

Continued from page 36

John Coltrane: "Ascension." Impulse 95, $4.98 (LP); S 95, $5.98 (SD). THOFENSTURNTABLES This is one of the wildest records ever made and, I suspect, a very signifi- NEW THORENS TD -150AB cant one. It consists of one selection, thirty -eight minutes long, played A superb turntable in the world- famous Thorens by John quality tradition. Features silent, two -speed oper- Coltrane's regular quartet -Coltrane ation (331/2 and 45 rpm), plus integrated tone (tenor saxophone), McCoy Tyner (pi- arm that incorporates latest safety lowering de- ano), Jimmy Garrison (bass), Elvin damping action. Only $99.75 vice with pneumatic Jones (drums) -plus trumpeter Freddie OTHER FEATURES INCLUDE: Hubbard, bassist Art Davis, and several Extra- light, low mass aluminum plug -in shell with exclusive adjustable vertical tracking an- of the leading avant -gardists: Archie gle. Adjusts to optimum playback stylus angle Shepp and Pharaoh Sanders (tenor saxo- for any cartridge. phones), Dewey Johnson (trumpet), and 12 -inch, 71h lb. precision balanced, non -mag- and John Tchicai (alto netic platter. saxophones). It opens with an abrupt plunge into an ensemble of mounting NEW THORENS TD -124 Series II agitation and dissonance which, at first, The Finest Transcription Turntable on the market gives the effect of a mass tuning up today. until the rhythm section begins to A brilliant example of craftsmanship acclaimed solidify throughout the world. Unmatched for mono- or behind the ensemble. The attack starts stereo -performance. Has more outstanding fea- headlong, driving, and exhilarating and more built -in extras. Illustrated with the IMPORTANT! 15° STYLUS OWNERS! tures, remains so for the next half hour as en- Ortofon RMG -212 Tone Arm. Only $125 It is an Ignored fact, that any record semble passages alternate with solos by changer or automatic turntable that stacks A "MUST" FOR RECORD LOVERS each of the horns and, finally, by mem- records on a turntable, the 15° stylus will wn have its greatest tracking error when used Want to get more out of your rec- CAM ..N. bers of the rhythm section. The recurring V NlrlsT for single play because of the compromis- ords? Reduce surface noise? Get clamorous ensembles constantly erupt ing angle of Its tone arm. longer record life? Learn profes- Therefore, for correct tracking and opti- sional secrets of record care? Get with a joyous carnival spirit (the liner mum playback performance any stylus in- a copy of HOW TO CLEAN, MAIN- notes report that bystanders in the re- cluding the 15° stylus should be used TAIN and PROTECT RECORDS by with a non -automatic turntable. Cecil E. Watts. Only 25c. cording studio were screaming, but it is Available from your hl -fi dealer or order book directly. difficult to determine if one is really hearing voices or horns). During solos ELPA MARKETING INDUSTRIES. INC. Dept. 110HF5 New Hyde Park, N. Y. the full fury of the ensemble subsides but is sense Available in Canada there always a of support be- CIRCLE 22 ON READER -SERVICE CARD hind the soloists, often with one domi- nant accompanying instrument. Aside from a basic line provided by Coltrane, the entire piece is improvised and, as A. B. Spellman points out in his notes, directly related to the group im- provisation of the early New Orleans jazz ensembles. At the same time the work is a culmination of what Coltrane has been working towards on a smaller scale with his quartet for several years. With Ascension, Coltrane himself has pro- vided a nucleus around which the fre- quently chaotic endeavors of the avant - garde can be given a semblance of order. The sheer, torrential continuum of sound which this disc provides for more than half an hour can be exhausting. As might be expected, the solos vary in quality (one of the best is by the rela- tively unheralded Dewey Johnson) and this naturally affects one's interest. But once caught up in the excitement of the wildy exuberant horns and the incredibly powerful pulsation of the rhythm section, If you were buying a speaker system, it is impossible not to become totally in- volved in this fantastic conception and which one would you choose? these amazing performances.

Woody Herman: "Woody's Winners." Don't let beauty sway your mind Think performance only. The one on the left is the new Empire Columbia CL 2436, $3.79 (LP); CS Grenadier 8000P uerld's most perfect speaker system. It's the only speaker system that features a 9236, $4.79 (SD). revolutionary wide angle die-cast dirergett acoustic lens. assuring filler frequency and separation. Woody Herman began leading a "Band plus broader sound propagation (over 50% more sound dispersion of its highs and raids than con- That Plays the Blues" thirty years ago. ventional speakers). Its exclusive dynamic reflex stop system allows you to adjust the bass and The Herman band has changed radically since those plays the treble response to suit your individual room acoustics. Lets you sit anywhere. hear everything. days but it still blues-some of the soundest, guttiest, Can a piece of furniture that elegantly styled really deliver such performance? Only a live dem- i most swinging big -band blues to be heard I onstration will bear it out. Visit your Empire dealer today. For complete color literature write: today. This set, recorded at Basin Street

