appointed. The eighth Lincoln Creamery grade mothers will serve as host­ Phone SP. 9740 CATHEDRAL — E . Colfax and Race Street reorganized council was explained on the basis of a maximum score Popular Front of France had a 515 B. Expoeltion SP. 3339 to the pupils by the executive of 3,000 points. The certificates single Communist in it. There is a esses. A council meeting will be 1745 8. Broadwaj SP. 1419 Cathedral—E. 10th and Washlngrtoa S t Dominic’s—W. 32nd. Are. A N. Speer board. granted are: All-Catholic 2,700 general tendency to i^ ore Com’ held at 2:30 on the same day. rnr w w w w w w w w w w w w Holy Ghost— 14th SL and Tremont St. Francis de Sales’—Cedar A &. Hdwy. 3,000 points; first honors, 2,550- munism in international news The president, Mrs. A. G. Win­ in % UNION 8t. John’s—Speer Blvd. and Clarkson St. Bleated Sacrament— E. 33rd and Kearney 2,700 points; second honors, 2,400- while overstressing the word. ter, wishes to extend thanks tp her BILLIE OHLER’S 6 t Philomena’s— E. 8th Art. A Colo. Blvd. Loyola—E. 18th Ave. A Race Regis Geild to Hold 2,550 points. The Brown and Gold Fascist. co-workers as well as to the donors received 2,870 points. 8t. Catherine’s—W. 38th. Ave. A Fed. Blvd. St. EUzabeth’a— W . Colfax A 8th S t “ Closely allied to this is a con of articles used in the recent MODEL MARKET CLEANERS AND DYERS Mooting OH Sopt. IT spiracy of silence concerning per­ carnival. Makers of Pamons Billies secution. Not over three metro LIttls Pis Ssasacea 32« BROADWAY PEARL 97SS “ Sausages trom Pigs that Died Happy' politan newspapers have carried UphoUt«r«d Furnltur«g Curtafau, asd Phone PE lit* 1497 S. Psori St. St. John's The Regis guild will meet Sun­ any information concerning the Denver Man Is Married Draperies Expertly Cleaned mad Finished P.-T. I. Tl MEET A. A A. A. A . A . A day afternoon. Sept. 17, at 2:30 persecution of Catholics of Ger­ To New York Socialite in Regis library. Mrs. A. Camp­ many and none concerning the Katheryne’s Sewing Shop bell, . president, will announce persecution of Catholics in Mexico. Miss Frances D. Frick, daughter PUBLIG GROGERY ■ IOWA MARKET committees for the fall and win­ "With the distrust of the secular of Mr. and Mrs. Childs Frick of ALBRECHT’S Expert Drstimaking, Alterations, ter program and will outline the III EIIEEEWOOD press there has grown apace a Roslyn, L. I., became the wife and Fur Repair Formerly Home Public 1 Formerly Home Public Pabst Beer on Draught work for these seasons. greater confidence in the Catholic of I. Townsend Burden, Jr., grand­ Perfect Fittings By 111 E. 6th Arc. 1 “ The Best in Meats” The new moderator of the press, with the result that there is son of the late Dennis Sheetly of Delicious Wines of The Public Prefer! the Public KATHERYNE LAWLOR 1 118 E. Ith Arc. g;uild, appointed as successor to (St. Louis’ Parish, Enflowood) a generally unified Catholic opin­ Denver, before the Rev. Francis All Kinds PE. 3226 PE. 3703-04 the Rev. J. P. McMahon, S.J., ion on many aspects of the inter­ R. Ryan of St. Mary’s church, 111 So. Penn. PE. >888 587 So. Pearl Every friend of a child, whether national situation.” Roslyn, Friday, Sept. 8. will be present. A large attend a parent or not, is invited ance is requested. to attend the opening meeting of D EN VER The study circle, under the di- the P.-T.A. to be held in the school Dick’s Radio Senrice Skelton’s Service reption of the Rev. Josi ph Ryan, hall Monday evening. Sept. 18. St. Catherine's ^ Colorado Pharmacy M A R K E T CO. EVit 9345 Eait Cth Ave. and Josephine S.J., will have a session following Interesting ide^s of experts from OTTO A. CRAWFORD, Owner l.G.A. Stores Phillips “ 66” ProducU the business parley. all parts of the country on child- FRIENDS Prescriptions Our Hobby 2422 E . 6th Are. EM. 4151 & 4152 welfare, as brought out in the re­ Te niake nsw friends snd ta thsnk ear R.C.A. TUBES ^ Lee Tire* old ones— 1 offtr my gnorantsed grsoso Tauche’s Bakery WE DEUVER Selected corn-fed meats. Fancy and cent Catholic Charities conference, Job with tho pnrehoso of 5 gsUont of e • Res. Phone SP. *248 staple groceries, fmits and veffetablca PbiUnp with Phllllpe and^fecl the difference Nurses’ Federation gu. All for tl.f*. Rss. Address 1887 So. Washington St. 1596 So. Psarl PE. 1820 will be reported by Mrs. James Shop Address 1888 So. Pearl St. Fresh fish and oysters lire Repalrins — Battery Service Jackson. This will be of interest City-wide Reputation for _ Directors to Meef to others, as well as parents, since VCRN ANDERSON V 3ITH A TEJON Fine Bakery Goods it will give a new viewpoint on We use only modem up-t-— J Curtain Cleaners SHOE HOSPITAL at 8 o’clock at Mercy hospital. meeting to be held Friday, Sept. ANN LELL. Manager Phones: EAst 3373; EAsi 9849 Agent for NEtl’ FASHION DRY Finest Shoe Repairing 2438 6th Ave. at Columbine All Catholic nurses in the city 15, at 1:30 p. m. in the school hall. 1213 E. 4ih Ave. are invited to attend the monthly CLEANING PE. 2989 New as well as former members ROSE BEAUTY SHOPPE 669 So. Pearl PE. 5420 1481 SO. PEARL Cut-Rate Prices session's on the third Thursday of are Invited to be present. Follow­ FBEE DELIVERY each month. ing this, the executive board will FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY = “At Your Servlet** T convene at 3 p. m. SHAMPOO AND W AVE...... 2 5 ^ EMPIRE W . M . W i n E Rental Motor Seooiors BEER - ICE GOLD Mrs. George Kelly Is The parish scout troop, the boys MACHINE W AVE, $1.B0 and up MACHINELESS W AVE, $2JM) and up Weldings Knives and Scieeors Sharpened of the parish, and the fathers were GL. 6000 Opan aveninga by appointment 3746 TEJON Electrical Appliaacea— Bicycles CLEANERS By the Case Home From California entertained at a party in the school Grocery and Market REPAIR WORK OF ALL KINDS AND CHILLED WINE hall on Wednesday evening. r C Fresh Fish Mrs. George Kelly, a member of Harvey Bald, Jr., was elected Gordon Novelty Works DYERS the Cathedral parish^ returned to Sixth Ave. Liquor president of the Junior Newman Blessed Sacrament 515 E. Bayaud PE. 0123 EMerion 2989 Denver Sunday from San Diego. club. Violet Buege was chosen PE. n a i (th A JosTphin. EA. 6S7S She left California Thursday of t vice president and secretary. 2434 E. 4th A .. W* Givt 8. A H. Grsea Stamps last week but was delayed 24 hours Mrs. Julia Hanlon and Mr. and SCHOOL TOIE because of a washout en route a FANCY GROCERin i MITH’S ^ Mrs. Leo Schmidt and son, Paul, ’ John C. Scholl UNEDA home. •FRUITS R VEGETABLES IS SHOE TIME liNCLAIR ^ Marne Beauty Salon who had been visiting their sister and aunt, respectively, Mrs. H. Fancy and Staple Cleaasr and Tailor AT SERVICE ^ Newly Air Conditioned Steinmets, for the past week, left Groceries Boulevard Grocery E8T. SINCE 1824 “ Yonr car will ^ e Princess Nyla Cosmetics St. Louis’ eiN E Y ’S serve you, if you i Tuesday for their home in Wood- EA. 1 8 5 1 2 8 2 0 Colorado BUd. 1»77 SO. PEARL SP. 7177 let ns service your j e Machineless Waving river, 111. MEATS 10% Diseonnt for Cash sod Carry Modem Shoe Repair Shop car.” ^ FREK Prompt Delivery Service ^ 210 E. 13th Are. Sncceas' Collsgt BMIg. •TH AT JOSEPHINE EM. East 3th Ave. at Colnmblno ^ Mrs. Young Entortains Soeioty 2706 2815 Fairfax PHONE EM. 9815 i EM. JSU ENGLEWOOD Mrs. J. Young, president of St. NOW OPEN Brows Beauty Louis’ P.-T.A., presided at a lun­ The firms listed here de­ Tire and Battery Service cheon meeting of the membership Vacation Permanents s r S S i Curl Lee Que committee in her home on Wednes­ O L S O N ’ S serve to be remembered S. M. SWIGART, Prop. MY LADY EDITH DYBDAHL day, Sept. J3. Room mothers pres­ Bleated Sacrament when you are distributing Red and White ent were Mrs. G. Bann, first grade; 5019 E. Colfax EM. 2731 Beauty Service DONUTS EXIDE BATTERIES 2898 Fairfax EM. 8847 BEAUTY SHOP CORN FED MEATS Mrs. A. Michaud, second grade; your patronage in the dif­ 201 So. Sherman CaU PE. 9901 ■ We Deliver 3391 So. Broadway Phono Eng. 1085 3030 E. 6th Avo. EA. 1801 Frcih Fish Every Friday Mrs. H. Bettinger, third grade; 3015 W. 44th Avo GR. 1631 (MINNIE KESSELEB. Prop.) ferent lines of business. ]> s. Adee Root PE. 0892 300 SO. PEARL 2306 E. 6ih Ave. EA. 1844 Mrs. G. Smilanic, fourth grade; 2750 W. 29th Avo. CL. 3613 E. 6th at Detroit Phone EA. 0788 At PriCM Yea Can Afford Mrs. J. McElroy, fifth grade; Mrs. St. Nary E. Irwin, sixth grade; Mrs. E. Mc­ Office and Plant PE. M4S Donnell, seventh grade, and Mrs. Holy FamUy m t E. 4th Art. A. Geeck, eighth grade. Mrs. F. WE Magdiden's Moore was chosen membership A oouodoaoo , MOVE OUNTRY CLUB chairman. Other members of For Quality Bakery CLARK & SDN n D 1T r* Q GENERAL < Fmss^Mtsmmu.lilMMWg, G f f t C leaners and Dyars LP tv U U O Price* Every Day DE SELLEN Goods Try Mrs. Brans, hospitality chairman. HARDWARE Far Sarvle*—HEpi We Clean^—Clean FUEL AND FEED CO. GL. 9282 4034 TENNYSON 8T« * Wamthamaa. i n t 3M6 Si. If it Looks Clean— W . Did It Evison’s Service TW O STORES CHARLES A. DeSELLEH FREE. FAST. CAREFUL DELIVERY WEISS BAKERY HUNTING EQUIPMENT 8AMB PRICBS Standard Oil ProducU lin, 2523 S. Bannock street, said Wa Ship by Rail 4024 Tennyson St. General Hardware, Paints, GIsm and Kitchen Ware OPPOSITE JEWISH the 10 o’clock Mass and preached PHONE TA. 9211 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS flu iH iim gii'igiim O SANATORIUM ON WEST COLFAX in St. Louis’ church Sur ' 9STB AND WALNUT I Sept 8. MMFnlakUaiL* IIIX WUUtau S t RSS. PBONS MA. U44 PATRONIZE ,OUR ADYERTISERS

{ The Denver Catholic Register Lives Saved by CATHEDRAL RECTOR TO SPEAK Rpfrpof fn OnPii Pre«1d»nt ______Moit ReT. Urban J. Vehr, D.D. New Testamentsj •President Emeritus______Most Rev. Bishop J. Henry Tihen, D.D. ON ‘CHURCH OF AIR’ SUNDAY^ j ‘ T , Editor...... Rt. Rev. Msgr. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D. Managing Editor______Hubert A. Smith, Jour.D. Blood Donors of (Continued From Page One) ths Ten Commandments have no braduabon Week Associate Editors— M. F. Everett, Jour.D.; Charles J. McNeill, A.B., “ T h e ■ • various civilizations more binding force than the laws seem to run in cycles of five cen­ of etiquette, that sin, so-called, is Jour.D.; Rev. Walter Canavan, Jour.M.; M.A.; Rev. John Cavanagh, turies each, that which we call a matter of convention, and that and Bibles M.A.; Ruth Vincent, A.B. modem civilization’ bennning they thehiselvei are but the acci­ At Seton Scbool Trinidad K. of C. just 600 years ago. It has had its dental accuihulation of particles New Testaments...... 50^ to $2.50 Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. period of renaissance, its period in a vast scheme of materialistic of reformation, and its period of evolution. And when they have (Continued From Page One) Colorado Springs.— Graduation revolution. It has had its secu­ imbibed these theories they are week for the Seton school of Published Weekly by community. It is a big help when larism, its intellectualism, and now turned loose to prey upon their you need blood in an emergency its commercial materialism; and, fellows. nursing will open Sunday, Sept. THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY (Inc.) to be able to put your finger on Bibles if I read the signs of ths times “Is it any wonder under such 17, with a three-day retreat by someone who is ready and willing 938 Bannock Street correctly, and I think I do, it has conditions that the law-enforcing Monsignor Hugh L. McMenamin of to help.” Cloth Binding, red edges.... ______$1 .5 0 broken down and must give way agencies of the land are unable the Cathedral, Denver. All of the four types of blood to a new order, the nature of Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1497 to cope with juvenile delinquency? On Thursday morning. Sept. Keratol, gold edges...... ______$ 3 .0 0 known to medical science are rep­ which is still in the balance, the Is it any wonder that more than $2 a year. Sold only in club arrangement with The Register, resented in the 20-man noup of impetus to which must be supplied 200,000 homes are broken by di­ 21, tho graduation class will be American Seal, gold edges...... _....».—$4 .5 0 Tuesday edition. $2 covers subscription to both weeklies. Knights. Of the typings No. 1 is by your generation. vorce annually, and hundreds of guests of the faculty at a break­ the most rare and up to the pres­ Modern Civilixation Hai Failed thousands of children deprived of fast. Thursday evening tho an­ ent time the Trinidad man pos­ Other bindings ranging in price from $5 to $15. Thursday, Sept. 14, 1939 “ Modem civilization, in spita of their God-given right to the care nual formal ball will bo held at sessed of that type of blood has of a father and a mother? its achievements, has failed. It Glockner for the alumnae, grad Bibles with the sayings of Christ in red, $ 7 .5 0 to $15. not been called upon for a trans was the spirit of modem civiliza­ Millioa Babei Slaughtereil fusion. All of the transfusions are OFFICIAL! DIOCESE OF DENVER tion that broke Europe up into mu­ “ We contemplate Europe today uates, and students of the Seton made by the “ indirect method” tually inimical peoples and created and hold up our hands in holy school. The latter part of the The Denver Catholic Repster merits our cordial approval. with a pint of the life-saving We confirm it as the official publication of the Diocese. Whatever that ultra-nationalism which is horror at the sacrifice of human week there will be a picnic at liquid generally the apiount taken drenching the world in blood appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or those life that is taking place. Yet, we Cascade, at which the graduation of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. Coal Miner Aided today. It was the spirit of modern stand by with utter complacency James Clarke class will be guests of the alum­ We hope The Register will be read in every homo of the Recently a coal miner was civilization that split Christianity whilst almost a million babes are up into the hopeless babel o f the Diocese. brought to the hospital, suffering slaughtered each year in America nae. We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in severe shock and* his body badly sects and made it quite impossible by abortion. We are not much After a Pontifical Mass the for us to present a united front Church Goods House the children of the Diocese for the reading of The Register. crushed. He had been the victim moved when we discover that we following young women will be against the common enemy of lead the world in murders. In 1936 Haadqnarters for Artieloa of Dovotlon, Church FurDithluxt, « URBAN J. VEHR, of an accident in Which a run­ graduated: Betty Wertenberger, away car had caught him against atheistic Communism. Modem civi­ America had more than 1,200 mur­ Casper; Mary Lucille Mathews, Booka for tho Catholic Laity and Clergy. Aug. 5, 1931. Bishop of Denver. lization and its utilitarianism are the wall o f’ the mine. ders, whilst 27 other civilized Albion, Nebr.; Mary Elizabeth 1636-38 Tremont Street Phone TAbor 3789 destmetive of art, and have im­ countries with a population four Hinckley, St. Joseph, Mo.; Nora His condition was described as peded the advancement of culture, times as great as ours had 200 critical by attendants. A trans­ Irene Danaher, Carter, S. Dak.; HMH HH character, philosophy, and re­ less. We not only lead the world Roberta May Logan, Ramah; El­ fusion was deemed necessary. A ligion, in juvenile delinquency, but we call went out to one of the volun len Marie O’Black, Trinidad; “ True, its contribution to ma­ lead the world in unnatural sex Juventina Virginia (Drtiz, Delta; teer donors who raced,to the hos­ terial wealth, to intellectual com' crimes and the reason for it all Tel. MA. 2626 pital. The transfusion was made. Angelina Vendetti, Florence; Lo­ petency, to mastery over the is that fewer people are practicing retta Irene Garrett and Anne Lu- Urgtatartala Today the miner is recuperating forces of nature, to physical well­ religion in America than in any lek, Canon City; Esther Marie WALTER J. KERWIN from his injuries. “ That trans­ other civilized country, with the being and scientific achievement Burkhard, Dolores Agnes Cairns, Manager fusion saved that man’s life,” say have been unexampled in their exception of Russia. Sixty-six per Pauline Erjavic, Dorothy Evelyn hospital attendants. magnitude, but we look in vain for cent of our criminals admit that Graybeal, and Elsie Kolbezen, the application of these things, so they nevqr practice religion, and Hart Credit Jewelers (Continued From Page One) Then there was a case several Pueblo, and Roberta Mae Blazer, months ago of a mother who was full of promise in themselves, to 37 per cent of our total popula­ Rose Marie Kelleher, Evelyn tion admit that they have no 807 15th St. should listen to the Divine com­ collection of actual reading sta­ rushed to the hospital. She had the development of those higher Frances Trainor, and Adonis Lor­ tistics on thousands and thousands just given birth to a child and was and better things— culture, char­ Church affiliation, and the ma- raine Whittecar, Colorado Springs ALL 8TANDARD M A K K a o r mand that calls for our loving jority of the other 63 per cent our neighbors as ourselves. This of volumes, has this for its motto: hemorrhaging badly. Nurses and acter, philosophy, and religion. Sister Mary Olivia, head of the WATCHES. CLOCKS, SILVERWARE “ Books should make children doctors could detect no pulse are devoting very little time to AND j e w e l r y . fundamental law of charily needs Natural Supplanta Suparnatural it. department of nursing education! happy and build character un­ when she arrived. Expert ITateh, Clock and Jeumlry to be kept now more than at any “ We have just passed through “ I have said that one of the of the Catholic University o f ' other lime. The hysteria of .war consciously and should contain A transfusion appeared the sole an age in which the natural sup­ evils of modem civilization was America, Washington, D. C., was Repairing propaganda should not lay hold of nothing to cause fright, suggest chance for the mother to live. A planted the supernatural, in which a recent visitor in Colorado fear, glorify mischief, excuse the substitution of social service us to the extent that we will vio­ call was made to another volun­ the material superseded the spir­ and philanthropy for religion. It Springs. Sister Olivia, a member late that law, particularly in our malice, or condone cruelty.” To teer. He arrived at the hospital itual, in which wealth became the of the committee on affiliation this ideal the publishers add the is true that to feed the hungrry, dealings with the natives of any within a few minutes. The blood lummum bonum, in which social to give drink to the thirsty, to and extension, visited the Seton dictum that the only books worth o f the warring countries living in from his healthy body was in­ service was substituted for reli­ clothe the naked is the religion of school of nursing, which has made our midst. printing are those that are actually jected Into the arm of the mother gion, convention for morality, and application for affiliation with read by youngsters. This par­ Jesus Christ, but it is not enough. thatcounti Let us be sensible Christians.— near death. Today the unnamed Christianity neglected for a new ‘Thou shalt love the Lord with all the Catholic University of Amer­ Hubert A. Smith. ticular collection weaves the best woman is well and happy with paganism. When men banished thy heart and all thy mind and all ica. Advertisers that merit your patronage. They are of literature from many sources her baby. God from government, when they thy soul and strength.’ Yes, love into easily grasped, eagerly read divorced ethics from theology, Him with all your heart and mani­ reliable, consistent and appreciate your support. FAIRY TALES stories. The modern trend seems . . . AND FUNNIES when they separated religrion from fest that, love by deeds of charity, to be toward this norm. education and substituted conven­ The House o f Quality, where the JOHN H. REDDIN We have often wondered at the but love Him with all your mind It may seem quite a jump from tion for morality, they laid the by acknowledging the existence of Junior C. D. of A. beat meats at the most reasonable Attorney and Counselor at Law use of fairy tales as literary enter­ books to our present-day comic RETUiS LISTER foundation for the chaotic condi­ God and Jesus Christ whom He prices may be obtained. 612-614 Ernest & Cranmer Block tainment for youngsters. Perhaps strips, but after all the funnies ap­ tion in which the world finds itself we should say myths instead of hath sent. They tell us dogrma is 17th and Curtis peal to an almost primitive desire today. And the end is not yet, dead; but religion is and ever must fairy tales, if by the latter one for simple entertainment. As such and we must continue to drink of Phone MAin 0557 Denver, Colo. understands the gentle, only mild­ be a matter of dogma. The exist­ To Meet Sunday RABTOAY'S they have their place; our civiliza­ III CREEEGTl the hitter chalice that modem civi- ence of God, the Divinity of Jesus ly malicious antics of, say the “ wee tion tends too much to the com­ lizalion has pressed to the lips of A semi-annual general meeting 1030 W. Colfax TA. 7297 folk” of the Irish. The Greek and Christ, the efficacy of the seven plex; a little relaxation is a good humanity. Aye, drink until we sacraments are things that may will be held for the Junior Catho­ Roman mythologies, the Arabian thing. But some of the adven­ drain its bittei dregs, and though lic Daughters of America at the Nightf, and many collections of not be left to the whim of the ture strips go too far. Their we suffer we shall endure that the individual. Oh, we have traveled (3. D. of A. clubhouse, 1772 Grant so-called fairy tales are far dif­ mental pepper bums the childish ER R R R P im iS generations yet unborn may live street, Sunday afternoon. Sept. 16, H . G . R E I D far since the days of Martin COAL l u m p COAL 36.76 ferent things . . . usually cruel, mind instead of merely adding in a world in which the Christ at 2 o’clock. The purpose will be often gruesome and even ghastly. Luther. Martin Luther taught that Electrical Contracting NUT COAIa _ 34.76 spice. of God reigns supreme in the it made no difference what you to reorganize the present juniors Repairing and Fixtures It seems to us that they were One in particular has crossed (Continued From Page One) St Mary Masdalene'a hearts of men and nations. did, it is what you believe that and place new members in their llA ia 2363 121 14th St. Pinon Fuel & Supply Co. meant, not for children, but for the line of decent taste so far that respective troops and to select F. MUMFORD. Mm-. adults with the minds of children. (Edsewatcr)______JS.60 “ I wonder if you know that in counts. The followers of Martin only a mind slightly mad could St. Patrick’ * ______perhaps 70 per cent of our schools, Luther teach that it makes no dif activities for the year. Each 25th and Decatur GRand 5125 Psychologists have made studies of St. Philomena’ i ...... imagine such actions. The adven­ colleges, and nniversities our boys ference what you believe, it is member is urged to attend vhis this type of folklore. They ascribe tures of this fictional character, St. Roie of Lima’a ...... t o il6 St. Thercie'a (Aurora)______6.28 and girls, our young men and what you do that counts, and one important meeting. All girls of When buying from the similar stories from unrelated na­ cloaked as an officer of the law, St. Vincent de Paul’a ______S7.70 junior age (12-18) who wish to tions to the fact that primitive women are being taught that there assertion is just as false as the present pictures that are nothing Akron— St. Joseph’s . is no God, that there is no life other. In the meantime they are join may do so by attending this firms advertising in this man, awed by unexplainable ac­ less than degrading and debasing. Alamosa— Sacred Heart ...... meeting. There will be a counsel­ INSURANCE tions of nature, gave them worship Antonito—-St. Auffuitine*s after death, that they have neither endeavoring to build for us a code The four little “ stairsteps” in our Aspen— St. Mary’s ...... ors’ meeting at the clubhouse this paper, please mention that — compare Thor, the war god of spiritual nor immortal souls, that of morals on a purely humanistic family are forbidden to read this Boulder— Sacred Heart ...... basis. There never was and there Friday at 7:30 p. m. the Norse, and his thunder ham­ strip. As parents we will gladly Bouldtr, South— Sacred Heart of you saw their advertise­ mer with Jove and his lightning Mary ...... never will be a code of morals JOS. J. CELLA join any movement to take it out Brighton—St. Aairustine’s .. built upon such a basis that will bolts— or, to use a modem term, .... S6.00 Reader Publiihet Thanki 1120 Security Bldg. ment. of papers entirely. We believe it Bristol— St. Mary’s (H olly )____ _ make men unselfish and true, rationalized them. In the stories distinctly detrimental to children, Brookside— St. Anthony’s Frs. Vogan, Doran A reader of the Register p - “ You may teach love your Phone KEystone 2633 woven about these phenomena, the just as bad as off-color movies or (Canon City) ...... - .. presses gratitude for obtaining Brush— St. Mary’s ...... 9. neighbor as yourself, but of what employment after making a no­ eventual victory over the darksome books.— Millard F. Everett. Burlington ...... 4. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS forces is supposed to show man’s avail until you teach ‘Love God vena in honor of St. Jude. Calhan— St. Miebael’s ...... 21. above all, then your neighbor as constant fear of the unknown and AMERICAN LEGION Canon City— St. Michael’ s ...... 23. Castle Rock— St. Francis’ (Elbert) 10. To Direct Novena yourself and your country better his wishful desire to assure him AND AMEHICANISM Central City— Assumption ...... self that eventually he will conquer than yourself.’ You may teach ‘do Felix Pogliano, staunch mem­ Cheyenne Wells— Sacred Heart.... unto others as you would have all difficulties. Colora.do Springs— ber of St. Vincent de Paul’s par­ Perpetual novena devotions in them do unto you,’ but that will ish, has just completed a success­ Corpus Christ! ...... ____ _ 8. honor of Our Lady of the Mirac­ This sounds fairly reasonable to Sacred Heart ______. 14. continue to be perverted into ‘do us, though we are not an expert ful terra as commander of Leyden- St. Mary’ s ...... 250. ulous Medal every Monday after­ others or they will do you.’ You psychologist and have not gone Cliiles-Wickersham .post No. 1 of St. Paul’s— Broadmoor ...... 64. noon at 5:15 and in the evening may teach that honesty is the best the American Legion. Father Craig— St. Michael's ...... 14 at 7:45 in the Cathedral will be into the matter at length. We do Crested Butte— St. Patrick’s____ _ 6 policy, but it" is a lie if there be know that we stolidly and courage­ I.ou!s J. Grohman, pastor of St. Cripple Creek—St. Peter’s...... 1 conducted this winter by the Rev. no God or no hereafter. You may ously read all through Arabian Rose of Lima’s church, has been Crook— St. Peter’s (IHff) ...... 6 Barry Wogan and the Rev. Thomas teach ‘virtue is its own reward,’ re-elected chaplain of the post. Del Norte— Holy Name of Mary.. 8 Doran. The devotions, lasting ap­ Nights as a child and found noth­ Delta— St. Miehaei’ t 8 but it is false if there be no here ^ YOUR BANKER IS ing but horror in them. Some Many other Catholic men have D u ra n g o - proximately one-half hour, con­ after. played an impoHant part in the Sacred Heart ...... 8. sist of novena prayers, short ser YdUR BUSINESS fRIEND folk tales we found interesting and Evilt of Syatera very worth-while program of the St. Columba'i ...... 16. mon, veneration of a relic of uplifting, or at least entertaining, East Lake— (St. Catherine’s* “ Now, just what is wrong with but others, including a long collee Denver American Legion, and *ill Denver) ...... Blessed Catherine Laboure, and the system of education that is tion of fairy stories, were just as continue to do so. Elbert— Sacred Heart ...... 8.00 Benediction of the Blessed Sacra­ producing such results? When Before Mr. Pogliano’s retirement Erie— St. Scholastiea’s ment. Many acknowledgments of gruesome and horrible as the (Lafayette) ...... President Elliot of Harvard estab­ Arabian ISighU, As examples of from office, he received a report Fleming— St. Peter’s ....;...... favors in the past year have been lished the so-called elective system primitive literature for the adult from the post’s Americanism com­ Florence— St. Benedict’s ...______10.00 received at the rectory. of studies he perpetrated the they perhaps have value. As read' mittee, whose chairman is Edward Fort Collins— Clergy Staff Reorganized Holy Family ...... greatest crime that was ever per­ i o u t a t d ing material for children we be­ R. Moylan. This committee’s re­ St. Joseph’ s ...... 19.50 Reorganization of the clergy petrated against education in this lieve many of them distinctly port marks the Legion for what Fort Logan— St. Patrick’s , staff at the Cathedral provides the country, for out of that has grown harmful. it is, an organization of men Fort Lupton— St. William’s following set-up: First assistant, (Platteville) ...... 8 the evil that our schools, colleges, Succaii and We are pleased to find attempts deeply devoted to the principles of Fort Morgan—St. Helena’s ...... 12, the Rev. Barry Wogan, who will be and universities are devoting their being made in modern times to American democracy and sincerely Fruita and Palisade— Sacred Heart 15. in charge of parish finances, assist­ time to teaching their students interested in American youth. Gardner— Sacred Heart ...... $. ant superintendent of Cathedral how to make a living rather than weed out the upsetting material Georgetown— Our X>ady of S e e u x i t ^ e e • for children’s use. One set The I.egion has been a leader in Lourdes ...... schools, director of athletics, the how to fashion a life. They have of books we have in mind, pre­ the fight against the subversive Glenwood Springs— St. Stephen’s 32. Alumni association, and the Boys’ forgotten that the soul of culture pared after years of study and the work of Communists and Nazis in Golden— St. Joseph’s...... 18. sodality; supervisor of the rectory is the culture of the soul, that the this country, but Legionnaires Grand Junction— St. Joseph's...... 60. Greeley— St, Peter’ s ...... 20 and buildings, and preacher at heart of refinement is the refine Every step that leads in the direction of the have not been satisfied with a Gunnison— St. P e e r ’s ...... 25, Monday evening novena devo­ ment of the heart, and until those Savings Account Department with YOUR de­ negative program of action. They Haxtun>^hrist the King tions; second assistant, the Rev. abuses are corrected there can be believe, and rightly, that tl>e best (Holyoke) ...... 1. Dr. Thomas Doran, convert lec­ posit is a step toward success and security! Holly— St. Joseph's ...... 4, no constructive advancement ir antidote for un-.American isms is Holyoke—St. Patrick’s ...... 6, tures, parish visits (four hours the matter of education. A Savings Account with this bank is’ the best found in positive instruction in Hotchkiss—St. Margaret Mary’s.. 1. weekly), one religion class daily in “ Our government, as constitu­ security you con provide for yourself in the democracy and positive action for Hugo— St. Anthony’s ...... 18. t high school, Altar and Rosary so- ted, is sufficiently perfect to carry years to come . . . Every deposit insured by democracy. And 4hey know that Idaho Springs— St. Paul’s .....___ 10. Iliff— St. Catherine’s ...... 9. *^ciety, Holy Hour on Fridays, and out its purpose to guarantee life, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., with $5,000 real democracy is based on real Julesburg— St. Anthony’s ...... 15 novena devotions on Mondays; liberty, and the pursuit of happi­ Christianity. Kcenesburg and Roggen— Holy third assistant, the Rev. Frank Maximum Insurance for each Depositor. Family ...... 4.00 ness. Men can be made unselfish Through the Denver school sys­ Lafayette— St. Ida’s ...... Kappes, parish \dsits (four hours and true, willing to work not ( Continued From Page One) tem, Mr, Moylan and his com- La Junta— weekly), one religion class daily in merely for their own selfish ag­ with every parochial high school miteemen have developed a pro­ Our Lady of Guadalupe______... 6.< high school, Legion of Mary, grandizement but for the common being represented. St. Mary’s, Ca­ gram ^ of training in democracy St. Patrick’s ...... 32.( Parent-Teachers’ association, jun­ Lamar— St. Francis de Sales'...... 7.1 good, but there is no force Americcin National thedral, and St. Francis de Sales’ that is probably outstanding in Las Animas— St. Mary’s ...... ior athletics. Sacred Heart league, that can thus regenerate the Tki alone sent 20 students. As a re­ the nation. The idea was Bill Leadville—r and Boy Scouts; fourth assistant, hearts of men except religion. sult, morning bus service from Annunciatfon ...... 12.! £ tn k (rjj Denver Cohn’s. It was worked out with St. Joseph’s ...... 5.( the Rev, Arthur Lucy, parish visits Until the Christian religion, which Denver to the college has been the permission and the encourage­ Littleton—;St. Mary's ...... 24.- (four hours weekly), one religion is still the religion of this land, doubled. ment of Charles E. Green, new L on gm on t-^ t, John the Baptist’ s ..... class daily in high school, SL Vin­ shall have so far regenerated hu­ LISTEN To Fulton Lewis, Jr., Comment The gain in total number of superintendent of Denver public Louisville— St Louis’ ...... 15.1 Loveland— St. John’s ...... 3.1 cent de Paul society. Legion of man nature that multitudes of men ^gg^tator from Washington, D. C,, DaUy M ond^. resident students enrolled at Lo- schools. Mr, Cohn and Mr. Moy- Mancos— St. Rita’s ...... M a^, bulletin boards, Holy Name will be actuated b^ her high ideals through Friday, 9:30 p. m., KFEL-KVOD. retto. Heights was 35 per cent, lan were given charge of classes Monte Vista— St. Joseph’s ...... 7.< society, and parish Boy Scouts. and other multitudes win be taxing the facilities of the in­ in the schools, and they explained Montrose— St. Bfary’s ...... 26.1 The priests also serve as chaplains shamed at least into an outward stitution. For some weeks no pri­ Ouray ...... - ...... 8.( in turn the American Bill of Rights Paonia ...... w..;...... l.( of St. Mary’s academy and the conformity to them— until that is vate rooms have been available, and the historical background of Peetz— Sacred Heart ..... convent of the Sisters of Charity. done, we can have no assurance and a number of students are the U. S. constitution. Platteville— St. Nicholas’ ...... 8.1 of our nation’s final success, but, F R A N K K IR C H H O F, President temporarily residing in rooms of Pueblo— “ In such discussions,” says Mr. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel...... 8.! Eddie Bohn Is Elected if that be accomplished, she will the infirmary. A new dormitory Moylan, “ we attempted to instill Sacred Heart ...... 12.1 go unerringly on her God-ap­ housing ten students has been a love and respect for American St. Anthony of Padua’s...... 9.1 National Boxing Officer pointed course. And that she may opened and is now occupied St. Francis Xavier’s ______27.1 institutions into the minds and St. Leander’s ...... 23.( Wuhington. — Eddie Bohn, be able to do so - becomes the Among states represented by the hearts of the students. As a re­ St. Mary's ...... 10.1 member of the Colorado Boxing solemn duty, the sacred abiding incoming freshmen are the follow­ sult of Qur experience, we are St. Patrick’s ___ 62.1 commission and a Catholic, was obligation of every man and ing: Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, firmly of the opinion that more Rifle— S t Mary’s ...... Rocky Ford— St Peter’s ...... elected second vice president of womaft.” New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, good can be accomplished by di­ Roggen ...... 6.( the National Boxers’ association Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas, rect contact with the boy and girl Salida— S t Joseph’ s ...... 12.( at the annual convention here this Iowa, and Louisiana. in the classroom than by orations Sait Luis— Most Precious Blood... week. KSTABU6HED SINCB INI M A i n 5 3 1 4 Silverton ...... 4.36 Complete enrollment at the col­ on patriotic holidays.” Springfleld— Annunciation lege for the winter term will ex­ The American Legion is help­ (Lamar) ...... *...... ceed 200 when part-time students ing Denver public schools to make Steamboat Springs— Holy Name... Bishop to Speak at complete registration Saturday. Sterling— St. Anthony of Padua’s good citizens of their students. We Stoneham ...... Diocesan Union Meet The American Fixture Co. Classes began Wednesday, Sept. condemn vigorously any form of Stratton— St. Charles’ ...... F . J . KIRCHHOF ■43, and various achievement and extreme nationalism, but we Superior—S t Benedict’s (South The Moat Rev. Biahop Urban psychological tests are being ad­ Boulder) ...... J. Vehr will addresa the quar­ Msaafsetartrs *t know the value of real patriotism— Trlnidad-^- ministered to incoming students “ a love and respect for American terly meeting o f the Diocesan Holy Trinity ...... 46.20 union o f the Holy Name so­ C onstruction COv throughout the week. Saturday institutions.” Our Lady of Mt Carmel ------1 CHURCH PEWS AND ALTARS there will be a mountain party at Victor— St Victor’s (Cripple ciety at St. Vincent de Paul’s While we praise the American Creek) ...... _ _ 2.0 CHURCH FURNITURE ■ Plunkett’s in Bear Creek canon Legion for this work, we are parish hall Wednesday eve­ Vineland (mission of Sacred ning, Sept. 20. Details of the and Sunday there will be an exhi­ pleased to recall that Catholic Heart, Pueblo) ...... BANK, BAR, AND STORE FIXTURE^ , BUILDERS b bition of horses from Camp Santa Walienburg— St Mary’s annual Holy Name rally will be schools have always promoted true Welby— Assumption .... Maria for the college students. Christian patriotism, for Catholic discussed and a proposed re­ Westcliffe—Assumption ...... vision of the society’s consti­ Millwork of All Kinds We Appreciate Your Patronage Plans for the new year include schools teach that all rightful Wray—St Andrew’s ...... weekly Mass for all students on Yuma—St. John’s (Akron)...... tution and by-laws will be sub­ authority comes from God and FRANK KIRCHHOF, 1232-46 ARAPAHOE ST. Friday morning. must be respected.— C. J. McNeill. Denver— Regis college ...... mitted. Colorado Springs— Qlockner r U B lB lN T PENVER. COLa 708 LawrtRce St Deayer, C(do. Thursday, Sept. 14, 1939 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE FIVE ABBEY GRIDDERS MEET Fll. II. IIOITZ IS WALSENBURG TEAM SEPT. 15

Canon City. — (Abbey School) Although th* Bruin mentor has —On Friday evening, Sept. 15, made no statement ai to the team LARGE Abbey’s football wanors will re­ starting Friday night’i game, it turn to their grid battles as they is likely that on the right wing journey to Walsenburg to meet will be Danny Costigan, Trinidad, s. who won a minor award last sea­ PARKING SPACE the highly-touted Panther eleven Pueblo.— (St. Mary’s Parish)— of that city on the latter’s battle­ son and who is showing promise The Rev. Csrril Zupan, O.S.B., who field. this fall. Costigan, weighing 128 spent the past 47 years as pastor # With light material to draw pounds, has the fight and fire which of St. Mary’s church, was recently Included among the numerous ad­ from, Coach “ Olie” Herigstad and offset his lack of poundage. On called to the Holy Cross ab^y. his assistants have been drilling the opposite flank will be veteran Canon City, where he is to retire 4 their charges hard and long try­ Mark “ DumDum” Dujmovic, who from active service. The Rev. An­ vantages of the Horan establishment ing to get them into shape for played first string end last fall thony Roitz, O.S.B., assistant at is a large parking area immediately the opening campaign. The Bruin as a sophomore. Two new tackles, St. Mary’s for the past three and starting team should be able to who have come up from the ranks one-half years, has been appointed hold its own, but the reserve-ma­ to fill the shoes of Stremel, to succeed Father Zupan as pastor. adjoining the establishment. terial is weak and for the most Schwenn, and Sheridan, last The Rev. Paulinus Hammer, 0. part unseasoned. year’s famous “ S” tackle trio, are •B., has returned from his vaca­ “ Thud” Bandi, Cleveland, 0., and tion trip in New York, where he Preferred Parish This parking space, and the con­ Teddy Putaturo, Trinidad. Both visited his mother. He will take up are tipping-the scales around the his duties this week as assistant at venient, central location of Horan’s, Legion of Mary 165 mark and should be big fac­ St. Mary’s. Trading List tors in the Bruin line play this 1 makes it easy for people from all parts season. At the guard slots will The Rev. Gilbert Rohm, O.S.B., be two veterans, “ Choo Choo” of Maria Laach abbey in Freiburg, of Denver to call and pay their last Chiaro and Zack Azar. Azar, an­ Germany, stopped at the rectory MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER Unit Is Formed other Trinidad boy, played the on his way to the Holy Cross Th« merchant* repre*ented In thi* *eetion are boo*ter*. They ara respects to a departed loved one. running guard position last year abbey last week, and the Rev. anxiou* to work with yon and are de*erriag of your patronage. Co­ as a regular, while Chiaro, who Francis Hornung, O.S.B., also paid operate with them. Glenwood Springs.— A branch hails from Rockvale, was under­ a short visit on his way back from of the Legion of Mary was formed study to Pete Hudson a season Cleveland. in Glenwood Springs Tuesday, ago, but managed to play enough Mr*. Je**ick III Sept. 5, at the first business meet­ to win a gold “ A.” At the pivot Mrs. Vera Jessick is seriously ill St. Vincent de Paul's ing. Mrs. Peter Thome was post will be William “ Mo” Ma­ at St. Mary’s hospital. elected president, Mrs. Wesley honey, 190-pound Denverite, who Joe Yurglich, member of the COME TO WASHINGTON PARK Hutchings, vice president; Miss has been shifted from end to the parish and resident of Pueblo for RICE’S Catherine McNulty, secretary, center spot. The capital city Irish­ 19 years, died Sunday, Sept. 10. and Mrs. Mary Tawney, treas­ man should stand out particularly He was an employe of the C. F. MARKET urer. The group will meet weekly well in his rugged defensive play Barber and Beauty Shop &. I. Co. Mr. Yurglich is sur­ For Fer*onaIi>ed H*ir Cutting and Shap- CARL SUPPES, Prop. in St. Stephen’s hall. vived by his wife, two children, his Back* Aren’t Bad ins. W « Uae Only the BESg Materials Phone*; SP. «07S — SP. 0442 Behind this line will be two mother, his step-father, and a and Moat SKILLED O p e r a te in Our 598 SO. GILPIN The Rev. Ronan Kristoff, 0. F. Modem Beauty Shop. M.,. was a Glenwood Springs visi­ members of last year’s “ Iron Horse brother, all of Pueblo. Funeral HORA SP. 24ie 1204 E. EVANS Free Delivery AND SON CHAPELS tor Tuesday, Sept. 12, en route Quartet,” Frank Mooney and Joe services were held at 9 o’clock Wed­ to California from Denver. Murphy, plus Bill Babbitt, a let- nesday. Sig’s Texaco Service KEystone6297 # KEystone629S The Rev. C. E. Kessler left terman, and Pete Samosa, new Albert Butkovich, who recently i Thursday, Sept. 14, for Durango, member from Santa Fe. Mooney underwent an appendicitis opera­ Courteous, Friendly Service where he was one of the speakers and Murphy, both seniors, are tion, has been removed to his home. Piggly Wiggly 1527 Cleveland Place at the Forty Hours’ devotion. climaxing brilliant careers as The Frank Nemick-Edith Stu- Under tht Management ef Independently Owned Guarding Forever our Founder’s Ideals Mrs. Joseph Mack of Mintum is athletes on the Abbey campus, and dinsky wedding will take place “ Sig” Sorenson MEAT MARKET receiving medical treatment at a both should reach the peak of their Saturday morning, Sept. 16. Miss Quality Heat at Loweat Price* prep careers this fall. Mooney, Elizabeth Anzick and a brother of so. GILPIN AND E. EVANS local hospital. Mrs. Mack and SP. 9886 1465 SO. GAYLOKD her husband were vacationing in the Pueblo iceman, will be at full­ the bridegroom are to be maid of California and were en route home back, where he will again rip honor and best man, respectively. TELEPHONE PEARL 7315 when she became ill. enemy lines with his powerhouse Miss Dorothy Perse and Helen Stu- Rugs, Furniture, tactics. Murphy once more will di­ College Student* Leaving dinski, sister of the bride, will be rect the Bruin play from the quar­ South Gaylord Among the students leaving bridesmaids. After a short honey­ Shades terback post. iTim GUP 10 for college are Miss Josephine moon, the couple will make their “ Lea* Than Down-Town Price*** Benedeck, senior at Denver Replacing this tentative first home in Pueblo. Bakery e Centennial university, and August Zan- team will be: Stan Scymanski, DELICIOUS HOME-MADE canella, senior at the agricultural Tony Vitale, Ozzie Halderman, PASTRY SWEGLE-MYERS KET III PUEBLOcollege in Fort Collins. Miss and Howie Barker, ends; “ Sol” 1024 SO. GAYLORD STREET 1455 S. GATLORD PE. T2M Julia Frost will leave next week Sun, John Hartford, “ Don’t” Kerr, Fr. Liciotti to School Supply Co. for Greeley to continue her and “ Buck” McClatchy, tackles; Virginia Gleaners Pueblo.— (St. Leander’s Parish) studies at the Colorado State Bob Hart, Joe Armbold, “ Honey” —A meeting of St. Leander’s Teachers’ college. William Mor­ Holden, and “ Swing” Dantzler, ALTERATIONS AND OFFICE NOW LOCATED AT Altar and Rosary society will be an will continue at the Grand guards; “ Rusty” Ralston and Don REPAIRING held in the school hall at 2 p. m. unction Junior college, and Miss Moylan, centers, and “ Bunny” Leave Hospital Friday, Sept. 15. A session of Fabian Blossom and James Kee­ Chiaro, Vine Fearheiley, Alf San- W e Do Not the Mothers-Teachers’ club will gan will enter the Grand Junc­ teralli, ‘ *Buzz” Buser, Tony Mer- WE DELIVER 3000-14 HURON ST. Walsenburg.— Tht Very Rev. J. lt{> South Gaylord PEarl 0422 Cat Priees follow at 3 p. m. These will be tion Junior college. lino, Jim Tonso, “ Butch” Waltner, B. Liciotti, pastor of St. Mary’s and Joe Berta, backs. 2105 E. VIRGINIA AVE. the first parleys after the sum­ Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mahoney church, is convalescing at Mercy mer vacation and a large attend­ and son, John, of Seattle are vis­ The Bean open their home TABOR 5376-7 Ample Free Parking Space hospital, Denver. Father Liciotti, For Better % ance is expected. Plans for the iting relatives in Glenwood, Wol­ season with a Southern Colorado recovering from a major operation winter activities will be made. cott; and Leadville. They were Catholic loop game Sunday, Oct. performed in June, was stricken NO Hair Styling and residents of Glenwood 20 years 1, when they meet the wily Tiger . The Young Ladies’ sodality by a heart attack about a month Beauty Service members met in the school hall ago. eleven, representing Holy Trinity ago. He expects to leave the hos­ COST Wednesday evening. Sept. 13. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Oswald high school of Trinidad. pital in about two weeks. Per Mmi te C«U end Give lalU and children of Del Norte were in Monogran* Club Elect* A busy session in the Knights ■•tee en Packing and Slipping The Virginia "Barber Patronize These Mrs. G. E. Sandstrom enter­ KKyatm «22S tained members of the O.F.F. Glenwood last week. They ex­ At the nrst regular meeting of of Columbus hall Wednesday and Warehoose^ 1S21 and Beauty Shop Bridge club at her home. Out-of- pect to return Oct. 1 to make the Abbey Monogram club, one evening at 7:30 o’clock marked PE. 2566______2027 E. Viratoia town guests were Mrs. Otto Anna their home here. Mr. Oswald in­ of the most active organizations the opening of the fall of Canon City and Mrs. Harry tends to go into the barber busi­ on the Benedictine campus, offi- and winter activities of the Court PUEBLO Struck of Denver. ness. cen for the coming year were Our Lady of Lourdes, Catholic Mrs. George Sumers and daugh­ elected. Chosen as president was Mrs. John A. Robuck, Mrs. Daughters of America, in Walsen­ St. Philomena's Merchants . . . They are aiding y O U R ters, Barbara and Loretta, left William Murphy, Canon City, Marion Walters, Mrs. Herman burg. More than 40 members Friday, Sept. 8, for their home with Martin Ruberry, Chicago, as Catholic Press Schober, and Miss Josephine were present. The grand regent, FLOYD’S at Douglaston, Long Island, N. Y. secretary, and Joseph Tisone, Mrs. Sara Ariano, presided over the New , Capitol Schober received awards at the BETTER PERMANENT WAVES A son, George, Jr., left Monday, Brookside, as treasurer. meeting and Father Francis J. Bot- recent State fair for outstanding Individual Coiffurea of Charm Heights Pharmacy Sept. 11, for Pottstown, Pa displays in the floral department The Monogram club, made up of ler acted as assistant chaplain in Floyd’s Beauty SALON DRUGS AND LIQUORS where he will attend school. They the absence of the Very Rev. J. B. and pantry goods department. boys who have won major athletic TWELFTH AND TPM nt Minimum Pricei JEWELERS spent the past three months at awards together with local alumni, Liciotti. ELIZABETH JCiiTl. 00 41 Fre« Pickup and Delivery on Preaeriptioni Dr. Arthur Rayhawk of Du- their summer home south of will have charge of the homecom­ A highlight of the evening was Floyd’s Beauty STUDIO Made Up by Our Own Prescription Experts OPTOMETRISTS quesne university, Pittsburgh, Pa., Glenwood. ing festivities when the Bears meet the report of the national con­ 4410 E. 8th Are. BILL GEDDES, R. Ph. has been spending the past ten Three door* eaat 1 ?M 4 «ni t /.et BM. 6882 We Make a House Your Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gleason and the Cathedral Bluejays of Denver vention held in Detroit July 10 Colorado Blvd. ililVl. 0041 12th and Clay^ton EM. 9871 days with his mother, Mrs. Mary Mr. and Mrs. T. Flannery have Nov. 12. to 15, by Mrs. Adeline Gerardi, Home Rayhawk, and sister, Dorothy. returned to Denver. They were state grand regent. Mrs. Rayhawk will return to Penn- Members of the Southern Colo­ guests at the Quigley home in rado Catholic league held their an­ The court voted to contribute ES S LER ’S Red & While slyvania with Dr. Rayhawk to Spring Valley. $50 toward defraying the cost of Formerly Fred’* Red 4 White make her home and Dorothy will nual fall meeting at Pueblo Catho­ SILCOTTS BAKERY C. D. of A. Court Elect* lic high Sunday, Sept. 10. Plans cleaning and redecorating St. The Winter Winner! leave Sept. 17 to spend the winter Mary’s school. Plans were made Give Us a Trial— Your Special attention to parties and aociala in California. The Rayjiawk fam­ St. Therese’s court, C. D. of A., for the coming football and bas­ in St. Philomena’a resumed meetings Monday, Sept ketball season were discussed. for the annual supper and bazaar Patronage Appreciated Opposite Post Office ily are one of the pioneer families to be held in October, when, as 2830 E. Colfax EA. 1454 MCGOVERN’S COAL of the parish and have been iden­ 11, following a recess during July Those present included: The Rev. 2831 EAST COLFAX and August. Grand Regent Miss Raymond Newell, president, Wal- in past years, the organization will A trial wiU convince you. **And Just as R eliable Always Good tified with its growth and ac­ award a cedar chest full of linens, EA. 2151 Free Delivery EA. 2850 tivities. Mary Guadnola presided and ap­ senburg; the Rev. Jerome Healy, PHONE 881 pointed various committees for O.S.B., secretary. Canon City; the and will conduct the candy booth. Jim Irick of Calhan visited with Committee* Named We Appreciate Your School Clothes his niece. Miss Mary Fraser, and the ensuing year. Mrs. Wesley Rev. Joseph Warnat, Pueblo, and Hutchings was elected prophetess Edward Smith, coach of St. Mary’s, Committees for the month were Patronage LADIES AND KIDDIES 610 No. Main Phone 470 attended the Colorado State fair. appointed as follows: Sick com­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holst and to fill the vacancy left by the Walsenburg. Father Newell was GREETING CARDS — NOTIONS spokesman for Holy Trinity high mittee— Mary Sandor, Mili Tom- • LINGERIE Navajo Liquor Store Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coleman, Jr., death of Mrs. Ethel Flynn, who JAG G ER ’S filled this office since the organi­ of Trinidad, which did not have a sic, Alice Atencio, and Florence Gratum Fruit Store are the parents of girls, born»in Solomon; FREE DELIVEET MANIFOLD SHOP Ice Cold Wines and Beer the past week. zation of the court 11 years ago. representative present. Members of the court will re­ Cedar chest ticket committee— GLENN SCHAFBUCH. Prop. 1119 E. 9th Are. Ta. 8047 SHOE REPAIR CO. FREE DELIVERY ceive Communion in a body Sun Mrs. Virginia Dissler, chairman; EM. 2736 3126 E. COLFAX Winifred Manifold. Prop. Mmes. Anna Surisky, Zetta Hul­ (New for Old) Ph. 2090 413 W. Northern day. Sept. 24, at 8 o’clock Mass Resident of Pueblo It was decided at the meeting to sey, Charlotte Benedetti, Anne hold a home-cooked food sale Pueblo Society’s Mosco, Ruth Bellotti, and Mary St. Dominic's 35 Years Is Buried Saturday, Sept. 16, at the Goode Bacca, and Misses Adelaide Mis- shoppe. Miss Lillian Daley, his­ zkiel, Dorothy Tallman, Margaret torian of Court St. Anthony, Du­ Furphy, and Nell Harron ; Patronize These Pueblo.