
[email protected] Email:

www.dsr.wa.gov.au/combatsport visit or

For more information contact the Commission on on Commission the contact information more For 9746 9492 (08)

sought. is clearance the which


more than six (6) months old at the time of the contest for for contest the of time the at old months (6) six than more

collecting the results and forwarding them onto the the onto them forwarding and results the collecting compete interstate or overseas if their report is is report serology their if overseas or interstate compete

ensure that you clarify with your doctor the process for for process the doctor your with clarify you that ensure No Western Australian contestant shall be given clearance to to clearance given be shall contestant Australian Western No

another appointment to collect your results so please please so results your collect to appointment another

compete in. compete

Commission. Some clinics may require you to make make to you require may clinics Some Commission.

(6) months old at the time of the contest they wish to to wish they contest the of time the at old months (6) results or have the results forwarded onto the the onto forwarded results the have or results

in Western Australia if their serology report is more than six than more is report serology their if Australia Western in arrangements with your doctor or clinic to collect the the collect to clinic or doctor your with arrangements

No Western Australian contestant will be allowed to compete compete to allowed be will contestant Australian Western No

Antigen and Hepatitis C make sure that you make make you that sure make C Hepatitis and Antigen

When requesting a serology test for HIV, Hepatitis B B Hepatitis HIV, for test serology a requesting When



Commission every six (6) months to maintain their their maintain to months (6) six every Commission

How do I get my serology results from the the from results serology my get I do How contestants must submit a new serology report to the the to report serology new a submit must contestants

month validity from the date on the report meaning meaning report the on date the from validity month

promotion. months prior to registration. to prior months A serology report has a six (6) (6) six a has report serology A

serology report completed within seven days (7) prior to the the to prior (7) days seven within completed report serology registration, a serology report completed within six (6) (6) six within completed report serology a registration,

Australian an in, weigh the than later no Commission, Western Australian contestants are required to provide, at at provide, to required are contestants Australian Western

the to provide to required are contestants International contestants Australian

contestants Western for requirements test Serology

international for requirements test Serology


compete. to contestant the for clearance contracting a borne is, as far as practical, practical, as far as is, disease borne blood a contracting

the contestant’s interstate government authority and obtain a a obtain and authority government interstate contestant’s the Serology tests are required so that the risk of contestants contestants of risk the that so required are tests Serology

The Commission will contact contact will Commission The Australia. Western in arriving comes a high risk of transmitting blood borne . borne blood transmitting of risk high a comes

registration and medical requirements are up to date prior to to prior date to up are requirements medical and registration sports, the risk of bleeding injures is high and with that that with and high is injures bleeding of risk the sports,

their that ensure must authority government interstate Given the full contact and close quarter nature of combat combat of nature quarter close and contact full the Given

registered with a recognised recognised a with registered are that contestants Interstate h d I ed o opee srlg test? serology a complete to need I do Why

promotion. the to prior months (6) six within blood that is sent away and tested by a laboratory. pathology a by tested and away sent is that blood

bring an Australian serology report with them, completed completed them, with report serology Australian an bring A serology test usually involves taking a small amount of of amount small a taking involves usually test serology A

may may Australia Western in registering contestants Interstate for antibodies associated with an . an with associated antibodies for serum


A serology test is a that examines the blood blood the examines that test medical a is test serology A

interstate for requirements test Serology test? serology a is What

pathology laboratory that completed the serology test. test. serology the completed that laboratory pathology

submit to the Commission, a copy of the serology report from the the from report serology the of copy a Commission, the to submit

Australia. Registrants requiring a serology will now be required to to required be now will serology a requiring Registrants Australia.

returning a positive test will not be allowed to compete in Western Western in compete to allowed be not will test positive a returning

Contestants Contestants negative. HIV and negative C Hepatitis negative,

show the contestant is Hepatitis B B Hepatitis is contestant the show must report serology The

C. Hepatitis 

Hepatitis B antigen (HBsAg), and (HBsAg), antigen B Hepatitis

HIV, 

The Commission requires all contestants be tested for: tested be contestants all requires Commission The

Which serology tests does the Commission require? Commission the does tests serology Which