How stereotyping shapes the public image of today’s Italian Americans. SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO
[email protected] or mail to: “It’s Only a Movie,” Italian America Magazine, 219 E Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002. Include name and daytime telephone number. No telephone calls please. Mailed submissions cannot be acknowledged. Contributors’ names, when known, are in parenthesis. By Dona De Sanctis • CHILLING THOUGHT “Let us put you on ice,” of- old “No offense intended. We respect & admire Ital- fers The Ice Mother & Sons, ians.” See Tel: 615-713-2023. which promotes itself with Email:
[email protected] [Manny Alfano] Godfather imagery in its logo • MAMMA MIA? If the idea were not ridiculous enough, and peddles Italian ices from a Shannon Smurthwaite’s The Mormon Mama Italian truck. Among the flavors we Cookbook goes the extra yard to offend Italians and their find Bada Bing Bubble Gum, Wacked Watermelon, and classic cuisine. After each far-from-authentic recipe Berried 6 feet under. In her defense, owner Dawn “R.” the author adds what she considers a funny comment. says she’s an Italian from Brooklyn who prides herself Among them, “Italians change their hair oil every two on “keeping it clean and fun.” So who’s laughing? weeks,” and “Why don’t Italians have freckles? Because [Sebastian D’Elia] they keep sliding off.” [Terry Simpson] • DOCTORING THE SCRIPT Why does Hollywood • WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? Need make the “bad guy” an Italian even when the book that concrete proof that Italian American men are second- a movie is based on does not? For example, in the novel, class citizens compared to men of African, Jewish The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot that Disney turned and Hispanic descent? Check out Dreamstime.