— (St. Mary’s Parish) — Committee to purchase cedar Frank (Jim) 'Slak, 60, Pueblo resi­ rango, was a visitor at the meet­ Party Is Sept Children’s Pictures 1\ chest and linens— Mrs. Cecil 'Tail- dent for 35 years, died Sept. 12 ing. The Altar and Rosary society man, chairman; Mmes. Rose UNITED PHOTO 1521 CURTIS at a hospital, where he had been Mauro, Margaret Kalmes, Sylvia a patient for 11 years. held its monthly meeting Friday Pueblo. — (Sacred Heart Par­ evening, Sept. 1, in St. Stephen’s ish)— The Sacred Heart orphan­ Dalpiaz, and Elvira Argiletti, and BOULDER Prior to his illness, Mr. Slak Misses Helen Panucci and Anne * ALWAYS INN Garden Gate Inn hall. .Caring for the altars in age Aid society will benefit from was employed at the U. S. Zinc Boskich; Under New Management Smelting company and the Colo September are Mmes. Peter Ton- a card party Thursday afternoon. Near Elitch*$ Gardens Merchants . . They are aiding YOUR so, Josephine Carpenter, and Ed­ Sept. 21, in the parish hall, spon­ Candy booth committee — Mrs. LIQUOR STORE .rado Fuel and Iron corporation for Minnie Ugolini, chairman; Mmes. win Rowe, and Miss Edith Bonan sored by the Altar and Rosary so­ Liquors • Wines • Beers Beer - Wine - Mix’ed five years. Bom in St. Vid Stincni, Martha Solomon and Carrie Mag- Catholic press Jugoslavia, Mr. Slak was a mem­ Miss Jennie Gresanti is enjoy ciety. The hostesses will be Mmes. Bottle or Caae Drinks • Plate Lunches none, and Misses Viola King and **An Popular Brandi (n Stot'k** ber of St. Mary’s church, St ing a vacation in Denver and , Barnett, McGill, Hudson, 262$ W. 22ND AVE. PH. GRand 9860 4328 W. 35th at Tennyaon spend some time in Wyoming be­ ChirigHon, Shuff, and Gray. Mrs. Constance Chavez; Joseph’s K. S. K. J. No. 7, and the September social committee • Free Delivery on North Side 140% UNION Slovan lodge No. 3. fore returning home. Sam Barnett will have charge of Mrs. T. W. Wheeler and daugh­ the awards. All friends of the Aid Miss Lillian O’Rourke, chairman; He is survived by his wife, Misses Annabelle Dennison, Vir­ ROSS’S “ Hustle to Hussie’s” ter, Anne, left Tuesday, Sept. 12 society are invited tc attend. Howe Mortuary Mary, at home, 511 Moffat; a son, ginia Neeman, Ann Tesitor, and RITE W ay N. R. Howe, A. E. Howe, Frank, Jr.; two /laughters. Rose for Fort Worth, Tex., to join Mr. Frank Carroll, who was visit­ Isabel Niccoli. Wheeler. They had spent six Standard Service Geo. W. Howe HUSSIE and Mrs. Mary Mosco; two sisters, ing relatives in‘Ireland in the sum­ Also of particular interest at Barber Shop The Church Funeral Home and a grandchild, Julia Marie weeks at the home of Mr. and mer, arrived in New York Tues­ this meeting was the reading of a Tire* - Gas • Accesaorica Mosco. Funeral services are being Mrs. J. F. Gregory, parents of day, Sept. 4. He was a passenger Barber Science a ' Specialty Lady Ambulance SERVICE STATION letter from Mrs. Strassell in Ohio, At PrlcM Too Can Afford to Pay 5046 Federal Bird. held Friday, Sept. 15, at St. Mary’s Mrs. Wheeler. on the S. S. Samaria, Cunard a friend of Marie Elizabeth and Attendant Serrice church. Miss Mary Guadnola has taken FEDERAL AT SPEER 15th at Pearl Phone 2145 White Star line, which reached Margaret Mary Brunelli, honorary 1889 Federal Boulevard LEE LADD CARPENTER. Prop. Spruce St. at llth Phone 134 Funeral services for Joseph a position at the light and water New York a day behind schedule. Any Hour Pennsylvania Tirea— Veedol Oils members of the Walsenburg court, Yurglich, 713 E. Arroya, were company. There were 1,025 passengers who received their vesture as the JEWEL CREAMERY held at St. Mary’s church, Wednes­ Mrs. Bernard Carragher will aboard. Radio news was given out, Sisters of Charity at Mt. St. Jos­ Dr. Harry A. Miller Weiaa Bakery Goods - Frink Milk day, Sept. 13. Rosary services depart soon for Denver. She is but the passengers did not know eph convent in Ohio, in August. Carlton’s lea Cream were held at the residence Tues­ the former Miss Bernice Mang- that war had been declared until Mrs. Strassell described in detail DENTIST Patronize These day. nall, who was married last month two days before the boat landed. the beautiful ceremony at which Joe’s Model Airplane Shop Mrs. Henry Brinkmeier and No one was allowed on deck after Extractions and Plata Work Only ClevelandwComet-Super Kite and Suppttec the girls were invested. Mar­ 3008 West 23rd Aveo Ex-Prep School Rector’s daughter. Miss Margaret, are dark and all port holes were garet Mary took the name of Sis­ HAin 4885 spending several days in Grand covered. Mr. Carroll will stop Open eveningf and Sundaya Mother Taken in Death ter Anna Pauline and Marie Eliza­ 246 Control Sovlncs Bank Bids. STORE HOURS: 7 A- B4. TO 10 P. M. FT. COLLINS Junction. in Cincinnati for the convention beth is now Sister Ann Pierre. Miss Nora Flynn is spending a of street railway conductors and Baltimore.— Mrs. Helen Boiseau, vacation in Glenwood from will return to Pueblo some time Merchants . . . They are aiding YOUR mother of the Rev. Henri J. Weisel, Crested Butte, where she has been next week. Nun, Ex-Denverite, Is Loyola Catholic press S.J., former president of Loyola residing. Society to Serve Dinner college here and now pastor of St. Mrs. Margaret Toomey and son The Altar and Rosary society Aeelaimed for Paieling Any Radio Repaired C IT Y PA R K Aloysius’ church, Washington, and grandson, Paul and Paul, Jr., met Wednesday afternoon. Sept. died at her summer cottage in motored to Denver for the week­ HOME OR CAR $1.00 Service Station 13, when plans were made for the A former Cathedral high school ysT Margate, N. J. Father Wiesel was end. serving of a baked ham dinner in girl who came back to Denver in (Parts Extra) Contlnerasly Bsttsr Sines ItM S T A N D A R D also formerly president and rector the parish hall Oct. 26. Commit­ the garb of a Sister of Charity NEW 4-TUBE PORTABLE 29th Ave. and Colo. Blvd. of Georgetown University Pre­ tees will be appointed and all plans two years ago to paint murals in Free Call and Delirary MERCANTILE CO. paratory school, Garrett Park, Massachusetts Prison’s RADIOS Sorvie* JOHNSTON’S will be completed at the October the Cathedral convent is having WASHING AND GtnersI Electric Appliances — Skelgis Md. 1st Priest-Chaplain Dies meeting. her painting acclaimed in Cincin­ No Honey Down— 5 Ho. to Pay LUBRICATION -MILK Apptisnees—Stokol Stakers—Thor Washers Colbom Bro*. Em. 4821 Better and Ironers— Moline Form ImplemenU Miss Regina Reitemeir left Sun­ nati these days. She is executing ICE CREAM Hudson, Mass. — The Rev. day, Sept. 10, for Denver, where an ambitious series of murals in AC-DC Radio Service Phone 252 COAir—SEEDS—PAINT BUTTER LONGMONT Michael J. Murphy, 54, pastor of she entered Loretto Heights col­ St. Boniface’s church there. E. 28th Are. Jk Rac« KE. 2884 I'hont 704 XS4 W. Moantain St. Michael’s • church and former lege. Misc Reitemeir is the daugh­ The former Coloradoan is Sis­ You pay no more for expert tervice ESHER DRUG GO. chaplain at the Charlestown State ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reite­ ter Augusta (Frances Zimmer), prison, died at his rectory here. meir and the granddaughter of T. and she is now stationed at Mt. “ The Store of Friendly Sendee" The firms listed here de­ Father Murphy, a native of Brock­ G. McCarthy. St. Joseph in Cincinnati. Her re 2802 Jotephioe St. Phone EAat 7363 . CUT RATE DRUGS ; serve to be remembered Ernest Fischer Les’ Pastry Shop ton, was ordained in 1908 and Miss Nancy Rogers, daughter of markable ability has won her a DeLuxe Cleanei*s & Free Delivery became the first Catholic chaplain Mr. and Mrs. Platt Rogers, will naticvial reputation. 28th and Joaephine CH. 0122 when you are distributing & Sons “ QUAUTY BAKING at the state prison. He served as attend a school for girls at La Sister Augusta studied at the Dyers president of the National Prison Jolla, Calif. School of Fine Arts in Chicago and C. E. CANNING your patronage in the dif­ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HEATS Is our Motto” Chaplains’ association and was the Miss Clara Mae Abell will at­ once traveled in Europe on a fel­ All Kinds Repairing and Patronize These Firm*. They ferent lines of business. Phont 111 12$ W. Mogntaia Av*. 4 l0 Main Sl Tel. 834 author of several books on penal tend Colorado college in Colorado lowship visiting the museums and Alterations Are C o -O p e r a tin g With Yotu* institutioai. Springs this winter. galleries of the Old World. Paper. THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Office, 938 BannocK Street Thursday, Sept. 14, 1939 PLANS MOVING RAPIDLY FOR Parisli Starting ST. PHILOMENA’S P.-T. A. Cathedral Mea’s REGIS HIGH ENROLLMENT IS HOLY FAMILY PARISH BAZAAR WILL HOLD FASHION SHOW SLIGHTLY ABOVE LAST YEAR’S (St. Phllemena’t Parith) The 9 o’clock Mass Sunday will Activities Begin success. Last school year the (Holy Famllr Parith) be for the members of the Memo­ (Regis High School) haber as chairman. Father Karst crowds at the events were meager. St. Philomena’s P.-T.A. will hold Father Leo M. Flynn and rial Altar and Rosary society. Although not quite complete, heads the social section, but the Thomas Murray, chairman of the, Those who attended, however, pro­ (Bletied Sacrament Parith) fashion show anil bridge tea group has not yet named a chair­ Wednesday, Oct. 4, at 2 p. m. in The Boy Scouts will receive Com­ The first meeting of the re­ registration records revealed that bazaar committee, were well claimed the shows among the best Activities in the parish for the man. Mr. Roach and Bob Stow# pleased with the attendance artd of their class. The boys, mostly the Denver Dry Goods’ tearoom. munion Sunday at the <8 o’clock organized Holy Name society of 262 students had enrolled by Mon­ coming winter season are being Mass. They will have their weekly will run the literature section. results of the general bazaar meet­ parishioners, totaling 150 to 175 in Arrangements are in charge of Cathedral parish was held in the day, Sept. 11. This number is Jack Teeling was named chairman number,, besides being willing to inaugurated this month. meeting at the school hall this ing held in the school hall Monday Mrs. R. J. Foley.. The following reading room Monday, Sept. 11, slightly higher than last year’s of the Marian section, which will evening, Sept. 11. Many details help the girls in the line of athle­ The Young Ladies’ sodality and Friday at 7 p. m. tics, are themselves in great need women and girls will model: when officers were elected. The opening mark. be under the direction of Father in relation to the bazaar, to be members of the girls’ C.Y.O. will Mrs. G. L. Monoghan’s club met Theodore Schulte, who will also held in the school hall on the eve­ of necessary equipment for all Mmes. Frank Kenny. W. A. Pol­ Tuesday, Sept 12, at the home of new officers are: John Strubel, A Solemn Mass in honor of the receive Holy Communion in a body lard, Ralph E. Taylor, John F. supervise the publicity section, nings of Oct. 19, 20, and 21, were their sports. They are confident Mrs. Charles Findle, 729 Clayton president; Clement Mercer, vice Holy Ghost Wednesday morning. which does not have a chairman at the 8:30 Mass Sunday, Sept. 17. Healy, Jr.; W. J. La Tourette, C. discussed and settled. Most of the that they will interest their parents street. Mrs. Glen Schafbuch was president; Eugene De Simone, Sept 13, in the Regis chapel as yet. booths were arranged for. A new in the cause. The club also ex­ The Little Flower circle will Howard Darrow, and Harry Zook, awarded the honors. The next and Misses Jean Ryan, Muriel secretary; Frank Hight, treasurer, marked the official opening of the Mlftlon Collection* Begiii feature of the bazaar will be the pects this year the patronage of hold its initial meeting of the sea­ meeting will be with Mrs. R. J. combination ticket to be sponsored the high school department, as Schmidt, Betty McConaty, Mar­ Foley. and the Rev. Arthur Lucy, spirit­ new scholastic year. Father Wil-^ The Catholic Students’ Mission son Friday afternoon. Sept. 15, at garet Guenther, Kay Bishop, Gene­ by the parish P.-T.A. Reports many of the high schools took ad­ Mrs. C. F. McGuire left Sept. 7 ual director. Following the elec­ Ham S. Robison, S.J., preached Crusade will be directed by Mr. made by the donation committee vantage of the Boys’ club athletic the Cherry Hills Country club, vieve Dunn, and Nan Chambers. tion, plans were made to organize Trafford Maher, S.J., with John with Mmes. J. J. Drinkard, Eugene Among those who will attend for El Paso, Tex., to visit her son- the sermon. Father Theodore were very encouraging. facilities in the past year, particu­ in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. a pinochle club, which will meet Yelenich as chairman. The mis­ A large crowd enjoyed the first larly those interested in basket­ Rice, and Leo Connell as hostesses. are Mmes. T. B. Lynch, Tom Mor- every Wednesday evening begin­ Schulte, S.J., was celebrant; Fa­ sion collections began Tuesday risey, Oscar Vogel, John Akholt, Wallace Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. ther Hugo Glereman, S.J., dea­ card party of the school year^iven ball, football, and boxing. The high Miss Sadie Birmingham will be Thompson recently became the par­ ning Sept. 27. morning. Plans are being made for by the P.-T.A. Friday evening. scl^ool students, recalling grade hostess in her home Friday after­ Frank Jennings, Jo^n Murtaugh, con, and Mr. James V. Roach, S. a clothes drive for the Indians, ents of a girl. A program of activities for the J., subdeacon. Sept. 8. The outstanding features school memoirs and their need of noon, Sept. 15, when she will en­ George Taylor, Leslie Appel, Jack year was announced as follows: as soon as the cool weather begins. Tierney, Robert Scherer, Alfred The following left recently to at­ During the third morning of the evening were the special grade school co-operation for their tertain members of St. Anthony’s tend co lle t: Anne Walden, to Mt September, organization and drive A shipment will be prepared for activities, will probably greatly aid Rampe, H. J. Struck, H. W. Swi- period the students gathered prizes, listed as follows; Ton of circle. St. Joseph-on-the-Ohio at Mt. St. for new members; October, Holy the Sioux Indian missions. the Boys’ club this year. gert, J. Leonard Swigert, E. A. in the Little theater to hear coal, donated by Pike’s Peak Fuel St. Jude’s circle will meet Fri­ Joseph, 0 .; Elizabeth Appel, to Name rally at St. Thomas’ semi­ Friday night. Sept. 15, the first The Boys’ club takes pride in Hanifen, Aaron Pleasants, J. F. the scholastic regulations at Regis Co., awarded to Mrs. Mary La- day, Sept. 16, at the home of Mrs, Monticello college, Monticello, 111.; nary, and card party for men of the socials of the school year I Reinhardt, Charles Dunn, J. T. high as presented by the principal. harty; airplane ride, given by Ray the fact that it is the first and J. C. O’Connor for a dessert Mary McConaty, to Our Lady of only; November, turkey contest will be held in the gymnasium, Wilson, Rose McDonough; per­ only of its kind in any parish of Cronin, W. P. Horan, Jr.; Louis Father Bernard S .. Karst, S.J. with Bill Petrie’s orchestra fur­ luncheon. the Lake college at San Antonio, in Cathedral cafeteria; December, The president of Regis college, manent wave at Martin’s Beauty the Denver diocese. It de­ Vidal, Karl Chambers, J. P. Dunn, smoker in Oscar Malo gym; Janu­ nishing the music. The captains SL Joan of Arc’s circle will meet Jr.; D. I. Elliot, A. Jackson Dunn, Tex., and William E. Sheehy to the Very Rev. Robert M. Kelley, salon, Mrs. Garry, and a cake con­ sires to expand to such propor­ Creighton university, Omaha, ary, ham social; February, parish of the teams of the Parochial tions as to compete with the lead­ at the home of Mrs. J. A. Peter­ Paul K. Dwyer, and others. S.J., also addressed the studente. tributed by Schiller bakery, Mrs. son, with Mrs. Emmett Dignan as Nebr. card party; March, Communion league have been invited as special Reno Givan. The hostesses for ing junior clubs of the country. Fr. Higgint Returns breakfast; April, Cathedral Boy Sodality Begini Activities guests for the occasion. Chairman assisting hostess. Dr. and Mrs. H. V. Bigolow and The sodality held its first meet­ the evening were Mmes. J. S. Flan- With proper assistance it could ’The Very Rev. Dr. Wm. M. Hig­ Scout hike and picnic; May, fa- for the evening is William Crow­ Mrs. M. A. Campbell will be their children, Eugene and Pauline, ing Friday morning. Sept. 8, with nigan, John Weakland, Kolbel, develop into a club far superior to gins has returned from a trip to ther-and-son Communion on Moth­ ley. A large crowd is expected. hostess to St Norbert’s circle at a returned Sept. 7 from a motor trip Prefect William Crowley presid­ Langdon, Auge M. McEahem, what it is now. Santa Fe and Albuquerque, N. er’s day; June, Corpus Christi pro­ The freshman sodality was or­ luncheon and bridge meeting to the San Francisco exposition, ing. He was assisted by Thomas Walter Koerber, Landrum, E. J. Grid Practice Begins Mex. Los Angeles, and points in the cession at seminary; July, Domin­ ganized Monday morning. Sept. Horrigan, F. M. McEahern, W. F. The first practice for this foot­ Wednesday, Sept. 20. ican Sisters of the Sick Poor car­ Garry and Joseph Gonzales, who 11, with 52 answering the first call. Alice WettOB Wedt Southwest. acted as secretary. The principal Splan, Ed Smith, Pat Gould, J. E. ball season was called for Monday, Altar Society Meets Miss Mary Lou Klauman, who nival, and August, K. of C.-Holy The purposes of the various sec­ Bohan, Dominic Vallero, Patrick Sept 11. More than 60 mem­ Before an altar banked with business of the meeting was the The Altar and Rosary society palms and white and violet gladioli had been a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Name picnic. tions and activities were explained, Ryan, A. Epping, W. E. Nuezel, bers of the ^ade school, all eager division of the members into ac­ and each student selected the par­ 'V -1 met in McDonough hall Friday, Miss Alice Louise Weston, daugh­ Jas. _T. Cronin, left recently for Delegates were appointed to at­ tive sections of the sodaKty. Fa­ F. Brand, E. J. Duffy, Paul Kriley, to don a suit and touch the pig­ Sept. 8. The guest speaker for the ticular function preferred. Chair­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 0. Wes­ Atchison, Kans., where she wiH en­ tend the diocesan Holy Name ther Stephen Krieger, S.J., will M. T. Murray, S. Daugherty, Jos­ skin pellet, reported to Father afternoon was Mrs. Karl Neubuer- roll in her junior year at Mt. St. men will be chosen in' the near fu­ eph Newcomb, M. Kelly, V. T. ton, exchanged marriage vows with meeting at St. Vincent de Paul’s again direct the Eucharistic sec­ Fraczkowski, the club’s coach, for ger, who described Poland geo­ Scholastics college. ture and the election of officers Moore, Haggerty, and Thomas Orland M. Chadwick, son of Mr. hall Wednesday, Sept. 20, and a tion, with Walter Jaeger as chair­ the initial practice. Because the graphically and historically. Miss Rita La Tourette enter­ will take place before Dec. 8. Bullock. The guests of hohpr at and Mrs. 0. S. Chadwick. The Rev. committee was named to reach all man. Mr. Trafford Lemke, S.J., 3oys again this year are extraor­ tained her sodality group at her the party were Fathers LeO\ M. Mrs. J. H. Leahy of Milwaukee Elmer J. Kolka officiated. Cathedral men in an effort to will be in charge of the propa­ dinary small and lack necessary is a house guest at the home of her home Monday evening. Sept. 11. have them attend the Holy Name HAVE YOU Flynn, Edward Fraczkowski, ar ’ equipment. Father Fraczkowski The bride, who was given in ganda section, with Martin Faul- Edward A. Leyden. The lunch wi brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and marriage by her father, was rally at St. Thomas’ Sunday, MODERNIZED YOUR contemplates restricting the Boys’ Mrs. Paul J. Diselets. Last week Oct 8. prepared and served by the hos­ "club activities in respect to foot- gowned in white silk moire made INSURANCE? tesses. Mrs. Diselets entertained at a with tight bodice, leg-o’-mutton The Best in 1 to intramural competition. A luncheon in the visitor’s honor, and Protect yourself against new New Youth Club in Formation sp ^ a l meeting will be called to sleeves, a sweetheart neckline, and L E E l i f l l i y Wednesday, Sept. 13, Mrs. J. C. Used hazards. The meeting held Tuesday eve­ sett^ the question definitely. full skirt with a long train. She Queen’s Daughters ning, Sept. 12, in the school hall Dutton and Mrs. J. A. Peterson wore a finger-tip veil caught in HORACE W. BENNETT The\ club sent flowers and were joint hostesses at a luncheon Furniture to organize a Young People’s club candy id, Johnny Griffith, an ac­ the front with a cluster of orange Open Season; Plan & CO. for Mrs. Leahy at the Dutton 118 Tabor Bids. Phono TA. 1171 gave many indications of its neces­ tive member for the past several blossoms. Her only jewelry was a ALSO NEW home. FRANK ENGLAND. JR.. Manazei sity to the parish. The session family heirloom locket, the gift of Aid to Institutions Insoranct DepmrtincBt years, who is confined at the Chil­ Cash or Credit also assured the parish that the dren’s hospital, Denver. Mrs. Thos. E. Greene is a pa­ the bridegroom. She carried a bou­ number of members will be very tient at Mercy hospital. quet of Easter lilies. 1888 Old-Time Ball Sept. 19 The Rev. Forrest H. Allen, dioc­ The first meeting of the fall and A FULL LINE OF large. Officers for the new club The regular old-time ball spon­ Mrs. W. E. Tiedman is con­ Miss Betty Weston, sister of the JOHN will be appointed in the near fu­ esan director of the Legion of winter season was held by the OFFICE FURNITURE sored by the P.-T. A. for the adult valescing at her home following a bride, was maid of honor. She Mary, Tuesday, Sept. 6, presided ture. It has been decided that Queen’s Daughters at the C. D. of We rent Folding Chairs, Card and COYLE members of the parish and their serious illness in S t Joseph’s wore a floor-length dress of violet at installation ceremonies for a Banquet Tables, Dishes, Silver­ meetings will be held every second silk moire made with shirred bo­ A. clubhouse Sunday, Sept. 10, at friends will be held Tuesday eve hospital. new praesidium in Sacred Heart 2:30 o’clock. ware, anything in stock. FOR GLASSES— llM Sean Eaar Par Plaa and fourth Tuesday of the month. ning. Sept. 19, in the school hall. dice, puffed sleeves, and full skirt. parish, Alamosa. All those interested in the club Mr. and Mrs. George Dodge left Established 1888 This social is commended to all Monday, Sept. 11, for a fort­ She wore a matching sweetheart At a preliminary meeting in the The association voted as part of may obtain membership by at­ its fall activities to assist the Vail who are willing to participate on night’s vacataion in New York hat and carried a bouquet of violet- afternoon the work of the legion PHONE KEYSTONE 4852 tending any of the scheduled center and the home training class OPEN FROM 8 A. U. TO ( P. U. every first and third Tuesday of city. colored asters, was explained and a group of 1740 Broadway gatherings. Membership, however the month. of the House of the Good Shepherd excludes all young people attend­ Eugene Dodge has returned to Robert Weston was Mr. Chad­ auxiliary members was enrolled. St. Anne’s circle held a dessert wick’s attendant. Ushers were In the evening a formal legion with monthly stipends. ing Holy Family high school and the Abbey school in Canon City. Hours: 9 to 12; 1 to 6. Phons MAin 8437 luncheon followed by a meeting James Powers and Roger Weston meeting was held and eight pa­ The Very Rev. Monslgnor John is restricted to those who Mrs. Mark J. Felling and her on. Thursday afternoon at the rishioners were enrolled as active R. Mulroy spoke at length on ttie do not attend the parish school son, Mark, are the guests of Mrs. Miss O’Haire played the organ home of Mrs. Hamel, 3882 Zenobia and Joe O’Neill sang. members. Joseph Walsh, formerly imperative need for the completion those already graduated, and those street. Mrs. Heinz was assistant Felling’s mother. Mrs. Miller. of the low-cost housing and slum Dr. J. J. O’Neil, Dentist who are working. The principal a member of the legpon praesidium hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Perry A. Roche The bride’s mother was attired in St. Patrick’s parish, Pueblo, clearance project now before the purpose of the club Is to bring to in a Tuscany grape colored suit St. Lawrence’s circle held have returned from Milwaukee, was elected president. The Rev. City couneil. gether those who are limited so with mink trim and matching ac' business meeting at the home of where they attended the funeral Edward J. McCarthy, pastor, is Hostesses for the occasion were Suite 722 Mack Building, 16th and California Streets cially by the lack of parish activi. cessories. Mrs. Chadwick wore Mrs Hoar, 4341 W olff street, Tues­ of Mrs. Roche’s mother. spiritual director. Mrs. Martin Donahue and Misses ties for their ages. black. Both women wore orchid day afternoon. A game followed Present at the inaugural meet Eulalia Baroch, Frances Gilroy, Boys* Club Elects New Officers James Brennan has enrolled at corsages. the regular meeting. The mem Santa Clara university, Santa ing was the Rev. Nicholas Schaal, Grace Rohe, and Katharyn Coffey. The Boys’ club, at its meeting Breakfast was served to the im Friday afternoon. Sept. 8, elected bers brought many valuable prizes Clara, Calif. pastor of St. Patrick’s parish, Ra­ for the hope chest to be donated mediate relatives and attendants at ton, N. Mex., and director of the When Low in Spirits Call Jerry the following officers: Jack Madeline Marie Rice, daughter the Brown Palace hotel, following 3 Staten Island Nuns Daveron, president; Billy Wagner to the parish for the bazaar. Many of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Rice, legion praesidium there. Father WATERFILL AND FRAZIER, Qt.....1 .9 9 prizes were also donated by the which a reception was held in the vice president; Mr. Lombard, secre­ left last Monday to attend St. Schaal organized his praesidium Mark Silver Jubilees (4 Yean Old) members for awards in the games Crystal room. nearly eight years ago, the first tary-treasurer, and Roy Craven, Clara’s academy, Sinsinawa, Wise. New York.