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spr/sum 22014 | voll 18 | no 3 www.psichi.org eyeThee Inteternatattiioionnaal Honor Societietty in Psyccholh oogy on PSI CHI Understanding the Sensation of Awe (Without Spoiling It!) Honest Liars: Using Psychological Theory to Understand Self-Deception Distinguished Lecturer Series Keltner, Gernsbacher, Beck, and Hyde Lessons Learned From a Law School Graduate With a Psychology Degree Contents | sPrinG/sUMMer 2014 DepartMents feAtUres 3 From the Editor Honest Liars: In This Issue 1 2 Using Psychological Theory 4 President’s Message Psi Chi: The Key to to Understand Self-Deception Community Building Among Cortney S. Warren, PhD Nontraditional Students University of Nevada, Las Vegas 12 5 Executive Director’s Message Internationalizing Psi Chi 26 Lessons Learned From a Through Personal Connections Law School Graduate 28 Chapter Activities With a Psychology Degree 38 Psi Chi Merchandise Natalie T. Lorenz, JD Mathis, Marifian, & Richter, Ltd. 19 ColUMns 8 Wisdom From the Workplace DistinGUisheD leCtUrers So What Can You Do With Your Liberal Arts Degree in Psychology? 16 Understanding the Sensation 10 Three Heads ARE of Awe (Without Spoiling It!) Better Than One With Dacher Keltner, PhD Questions (and Answers) About Graduate School 19 On Autism and Language Comprehension With Morton Ann Gernsbacher, PhD 22 Little Albert’s Impact on Us All 22 With Hall “Skip” Beck, PhD 24 Gender Similarities With Janet Hyde, PhD Men Are From Earth Interviews by Bradley Cannon AbbreviAtions APA American Psychological Association APS Association for Psychological Science Women Are EPA Eastern Psychological Association MPA Midwestern Psychological Association From Earth NEPA New England Psychological Association RMPA Rocky Mountain Psychological Association sPeCiAl SEPA Southeastern Psychological Association 24 SWPA Southwestern Psychological Association AnnoUnCeMent WPA Western Psychological Association 6 2014 Psi Chi EPA Convention eye ON PSI CHI www.PsiChi.orG sPrinG/sUMMer 2014 | VOLUMe 18 | nUMber 3 eDitor/Art DireCtor eyeSusan Iles ON PSI CHI [email protected] AssoCiAte eDitor Martha S. Zlokovich, PhD [email protected] eDitoriAl AssistAnt Bradley Cannon [email protected] Published by Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology. in this issue Founded September 4, 1929, at the Ninth International Congress of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Member of the Association of College Honor Societies. Eye on Psi Chi (ISSN What is on your summer reading list? Before submerging yourself into a popular summer 1092-0803) is pub lished quarterly by Psi Chi, the International Honor So ci ety in Psychology. All contents ©2014 by Psi Chi. The pub li ca tion novel, take some time to read the latest offering of interesting topics in this issue of the Eye. schedule fol lows the ac a dem ic year: fall, win ter, spring, and summer. All opinions ex pressed in signed ar ti cles are those of the author(s) and do not nec es sar i ly reflect those of the editors and/or Psi Chi. Self-Deception eD i to rial of fiCe: Discover why author Dr. Cortney Warren says “confronting your self-deception is critical Psi Chi Central Office | PO Box 709, Chat ta noo ga, TN 37401-0709 to long-term fulfillment and happiness.” Watch her TEDxUNLV talk and read her five Street Address: 825 Vine Street | Chattanooga, TN 37403 Tele phone: +1-423-756-2044 | Fax: +1-423-265-1529 suggestions to start the process of becoming more honest (page 12). Email: [email protected] | Website: www.psichi.org Permission must be obtained from the author(s) to reprint or adapt a Experiencing Awe table or figure; to reprint quotations exceeding the limits of fair use from one source, and/or to reprint any portion of poetry, prose, or song Dr. Dacher Keltner explains how understanding awe can make us happier and healthier lyrics. All persons wishing to utilize any of the above materials must (page 16). write to the original author(s) and publisher to request nonexclusive world rights in all languages to use copyrighted material in the present article and in future print and nonprint editions. All persons Dispelling the Myths of Autism wishing to utilize any of the above materials are responsible for obtaining proper permission from copyright owners and are liable From stereotypes to person-first language, Dr. Morton Ann Gernsbacher sheds some new for any and all licensing fees required. All persons wishing to utilize light on the perception of autism (page 19). any of the above materials must include copies of all permissions and credit lines with the article submission. Psi Chi does not accept paid advertising for its publications Eye on Psi Chi or Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research. The