—Three Sisters of St. FAMOUS WHISKEY Since 1810 business manager. A vote of thanks on Tuesday. The couple left on a wedding to be formed outside the British Francis stationed at the Mission was given the retiring officers, The condition of Edward Horri­ trip to the Golden Gate Interna­ isles. Within the first year of of the Immaculate Virgin, M t FREE DELIVERY Billy Wagner, president; Fred gan, 4315 Yates street, who has tional exposition and the Canadian the legion’s activity, his congre Loretto, Staten Island, one of 13 Ziska, vice president; Robert for the past week been confined Northwest. Upon their return they gation doubled. Father Schaal homes for dependent children af­ Economy Liquor Store Burns, secretary-treasurer, and to Fitzsimons hospital following a Loretto Sodalists will be at home at 1120 Cook said. filiated with New York Catholic Joseph Murray, business manager, major operation, was reported to street. Among the other priests present Charities, celebrated the 25th an­ 1634 Tremont 1 Hour Free Parking RE. 4554 The members admitted a great be very good. Fr. Qrahara Teaching were Fathers John F. Wogan, niversary of their profession. The loss in the former officials, particu­ Mrs. Joseph Monez, 4169 Wi­ Monte Vista, and Joseph Ruensa, jubilarians are Sister Marie Eph­ nona court, who underwent a ■ITie Rev. Edward Graham, for- larly in Joseph Murray, who had meriy of St. Philomena’s, has been S.F., Del Norte. raim, superior of the boys’ de­ serious operation in a local Greet Newcomers Father Allen reports that he ex­ partment; Sister Demian, “ group been greatly responsible for finan­ hospital, is reported to be improv­ appointed an instructor in Elder cing the organization efficiently, high school in Cincinnati, 0. pects a praesidium soon to be or­ mother” in charge of 30 boys, and The members discussed plans in ing rapidly. ganized at Annunciation parish, Sister Romuals, teacher in the SPECIAL OFFER Jeanette and Shirley Hallinan, (Loretto Heights College) Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Hughes have regard to the year’s athletics. as houseg;uests their grandson, Leadville. girls’ department. We will move your furniture to our warehouse and give you six who spent their vacation with New sodalists at Loretto Heights months to pay your bill. Private room or open storage. We Since boxing tournaments are the college received their first Allen Jones, and Allen Baldson of principal and only means of raising their parents, left Saturday eve­ have low rate of insurance. glimpses of college sodality activi­ Bayside, N. Y. funds to cover expenditures for ning, Sept 9, to resume studies Call KEystone 6228 and we will call and give you estimate on at St. Patrick’s academy, Sidney, ties on Tuesday, Sept. 12. A Mrs. Lester A, Cowan enter­ MSGR. MULROY TO TALK AT the activities of the Boys’ club, the tained her sewing club the after­ your work. members considered them Nebr. sodality Mass was followed by The men of the Holy Name breakfast in the college dining noon of Sept. 12. Her guests were MOVING, STORAGE AND PACKING seriously. Mmes. Seep, Thos. K. Early, James 1ST FALL DEANERY MEET All the boys pledged themselves society received Holy Communion hall. The freshmen were wel­ No Money Needed for Six Months at the 7:30 Mass Sunday, Sept. 10. comed by Natalie Swan, prefect, C. Cummings, Cloye Allen, Eugene to do everything within their Sanders, J. Leonard Swigert, and limited means to make the attend­ The high school sodality will re­ The moderator. Sister Frances (Denver Deanery) girls on the softball team won DUFFY STORAGE & MOVING CO. Therese, explained the sodality as Herbert Rothwell of Honolulu. This ance at the boxing tourneys ceive Communion at the 7:30 club had its origin when its mem­ The Denver deanery will re­ honors. They are Nellie Valencia, o’clock Mass this Sunday. Be­ an organization and Mother .Ann sume monthly meetings after the best hitter; Lola Uuis, second, and 1521 20th St. Office and Warehouse cause classes were resumed in the Francis spoke of its spiritual side. bers were juniors at St. Mary’s summer respite Monday afternoon. academy. All were classmates Elsie Cehacon, third. Each will school, the attendance at the Marg;aret Anna Mullen, Gladys Sept. 18, at 2 o’clock in the Cath­ through St. Mary’s and their col­ be awarded a prize. monthly Communion of the sodal­ Givan, Natalie Swan, Geraldine olic Daughters’ clubhouse, 1772 War Declared lege course at Loretto Heights The junior boys under Eddie ity is expected to be large this Pershing, Dorothy Vogel, Torchy Grant street. The Very Rev. Mon­ They have met regularly through Trujullo have taken up boxing and year. Mahoney, Peggy Nieters, and St. Joseph's the intervening years. signor J. R. Mulroy will speak, wrestling. Mr. Trujillo also di­ BY TH E On Monday morning. Sept. 11, Betty Woodman presented a skit and a musical number will be griven rects less strenuous games, and at 8:30 o’clock, a High Maas for written and produced by Natalie Altar Society Meeti by Miss Marjorie Gallaher. conducts clubs and reading classes. TEXACO PRODUCTS the high school students was of­ Swan. The skit A Typical Day St Philomena’s Altar and Ro­ Johnnie Martinez, center coach, is WOLFS HEAD'OIL SALAD BOWL sary Bocietv held its first meeting At a meeting of the executive fered by Father Flynn in conjunc­ in the Soddlity Office, attempted committee of the deanepr the presi­ forming the senior boys and girls Merchants Oil Co. 869 Santa Fe Drive Republic tion with the opening of the new to show the rush of activities of of the fall season Monday, Sept. dent, Mrs. J. T. Tierney, an­ into basketball teams. Caah In On Oar Saner Sarrlc# 11, at the home of Mrs. J. F. Rear­ school year. All the high school the sodalists and officers. Last nounced the appointment of Mrs. The center’s Sacred Heart PLUS Sky (Jiief Gas! Home Cooked don. Mmes. John Flynn and Phil students attended in a body. A year’s committee chairmen told of John Murtaugh as chairman of the league, with Mrs. Mijares as presi­ Clarke were joint hostesses. Forty Meals High Mass was also offered by Fa­ an,outstanding accomplishment of telephone committee and Mrs. dent, enjoyed a social at Sacred Erwin J. Merz, Lessee On all kinds of mortgages members and guests were present, Try Our Fresh Salads ther Flynn for the grade school their committee in the year. Thomas Garrison of the speakers’ Heart school following first Fri­ TIRES - ACCESSORIES Mrs. F. H. Brinkhaus was wel­ 801 Kalamath pupils on Tuesday morning. The circle. The speakers’ circle will day devotions. Music was sup­ that you never get paid. Come Sophs Give Dinner comed as a new member. Mrs, grade school was well represented include a group of well-informed plied by the Spanish orchestra; all wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww A very large crowd attended the Tallman, formerly of Trinidad; VISIT TOUR to us and we will explain our at the Mass. dinner served at the Castle Leigh women, who will speak briefly at of its members are in the league. A STOP AT Because of two funerals on the Mrs. A. J. Blatter, and Mrs. R. J cake was awarded to Jessie Mar­ BiU and BerCs Neighborhood on Tuesday, Sept. 12. Each of the Foley were guests. In the absence meetings of affiliated organiza­ plan whereby you pay inter­ same morning, Mr. Slavin’s and tions in regard to the ramifications tinez. The league has a membership guests was given a yellow rose by of the pastor, the Very Rev. Dr, Grocery and Market Mrs. Egender’s, Father Forrest of the N.C.C.W. and the specific of over 100 and is doing spiritual HOLLYWOOD TAVERN est and principal In smal' the sophomores, who were hos­ Wm. M. Higgins, Father E. J. AT -Allen of St. Catherine’s church as­ work of the Denver deanery. Other work by visiting the sick and at­ tesses for the evening. Kolka addressed the society, and Beer, - Wine and Liquor sisted at the parish on Tuesday committees will be named at the tending funerals. 7th and Elatl monthly installments, and you By matching parts of song titles, thanked the officers and members Chicken and Steak Dlnnen Oar Spcclaltr morning. meeting Monday. Interesting re­ Benefit Shop Makei Plea ISO Kalamath SL KE. MU THANK YOU the upperclassmen chose their for their splendid co-operation at will soon have your home free Mrs. AHoto and Mrs. Wendling, ports also will be given of summer The Benefit shop must have a “ little sister’’ for the year. The the Charities conference meeting members of the Altar and activities, including camp life at replenishment of stock and is mak­ adoptions took place at a buffet and for the complete set of vest­ and clear of any indebtedness, Rosary society, are caring for the Bendemeer. ing a special plea to be remem­ sanctuary and sacristy of the supper at the college on Wednes­ ments furnished at that time. bered. Clothing for school chil­ day, Sept. 13. Dr. and Mrs. Paul At the deanery centers, fall and Presentation We will lend you money for church. Mrs. W. H. Andrew and Mrs. dren is most needed at present. J. Ketrick, the faculty, and the Otto Kiene, the corresponding seC' winter programs are being pre­ Eucharistic devotions will be Articles will be sent for is TAhor FOR EXPERT RADIO REPAIR any purpose on old or new student body were guests of the retary, were welcomed back after pared. held Friday evening at 7:30 2916 is called. WORK o’clock. Benediction of the Most senior class. Emma Romano an absence due to illness. Mrs. Girl Softballer* Honored PARKER’S property anywhere in or near At Little Flower center three Vail Center to Open Seaton Blessed Sacrament is given on played several selections on the ac­ Andrew gave an interesting talk. Under the auspices of the Denver Service Station cordion and conducted community The president, Mrs. C. J. Camp SERVICE-RADIO Denver. Republic Loan Com­ every Friday evening at the regu­ deanery, the Vail Community cen­ Under New Manazement lar time. singing. News flashes on the bell, thanked the following for ter, 1904 West 12th avenue, will SPEaALIZED LUBRICATION pany, 1643 Stout St. TAbor Carl Adolph, son of Mr. and latest happenings at Loretto were their work in the sanctuary in the launch its fall and winter pro­ ChearfnI, Smillnf Serrica Oar Hr. Hopper Has Bean Speeiallainc la broadcast to the guests over a Radio Since 1924—the Infancy of Radio I Mrs. Carl Kloverstrom, was bap­ summer months: Mmes. Helen M. gram with a needlework display (488 W. Alameda Weatwood 1(Z miniature broadcasting station. Colorado Nuns at 6266. tized by Father Fraczkowski Sun­ Bishop, T. C. Rhoades, Mamie Goll, and tea at 2:30 p, m. Tuesday, 76 KNOX CT. day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jos­ Swimming was the entertain­ H. B. Fisher, C. F. Lamberty, P, Sept. 26. P. S. W» will purchase ment provided for Thursday eve­ H, Williams, and A. J. Quinlivan, eph Marold were godparents for Important in the display will be . When buying from the mortgages or real estate con­ Carl, who is their nephew. ning, Sept. 14. Many of the stu­ and Miss Florence Noar. the hand-made household linens NOWI ri dents attended the party held at Mrs. Julia O’Neill gave a talk Hospitals Jubilee produced by women of the Tuesday firms advertising in this tracts for cash. the Y.W.C.A. in honor of the on the recent Charities convention. and Friday sewing classes, con­ That Good GULF CAS at Year freshmen. This was followed by a social hour ducted by Mrs. Leona Russell and paper, please mention that Ntlfbborhood Service Station Guild R eceives and refreshments. Mother M. Basilia, provincial of Mrs. L Arthur Higgpns. you saw their advertise­ Regii Men to Bo GuetU the Western province of the Sis­ ORVILLE PENNINGTON, Prop. Regis college men will be the Women at Boulder Meeting Hitherto unschooled in the use W. S. SANDERSON ters of St. Francis Seraph of the ment. KNOX CT. 4k CEDAR guests of the Loretto girls at the A number of women attended of modem ne^dlecraft methods, 3 New Members Perpetual Adoration, and Sister annual tea social on Friday eve­ the annual meeting of the Altar the women, Mexican and Spanish­ S BRO. M. Pamphlyia, provincial secre­ ning, Sept. 15. .and Rosary society for the Bene­ speaking Americans, depend upon St. Joseph’s guild met in St. dictine Sisters at South Boulder tary, both of St. Anthony’s hos­ 1514 Arapahoe TAbor 2391 Gladys Givan, president of the their innate artistic sense to guide Francis de Sales’ convent Saturday Sept. 12. pital, Denver, led a delegation of them in their choice of design and Holy Ghost afternoon. Sept, 9, with the presi­ Press club, announced that the Colorado members of the order to Fre$h Roasted C offee annual Press Club ball will be Weekday Masses are at 6:30 and color; consequently, charming, un­ dent, Mrs. T. L. Mulligan, presid­ 8:15. The 7:15 Mass has been diS' the golden jubilee celebration of sophisticated peasant designs wi' ing. Mmes. Bernard Hynes, Craig, held on Friday, Sept. 22, at the continued until further notice. St. Elizabeth’s hospital in Lincoln, m e s s e n G t R . Morovit 26c; 4 lbs. $1.00 Brown Palace hotel. Tickets are lavish use of bright colors promise' and Ott were welcomed into the Nebr., this week. Estab, 1906 society. now being sold by all members of to make the display a gala, au­ GOOMER Fresh Roasted Peanut Butter ‘Western Horsemen’ to Besides those from Denver, thentic glimpse of Old Mexico. TAbor Mrs. McCallin will sponsor a the club. MOVIE 15c per lb. Franciscan Sisters from Colorado Scrap-Book Makers to Organize *Je w e lry Pickles, Spices and Morovit home card party for the benefit of Be Illustrated by Prof Springs, including Sister Ambro- On Monday, Sept. 18, the scrap­ CAMERAS the guild on Sept. 20 at 1:30 p. m WATCHES 5 3 4 5 Baking Powder sina, superior of St. Francis’ hos­ book makers of the center will or­ Phont KE. I8S1 at her residence, 281 S. Grant 5 Masses Will Be Said Sparks, Nev.—Western Horse­ pital; from Gallup, N. Mex.; La- ganize as a club, with Mary Blan DIAMONDS 20(8 CHAMPA FBEE DELIVEBT street. Mmes. Gallagher and Har- U t U* DelWcr Year Packaiw For Fund Contributors men, by Thomas Gaines, will be Fayette, Ind.; Evanston, 111.; Em­ as president and Beatrice Gonzales RADIOS pold will assist as hostesses. illustrated by John Mariani,.now poria, Kans., and Omaha, Grand as secretary. Started as a summer 424 L8TH ST. After a short y business meeting, Mrs. M. J. O’Fallon wishes to nrofessor of art at the Colorado Island, Columbus, and Kearney, activity the scrapbook making the members enjoyed games, with thank all those who contributed to State Teachers’ college. His Nebr., were in attendance at the proved fascinating enough to boys O u r Bacon & Schramm Mmes. Verlinden, McCallin, Geo. the membership fund for the Na­ parents^ Mr. and Mrs. J. Mariani, festivities. and girls to warrant a special all- Evans, K. Mayer, and Shilvock, and amunity Barrett Flat and tional Conference of Catholic reside in Sparks. Mr. Mariani’s The anniversary celebration be­ year weekly club. Children mak­ Mother Rose Gertrude winning Charities’ recent convention held subjects, all of them dealing with gan Tuesday with a Solemn Pon­ Cara to East aail Wait prizes. ing books worthy of display are Shingle Roofs in Denver. Mrs. O’Fallon has horse, rider, and cattle, are done tifical Mass celebrated by the Most Emily Padilla, Betty Barcelona, TEXACO DE4UJOI lat Sc 15th of Eads Month The next meeting will be held announced that five Masses will be in charcoal and pencil. Mr. Mari­ Rev. Louis B. Kucera, Bishop of Beatrice Gonzales, Mary BJan, UMMCATION A i 3230 Walnut CH. 6563 Saturday, Oct. 7, in the library of A Warohouse, ISSl Mtk St. offered this coming week for their ani is vacationing here with his Lincoln, and continued throughout Archie Espinoza, Joseph Quintana, St. Francis de Sales’ high school. 2Sth and W*ltoa KE. MIS Serrice— KEyatoat 6228 intentions. .wife. Wednesday and Thursday, Robert Maes, and Joseph LiaL Thursday, Sept. 14, 1939 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE SEVEN PRIEST-CHEMIST Boulder Nun Celebrates P.-T.A. Officers Installed Patronize These GROWS HAIR A Dnlmalty pr1«t-eh«mbt^ trwtlM lo CAEB or THE BAIR m now M n g Mnt frc* to toolp lufftrtn. tt dooerflxt big* to 25th Jubilee in Religion At Colorado Springs Meet OM tho nmarkablo eompound mixod tv tt. EltSS IS H[[D COLORADO Jamea Oilapori whieb grow parfact balr oa head of bald atudent Sinca tbeo mora than (0,000 bottlaa baaa bean load, roraltiae Boulder.— Sister Mary Teresine, pi Colorado Springs.— (St. Mary’s loin t to ehantr Utan taatlfp to mndarfol music teacher in the parochial Jesuit order and is acting this year Parish)—St. Mary’s P.-T.A. held raaulta tor falling hair and dandruff. Wiita school, celebrated her silver jubi­ tor fraa traatisa to R H. Gilmora. Dapt 1. as assistant athletic director at its first regular meeting of the meeting of the fall season. Thi SPRINGS 2810 llth Ava No. Baattia Wanh. lee Friday, Sept. 8, the Feast of Creighton university. Their young­ fall with Mrs. C. R. Nolan, retiring Rev. John Scannell presented i the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin est son, James, will enter Regis president, presiding. The state motion picture lecture. Mary. A High Mass was sung at college this fall. Merchants . . . They are aiding Y O U R START the YOUNGSTERS president of the Catholic P.-T.A. Daughter o f Parish. Profetsed 7 o’clock for her intention, after The firat fall meeting of the Kremmllng.— St. Peter’s church was present from Denver to Install RIGHT wilh which clergy members were enter­ Altar society was held Wednesday witnessed a First Holy Commun­ the new officers elected in June. Catholic press “ A LITTLE CHILD'S riRAir COM­ tained at breakfast in Sacred ion class for the first time in four A short business meeting followed MUNION" (lOe) and lu K ^ t o r the afternoon, Sept. 6. Calif., was professed Aug. 22. Heart convent. Her mother came years. It was a general Commun­ the installations. " ■ "Mary Ma • •Sister Teacher; “FOUNDATION MATERIAL Sally Eileen, infant daughter of ion day for all the members of the FOR DOCTRINAL CATHOLIC AC- from Lincol.i, Nebr., for the cele­ Mr. and Mrs. John Stengel, was Court St. Mary No. 618, Catholic TION** hj Mother Bolton (ll.S I). parish. bration. baptized Sunday morning. Sept. Springs. FOOTWEAR St. Anthony’s Guild Mr. and Mrs. Francis Reinert, 10. Those making their First Com­ School Paper Ii Honored accompanied by their son, John munion were Mary Ann Martin, BEST IN QUALITY NEWEST IN Franclacan Honaitarr, Fatenon, N. 1. Miss Mary Kathryn Dolan has STYLE Reinert, and family, have p;one to Joann Burton, Mary Jean Curran, (4-201) gone to El Rito, N. Mex., where Barthel’s 4( Yean la tho Pikei Peak Rodoa Patsy Ann Kilker, Jackie Burton, Charter Members Omaha, Nebr., for a visit with she will teach English in the high and Pat McElroy. Now Many Wear another son, Carl, who Is study- school department of the Spanish Ice Cream THE VORHES SHOE CO American Normal school. She Mrs. Earl Martin, who was re­ association, Milwaukee, was W holtnio and Retail COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. received her degree from the Uni­ ceived into the Church by Father school paper, Marylin, of Edward Prinster, made her First Feted by K. of C. Mary’s. Fine Candies FALSE TEETH versity of Colorado in June. Her Communion with her daughter. An increased enrollment Ipr 1 Ex-BouUer Pupil brother, Joe, left this Week to — With Uttle Worry enter the University of Texas at A Communion breakfast was over 1938 was shown at St. W . B . BARTHEL, Proprietor Eat, talk, laoffb or tneose without fear Boulder.— Beginning with the ALEY ORUG CO. Austin. They are the children of served at the home of Mrs. R. Kil­ Mary’s school last week when 505 18 TEARS IN BUSINESS of Iniecurt false teeth droppinf, slipping first meeting, the Boulder K. of C. students enrolled. There were 470 or wabbling. FASTEEIH bolds plates County Attorney and Mrs. Frank ker, with Mrs. J. Burton assisting. I t l North Tojon St. Phono Main (62 flrroer and more comfortably. This pigas* F. Dolan. Mrs. Florence Martin and Father opened their regular schedule of last year. The increase necessi' Fast Free Delivery Service ant powder has no gummy, gooey, pasty Recites 1st Vows Prinster were guests. meetings on the first and third tates a division of the sophomore COLORADO SPRINGS, COLa The Benedictine apostolate held taste or feeling. Doesn't cause nausea. Wednesdays of every month. A class into two groups. Main 250 It’s alkaline (non-acid). Checks **plate a ball in connection with the regu­ Altar Women Meet odor" (denture breath). Get FASTEETH g^od start was given the year’s ac­ Retidentt Visit in Fort Collins at any drug store. Boulder. — (Mt. St. Gertrude’s lar meeting Wednesday evening. Members of the Altar society tivity by a council membership Academy)— Georgia Mae Horrell, Sept. 6. met Wednesday, Sept. 13, at the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rummel- turnout of 40 men. hart spent Sunday, Sept. 10, visit­ COLORADO SPRINGS Muddy Skin Ugly Surfacw a former student, made her first At a meeting held Thursday, home of Mrs. R. Kilker. The so­ V. D. COLEMAN & CO. ciety was instrumental in raising The occasion was a charter ing in Fort Collins. Blemishes PIMPLES vows at St. Francis’ novitiate, St. Sept. 7, tentative plans were members’ night, honoring four of MACHINE AND WELDING Francis, Wise., recently. Her name formulated for the annual fall fes­ funds to purchase furnishings for Miss Eudora Ryan of Independ­ Blackheads the men who signed the charter ence, Kans., is visiting her parents Artistic Memorials To the thousaode of in religion is Sister Mary Dolorine. tival to be given this year Oct. the parish rectory. WORKS folks suffering from roll Feb. 17, 1907. They are James and sister. Retail and Wholesala Blotches An outdoor supper was held 26 and 27. Catechism classes will resume General Machine Work, Welding Quarries and Manufacturers surface pimples, acne, A. Bishop, residing in Denver; Thomas Fagan has returned to muddy complexion. skin eruptions, etc.. Wednesday evening. Sept. 13. at the home of Mrs. Florence 207 SOUTH CASCADE AVENUE Featuring Clolorado Granite Herman Lennartz, treasurer of Columbia, Mo., for his senior year we will send FREE a new. simple method Classes Begin Martin. Offieo Phone; Main 276 Phone Main 1944-W 218 W. Cimarron St. o f treating the ekin. A noted dennoto- Boulder county, and Louis Stengel, Classes began at Mt. St. Gert­ at the University of Missouri. Reiidenee Phono; Main 2218-R COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO legist’s private method. No harmful m ^ - Mrs. Berce, Mr. and Mrs. Leo retired farmer; the four^, An­ Mr. and Mrs. Claude La Foe COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. Icine. skin peel, diet, etc. Something en­ rude’s academy Monday, Sept. 11. Hayes, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin drew Stengel, is vacationing in tirely different Send to Dr. W. D. Tracy A tentative program was followed have moved to Fort Collins to make P. 0. Box 429 Telephone Main 811 Co.. 1637-C4, New Haven. Conn. Peterson spent several days in California. their home. throughout the day. German has COLORADO SPRINGS Kremmling as guests of Mr. and The name of each member pres­ Returning to St. ’Thomas’ semi­ been added to the curriculm this Mrs. Cornell Wamser. Is Epilepsy Inherited? year. Classes in French, Spanish, ent was called and the year of in­ nary, Denver, Tuesday, Sept. 12, IRON & METAL CO. Kenneth McElroy and James were Robert Kekeisen, Theodore and Latin are also included in stallation in the major degree of y T w Wholesale Distribntor* and John Noonen will again take the order was noted. A quartet of Haas, Leonard Redelberger, Duane y Pipe— Valves— Fittings the schedule. Gan It Be Cured? up their studies at Regis college Theobald, James Udovick, and Jos­ The school uniform has been young members g;ave some well- Mining and Industrial Equipment A booklet ^ntalnlng the opinions of and high school, Denver, respec­ eph O’Grady. W M em famous doctors on this interesting subject modernized. All students will ap­ selected musical renditions. The and Supplies Sterling. — “ International First tively. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc­ 11 Wett Cucharras Street will be sent FREE, while they, last to any pear at Mass in the new uniforms quartet included John Reinert, Miss Ruth Rummelhart will reader writing to ^ e Educational Division. Place Award— Paper With High Elroy will accompany their son to 105 N. Tejon Su Phone Main 95 COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. on the Feast of St. Francis, Eymard Mellecker, John La Torra, leave Sunday, Sept. 17, for Web­ S35 Fifth Avenue. Dept TR-98. New York. Achievement” was the ranking Denver. Jr., and George Reinert. N. Y. Oct. 4. given St. Anthony’s high school ster college, Webster Groves, Letters for the opening day of Mr. and Mrs. Cornell Wamser, Final reports were given by the Mo., to resume her studies. Paduan hy the Quill and Scroll, who were married in St. Patrick’s school were received from the fol­ international honorary society for retreat committee, the games Mrs. A. J. Kiser returned Sat­ Ideal Cleaners, Inc. lowing graduates: Myrna Stull of church, Denver, have come to committee, and the picnic commit­ urday, Sept. 9, from Lansing and 0. D. POTTS high school journalists, according Kremmling to make their home. INDIAN GRILL 21 XMAS CARDS S Santa Fe, N. Mex.; Mary Jane to word received this week by Sis­ tee. Detroit, Mich., where she was Where the Charm o f Newness Rotter Board Presented Ord*r today to b« sent Millithaler of Cody, Wyo., and ter Mary Thomasita, sponsor of Mrs. Mike Noonen and daugh­ called because of the illness and It Restored I ter went to Denver Sept. 6 to you by D*c. lat. Writ* to Catherine Burgess of Denver, who the school paper. A handsome membership roster death of her sister, Mrs. Agones Chief Theatre Bldg. Main 1848 228 E. Pikes Peak Ata entered training at Mercy hospital. attend the wedding of Miss Ethel board was presented to the coun­ “ The Paduan presents a well- Cushman. M'rs. Kiser was gone Phone Main 19 Colo. Springs Colorado Springs, Colo. Miss Margaret Clark of Omaha, Barnes and Paul Berbert. Miss cil by Eymard Mellicker, who REV. FATHER RALPH] constructed, readable paper, which six weeks. I Noonen was bridesmaid at the Nebr., is spending a few days at many large schools may well made it for several members who Returning to her home In Long 176 W. Adama St. CHICAGO wedding. furnished materials. the academy. Eileen Dale of the envy,” was the written praise of Beach, Calif., after visiting with Your Business Is Appreciated Official Watch Inspector for C. R. I. A P., class of ’38 showed her the beau­ Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Meloy The grand knight appointed the A. T. db S. F., Union Pacific, D. ft R. G., the judges in the international Mrs. 'Thomas Fagan and Mrs. Law­ THE and Denver and Sait Lake Railroads ties of Boulder and its vicinity. contest. “ Make-up, typography, and son, Francis, of Benton, Wise., following as chairmen of the five- rence Welte, was Mrs. John Mary Jane Sturm of Empire and copywriting are excellent. were visitors at the home of Mrs. point of progress prog;ram: Robert Millett. S. McCaulley Jewelry Boys and Young Men and Katharine Dolan of Cheyenne, Morrell Hardware Balance is nicely maintained in all Meloy’s brother, Henry McElroy. Giles, Catholic Action; Lawrence wlahlng to b. Priests or Brothers to Wyo., both alumnae, visited the Miss Anne Weisenhom, Instruc­ and Optical Co. departments. Editorials are strong Mr. and Mrs. Bob Atmore and Schaefer, council activity; Joseph tor of nurses at the Glockner train­ the Order of St. CamtUus may writs academy "recently. Co. JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER and there are several splendid fea­ daughter, Dolores, Fort Dodge, la., Brady, insurance; Frank F. Dolan, ing school, who spent the summer Social activities were launched COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. 9 North Tejon to the Rev. Father Superior. St. tures and columns.” The staff is have come to Kremmling to make publicity; Ernest Tovoni, member­ in Europe, has returned. Now Location—214 North Tejon St. for the year with a bunco party CamlUus Monastery, 1(11 Ba Hth alert for new ideas and executes their home. Mr. Atmore is pro­ ship. PHONE (42 in the gymnasium Sunday eve­ prietor of the Conoco Oil station. Miss Clare Foley left Sunday, St.. Milwaukee, WIso. them In a capable fashion, it was Refreshments were served after Sept. 10, for Chicago. ning, Sept. 10. said. Any one wishing to obtain the program. After a game of field ball picture* of tho picnic on the Among its notables, the council 3 Parishioners Die Shewmaker’s Saturday morning. Sept. 9, the The paper received a total of RUTH’S OVEN 875 points out of a possible 1,000. Trough road may call Mrs. Ed has had three past district dep­ Funeral services for Mrs. Elsie students were served a dinner of Gallo were held Saturday morning. Real Homemade Bread Your Xmas Cards There is only one higher ranking Mooney. uties: Francis Reinert, Frank F. Camera Shop hamburger and baked potatoes Sept. 9, at St. Mary’s church. In­ rVI rnilT. 21 aUitlic tiiitiws cirfs sith sh possible, that of superior achieve­ Captain and Mrs. Campbell of Dolan, and Ernest Tovani, all of KODAKS HOME MOVIES y Cake— Rolls— Pie niopii In 1 beautiful bit Each card i dlllcr«rt prepared at the out-door fireplace. whom were present. Past Grand terment in Evergreen cemetery. KODAK FINISHING dniin. Aproluul)|illu>traledllleclBl.GEMMA Dinner was folowed by a hike ments, which can be obtained by a Denver have been summer attend­ 222 N. Tejon Phon. MA. 1(16 ants of St. Peter’ s parish, driving Knights Frank J. Brady, Hazen Mrs. Elizabeth McCabe died SO North Tejon Street ' GUGANI, the PaisiM Flower e( Lucca, will be through Gregory canon. total of 900 points. That mark is Sunday, Sept. 10. She had lived I added to each box at a promlum. All lor Jl (add the one the staff of this year’s in from their summer home in W. Kendrick, and John Reinert Phono Main 9(« a lew cents lor poslato). Proceeds te p ti tbe A letter was received from Sis­ were also in attendance. here 61 years, coming to the city COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHER nrvort of ogr mlssioratles, ter Mary Incamata, who, before paper will strive to attain. Hot Sulphur Springs. Addriss: FA (RUNG, S.V.D., TECHNY, lU. John La Torra was elected by in 1878. A native of Dublin, Ire­ her reception into the Sisters of The ranking was received in Mr. and Mrs. Joe McElroy and unanimous vote to fill a guard va­ land, Mrs. McCabe made her home children spent a few days in Den­ ** White Kitchen Charity of the Blessed Virgin competition with high school pa­ cancy created when Joseph For­ with her daughter, Mrs. Merwyn ver Iwt week for a farewell visit Mary last month, was Kathleen pers from all over the world, re­ sythe was called away from Boul­ H. Schideler. Surviving besides Zecha & Donlon Pastry Shop with Mrs. McElroy’s parents, Mr. Gephart of Longmont. Sister In- gardless of size. The enrollment der by his work. Mrs. Shideler, are two sons, Ed­ and Mrs. John Holonbek of Cathe­ ' Conoco Service Station We Feature Fine Cakes and carnata was graduated from the of the local school, however, was ward J. McCabe, Colorado Springs, JOSEPHITE dral parish, who are leaving for Fancy Pastries academy in 1938. taken into consideration in the and Thomas McCabe, Denver; CONVENIENTLY LOCATED judging. Professors at Northwest­ Winona, Minn., to attend the wed­ 11 N. Tejon St. Phono Main 2118 PURGATORIAL NOTICE OF ADJUSTMENT DAT ding of their son, Richard. granddaughter, Mrs. Jerry ESTATE OF Katherine 8. Hare, Lunatic, ern university, Evanston, 111., are O’Driscoll, and a great-grand­ No. 63705 at the head of the Quill and Scroll Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mooney SOCIETY All personi haTin^ claimi against said daughter, Geraldine O’Driscoll, EJstate are hereby notified to present them society. made a weekend trip to Grand both of this city; a brother, Perpetual membership In St. for adjustment to the County Court of Terse criticisms, many of them Junction with Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Joseph’s Purgatorial Society Thomas McCreer, and a sister, Ntrada Ava. at Caeha la Pandra ^ the City and County of Denver, Colo­ praising highly the local school Cullah. Mrs. Jane Bettridge, both of Den­ COLE ORUG GO. may be secured for a deceased rado, on the 17th day of October, 1939. paper, were scattered through the DAVID C. EAMES, Conservator. Francis Martin of Los Angeles IS SET SEPT. IS ver. Requiem Mass was offered in Next Door to Wert End Poet Offioa person by an offering of $10 Donald F. Clifford rating book. “ Heads good— leads is visiting his mother, Mrs. Pat­ St. Mary’s church. Burial In given to the work our mission- 2512 W. Colorado Ato. Phono 1(82 Edward C. Day, Jr. complete and graphic— staff fre­ rick Martin, and his brothers, Leo Evergreen cemetery. Pallbearers A cuisine such as you have ers are doing on the Colored 730 Majestic Bldg. quently displays practically pro­ Attorneys for Estate. and Earl Martin, and their fam­ (Shrin* of tho Littlo Flower, were Charles Van Naltan, Ar­ enjoyed in the finest res­ COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. Missions. Membership entitles fessional style— editorial policy is ilies. Aurora) the enrolled to share in over thur-Rahm, Emory McCwty, Mil- NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT above average, with subject mat­ The public is invited to attend ton Booth, Clarence H ns, and taurants both east -and west. 2,750 Masses said annually for Estate of William Nocnen, Deceased No. 60095 ter intelligently and forcefully pre­ the bated ham dinner Saturday, Louis Maccarini. their specific intentions, daily sented, a strong asset to any pa­ Notice is hereby .given that on the Sept. 16. The dinner, to be given Mrs. Anna Grass, a resident of community prayers, and a share 17th day of October, 1939, I will present per” — these were a few of the by the women of the Altar and The firms listed here de­ in the merits of educating to the County Court of the City and Colorado Springs for 32 years, died Swiss County of Denver, Colorado, my accounts comments. Fruita Parish Rosary society, will be served from Monday morning. Sept. 11, at her priests for the missions and for FINAL SETTLEMENT of administr*- The Paduan newspaper and the serve to be remembered 6 to 8 p. m. at the church rectory, residence, 1115 N. Custer avenue. bringing the Gospel to Amer­ tion of said estate, when and where all annual are printed by the Farm persons in interest may appear and object E. 14th avenue and Dallas street. She was born in St. Louis, Mo., when you are distributing ica’s 13,000,000 Neg^roes. An­ Journal. Mrs. F. McCarthy, president of Chalet nual membership may be se­ to them, if they so desire. Oct. 13, 1872. Mrs. Grass was a JOSEPH J, WALSH, Executor. the Altar society, who is in charge your patronage in the dif­ cured by an offering of 50 cents. Plans Carnival member of St. Mary’s Altar society Donald F. Clifford of tha affair, and all committee 117 E. Pikes Peak Group perpetual membership Edward C. Day, Jr. i the Third Order of St. Fran­ ferent lines of business. Msgr. Mulroy Will members promise an excellent din­ may be secured for the whole 730 Majestic Bldg. cis. Surviving are her husband, Colorado Springs Attorneys for Estate ner. Tickets are 50 cents for family and relatives, living and Prulta.— Plans for the Sacred Henry W. Grass; one son, Address Aid Society adults and 26 cents for children. dead, by an offering of $50, Heart parish harvest carnival, Grass, and one daughter, 1! which may be paid for in instal­ GRAY which will be held some time next Novena Opens Sept. 25 Grass, all of Colorado Springs; ments if desired. Monsig^ior John R. Mulroy, month, were discussed at a dinner The annual solemn novena in one sister, Mrs. B. Goldee, Belle­ FADED president of the National Confer­ meeting of the trustees at the preparation for the Feast of St. ville, 111., and one brother, Charles Address all communications to Women. clrU. men withHAIR fsded, ersr, streaked Therese, the “ Little Flower of Very Rev. Father Superior shampoo and color your hair at the tamo time with ence of Catholic Charities, will be rectory Wednesday of last week. Meyer, West Palm Beach,' Fla. COLORADO SPRINGS PAINT CO. our new French disoorery *‘8 H A M PO • K 0 LO R with­ the featured speaker when the Jesus,” will begin Sept. 25 and will out experience, at home. Takee only a few minutee, Leo Kiefer was selected as gen­ Requiem Mass was offered for Joeephite Fathers colors hair oloae to scalp perfectly. No streaks or Queen of Heaven Aid society re­ eral chairman, and the other com­ be concluded Oct. 3. Services Wednesday morning. Sept 13, at 1130 N. Calvert Street orerlap. No dyed look, but a lorely, most sumes its monthly meetings Tues­ will begpn at 7 :30 o’clock and will color: unaffected by srashlnf or perm. ware. Used mittee chairmen will be named in St. Mary’s church. Burial in Ever­ All Kinds of Paint and Glass Baltimore Maryland also as rinse or tint. Free Book. Valllpay Pred.. day, Sept. 19, at 2:30 p. m. at the the near future. include novena prayers, sermon green cemetery. lee., D e,t j | . ] 2M W. 3 lrt Mreet, N nr York, N. Y. by a visiting priest. Benediction of orphanage, 4825 Federal boule­ The card party given by the 214H North Tejon St. 741 vard. the Most Blessed Sacrament, and Fruita Altar and Rosary society veneration of the relic of the Little All members and friends are In­ at the home of Mrs. L. O’Connor vited. Flans for the activities for Flower. was successful in spite of the bad Stratton K. of C. Invest your money safely in the Ponti&cal Catholic the coming year will be made at The Rev. Owen McGrath, a Co- RELIGIOUS ARTICLES weather which made the roads A beautlfal Sick Call Set for 12.60. This would make a much appreciated sljt. “ My tho meeting. lumban Father from China, was almost impassible. Companion" leather Case rantainine Croea SBc and others with Rosary and HedaU a visitor at the rectory in the Officers Installed BOc and 75c. "My Rosary" Case of fine calf with separate pocket for Rom^ and UNIVERSITY ANNUITY BONDS Louise Fagan returned to Den­ past week. chans# 76c. St. Christopher Pin for your car BOc. Rose and Lilly Bracelet* 6 ^ ver last week after spending the Rosaries 86c up. Crucifix, of wooden composition, a beautiful work of art* 12 inenef 5% to 7% Interest for Life for ih* wall, $1.00 and $1.50. For detail, writ, te / ' .^r>r Quality \ summer with her grandmother in 'Stratton. — On Sunday after­ Zinc Etchings Fruita. She attends Cathedral OSGOOD’S Rev. Father Ralph, SVD, NatH Dir. noon, Sept. 10, the Knights of Color Plates - Halftones' school Gunnison Group Columbus held their monthly Whelesala COLORADO SPRINGS Catholic Univeraitj o f Peking, 176 W. Adam. St., Chicago, 10. Silverio G. Zalidin, son of Mr. meeting, at which newly elected lOB NO. TEJON ST. and Retail Seeleman-Ehret^ and Mrs. Valentine Zalidin, was officers were installed by District baptized by Father Joseph Walsh Meets Sept. 21 Deputy William Roche, assisted by Photo CngniVeps last Sunday. Migruel Lucero and William Dolan, both of Denver. Adeline Trujillo were sponsors. Gunnison.— The first fall meet­ The following officers were In­ NOW Mrs. Patricia Goffredi is enjoy­ ing of St. Peter’s Altar and Rosary stalled: Grand knight, Frank Hoff­ NEWTON’S ing a two weeks’ vacation from society will be held Thursday, man; deputy grand knight, Vin­ her duties in the welfare office at Sept. 21, in the home of Mrs. cent Dvorak; treasurer, John Newton Lumber and Mfg. Company! NEW THRU CAR SERVICE Grand Junction. Frank Zugelder, with Mrs. John Thomason; secretary, Albert Lumbering Along Since 1872 Zugelder and Mrs. Milton Zugelder Knochel; lecturer, Pat Murphy; COLORADO s p r i n g s '' . COLORADO Your business is Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Elliott of advocate, Frank Feierstein; re­ Topeka, Kans., who had been visit­ as assisting hostesses. Mrs. Pete appreciated hers. Venture and Mrs. Joe Mazza are corder, Stanley Dvorak; warden, ing their niece, Mrs. John Vaughn, Ed Knochel; inside guard, Tony and family for the past two weeks, in charge of the altars for Septem­ ber. Dischner; trustee, Philip Ber­ left Friday morning, Sept. 8 for T H E VILLAGE INN Mors than 600 persons from trand. KANSAS CITY-ST. LOUIS their home. 217 E. Pikes Peak Ave. Vera Seresa, Owner Gunnison and Crested Butte en­ George 0. Kelley, state deputy, joyed the K. of C. picnic Sunday, Noted in the Pikes Peak Region for its fine foods, courteous I via 'Exposition Flyer’ and 'Gen. Pershing Zephyr* was also present at the meeting service, home-like atmosphere, and moderate prices. Sept. 10, at Almont. and gave a short resume of the W e Specialize in Charcoal Broiled Steaks and Seafood ■ ' A new, difieient and delightful way to travel between 40 Hours’ Opens Paul Coder and Charles Miller national convention, which was left Monday, Sept. 11, for Fort Dinners Denver and Kansas City and St Louis. Through do luxe held in Seattle, Wash. Collins, where they will enroll at At the meeting plans were made COLORADO SPRINGS. OOLO. chair car and standard Pullman daily via the "Exposition In Golden Sept. 16 Colorado State college. for the celebratioQ of Columbus Flyer" between Denver and Lincoln, and the streamline, Mike Venture left for Denver, day. where he will attend Regis college. diesel-powered "General Pershing Zephyr" between Golden.— The Forty Hours’ de­ Burlington Alter Society Meets John Yoklovich, Jr., after a visit Lincoln and St. Louis. Hq change of cars en route. votion will open Saturday morn­ in Denver and Chicago, will go to The Altar society of St. Cath­ The Heyse Sheet Metal Works ing, S4pt. 16, with High Mass at Washington, D. C., where he will erine’s church at Burlinrton met INCORPORATED XASTWASD DAILY SCHEDULE w is iw a b o 8:30 o’clock and will close Mon­ take post-graduate work. in the home of Mrs. Chanes Doer­ day evening, with Father Arthur 4:10 pm Lv...... Denver...... Ar. 8K)5 am Several Catholic boys attend­ ing. Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work 6:30 am Ar...... St. Joseph...... Lv. 8:S6pm Lucy of the Cathedral, Denver, l l f North Weber Street Phone; Htin SBl giving the closing sermon. ing Western State college have re­ COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. 7:45 am Ar...... Kansas City...... Lv. 7:35 pm turned to resume their studies. 1:00pm A r...r... St. Louis...... Lv. 2:15pm The Altar society will give a Among them are Bill Misko, Tony Springs Church Notes m- luncheon at the Golden Waffle inn Piskor, Roy Howan, and Hershel Pullman passengers will find complete observation- Tuesday, Oct. 11. Klive Novena’s 1st Birthday lounge facilities on both the "Exposition Flyer" and Miss Emma Romano returned George Sievers, Jr., underwent ENROLL NOW "General Pershing Zephyr". Dining car service for allmeals. to Loretto Heights college, Denver, a major operation in a local hosi- K-"> ® » this week as a sophomore. pital Tuesday, Sept. 5. His exm- Colorado Springs. — (Sacred BLAIR BUSINESS COLLEGE, he. . Miss Mary Gee has enrolled as dition is satisfactory. Heart Parish)—Novena services BURLWGTON TRAVEL BUREAU a freshman at Loretto. Father Walter Steidle ot^ llza- to Our Mother of Sorrows held Phone Main 1160 Colorado Springs, Colo. Patrick Howe and Peggy Ann beth is spending a week ^ i n g at every Friday night at 7:45 are h hvd W. Johnson, Otnoral Fottonsor A fe S I. Builington Clark are home from a hospital Gunnison. being wdll attended. Last Friday, t 17th & CHAMPA STREETS Howard Delaney has resumed Mrs. P. R. Gallagher, Mrs. Burt Sept. 8, marked a year since the t Route his studies at St. Thomas’ semi­ Davis, and Archie Douglas were inauguration of the novenas. This i Biuhill nary. guests at the rectqi^ in the week. noyena has done more to promote PHONE KEYSTONE 1123 A p - : The Hugh Beers family are back Mass will be said at Lake City love for Our Lady than has any PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS 0 ' - ' ' C o f f e e ' from an extended vacation. and at Pitkin neixt weeL [Other devotion of modern times. CHANGE TO NU-KOL JUNIOR TABERNACLE SOCIETY CHORAL SOCIETY WILL DE $15 to $20 saved by % Mary Academy flu-Kol users last year. OPENS SEASON WITH DINNER ACTIVE IN LOYOLA PARISH We c»n prove to 7#u that Nn- Kol ii the beet telling coal that ever came to Denver. Opens M Year Tbe Junior Tabernacle aociety (Saercd Haart-Leyola Parith) is very enthusiastic about the IT’S HOT, VERY LITTLE opened its activities for the year bell of this circle and Virginfa More than 60 persons responded prospects at Loyola, and plans ASH. NO SOOT with a dinner party for all coun­ Dillon left Friday, Sej)t. 15, for Satiafactlon guaranteed or jour money cil members Wednest^y evening, a vacation trip to San Francisco, to Prof. W. L. Burkhardt’s invita­ many fine things for the months refunded Sept. 13, at the Blue Parrot inn. Seattle, and Vancouver. tion and met in Loyola hall Mon­ to come. He has already visited We take entire output of the mine With 13S Pupils from Craig, Colo. Other dealera d ^ The following council members Clella Carter entertained mem­ day evening. Sept 11, for the pur­ the classrooms and has tested the livering our coal muit ahow a certifi­ were appointed for the year: bers of the Morning Star circle pose of forming a choral society. children’s voices. He will begpn at cate from ua, Membership, Mrs. Marie Dinan, Friday evening. Sept. 8. After a (St. Mary’s Acaikury) This group will receive training in once to train a children’s choir as NU-KOL chairman; Miss Marjorie Regan, short business meeting cards were St. Mary’s academy opened its both sacred and secular music. Mr. and Miss Anna Marie Wade; en­ played. Two members of the circle, well as the senior Loyola choir, 76th year Sept. 12. The enroll­ Burkhardt arrived in Denver last which will sing at High Mass I'n“ tow: T $6-50 tertainment, Miss Mary McPhil Clella Carter and Jessie Pasquale, week to assume charge of the choir ment was 135 on the opening each Sunday. lips and Mrs. Ann Kitto; ways spent a holiday at Glenwood and music at Loyola. He comes ...... ¥ 7 .0 0 The Choral society will be the and means. Miss Frances Nadorff; Springs. Mary Berlin and Mar­ date. There are 91 students in the with a record of splendid experi­ King La^M Lump Egg ______K.2B nucleus for the development of King Nut ...... |5.1» vestments. Miss Clella Carter; garet Lynch spent their vacations high school and 44 pupils in the ence in the East, where he di­ congregational singing at services, Frederick Special altar linens, Mrs. Mary Kinkel; at Estes Park. C.arlotte Mc­ grade school department. This is rected choirs and taught music. He Lump or Egg ...... IS.J5 social action, Miss Sophie Sun- Namara gave a farewell party for especially at the Friday evening Nu-Kol ie the h « t atoker coal oil an increase of 23 over the enroll­ novena in honor of the Sacred treated desch and Miss Helen Flynn; the circle Friday evening. Sept. 8, ment of last year. In the coming catchetical. Miss Helen Rhoades in honor of Kathleen and Helen week the periods will be shortened Heart. THE JOLLY FAMILY Crow Bar Coal Co. and Miss Joyce Klein; discussion Plynn, who have left on a vaca­ to carry the complete schedule. At the next meeting Monday, TAbor 2336 Joe. F. Stremel clubs. Miss Catherine Maloney; tion trip to the East, where they Bazaar Tickets Sept. 18, an election of officers GIVES BETSY A HOME publicity. Miss Margaret Lynch, will attend the New York World’s Grade to Enter College All the graduates of the dia­ will be held, and a spring concert “ Betsy’s” the new car, and the Jollys are proud as Punch of chairman; Miss Rozella Weber, fair. Returning home, they will mond jubilee class except one will will be planned. Professor Burk­ it. Bud keeps it polished and Pop had a garage built for it Before you buy any car at any price and Miss Isabelle McNamara; stop at South Bend, Ind., to see enter college this fall. Nine will hardt asks that each member do his that’ll keep it looking “ new” for years. “ I built a good SEE spiritual activities, Miss Dorothy the Notre Dame-Georgia Tech, enroll at 'Loretto Heights college Being Distributed part in increasing the membership garage while I was at it,” Pop says. “ No wrestling with J. EMMETT NOONAN Meikenhous; historian, Miss Rose football game. to 100. All members of the par­ garage doors for me.” with Our Lady of Loretto circle met for the-fall term. They are Misses Brady. Betty Rose NanKeville, Kathleen ish are cordially invited to be Everyone recognizes a modem garage as a convenience and GENERAL MEETING IS at the home of Mrs. Frances Ed­ (St. Joteph’i Pariah) present. automotive economy, but few people realize that the average O’Meara Motor Go. monds Tuesday evening. Sept. 6. Cullen, Mary Catherine Madden, SET FOR SEPT. 27 Margaret Ann Madden, Joan Tickets for the annual fall fes­ Sodalitt* to Roccive Comraanion monthly cost of a garage on our payment plan is only S 1 0 .1 5 14th 4 Broadway at Civic Center The general meeting of the so­ The time was spent in playing MA. 3112 O’Byrne, Shirley Horan, Shirley tival, scheduled Oct. 19, 20, and 21, ciety will be held Wednesday- eve­ games. Dorothy Walsh of the cir­ This Sunday will be Communion We’ll Be Ryan, Suzanne Bell, and Frances are being distributed this week, day for the Ladies’ sodality at ning, Sept. 27, at 8 o’clock in cle just returned from a trip to Phone Glad to the*West coast. Marjorie Walsh Day. Miss Catherine Akolt will the Very Rev. Christian Darley, both churches. The Sodality Mass the C. D. of A. home, 1772 Grant enter Trinity college in Washing­ C.SS.R., announced. Feature of KE.-0205 Explain HOME INSUUTION street. and Helen Rhoades are taking a will be at 7 o’clock at Sacred vacation trip to the East coast. ton, D. C.; Miss Kathleen O’Mara the bazaar will be the grand prize, Heart and Loyola alike. Ask Vs SAVE 25% and UP ON The Mother of God circle has a 1940, 85-horsepower Ford V-8. St. Luke’s Circle Meets will enroll at Barat college, Miss All parish organizations will be­ to Call. YOUR FUEL BILL been reorganized with the follow­ Rita Rice will register at Webster FREE ing members: Miss Anne Camp­ A meeting of St. Luke’s circle A turkey dinner will be served gin activities this month. The 8 to IS Degree. COOLER IN college, Webster Grove, Mo., con­ Thursday night, Oct. 19, under the SUMMERTIME bell, president; Mrs. Kathryn was held at the home of Patricia Young Ladies’ sodality at Loyola Lucy Wednesday evening, Sept. ducted by the Sisters of Loretto; direction of the members of the opened the season with two meef- Potarf, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Miss Dorothy Stein will enroll at Terms— Free Estimates Frances Callahan, Mrs. Carol 13. Patricia Orr of this circle Altar and Rosary society. Booths ings in Loyola hall in the past V '. l the school of commerce and finance Asbeatos Wool, Thermo-Cel are min­ Stephens, and Misses Madelyn has resumed teaching at Ignacio. will be under the sponsorship of week. The junior Young Ladies’ eral base lifetime insulation. Gerry Gray spent the holidays at of Denver university, and Miss the Altar society, the Young La­ sodality of Loyola has scheduled a Rube's COW SHED We also handle Rock Wool. Nalty, Adele Gammeter, and Betty Van Vleet will enter the dies’ sodality, and the Holy Name MIXED DRINKS GOOD FOOD DANCINO Wo do Caulking, Weatherstripplng* Omaha, Nebr. Catherine Floyd big gathering for Thursday eve­ University of Colorado. 