society does not wish to appear to Little Albert’s Neverending Story endorse any particular products or services. Uncover Little Albert’s most precious gift to psychology with Dr. Hall “Skip” Beck (page 22). Psi Chi boArD of DireCtors Gender Similarities soCiety PresiDent Dr. Janet Hyde exposes the substantial costs to society for overemphasizing gender differences Maria J. Lavooy, PhD (page 24). [email protected] PAST-PresiDent Jason R. Young, PhD Nontraditional Students [email protected] PresiDent-eleCt President Dr. Maria Lavooy identifies the needs of nontraditional students and how Psi Chi Betsy Morgan, PhD fosters community building that enriches the student experience (page 4). [email protected] eASTERN reGionAl viCe-PresiDent Deborah Harris-O’Brien, PhD International Connections [email protected] Learn how international connections can expand into rewarding personal relationships as MiDWESTERN reGionAl viCe-PresiDent Regan A. R. Gurung, PhD explained by our Executive Director Dr. Martha Zlokovich (page 5). [email protected] ROCKy MoUntAin reGionAl viCe-PresiDent Proactive Career Preparation Susan Becker, PhD [email protected] Dr. Paul Hettich shares three resources that can instill confidence if faced with the question, soUtheASTERN reGionAl viCe-PresiDent “So What Can You Do With Your Liberal Arts Degree?” (page 8) Merry J. Sleigh, PhD [email protected] soUTHWESTERN reGionAl viCe-PresiDent Graduate Students Evan Zucker, PhD Our three experts answer your questions on attending less prestigious schools, going straight [email protected] for a PhD, moving away from home, and the pitfalls of being overqualified for a position WESTERN reGionAl viCe-PresiDent Jon Grahe, PhD (page 10). [email protected] eXeCUtive DireCTOR Martha S. Zlokovich, PhD Versatility of a Psychology Degree [email protected] Find out how author Natalie Lorenz used her psychology degree to handle the speed bumps eXeCUtive offiCer/Coo encountered in law school (page 26). Michele Rumpf [email protected] COPYRIGHT © 2014 PSI CHI SPRING/SUMMER 2014 | EYE ON PSI CHI 3 President’s Message Psi Chi: The Key to Community Building Among Nontraditional Students lthough there is no certainty when the educational especially for online students, is the offering of orienta- system adopted the term nontraditional student, tion and community building. McGivney (2004) found A more than a third of undergraduate students are that nontraditional students often express apprehension more than 25 years of age, and part-time enrollment about college attendance. This is especially true for those and two-year college attendance is up (NCES, 2002). who never attended college or who did so many years Initially, when one referred to a nontraditional student, ago. However, whether one is a traditional or nontradi- it was in reference to a small number of older adults who tional student, community building is important at all registered for night classes. However, although age is the levels, but especially so for the online and the nontradi- variable that seems to define what most of us think of as tional student. a nontraditional student, there are other criteria we could Inclusive Policies: Perhaps one of the most important use to identify them. For example, the National Center things an institution of higher learning can do, as sug- for Education Statistics (NCES) suggests using three sets gested by McGivney (2004), is to include nontraditional of criteria to identify these students: enrollment patterns, students in the institution’s mission. In a nutshell, I financial and family status, and high school graduation would suggest that meeting the needs of nontraditional status. students all comes down to inclusive policies and sus- Additionally, according to the Center for tained support. Postsecondary and Economic Success (2011), many Psi Chi: Bridging the Gap Between unencumbered 18-year-olds are no longer typical college Traditional and Nontraditional Students students. Today, research indicates that most under- Beyond the university, nontraditional students should graduates have at least one characteristic that would be welcomed into academic societies, which foster place them in the category of nontraditional student. community and commitment to enriching the student These could include not enrolling in college straight Maria Lavooy, PhD experience. Psi Chi offers these opportunities to students out of high school, working full-time, being financially Psi Chi Society President at all levels and at all ages. Numbered among the many independent, being a single parent, having dependents, Florida Institute of Technology Psi Chi membership benefits are seven very important or even not holding a high school diploma (NCES, 2002). ones (listed in the sidebar!)