4t* So. Colo. BlTd. and Roofing. spent her vacation in the East. Her society. ning, Sept. 21, in Loyola hall from itinerary included the New York Miss Barbara Murphy, new pres­ Fr. Bancroft Will Not Go to Rome 7:30 to 8:30. An interesting pro­ ENGINEERING World’s fair, Annapolis, West ident of the Machebeuf History The Rev. John Bancroft, C.SS. gram has been arranged and re­ PRODUCTS CO. Point, and Canada. Mrs. Sue club, conducted a meeting for the R., will not go to Rome for further freshments will be served. The THE HECOHD SHOP officers of the club Sept. 14. The Ch. 4684 3262 Blake St. Ehrman has left for Oregon, study because of the European sit­ juniors aim at a membership of, Most Complete Record Stock in the Rocky Mountain District where she will make her home. purpose of the session was to uation. Instead, he was informed 50, and they invite all girls of high Word has been received that decide the character of the projects this week, he will enroll at the school age to come to the meet­ RCA RADIO-PHONOGRAPH COMBINATIONS II Felicitas O’Brien, a former mem­ to be assigned the new plages of Catholic University of America, ing. Officers will be elected and COMFORTABLE SOUND-PROOF BOOTHS Special Discount ber of St. Luke’s circle, is to be the club. The club will not begin Washington, D. C. plans made for a busy and pleasant Open Evenings TUI 9 KE, 7375 136-16th Sl married in St. Louis after the to function until the first week in ’The Rev. P. G. O’Connor, C.SS. season. To Register Readers Opening the fall season of activ­ Christmas holidays. October. Miss Murphy called R., is conducting a three-day re­ Father George Keith, S.J., has this meeting to discuss her pre­ on Sports Wear ities, members of the Cathedral Engagement It Anounced treat at the J. K. Mullen home for gone to Leadville to preach at Young People’s club will meet on Announcement has been made liminary plans with the new offi­ the aged. the Forty Hours’ devotion at An­ JACK AND MOMS RITE-OWL 490 So. Colorado Blvd. RIDING — BIKING Wednesday evening, Sept. 20, in of the engagement of Florence cers prior to the first formal The Rev. Vincent McCartan, C. nunciation church there. He will OUTDOOR CLOTHES the Cathedral school cafeteria. Crowley of Holy Innocents circle meeting. SS.R., left Thursday, Sept. 14, for return to Denver the early part of • DINE AND DANCE • OF ALL KINDS A quiz contest, which will fea­ to William Stauter. Five members Gillette, Wyo., where he will con­ next week. ture the evening’s entertainment, of this circle spent their vaca­ duct the first in a series of mis DENVER'S MOST COMFORTABLE COCKTAIL ROOM will be under the direction of Har­ tions traveling, including Mary Colfax Hollywood sions. He will be away for about and old Tracy, cultural activities chair­ Margaret Hart, who went to Cin­ two months. INSELBRIC The SENATE Lounge Sports Store man, assisted by Bernice McGrath cinnati; Polly Curran, to New Ml Carmel Parish Grant and Frank Hickey. A prize will York and Canada; Marion Sulli­ Your Frame Home—NOW I DENVER’S FINEST HUSIO Cor. ISth 4 Curtis be awardcTd to the winner of the van, to Chicago); Margaret Mary SPECIAL This Scientifically MA. t m contest. Opening the meeting Berry, to Craig; Marjorie Regan, promptly at 8:30 will be a short to St. Louis and Cincinnati. To Observe Feast After^Church INSULATED MINIATURE AND MOVIE KODAKS business session at which all offi­ Maxine Davis of Our Lady of DINNER cers and members will be intro­ Lourdes circle has resumed teach­ VENEER We Photograph Anything Anywhere duced and the fall program ex­ ing at the suburban school near COLORADO (Our Lady o f Mt. Carmel Pariah) up For fron t homot* •llminotM oU fatart plained. Limon. Helen Poitz of this circle A Solemn Mass will be sung on paintiiit «xp«nMt. Sstm on fael. Ballds Before the close of the meeting is recuperating from a serious ill­ Sunday, Sept. 17, at 9 o’clock in Dfamw SUrt* 11:1* A. U. in ta n n er and winter conforta and The MUe High Photo Co. School of Art p a ^ for itaelf n a n j times over. at 11 o’clock, refreshments, ar­ ness. honor of the Feast of Our Lady Personal Supervision ttS-n SEVENTEENTH KEYSTONE SlU DKNTBI A UNIVERSITY ranged by Lillian Zanol and Julius Dorothy Meikenhous of Guar­ Phont KE. 7091 DON GRIFFITH, Director of Sorrows. A plenary indulgence Mr. and Mr*. Vaughn-Shelley Conrad, will be served. dian Angel circle spent the holi­ CLASSES In may be gained by all those in the Martin Ford Roofing Many Apply for Membership days at the fiesta in Santa Fe, N. state of p ace every time they Life Drawing More than 25 young men and Mex. visit the church, beginning Satur­ THE and Siding THE NATIONAL LOCK SERVICE Lettering women have applied for member­ Leona Gallagher of the Mysti­ unicoRn S. A. McLean, Mgr. day at noon and ending Sunday 90S 14TH ST. MASTER LOCKSMITH TO THK TRADE Design ship in the Cathedral organization cal Body circle became the bride evening, when Benediction of the 204 E. 13TH AVE. •r IS East Kiowa St. within the past week, President Kalfa and Sclaaer Griadinf Keys WKila You W ait Constructive Drawing of Thomas Wood Wednesday, Blessed Sacrament will be held N«ar ShcriRan ColoraSo Sprincs, Cola. Frank Breen announced at Wed­ Aug. 30, at St. Francis de Sales’ at 7 :30. The English and Italian CH. 9348 1033 ISTH IT. Color Science nesday evening’s committee meet­ church before the Rev. Anthony sections of the Altar society, the BEGIN SEPTEMBER 25th ing. Mr. Breen expects the club Weinzapfel. After a honeymoon members of the Third Order, and 517 ISth St, TA. 2034 soon to be built up to its goal of trip to Yellowstone park, the St. Agmes’ club will receive Holy 100 members. All members are couple afe making their home in Communion in a body at the 7 asked to reregister with the secre­ Urbana, HI. o’clock Mass in honor of Our Lady tary, Edward Kotinek, and the M«rjr Meek to Be Nun of Sorrows, and at the 9 o’clock DENVER treasurer, Stella Tracy, within the Mary Claire Meek of the Mysti­ Mass the members of the Adola next few weeks. cal Body circle left to join the club and the St. Therese’s sodality TYPEWRITER CO. Catholic young people from the Sisters of Charity novitiate at also will receive Communion in entire Denver area are invited by Leavenworth, Kans. a body in honor of Our Lady of • Adding Machines President Breen to attend next Mary Dowd of St. Jude’s circle Sorrows. Listen to the Dime Man Daily 11:15 a. m. on KFEL Wednesday’s meeting. He assures became the bride of Timothy The Adola club will have Its • Typewriters all those attending an enjoyable Cronin Saturday morning, Sept. monthly meeting on Monday eve­ ’The Royal visit has produced Beautiful Fresh Cut • New Portables evening. 2, before Rev. Charles Hagns. At­ ning, Sept. 18, at 8 o’clock in the many unusual bits of news. tendants were Anne Shea and school hall. All members are urged Flowers FAGAN’S ALL MAKES None more astounding than Dan Cronin. After a honeymoon to attend this meeting. that the Indian chiefs used Delivery MA. 3518 Rentals, Repairs, and Supplies trip through Colorado, the couple Couple Marry their wives’ lipstick to apply as Large Assortment of Potted will make their home in Denver. war paint. LEO C. BORAL, Owntr Mike J. Buccino and Angeline Plants and Funeral Designs 1730 Giampa C. Villano were married Sunday, Vacuum Cleanara Repaired . Sept. 10, at the 10:30 o’clock LEWIS MA. 6233 MA. 6254 BARGAIN PRICES Mass. Julius Buccino and Elsie FISH SHOP ALEX Villano were witnesses. , 'sR \ _ r 7>''' Public Service Station Fresh Crappies...„...... lb. 3 5 ^ Nationally Famous Fresh Rock Bass______lb. 35<^ Day, Ph. KE. 93111 Nita, OR. 2349 McGarty-JobRson Now For 50 Years YOU’LL FIND BEST CANNING 2S62 LaHm«r R. H. Hamel, Prop. Live Mtn. Trout___ __ lb. 5 5 ^ JERRY BREEN Ir Ifs New LocatioR Fresh Oyster______pint354^ SELECTIONS AT ^‘LASH’S” t ’ancy Young Hens.....lb. 2 0 ^ Florist F in cj Pfcklcr anil OUtm in Balk FLORIDA FRUIT & E. B. CLAYTON McCarty-Johnson, after 25 Colorado Rainbow Trout, • Orange years at 1430 Curtis street, has FREE DELIVERY TA. S734 PRODUCE CO. 1456 CaUfernia MA. 1026 Small size*, lb...... 4 0 * Plumbing & Heating Co. moved to its new location at TA. W7* Colorado Crappies, lb...... 4 0 * 4 Grape w Denyer’a Rapair Specialiat 1328 Lawrence street. It is Beat Mechaniea now one of the largest heating BE WISE! ’’ Colorado Frog* Leg*, d o z ..-5 5 * • Root Beer concerns in the city. For Best Buys Oysters, Scallops, Shrimp* 2408 E. Colfax EA. 5037 John Berger, a graduate of FRED'S RioGrdnde Regis college in ’28, formerly White Way Cafe Frrinr chickens cut a'p ready to fry • Windsor Water BI-LOW MEAT MKT. ea. Sprinir chicks all sixes lb. Ht* with the B. K. Sweeney Electrical Home Cooked Meals Hem to Fricassee lb. 24c. Tarkoys, MA. 6064 3030 Downing company, has been placed in There is only one place in the docklinr, Gninem chickens, Sanabs. Mike Masterson By Women Cooks l * U C l charge of the stoker department. Home Public market for CORN A popular seller is the Combus- Sightseeing Tours tioneer stoker, one of the pioneers 2 0 , 2 5 , and 3 0 cents BEEF, CORN TONGUE and in the stoker field, which is com­ OPEN S A. M. TO I P. M. CORNED PORK. ADDISON’S pletely installed for $198. Free We have all the unusual spices McCARTY-JOHNSON'S DENVER 505 17UiSt. KE. 3269 estimates and free heating sur­ veys are features of this stream­ you need for pickling. New Location, 1328 Lawrence lined stoker department. SATURDAY SPECIAL John McCacty, graduate of LOUIE GREEIIlUfllD Notre Dame in ’37, is in charge I’M SELLING UQUOR CHEAPER Vinegar ______gal. 2 0 * FAGIN’S of the heating department. He m- COMBUSTIONEER vites his friends to bring in thfir heating problems. There is no FHEE DeliverA. 7411 The Best In Fruit* and charge for estimates. TRY Vegetable* Completely C 4 Q A Tasty STOKERS Installed, as low as 4 1 w O J E S S ’ DISPENSE TELEPHONE MAIN 5523 Elk Coal Co. Klein's Food Stores Foods MA. 5335 BROS. Large Lump...... 5 .9 5 Super MARKET NOTICE MA. 5391 Large Dining Annex Large E g g ...... 5 .8 5 Hundreds of wise shoppers buy MAYER HARDWARE COMPANY Clean Nut ...... 5 .0 0 their meat at Jess’. They know 420 17th St TA. 9905 they get the finest meats the To our many friends and customers: Owing to rapid 1520 .Arapahoe St. All Oth«r Grade*— Tradins 8Ump* market affords at fairest prices. W E E SHOP flucuationsin prices we list no quotations this week. Fire Place Goods LAMB LEGS ‘ ~ BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS No Distortion With Ib. 2 5 c SCREENS But you may be assured that Klein’s will continue Everything for the Kiddies* ANDIRONS DENVER IJNIVIS Bifocals Fancy Colorado Spring 0 0 (9 Chickens, Ib...... fc fc W to sell the best merchandise at lowest possible prices. Lunches at Bargain Pricesr" GRATES W et Wash & Finish The ONLY bifocal with per- PRICES FOR REGISTER READERS ROLLS, BUNS, COOKIES Fire Sets— Gas Logs fectly STRAIGHT top readinf ONLY LAUNDRY lection. No “trooblo” tone. Seo themt GLendale 3636 MEDIUM PULLET F*on« KEYSTONE SS«7 W« M«k« Scoot Neckerchtefi 1840 Central St. VOSS BROS. BI-LOW Large Sugar and Oat> 1 e (;g s AMERICAN PENNANT MEG. CO. Oblong Layer Cake OQ m GREEN Notv an Independent Storm We Use Arlesian JF^aler meal Cookies, Dox...... I w V Dos. Manaf.ctaren of l6 1 o ^ Reg. 35c, Spec., ea...... t w w STAMPS 100% UNION 1 5 * AMorteS I d n n Jelly Rolls, Reg. 19e ON ALL BALES. PENNANTS — BANNERS — PILLOWS — CAPS — TAMS — ARM BANDS 1 CHENILLE EMBLEMS and MONOGRAMS Complete Lemon and Cherry Chif. O O g i Spec., Ea...... I W G WIRTH’S BI-LOW STORE D. C. HAVERSTOCK 417 15th Street Laundry Service OPTICIAN fon Pie., ea...... C.OG 2 for 25c 1 ^ mad* happier with additional facilities. For this V./ICll' MJ g*. Vincent’s Aid society will hold its annual benefit card party Saturday, Sept. 23, at 2:30 p. m. in the Denver Dry Goods tearoom. Proceeds o f the event Father Woeher Sacred Heart Aid win be used to aid in the work being carried on at Mt. St. Vincent's home, where the picture shown be­ Distinctive Furs To Meet SepL l\ low was taken. Honored at Tea

The Sacred Heart Aid society The Rev. Edward M. Woeher, will meet Thursday afternoon, spiritual director of the Taber­ Sept 21, at the Catholic Daugh­ nacle society, was honored Thun- day. Sept. 7, at the home of Mrs. Kewi for Brldeo and Othcn ters’ clubhouse, 1772 Grant street. Who Hat* Droamed of Owninf Mrs. James McDonald, president, M. J. O’Fallon, 161 Vine street, will be in charge. Hostesses will be by members and friends of the NEWEST STYLES IN FINE FURS Syracuse Mrs. John Casmon and Mrs. J. F society. Approximately three hun­ INCLUDED IN THE AUGUST SALE Turpell. dred friends called in the after­ noon to greet Father Woeher, who, AMERICAN-MADK While monthly meetings of the because of the war situation in Sacred Heart Aid society are not Europe will study canon law held in the summer, the relief work at the Catholic university in Wash­ China does not cease in this period. ington, D. C., instead of in Rome, STARTER SETS Reports will be given briefly at as originally planned. ECONOMY ALI^FINISHED FAMILY SERVICE AT BUDGET PRICES: the next session. Miss Anne Birmingham, presi­ Sympathy of the society is ex­ dent of the society, was in charge Additional Pounds at 14c 20-PlECE SETS 10 wearr^ibs. 1*49 tended to Mrs. Grant McKibben, of arrangements and was assisted STeiTthtBf Complatelr Flnlahad CACTL Y?T AT^ Extra Charfa for (Serric* for 4)' an old and valued member, on the by the officers and committee 'The above price li baaed on S: -Laa* X Shirts In 'This service Featured for $9.60 death of her husband. chairmen. In the receiving line were the following: Father CRESCENT LAUNDRY, INC. ““cundldl: ifw to $26.35 Woehes, Mrs. O’Fallon, Mrs. Wnj. ChooM from tti* lavcliett ptttcnu of Denverite, Catholic U. H. Andrew, honorary life presi­ thii famoui mikcr of 8n« Chino I Grad, Passes Bar Exam dent; Mmes. Charles J. Dunn, Ella ItTH AND STOUT STREETS Mullen Weekbaugh, J. B. Hunter, S. P. Mangan, T. J. Sullivan, A. A. Stephen R. McNichols, a grad­ Hauk, John Vail, A. C. Tremlett, W H Y GO DOWN TOWN? uate of the Catholic university in Philip Clarke, Edward T. Gibbons, Washington, D. C., and son of City J. J. Dooling, Charles H. Hayden, Auditor William H. McNichols, Dennis Sheedy, Albert H. Seep, Carson's has been notified that he has passed A. A. Gargan, and Loretta Daugh­ VICE^ the bar examination in Washing­ erty, and Misses Barbara Bach, . PMONE ton, D. C., authorizing him to prac­ Harriet Roderick, and Josephine CHai«T essg tice in the federal courts. He will Woeher. C O R . S 4 S am GILPIN Patronize These Firms. They take the Colorado bar examination Serving tea were the following: Downtown Prices At Your Doorstep Are Co-operating With Your in December. He is now in charge Mmes. John L. Dower, T. A. Cos- Paper. of the library of the West Side griff, H ar^ M. Mulvihill, T. court and district attorney’s office. Walter O’CJonnor, and Charles MacAllister Willcox, and Miss Hilda Gottesleben. Assisting at Close to St. Francis De Sales Hits and Bits S t. Vincent’s Aid to Hold the tea table were Misses Mary Katherine O’F a 11 o n, Kathleen 121 SO. PEARL ST. $4,250 TO ALLOW O’Meara, Shirley Horan, Catherine ▲ rrand fanilr home, eix larr* roome and eleepinf porch, va- EVERYONE AN Akolt, Mary Jeanne Akolt, Mary evam ftfam heat, 3«car farage. Will trade for 5*rooni bangalow. Children should have a quart of E. Currigan, and Mary A. Har­ milk a day— at least one glass to Annual Benefit Sept. 23 rington. drink with each meal and the re­ BENNETT HORTON - 1509 E. Colfax ■ MA. 9191 OProRTUNITY On behalf of the Tabernacle mainder in cooked foods, and St. Vincent’s Aid society will Delehanty, Ella MulleB Week­ adults at least two or three glasses. society, the president, Miss Anne TO TAKE hold its annual benefit card party baugh, M. J. O’Fallon, Mary B. Birmingham, presented a gift to ADVANTAGE Saturday, Sept. 23, at 2 :30 mm. Father Woeber. In a brief weech, Put several sprigs of crushed in the tearoom of the Denver Dry b ’Fallon, Fred H. Kemme, John mint in each glass of orange juice. she paid tribute to Father OF THE Goods store. Mrs. Fred H. Kemme, L. Dower, John Reddin, A. A. Woeber’s efforts and inspiration as 2830 Raleigh street, is chairman, Gargan, George R. Pope, T. SPETH FLORAL COMPANY Every standard cookbook gives spiritual director of the society. of arrangements and Mrs. Edward Walter O’Connor, Harry M. Mulvi- In response, Father Wqeber said Artistic Florists LOW PRICES you a good recipe for mayonnaise, Delehanty, 910 Pearl street, is co- or possibly you buy yours already hill, Lawrence Purcell, Charles J. that he was moved by this beau­ 1211 Bait Colfag Avanna Telcphenaa: CHerry 1244 and CHerry 1817 chairman. The proceeds will be tiful gathering of friends at Mrs. DURING prepared. Add one or two table­ Dunn, H. W. Anderson, Joseph J. DENVER. COLORADO used to assist in the work done O’Fallon’s home. His efforts for spoons of a rich, prepared mustard for orphan boys at Mt. St. Vin­ Walsh, W. J. McGettigan, J. B. to a cup of mayonnaise and you this organization, he affirmed, SAFEW AY’S cent’s home, which was founded in Hunter, P. R. Riordan, A. G. have been anything but work— have captured the secret of a 1883. Dowds, A. A. Hauk, Oscar Malo, really fine dressing. always a real pleasure. The day FOOD FAIR Officers of the society for the Martin Herstrom, Vincent Carlin, sent him from Denver gn’eatly en­ ^WITHETEBTPIIICUSI current year are Mrs. Charles J. Joseph Little, Joseph P. Dunn, Sr.; Ice cream is ideal to Improve couraged by the sincere expressioh CITY PARK DAIRY OF t2.00 OB MORE... Dunn, president; Mrs. George R. Frank Tettem'er, 0. M. Kellog of friendship and good will. 'All Safeway Stores carbonated drinks. A scoop of it Pope, first vice president; Mrs. George Williamson, Keman Week­ Soft curd HOMOGENIZED MILK . . . you can taste the dif­ Aa ottractiv* booklet telling aH oboU in a glass of ginger ale or root Miss Florence Wagner, ^harpist, -S Ihe foods made famoui a! the world Will Remain Open Ella Mullen Weekbaugh, treas­ baugh, Charles MacAllister Will- ference . . . Milk in its most delicious, digestible form. beer is tops. Grape juice and urer; Mrs. Joseph J. Walsh, finan­ cox, J. A. Osner, C. L. Harrington, presented a musical program fain and how to make Iheet dishee Until vanilla ice cream shaken together Among the members of the clergy tlghi in YOur own hccn*. cial secretary; Mrs. A. A. Hauk, Joseph Emerson Smith, H. Grant Phone: EAst 7707 9 P. M. make a delicious hot weather recording secretary; Mrs. A. G. Wimbush, Alfred H. Rampe, Her­ who attended were the Rev. F. drink. Dowds, corresponding secretary. man Seep, Albert Seep, Jr.; James Gregory Smith, the Rev. Elmer September 15-21, At the home of Mrs. Edward Sodan, Frank Heart, P. J. Sulli­ J. Kolka, the Rev. Bernard J. WRITHK BY K jm a . To prevent diced fruits from Cullen, the Rev. Arthur J. Lucy, Incl. Delehanty Monday, Sept. 11, offi­ van, Giles S. Foley, Leo Connell, NJIlONUir RSOWN HOMEiCONOVII-.' dropping to the bottom of a gelatin cers and committee members met L. A. Bastin, Thomas J. Mor­ the Rev. Hubert Newell, an^ the mold, chill fruits and add when to complete arrangements for the rissey, S. P. Mangan, Anna Camp­ Rev. J. Roy Figlino. gelatin mixture has partly con­ benefit party. Present were the bell, Benjamin C. Hilliard, Jr.; gealed. following: Mmes. Charles J. Dunn, Frank Ottman, Willis Elliot, Paul A Lesson in Loveliness George R. Pope, Joseph J. Walsh, Fitzgerald, M. Nolan, J. Kindlen, Fr. Sciwite to Speak A. A. Hauk, Edward Delehanty, and Warwick Downing, and Misses OTTO DRUG CO. Fred H. Kemme, W. J. McGetti- Bernadine Kirchhof, Hilda GotteS' At Loyola Noveaa W. 38th and Clay GRand 9934 gan, and S. P. Mangan, and Misses leben, Anne Birmingham, Sadie SRFEURY Anne O’Neil and Margaret Ma­ Birmingham, Anne O’Neill, Mar­ Why Pay Carfare to Buy loney. garet Maloney, Teresa Courtney, Father Theodore Schulte, S.J., A Your Drugs? Impressed by the splendid and Ruth Dolan, and Katherine Kirk of Regis college will give the ser­ worthwhile work which has been Patrick. mon at Friday evening’s service Same Lon Pricee as Donntonn done for the last 56 years by Mt. Those who are Interested In St. Vincent’s home, members of promoting the work done at the of the perpetual novena in honor PEACH DUMPLINGS the society and their friends are home may secure tickets from Mrs. of the Sacred Heart. The devo­ showing interest and enthusiasim in Kemme, 2830 Raleigh street, tions will begin at 7 :30 o’clock, By Betty the success of the party. Num­ GLendale 2830. the usual hour for devotions in the bered among those who have Make a rich baking powder bieeuit dough. Roll dough as for biscuits, but cut already signified their intention of fall and winter. in four-inch squares. In center of each square, place two half peachee Off to (College being hostesses are the following: Prof. W. L. Burkhardt, the new (cooked). Bring four points of square together. At top moisten and press Mmes. Ralph W. Kelly, Edward edges together. Place In a greased baking dish. Make the following sauce} choir director at Loyola, will be at the organ. The perpetual novena 3 rape ef peach Jalee Clem Kohl Family Back is now in its 56th week. 1 rap sugar D. Malcolm Carey, Pharmacist From California Visit BEAUTY PRIMER Small piece of butter Mr. and Mrs. Clem Kohl, their Spicee to taste Prescriptions daughter, Rita, and son. Bob, re­ by turned this week from a month’s When boiling hot, pour over dumpling in baking dish. Bake three«K]uartert of Our Specialty vacation at Long Beach, Calif an hour. PHONE KE. 42S1 U4 SIXTEENTH ST. They also visited the fair on Treasure island. While in Holly­ wood Rita won first prize on Kay PIKES PEAK CAKE FLOUR Keyser’s radio prog;ram. H.nof.etoml by * w w w w w w w mw w w w w w ww' HUNGARIAN FLOUR MILLS CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING Classified Ads y It will pax you to read ALL of the following advertiiements. ^

DRUG STORES RADIO REPAIR HUTCHINSON’S PHARMACY Radios, radio tubes, eleetrical appliaimes, Your Naborbood Druggist repairinK. Tower Shop, 2430 E. 6th Ave. Phone SPruce 0688 700 So. Pear) EM. 4409. JAMES HUTCHINSON PRINTING COAL , DUSTLESS DELIVERY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Wedding Announeemente, Calling Cards, Personal Stationenr, and all Commercial C lim A x Lump or E ff $5.95 Reconditioned ptanoe, players, vrands, PHnting. Free Street Guides. RODGERS Miss Githerine Ann Akolt All Grade! at Standard Prlea oraana (pipe and reed), orchestral inatru- PRINTING CO., 611 14th St. KE. 4064. Special Stoker Coal menta. T. R. Walker, 28$ Broadway, 8P (above), president o f the Sodality 7364. HOME FOR SALE o f Our Lady o f -Sorrows at St. The Owen Coal Co. SSI W. Brnycnd Av*. SP. 4418 KIMSEY & CO. St. Vincent de Paul parish, S. Josephine Mary’s academy last year, will leave Wbat do girli want—and need—In the way of beauty St., 1% story red brick, fnll finished base­ (Real Estate Sales and Rentab) this week for Trinity college in ment, laundry room, den, metal garage. care? Elizabeth Arden knowsi She has thoughtfully MORTGAGE LOANS Close church, schools. Under 84,500. Washington, D. C Optometrist and Optician 808 S. Pearl (Near Theater) PEarl 8782. assembled nine beauty essentials In an attractive PE. 4638 HELEN WALSH MATTRESS RENOVATING book-box that will gladden the hearts of girls in and WANTED— FURNITURE Amoci.4. SPECIAL PRICE FOR LIMITED TIME WANTED— Hotuebold furniture, old eloth- MATTRESSES CUSHIONED WITH out of colleae. It holds these essentials. . . ina, pictures, kitchen utensils, etc. The QUALITY INNER SPRINGS, NEW W. R. JOSEPH O On yotir next trip, let a Union Pacific Denver Deanery’s Benefit Shop. Call TAbor COVERS, FELTED. CARDED. 86.45: 2916. 1335 Lawrence streeL ONE-DAY SERVICE. MATTRESSES EYES EXAMINED engineer do your driving . , , while you RENOVATED, NEW COVERS, 82.46 HOTELS MOUNTAIN STATES MATTRESS CO., Phon. TAb.r llie ARDENA CLEANSING CREAM, SKIN LOTION, ORANGE Iie. > H ajntk BMa. relax in true travel enjoyment! To prove that 2106 16TH ST. TA. 0982. 21 NEWHOUSE HOTEL SKIN CREAM, HAND LOTION, AMORETTA CREAA4, the trains offer more for your money: where IN THE SHADOW of Colorado', beau­ FLOWERS tiful capitoL Colfaz at Grant, Denver. Farther AU-DAY FOUNDATION CREAM, LIPSTICK, NAIt else con you get a combination of time-sav* Colo. Holland bulbs, peonies, dwarf perennial phlox. Lieb's. 2601 Quitman. POLISH, lUUSION POWDER...... ^5. ing speed, cor-conditaoned comfort, delicious CATHOUC DAUGH'TERS’ HOME. Will lead you to Denver’s most FILLMORE DRUG 177Z Grant. Pleasant home for eirla. SILK HOSIERY popular priced and largest meals, superb service — at such low cost? FURNACES AND GRATES Corticelli Silk Hosiery wear better, scat variety STORE, INC. less. Priced from 69c to 81.00 a pair. We Street Floor, FURNACES INSTALLED ft REPAIRED mend hosiery. Denver .Umbrella Shop. 616- HAT SHOP IMS ■> Calfu Av«a* Aik your Union Pacific H. H. York, S27 EL Exposition. PEarl 2218 15th St. Agent about low fare* See Our New ^ 4 Q l* Our Prescription Department is to the Pacific CoatU FALL HATS ... 9 I mCD the pride of our store— Let us JAMES MOTOR CO. Convince you by filling your R A X D ^ S Prescriptions. DODGE AND PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTORS Frr. Dcliv«ry Servle. to Ai:y Part .t UNION PACIFIC Expert Repair Service at Reasonable Ratea— A b o Used Cars MILLINERY tht City for Any of Tonr Wants "W hm Denver Shape With Contidence"—Phone KB. 2111 RoatJ of tiiB ^twauHwt'n onj flip (ItolliHtqeTS 13th & Lincoln KE. 8221 COR. 15TH ft STOUT 111 15TH 8T. CALL EAST 1861 Office, 938 Bannock Street Thursday, Sept. 14, 1939 PAGE TEN Telephone, JKEyston^ 4205 THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER

for the opening of the Pax Romans con­ European Royalty Was Present vention in New York. Prince Felix o f Four Parochial Luxembourg and his son, Crown Prince Jean (le ft), with Archbishop Francis J. Spellman o f New York and Auxiliary Bishop Stephen j/ Donahue (right), former Administrator of the New York archdiocese, are shown leaving St. Patrick’s Cathedral after the Solemn Pontifical Ma»i that opened the 18th annual Games Scheduled Pax Romans feuions.— (Wide World.) ______For Friday Night REMEMBER

First taste of the gridiron wars will be given to'"four Parochial league teams Friday night, Sept, 15, when Mullen home, Cathedral, the Holy Family Tigers, and St. Francis’ pry the lid off the pre­ THE CHURCH season schedule of practice skit' mishes. Cathedral, co-favorites with Regis for the loop bunting, will open its season against .Golden high on the Mines greensward. Coach Frank Collins has ten le^ termen from which to build his IN YOUR WILL... team, and with such veterans as Charley Campbell and Chuck Di Manna, both all-league selections last year, Golden will have trouble on its hands. Mullen home’s Mustangs will face Aurora on the latter’s lighted Remember the Poor Missions of the Diocese field and the boys from the farm have a good chance for victory. Only three men are gone from last year’s strong eleven, which dropped a practice tilt to their Friday night hosts, 12 to 6. The Holy Family Tigers, with ten returning insignia winners, will match passes and punts with Form of Bequest for Establishment of the Wheatridge high eleven on their opponents’ field. A close and evenly fought game is expected with Wheatridge getting a slight nod. Funds for Education of Priests: St. Francis’ will have the tough­ est row to hoe of all the local Catholic prep teams when squares off with the heavy Little­ ton high team on the latter’s field Coach Bert Kerns has seven re­ ST. FRANCIS DE SALES’ HAS turning lettermen in his lineup Regis to Stage and hopes to present a fast and shifty attack to offset the Little­ 3 NEW FACULTY MEMBERS ton weight advantage. “ I hereby give and bequeath to the The other league teams will re (St. Francis do Sales’ Pariah) Wednesday, Sept 18, for St. Pigskin Preview main inactive this weekend, al Three new members are serving Louis, Mo., to enter the Sisters of though two of the clubs may on the faculty of St. Francis de Joseph novitiate. She will be pro­ sneak practice scrimmages with Sales’ schools this year. Sister fessed and will receive her garb Roman Catholic Bishop of the other schools in order to avoid Mary Marcella has come from St. March. M y , SepL 17 the prying eyes of enemy scouts Teresa’s Junior college, Kansas Numerous parties and showers The league will officially get City, Mo., to the English depart­ have been given in her honor in under way Friday, Sept. 22, when ment of the high school here, ex­ the past few weeks. Among them The 1939 gridiron machine of Diocese of Denver, Colorado, the St. Francis’ tackles the Annuncia­ changing positions with Sister was a surprise shower gpven by the Regis college Rangers will pass Anna Marie, who was an instructor tion Cardinals under the Mer­ Miss Virginia Carroll. Those pres­ in review before Coaches Dave chants’ park lights. Two other at St. Francis’ for six years. Sis­ ent were Mmes. Brady and Car- night games will be played when ter Mary Carlos from Rosati-Kain roll and Misses Lena Belle Sloan, Kelley and Harry Ebding and sum of $ ...... for the education Cathedral meets St. Francis’ diocesan high school for girls, St Elvira Schwab, Margaret Bauer, many of its supporters in a pre­ Thursday, Sept. 28, and Mullen Louis, Mo., is teaching in the com­ Virginia Powell, Rowena Adams, season skirmish in the Regds sta­ mercial department in place of and Regis lock horns Thursday, Gasperine Petrovich, Mary M. dium Sunday afternoon. Sept. 17, Oct. 5. Miss Mary Clare Meek, who on Grabus, Anita Fischer, Rita and Sept. 1 entered the novitiate of the Betty Woodman, Marian Henc beginning at 2:30. Everyone is and maintenance, in Colorado, of Sisters of Charity in Leavenworth, mann, Inez Tulloh, and Lucille invited. Admission is free. Kans. Sister Mary Dolorine has Cudney. In this informal presentation assumed charge of the fifth grade, CLUB ID HOLD exchanging classes with Sister Parties were also given by Miss Father Joseph A. Ryan, S.J., Mary Paul, who is now at St. Lena Belle Sloan and Miss Vir­ faculty head of athletics at Regis, students studying for the priesthood. ginia Powell Roch’s school, St. Louis, Mo, feels he is offering to the foot­ The orchestras of the grade The ’37 Bridge club met at the ball public of Denver a splendid home of Miss Petrovich and pre­ DIBiB SEPT. IS school and high school will play opportunity to witness football Tuesday, Sept. 19, in the 'high sented Miss Brady with a missal, plays in the making, to meet the school auditorium before two audi­ Mitt Craig Honored Ranger coaches, and to examine (Annunciation Pariib) ences— the high school students at Miss Rita Ellen Craig of the the football material of the Jesuit 2 p. m. and the parents of the class of Y939, who left this week achool in its first scrimmage under The German Social club is spon­ to enter the novitiate of the Sis­ fire. soring its annual chicken dinner oriffiestra members, stjudents, and other friends at 8 p. m. The ters of St. Joseph in St. Louis, was A public address system will and social Saturday evening. Sept. the guest of honor at a surprise 16, from 5 to 8 o’clock. orchestras will- give a -program of be installed for this pigskin pre­ numbers they have studied in their party Friday evening. Sept. 8, in view. The two coaches will ex­ Sodalistt to Receive Euchariit weekly practices this summer un­ the home of Lucille Meehan. plain the various formations and This Sunday members of the der the direction of Mr. Libonati. Twenty-four former classmates plays and the duties of the men sodality and the older girls of the They have presented these num­ and friends presented Miss Craig in carrying them through. Coach parish will receive Communion at bers before several gp-oups in with a St. Andrew’s missal and Kelley will depict graphically a the 7:30 Mass. Denver and vicinity recently. Sis­ other gifts. number of scoring plays developed The women of the Altar and ter Mary Augusta is moderator of Those who attended the party by California, his alma mater A Permanent Burse for the Perpetual Rosary society will sew Tuesday the orchestras. were Mmes. John B. Craig, John Ebding will illustrate winning afternoon. Sept. 19, at 1 in the Sodality to Meet Finnegan, Michael Masterson, and thrusts employed by St. Mary’s sacristy. Material for amices, W. J. Meehan and Misses Rita and the Detroit Lions, two teams Pending the first meeting of the purificators, and corporals has Craig, Frances Finnegan, Helen on which he played in recent years. year Friday, Sept. 22, .the sodality been purchased. Albs and altar Bagan, Mary Gorman, Elaine A scrimmage drill between last is publicizing the sodality calendar cloths will be mended. Becker, Margie Kreiling, Pauline year’s varsity and the pick of the Education of a Seminarian is $6,000 and urging the observance of the The St. Vincent de Paul society Hanks, Kathleen Collins, Christine new men seeking berths will meets every Monday evening in Feasts of Our Lady which fall this Hood, Phyllis Schaffer, Alma climax the workout. Hagus hall. month, with special emphasis on Walsh, Mary Jo Mulligan, Sylvia the Feast of the Seven Sorrows Some 65 Rangers, the largest The committee in charge of the Nastley, Irene Nuoci, Mary Louise turnout in the history of Regis, Friday, Sept. 15. The officers for Mauro, Della Wier, Dorothy Gro- will draw on the armor of battle recent Altar and Rosary card party the year, chosen last spring, are expresses gratitude to all who ninger, Isabelle Thompson, Jean Sunday. A good idea of the Any Portion of this, However, as follows: Prefect, Jerry Auer; helped make it a success. Ecke, and Mary Meehan. strength and ability of the Regis assistant prefect, Richard Lamb; Women to Meet Sept. 21 Infant Baptized machine is expected to be gained secretary, Charlotte Delaney, and Gertrude Ann Weider, daughter ‘at the preview. A meeting of the Altar and Ros­ treasurer, Shirley French. of Mr. and Mrs. William Weider, ary society will be held Thursday Attracted by the enlarged ath­ The high school library recently was baptized recently, with Joseph letic program instituted at Regis afternoon. Sept. 21, at Hagus hall. received several volumes of its Folkner and Gertrude Quinn as can be left. last year, football material is on A covered-dish luncheon will be reference collection, the gift of sponsors, hand from all sectors of the coun­ served at 1 o’clock. Mrs. A. J. Moore of 40 Nevada The Altar and Rosary society try._ Eight 'likely prospects from Mary Louise Hebert, daughter place. will receive Holy Communion Sun­ California have enrolled. Most of of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Hebert, left Leavei for Novitiate day, Sept. 17, at the 8 o’clock the standout players of the Denver last week for Leavenworth, Kans., Miss Marion Brady, daughter of Mass. The monthly meeting will Parochial league have matricu­ where she will enroll at the St. Mr. and Mrs. John Brady and a. be held Friday afternoon. Sept. lated at Regis. Fifteen letter men Mary college. She was accompan­ g;raduate of the high school, left 15, at 2 o’clock in the basement are back. Trinidad sent four ied by her parents. Rose Mary Mc­ of the rectory. Father Joseph aspirants. Seven are on hand from Clain and Phylis McCormick are O’Heron, pastor of St. Louis’ seniors at the college this year. Milwaukee. Chicago told eight to church, Englewood, will be the go west— to Regis. Four top-rank­ THE SUM OF $350 WILL TAKE Members of the parish are in­ 1st F a ll Meet guest speaker. ing stalwarts are present from vited to join the Pinochle club, Tuesday morning. Sept. 12, the Pueblo. Three came ove¥ the hills which is starting a new serie.s Of P.-T.A. Held marriage of Richard Sylvester from Durango. Six from the state every Monday evening in Hagpis Flagelle and Dorothy White was runnerup Loveland high team are hall at 8:15. held before Father Leo Thome, on hand. Ten are from Nebraska. The best wishes of the parish (Holy Rotary Parith) with Archie Flagelle and Marjorie Regis tackles the strong New CARE OF A STUDENT are extended to the Rev. John The P.-'T.A. held its first fall White as attendants. Mexico Normal college eleven in Doherty, who was transferred last meeting Thursday afternoon. Sept. The Rev. Henry Schillinger of the opener on Sept. 30. Eight week to St. Anthony’s parish. 14. The P.-T.A. fosters the co­ Green River, Wyo., and the Rev. games, with six at home, are on Sterling. ‘A hearty welcome is operation between school and home Albin Gnidovic of Rock Springs, the season’s schedule, and no junior for the welfare of children. Par­ extended to the Rev. Francis Wyo., were guests at the rectory colleges will be played. The sea­ ents are urged to attend the meet­ FOR ONE YEAR. Pettit, the new assistant. Tuesday, Sept. 6. son’s grand finale will be with ings and to take active part in the Junior C. D. o f A. Mines Nov. 30. P.-T.A. to Hold Card Parly activities. The first benefit for the P.-T.A. Miss Helen Dillinger and Miss The school resumed classes the Warden Rogers, newly elected fund for this season will be a card day after Labor day. The enroll­ party Wednesday evening, Sept. 20, president and vice president of the Stancaib Offers New ment is about the same as last Junior C. D. of A., respectively, in Hagus hall. Mmes. Magor, year. Sister Benver, wko is the Kelly, Jlonckton, Ryan, and Mur­ are leading the order’s membership Musical Trainiag Plan . I] superior and who was ill a long drive this week. This is the first phy, officers of the P.-T.A., will time, has recovered and is able to be the hostesses. All are urged time in three years that the presi­ teach the seventh and eighth dency has been held by a member Youngsters can now begin their to remember the date and to help grades. Several improvements have musical training without the ne make this party a success. of the parish, and support of the been made in the school. The work campaign is urged, cessity of purchasing an instru FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, APPLY AT , The Stagehands will hold a pic­ done by parishioners is appreci­ Frederick McCallin, James Hal- ment by enrolling in the fall be­ nic near Tinytown this Sunday. ated and special thanks are due the loran, and Joseph Leberer have re­ ginners’ class at the Stancato Ac­ women who solicited funds to pay turned to St. Thomas’ seminary to cordion school, now located in for the improvements. continue their studies for the new studios at 1531 Glenarm Society to Give Dinner priesthood. place. An instrument loan service is^ now available for those who Cathedral Men The Altar society will gpve a Herbert Pritchard, a sophomore 11 dinner Sunday evening, Oct. 8. wish to take a newly-designed in the high school, left for Los trial course of lessons. This is an annual event. Angeles, Calif., where he will To Take Census The Dramatic club is making Finest of instruction under the enter Los Angeles college, a minor personal supervision of Joe Stan­ preparations for the presentation seminary of that archdiocese. Chancery A complete census of the Cathe­ of The White Sister. The play will cato, formerly with the Gavaini George Weibel has returned to school in Boston, is afforded all dral will be launched immediately be given towards the end of Oc­ the Pontifical College Josephinum, by the Legion of Mary praesidium tober. students. A pupil of Pietro Deiro Worthington, 0., to continue his of New York (daddy of the ac­ at the Cathedral, which is the only Father Victor M. Grabrian, 0. studies for the priesthood. legion unit*^in the diocese exclu­ S.M., who spent a month with his cordion) and Frank Gavaini of Parish Census Taken Boston, Mr. Stancato offers sively for men. It is expected, ac­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gra­ The response to the parish cording to the Rev. Arthur Lucy, brian, left Thursday evening. Sept. thorough musical training i census Sunday' was satisfactory. proper note-reading technique, chaplain of the Cathedral group, 14, for Chicago. He is stationed Ail adults attending signed cards at Our Lady of Sorrows church. established the Denver school in that the census will result in bring­ in order to determine approxi­ Office ing many indifferent Catholics to 1935 in the Tabor theater build­ mately the number of persons pres­ ing, where he remained until re­ a regular practice of their faith, Priceless Frescoes Are ent at Mass on Sundays as well as and will bring about the rectifica­ cently, when rapid growth neces­ Burned in Church Fire on holy days. Father Thome sitated moving the school to larger tion of marriages and the dis­ wishes to express his appreciation covery of unbaptized children of quarters at .1531 Glenarm. for the co-operation given by all. Accordion bands for advanced Catholic parents. ’Through the Vicenza. — Priceless 14th cen­ About 3,000 signed cards were 1536 Logan Street Denver, Colorado legion’s work, 50 children, who students are maintained as a part tury frescoes depicting the life of returned. of the school service. One of the had been attending public schools, St. Catherine were destroyed when The Cub Scouts o f troop 126 were enrolled this semester in the Stancato groups recently made re­ fire damaged the Church of St. will meet in the assembly room of cordings which are currently heard Cathedral schools. An invitation Catherine. Alpine soldiers who the rectory Friday evening, Sept. has been issued to all. men of the in numerous places in the Denver were camping on the mountain .15, at 7:30. Scoutmaster Brown area. Cathedral parish to affiliate them­ slopes near tn^e city helped local invites all boys under the age of K selves with the organization. , Those desiring information are firemen control the flames. 12 to attendj lasked to call TAbor 4010. f I^urs'day, Sept. 14, 1939 Office, 938 Baimoclt Streel THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone KEysfone 4205 PAGE ELEVEN

INSULATION K. of C. Prepare Widespread Presentation P.-T. A. Will Glee Club and Choral Conducting Prof. Werner L. Bnrkhardt Columbus Day Observance Resume Meetings Sept. 20 ORGANIST— CHOIRMASTER St. Ignatius Loyola Church

(Pretentation Parith) receive Holy Communion this Sun­ Instruction^ GOmFORf La Junta. — (State K, of C. f i' Durango.— The Forty Honri' de­ News) — District deputies and the United States The P.-T.A. will hold its first day. Members will hold their regu­ Voice Organ votion opened at St. Columba’s. ,, . , at lower coat grand knights are preparing for a on all government buildings, and , . _ J o . meeting of the school year on lar meeting this Friday evening. Piano Gregorian Chant wider observance of Columbus day urges the people to observe the day church on Tuesday morning, Sept. l , Wednesday, Sept. 20, at 2 o’clock. Social Set for Sept. 21 Liturgical Aesthetics Let cold North winds howl with a view to bringing Oct. 12 and in schools and churches or other at 8 o’clock with Mass and a Father Hubert Newell will bo the The Altar and Rosary society OKGANIZING AND TRAINING MEN AND BOY CHOIRS A SPECIALTY .. let summer thermometers its meaning to the attention of all suitable places with appropriate procession. A different priest, will sponsor a pie social and Phone: MAin .2402 * sosxt Relax in the even tern* citizens, reports George 0. Kelley, ceremonies expressive of the public gave a sermon at 7:30 each eve- Kuest speaker, Father H. A. state deputy. Each year the Presi­ sentiment befitting the anniversary ning. Benediction of the Blessed | Geisert will also address the games party in the old rectory on Iiratures of your home un* dent of the United States, through of the discovery of America. er Elaterite insulation. Sacrament followed. Solemn clos- women. All the mothers of the Thursday evening. Sept. 21, at 8 s; the authorization embodied in pub­ o’clock. A number of valuable Correspondence School ing took place Thursday evening,! hjidren in school are asked to at- lic resolution 21, 73rd congress, prizes wilj be awarded. Refresh­ approved April 30, 1934, issues a Offers Opportunities B J 11 . tend the meeting as important ments will be served. PHOTO ENGRAVERS . . . Call CM. 555/ School Has Racord Enrollment business must be taken care of. proclamation designating Oct. 12 Unlimited opportunity for home The parochial school opened Instructions for Confirmation For Your Every Printing Plate Need FOR FRIE INSPECTION as Columbus day; calls upon of- study is made available to Sept. 6, with an enrollment of more will be given at both Masses this SPECIAL FACIUTIES FOR SCHOOL ANNUAL PUBLICATIONS Knights of Columbus and their X ;L‘Slho‘oVC|0’Connor Will Usts Sunday and the following Sunday. families by the correspondence All those who are to be con­ Season Opened school sponsored by the national ever' had. It is believed that the | C flt h o llC Institutions firmed should present their Bap­ K. of C. Although the number of Animas Valley bus service has tismal certificates to the pastor and Coloradoans now enrolled for augmented the number of pupils to 1 Toronto. — T h e Christian receive papers to fill out and re­ By Aid Society courses ia small. State Deputy some extent. _ Brothers and Catholic institutions turn to the pastor by this Sunday ARCHIE J. HcPHEIL Prodoction H u irw George 0. Kelley, in his corre­ There are two seta of twins inUre among the beneficiaries of at the latest. Rehearsal for the 1803H Broadway KE. 2621 spondence with the various coun­ the first grade this year, Richard the will of Senator Frank P. sponsors and those to be con­ ROOFING The Good Shepherd Aid society’s and Rita Gallavan, children of Mr. O’Connor, noted candy magnate COMI'ANY first meeting of the fall season was cils, is stressing the practical firmed will be held in the church on studies being offered and antici and Mrs. Richard GaHavan, and and Catholic layman, disposing of Friday evening. Sept. 29, at 8 EQUITABLE BLDG. DENVER held Thursday afternoon at the PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS home of the president, Mrs. J. J. pates an increase in state members Helene and Geraldine Harrington, an estate valued at $6,545,465. o’clock. on the school’s enrollment lists. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Eyes Examined Glasse* Fitted Campbell, who was assisted by Mrs. Harrington. Carl A, Sweiger. Mrs. W. J. Mc- More than 30,000 students have Miss Engler Is Visitor HARRY M. LUSTIG Menamy, chairman of the lawn taken advantage of the school Miss Rosalie Engler, who Is en-j part., reported a very successful since it was established and 26,000 gaged in recreational work in Den­ . OPTOMETRIST affair netting $207. World war veterans received ver, is spending her vacation visit­ Office Phone KEyttone 3683 Volunteers for the Community training from 1924 to 1929, ac ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. 1 See What S98.50 Buys at the American 935 Fifteenth St. Chest drive were called for by Mrs. cording to Mark J. Sweany, na­ Engler, in Durango. OCUtrSTS - PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED C. V. Gooding. Members who wish tional educational director of the John Duggan, youngest son of! to contribute their assistance K. of C. and Colorado state deputy Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Duggan, has are asked to send her their names from 1918 to 1920.' gone to Notre Dame university,] The Anderson as soon as possible. Boy Life Bureau where he will enter as a junior. It’s the Qucdity You Can Buy Arrangements for the annual Mary Margaret McNamara, Ger-I Photograph Studio bazaar were discussed, and Dec. To Send Lecturer aldine Dieckman, and Dolorine Phone MAin 1373 and 6 were decided upon as the The Boy Life bureau of the su­ Klahn have gone to Atchison, Kans., where they enrolled at 1201 FiftMnth SU—Cor. Lavrcnco dates. preme council is arranging to send at the Price that Makes These a representative to Colorado next Mt. St. Scholastica college. The DeiiTtr, Colo. Mrs. J. L. Brubaker and Miss young women were graduated Lena Amato have supervision of month. He will not only contact the three circles of Columbian from the Durango high school in] the Needlework guild. .Members June. JOBS WANTED are being asked to deliver their Squires now operating in Fort Collins, Denver, and Durango, but Thomas McCartney, eldest son of | Values So Wonderful...... For Good Workers contributions to these women by Mr. and Mrs. Leo McCartney, has Oct. 3. will also visit those communities of any type, permanent or odd w'here . circles may be formed. registered at the University of| job, call Employment Department. Oct. 12 is the date for the next Present plans call for a two-eve­ Arizona. meeting, which will be at the home Catholic Charities ning course of lectures that will McKinnon MacDonald and three | of Mrs. Giles Foley, 1301 Higrh cover the situation completely. sisters, Jeannette, Helen, and Min- 1666 Grant St. KEystone 6386 street. nette, of Bayfield, were business! 4-Pg. m a h o g a n y 18th CENTURY BEDROOM Members of La Junta council visitors in Durango on Saturday, No. 1161 will act as a guard of Sept. 9. honor to the Most Rev. Urban Marguerite Elkins of Grand I Vehr at the Solemn Pontifical Junction spent the weekend with LOOP MARKET Mass in La Junta Sunday, Sept. $ her mother, Mrs. Anna Elkins, in] .50 FIFTEENTH AND LAWRENCE 17, at 11 o’clock on the new high Durango. Free Parking With Purchase of 50e or More at 1429 Lawrence school athletic field. The Mass After spending the summer here I marks the beginning of the golden with relatives. Miss Marie Matley 98 jubilee celebration of St. Patrick’: and Miss Mary O’Rourke returned parish. to their respective schools in Los You Can Always Save at Palmer s A large number of members of Angeles and San Pedro, Calif., | Regular $135.00 Stratton council No. 2099 were on where both are teachers. hand Sunday afternoon for the an Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zuzick of! Biice Selection of nual installation meeting of the Leadville are spending a couple of Even the original could­ council. weks in Durango visiting friends. n’t make your room look BEAUTIFUL FALL FLOWERS District Meeting Planned lovelier than this excel­ District D e p u ty Frank Sierra of lent reproduction. Del Norte is arranging for a dis­ trict meeting of council officers !S! EillL III Palmer Flowers and members of San Luis, Anto- Bed, 5-drawer chest, 7- LOOP MARKET nito, Del Norte, and Alamosa coun drawer vanity and up­ cils to be held at Alamosa Sunday, holstered bench built of Ks Connection With Any Other Florist of Similsr Namo In DenTor Sept. 24, at 2:30 p. m. I fine mahogany veneers— KE. 6010 Open All Day Sunday Cardinal Dolci, 72, Dies mahogany drawer bot- Canon City.— (Abbey School)— -toms, dustproof con­ LOOP GROCERY FORMERLY BI-LOW In Native Italian City Opening its doors to the largest struction — each piece student body in the history of thej captures the traditional CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP...... 7e institution, the Abbey school be­ charm of 18th Century CivHella d’Agliano, Italy.— An gan its 13th scholastic year Sept. 7 | gelo Maria Cardinal Dolci, 72, died with 151 students enrolled. designing. ' mTirTTR A N A R Y here, his native city, Thursday, Besides Colorado, the states In-1 Aug. 14. He was elevated to the eluded in the enrollment are Wyo­ $5 Down Delivers ITe Sell in Bulk Only Sacred College in the consistory ming, New Mexico, California, ■EALTH CEREALS — DRIED FRUIT — MACARONI in Rome in 1933 and became DOG FOOD — SEEDS Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, imB Cardinal of the Curia engaged in Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, New York, administrative affairs of the Holy Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and See. He previously had served the South Dakota. The leading Indi­ Church in South America, Turkey, vidual out-of-state city is Santa | SOLES and the Balkans, acting at one Fe, N. Mex., with 12 students pres­ Men*!, Wora«n*t, and time as Papal Nuncio to Rumania. ent. From Grand Rapids A S M I L K . Childrtn't Half Solaa This year’s college department! ROASTED TODAY- Loop Shoe Priest Gets Results numbers 38, the remainder of the REPAIR SHOP On ‘Visual’ Instructions boys being in the high school di­ DELIVERED TODAY Loop Market, -Lawreact Street Side vision. The entire fourth floor of Abe, Quality Teea, SpiMS, the Abbey building has been con­ Come These New Extracts and Baking Powder St. Louis, Mo.— Some unusual verted into a college department, When buying from the results have been attained through where the students reside in fra­ firms advertising in this the efforts of the Rev. Hugh Har­ ternity rooms, with from two to kins, S.J., who has been conduct­ six per room. Of the total enroll-1 paper, please mention that ing classes for those desiring bet ment, 112 are boarding students. CoFpEf^SPICECa ter knowledge of thu Catholic you saw their advertise­ Publication’t Staff Organixed 18th Century E.Tangr»JMN faith. He owes much of his success ment to the “ visual method” followed in Under the supervision of Frater | his talks. Bonaventure Bandi, O.S.B., direc­ tor of -publications, the initial I Chronicle meeting was held last Friday. Acting as editor-in-chief for the second year ■will be Thomas Hanzo, Cleveland, 0. Assisting Mr. Hanzo will be Mr. Van Doug­ lass, Pueblo, business manager; Thomas Butler, Santa Fe, N. Mex., ^Pc. LIVINGROOM SUITES and Don Monty, Denver, sports editors; Donald Cyr, McCook, Two New Designs Regular $145.00 r ~ . Nebr., art editor, and Dave Bene- ditti, Santa Fe, N. Mex., photog­ raphy. Reporters have not as yet been named. The year’s first | Chronicle will appear Oct. 1. A t Daniels A The first general assembly of! Fisher and the year for the high school de­ partment was held Thursday, Sept. nowhere else 7, when the Rev. Au^stine La- In Denver. Marche, O.S.B., rector, read the rules and privileges to the assem- | bled student body. TOUIER Party Scheduled

psiiSf At St. Elizabeth’s HOSICRV (St. Elizxbeth’i Pariih) The Altar and Rosary society will sponsor a luTIcheon card party 9 brings you sheer flattery with new and longer service on Wednesday afternoon. Sept. 27. Luncheon will be served from 12 to 2 o’clock. Cards will be played For Two Pieces Because Tower silk stockings have the new Dura-Bond finish after luncheon. There will be a which assures longer wear for every pair, you will find new special prize and tabla prizes. plepure in wearing sheer chiffons of two and three-thread Tickets are 35 cents. All old and weights. A special film covers each silken thread, providing new friends are invited. Never has $98.50 bought so much furniture— considering the styl­ smart protection without impairing the beauty of the dainti­ The Young Ladies’ sodality and ing, quality and comfort—furniture made in the nation’s furniture the Children of Mary will receive est chiffons. Choose Tower two-threads for festive occasions Holy Communion Sunday, Sept. capital—furniture you’ll love to point to with pride when friends and love the slim way theyilatter your ankles. Choose Tower l7, at the 9 o’clock Mass. drop in—furniture with deep attached pillow backs, luxury seat three-threads for dressy afternoons and know that your The Rev. Anthony Fox, O.F.M., feet will look exceptionally trim. B^oth weights are all silk, leaves Saturday for Sidney, Nebr., cushions, stump arms—choice of wine, red, blue, rust or green with two-way stretch tops to give greater comfort and du­ to preach the Forty Hours’ devo­ velvet covers. tion in St. Patrick’s church. rability. Toes and heels are reinforced for better service. You Miss Katherine Kirsch and Miss can also choose D, & F. Tower Hosiery for every wardrobe Rose Heit are visiting various need . . . in 5 and 7-thread weights for sport and hard serv­ places in the East, including the $5.00 Down Delivers ice. You ■will find colors to blend with autumn costumes. World’s fair in New York. All weights. Bowling Leaguo Opens The Parochial league opened its winter series Sept. 11 at St. Eliza­ beth’s bowling alleys. All old and $1.00 Pair new friends are invited to join Panicl8llrjptslicr| the league. HOSIERY SHOP-.8TREKT FLOOR The Mothers’ club ■will meet Friday evening. Sept. 22, in the American Furniture Co. school after evening devotions. All mothers are urged to be present *The Store of Many Friends** Sixteenth Street at Lawrence as special business ■will be trans­ acted. > \ PAGE TWELVE Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone '4208 Thursday, Sept. 14, 1939 GRAND JUNCTION K. OF C. TO YOUR BOY OR GIRL REQUIESCANT Abbey School to O’KEEFE JEWELRY CO. Will find good vision essential to progress in school work, and to proper development outside the class room. Thousandi SPONSOR BOYS’ ACTIVITIES 221 Kittredge Bldg. of children are struggling along under a handicap— the heart* IN PACE 611 SixieMlh StresI breaking handicap of uncorrected defective vision. If in doubt Grand Junction.— As summer WE SELL . . . W atdM . Chaim, LMkrto, Medela. Watch Braealato have your child’s eyes examined. The satisfaction o f knowing Golden, Louis Storm and Eugene Have Alumni Unit Ezpert Watch and Jewelry Rapairlas, JOHN T. UcENENYe 72S 8. Sherman Walker; Abbey school. Canon City, WE DO . . . Rc-Strine Pearle end Necklacea that his or her eyes are functioning correctly will more than •treet. Huaband of M ri. Winifred lie* vacations end and pariah or­ repay you. Enen]^ father of James MeEneny, both of ganizations begin activities rela­ Bernard Willers and George Os- Denver; brother of Harry MeEneny, St. bom ; Fletcher school of diplo­ Canon City.— (Abbey School) Our departmint of Orthoptlet (ey* trulnlnt) !• meit eomplit* Louis. M o.; Jane. Kansas City, Mo., and tive to school welfare, the Knights macy (branch of Harvard), Cam­ — On Monday evening. Sept. 18, at Mrs. Mary Suitts, Galesburg, Dl. Mr. of Columbus are planning to spon­ MeEneny, resident of Denver sine# 1926. bridge, Mass., Michael CaHman; 8 o’clock all members of the Ab­ DIPVDUSAYlHOaE!? died Thursday, Sept. 7, at his home after sor boys’ activities at St. Joseph’s Harvard Business school, Cam­ bey Alumai association who re­ SWIGERT BROS. a long illness. Bom in Peoria. DI., he school in ths current year. The ONLY O N £ bridge, Frank Cardman; Creighton side in Canon City, Florence, and was 62 years old. He had been employed knights will meet Tuesday eve­ Optometrists by a refrigerator transit company. Re­ university, Omaha, Nebr., Robert other Fremont county towns will 5T£P HE/3E Sirht !• Toe Preclooa Oor Entire Time If ning, Sept. 19, for the first fall 7 quiem Mass was offered Monday at 9 in Harrington and Leonard Quinn; convene at the Abbey for the pur­ Deroted to Eyee St. Francis de Sales' church. Interment gathering and will decide the meth­ To Gamble With Mesa college, Grand Junction, Lor­ pose of forming a local alumni Mt. Olivet. W. P. Horan A Son service. ods to be undertaken this year. raine Arcieri, Robert F. Egger, JAMES E. SLAVIN, 4474 Perry street. chapter. Presiding at the meet­ 1550 Ctdijornia ^E . 7651 Uncle of Frank and Mary Slavin. An­ The Rev. Joseph F. Kane, pas­ Bud Gallagan, Roland Morasco, ing will be Bernard McDonough, other relative, John Slavin of Des tor, will organize and coach the Tom Palmer, Mary Scalzo, Mari­ president of the national chapter. di** f >»»»*6*IM »»***M ***t 11111 M *M »»*»»**»**»*< Moines, la., was unable to attend the boys in football and other sports. etta Williams, Margaret Hall, and funeral. Requiem Mass was offered Mary Louise Giblin. Committees will be appointed f s , Tuesday at 10:30 in Holy Family church. Altar Society Meets by President McDonough to take Interment Mt. Olivet. W; P. Horan A Robert Hall will I'eturn to Colo­ Son service. St. Joseph’s Altar society held charge of the homecoirfing football its first meeting of the season at rado university to enter the medi­ program and the alumni banquet MRS. ELIZABETH EGENDER. W. cal school. He attended summer SSrd avenue and Ruby court. Mother the home of Mrs. P. K. Peters, to be held in connection with the •f Mary, Harvey, and Frank Sgender. 1303 White avenue, Thursday, school and was home for a short Abbey’s 10th annual homecoming QRANITB Mrs. Egender was a member of St. vacation. OENUINB celebration Nov. 12. MARBLE Mary's branch, L.C.B.A. Requiem Mass Sept. 14. Mrs. lyiargaret Fuite KAINBOW BRONZE was offered Tuesday at 9 :S0 in Holy and Mrs. Gallagher were assistant P. A. L. Club Honors Member Go to Kansas CoIIega PRODUCTS Family church. Interment Mt. Olivet. hostesses. STATUARY Boulevard service. Members of the P. A. L. club Pratres Gerard Goetz, O.S.B.; MRS. KATHERINE ROZINSKI, 4660 Mr. and Mrs. William Sullivan honored Mary Morse with a fare­ William Thompson, O.S.B., and Pennsylvania street. Wife of Konstanty and daughter, Betty, and Ruth well dinner party Wednesday eve­ Bernard Gervase, O.S.B., left Sun­ (Gut) Roiinskt, mother of Cecelia. John, Reeds drove to Glenwdod Springs ning, Sept. 6. Miss Morse left Leo, Felix, and Alexander Rotinski, Lu­ day, Sept. 10, for St. Benedict’s cille Benson, and Theresa Karlo: sister Sunday, Sept. 10, on a brief out­ Friday for Leavenworth, Kans., college, Atchison, Kans., where Three Steps to Better Fuel Budgets. . s of Ladd Werkin of South Bend. Ind.; ing. where she will enter the St. Mary they will spend the school year. grandmother of 14. Requiem Mass wet college. Prater Gerard will be in the school offered Wednesday at 9 in St. Joseph’s Picnic Supper Enjoyed The first step is to order your coal in summer at (Polish) church. Interment Mt. Olivet. A picnic supper attended by a The covered-dish dinner was of theology, while Fratres William prices that are almost certain to be the year’s lowest. JflCQUCSMBROTHCBS Boulevird service. large number of members of the held at the Morse home. Games and Bernard will work toward de­ ^STIS02 MRS. MARY TRASK. Denver. Aunt Lambda Alpha Lambda sorority followed the dinner and the hon­ grees in education and French, re- Your second step is to ask for Hy-Heat Coal, giviqg of Mrs. Maybell Simmons and Miss spectiyely. Hattie Carlton, Chicago, and Charles E. was enjoyed Monday evening. ored member was tendered a you added savings because of its high efficiency. The D€SIGri€RS • BUILDERS Carlton, Denver. A resident of Denver Sept. 11, despite the inclement handkerchief shower. Miss Mabel After spending the summer at third saving will come from reduced cleaning and re­ since 1898. Mrs. Trask died at a con­ weather. Hostesses for the occa­ Olroid of Fountain Green, Utah, St. Andrew’s abbey, Cleveland, fnonufTi£nTs^/7^m€moRiftLs a^DisnncTion valescent home here after an illness of decorating bills, thanks to Hy-Heat Coal’s cleanliness. half a year. She was born in Toledo. O., sion were Misses Josephine and houseguest and sister of Mrs. Law­ 0., the Rev. Francis Homung, O. 81 years ago, coming to Denver in 1893. rence Sardoni, Jr., was a special Telephone TAbor 6468— Office and Plant, 28 E. 6th Are., at 6th Are. and Lincoln Genevieve Roesslcr. "rhe affair S.B., returned to Holy Cross ab­ Phone MAin 1221 Day or Nite and Order Before the Her husband, Fred Trask," Denver restau- was held at the shelter house at guest at the party. Members pres­ bey, where he will teach canon rar/t man, died in 1907. Mrs. Trask re­ Price Rite DENVER COLORADO tired ten years ago from employment in the foot of Serpent’s trail. A hot ent were Misses Mary Morse, Elli- law in the seminary department. the Y.M.C.A. home kitchen. Requiem dinner was provided by the host­ nor Hockett, Mary Elizabeth Bush, Mass was offered Wednesday at 9 in St. esses. The evening’s prize went Melden Nissen, Anita- Wilson, Patronize These Firms. They FOR SCHOOL rent a standard or portable Phllomena’s church. Interment Mt. to Miss Charlotte Schultz. Mary Louise Giblin, Elnora Lam- CARRON COAL CO. Olivet. Boulevard service. berson. Marguerite McGowan, Are Co-operating With Your typewriter any make. Let rent apply on pur­ TONEY ARMBECK, 2614 W. Howard In the group were: Misses Mar­ 1048 Gas & Electric Bldg. Zarlengo Bros, Adeline Van Gundy, Marjorie Paper. chase price. place. Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Arm- garet Benge, Gladys Glendenning, beck. Funeral services were held Mon­ Viola Jones, Lelia Magers, Louise Marsden, Ruth Starks, and Vir­ day at 9:30 in St. Cajetan’s church. In­ ginia Trammell. All Makes Typewriter Service terment Mt. Olivet. Olinger service. Roessler, Charlotte Schultz, Rose VINCINZO LOSASSO. 4102 Osage Ann Spence, Marion Fletcher, Ireno Kerrigan Injured SALES — RENTALS — REPAIRS street. Husband of Mrs. Christina Josephine Roessler, and Genevieve Losasso, father of Michael J. Losasso and Irene Kerrigan of 740 Colorado 435 14th St. MA. 3495 Joe Losasso. uncle of John L. Losasso of Roessler, and Mmes. Roy Burgess, was injured in a pedestrian-auto Oakland. Calif. Requiem Mass was "of­ George Dutton, Henry Galley, Wil­ accident at the Fifth and Main in­ fered Thursday at 10 in Our Lady of Mt. liam Goud, Conway Nowlan, Clar­ Carmel church. Olinger service. tersection. She received a ence Prinster, Harold Ragan, Pres­ sprained ankle and lacerations MARGARET M. MYLER, 1218 Wash­ ton Walker, and Ted Winterbum Gallagher Transfer & Storage Co. ington street. Sister of Mrs. Fred on one arm. She was taken to Behrendt, St. Louis, Mo.; cousin of J. P. CoIIega Students Listed her home, where her condition was 2424 ARAPAHOE Parle. Funeral service and interment in RAINBO not believed serious. East St. Louis, III. Olinger service. Following is a list of college stu­ TA . 3341 MRS. ELLA NEMETHY, 8131 High dents and the institutions they Sister Mary Edna and Sister HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND MACHINERY MOVING street. Mother of Margaret Nemethy, plan to attend: Colorado univer­ Flavia of St. Joseph’s hospital, Denver. Mrs. Nemethy died Sunday at Denver, are visiting at St. Mary’s her home of a heart attack. A native of sity, Boulder, Thomas Sullivan, DREAD Budapest. Hungary, she came to the Robert Hall, Richard Vaughn, and hospital. They will return to Den­ United States with her husband. Louis Rose Paonessa; Denver university, ver this weekend. Nemethy, 80 years ago. She was 47. Specializing in Quality Plumbing and Requiem Mass was offered Wednesday at Robert Hogan; Colorado State Mr. and Mrs. Jim Corcoran of 9 in Loyola church. Olinger service. Teachers’ college, Greeley, Ellen Oklahoma City visited Mrs. Will Heating Repairs MRS. HELEN BRUZAS. 922 W. 4th Morse; Colorado school of mines. Corcoran and other relatives and BENNY avenue. Wife of Ignacy Bruzai, mother friends this week. of Mrs. Anna Music, sister of Joe. John, THE BARKER Walter, and Let Moslank, Mrs. W. H. W. C. Beckley and daughter. SLATTERY & COMPANY Whittrock, and Mrs. B. A. Arbes. Re­ Miss Margaret Beckley, enter­ Sideshow Benny has trouped with the quiem Mass was offered Wednesday at 9 tained at a picnic supper Monday B if Top and Doe Watson’s Kiekapoo PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTORS in St. Joseph's church. Interment Mt. Medicine Show. Here’s the way he’d “ Why Pay More?" Olivet. Theodore Hackethal service. evening. Sept. 11, in honor of the sell our services. . . . 1646 BLAKE STREET 12th birthday of Jimmie Beckley. FREDERICK C. DENNEE. Melvin. Fa­ *’Hi. look, folks, t)te greatest, errandest (Trademark) JOHN J. CONNOR, President PHONE KEYSTONE 1441 ther of Phyllis. John, and Willzeta The picnic party was held at Red and beet service stations in the entire Dennee of Denver. Requiem Mass was civilized world. They feature those offered Saturday. Sept. 9, at 10 in St. canon, west of the city. In the group were: Misses Patricia Sulli­ great stars, Brice at Lower Price (laso- 'WWW John’s church. Interment Mt. Olivet. line and Oil. supported by an alNstar PATRICK FITZGIBON, 2257 Califor­ van, Patricia Davis, Alzo Egger, cast of willing, pleasant, efficient serv­ WM. W. MYER DRUG STORES ice station attendants. Here, ladies nia street. Father of Mrs. A. J. Mullally. Margery Walk, Mabel White, Mar­ INCORPORATED Mrs. V. F. Williams, Mrs. J. Nichols, and Canon City.—Beginning Sunday, and gentlemen, is guaranteed value." Pauline and Esther Fitzgibon; grand­ garet Beckley, Elmer Harrington, THEODORE Good Crowd at father of Carole Nichols. Requiem Mass Sept. 17, there will be three Masses Lloyd Peters, Eddie Davis, Louis Colorado Owned Stores was offered Monday at 9 in St. Joseph’s at St. Michael’s church. The new Wilson, Jack Reed, and W. C. BRICE OIL SYSTEM church. Theodore Hackethal service. hours are 7:30, 8:30, and 10:30. Beckley. 17th and Broadway 800 Santa Fe Dr. MRS. ALEJANDRA GONZALES, 2957 Father Edward Vollmer, O.S.B., is Bronze for Lest Galapago street. Mother of Mike Gon­ Miss Ellen Morse left for Fort Broadway and Ellsworth 16th and California HACKETHAL zales. Denver. Requiem Mass was offered to be an assistant to Father Al­ Collins, where she will attend col­ Briee Oil Station 2629 8. Colo. Bird. Party in Pueblo Wednesday at 8:16 in St. Cajetan’s bert Schaller, O.S.B., in both the Brics Oil Station 665 E. Kentucky Ave. 15th and California lege. church. Interment Mt. Olivet. Kenneth Leonard 1290 S. SanU Fe parish and the school work. Whitlock Service 3501 Tejon SL 'Air Conditioned MARY A. RUSSELL, 2048 8. Penn­ Mr. and Mrs. ’Theo. Kapaun and We Do Not Have Special Sales But Sell You at Our Lowest St. Michael’s school, with three Brice Oil Station 6784 W. Colfax Ave. Pueblo.— (St. Francis Xavier’s sylvania street. Requiem M$ss was of­ daughter, Miss Beryl, Humboldt, Backbee Service 500 E. Colfax Prices Erery Day on All Drug Mercliandiso. fered Thursday at 9 in St. Louis' church, teachers, opened Tuesday, Sept. 5, Parish)— The September unit of S. Dak., are visiting with their Cawood Service 3725 Morrison Rd. MORTUARY Englewood. Interment Mt. Olivet. with a fine enrollment. New books son and brother, Ted Kapaun of Cawood Service West of Idaho Springs the Altar and Rosary society AUGUSTINE C. SEITZ. 2852 Glenarm have been purchased and the order Moore Service Littleton, Colorado place. Father o f Clyde and Fay Seitz. Clifton. Roy Miller 8737 Downing St. “ Denvtr's Most Progrossivo Leandry'* 1449-51 Kalamath Su sponsored a card party Thursday, Denver, and Dr. Myrtle S. Carney, Sioux cf classes has been arranged for the pupils. Joseph Kroborth of Denver Jim Shreffler 21st and»Cnrtis Phone MAin 4006 Sept. 3, in the school hall. The Falls, S. Dak. Requiem Mass was of­ spent several days visiting his Russ Stout 4795 S. Broadway fered Tuesday at 9 in Holy Ghost church. Mrs. Loretta Baker and son. Daum's Servico 3800 8. Broadway THE CASCADE LAUNDRY committee reported a large at­ Interment Mt. Olivet. nephews, the Prinster brothers. Cawood Service Granby. Colo. Bob, and daughter, Theresa, have "TRY OVR NEW SERVICE" tendance. gone to Salida, where they expect Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carey and COLO. SPRINGS SISTER MARY BERCHMANS son. Bob, have returned from Gun­ Cliff Brics Cucharras A S. Weber The marriage of Miss Anna Sister Mary Berchmans, teacher for to make their home. PUEBLO Miles & Dryer Kolich and Anthony Perko was the past two years at Our Lady of Mt. nison, where they spent the sum­ Cliff Brice 7th 4k Grand Complete Laundry Service Carmel school, suffered a heart attack Miss Jennie Tisone left Canon mer. Mr. Carey is a railroad held Saturday morning. Sept. 9, City Sunday, Sept. 10, by train for WALSENBURG 1847 Market We Call For and Deliver TA 6370-6379 Monday at the school and died Tuesday brakeman. Cliff Brice Ith Jk Main Printing Co. before the Very Rev. A. J.’ Miller. at St. Joseph's hospital. She had been the National Registered Nurses’ After the ceremony a wedding a member of the Order of Servants of ALAMOSA convention in Cleveland, Q. She Cliff Brice Denver ft Main Wheel Tickets for breakfast was served at the home Mary for 89 years. Coming to Denver was accompanied by her mother, PH Meet You at of* the bride’s parents. Mr. and from Anthony, 0., she also had taught at MONTE VISTA Bazaars and Carnivals schools in Missouri and Nebraska. She Mrs. Frank Tisone, who plans to Cliff Brice Grand Ave. Mrs. Perko will reside in Pueblo. Littleton Women was bom in Illinois 61 3^ars ago. visit a sister in Youngstown, 0. ANTONITO MARY AND WALT’S CAFE The Holy Name society held its Requiem Mass was offered Thursday Miss Tisone was honored Sunday Hardin Long Highway Ne. 285 Catholic Work Our WHERE QUALITY FOODS AND DRINKS ARE SERVED ONLY AT monthly Communion at the 7 at 9:30 in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel morning at a “ going-away” break­ LAFAYETTE church, with the school children and To Sponsor Tea THEIR BEST Volk Service Highway No. 17 .h Specialty o’clock Mass Sunday, Sept. 10. members of the Third Order of Servites fast-at the hospital where she is Wt Know We’U Always Be Welcoms There were 50 members present. in attendance. Burial was at Our Lady employed. All staff nurses of the FLORENCE Cliff Brice Highway No. 10 COR. LOUISIANA AND SO. PEARL STS. 1938-38 LAWRENCE ST. The Children of Mary sodality of Sorrows convent, mother-house of the sented Miss Tisone with several Littleton.— (S t M a^ ’s Parish) A order, in Omaha, Nebr. Boulevard service. —The regular meeting of St. IDAHO SPRINGS will receive Communion Sunday, gifts. Cawood Service Highway No. 40 KEystone 6348, 6349 Sept. 17, at 7 o’clock Mass. Mary’s Altar and Rosary society JACOB SCHNEIDER Study Club Meats Gardner-Starkville-Cripple Creek was held at the home of Mrs. Anna Salida-San Luis-CrystoU High Mass will be resumed for Jacob Schneider. 69, Morrison druggist The Ave Maria study club Coffin on Thursday, Sept. 7. Mrs. the winter months Sunday, Sept. and resident of Colorado for 58 years, died Friday, Sept. 8. at hit home after a opened a new year Tuesday night. Coffin was assisted by Mrs. John '•w W W W WW w * ' 7, at which the senior choir will week’s illness. Widely known in the Sept. 12. The women gathered in Jones. The society will entertain sing. mountain parks region, he had operated the home of Miss Josephine Roche. (DEMVEEDl/^ GEO. P. a drug store in Morrison for the past 45 the women of the parish at a tea years. Last year’s September flood Officers were elected as follows: to be held at the rectory Sept. 28 HACKETHAL ; FORTY HOURS’ DEVOTION swept away all hit business property, Mrs. John Scavarda, president, and from 2 to 4 p. m. Mountain Products and his ill health dated from that time. Mrs. Harry Scarf, secretary. The committee for the tea In­ Week of Sept. 17— Denver, A native of Germany, be had resided in Funeral Director the Bear Creek district since his parents Others present were Mrs. P. J. cludes Mrs. Harold Craig, Mrs. • Flagstone Preientation church and brought him to Colorado from Germany Dodd, Miss Eloise Meade, Mrs. Johnson, Mri. Zoulek, and Mrs. • Stepping Stones 1240 Acoma TA- 1656 ^ in 18 66. The family settled in Ever LAUNDRY Qyeen of Heaven orphanage; Vincent Donahue,/ Mks. Donald Hugh Dutell. Mrs. Heckethome is green, and in 1898 Mr. Schneider mar­ e Building Stone Golden, St. Joeeph’i; Little­ ried Nellie Hicks, whose family owned the Lampert, Mrs. Albl^rt Goris, Mrs. program chairman and Mrs. ranch land now submerged under Ever Joe Lacy, and Mrs. Harry Van O’Brien will have charge of in­ Put the mountains in your yard ton, St. Mary’*; Longmont, green lake. In the couple’s early days Alstyne. vitations. A large attendance is St. John the Baptiet’e. in Morrison, the Franciscan Fathers from with our red sandstone and St. Elizabeth’s church in Denver often Mr. and Mrs. J. Leo Sterling anticipated. moss rock. Hartford-AIcom stayed overnight in the home and of> have returned to their home from 40 Houra to Open Sept. 22 . fered Mass there. For years Mr. The Forty Hours’ devotion will Economical Beautiful Schneider was the only druggist In the Iowa, where they spent a few days ____ ' . J L T Mortuary town. Frequent floods of other days on business at the home of Mr. open with a High Mass Tuesday, Durable All Sizec had never damaged his store. Sept. 22. The speaker Friday eve­ Sterling’s father, James H. Ster­ PE 0044, 1197 W. Alameda OUT THEY GO! Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Nellie ling. They made the trip by motor. ning will be Father Leonard Gall 620 E. Colfax KE. 2779 Schneider: three daughters, Mrs. Jo­ of Calhan. Saturday evening Fa­ sephine (Cavanaugh, Denver, and Mrs. The Knights of Columbus held ther Forrest Allen, of St. Cather­ Paul V. Pattridge and Mrs. Arthur J. an important meeting in the school / Davidson, both of Lakewood; two sons, ine’s parish, Denver, will deliver OVER hall Tuesday night, Sept. 12. William T. Schneider. Denver, and David an address, and Sunday afternoon A. H. WYER5 Colfax Wl Market J. Schneider, Morrison, and five grand The Mothers’ club of St. Mi­ a priest from St. Thomas’ Call A SO children. chael’s school opened the year’s PRINTING CD, Reqdiem Mass was offered Tuesday at seminary will speak. The solemn work Wednesday afternoon, Sept. '»SE’ v ? 0 , ^ 3 SVV-i* 9:30 in St. Joseph's church, Golden. closing will be at 4 Sunday after­ A S ,M r ^ EN ■* = CARS! Burial was in Evergreen. Boulevard 6. noon. ■xelatlvdy a fUh ZONE CAB service. aad pealtry market. - r . . = • N “ r ^ r 9 • Fish and Special Fed MAin 7171 Named to Faculty Patronize These Firms. They Free delivery Prompt, Courteouf Servico PATRICK J. KETT Are Co-operating With Your 1 7 4 9 = 3'T’. T a . S*'-Z - Sea Food TAbor 1776 Poultry Requiem Mass was offered Wednesday CLEAN NEW CABS Save NOW ! During at 9 in Holy Ghost church for Patrick J. Paper. WITH A FLAVOR Kett of 2539 California street. Denver Except the threa native and an active mining man for Turkeys • Ducks Our Fall Clearance! many years, who died Saturday, Sept. 9, littla fishes that at his home following a heart attack. BRUN05 DOYLE’S swam over I; A Fete Samplei ^ Mr. Kett had n hand in developing many JOE KEATING’S Chicken of the more productive mines at Central the dam. PHARMACY City and Blackhawk. Most of his life Livers The Partlcclar D m cflet ■IT FORD V-8 TUDOR was spent in Denver, but he lived in 1619 Tremont St. New rings, flnieb _ _ _ _ _ $365 Victor for several years and had con- 17TH AVE. AND GRANT duated mining projects at - Leadville, KE. 6687 FREE DELIVERY Cripple Creek, and Creede. He was active Draught Beer Finest Stock of ■16 FORD DLX. SEDAN $295 in Holy Ghost and St. Dominic’s par­ Rad., heater, trunk _____ ishes. He was 69. WINES AND UQUORS Florida Fruit Co* Surviving are hit wife, Mrs. Mary Kett; Mixed Drinks ’ll FORD B-4 PANEL a ^ster, Mrs. Mary Mitchell, and a in East Denver ALTAR BREADS One ol the very fe w _____ $235 brother, John H. Kett, all of Denver. Chieken Dinners 8CAPU LAI 8AFETT Burial was in Mt. Olivet. OUngtr MEDAL LOCK PIN Quality Merchandise SEWING ■16 FORD Vi-TON PANEL 35c Fin. A-1, raech. O .K .____ $325 GOLD — I3.S0 — STERLING PAUL'S FREE One ___ _ Llttlt GiriB* DresMSf EmbroIder7» MonosramiBff, Etc. OPEN SUNDAYS ApproTtd by C.thoUc Chnrck Store CH. 5524 'IT OLDS CLUB COUPE KE. 4B75 Free Delivery Delivery Only 8 cyl. Exe. Condition____ $485 De Paul Council 11 A. H. to I P. M. Patented and Sold by MAE LAKE THE SISTERS OF THE 1411 California KE. (181 Dcnrcr GOOD SHEPHERD •84 BUICK 41 SEDAN $285 Starts New Program TELEPHONE PEARL 1461 Radio, Heater. A -1 ______Enjoy the Best FOUNDED RY M T. HURRAY POLY-OCTANE Voss Bros. Bakeries A new and unusual feature in ^‘Tomorrow's Gas Today'' May We Serve You ■16 FORD 8TAKEBODT CQQBf the progi’am of the Denver Par­ li-Ton Pickup______e p ^ I F O (FORMERLY SHANE’S) Special Attention to Parties in St. ticular council of the St. Vincent J. T. Upton Renovating In Philomena’s ani? Cathedral de Paul society will be inaugurated Colfax at Colfax at Co. Parishes Thursday evening, Sept. 21, at 8 Fine Downing Marion PROMPT o’clock, when members gather at The Rev. Louis S. Hauber, who; Chicken Pie Our Specialty PERSONAL Holy Ghost hall. This meeting, was stationed at Holy Cross abbey, Foods REASONABLE the first to be held by the Canon City from April, 1936, until When buying from the SERVICE council in a given parish, will be last June, has been appointed di­ In thm Clark’s—Flowers followed by others held monthly Groceries • Meats - Bakery firms advertising in this 6 W. H. UPTON. rector o f the department o f phi­ Dutinetiva Menager 850 BANNOCK in all the Denvfer parishes. The losophy and religion->at the Saint Pioneer Room and Coffee Shop MURRAY’S paper, please mention that TA. 3662 custom will be continued in­ TA. 6113 Mary college, Leavenworth, Jfans. of ths 765 Tejon Streot definitely, said T. Raber Taylor, Father ^ Hauber taught canon law SINCE 1882 you saw their advertise­ We Telegraph Flowers TAbor 5223 secretary of the Particular coun­ and philosophy at the Abbey school Phones GR. 1613-14-15 Cosmopolitan Hotel West 12nd * JnlUa ment. cil. and was also dean o f the college. Artistic Funeral Sprays

. i i.